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Name:Saclao,Louis Gabriel G.

Course & Year:BSIT 1D


Now that you have learned what a Heidegger’s view on modern technology is and the issues that
surround it, we can now ask now relate how these ideas relate to our own ideas of technology.To do so,
write a Reflection Paper and make sure to answer the following questions:

1.In your own opinion, what is the essence of technology?Do you view technology in a positive, negative,
or neutral manner?Why do you have this view?

2.Do you agree with Heidegger’s view on the essence of technology?Why or why not?

3.What are the dangers of modern technology?

4.What should humanity do to avoid the dangers of modern technology?

1.Technology, in essence, is about using knowledge and tools to solve problems and make
things better. Whether it's good, bad, or neutral depends on how we create, use, and manage it.

2.Heidegger had a deep philosophical view that technology is about revealing things, but his
ideas can be hard to grasp and may not match everyone's thoughts on technology.

3.Modern technology can be risky. It can invade privacy, make people lonely, harm the
environment, take away jobs, and open the door to cyberattacks.

4.To stay safe with technology, we should follow some steps: be ethical when making and using
tech, have rules and checks in place, teach people how to use technology wisely, be kind to the
planet, and encourage tech companies to do the right thing. Also, it's important to keep a
balance between using technology and spending time with real people.

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