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Arrangements 2

There are five different houses, A to E, in a row. A is to the right of B and E is to the left of C and right of
A. B is to the right of D. Which of the house is in the middle ?

In a March Past, seven persons are standing in a row. Q is standing left to R but right to P. O is standing
right to N and left to P. Similarly, S is standing right to R and left to T. Find out who is standing in the

Five men A, B, C, D and E read a newspaper.

The one who reads first gives it to C. The one who reads last had taken from A. E was not the first or last
to read. There were two readers between B and A. B passed the newspaper to whom ?

If (i) P is taller than Q ; (ii) R is shorter tan P; (iii) S is taller than T but shorter than Q, Then who among
them is the Second tallest ?

Among five boys, Vineet is taller than Manick, but not as tall as Ravi. Jacob is taller than Dilip but shorter
than Manick. Who is the tallest in their group ?

In a school, there were five teachers.

 A and B were teaching Hindi and English.

 C and D were teaching English and Geography.
 D and A were teaching Mathematics and Hindi
 E and B were teaching History and French.

1. Who among the teachers was teaching maximum number of subjects ?

2. Which of the following pairs was teaching both Geography and Hindi ?

Read the given information and answer the following questions based on it.

One day three friends namely Girish, Ram and Lokesh whose surname are Achrekar, Karmarkar and
Wnadrekar ( not necessarily in the given order) meet in cafe coffee day. Each of them wearing a
different garment of a different color. The garment they were sweater, jacket and raincoat and the
colour of the garments were among Blue, brown and grey ( not necessarily in the given order). Further it
is given as:

 Neither Ram nor Wandrekar was wearing the grey sweater.

 Achrekar wasn't wearing the raincoat.
 Lokesh was wearing the brown jacket.
 The garment wear by Karmakar or Achrekar was not of brown colour.

1. Who wore the sweater?

2. Karmarkar was the surname of the person wearing?

3. Lokesh Surname was...?

4. The raincoat was of which colour?

Five friends Ashok, Ravi, Sanjay, Yusuf & Vishal work in an office. Each one of them belongs to a different
state and has a different profession. Their professions are lecturer, professor, clerk, manager & Scholer.
They belong to a different state among UP, MP, AP, HP & Panjab. Further more information is follows as:

 Neither Ashok nor Vishal is a scholar.

 The one who is a Scholer is from AP.
 Ashok who is a professor neither belongs to UP nor HP.
 The one who is a lecturer belongs to UP.
 Ravi who belongs to MP is neither a lecturer nor a clerk.
 Sanjay does not belongs to AP.

1. Who among the following friends is a lecturer?

2. Which of the following is a wrong combination?

A) Ashok - Punjab

B) Yusuf - AP
C) Ravi - Scholer

D) Ravi - MP

3. Who among the following friends belongs to AP?

4. If Sanjoy belongs to UP, then which of the following is the profession of Vishal?

Pushpa, Indira, Ratna, sundari, Tamilchelvi and Urvashi are six students pursuing doctorates in different
subjects - Bengali Literature, Hindi Literature, Pali, Persian, Systems Development and Maya Civilization.
Two of them stay in Amaravati hostel, two in Bhadravati hostel, and the remaining at Hemavati hostel.

 Urvashi ans Sundari stay in Amaravati hostel.

 Tamilchelvi stays in Bhadravati hostel and Indira stays at Hemavati hostel.
 Ratna does not stay in Bhadravati hostel but studies Pali.
 Tamilchelvi and Sundari study Maya Civilization and Persian respectively.
 The students studying Systems development and Hindi Literature do not stay in Bhadravati

1. Which of the following pairs of students stay one at Amaravati hostel and another at Hemavati

A) Urvashi ans Sundari

B) Sundari and Ratna

C) Indira and Ratna

D) Pushpa and Indira

2. Who studies Bengali Literature?

3. Which of the following pairs of students stays at Hemavati hostel???

4. Who studies Hindi Literature ?

Six players D, B, G, W, R and T play three diffident games Badminton, Tennis, Football. Each game is
played by two players. Each one of them is from different states HR, UP, MP, RJ, BR and AP, not
necessarily in that order.

 W is from RJ and plays tennis.

 R does not belongs BR.
 Those who belong to AP and MP play the same game.
 D does not play football.
 B is from UP and plays badminton with R.

1. Who is from BR??

2. G plays which of the following game ??

3. Who is from AP ?

A) R

B) T

C) G

D) Cannot be determined

4. Which of the following pairs of players play the same game?





5. Which of the following combination can be correct ?

A) R - Badminton - MP

B) D - Football - BR

C) T - Football - MP

D) G - Tennis - HR.

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