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Module: ENG1515

Student number: 16661087


I declare that this assignment is my own original work. Where secondary material has been

Used (either from a printed source or from the Internet), this has been carefully

Acknowledged and referenced in accordance with departmental requirements. I understand

What plagiarism is and am aware of the department’s policy in this regard. I have not allowed

Anyone else to borrow or copy my work

Signature: ………………………………………Date:……………………………………………..
Question 1
1.1 The extract has a formal and impartial tone. Correct language and punctuation are used,
while slang and other informal speech are absent. The extract is made to appear more
trustworthy as a source of information by using this formal tone. The author offers all the
information and uses direct citations from other people without taking a stance, making the
work impartial.

1.2 The text is nonfiction in nature. This is demonstrated by the factual presentation and the
text’s objectivity; no made-up facts are used. Additionally, the language was modified from
a news and events website, supporting the claim that it is nonfiction since it was produced
for a news website.

1.3 The article is made for an audience of adults. The content of the article can be applicable to
everyone and should be important for anyone interested in keeping with the Covid-19
pandemic, however the style in which the article is written is intended for adults. We can
see it is aimed at adults through the formal language and lack of appeal to children
(illustrations, colour, etc.).

1.4 People are supposed to read this article to stay current on events. The point of this
essay is that individuals are being misled by misleading statements concerning Covid-19 and
that these messages are receiving a range of reactions. The article’s main takeaway is that
imprecise communication can be risky, especially when no clear information is offered.
Question 2
2.1 Active listening is hearing what another person is saying and then responding in a way that
fosters understanding. For example, showing that you are listening to the other person by
verbal affirmations and body language such as nodding your head in agreement and saying
things such as “I understand” “I hear you” whereas passive listening is when one listens without
responding. For example, not speaking while someone is saying something or doing anything at
the same time and yet not really listening to what is being said.
2.2 sentence 1:
You should study hard so you can get into university. =Recommendation
Sentence 2:
I should have studied for the exam. = talk about obligation

Question 3
3.1 Many elements make up a child’s home environment. The role-players, like parents,
guardians, siblings, etc., play a crucial part. However, if the role-players are unsupportive and
do not create an environment for reading (no space to read, surrounded by noisy family, etc.),
then it can have negative effects on reading. If the role-players encourage reading and have a
quiet and comfortable space for reading, then it will have positive influences on reading.

The material is another outside element. The child must have access to reading materials that
are appropriate for their age and reading ability if they are to benefit from them as readers.
The child will lose interest in reading or grow discouraged when he or she can't understand
what they’re reading (it’s for readers above their reading level) if they don’t have access to
enough age- and reading-level appropriate reading material. This indicates that the outside
influence has suddenly turned out to be harmful.
3.2.1 In the post-reading phase, readers interact with a text by drawing conclusions, posing
queries, and comparing various texts.
I changed "pre-reading" to "post-reading" because you can only engage with a text, pose
questions about it, and draw similarities after you've finished reading.
3.2.2 When reading a document quickly, this is called skimming.
Since the word “decoding” implies trying to understand what you are reading and has to do
with paying attention to the material in detail as opposed to scanning it, I altered it to “skim
reading.” The process of scanning a document by skimming it is known as “skim reading.”

Question 4
a) If the first syllable is stressed, it becomes a noun for example, project whereas if we stress
the second syllable, it becomes a verb for example, object
b) word 1: contract

• I signed a contract at work.

• Do not contract your lips into a frown.

Word 2: update

• I asked the doctor for a health update.

• I need to update the address book.
• that
• by having
• although
• particularly

Question 5
5.1 The theme of the poem is about masculinity and it is about teaching a boy to
become a man.
“If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,”

5.2.1 When a writer or poet employs words with similar sounds or similar ending
sounds, they are said to be using rhyme. Usually, recurrence of these identical
sounds results in a rhyme.

5.2.2 lines 13 ‘spoken’ and 15 ‘broken’.

5.2.3 The title of the poem is ‘If’ because the word ‘if’ is a recurring theme in each
verse. The narrator makes the argument that becoming a man requires learning to
be your own master, extending grace to those who have wronged you, and forging
your own future goals without depending on anybody else. Majority of the lines
begin with the word "if," thus this recurrence helps to maintain the poem's steady
• ENG1515 Study guide

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