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Advanced Machining and Finishing 1st

Edition Kapil Gupta

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Advanced Machining and Finishing


Kapil Gupta

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Technology, University of

Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa

Alokesh Pramanik
Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page




Part I. Advanced machining

Chapter 1. Advances in conventional machining processes for

machinability enhancement of difficult-to-machine materials

Chapter 2. Advances in machining of particulate-reinforced metal

matrix composites

Chapter 3. Gun drilling of difficult-to-machine materials

Chapter 4. Advancements in conventional machining: a case of
vibration and heat-assisted machining of aerospace alloys

Chapter 5. Recent developments in spark erosion–based machining

processes: A state of the art in downscaling of spark erosion
based machining processes

Chapter 6. Developments in abrasive water jet machining process

—from 1980 to 2020

Chapter 7. Advances in conventional and nonconventional high-

speed machining

Chapter 8. Hybrid machining and finishing processes

Chapter 9. Relevance of micromachining in microfluidics and

biomedical devices

Chapter 10. Advancements in electrochemical machining

Chapter 11. Machining of polymeric composite materials by water

jet with abrasive: defectology and influence of cutting parameters

Chapter 12. Laser-based machining – an advanced manufacturing

technique for precision cutting

Chapter 13. An insight on ultrasonic machining technology

Part II. Advanced finishing
Chapter 14. Advances in burnishing technology

Chapter 15. Advanced thermal energy method for finishing

precision parts

Chapter 16. Micro–nano surface texturing, characterization, and

their impact on biointerfaces

Chapter 17. Fundamental understanding and latest developments

in magnetic field assisted finishing processes

Chapter 18. Laser surface texturing as a finishing process for

aerospace alloys


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of Electrical Engineering, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering &

Technology, Choondacherry, Kerala, India

of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)

Dhanbad, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India

of Mechanical Engineering, Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur,

Rajasthan, India

of Engineering, University of Cadiz, Avda de la Universidad de

Cádiz, Puerto Real, Spain

of Engineering, University of Cadiz, Avda de la Universidad de

Cádiz, Puerto Real, Spain

Neeraj of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Information

Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh,

of Aerohydrodynamics, National Aerospace University “Kharkiv

Aviation Institute,” Kharkiv, Ukraine
of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
Palakkad, Palakkad, India

of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore,


of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology

Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam, India

J. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Aveiro, Campus

Santiago, Aveiro, Portugal

of Mechanics and Machine Elements, Technical University of

Varna, Bulgaria, Varna

Vocational School, ESOGU, Eskişehir, Turkey

Muhammad of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Miami

University, Oxford, OH, United States

Pramod of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Indian Institute

of Technology, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India

Engineering Department, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University,

Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Tools, Technical University

of Varna, Bulgaria, Varna
A. of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore,

Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Calicut,

Kozhikode, Kerala, India

Maan of Mechanical Engineering, National University of

Singapore, Singapore

University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand

RI Entities, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology

(SIMTech), Singapore

Md of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Miami

University, Oxford, OH, United States

Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Calicut,

Kozhikode, Kerala, India

of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar,

Rupnagar, Punjab, India

Dennis Wee RI Entities, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing

Technology (SIMTech), Singapore
Chandrakant of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology Ropar, Rupnagar, Punjab, India

Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute

of Technology Patna, Bihta, Bihar, India

of Mechanical Engineering, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering &

Technology, Choondacherry, Kerala, India

Sergiy Plankovskyy
Department of Physics, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban
Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Department of Aircraft Manufacturing Technology, National
Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute,” Kharkiv, Ukraine

University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand

Stock Company “FED,” Kharkiv, Ukraine

Tej Pratap
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Motilal Nehru National
Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India
Micro-fabrication Laboratory, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Bihta, Bihar,

Ravi of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology

(ISM) Dhanbad, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India
of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
Dhanbad, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India

of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Miami University,

Oxford, OH, United States

of Engineering, University of Cadiz, Avda de la Universidad de

Cádiz, Puerto Real, Spain

of Engineering, University of Cadiz, Avda de la Universidad de

Cádiz, Puerto Real, Spain

of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore,


of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,

Mumbai, India

of Aircraft Manufacturing Technology, National Aerospace

University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute,” Kharkiv, Ukraine

S.L., Parque Científico Tecnológico, C/Inteligenccia, Jerez de la

Frontera, Spain

of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Information

Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh,
of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Tools, Technical University
of Varna, Bulgaria, Varna

Engineering Department, Higher Colleges of Technology, Abu

Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Mehmet of Mechanical Engineering, ESOGU, Eskişehir, Turkey

Irene Del Sol of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design,

Faculty of Engineering, University of Cádiz, Cádiz, Spain

of Aircraft Manufacturing Technology, National Aerospace

University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute,” Kharkiv, Ukraine

of Aircraft Manufacturing Technology, National Aerospace

University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute,” Kharkiv, Ukraine

Eneko Ukar of Mechanical Engineering (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain

Juan of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design, Faculty of

Engineering, University of Cádiz, Cádiz, Spain

of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, The University of

New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia

of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, The University of

New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Southern University of
Science and Technology, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Dear Readers,

This series of handbooks on advanced manufacturing covers four

major areas, namely advanced machining and finishing, advanced
welding and deforming, additive manufacturing, and sustainable
manufacturing. The series aims to not only present the
advancements in various manufacturing technologies, but also
provide a fundamental and detailed understanding about them. It
encompasses a wide range of manufacturing technologies with
their mechanisms, working principles, salient features, applications,
and research, development, and innovations in there. Fundamental
research, latest developments, and case studies conducted by
international experienced researchers, engineers, managers, and
professors are mainly presented. Handbook 1 on advanced
machining and finishing majorly covers advanced machining of
difficult-to-machine materials; hybrid, high-speed, and
micromachining; and burnishing, laser surface texturing, and
advanced thermal-energy-based finishing processes. Handbook 2 on
advanced welding and deforming covers ultrasonic welding, laser
welding, and hybrid welding-type advanced joining processes and
also describes advanced forming techniques such as microwave
processing, equal channel angular pressing, and energy-assisted
forming etc. Handbook 3 additive manufacturing sheds light on 3D
and 4D printing, rapid prototyping, laser-based
additive manufacturing, advanced materials, and postprocessing in
additive manufacturing. Handbook 4 on sustainable manufacturing
presents advancements, results of experimental research, and case
studies on sustainability interventions in production and industrial

We hope that this series of handbooks would be a good source

of knowledge and encourage researchers and scientists to conduct
research, developments, and innovations to establish these fields

J Paulo Davim and Kapil Gupta


Process productivity and part quality are two major groups of

machinability indicators in case of machining and finishing
processes. Conventional approaches in machining and finishing
merely fulfill the current mass production and precision quality
requirements. To overcome the limitations and address the
challenges, technological advancements have been in place for
both machining and finishing processes. Developments in machine
tool structure and tooling, process hybridization, microtechnology
and miniaturization, and utilizing unique energy sources and
process principles are some of the technological advancements
that have been found successful to a large extend to fulfill
machining and finishing requirements.

This handbook covers such technological advancements in case of

various important machining and finishing processes. Working
principle, mechanism, process parameters, technical details, salient
features, case studies, and manufacturing of micro and precision
parts from a wide range of materials, etc., are majorly focused in
this handbook.

The latest research in this area and possible avenues of future

research are also highlighted to encourage the researchers.
The handbook consists of a total of 18 selected chapters on
advances in machining and finishing processes. It starts with
Chapter 1 that sheds light on recent advances in conventional
machining processes for machinability enhancement of difficult-to-
machine (DTM) materials. Chapter 2 specifically provides some
insights on advances in machining of particulate-reinforced metal
matrix composites. Advanced gun drilling of DTM materials is
focused in Chapter Chapter 4 describes a case of vibration and
heat-assisted machining of aerospace alloys. Recent developments
in spark erosion-based machining processes are detailed in
Chapter Technological developments in abrasive water jet
machining process are covered in Chapter Advances in high-speed
machining, both conventional and nonconventional type, are
discussed in Chapter Chapter 8 details advanced hybrid machining
and finishing processes for various application requirements.
Chapter 9 presents unique micromachining process for
manufacturing of microfluidics and biomedical devices. Some
recent advancements in electrochemical machining are described
in Chapter Abrasive water jet machining of polymeric composite
materials with a special focus on defectology and influence of
process parameters is in Chapter Chapter 12 highlights precision
cutting of engineered parts by laser beam machining. Chapter 13
provides an insight on ultrasonic machining technology. Advances
in burnishing technology are presented in Chapter A unique and
advanced thermal-energy-based finishing method for manufacturing
of precision parts is discussed in Chapter A wide range of micro–
nano surface texturing techniques and their effects on
biointerfaces are described in Chapter Chapter 17 provides basic
knowledge and advancements in magnetic-field-assisted finishing
processes. Finally, Chapter 18 sheds light on finishing of
aerospace alloys using laser surface texturing process.
We hope that this handbook will be a good source of knowledge
and information for researchers, engineers, technical experts, and
specialists working in the area of advanced machining and
finishing and materials engineering. We sincerely acknowledge
Elsevier Inc. for this opportunity and their professional support.
Finally, we would like to thank all the contributors for their time
and efforts.

January 2021

Kapil Gupta and Alokesh Pramanik

Part I
Advanced machining


Chapter 1. Advances in conventional machining processes for

machinability enhancement of difficult-to-machine materials

Chapter 2. Advances in machining of particulate-reinforced metal

matrix composites

Chapter 3. Gun drilling of difficult-to-machine materials

Chapter 4. Advancements in conventional machining: a case of

vibration and heat-assisted machining of aerospace alloys

Chapter 5. Recent developments in spark erosion–based machining


Chapter 6. Developments in abrasive water jet machining process

—from 1980 to 2020

Chapter 7. Advances in conventional and nonconventional high-

speed machining
Chapter 8. Hybrid machining and finishing processes

Chapter 9. Relevance of micromachining in microfluidics and

biomedical devices

Chapter 10. Advancements in electrochemical machining

Chapter 11. Machining of polymeric composite materials by water

jet with abrasive: defectology and influence of cutting parameters

Chapter 12. Laser-based machining – an advanced manufacturing

technique for precision cutting

Chapter 13. An insight on ultrasonic machining technology

Chapter 1: Advances in conventional machining processes for
machinability enhancement of difficult-to-machine materials

Ashwin Polishetty, and University of Technology, Auckland, New



During last decade, manufacturing sector has undergone a rapid

change with the advent and adaptation of new technologies in a
commercial environment. Modern machining, additive and sustainable
manufacturing, and process optimization are the latest trends. This
chapter discusses the modern machining strategies required for
successful processing of difficult-to-machine materials. Some of the
materials under consideration are selective laser melted (SLM)
titanium Ti6Al4V and super austenitic stainless steel. The
machinability of the materials has been evaluated considering the
tool wear, cutting force, and surface finish type indicators.


Machinability; Manufacturing; Productivity; Stainless steel; Surface

finish; Titanium alloys; Tool wear

1. Introduction
The ability of a material to produce acceptable outcomes with
respect to the tool wear, Metal Removal Rate (MRR), surface
integrity, and power consumption when machined is called
machinability. Machinability is often a qualitative than a quantitative
assessment of the process. Evaluating machinability is considered
important especially for materials that are challenging to machine
Machinability factors or indicators are tool wear, MRR, dimensional
accuracy, surface integrity, and power or energy consumption, and so
on. Considering the earlier research studies on machining, there is
high percentage of products manufactured using machining. It is
highly advantageous to find ways for successful machining and
processing of materials Some of the common problems encountered
in machining are work surface deterioration and irregularity, rapid
tool wear, lower MRR, and out-of-tolerance parts. This chapter is an
attempt to identify and plug the research gaps by analyzing the
existing literature and future requirements necessary for the growth
and sustainability of the machinability research related to the
selected materials i.e., Selective Laser Melted (SLM) titanium Ti6Al4V,
and Super Austenitic Stainless Steel (SASS).

1.1. Selective Laser Melted (SLM) titanium Ti6Al4V

This section critically reviews the literature on machinability

characteristics of SLM titanium Ti6Al4V, to identify the research
gaps. Titanium components are fabricated conventionally using
different manufacturing and forming techniques. Poor machinability
of titanium alloys is a major concern to be addressed for use in
various engineering applications The likely reasons for poor
machinability of titanium alloys are poor thermal conductivity, low
modulus of elasticity, dynamic shear strength, high chemical
reactivity, and high hot hardness. Machining titanium alloys often
requires cutting tools made of Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) and Poly
Crystalline Diamond (PCD). High-speed machining of titanium results
in higher temperatures close to the tool nose leading to tool failure
due to excessive stresses and plastic deformation. However, there is
no research data available on the tool wear mechanisms of SLM
titanium alloy. The knowledge of tool wear mechanisms of SLM
titanium alloys can help to design relevant cutting tools Despite the
technological advancement of Additive Manufacturing (AM), very few
research studies have been published about the postprocessing of
AM components. Postprocessing operations play a crucial role in
functionality of AM components. It is essential to understand the
machinability of SLM titanium alloys. Earlier studies of AM titanium
were focused on the production of customized biomedical implants
and cellular scaffolds that would involve high cost using traditional
manufacturing methods Recent studies have shown that AM could
be used to manufacture different types of lightweight parts/structures
for the aerospace industry However, the main problems faced in AM
of titanium alloys are porosity and high surface roughness due to
the melt pool created at each laser pass

Poor surface texture is a major concern for AM as it can directly

affect the functional performance of the components. Therefore,
postmachining of AM components is often advised to improve the
product quality. Currently, microstructural alterations during machining
of SLM-fabricated titanium alloys need to be explored to comprehend
the machinability of SLM-fabricated titanium components. Research
studies reveal that microstructure of AM components is influenced
by cooling rates experienced by the melt pool, laser scan speed,
power, laser motion path, and heat loss direction Moreover, the
microstructures of AM titanium components are nonhomogeneous
and anisotropic in nature, unlike conventionally produced wrought
titanium components.
Titanium alloys show up primarily due to material properties such as
biocompatibility, corrosion resistance, and high specific strength.
Titanium alloy, Ti6Al4V, with a balanced set of mechanical properties
is the most popular and widely used alloy Despite their superior
properties, their extraction, fabrication, and production are expensive
due to the requirement of a protective environment, high energy
consumption, and various other manufacturing problems In recent
years, AM has been widely used for fabricating near net shape
products. SLM is an emerging AM technique that has a promising
future in the field of manufacturing Although near net shape
components are achieved from SLM technology, the surface finish is
generally poor, affecting the fatigue life and functional performance
of the components.

Literature study reveals that highly dense titanium alloy can be

fabricated from SLM technology Various metallic components
fabricated using AM technologies are widely used in the aerospace,
automobile, biomedical, and other industries It is particularly evident
in aerospace industries where the “buy-to-fly ratio” is typically 5–10
during conventional manufacturing of titanium based components
due to low productivity and high production Therefore, AM has huge
potential in manufacturing aerospace end components. AM is being
used by many big companies such as General Electric (GE) Aviation
to fabricate fuel nozzles for the GE leap engine (see The fuel
nozzles fabricated using this technology are 25 times lighter and five
times more durable than conventionally manufactured fuel nozzles.
In automotive industries, AM is used to manufacture automotive
components such as engine exhausts, drive shafts, gearbox
components, and other critical components Overall, AM is gradually
replacing the conventional manufacturing methods for fabrication of
various components due to its superiority in many aspects over
conventional manufacturing methods
1.2. Super Austenitic Stainless Steel (SASS)

This section reviews some of the previous research studies

conducted on machinability of stainless steel alloys. The study
reveals there is extreme scarcity of work available on machinability of
SASS AL-6XN alloy.

Hence, literature review has been conducted on machinability of

similar materials, austenitic and duplex stainless steel Machinability
test was conducted by Naves et al. on the 316 alloy investigating the
tool wear mechanism when turning the alloy using dry and wet
conditions Maximum flank and crater wear were recorded under dry
machining. Machinability of 316 alloy was assessed by Hansda on
evaluating the tool life and chip morphology during a dry turning
process. Optimized cutting parameters for turning AISI 304 alloy
without coolant were determined by Korkut et al. The surface
integrity with respect to microhardness and surface roughness (Ra)
of the 316L alloy was studied by Belluco and De Chiffre
Postmachining, Moussa et al. carried out microstructure and
microhardness analysis to detect the work hardening behavior of AISI
316L alloy Super austenitic stainless steel (SASS), also referred to as
AL-6XN alloy, has some similarities to the ASS alloys, especially the
316 alloy. The lattice structure of SASS is a Face Centered Cubic
(FCC), which enables the stainless steel to provide high strength at
low temperatures SASS is characterized by the addition of the
nitrogen as an alloying element along with high levels of
molybdenum and nickel. The high level of nickel present in the
material provides resistance to chloride stress corrosion and
enhances the austenite phase solidity Excellent resistance to crevice
and pitting corrosion is the consequence of adding nitrogen and
molybdenum to the alloy microstructure
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