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A New Perspective

I realized that I have a lot more to travel and I know I would be missing out
on a lot if I did not try to travel around the Philippines. Before, I used to not really
have interest in traveling. I looked at traveling as an inconvenience because of
the weather of our destinations which are either too hot or too cold. Also I
always get nauseous when traveling. But as I was doing the activity, I saw how
little I have traveled and I realized that it is about time to get out of my comfort
zone and embrace traveling. I realized that aside from Baguio being the best
city for me, I should also at least visit other cities and learn about the culture and
their lifestyle there. As a social studies major, I realized that watching videos,
viewing pictures and reading about these places are not enough. Going to the
actual places we are studying will give a big impact to me and for sure will give
me wider perspectives in life.
Looking at the summary of my “travel stories” I was inspired to travel more.
This means that I must learn to give effort to save and also make more money so
that I can travel, especially for the future, when I am already working. BUt now,
as a student, I think I can travel the Philippines by joining our church outreaches,
whenever they will have mission trips. Aside from helping in the ministry of the
church, I also get to travel for free and discover a lot more places in the
Philippines. Aside from church mission trips, I can also “advertise” to my family
other places we can go to during the holidays. It is a blessing that we have our
own car so that we can just travel anywhere we want, as long as it is reachable
by road travel.

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