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Klasa: 5 ........ Grupa: A Data ........................................

Imię: ................................................. Liczba punktów ........ / 247 p.

Nazwisko: ........................................ Ocena ......................................
Numer z dziennika: ..........................
Sprawdzian – Sprawdzian - Past Simple (A1+) - całość

Zadanie 1
Wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi.

Hi Andrew,
My family and I 0
wasn’t / weren’t at home yesterday evening. Mum and Dad 1 was / were at the cinema
and I 2 was / were at the park with my friends. 3 There was / There were a concert but 4 there wasn’t /
weren’t a lot of people because it 5 was / were very cold.
What’s your news?

Zadanie 2
II. Przekształć zdania oznajmujące w zdania przeczące:

1.He went to Paris.

2. My mum bought some milk.
3. Tom and Oscar helped me with my homework.
4. Cindy studied history.
5. Our teacher closed the window.
6. My father was tired.

Strona 1 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 3
Uzupełnij słowa końcówkami z ramki, aby utworzyć formy czasu Past Simple.

-ank -ived -et -ook

0 Yesterday I dr________ orange juice for breakfast.

1 Henry t_____________ some photos on his holiday.
2 We m_____________ our friends at the shopping centre last Saturday.
3 I l_____________ in Spain when I was six years old.

-ame -ad -ried

4 Maria t_____________ to study for her test but she was too tired.
5 Granny and Grandad c_____________ to our house for dinner yesterday.
6 I h_____________ a long shower this morning.

Zadanie 4
Uzupełnij poniższe zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.

1. Miranda __________________ (read) that book last week.

2. We __________________ (be) on holidays in August.
3. My grandfather __________________ (study) linguistics.
4. In the past children __________________ (work) in the field with their parents.
5. The little girl __________________ (be) tired and __________________ (fall) asleep
very quickly.
6. I __________________ (go) to the cinema last night.
7. These shoes __________________ (cost) a fortune!
8. As a child Mark __________________ (love) cycling.
9. My colleague __________________ (feel) tired and __________________ (decide)
to have a coffee break.
10. That nice woman __________________ (show) me the way to the station.

Zadanie 5
I. Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą czasownika w czasie Past Simple.

1.I ……………………... (buy) a new car last month.

2. My friend ……………………... (watch) TV yesterday.
3. They ……………………... (be) at school on Monday.
4. His brother ……………………... (eat) pizza at the party.
5. Tom and Oscar ……………………... (play) basketball together.
6. Miss Brown ……………………... (open) the door.
7. Our favourite singer ……………………… (sing) a new song.
8. My cousin ……………………... (drink) some milk.
9. Ted ……………………... (be) at home yesterday.
10. A cat ……………………... (jump) and ……………………... (run).

Strona 2 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 6
Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami z nawiasów w czasie Past Simple.

Hi Bob,
Let me tell you about yesterday. I 0 _____________ (visit) my cousins Alex and Dan. I 1 _____________ (arrive)
at their house at ten o’clock. Alex and I 2 _____________ (play) chess for an hour. Then Dan
3 _____________ (make) some pancakes for lunch. We 4 _____________ (want) to go to the park in

the afternoon but it was rainy. The rain 5 _____________ (stop) at five o’clock and then I
6 _____________ (go) home.
How was your day?

Zadanie 7
Uzupełnij zdania, używając podkreślonych czasowników w czasie Past Simple.

0 I am happy but yesterday I ______________ very sad.

1 Larry sometimes goes to school by bus but last week he ______________ by train.
2 Brenda usually meets her friends at school but yesterday she ______________ them in the park.
3 Mum often makes pizza for lunch but yesterday she ______________ chicken and vegetables.
4 Uncle Alfie often comes to our house for dinner but last Saturday he ______________ for lunch.
5 I usually have a shower before breakfast but yesterday I ______________ a shower after breakfast.

Zadanie 8
Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Study the boxes above.

1. I (eat)___________ dinner at six o’clock yesterday.

2. A: ___________ Helen (drive)___________ to work? B: Yes, she ___________.
3. My neighbor (buy)___________ a new car last week.
4. They (go)___________ to Italy on their last summer holiday.
5. A: ___________ they (swim)___________ at the beach? B: No, they __________.
6. My family and I (see)___________ a comedy movie last night.
7. First, we (do)___________ exercise, and then we (drink)___________ some water.
8. Suddenly, the animal jumped and (bite)___________ my hand.
9. What time (do)___________ you (get up)___________ this morning?
10. The Wright brothers (fly)___________ the first airplane in 1903.
11. I think I (hear)___________ a strange sound outside the door one minute ago.
12. When I was ten years old, I (break)___________ my arm. It really (hurt) __________.
13. The police (catch)___________ all three of the bank robbers last week.
14. How many times (do)___________ you (read)___________ that book?
15. Unfortunately, I (forget)___________ to (bring)___________ my money.

Strona 3 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 9
Uzupełnij krótkie odpowiedzi.

1. Did you do your homework? Yes, ____________ .

2. Was Agnes happy with the present? No, ____________ .
3. Did your brother change his job last year? Yes, ____________ .
4. Did it rain a lot last autumn? No, ____________
5. Did you watch the news last night? Yes, ____________ .
6. Did the plane land on time? Yes, ____________ .
7. Did you and your wife take part in the meeting? No, ____________ .
8. Did the workers go on strike? Yes, ____________ .
9. Were we invited? No, ____________ .
10. Did I make many mistakes? Yes, ____________ .

Zadanie 10
Zamień zdania twierdzące na przeczenia.

1. My neighbours had a party last night.

2. Jim was ill last winter.
3. My son broke his leg two days ago.
4. The children were cold and hungry.
5. I danced with Peter at the wedding.
6. Julia met her husband at a conference.
7. The film began 30 minutes ago.
8. Our father cooked dinner yesterday.
9. The child cried.
10. It was very hot last summer.

Strona 4 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 11
Read the clues and then complete the puzzle.

3 the past tense of break _________

4 the past tense of have _________
5 the past tense of jump _________
8 the past tense of run _________
9 yesterday I __________ to music
11 the past tense of dream _________
14 the past tense of sleep _________
15 this morning many birds __________ in the sky
19 the past tense of drive _________
1 the past tense of write _________
2 the past tense of begin _________
6 last year he _________ football
7 the past tense of watch _________
10 the past tense of rain _________
12 the past tense of eat _________
13 the past tense of stand _________
14 the past tense of swim _________
16 He used to love his girlfriend ___
17 the past tense of go _________
18 the team __________ a lot of trophies

Zadanie 12
A Write the Past Simple of each verb in the correct column.

open marry like try bake stop mix plan reapt worry decide travel

-ed -d -ied double consonant + -ed

Strona 5 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 13
Przetłumacz frazy podane w nawiasach na język angielski.

1. ____________________ (czy ty poszedłeś) to work last Friday?

2. ____________________ (nie zrozumiałem) what our teacher said.
3. My parents ____________________ (zrobili dużo zdjęć) on their holidays.
4. ____________________ (Betty była) very proud of her son.
5. Why ____________________ (ona zapłaciła) so much for the service?
6. ____________________ (zjedliśmy) fish and chips.
7. ____________________ (Gdzie ty byłeś) yesterday in the afternoon?
8. Our son ____________________ (nie zaczął) studying last October.
9. ____________________ (czy to było trudne) to pass your driving test?
10. Sonny ____________________ (zapomniał) his mobile phone.

Zadanie 14
B Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1 My sister ..................... (try) to bake a cake
last Saturday.
2 We ..................... (not order) steak and chips
at the restaurant yesterday.
3 I ..................... (phone) my cousin in Canada
three days ago.
4 The children ..................... (play) on the
computer yesterday.

Zadanie 15
Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami z nawiasów w czasie Past Simple.

Hi Bob,
Let me tell you about yesterday.
I 0 _____________ (visit) my cousins Alex and Dan.
I 1 _____________ (arrive) at their house at ten o’clock.
Alex and I 2 _____________ (play) chess for an hour.
Then Dan 3 _____________ (make) some pancakes for lunch.
We 4 _____________ (want) to go to the park in the afternoon but it was rainy.The rain 5 _____________ (stop) at
five o’clock.
Then I 6 _____________ (go) home.

Strona 6 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 16
Odpowiedz na pytania, używając krótkich odpowiedzi.

0 A: Were the students in the park last night? B: Yes, they were. [✓] / No, they weren’t. [✗]
1 A: Were the trains late again yesterday? B: ______________________________ [✗]
2 A: Was the cat in the garden last week? B: ______________________________ [✓]
3 A: Was there a good film on TV yesterday? B: ______________________________ [✓]
4 A: Was the restaurant busy last Saturday? B: ______________________________ [✗]
5 A: Were there any jeans in the shop last week? B: ______________________________ [✗]

Zadanie 17
IV. Dokończ pytania.

1. He went to Warsaw.
Where …………………………………………………?
2. Our aunt bought a car.
What …………………………………………………..?
3. My mother opened the door.
Who …………………………………………………...?
5. Tom broke his arm.
What …………………………………………………..?
6. She watched TV last night.
When …………………………………………………..?

Strona 7 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 18
E Write questions with the words below. Then answer the questions according to the pictures.
Use the Past Simple.


1 Rob / buy a small car

2 Jenny / wear a skirt / to the party
3 cowboys / drive cars / in the 1880s
4 the teacher / speak Greek / in the lesson

Strona 8 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 19
III. Przekształć zdania oznajmujące w zdania pytające.

1.I studied history.

…………………………………………………………………. ?
2. His brother broke his leg.
…………………………………………………………………. ?
3. Tom and Oscar liked the film.
…………………………………………………………………. ?
4. My friends went to the cinema.
…………………………………………………………………. ?
5. The dogs were hungry.
…………………………………………………………………. ?
6. She cut the potatoes.
…………………………………………………………………. ?

Zadanie 20
C Write the questions. Then answer them.
1 you / watch TV / last night
2 your friends / play football / yesterday
3 your mum / bake / a cake / last weekend
4 you / phone / a friend / an hour ago

Zadanie 21
Ułóż zdania czasownikiem to be w czasie Past Simple (✓ - twierdzenie, ✗ - przeczenie).

0 I am happy today but I ________________ sad yesterday. ✓

1 Why ________________ you at home last night? ✗
2 Martha ________________ in London in 2015. ✓
3 There ________________ some people in the park last night. ✓
4 The children ________________ at school last week. ✗
5 There ________________ any milk in the fridge yesterday. ✗

Strona 9 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 22
Uzupełnij dialog słowami z ramki.

was it were was wasn't weren't

A: Tell me about the party yesterday. 0 ________________ James there?

B: Yes, he 1________________, but Doreen and Michael 2________________ there.
They’re on holiday.
A: 3________________ there a lot of people?
B: No, there weren’t.
A: Was 4________________ a good party?
B: No, it 5________________. It was very boring!

Zadanie 23
Uzupełnij dialog słowami z ramki. Jedno słowo podano dodatkowo.

was no there was wasn't weren't yes

A: Tell me about the party yesterday. 0 ________________ James there?

B: 1________________, he was, but Doreen and Michael 2________________ there. They’re on holiday.
A: Were 3________________ a lot of people?
B: No. It 4________________ a good party. It 5________________ very boring!

Zadanie 24
Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami w ramki w czasie Past Simple. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.

arrive cook play stay stop decide watch

Yesterday I 0 ______________ home from work at six o’clock. Then I 1 ______________ with my dog, Rex, in the
garden. It was cold so after half an hour, we 2 ______________ our game and I 3 ______________ TV.
Rex 4 ______________ with me. He loves watching TV! At seven o’clock I was hungry so I
5 ______________ to make some pancakes. They were delicious!

Strona 10 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 25
Ułóż pytania, używając podanych słów.

0 exciting / was / holiday / your / ? ______________________________________________

1 your family / was / home / at / yesterday / ? ______________________________________________
2 any / were / in / there / the garden / apples / ? ____________________________________________
3 Kevin / was / night / last / where / ? ____________________________________________________
4 yesterday / at / there / a party / was / school / ? ___________________________________________
5 at / was / night / the theatre / last / Maria / ? ______________________________________________

Zadanie 26
Wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi.

0 I am happy today but I was / were sad yesterday.

1 Why wasn’t / weren’t you at home last night?
2 Martha was / were in London in 2015.
3 There was / were some people in the park last night.
4 The children wasn’t / weren’t at school last week.
5 There wasn’t / weren’t any milk in the fridge yesterday.

Zadanie 27
Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami w ramki w czasie Past Simple. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.

be drink eat feel have meet take

0 The weather ______________ cold and rainy last weekend.

1 Sheila ______________ a glass of orange juice yesterday.
2 The children ______________ all the apples yesterday!
3 Angela and Martin ______________ a lot of photos yesterday. Photography is their hobby.
4 We ______________ our friends in the park last Monday.
5 Mum worked all day and she ______________ tired.

Strona 11 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 28
Ułóż pytania do pogrubionej części zdania.

1. I bought a new fridge last week.

2. I went shopping with Mark.
3. Our grandparents lived in Portugal when they were children.
4. Liz was angry because her boyfriend lied to her.
5. The students went home after classes.
6. My client chose the blue paint for the walls.
7. I paid the bill with my credit card.
8. We were back home at 9 pm.
9. Miranda’s English teacher gave her homework once a week.
10. Mark washed his clothes.

Zadanie 29
D Write the Past Simple form of the verbs.

1 take ..................... 4 give ..................... 7 go .....................

2 drink ..................... 5 think ..................... 8 wake .....................
3 ride ..................... 6 have ..................... 9 buy .....................

Zadanie 30
Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w czasie Past Simple.

come drink have live meet take try

0 Yesterday I _____________ orange juice for breakfast.

1 Henry _____________ some photos on his holiday.
2 We _____________ our friends at the shopping centre last Saturday.
3 I _____________ in Spain when I was six years old.
4 Maria _____________ to study for her test but she was too tired.
5 Granny and Grandad _____________ to our house for dinner yesterday.
6 I _____________ a long shower this morning.

Strona 12 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Klasa: 5 ........ Grupa: B Data ........................................
Imię: ................................................. Liczba punktów ........ / 247 p.
Nazwisko: ........................................ Ocena ......................................
Numer z dziennika: ..........................
Sprawdzian – Sprawdzian - Past Simple (A1+) - całość

Zadanie 1
Wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi.

Hi Maisie,
Rob, David and I 0
wasn’t / weren’t at home yesterday evening. I 1 was / were at the park with my friends.
2 There wasn’t / There weren’t a concert but 3 there was / there were a lot of people because it 4 was /

were a warm evening. Rob and David 5 was / were at the football stadium.
What’s your news?


Zadanie 2
I. Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą czasownika w czasie Past Simple.

1.I ……………………... (buy) a new car last month.

2. My friend ……………………... (watch) TV yesterday.
3. They ……………………... (be) at school on Monday.
4. His brother ……………………... (eat) pizza at the party.
5. Tom and Oscar ……………………... (play) basketball together.
6. Miss Brown ……………………... (open) the door.
7. Our favourite singer ……………………… (sing) a new song.
8. My cousin ……………………... (drink) some milk.
9. Ted ……………………... (be) at home yesterday.
10. A cat ……………………... (jump) and ……………………... (run).

Strona 1 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 3
E Write questions with the words below. Then answer the questions according to the pictures.
Use the Past Simple.


1 Rob / buy a small car

2 Jenny / wear a skirt / to the party
3 cowboys / drive cars / in the 1880s
4 the teacher / speak Greek / in the lesson

Strona 2 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 4
IV. Dokończ pytania.

1. He went to Warsaw.
Where …………………………………………………?
2. Our aunt bought a car.
What …………………………………………………..?
3. My mother opened the door.
Who …………………………………………………...?
5. Tom broke his arm.
What …………………………………………………..?
6. She watched TV last night.
When …………………………………………………..?

Zadanie 5
Uzupełnij dialog słowami z ramki. Jedno słowo podano dodatkowo.

was no there was wasn't weren't yes

A: Tell me about the party yesterday. 0 ________________ Tim there?

B: 1________________, he wasn’t. He’s on holiday but Haley and Steve 2________________ there.
A: Were 3________________ a lot of people?
B: Yes, it 4________________ a fantastic party! It 5________________ boring!

Zadanie 6
Ułóż zdania czasownikiem to be w czasie Past Simple (✓ - twierdzenie, ✗ - przeczenie)

0 I am happy today but I ________________ sad yesterday. ✓

1 There ________________ some people in the street last Friday. ✓
2 Morris ________________ well last week. ✓
3 Anya and Otto ________________ in Madrid in 2009. ✗
4 There ________________ some eggs in the shop yesterday. ✓
5 Mum ________________ at home last night. ✗

Strona 3 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 7
A Write the Past Simple of each verb in the correct column.

open marry like try bake stop mix plan reapt worry decide travel

-ed -d -ied double consonant + -ed

Zadanie 8
II. Przekształć zdania oznajmujące w zdania przeczące:

1.He went to Paris.

2. My mum bought some milk.
3. Tom and Oscar helped me with my homework.
4. Cindy studied history.
5. Our teacher closed the window.
6. My father was tired.

Zadanie 9
D Write the Past Simple form of the verbs.

1 take ..................... 4 give ..................... 7 go .....................

2 drink ..................... 5 think ..................... 8 wake .....................
3 ride ..................... 6 have ..................... 9 buy .....................

Strona 4 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 10
Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami z nawiasów w czasie Past Simple.

Hi Bob,
Let me tell you about yesterday.
I 0 _____________ (visit) my cousins Alex and Dan.
I 1 _____________ (arrive) at their house at ten o’clock.
Alex and I 2 _____________ (play) chess for an hour.
Then Dan 3 _____________ (make) some pancakes for lunch.
We 4 _____________ (want) to go to the park in the afternoon but it was rainy.The rain 5 _____________ (stop) at
five o’clock.
Then I 6 _____________ (go) home.

Zadanie 11
Wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi.

0 I am happy today but I was / were sad yesterday.

1 Why wasn’t / weren’t you at home last night?
2 Martha was / were in London in 2015.
3 There was / were some people in the park last night.
4 The children wasn’t / weren’t at school last week.
5 There wasn’t / weren’t any milk in the fridge yesterday.

Zadanie 12
Ułóż pytania, używając podanych słów.

0 your / exciting / was / holiday / ? _____________________________________________________

1 Peter / last / was / where / night / ? _____________________________________________________
2 the restaurant / at / was / week / last / Diana / ? ___________________________________________
3 was / your family / last / home / night / at / ? ______________________________________________
4 in / was / there / a party / the street / yesterday / ? _________________________________________
5 the garden / any / were / in / there / flowers / ? ____________________________________________

Strona 5 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 13
Read the clues and then complete the puzzle.

3 the past tense of break _________

4 the past tense of have _________
5 the past tense of jump _________
8 the past tense of run _________
9 yesterday I __________ to music
11 the past tense of dream _________
14 the past tense of sleep _________
15 this morning many birds __________ in the sky
19 the past tense of drive _________
1 the past tense of write _________
2 the past tense of begin _________
6 last year he _________ football
7 the past tense of watch _________
10 the past tense of rain _________
12 the past tense of eat _________
13 the past tense of stand _________
14 the past tense of swim _________
16 He used to love his girlfriend ___
17 the past tense of go _________
18 the team __________ a lot of trophies

Zadanie 14
Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Study the boxes above.

1. I (eat)___________ dinner at six o’clock yesterday.

2. A: ___________ Helen (drive)___________ to work? B: Yes, she ___________.
3. My neighbor (buy)___________ a new car last week.
4. They (go)___________ to Italy on their last summer holiday.
5. A: ___________ they (swim)___________ at the beach? B: No, they __________.
6. My family and I (see)___________ a comedy movie last night.
7. First, we (do)___________ exercise, and then we (drink)___________ some water.
8. Suddenly, the animal jumped and (bite)___________ my hand.
9. What time (do)___________ you (get up)___________ this morning?
10. The Wright brothers (fly)___________ the first airplane in 1903.
11. I think I (hear)___________ a strange sound outside the door one minute ago.
12. When I was ten years old, I (break)___________ my arm. It really (hurt) __________.
13. The police (catch)___________ all three of the bank robbers last week.
14. How many times (do)___________ you (read)___________ that book?
15. Unfortunately, I (forget)___________ to (bring)___________ my money.

Strona 6 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 15
Przetłumacz frazy podane w nawiasach na język angielski.

1. ____________________ (czy ty poszedłeś) to work last Friday?

2. ____________________ (nie zrozumiałem) what our teacher said.
3. My parents ____________________ (zrobili dużo zdjęć) on their holidays.
4. ____________________ (Betty była) very proud of her son.
5. Why ____________________ (ona zapłaciła) so much for the service?
6. ____________________ (zjedliśmy) fish and chips.
7. ____________________ (Gdzie ty byłeś) yesterday in the afternoon?
8. Our son ____________________ (nie zaczął) studying last October.
9. ____________________ (czy to było trudne) to pass your driving test?
10. Sonny ____________________ (zapomniał) his mobile phone.

Zadanie 16
Uzupełnij dialog słowami z ramki.

was it were was wasn't weren't

A: Tell me about the party yesterday. 0 ________________ James there?

B: Yes, he 1________________, but Doreen and Michael 2________________ there.
They’re on holiday.
A: 3________________ there a lot of people?
B: No, there weren’t.
A: Was 4________________ a good party?
B: No, it 5________________. It was very boring!

Zadanie 17
Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami w ramki w czasie Past Simple. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.
arrive cook play tidy stop decide walk

Yesterday I 0 ______________ home from work at six o’clock. I was hungry so I 1 ______________ to make
somepancakes. They were terrible so I 2 ______________ to a restaurant in the town centre for dinner. Then
I3______________ computer games for an hour. At eleven o’clock I was bored so I 4______________ playing and I
5 ______________ the living room.

Strona 7 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 18
III. Przekształć zdania oznajmujące w zdania pytające.

1.I studied history.

…………………………………………………………………. ?
2. His brother broke his leg.
…………………………………………………………………. ?
3. Tom and Oscar liked the film.
…………………………………………………………………. ?
4. My friends went to the cinema.
…………………………………………………………………. ?
5. The dogs were hungry.
…………………………………………………………………. ?
6. She cut the potatoes.
…………………………………………………………………. ?

Zadanie 19
C Write the questions. Then answer them.
1 you / watch TV / last night
2 your friends / play football / yesterday
3 your mum / bake / a cake / last weekend
4 you / phone / a friend / an hour ago

Zadanie 20
Odpowiedz na pytania, używając krótkich odpowiedzi.

0 A: Were the students in the park last night? B: Yes, they were. [✓] / No, they weren’t. [✗]
1 A: Was there a cake on the table this morning? B: ______________________________ [✗]
2 A: Were there any dogs in the park yesterday? B: ______________________________ [✓]
3 A: Was the film last Sunday interesting? B: ______________________________ [✓]
4 A: Was our cat in the garden last night? B: ______________________________ [✗]
5 A: Were the beaches clean last summer? B: ______________________________ [✗]

Strona 8 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 21
Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami w ramki w czasie Past Simple. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.

be drink eat feel have meet take

0 The weather ______________ cold and rainy last weekend.

1 The children ______________ a Music lesson yesterday.
2 Timothy and Sally ______________ some photos yesterday. Photography is their hobby.
3 We ______________ our friends in the park last Friday.
4 Claudette ______________ ill so she went to the doctor.
5 Dan ______________ a glass of milk this morning.

Zadanie 22
B Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1 My sister ..................... (try) to bake a cake
last Saturday.
2 We ..................... (not order) steak and chips
at the restaurant yesterday.
3 I ..................... (phone) my cousin in Canada
three days ago.
4 The children ..................... (play) on the
computer yesterday.

Zadanie 23
Zamień zdania twierdzące na przeczenia.

1. My neighbours had a party last night.

2. Jim was ill last winter.
3. My son broke his leg two days ago.
4. The children were cold and hungry.
5. I danced with Peter at the wedding.
6. Julia met her husband at a conference.
7. The film began 30 minutes ago.
8. Our father cooked dinner yesterday.
9. The child cried.
10. It was very hot last summer.

Strona 9 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 24
Uzupełnij zdania, używając podkreślonych czasowników w czasie Past Simple.

0 I am happy but yesterday I ______________ very sad.

1 Dad often makes sandwiches for lunch but yesterday he ______________ chicken and potatoes.
2 I usually have breakfast at seven o’clock but yesterday I ______________ breakfast at ten to eight.
3 Aunt Mabel often comes to our house for lunch but last Sunday she ______________ for dinner.
4 Mimi sometimes goes to school by car but last week she ______________ on foot.
5 Stan usually meets his friends at the Café Italia but yesterday he ______________ them at home.

Zadanie 25
Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w czasie Past Simple.

come drink have ask take try eat

0 Yesterday I _____________ orange juice for breakfast.

1 I _____________ Dad for some money yesterday.
2 We _____________ a cool Maths lesson last Wednesday.
3 The children _____________ ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch.
4 You _____________ a lot of photos on your holiday!
5 My aunt _____________ to our house last Monday.
6 I _____________ to do my homework but it wasn’t easy.

Zadanie 26
Uzupełnij słowa końcówkami z ramki, aby utworzyć formy czasu Past Simple.

-ank -ived -et -ook

0 Yesterday I dr________ orange juice for breakfast.

1 Henry t_____________ some photos on his holiday.
2 We m_____________ our friends at the shopping centre last Saturday.
3 I l_____________ in Spain when I was six years old.

-ame -ad -ried

4 Maria t_____________ to study for her test but she was too tired.
5 Granny and Grandad c_____________ to our house for dinner yesterday.
6 I h_____________ a long shower this morning.

Strona 10 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 27
Uzupełnij poniższe zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.

1. Miranda __________________ (read) that book last week.

2. We __________________ (be) on holidays in August.
3. My grandfather __________________ (study) linguistics.
4. In the past children __________________ (work) in the field with their parents.
5. The little girl __________________ (be) tired and __________________ (fall) asleep
very quickly.
6. I __________________ (go) to the cinema last night.
7. These shoes __________________ (cost) a fortune!
8. As a child Mark __________________ (love) cycling.
9. My colleague __________________ (feel) tired and __________________ (decide)
to have a coffee break.
10. That nice woman __________________ (show) me the way to the station.

Zadanie 28
Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami z nawiasów w czasie Past Simple.

Hi Kiki,
Let me tell you about last week. I 0 _____________ (visit) my cousins Vivian and Terry. I 1 _____________ (go)to
their house at eleven o’clock. Vivian and I 2 _____________ (listen) to music for an hour. Then
Terry3_____________ (make) pizza for lunch. We 4 _____________ (want) to go to the swimming pool inthe
afternoon but it was rainy. The rain 5 _____________ (stop) at five o’clock and then I6_____________ (walk)
How was your day?

Strona 11 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 29
Ułóż pytania do pogrubionej części zdania.

1. I bought a new fridge last week.

2. I went shopping with Mark.
3. Our grandparents lived in Portugal when they were children.
4. Liz was angry because her boyfriend lied to her.
5. The students went home after classes.
6. My client chose the blue paint for the walls.
7. I paid the bill with my credit card.
8. We were back home at 9 pm.
9. Miranda’s English teacher gave her homework once a week.
10. Mark washed his clothes.

Zadanie 30
Uzupełnij krótkie odpowiedzi.

1. Did you do your homework? Yes, ____________ .

2. Was Agnes happy with the present? No, ____________ .
3. Did your brother change his job last year? Yes, ____________ .
4. Did it rain a lot last autumn? No, ____________
5. Did you watch the news last night? Yes, ____________ .
6. Did the plane land on time? Yes, ____________ .
7. Did you and your wife take part in the meeting? No, ____________ .
8. Did the workers go on strike? Yes, ____________ .
9. Were we invited? No, ____________ .
10. Did I make many mistakes? Yes, ____________ .

Strona 12 z 12 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Klasa: 5 ........ Grupa: C Data ........................................
Imię: ................................................. Liczba punktów ........ / 247 p.
Nazwisko: ........................................ Ocena ......................................
Numer z dziennika: ..........................
Sprawdzian – Sprawdzian - Past Simple (A1+) - całość

Zadanie 1
E Write questions with the words below. Then answer the questions according to the pictures.
Use the Past Simple.


1 Rob / buy a small car

2 Jenny / wear a skirt / to the party
3 cowboys / drive cars / in the 1880s
4 the teacher / speak Greek / in the lesson

Strona 1 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 2
Odpowiedz na pytania, używając krótkich odpowiedzi.

0 A: Were the students in the park last night? B: Yes, they were. [✓] / No, they weren’t. [✗]
1 A: Were the trains late again yesterday? B: ______________________________ [✗]
2 A: Was the cat in the garden last week? B: ______________________________ [✓]
3 A: Was there a good film on TV yesterday? B: ______________________________ [✓]
4 A: Was the restaurant busy last Saturday? B: ______________________________ [✗]
5 A: Were there any jeans in the shop last week? B: ______________________________ [✗]

Zadanie 3
Uzupełnij krótkie odpowiedzi.

1. Did you do your homework? Yes, ____________ .

2. Was Agnes happy with the present? No, ____________ .
3. Did your brother change his job last year? Yes, ____________ .
4. Did it rain a lot last autumn? No, ____________
5. Did you watch the news last night? Yes, ____________ .
6. Did the plane land on time? Yes, ____________ .
7. Did you and your wife take part in the meeting? No, ____________ .
8. Did the workers go on strike? Yes, ____________ .
9. Were we invited? No, ____________ .
10. Did I make many mistakes? Yes, ____________ .

Zadanie 4
II. Przekształć zdania oznajmujące w zdania przeczące:

1.He went to Paris.

2. My mum bought some milk.
3. Tom and Oscar helped me with my homework.
4. Cindy studied history.
5. Our teacher closed the window.
6. My father was tired.

Strona 2 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 5
Przetłumacz frazy podane w nawiasach na język angielski.

1. ____________________ (czy ty poszedłeś) to work last Friday?

2. ____________________ (nie zrozumiałem) what our teacher said.
3. My parents ____________________ (zrobili dużo zdjęć) on their holidays.
4. ____________________ (Betty była) very proud of her son.
5. Why ____________________ (ona zapłaciła) so much for the service?
6. ____________________ (zjedliśmy) fish and chips.
7. ____________________ (Gdzie ty byłeś) yesterday in the afternoon?
8. Our son ____________________ (nie zaczął) studying last October.
9. ____________________ (czy to było trudne) to pass your driving test?
10. Sonny ____________________ (zapomniał) his mobile phone.

Zadanie 6
I. Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą czasownika w czasie Past Simple.

1.I ……………………... (buy) a new car last month.

2. My friend ……………………... (watch) TV yesterday.
3. They ……………………... (be) at school on Monday.
4. His brother ……………………... (eat) pizza at the party.
5. Tom and Oscar ……………………... (play) basketball together.
6. Miss Brown ……………………... (open) the door.
7. Our favourite singer ……………………… (sing) a new song.
8. My cousin ……………………... (drink) some milk.
9. Ted ……………………... (be) at home yesterday.
10. A cat ……………………... (jump) and ……………………... (run).

Zadanie 7
Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w czasie Past Simple.

come drink have live meet take try

0 Yesterday I _____________ orange juice for breakfast.

1 Henry _____________ some photos on his holiday.
2 We _____________ our friends at the shopping centre last Saturday.
3 I _____________ in Spain when I was six years old.
4 Maria _____________ to study for her test but she was too tired.
5 Granny and Grandad _____________ to our house for dinner yesterday.
6 I _____________ a long shower this morning.

Strona 3 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 8
Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami z nawiasów w czasie Past Simple.

Hi Bob,
Let me tell you about yesterday. I 0 _____________ (visit) my cousins Alex and Dan. I 1 _____________ (arrive)
at their house at ten o’clock. Alex and I 2 _____________ (play) chess for an hour. Then Dan
3 _____________ (make) some pancakes for lunch. We 4 _____________ (want) to go to the park in

the afternoon but it was rainy. The rain 5 _____________ (stop) at five o’clock and then I
6 _____________ (go) home.
How was your day?

Zadanie 9
A Write the Past Simple of each verb in the correct column.

open marry like try bake stop mix plan reapt worry decide travel

-ed -d -ied double consonant + -ed

Zadanie 10
III. Przekształć zdania oznajmujące w zdania pytające.

1.I studied history.

…………………………………………………………………. ?
2. His brother broke his leg.
…………………………………………………………………. ?
3. Tom and Oscar liked the film.
…………………………………………………………………. ?
4. My friends went to the cinema.
…………………………………………………………………. ?
5. The dogs were hungry.
…………………………………………………………………. ?
6. She cut the potatoes.
…………………………………………………………………. ?

Strona 4 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 11
Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Study the boxes above.

1. I (eat)___________ dinner at six o’clock yesterday.

2. A: ___________ Helen (drive)___________ to work? B: Yes, she ___________.
3. My neighbor (buy)___________ a new car last week.
4. They (go)___________ to Italy on their last summer holiday.
5. A: ___________ they (swim)___________ at the beach? B: No, they __________.
6. My family and I (see)___________ a comedy movie last night.
7. First, we (do)___________ exercise, and then we (drink)___________ some water.
8. Suddenly, the animal jumped and (bite)___________ my hand.
9. What time (do)___________ you (get up)___________ this morning?
10. The Wright brothers (fly)___________ the first airplane in 1903.
11. I think I (hear)___________ a strange sound outside the door one minute ago.
12. When I was ten years old, I (break)___________ my arm. It really (hurt) __________.
13. The police (catch)___________ all three of the bank robbers last week.
14. How many times (do)___________ you (read)___________ that book?
15. Unfortunately, I (forget)___________ to (bring)___________ my money.

Zadanie 12
Read the clues and then complete the puzzle.

3 the past tense of break _________

4 the past tense of have _________
5 the past tense of jump _________
8 the past tense of run _________
9 yesterday I __________ to music
11 the past tense of dream _________
14 the past tense of sleep _________
15 this morning many birds __________ in the sky
19 the past tense of drive _________
1 the past tense of write _________
2 the past tense of begin _________
6 last year he _________ football
7 the past tense of watch _________
10 the past tense of rain _________
12 the past tense of eat _________
13 the past tense of stand _________
14 the past tense of swim _________
16 He used to love his girlfriend ___
17 the past tense of go _________
18 the team __________ a lot of trophies

Strona 5 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 13
Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami w ramki w czasie Past Simple. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.

be drink eat feel have meet take

0 The weather ______________ cold and rainy last weekend.

1 Sheila ______________ a glass of orange juice yesterday.
2 The children ______________ all the apples yesterday!
3 Angela and Martin ______________ a lot of photos yesterday. Photography is their hobby.
4 We ______________ our friends in the park last Monday.
5 Mum worked all day and she ______________ tired.

Zadanie 14
C Write the questions. Then answer them.
1 you / watch TV / last night
2 your friends / play football / yesterday
3 your mum / bake / a cake / last weekend
4 you / phone / a friend / an hour ago

Zadanie 15
Ułóż pytania, używając podanych słów.

0 exciting / was / holiday / your / ? ______________________________________________

1 your family / was / home / at / yesterday / ? ______________________________________________
2 any / were / in / there / the garden / apples / ? ____________________________________________
3 Kevin / was / night / last / where / ? ____________________________________________________
4 yesterday / at / there / a party / was / school / ? ___________________________________________
5 at / was / night / the theatre / last / Maria / ? ______________________________________________

Strona 6 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 16
Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami z nawiasów w czasie Past Simple.

Hi Bob,
Let me tell you about yesterday.
I 0 _____________ (visit) my cousins Alex and Dan.
I 1 _____________ (arrive) at their house at ten o’clock.
Alex and I 2 _____________ (play) chess for an hour.
Then Dan 3 _____________ (make) some pancakes for lunch.
We 4 _____________ (want) to go to the park in the afternoon but it was rainy.The rain 5 _____________ (stop) at
five o’clock.
Then I 6 _____________ (go) home.

Zadanie 17
Uzupełnij dialog słowami z ramki. Jedno słowo podano dodatkowo.

was no there was wasn't weren't yes

A: Tell me about the party yesterday. 0 ________________ James there?

B: 1________________, he was, but Doreen and Michael 2________________ there. They’re on holiday.
A: Were 3________________ a lot of people?
B: No. It 4________________ a good party. It 5________________ very boring!

Strona 7 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 18
Ułóż pytania do pogrubionej części zdania.

1. I bought a new fridge last week.

2. I went shopping with Mark.
3. Our grandparents lived in Portugal when they were children.
4. Liz was angry because her boyfriend lied to her.
5. The students went home after classes.
6. My client chose the blue paint for the walls.
7. I paid the bill with my credit card.
8. We were back home at 9 pm.
9. Miranda’s English teacher gave her homework once a week.
10. Mark washed his clothes.

Zadanie 19
Wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi.

0 I am happy today but I was / were sad yesterday.

1 Why wasn’t / weren’t you at home last night?
2 Martha was / were in London in 2015.
3 There was / were some people in the park last night.
4 The children wasn’t / weren’t at school last week.
5 There wasn’t / weren’t any milk in the fridge yesterday.

Zadanie 20
IV. Dokończ pytania.

1. He went to Warsaw.
Where …………………………………………………?
2. Our aunt bought a car.
What …………………………………………………..?
3. My mother opened the door.
Who …………………………………………………...?
5. Tom broke his arm.
What …………………………………………………..?
6. She watched TV last night.
When …………………………………………………..?

Strona 8 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 21
D Write the Past Simple form of the verbs.

1 take ..................... 4 give ..................... 7 go .....................

2 drink ..................... 5 think ..................... 8 wake .....................
3 ride ..................... 6 have ..................... 9 buy .....................

Zadanie 22
Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami w ramki w czasie Past Simple. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.

arrive cook play stay stop decide watch

Yesterday I 0 ______________ home from work at six o’clock. Then I 1 ______________ with my dog, Rex, in the
garden. It was cold so after half an hour, we 2 ______________ our game and I 3 ______________ TV.
Rex 4 ______________ with me. He loves watching TV! At seven o’clock I was hungry so I
5 ______________ to make some pancakes. They were delicious!

Zadanie 23
Ułóż zdania czasownikiem to be w czasie Past Simple (✓ - twierdzenie, ✗ - przeczenie).

0 I am happy today but I ________________ sad yesterday. ✓

1 Why ________________ you at home last night? ✗
2 Martha ________________ in London in 2015. ✓
3 There ________________ some people in the park last night. ✓
4 The children ________________ at school last week. ✗
5 There ________________ any milk in the fridge yesterday. ✗

Zadanie 24
Uzupełnij poniższe zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.

1. Miranda __________________ (read) that book last week.

2. We __________________ (be) on holidays in August.
3. My grandfather __________________ (study) linguistics.
4. In the past children __________________ (work) in the field with their parents.
5. The little girl __________________ (be) tired and __________________ (fall) asleep
very quickly.
6. I __________________ (go) to the cinema last night.
7. These shoes __________________ (cost) a fortune!
8. As a child Mark __________________ (love) cycling.
9. My colleague __________________ (feel) tired and __________________ (decide)
to have a coffee break.
10. That nice woman __________________ (show) me the way to the station.

Zadanie 25

Strona 9 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi.

Hi Andrew,
My family and I 0
wasn’t / weren’t at home yesterday evening. Mum and Dad 1 was / were at the cinema
and I 2 was / were at the park with my friends. 3 There was / There were a concert but 4 there wasn’t /
weren’t a lot of people because it 5 was / were very cold.
What’s your news?

Zadanie 26
B Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1 My sister ..................... (try) to bake a cake
last Saturday.
2 We ..................... (not order) steak and chips
at the restaurant yesterday.
3 I ..................... (phone) my cousin in Canada
three days ago.
4 The children ..................... (play) on the
computer yesterday.

Zadanie 27
Zamień zdania twierdzące na przeczenia.

1. My neighbours had a party last night.

2. Jim was ill last winter.
3. My son broke his leg two days ago.
4. The children were cold and hungry.
5. I danced with Peter at the wedding.
6. Julia met her husband at a conference.
7. The film began 30 minutes ago.
8. Our father cooked dinner yesterday.
9. The child cried.
10. It was very hot last summer.

Strona 10 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 28
Uzupełnij słowa końcówkami z ramki, aby utworzyć formy czasu Past Simple.

-ank -ived -et -ook

0 Yesterday I dr________ orange juice for breakfast.

1 Henry t_____________ some photos on his holiday.
2 We m_____________ our friends at the shopping centre last Saturday.
3 I l_____________ in Spain when I was six years old.

-ame -ad -ried

4 Maria t_____________ to study for her test but she was too tired.
5 Granny and Grandad c_____________ to our house for dinner yesterday.
6 I h_____________ a long shower this morning.

Zadanie 29
Uzupełnij dialog słowami z ramki.

was it were was wasn't weren't

A: Tell me about the party yesterday. 0 ________________ James there?

B: Yes, he 1________________, but Doreen and Michael 2________________ there.
They’re on holiday.
A: 3________________ there a lot of people?
B: No, there weren’t.
A: Was 4________________ a good party?
B: No, it 5________________. It was very boring!

Zadanie 30
Uzupełnij zdania, używając podkreślonych czasowników w czasie Past Simple.

0 I am happy but yesterday I ______________ very sad.

1 Larry sometimes goes to school by bus but last week he ______________ by train.
2 Brenda usually meets her friends at school but yesterday she ______________ them in the park.
3 Mum often makes pizza for lunch but yesterday she ______________ chicken and vegetables.
4 Uncle Alfie often comes to our house for dinner but last Saturday he ______________ for lunch.
5 I usually have a shower before breakfast but yesterday I ______________ a shower after breakfast.

Strona 11 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Klasa: 5 ........ Grupa: D Data ........................................
Imię: ................................................. Liczba punktów ........ / 247 p.
Nazwisko: ........................................ Ocena ......................................
Numer z dziennika: ..........................
Sprawdzian – Sprawdzian - Past Simple (A1+) - całość

Zadanie 1
Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami w ramki w czasie Past Simple. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.
arrive cook play tidy stop decide walk

Yesterday I 0 ______________ home from work at six o’clock. I was hungry so I 1 ______________ to make
somepancakes. They were terrible so I 2 ______________ to a restaurant in the town centre for dinner. Then
I3______________ computer games for an hour. At eleven o’clock I was bored so I 4______________ playing and I
5 ______________ the living room.

Zadanie 2
Wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi.

Hi Maisie,
Rob, David and I 0
wasn’t / weren’t at home yesterday evening. I 1 was / were at the park with my friends.
2 There wasn’t / There weren’t a concert but 3 there was / there were a lot of people because it 4 was /

were a warm evening. Rob and David 5 was / were at the football stadium.
What’s your news?


Strona 1 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 3
E Write questions with the words below. Then answer the questions according to the pictures.
Use the Past Simple.


1 Rob / buy a small car

2 Jenny / wear a skirt / to the party
3 cowboys / drive cars / in the 1880s
4 the teacher / speak Greek / in the lesson

Strona 2 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 4
IV. Dokończ pytania.

1. He went to Warsaw.
Where …………………………………………………?
2. Our aunt bought a car.
What …………………………………………………..?
3. My mother opened the door.
Who …………………………………………………...?
5. Tom broke his arm.
What …………………………………………………..?
6. She watched TV last night.
When …………………………………………………..?

Zadanie 5
II. Przekształć zdania oznajmujące w zdania przeczące:

1.He went to Paris.

2. My mum bought some milk.
3. Tom and Oscar helped me with my homework.
4. Cindy studied history.
5. Our teacher closed the window.
6. My father was tired.

Zadanie 6
Uzupełnij dialog słowami z ramki.

was it were was wasn't weren't

A: Tell me about the party yesterday. 0 ________________ James there?

B: Yes, he 1________________, but Doreen and Michael 2________________ there.
They’re on holiday.
A: 3________________ there a lot of people?
B: No, there weren’t.
A: Was 4________________ a good party?
B: No, it 5________________. It was very boring!

Strona 3 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 7
Read the clues and then complete the puzzle.

3 the past tense of break _________

4 the past tense of have _________
5 the past tense of jump _________
8 the past tense of run _________
9 yesterday I __________ to music
11 the past tense of dream _________
14 the past tense of sleep _________
15 this morning many birds __________ in the sky
19 the past tense of drive _________
1 the past tense of write _________
2 the past tense of begin _________
6 last year he _________ football
7 the past tense of watch _________
10 the past tense of rain _________
12 the past tense of eat _________
13 the past tense of stand _________
14 the past tense of swim _________
16 He used to love his girlfriend ___
17 the past tense of go _________
18 the team __________ a lot of trophies

Zadanie 8
Ułóż zdania czasownikiem to be w czasie Past Simple (✓ - twierdzenie, ✗ - przeczenie)

0 I am happy today but I ________________ sad yesterday. ✓

1 There ________________ some people in the street last Friday. ✓
2 Morris ________________ well last week. ✓
3 Anya and Otto ________________ in Madrid in 2009. ✗
4 There ________________ some eggs in the shop yesterday. ✓
5 Mum ________________ at home last night. ✗

Zadanie 9
Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami z nawiasów w czasie Past Simple.

Hi Kiki,
Let me tell you about last week. I 0 _____________ (visit) my cousins Vivian and Terry. I 1 _____________ (go)to
their house at eleven o’clock. Vivian and I 2 _____________ (listen) to music for an hour. Then
Terry3_____________ (make) pizza for lunch. We 4 _____________ (want) to go to the swimming pool inthe
afternoon but it was rainy. The rain 5 _____________ (stop) at five o’clock and then I6_____________ (walk)
How was your day?

Strona 4 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 10
Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami w ramki w czasie Past Simple. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.

be drink eat feel have meet take

0 The weather ______________ cold and rainy last weekend.

1 The children ______________ a Music lesson yesterday.
2 Timothy and Sally ______________ some photos yesterday. Photography is their hobby.
3 We ______________ our friends in the park last Friday.
4 Claudette ______________ ill so she went to the doctor.
5 Dan ______________ a glass of milk this morning.

Zadanie 11
Odpowiedz na pytania, używając krótkich odpowiedzi.

0 A: Were the students in the park last night? B: Yes, they were. [✓] / No, they weren’t. [✗]
1 A: Was there a cake on the table this morning? B: ______________________________ [✗]
2 A: Were there any dogs in the park yesterday? B: ______________________________ [✓]
3 A: Was the film last Sunday interesting? B: ______________________________ [✓]
4 A: Was our cat in the garden last night? B: ______________________________ [✗]
5 A: Were the beaches clean last summer? B: ______________________________ [✗]

Zadanie 12
Uzupełnij krótkie odpowiedzi.

1. Did you do your homework? Yes, ____________ .

2. Was Agnes happy with the present? No, ____________ .
3. Did your brother change his job last year? Yes, ____________ .
4. Did it rain a lot last autumn? No, ____________
5. Did you watch the news last night? Yes, ____________ .
6. Did the plane land on time? Yes, ____________ .
7. Did you and your wife take part in the meeting? No, ____________ .
8. Did the workers go on strike? Yes, ____________ .
9. Were we invited? No, ____________ .
10. Did I make many mistakes? Yes, ____________ .

Zadanie 13
D Write the Past Simple form of the verbs.

1 take ..................... 4 give ..................... 7 go .....................

2 drink ..................... 5 think ..................... 8 wake .....................
3 ride ..................... 6 have ..................... 9 buy .....................

Strona 5 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 14
I. Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą czasownika w czasie Past Simple.

1.I ……………………... (buy) a new car last month.

2. My friend ……………………... (watch) TV yesterday.
3. They ……………………... (be) at school on Monday.
4. His brother ……………………... (eat) pizza at the party.
5. Tom and Oscar ……………………... (play) basketball together.
6. Miss Brown ……………………... (open) the door.
7. Our favourite singer ……………………… (sing) a new song.
8. My cousin ……………………... (drink) some milk.
9. Ted ……………………... (be) at home yesterday.
10. A cat ……………………... (jump) and ……………………... (run).

Zadanie 15
Uzupełnij tekst czasownikami z nawiasów w czasie Past Simple.

Hi Bob,
Let me tell you about yesterday.
I 0 _____________ (visit) my cousins Alex and Dan.
I 1 _____________ (arrive) at their house at ten o’clock.
Alex and I 2 _____________ (play) chess for an hour.
Then Dan 3 _____________ (make) some pancakes for lunch.
We 4 _____________ (want) to go to the park in the afternoon but it was rainy.The rain 5 _____________ (stop) at
five o’clock.
Then I 6 _____________ (go) home.

Zadanie 16
C Write the questions. Then answer them.
1 you / watch TV / last night
2 your friends / play football / yesterday
3 your mum / bake / a cake / last weekend
4 you / phone / a friend / an hour ago

Strona 6 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 17
Wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi.

0 I am happy today but I was / were sad yesterday.

1 Why wasn’t / weren’t you at home last night?
2 Martha was / were in London in 2015.
3 There was / were some people in the park last night.
4 The children wasn’t / weren’t at school last week.
5 There wasn’t / weren’t any milk in the fridge yesterday.

Zadanie 18
Ułóż pytania, używając podanych słów.

0 your / exciting / was / holiday / ? _____________________________________________________

1 Peter / last / was / where / night / ? _____________________________________________________
2 the restaurant / at / was / week / last / Diana / ? ___________________________________________
3 was / your family / last / home / night / at / ? ______________________________________________
4 in / was / there / a party / the street / yesterday / ? _________________________________________
5 the garden / any / were / in / there / flowers / ? ____________________________________________

Zadanie 19
B Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1 My sister ..................... (try) to bake a cake
last Saturday.
2 We ..................... (not order) steak and chips
at the restaurant yesterday.
3 I ..................... (phone) my cousin in Canada
three days ago.
4 The children ..................... (play) on the
computer yesterday.

Zadanie 20
III. Przekształć zdania oznajmujące w zdania pytające.

1.I studied history.

…………………………………………………………………. ?
2. His brother broke his leg.
…………………………………………………………………. ?
3. Tom and Oscar liked the film.
…………………………………………………………………. ?
4. My friends went to the cinema.
…………………………………………………………………. ?
5. The dogs were hungry.
…………………………………………………………………. ?
6. She cut the potatoes.
…………………………………………………………………. ?

Strona 7 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 21
Zamień zdania twierdzące na przeczenia.

1. My neighbours had a party last night.

2. Jim was ill last winter.
3. My son broke his leg two days ago.
4. The children were cold and hungry.
5. I danced with Peter at the wedding.
6. Julia met her husband at a conference.
7. The film began 30 minutes ago.
8. Our father cooked dinner yesterday.
9. The child cried.
10. It was very hot last summer.

Zadanie 22
Uzupełnij poniższe zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.

1. Miranda __________________ (read) that book last week.

2. We __________________ (be) on holidays in August.
3. My grandfather __________________ (study) linguistics.
4. In the past children __________________ (work) in the field with their parents.
5. The little girl __________________ (be) tired and __________________ (fall) asleep
very quickly.
6. I __________________ (go) to the cinema last night.
7. These shoes __________________ (cost) a fortune!
8. As a child Mark __________________ (love) cycling.
9. My colleague __________________ (feel) tired and __________________ (decide)
to have a coffee break.
10. That nice woman __________________ (show) me the way to the station.

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Zadanie 23
Uzupełnij słowa końcówkami z ramki, aby utworzyć formy czasu Past Simple.

-ank -ived -et -ook

0 Yesterday I dr________ orange juice for breakfast.

1 Henry t_____________ some photos on his holiday.
2 We m_____________ our friends at the shopping centre last Saturday.
3 I l_____________ in Spain when I was six years old.

-ame -ad -ried

4 Maria t_____________ to study for her test but she was too tired.
5 Granny and Grandad c_____________ to our house for dinner yesterday.
6 I h_____________ a long shower this morning.

Zadanie 24
Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Study the boxes above.

1. I (eat)___________ dinner at six o’clock yesterday.

2. A: ___________ Helen (drive)___________ to work? B: Yes, she ___________.
3. My neighbor (buy)___________ a new car last week.
4. They (go)___________ to Italy on their last summer holiday.
5. A: ___________ they (swim)___________ at the beach? B: No, they __________.
6. My family and I (see)___________ a comedy movie last night.
7. First, we (do)___________ exercise, and then we (drink)___________ some water.
8. Suddenly, the animal jumped and (bite)___________ my hand.
9. What time (do)___________ you (get up)___________ this morning?
10. The Wright brothers (fly)___________ the first airplane in 1903.
11. I think I (hear)___________ a strange sound outside the door one minute ago.
12. When I was ten years old, I (break)___________ my arm. It really (hurt) __________.
13. The police (catch)___________ all three of the bank robbers last week.
14. How many times (do)___________ you (read)___________ that book?
15. Unfortunately, I (forget)___________ to (bring)___________ my money.

Zadanie 25
Uzupełnij dialog słowami z ramki. Jedno słowo podano dodatkowo.

was no there was wasn't weren't yes

A: Tell me about the party yesterday. 0 ________________ Tim there?

B: 1________________, he wasn’t. He’s on holiday but Haley and Steve 2________________ there.
A: Were 3________________ a lot of people?
B: Yes, it 4________________ a fantastic party! It 5________________ boring!

Strona 9 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 26
A Write the Past Simple of each verb in the correct column.

open marry like try bake stop mix plan reapt worry decide travel

-ed -d -ied double consonant + -ed

Zadanie 27
Ułóż pytania do pogrubionej części zdania.

1. I bought a new fridge last week.

2. I went shopping with Mark.
3. Our grandparents lived in Portugal when they were children.
4. Liz was angry because her boyfriend lied to her.
5. The students went home after classes.
6. My client chose the blue paint for the walls.
7. I paid the bill with my credit card.
8. We were back home at 9 pm.
9. Miranda’s English teacher gave her homework once a week.
10. Mark washed his clothes.

Strona 10 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

Zadanie 28
Przetłumacz frazy podane w nawiasach na język angielski.

1. ____________________ (czy ty poszedłeś) to work last Friday?

2. ____________________ (nie zrozumiałem) what our teacher said.
3. My parents ____________________ (zrobili dużo zdjęć) on their holidays.
4. ____________________ (Betty była) very proud of her son.
5. Why ____________________ (ona zapłaciła) so much for the service?
6. ____________________ (zjedliśmy) fish and chips.
7. ____________________ (Gdzie ty byłeś) yesterday in the afternoon?
8. Our son ____________________ (nie zaczął) studying last October.
9. ____________________ (czy to było trudne) to pass your driving test?
10. Sonny ____________________ (zapomniał) his mobile phone.

Zadanie 29
Uzupełnij zdania, używając podkreślonych czasowników w czasie Past Simple.

0 I am happy but yesterday I ______________ very sad.

1 Dad often makes sandwiches for lunch but yesterday he ______________ chicken and potatoes.
2 I usually have breakfast at seven o’clock but yesterday I ______________ breakfast at ten to eight.
3 Aunt Mabel often comes to our house for lunch but last Sunday she ______________ for dinner.
4 Mimi sometimes goes to school by car but last week she ______________ on foot.
5 Stan usually meets his friends at the Café Italia but yesterday he ______________ them at home.

Zadanie 30
Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w czasie Past Simple.

come drink have ask take try eat

0 Yesterday I _____________ orange juice for breakfast.

1 I _____________ Dad for some money yesterday.
2 We _____________ a cool Maths lesson last Wednesday.
3 The children _____________ ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch.
4 You _____________ a lot of photos on your holiday!
5 My aunt _____________ to our house last Monday.
6 I _____________ to do my homework but it wasn’t easy.

Strona 11 z 11 © Grupa MAC S.A.

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