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出优质论文需要的资源。 最后需要注意,Acknowledgements 是英式拼
法,Acknowledgments 是美式拼法,没有 e 的。 致谢或许是科研论文中最容易撰写的,毕
不过的事情。话虽如此,有时候撰写致谢并不是那么简单,以下提供 4 点注意事项,
希望对您撰写致谢所有帮助: 至于科研论文中作者资格的认定,可以参考《意得辑专
家视点》上署名权一文。 Editage Insights provides a large number of free research and
publication learning resources, and provides one-stop guidance for authors and related persons in the
academic publishing industry. By learning our original resources, both authors and journal
practitioners will benefit a lot. Register now to get comprehensive scientific research tips, covering:
English writing, journal publishing, publishing practice, publishing industry trends, etc. obtain one-
on-one SCI publication guidance 确认目标期刊是否会在名字之前加上Mr/Ms/Dr: 一般的
习惯是在姓名前加上 Dr,省略 Mr 和 Ms 。致谢教授时,也会提及其所在的单位,例
如 The authors wish to acknowledge Dr ABC, Professor of -, University of -, for her help in
interpreting the significance of the results of this study。 Follow "SCI Publication Tutoring" to 符合
行;如果没有,可以放上简短的声明:Funding from the ABC Foundation is gratefully
最后需要注意,Acknowledgements 是英式拼法,Acknowledgments 是美式拼法,没有 e
的。 确认目标期刊是否会在名字之前加上Mr/Ms/Dr: 一般的习惯是在姓名前加上 Dr,
省略 Mr 和 Ms 。致谢教授时,也会提及其所在的单位,例如 The authors wish to
acknowledge Dr ABC, Professor of -, University of -, for her help in interpreting the significance of
the results of this study。 Follow "SCI Publication Tutoring" to 声明: 意得辑 Insights 隶属意得
辑品牌,意得辑为世界级科研沟通解决方案提供商。意得辑 Insights 由意得辑提供运营
资金支持,并推荐意得辑服务,然编辑部为独立运作。 符合基金单位的要求:有些资
短的声明:Funding from the ABC Foundation is gratefully acknowledged。 Editage Insights
provides a large number of free research and publication learning resources, and provides one-stop
guidance for authors and related persons in the academic publishing industry. By learning our
original resources, both authors and journal practitioners will benefit a lot. Register now to get
comprehensive scientific research tips, covering: English writing, journal publishing, publishing
practice, publishing industry trends, etc.
obtain one-on-one SCI publication guidance 符合基金单位的要求:有些资助单位会明确规
from the ABC Foundation is gratefully acknowledged。 English Editing - Editage.com | 英文校
正 – Editage.jp | 원어민영문교정 – Editage.co.kr | SCI英文论文发表 – Editage.cn | publicação
de artigos – Editage.com.br | 編輯英文 – Editage.com.tw | 英语润色服务使用条款
Editage Insights provides a large number of free research and publication learning resources, and
provides one-stop guidance for authors and related persons in the academic publishing industry. By
learning our original resources, both authors and journal practitioners will benefit a lot. Register now
to get comprehensive scientific research tips, covering: English writing, journal publishing,
publishing practice, publishing industry trends, etc. Follow "SCI Publication Tutoring" to 确认期刊
在致谢中。 声明: 意得辑 Insights 隶属意得辑品牌,意得辑为世界级科研沟通解决方案
提供商。意得辑 Insights 由意得辑提供运营资金支持,并推荐意得辑服务,然编辑部为
独立运作。 obtain one-on-one SCI publication guidance 说明对方对你提供的帮助:要感谢
对方的帮忙,必须要准确说明帮忙的形式,例如:I wish to thank XYZ for advice on
experimental design 或是We wish to thank the timely help given by ABC in analyzing the large
number of samples。 确认目标期刊是否会在名字之前加上Mr/Ms/Dr: 一般的习惯是在姓
名前加上 Dr,省略 Mr 和 Ms 。致谢教授时,也会提及其所在的单位,例如 The authors
wish to acknowledge Dr ABC, Professor of -, University of -, for her help in interpreting the
significance of the results of this study。
Follow "SCI Publication Tutoring" to 符合基金单位的要求:有些资助单位会明确规定致谢
的内容,如果有的话,必须参照执行;如果没有,可以放上简短的声明:Funding from the
ABC Foundation is gratefully acknowledged。 English Editing - Editage.com | 英文校正 –
Editage.jp | 원어민영문교정 – Editage.co.kr | SCI英文论文发表 – Editage.cn | publicação de
artigos – Editage.com.br | 編輯英文 – Editage.com.tw | 英语润色服务使用条款 确认目标期
刊是否会在名字之前加上Mr/Ms/Dr: 一般的习惯是在姓名前加上 Dr,省略 Mr 和 Ms。
致谢教授时,也会提及其所在的单位,例如 The authors wish to acknowledge Dr ABC,
Professor of -, University of -, for her help in interpreting the significance of the results of this
study。 Editage Insights provides a large number of free research and publication learning resources,
and provides one-stop guidance for authors and related persons in the academic publishing industry.
By learning our original resources, both authors and journal practitioners will benefit a lot. Register
now to get comprehensive scientific research tips, covering: English writing, journal publishing,
publishing practice, publishing industry trends, etc.
出优质论文需要的资源。 obtain one-on-one SCI publication guidance 最后需要
注意,Acknowledgements 是英式拼法,Acknowledgments 是美式拼法,没有 e 的。 English
Editing - Editage.com | 英文校正 – Editage.jp | 원어민영문교정 – Editage.co.kr | SCI英文论文
发表 – Editage.cn | publicação de artigos – Editage.com.br | 編輯英文 – Editage.com.tw | 英语润
色服务使用条款 Accelerating scientific advancement Editage Insights provides a large number of
free research and publication learning resources, and provides one-stop guidance for authors and
related persons in the academic publishing industry. By learning our original resources, both authors
and journal practitioners will benefit a lot. Register now to get comprehensive scientific research tips,
covering: English writing, journal publishing, publishing practice, publishing industry trends, etc.
Follow "SCI Publication Tutoring" to

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