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The gender pay gap in football persists despite the sport's popularity. This disparity
reflects broader societal inequalities. Factors like sponsorship, media coverage, and
prize money contribute to this gap. Addressing it requires collective action from
football associations, clubs, sponsors, and fans. Bridging this divide is crucial for
fostering equality and recognition of talent in the sport.

2- 120 words
Soccer requires various physical skills and scientific knowledge. Newton's laws
explain the movement of the ball: the first law explains its initial inertia and the
second, its acceleration due to the force of the blow. The precision and power of a
punch depend on kicking with the inside or outside of the foot. The Magnus effect
explains the curvature of the ball in a shot. Although a powerful kick cannot return
the ball in a single complete turn. In the game, understanding physics helps us make
more effective decisions for forwards, midfielders, defenders and goalkeepers.
Science and sport complement each other in football, improving performance and
understanding of the game.

3-180 words
Gender inequality persists in both society roles and professional sports, it is more
noticeable in soccer. Historically, women have been limited to domestic duties, while
men dominate public spheres. This disparity limits women's access to employment
and education, obstructing economic progress. In soccer, the pay gap between male
and female players reflects differences in revenue and popularity. Men's soccer
commands higher earnings and sponsorships, it's evident in the total contrast in
prize money between men's and women's World Cups. Despite the growing
popularity of women's soccer, achieving pay equality between men and women has
increased profitability. Advocates emphasize the importance of supporting women's
sports , also acknowledging and recognizing female accomplishments without
replicating problematic elements of men's sports culture. However, cases of sexism,
such as the controversial kiss by Luis Rubiales towards player Jenni Hermoso,
highlight persistent challenges. This act not only undermined Jenni, but also
deteriorated Spain's reputation internationally. As Spain is about to host the 2030
World Cup, such incidents underscore and affect Spain's image and the need for
addressing gender bias plus encouraging a more inclusive sports environment.

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