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Genetics: Analysis and Principles, 7th

Edition Brooker
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Seventh Edition

University of Minnesota

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ISBN 978-1-260-57122-6
MHID 1-260-57122-X

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P A R T I INTRODUCTION 15 Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes I:

Transcriptional and Translational
1 Overview of Genetics 1
Regulation 370

P A R T I I PATTERNS OF INHERITANCE 16 Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes II:

Epigenetics 396
2 Mendelian Inheritance 18
17 Non-coding RNAs 422
3 Chromosome Transmission During Cell
Division and Sexual Reproduction 47 18 Genetics of Viruses 444
4 Extensions of Mendelian Inheritance 78 19 Gene Mutation, DNA Repair,
and Recombination 472
5 Non-Mendelian Inheritance 106

6 Genetic Linkage and Mapping in P A R T V GENETIC TECHNOLOGIES

Eukaryotes 131
20 Molecular Technologies 508
7 Genetic Transfer and Mapping in Bacteria 159
21 Biotechnology 536
8 Variation in Chromosome Structure
and Number 178 22 Genomics I: Analysis of DNA 555

23 Genomics II: Functional Genomics,

 OLECULAR STRUCTURE AND Proteomics, and Bioinformatics 580
9 Molecular Structure of DNA and RNA 210 OF INDIVIDUALS AND
10 Molecular Structure of Chromosomes and
Transposable Elements 230 24 Medical Genetics 602
11 DNA Replication 260 25 Genetic Basis of Cancer 629

26 Developmental Genetics 646

OF GENES 27 Population Genetics 677
12 Gene Transcription and RNA Modification 286 28 Complex and Quantitative Traits 709
13 Translation of mRNA 315 29 Evolutionary Genetics 734
14 Gene Regulation in Bacteria 345


Preface vii


Environmental Effects on Gene
Expression 82
Incomplete Dominance,

INTRODUCTION 1 Overdominance, and Codominance 84 8.1 Microscopic Examination of Eukaryotic

4.5 Genes on Sex Chromosomes 89 Chromosomes 178


Sex-Influenced and Sex-Limited
Inheritance 91
Lethal Alleles 92

Changes in Chromosome Structure:
An Overview 181
Deletions and Duplications 182
1.1 The Molecular Expression of Genes 3
4.8 Understanding Complex Phenotypes 8.4 Inversions and Translocations 188
1.2 The Relationship Between Genes
Caused by Mutations in Single Genes 94 8.5 Changes in Chromosome Number:
and Traits 6
4.9 Gene Interactions 95 An Overview 193
1.3 Fields of Genetics 11
8.6 Variation in the Number of Chromosomes

1.4 The Science of Genetics 13
NON-MENDELIAN Within a Set: Aneuploidy 194
INHERITANCE 106 8.7 Variation in the Number of Sets
PA R T I I of Chromosomes 197
5.1 Maternal Effect 107 8.8 Natural and Experimental Mechanisms
PATTERNS OF INHERITANCE 18 5.2 Epigenetics: Dosage That Produce Variation in Chromosome

Compensation 110 Number 200
5.3 Epigenetics: Genomic Imprinting 116
5.4 Extranuclear Inheritance 120
2.1 Mendel’s Study of Pea Plants 19 PA R T I I I
Law of Segregation 22
Law of Independent Assortment 26
Studying Inheritance Patterns in
6.1 Overview of Linkage 131
Humans 32

6.2 Relationship Between Linkage and
2.5 Probability and Statistics 34 MOLECULAR STRUCTURE
Crossing Over 133
6.3 Genetic Mapping in Plants and

Animals 139
Genetic Mapping in Haploid
Eukaryotes 146

Identification of DNA as the Genetic
Material 210
Overview of DNA and RNA Structure 213
3.1 General Features of Chromosomes 47 6.5 Mitotic Recombination 149 9.3 Nucleotide Structure 214
3.2 Cell Division 51 9.4 Structure of a DNA Strand 216
Mitosis and Cytokinesis 54
Meiosis 58
Sexual Reproduction 62
Discovery of the Double Helix 217
Structure of the DNA Double Helix 220
7.1 Overview of Genetic Transfer in 9.7 RNA Structure 224
3.6 The Chromosome Theory of Inheritance Bacteria 160
and Sex Chromosomes 65

Bacterial Conjugation 161
Conjugation and Mapping via Hfr
Strains 165
7.4 Bacterial Transduction 170
4.1 Overview of Simple Inheritance 7.5 Bacterial Transformation 171 10.1 Organization of Functional Sites Along
Patterns 79 7.6 Medical Relevance of Horizontal Gene Bacterial Chromosomes 230
4.2 Dominant and Recessive Alleles 80 Transfer 173 10.2 Structure of Bacterial Chromosomes 231


10.3 Organization of Functional Sites Along

Eukaryotic Chromosomes 235
10.4 Sizes of Eukaryotic Genomes and

Repetitive Sequences 236 14.1 Overview of Transcriptional 18.1 Virus Structure and Genetic
10.5 Transposition 238 Regulation 346 Composition 444
10.6 Structure of Eukaryotic Chromosomes 14.2 Regulation of the lac Operon 348 18.2 Overview of Viral Reproductive
in Nondividing Cells 245 14.3 Regulation of the trp Operon 358 Cycles 449
10.7 Structure of Eukaryotic Chromosomes 14.4 Translational and Posttranslational 18.3 Bacteriophage λ Reproductive Cycles 455
During Cell Division 251 Regulation 362 18.4 HIV Reproductive Cycle 461

14.5 Riboswitches 363

11.1 Structural Overview of DNA
Replication 260

19.1 Effects of Mutations on Gene Structure

11.2 Bacterial DNA Replication: The and Function 473
Formation of Two Replication Forks 19.2 Random Nature of Mutations 479
at the Origin of Replication 264 15.1 Regulatory Transcription Factors 371 19.3 Spontaneous Mutations 481
11.3 Bacterial DNA Replication: Synthesis 15.2 Chromatin Remodeling, Histone Variants, 19.4 Induced Mutations 486
of New DNA Strands 267 and Histone Modifications 378 19.5 DNA Repair 490
11.4 Bacterial DNA Replication: Chemistry 15.3 DNA Methylation 385
and Accuracy 274 19.6 Homologous Recombination 497
15.4 The ENCODE Project 387
11.5 Eukaryotic DNA Replication 276
15.5 Regulation of Translation 388 PA R T V


16 20 

16.1 Overview of Epigenetics 396 20.1 Gene Cloning Using Vectors 509
GENE TRANSCRIPTION AND 16.2 Heterochromatin: Function, Structure, 20.2 Polymerase Chain Reaction 516
RNA MODIFICATION 286 Formation, and Maintenance 401 20.3 DNA Sequencing 521
12.1 Overview of Transcription 286 16.3 Epigenetics and Development 406 20.4 Gene Editing 523
12.2 Transcription in Bacteria 289 16.4 Paramutation 412 20.5 Blotting Methods to Detect Gene
12.3 Transcription in Eukaryotes 294 16.5 Epigenetics and Environmental Products 526
Agents 414 20.6 Methods for Analyzing DNA- and RNA-
12.4 RNA Modification 299
12.5 A Comparison of Transcription and RNA Binding Proteins 528
Modification in Bacteria and
Eukaryotes 308 17 NON-CODING RNAs 422


17.1 Overview of Non-coding RNAs 423
17.2 Non-coding RNAs: Effects on Chromatin
Structure and Transcription 427
21.1 Uses of Microorganisms in
Biotechnology 536
13.1 The Genetic Basis for Protein 17.3 Non-coding RNAs: Effects on 21.2 Genetically Modified Animals 539
Synthesis 315 Translation, mRNA Degradation, and 21.3 Reproductive Cloning and Stem Cells 543
13.2 The Relationship Between the Genetic RNA Modifications 428 21.4 Genetically Modified Plants 548

Code and Protein Synthesis 318 17.4 Non-coding RNAs and Protein
13.3 Experimental Determination of the Targeting 433
Genetic Code 324 17.5 Non-coding RNAs and Genome DNA 555
13.4 Structure and Function of tRNA 328 Defense 434
13.5 Ribosome Structure and Assembly 331 17.6 Role of Non-coding RNAs in Human 22.1 Overview of Chromosome Mapping 556
13.6 Stages of Translation 333 Diseases 437 22.2 Cytogenetic Mapping via Microscopy 556

22.3 Linkage Mapping via Crosses 559 24.5 Human Gene Therapy 617 27.6 Nonrandom Mating 694
22.4 Physical Mapping via Cloning and DNA 24.6 Personalized Medicine 621 27.7 Sources of New Genetic Variation 696

25  28 
Sequencing 562
22.5 Genome-Sequencing Projects 565 GENETIC BASIS OF COMPLEX AND
22.6 Metagenomics 573


Overview of Cancer 629
Oncogenes 630
Tumor-Suppressor Genes 634
28.1 Overview of Complex and
Quantitative Traits 709
28.2 Statistical Methods for Evaluating
AND BIOINFORMATICS 580 Quantitative Traits 711
25.4 Role of Epigenetics in Cancer 640

23.1 Functional Genomics 581 28.3 Polygenic Inheritance 714
23.2 Proteomics 586 DEVELOPMENTAL 28.4 Identification of Genes That Control
GENETICS 646 Quantitative Traits 717
23.3 Bioinformatics 591
28.5 Heritability 719
26.1 Overview of Animal 28.6 Selective Breeding 724
Development 646
26.2 Invertebrate Development 650
26.3 Vertebrate Development 661

INDIVIDUALS AND 26.4 Plant Development 665 29.1 Origin of Species 735
POPULATIONS 602 26.5 Sex Determination in Animals 668 29.2 Phylogenetic Trees 740
29.3 Molecular Evolution 748

24 MEDICAL GENETICS 602 27 POPULATION GENETICS 677 Appendix A: Experimental

Techniques A-1
24.1 Inheritance Patterns of Genetic 27.1 Genes in Populations and the Hardy- Appendix B: Solutions to Even-
Diseases 602 Weinberg Equation 677 Numbered Problems and All
24.2 Detection of Disease-Causing Alleles via 27.2 Overview of Microevolution 682 Comprehension and Concept
Haplotypes 609 27.3 Natural Selection 683 Check Questions B-1
24.3 Genetic Testing and Screening 613 27.4 Genetic Drift 691 Glossary G-1
24.4 Prions 615 27.5 Migration 694 Index I-1


Robert J. Brooker is a professor in the Department of Genetics,

Cell Biology, and Development and the Department of Biology
Teaching and Learning at the University of Minnesota–
Minneapolis. He received his B.A. in biology from Wittenberg
University in 1978 and his Ph.D. in genetics from Yale University
in 1983. At Harvard, he conducted postdoctoral studies on lactose
permease, which is the product of the lacY gene of the lac operon.
He continued to work on transporters at the University of
Minnesota, with an emphasis on the structure, function, and regu-
lation of iron transporters found in bacteria and C. elegans. At the
University of Minnesota, he teaches undergraduate courses in
biology and genetics.


To my wife, Deborah, and our children, Daniel, Nathan, and Sarah

world. Although scientists arrive at their theories in different students and faculty members. Keep in mind that you do not need
ways, the scientific method provides a way to validate (or invali- to “know all the answers” before you enter into a scientific discus-
date) a particular hypothesis. Alternatively, research may also sion. instead, it is more rewarding to view science as an ongoing
involve the collection of data without a preconceived hypothesis. and never-ending dialogue.
for example, researchers might analyze the genes found in cancer
cells to identify those that have become mutant. in this case, the Genetic TIPS Will Help You to Improve Your
scientists may not have a hypothesis about which particular genes
may be involved. The collection and analysis of data without the
Problem-Solving Skills
need for a preconceived hypothesis is called discovery-based As your progress through this textbook, your learning will involve
science or, simply, discovery science. two general goals:
in traditional science textbooks, the emphasis often lies on ∙ You will gather foundational knowledge. in other words,

the product of science. That is, many textbooks are aimed primar- you will be able to describe core concepts in genetics. for
ily at teaching the student about the observations scientists have However,example,
this mayyou
notwill be able
be the case.toAlthough
explain how DnA may
students replication
be pro-
made and the hypotheses they have proposed to explain those ob- occurs and describe the proteins that are involved
vided with online lectures, “flipping the classroom” typically in this
servations. Along the way, the student is provided with many bits process.
gives students more responsibility for understanding the textbook
and pieces of experimental techniques and data. Likewise, this
material You
∙ will develop
on their problem-solving
own. Along these lines,skills that allow
Genetics: you to&
n the seventh
textbook editionyou
also provides of with many observations
Genetics: and hypothe-
Analysis & Principles, apply that foundational knowledge in different ways. for a
Principles, seventh edition, is intended to provide students with
the content has beenit updated
ses. however, attemptstotoreflect
go onecurrent trends Most
step further. in thechapters
field. example, you will learn how to use statistics to determine
resource that can be effectively used outside of the classroom.
In addition,
contain the
one presentation
or two figuresofpresenting
the content has been improved
experiments in
that have been
Here are ifseveral
a genetic hypothesis is consistent with experimental
of the key pedagogical features:
that fosterinto five learning.
active individualAs
an author,to help you to under-
researcher, and data.
teacher, the entire
I want scientific
a textbook process:
that gets students actively involved in ∙∙ A new feature for the sixth edition called Genetic TIPS is
The combination of foundational knowledge and problem-solving
Background To achieve this is
information goal, I havesoworked
provided that youwith
can aappre-
tal- retained in the seventh edition and provides a consistent
skills will enable you not only to understand genetics, but also to
ented teamciate
of editors, illustrators, and media specialists who have approach
observations that were known prior to conducting the apply your to help students
knowledge solve problems
in different situations. in
help youIn other
helped meexperiment.
to make the seventh edition of Genetics: Analysis & words, it is aimed at improving their critical-thinking skills.
these skills, chapters 2 through 29 contain solved problems named
Principles a funexperiments
2. Most learning tool. involve the testing of a hypothesis via This approach
Genetic has three
TiPS, which components.
stands First, the student
for Topic, information, is made
and Problem-
Overall, an effective
the scientific method.textbook
in thoseneeds
theaccomplish four
figure presenting solving Strategy. These solved problems follow a consistent pattern.
goals. First,theit experiment
needs to provide comprehensive,
states the hypothesis theaccurate,
scientists and
to-date content
ing tointest.its in
words, it needs
what to expose
scientific students
question wereto
the techniques and skills trying
the researchers they will need to become successful in
to answer? GENETIC TIPS THE QUESTION: All of the Genetic TiPS
that field. Third,the
3. next, anfigure
followstextbook should have
the experimental pedagogical
steps the scien- begin with a question. As an example, let’s consider the following
features, such
tists astookformative
to test theassessment,
hypothesis. that
The foster
figure student
presents learn-
two question:
parallel itillustrations
ing. And finally, labeled
should inspire “experimental
students so that Level” and to
they want The coding strand of DnA in a segment of a gene is as follows:
ATG GGc cTT AGc. This strand carries the information to make a
continue their studies Level.” The experimental
of genetics and maybe levelevenhelps you the
pursue to
region of a polypeptide with the amino acid sequence, methionine-
field as a career. Thethe techniques
hard work that thathas
were used.into
gone Thethe
seventh glycine-leucine-serine. What would be the consequences if a mutation
edition of level helps you
Genetics: to understand
Analysis what is has
& Principles actually
aimed atat 14changed theCsecond
cytosine (c) in this sequence to an adenine (A)?
achieving all ofstep
thesein goals!
the procedure.

T OPIC: What topic in genetics does this question address? The 5

FLIPPING THE CLASSROOM topic is gene expression. More specifically, the question is about
the relationship between a gene sequence and the genetic code.
A trend in science education is the phenomenon that is sometimes
I NFORMATION: What information do you know based on the
called “flipping the classroom.” This phrase refers to the idea that
bro40851_ch01_001-017.indd 13 question and your understanding of the topic? In the question,
15/07/19 10:24 pm
some of the activities that used to be done in class are now done you are given the base sequence of a short segment of a gene and
outside of class, and vice versa. For example, instead of spending told that one of the bases has been changed. From your
the entire class time lecturing on textbook and other materials, 6
understanding of the topic, you may remember that a polypeptide
some of the class time is spent engaging students in various activi- sequence is determined by reading the mRNA (transcribed from a
ties, such as problem solving, working through case studies, and gene) in groups of three bases called codons.
designing experiments. This approach is called active learning. For
P ROBLEM-SOLVING S TRATEGY: Compare and contrast.
many instructors, the classroom has become more learner centered 7
One strategy to solve this problem is to compare the mRNA
than teacher centered. A learner-centered classroom provides a sequence (transcribed from this gene) before and after the mutation:
rich environment in which students can interact with each other
and with their instructors. Instructors and fellow students often Original: AUG GGC CUU AGC
provide formative assessment—immediate feedback that helps Mutant: AUG GGC AUU AGC 8
each student understand if his or her learning is on the right track.
What are some advantages of active learning? Educational ANSWER: The mutation has changed the sequence of bases in the
studies reveal that active learning usually promotes greater learn- mRNA so that the third codon has changed from CUU to AUU.
Because codons specify amino acids, this may change the third
ing gains. In addition, active learning often focuses on skill de-
amino acid to something else. Note: If you look ahead to
velopment rather than on the memorization of facts that are easily Chapter 13 (see Table 13.1), you will see that CUU specifies
forgotten. Students become trained to “think like scientists” and leucine, whereas AUU specifies isoleucine. Therefore, you would
to develop a critical-thinking skills that enable them to apply predict that the mutation would change the third amino acid from
scientific reasoning. A common concern among instructors who leucine to isoleucine.
are beginning to try out active learning is that they think they will
have less time to teach and therefore will cover less material.
Throughout Chapters 2 through 29, each chapter will contain sev-
eral Genetic TIPS. Some of these will be within the chapter itself
and some will precede the problem set that is at the end of each
chapter. Though there are many different problem-solving strate-

aware of the Topic at hand. Second, the question is evaluated Overall, the pedagogy of Genetics: Analysis & Principles,
with regard to the Information that is available to the student. seventh edition, has been designed to foster student learning. In-
Finally, the student is guided through one or more Problem- stead of being a collection of facts and figures, Genetics: Analysis
Solving Strategies to tackle the question. & Principles, seventh edition, by Rob Brooker, is intended to be
∙∙ Genes → Traits: Because genetics is such a broad discipline, an engaging and motivating textbook in which formative assess-
ranging from the molecular level to populations, many ment allows students to move ahead and learn the material in a
instructors have told us that it is a challenge for students to see productive way. We welcome your feedback so that we can make
both “the forest and the trees.” It is commonly mentioned that future editions even better!
students often have trouble connecting the concepts they have
learned in molecular genetics with the traits that occur at the
level of a whole organism (e.g., What does transcription have
to do with blue eyes?). To try to make this connection more MAJOR CONTENT CHANGES
meaningful, certain figure legends in each chapter, designated IN RECENT EDITIONS
Genes → Traits, remind students that molecular and cellular
phenomena ultimately lead to the traits that are observed in ∙∙ Coverage of the topic of epigenetics was expanded to a whole
each species (see Figure 14.8). chapter in the sixth edition, which is Chapter 16. In the seventh
∙∙ Learning Outcomes: Each section of every chapter begins edition, this chapter includes a new section that focuses on the
with a set of learning outcomes. These outcomes help students structure and function of heterochromatin.
understand what they should be able to do once they have ∙∙ A chapter on non-coding RNAs, Chapter 17, was added in the
mastered the material in that section. sixth edition. This long-overdue chapter was included in
∙∙ Formative Assessment: When students are expected to learn response to a remarkable explosion in our appreciation for the
textbook material on their own, it is imperative that they are roles of non-coding RNAs in many aspects of molecular
regularly given formative assessment so they can gauge biology. Although two new chapters were added in recent
whether they are mastering the material. Formative assessment editions, the overall page length of the seventh edition is not
is a major feature of this textbook and is bolstered by longer than the fifth edition.
Connect—a state-of-the art digital assignment and assessment ∙∙ Discussion of the role of the CRISPR-Cas system in providing
platform. In Genetics: Analysis & Principles, seventh edition, prokaryotes with a genome defense mechanism has been
formative assessment is provided in multiple ways. added in Chapter 17, and its use by researchers to edit genes is
described in Chapter 21.
1. As mentioned, a feature called Genetic TIPS is aimed at ∙∙ Due to the expanding material in the area of medical
helping students refine their problem-solving skills. genetics and cancer biology, the chapter on medical genetics
2. Each section of every chapter ends with multiple-choice and cancer has been split into two chapters in the seventh
Comprehension Questions. Also, compared with previous edition.
editions, many chapters in the seventh edition are divided ∙∙ The material that was covered in Chapter 20 of the sixth
into more sections that are shorter in length. Formative edition has been placed in other chapters. Homologous
assessment at the end of each section allows students to recombination is now in Chapter 19 and transposition is in
evaluate their mastery of the material before moving on to Chapter 10.
the next section. The answers are provided in Appendix B
at the end of the book.
3. Most figures have Concept Check questions so that Examples of Specific Content Changes to
students can determine if they understand the key points in
the figure. The answers are provided in Appendix B at the
Individual Chapters in the Seventh Edition
end of the book. ∙∙ Chapter 2, Mendelian Inheritance: The discussion of the chi
4. Extensive end-of chapter questions continue to provide square test has been revised to better explain the connection to
students with feedback regarding their mastery of the the null hypothesis.
material. The answers to even-numbered questions are ∙∙ Chapter 4, Extensions of Mendelian Inheritance: Ever wonder
provided in Appendix B. why some breeds of dogs, such as collies, have white
5. The textbook material is supported by digital learning undersides with darker fur on their backs? A new subsection
tools found in Connect. Instructors can assign questions explains how this phenomenon is related to events during
and activities in Connect, and students also have access development that involve the migration and proliferation of
to our valuable adaptive study tool, SmartBook 2.0. melanocytes (see Figure 4.16).
With this tool, students are repeatedly given questions ∙∙ Chapter 6, Genetic and Linkage Mapping in Eukaryotes: The
regarding the textbook material, and depending on their section on genetic mapping has been revised to emphasize that
answers, they may advance in their reading, or they are the pattern of allele linkage is deduced from the true-breeding
given specific advice on what textbook material to go P generation and that F2 recombinants are produced by a
back and review. crossover.

∙∙ Chapter 7, Genetic Transfer and Mapping in Bacteria: The ∙∙ Chapter 21, Biotechnology: This chapter was Chapter 22
section on bacterial transduction has been simplified by in the sixth edition. The section entitled “Human Gene
eliminating the discussion of cotransduction, which is not Therapy” was moved to the chapter on medical genetics
commonly used. (now Chapter 24).
∙∙ Chapter 9, Molecular Structure of DNA and RNA: Based on ∙∙ Chapter 22, Genomics I: Analysis of DNA: This chapter was
reviewer feedback, the topic of triplex DNA was removed from Chapter 23 in the sixth edition. The section on physical
this chapter. mapping has been simplified.
∙∙ Chapter 10, Molecular Structure of Chromosomes and ∙∙ Chapter 23, Genomics II: Functional Genomics, Proteomics,
Transposable Elements: Due to their effects on chromosome and Bioinformatics: This chapter was Chapter 24 in the sixth
structure, transposable elements (discussed in Chapter 20 in the edition.
sixth edition) are now covered in this chapter (see Section 10.5). ∙∙ Chapter 24, Medical Genetics: This chapter was Chapter 25
New and revised figures regarding eukaryotic chromatin in the sixth edition. The topic of genome-wide association
structure were added (see Figures 10.19, 10.22, and 10.23). (GWA) studies was added (see Figure 24.8). The section
∙∙ Chapter 11, DNA Replication: A new model depicting the “Human Gene Therapy” was moved to this chapter. The
molecular structure of DNA polymerase has been added (see material on cancer was moved to Chapter 25, which solely
Figure 11.8b). focuses on cancer.
∙∙ Chapter 12, Gene Transcription and RNA Modification: New ∙∙ Chapter 25, Genetic Basis of Cancer: This topic is now
information describing how a component of the spliceosome featured in its own chapter, which includes four separate
acts as a ribozyme has been added. sections. The last section focuses on the role of epigenetics
∙∙ Chapter 14, Gene Regulation in Bacteria: The discussion of in cancer.
the trp operon has been simplified. ∙∙ Chapter 26, Developmental Genetics: The information on Hox
∙∙ Chapter 15, Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes I: Transcriptional genes in development and on the role of the SRY gene in
and Translational Regulation: The topic of insulators has been human sex determination has been updated.
moved to Chapter 16. They are now called “barriers” to ∙∙ Chapter 27, Population Genetics: Discussion of the topic of
heterochromatin formation. Discussion of the potential role of inbreeding has been expanded.
nucleosome-free regions in preventing heterochromatin ∙∙ Chapter 28, Complex and Quantitative Traits: The
spreading has been added. identification of QTLs is now covered in a separate
∙∙ Chapter 16, Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes II: Epigenetics: section.
A new section entitled “Heterochromatin: Formation, Structure, ∙∙ Chapter 29, Evolutionary Genetics: The cladistics method for
Formation, and Maintenance” has been added. This section has constructing a phylogenetic tree is compared with the UPGMA
five new figures (see Figures 16.4 through 16.8). The section method.
entitled “Role of Epigenetics in Cancer” was moved to
Chapter 25.
∙∙ Chapter 17, Non-coding RNAs: New figures illustrate non- Suggestions Welcome!
coding RNAs that act as a guide and a decoy (see Figures 17.2
It seems very appropriate to use the word evolution to describe the
and 17.3). Figure 17.10 was revised to distinguish between
continued development of this textbook. I welcome any and all
pRITS and pRISC, which silence the transcription and
comments. The refinement of any science textbook requires input
translation of transposable elements, respectively.
from instructors and their students. These include comments re-
∙∙ Chapter 18, Genetics of Viruses: The information on the origin
garding writing, illustrations, supplements, factual content, and
of HIV and the occurrence of HIV infection worldwide and in
topics that may need greater or less emphasis. You are invited to
the United States has been updated.
contact me at:
∙∙ Chapter 19, Gene Mutation, DNA Repair, and Recombination:
Figure 19.18, which concerns nucleotide excision repair, has Dr. Rob Brooker
been revised to include the function of UvrD. The section on Dept. of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development
homologous recombination (in Chapter 20 in the sixth edition) Dept. of Biology Teaching and Learning
was moved to this chapter. University of Minnesota
∙∙ Chapter 20, Molecular Technologies: This chapter was Chapter 6-160 Jackson Hall
21 in the sixth edition. The topic of real-time PCR has been 321 Church St.
divided into smaller subsections for clarity and ease of reading. Minneapolis, MN 55455
Section 20.4, formerly called “Gene Mutagenesis” is now
called “Gene Editing.” 612-624-3053


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I would also like to acknowledge the many people at
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the chapters of this textbook. Their broad insights and construc-
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tive suggestions were an overriding factor that shaped its final
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content and organization. I am truly grateful for their time and
ment and makes sure that all of the pieces of the puzzle are in
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REVIEWERS Deborah Duricka, University of Alaska Willian James MacKay, Edinboro

Anchorage University
Amy L. Abdulovic-Cui, Augusta Kurt J. Elliott, Northwest Vista College Helen Piontkivska, Kent State University
University Rajendra Goswami, Harold Washington Anthony Schroeder, University of
Bruce Bejcek, Western Michigan University College Minnesota Crookston
Dena Berg, Tarrant County College NW Vanessa Hörmann, Broward College Sabeeha Y. Shariff, College of DuPage
Chi-hua Chiu, Kent State University Vladimir Jurukovski, Suffolk County Michael A. Thornton, Florida A&M
Norman W. Clippinger, Metropolitan State Community College University
University of Denver Galyna Kufryk, Grand Canyon University Nina N. Thumser, Edinboro University
Brian J. Dingmann, University of Dr. Hsiu-Ping Liu, Metropolitan State Muatasem Ubeidat, Southwestern
Minnesota Crookston University of Denver Oklahoma State University

1.1 The Molecular Expression
of Genes
1.2 The Relationship Between
Genes and Traits
1.3 Fields of Genetics
1.4 The Science of Genetics

CC ( for “carbon copy”
or “copy cat”), the first
cloned pet. In 2002, the
cat shown here was
produced by reproductive
cloning, a procedure
described in Chapter 21.
©FEMA/Texas A&M
University/Getty Images

Hardly a week goes by without a major news story announcing a Studying the human genome allows us to explore funda-
genetic breakthrough. The increasing pace of genetic discoveries mental details about ourselves at the molecular level. The results
has become staggering. The Human Genome Project is a case in of human genome projects have shed considerable light on basic
point. This project began in the United States in 1990, when the questions, like how many genes we have, how genes direct the
National Institutes of Health and the Department of Energy joined activities of living cells, how species evolve, how single cells
forces with international partners to decipher the massive amount of develop into complex tissues, and how defective genes cause
information contained in our genome—the DNA found within all disease. Furthermore, understanding our genome may lend itself
of our chromosomes (Figure 1.1). Remarkably, in only a decade, to improvements in modern medicine by leading to better diag-
the researchers working on this project determined the DNA noses of diseases and allowing the development of new treat-
sequence (the order of the bases A, T, G, and C) of over 90% of the ments for them.
human genome. The completed sequence, published in 2003, has an The quest to unravel the mysteries within our genes has
accuracy greater than 99.99%; less than 1 mistake was made in involved the invention of many new technologies. For example,
every 10,000 base pairs! researchers have developed genetic techniques to produce medi-
In 2008, a more massive undertaking, called the 1000 Ge- cines, such as human insulin, that would otherwise be difficult or
nomes Project, was launched to establish a detailed understand- impossible to make. Human insulin is synthesized in strains of
ing of human genetic variation. In this international project, Escherichia coli bacteria that have been genetically altered by the
researchers set out to determine the DNA sequence of at least addition of genes that encode the polypeptides that form this hor-
1000 anonymous participants from around the globe. In 2015, mone. Grown in laboratories, these bacteria make large amounts of
the sequencing of over 2500 genomes was described in the jour- human insulin. As discussed in Chapter 21, the insulin is purified
nal Nature. and administered to many people with insulin-dependent diabetes.


DNA, the molecule of life
The adult human body
is composed of trillions
of cells.

Most human cells contain

the following:
• 46 human chromosomes,
found in 23 pairs


• 2 meters of DNA



• Approximately 22,000

genes coding for


proteins that perform

most life functions
• Approximately 3 billion
DNA base pairs per set mRNA
of chromosomes,
containing the bases A,
T, G, and C

Amino acid

Protein (composed of amino acids)

FI G U RE 1.1 The human genome. The human genome is a complete set of human chromosomes. People have two sets of chromosomes—one
set from each parent—which are found in the cell nucleus. The Human Genome Project revealed that each set of chromosomes is composed of a DNA
sequence that is approximately 3 billion base pairs long. As discussed later, most genes are first transcribed into mRNA and then the mRNA is used to
make proteins. Estimates suggest that each set of chromosomes contains about 22,000 different protein-encoding genes. This figure emphasizes the
DNA found in the cell nucleus. Humans also have a small amount of DNA in their mitochondria, which has also been sequenced.
CONCEPT CHECK: How might a better understanding of our genes be used in the field of medicine?

New genetic technologies are often met with skepticism and some-
times even with disdain. An example is mammalian cloning. In
1997, Ian Wilmut and his colleagues created clones of sheep,
using mammary cells from an adult animal (Figure 1.2). More
recently, such cloning has been achieved in several mammalian
species, including cows, mice, goats, pigs, and cats. In 2002, the
first pet was cloned, a cat named CC (for “carbon copy” or “copy
cat”; see the chapter-opening photo). The cloning of mammals
provides the potential for many practical applications. With regard
to livestock, cloning would enable farmers to use cells from their
best individuals to create genetically homogeneous herds. This
could be advantageous in terms of agricultural yield, although
such a genetically homogeneous herd may be more susceptible to
certain diseases. However, people have become greatly concerned
about the possibility of human cloning. This prospect has raised
serious ethical questions. Within the past few years, legislation F I G URE 1 . 2 The cloning of a mammal. The lamb in the front
that involves bans on human cloning has been introduced. is Dolly, the first mammal to be cloned. She was cloned from the cells of
a Finn Dorset (a white-faced sheep). The sheep in the back is Dolly’s
Finally, genetic technologies provide the means to modify
surrogate mother, a Blackface ewe. A description of how Dolly was
the traits of animals and plants in ways that would have been
produced is presented in Chapter 21.
unimaginable just a few decades ago. Figure 1.3a shows a strik- ©R. Scott Horner KRT/Newscom
ing example in which scientists introduced a gene from jellyfish
CONCEPT CHECK: What ethical issues may be associated with human cloning?
into mice. Certain species of jellyfish emit a “green glow”
1.1 The Molecular Expression of Genes 3

For example, Andrea Crisanti and colleagues have altered mosqui-

toes to express GFP only in the gonads of males (Figure 1.3b).
This enables the researchers to distinguish males from females and
sort mosquitoes by sex. Why is this useful? Researchers can pro-
duce a population of mosquitoes and then sterilize the males. The
ability to distinguish males from females makes it possible to
release the sterile males without the risk of releasing additional
females. The release of sterile males may be an effective means of
controlling mosquito populations because females mate only once
before they die. Mating with a sterile male prevents a female from
producing offspring. In 2008, Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie,
and Roger Tsien received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for the
discovery and development of GFP, which has become a widely
used tool in biology.
Overall, as we move forward in the twenty-first century, the
excitement level in the field of genetics is high, perhaps higher
than it has ever been. Nevertheless, new genetic knowledge and
(a) GFP expressed in mice technologies will create many ethical and societal challenges. In
this chapter, we begin with an overview of genetics and then
explore the various fields of genetics and their experimental
GFP approaches.


Learning Outcomes:
1. Describe the biochemical composition of cells.
2. Explain how proteins are largely responsible for cell struc-
(b) GFP expressed in the gonads of a male mosquito ture and function.
3. Outline how DNA stores the information to make proteins.
FI GURE 1.3 The introduction of a jellyfish gene into
laboratory mice and mosquitoes. (a) A gene that naturally occurs in
jellyfish encodes a protein called green fluorescent protein (GFP). The Genetics is the branch of biology that deals with heredity and
GFP gene was cloned and introduced into mice. When these mice are variation. It stands as the unifying discipline in biology by
exposed to UV light, GFP emits a bright green color. These mice glow
allowing us to understand how life can exist at all levels of com-
green, just like the jellyfish! (b) The GFP gene was introduced next to a
plexity, ranging from the molecular to the population level.
gene sequence that causes the expression of GFP only in the gonads of
male mosquitoes. The resulting green glow allows researchers to identify Genetic variation is the root of the natural diversity that we
and sort males from females. observe among members of the same species and among differ-
(a): ©Eye of Science/Science Source; (b): Photo taken by Flaminia Catteruccia, Jason Benton ent species.
and Andrea Crisanti, and assembled by Genetics is centered on the study of genes. A gene is clas-
CONCEPT CHECK: Why is it useful to sort male mosquitoes from females? sically defined as a unit of heredity. At the molecular level, a
gene is a segment of DNA that contains the information to pro-
duce a functional product. The functional product of most genes
is a polypeptide, which is a linear sequence of amino acids that
produced by a bioluminescent protein called green fluorescent folds into one of the units that constitute proteins. In addition,
protein (GFP) encoded by a gene in the jellyfish genome. When genes are commonly described according to the way they affect
exposed to blue or ultraviolet (UV) light, the protein emits a strik- traits, which are the characteristics of an organism. In humans,
ing green-colored light. Scientists were able to clone the GFP for example, we observe traits such as eye color, hair texture,
gene from a sample of jellyfish cells and then introduce this gene and height. The ongoing theme of this textbook is the relation-
into laboratory mice. The green fluorescent protein is made ship between genes and traits. As an organism grows and devel-
throughout the cells of their bodies. As a result, their skin, eyes, ops, its collection of genes provides a blueprint that determines
and organs give off an eerie green glow when exposed to UV its traits.
light. Only their fur does not glow. In this section, we examine the general features of life,
The expression of green fluorescent protein allows research- beginning with the molecular level and ending with popula-
ers to identify particular proteins in cells or specific body parts. tions of organisms. As will become apparent, genetics is the
Plant cell

common thread that explains the existence of life and its conti-
nuity from generation to generation. For most students, this
chapter should serve as an overview of topics they have learned
in other introductory courses such as general biology. Even so,
it is usually helpful to see the “big picture” of genetics before
delving into the finer details that are covered in Chapters 2
through 29.

Living Cells Are Composed of Biochemicals

To fully understand the relationship between genes and traits, we
need to begin with an examination of the composition of living
organisms. Every cell is constructed from intricately organized
chemical substances. Small organic molecules such as glucose and
amino acids are produced by the linkage of atoms via chemical
bonds. The chemical properties of organic molecules are essential
for cell vitality in two key ways. First, the breaking of chemical
bonds during the degradation of small molecules provides energy Chromosome
to drive cellular processes. A second important function of these
small organic molecules is their role as the building blocks for the Proteins
synthesis of larger molecules. Four important categories of larger
molecules are nucleic acids (i.e., DNA and RNA), proteins,
carbohydrates, and lipids. Three of these—nucleic acids, pro-
teins, and carbohydrates—form macromolecules that are com-
posed of many repeating units of smaller building blocks. RNA,
proteins, and some carbohydrates are made from hundreds or even DNA
thousands of repeating building blocks. DNA is the largest macro-
molecule found in living cells. A single DNA molecule can be
composed of a linear sequence of hundreds of millions of building
blocks called nucleotides!
The formation of cellular structures relies on the interac-
tions of molecules and macromolecules. For example, nucleo-
tides are connected together to make DNA, which is a constituent
of chromosomes (Figure 1.4). In addition, DNA is associated
with many proteins that provide organization to the structure of
chromosomes. Within a eukaryotic cell, the chromosomes are
contained in a compartment called the cell nucleus. The nucleus Nucleotides
is bounded by a double membrane composed of lipids and pro-
teins that shields the chromosomes from the rest of the cell. The
organization of chromosomes within a cell nucleus protects the Cytosine H Guanine
chromosomes from mechanical damage and provides a single N
compartment for genetic activities such as gene transcription. As O– O N H H

a general theme, the formation of large cellular structures arises O P O CH2

O O–
O– H2 N N
from interactions among different molecules and macromole- H
cules. These cellular structures, in turn, are organized to make a OH H
complete living cell. H H


Each Cell Contains Many Different FIGURE 1.4 Molecular organization of a living cell. Cellular
Proteins That Determine Cell Structure structures are constructed from smaller building blocks. In this example,
DNA is formed from the linkage of nucleotides, producing a very long
and Function macromolecule. The DNA associates with proteins to form a chromosome.
To a great extent, the characteristics of a cell depend on the types The chromosomes are located within a membrane-bound organelle called
of proteins that it makes. The entire collection of proteins that a cell the nucleus, which, along with many other different types of organelles, is
makes at a given time is called its proteome. The range of func- found within a complete cell.
tions among different types of proteins is truly remarkable. Some (inset) ©Biophoto Associates/Science Source

proteins help determine the shape and structure of a given cell. CONCEPT CHECK: Is DNA a small molecule, a macromolecule, or an organelle?
1.1 The Molecular Expression of Genes 5

For example, the protein known as tubulin assembles into large

structures known as microtubules, which provide the cell with
internal structure and organization. Other proteins are inserted into
cell membranes and aid in the transport of ions and small mole-
cules across the membrane. Enzymes, which accelerate chemical
reactions, are a particularly important category of proteins. Some
enzymes play a role in the breakdown of molecules or macromol-
ecules into smaller units. Known as catabolic enzymes, these are
important in the utilization of energy. Alternatively, anabolic
enzymes and accessory proteins function in the synthesis of
molecules and macromolecules throughout the cell. The construc-
tion of a cell greatly depends on its proteins that are involved in
anabolism because these are required to synthesize all cellular
Molecular biologists have come to realize that the functions
of proteins underlie the cellular characteristics of every organism.
At the molecular level, proteins can be viewed as the active partic-
ipants in the enterprise of life.

F I G URE 1 . 5 A micrograph of the 46 chromosomes found in a

DNA Stores the Information for Protein Synthesis cell from a human male.
©Kateryna Kon/Shutterstock
The genetic material of living organisms is composed of a sub-
stance called deoxyribonucleic acid, abbreviated DNA. The CONCEPT CHECK: Which types of macromolecules are found in chromosomes?
DNA stores the information needed for the synthesis of all cellu-
lar proteins. In other words, the main function of the genetic blue-
print is to code for the production of proteins in the correct cell, as a karyotype. The DNA of an average human chromosome is an
at the proper time, and in suitable amounts. This is an extremely extraordinarily long, linear, double-stranded structure that contains
complicated task because living cells make thousands of different well over a hundred million nucleotides. Along the immense length
proteins. Genetic analyses have shown that a typical bacterium of a chromosome, the genetic information is parceled into func-
can make a few thousand different proteins, and estimates for the tional units known as genes. An average-sized human chromosome
numbers produced by complex eukaryotic species range in the is expected to contain about 1000 different protein-encoding genes.
tens of thousands.
DNA’s ability to store information is based on its structure.
DNA is composed of a linear sequence of nucleotides. Each nucle-
The Information in DNA Is Accessed During
otide contains one of four nitrogen-containing bases: adenine (A), the Process of Gene Expression
thymine (T), guanine (G), or cytosine (C). The linear order of these To synthesize its proteins, a cell must be able to access the infor-
bases along a DNA molecule contains information similar to the mation that is stored within its DNA. The process of using a gene
way that groups of letters of the alphabet represent words. For exam- sequence to affect the characteristics of cells and organisms is
ple, the “meaning” of the sequence of bases ATGGGCCTTAGC referred to as gene expression. At the molecular level, the infor-
differs from that of the sequence TTTAAGCTTGCC. DNA mation within genes is accessed in a stepwise process (Figure 1.6).
sequences within most genes contain the information to direct the In the first step, known as transcription, the DNA sequence
order of amino acids within polypeptides according to the genetic within a gene is copied into a nucleotide sequence of ribonucleic
code. In the code, a three-base sequence, called a codon, specifies acid (RNA). Protein-encoding genes (also called structural
one particular amino acid among the 20 possible choices. One genes) carry the information for the amino acid sequence of a
or more polypeptides form a functional protein. In this way, the polypeptide. When a protein-encoding gene is transcribed, the
DNA can store the information to specify the proteins made by first product is an RNA molecule known as messenger RNA
an organism. (mRNA). During polypeptide synthesis—a process called
translation—the sequence of nucleotides within the mRNA
DNA Sequence Amino Acid Sequence determines the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide. One or
more polypeptides then fold and assemble into a functional pro-
ATG GGC CTT AGC Methionine Glycine Leucine Serine tein. The synthesis of functional proteins largely determines an
TTT AAG CTT GCC Phenylalanine Lysine Leucine Alanine organism’s traits. As discussed further in Chapter 12 (look ahead
to Figure 12.1), the pathway of gene expression from DNA to
In living cells, the DNA is found within large structures known as RNA to protein is called the central dogma of genetics (also
chromosomes. Figure 1.5 is a micrograph of the 46 chromosomes called the central dogma of molecular biology). It forms a corner-
contained in a cell from a human male; this type of image is known stone of our understanding of genetics at the molecular level.

DNA 4. The direct result of the process of transcription is the synthesis of

a. DNA.
b. RNA.
c. a polypeptide.
d. all of the above.

RNA (messenger RNA)


Learning Outcomes:
1. Outline how the expression of genes leads to an organism’s
Protein traits.
(sequence of
amino acids)
2. Define genetic variation.
3. Discuss the relationship between genes and traits.
4. Describe how genes are transmitted in sexually reproducing
5. Explain the process of evolution.
Functioning of proteins within living
cells influences an organism’s traits. A trait is any characteristic that an organism displays. In genetics,
we often focus our attention on morphological traits, those that
FI GURE 1.6 Gene expression at the molecular
affect the appearance, form, and structure of an organism. The
level. The expression of a gene is a multistep process.
During transcription, one of the DNA strands is used as a color of a flower and the height of a pea plant are morphological
template to make an RNA strand. During translation, the traits. Geneticists frequently study these types of traits because they
RNA strand is used to specify the sequence of amino acids are easy to evaluate. For example, an experimenter can simply look
within a polypeptide. One or more polypeptides form a protein that at a plant and tell if it has red or white flowers. However, not all
functions within the cell, thereby influencing an organism’s traits. traits are morphological. Physiological traits affect the ability of
CONCEPT CHECK: Where is the information to make a polypeptide stored? an organism to function. For example, the rate at which a bacterium
metabolizes a sugar such as lactose is a physiological trait. Like
morphological traits, physiological traits are controlled, in part, by
the expression of genes. Behavioral traits affect the ways an organ-
ism responds to its environment. An example is the mating calls of
bird species. In animals, the nervous system plays a key role in
governing such traits. In this section, we will examine the relation-
1.1 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS ship between the expression of genes and an organism’s traits.
1. Which of the following is not a constituent of a cell’s proteome?
a. An enzyme The Molecular Expression of Genes Leads
b. A cytoskeletal protein to an Organism’s Traits
c. A transport protein in the plasma membrane A complicated, yet very exciting, aspect of genetics is that the
d. An mRNA field’s observations and theories span four levels of biological
2. A gene is a segment of DNA that contains the information to organization: molecules, cells, organisms, and populations. This
produce a functional product. The functional product of most broad scope can make it difficult to appreciate the relationship
genes is between genes and traits. To understand this connection, we need
a. DNA. to relate the following phenomena:
b. mRNA. 1. Genes are expressed at the molecular level. In other words,
c. a polypeptide. gene transcription and translation lead to the production of
d. none of the above. a particular protein, which is a molecular process.
2. Proteins often function at the cellular level. The function
3. The function of the genetic code is to
of a protein within a cell affects the structure and workings
a. promote transcription.
of that cell.
b. specify the amino acids within a polypeptide. 3. An organism’s traits are determined by the characteristics
c. alter the sequence of DNA. of its cells. We do not have microscopic vision, yet when
d. do none of the above. we view morphological traits, we are really observing the
1.2 The Relationship Between Genes and Traits 7

properties of an individual’s cells. For example, a red

flower has its color because its cells make a red pigment.
The trait of red flower color is an observation at the
organism level. Yet the trait is rooted in the molecular Pigmentation gene Pigmentation gene
(dark allele) (light allele)
characteristics of the organism’s cells. found in a dark butterfly found in a light butterfly
4. A species is a group of organisms that maintains a
distinctive set of attributes in nature. The occurrence of a Transcription and translation
trait within a species is an observation at the population
level. Along with learning how a trait occurs, we also want
to understand why a trait becomes prevalent in a particular
species. In many cases, researchers discover that a trait
predominates within a population because it promotes the
reproductive success of the members of the population. Highly functional Poorly functional
pigment-synthesizing enzyme pigment-synthesizing enzyme
This leads to the evolution of beneficial traits.
(a) Molecular level
To illustrate the four levels of genetics with an example, Figure 1.7
considers the trait of pigmentation in a species of butterflies.
Some members of this species are dark colored and others are very
light. Let’s consider how we can explain this trait at the molecular, molecule
cellular, organism, and population levels.
At the molecular level, we need to understand the nature of the Wing cells
gene or genes that govern this trait. As shown in Figure 1.7a, a gene,
which we will call the pigmentation gene, is responsible for the
amount of pigment produced. The pigmentation gene exists in two Lots of pigment made Little pigment made
different versions. Alternative versions of a specific gene are called (b) Cellular level
alleles. In this example, one allele confers a dark pigmentation and
the other causes a light pigmentation. Each of these alleles encodes a
protein that functions as a pigment-synthesizing enzyme. However,
the DNA sequences of the two alleles differ slightly from each other.
This difference in the DNA sequences leads to a variation in the struc-
ture and function of the respective pigment-synthesizing enzymes.
At the cellular level (Figure 1.7b), the functional differences
between the two pigment-synthesizing enzymes affect the amount Dark butterfly Light butterfly
of pigment produced. The allele causing dark pigmentation, which
is shown on the left, encodes an enzyme that functions very well. (c) Organism level
Therefore, when this gene is expressed in the cells of the wings, a
large amount of pigment is made. By comparison, the allele caus-
ing light pigmentation encodes an enzyme that functions poorly.
Therefore, when this allele is the only pigmentation gene
expressed, little pigment is made.
At the organism level (Figure 1.7c), the amount of pigment
in the wing cells governs the color of the wings. If the pigment-
synthesizing enzymes produce high amounts of pigment, the
wings are dark colored. If the enzymes produce little pigment, the
wings are light.
Finally, at the population level (Figure 1.7d), geneticists
would like to know why a species of butterfly would contain some
members with dark wings and other members with light wings.
Dark butterflies usually live Light butterflies usually live
One possible explanation is differential predation. The butterflies in forested areas. in unforested areas.
with dark wings might better avoid being eaten by birds if they
happened to live within a dimly lit forest. The dark wings would (d) Population level
help to camouflage the butterfly if it were perched on a dark sur-
face such as a tree trunk. In contrast, light-colored wings would be F I G URE 1 . 7 The relationship between genes and traits at the
an advantage if the butterfly inhabited a brightly lit meadow. Un- (a) molecular, (b) cellular, (c) organism, and (d) population levels.
der these conditions, a bird might be less likely to notice a light- CONCEPT CHECK: Which butterfly has a more active pigment-synthesizing
colored butterfly that was perched on a sunlit surface. A population enzyme, the dark- or light-colored one?

geneticist might study this species of butterfly and find that the
dark-colored members usually live in forested areas and the light-
colored members reside in unforested areas.

Inherited Differences in Traits Are

Due to Genetic Variation
In Figure 1.7, we considered how gene expression leads to varia-
tion in a trait of organisms, using the example of dark- versus F I G URE 1 . 8 Two dyeing poison frogs (Dendrobates tinctorius)
light-colored wings in a species of butterflies. Variation in traits are examples of different morphs within a single species.
among members of the same species is very common. For example, (Left): ©Natalia Kuzmina/Shutterstock; (Right): ©Valt Ahyppo/Shutterstock
some people have brown hair and others have blond hair; some CONCEPT CHECK: Why do these two frogs look so different?
petunias have white flowers and others have purple flowers. These
are examples of genetic variation. This term refers to the differ-
ences in inherited traits among individuals within a population. Traits Are Governed by Genes
In large populations that occupy a wide geographic range, and by the Environment
genetic variation can be quite striking. Morphological differences
In our discussion thus far, we have considered the role that genes
have often led geneticists to misidentify two members of the same
play in determining an organism’s traits. Another critical factor is
species as belonging to separate species. As an example, Figure 1.8
the environment—the surroundings in which an organism exists.
shows two dyeing poison frogs that are members of the same species,
A variety of factors in an organism’s environment profoundly
Dendrobates tinctorius. They display dramatic differences in their
affects its morphological and physiological features. For example,
markings. Such contrasting forms within a single species are termed
a person’s diet greatly influences many traits, such as height,
morphs. You can easily imagine how someone might mistakenly
weight, and even intelligence. Likewise, the amount of sunlight a
conclude that these frogs are not members of the same species.
plant receives affects its growth rate and the color of its flowers.
Changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA underlie the genetic
An interesting example of the interplay between genes and
variation that we see among individuals. Throughout this textbook,
the environment involves the human genetic disease phenylke-
we will routinely examine how variation in the genetic material results
tonuria (PKU). Humans have a gene that encodes an enzyme
in changes in an organism’s traits. At the molecular level, genetic
known as phenylalanine hydroxylase. Most people have two func-
variation can be attributed to different types of modifications.
tional copies of this gene. People with one or two functional cop-
1. Small or large differences can occur within gene sequences. ies of the gene can eat foods containing the amino acid
When such changes initially occur, they are called gene phenylalanine and metabolize it properly.
mutations. Mutations result in genetic variation in which a A rare variation in the gene that encodes phenylalanine hydrox-
gene is found in two or more alleles, as previously de- ylase results in a nonfunctional version of this enzyme. Individuals
scribed in Figure 1.7. In many cases, gene mutations alter
the expression or function of a protein that a gene encodes.
2. Major alterations can also occur in the structure of a chro-
mosome. A large segment of a chromosome can be lost, re-
arranged, or reattached to another chromosome.
3. Variation may also occur in the total number of chromo-
somes. In some cases, an organism may inherit one too
many or one too few chromosomes. In other cases, it may
inherit an extra set of chromosomes.
Variations of sequences within genes are a common source of
genetic variation among members of the same species. In humans,
familiar examples of sequence variation involve genes for eye
color, hair texture, and skin pigmentation. Chromosome variation—
a change in chromosome structure or number (or both)—is also
found, but this type of change is often detrimental. Many human
(a) (b)
genetic disorders are the result of chromosomal alterations. The
most common example is Down syndrome, which is due to the F I G URE 1 . 9 Examples of chromosome variation. (a) A person
presence of an extra chromosome (Figure 1.9a). By comparison, with Down syndrome. She has 47 chromosomes rather than the common
chromosome variation in plants is common and often results in number of 46, because she has an extra copy of chromosome 21. (b) A
plants with superior characteristics, such as increased resistance to wheat plant. Cultivated wheat has six sets of chromosomes.
disease. Plant breeders have frequently exploited this observation. (a): ©Stockbyte/Alamy; (b): ©Pixtal/age fotostock
Cultivated varieties of wheat, for example, have many more chro- CONCEPT CHECK: Do these examples constitute variation in chromosome
mosomes than the wild species does (Figure 1.9b). structure or variation in chromosome number?
1.2 The Relationship Between Genes and Traits 9

with two copies of this rare, inactive allele cannot metabolize phenyla- contain two copies of each chromosome, one from each parent.
lanine properly. When given a standard diet containing phenylalanine, The two copies are called homologs of each other. Because genes
individuals with this disorder are unable to break down this amino are located within chromosomes, diploid organisms have two cop-
acid. Phenylalanine accumulates and is converted into phenylketones, ies of most genes. Humans, for example, have 46 chromosomes,
which are detected in the urine. Individuals with PKU can manifest a which are found in homologous pairs (Figure 1.10a). With the
variety of detrimental traits, including mental impairment, underdevel- exception of the sex chromosomes (X and Y), each homologous
oped teeth, and foul-smelling urine. Fortunately, through routine new- pair contains the same kinds of genes. For example, both copies of
born screening in the United States, PKU is now diagnosed early. Part human chromosome 12 carry the gene that encodes phenylalanine
of the treatment is a diet that restricts phenylalanine, which is present hydroxylase, the enzyme that is nonfunctional in people with
in high-protein foods such as eggs, meat, and dairy products. Restrict- PKU. Therefore, each individual has two copies of this gene,
ing phenylalanine allows the affected child to develop normally. PKU which may or may not be identical alleles.
provides a dramatic example of how the environment and an individu- Most cells of the human body that are not directly involved
al’s genes can interact to influence the traits of the organism. in sexual reproduction contain 46 chromosomes. These cells are
called somatic cells. In contrast, the gametes—sperm and egg
cells—contain half that number (23) and are termed haploid
During Reproduction, Genes Are Passed (Figure 1.10b). The union of gametes during fertilization restores
from Parent to Offspring the diploid number of chromosomes. The primary advantage of
Now that we have considered how genes and the environment govern sexual reproduction is that it enhances genetic variation. For exam-
the outcome of traits, we can turn to the issue of inheritance. How are ple, a tall person with blue eyes and a short person with brown eyes
traits passed from parents to offspring? The foundation for our under- may have short offspring with blue eyes or tall offspring with brown
standing of inheritance came from Gregor Mendel’s study of pea eyes. Therefore, sexual reproduction can result in new combina-
plants in the nineteenth century. His work revealed that the genetic tions of two or more traits that differ from those of either parent.
determinants that govern traits, which we now call genes, are passed
The Genetic Composition of a Species Evolves
from parent to offspring as discrete units. We can predict the outcome
of many genetic crosses based on Mendel’s laws of inheritance. from Generation to Generation
The inheritance patterns identified by Mendel can be As we have just seen, sexual reproduction has the potential to enhance
explained by the existence of chromosomes and their behavior genetic variation. This can be an advantage for a population of indi-
during cell division. Like Mendel’s pea plants, sexually reproduc- viduals as they struggle to survive and compete within their natural
ing species are commonly diploid. This means that their cells environment. The term biological evolution, or simply, evolution,

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 XX 17 18 19 20 21 22 X

(a) Chromosomal composition found (b) Chromosomal composition found in

in human somatic cells of females a human gamete (23 chromosomes)
(46 chromosomes)

FI GURE 1.10 The complement of human chromosomes in somatic cells and gametes. (a) A schematic drawing of the 46 chromosomes of a
human. With the exception of the sex chromosomes, these are always found in homologous pairs in somatic cells, such as skin or nerve cells. (b) The
chromosomal composition of a gamete, which contains only 23 chromosomes, one from each pair. This gamete contains an X chromosome. Half of the
gametes from human males contain a Y chromosome instead of an X chromosome.
CONCEPT CHECK: The leaf cells of a corn plant contain 20 chromosomes each. How many chromosomes are found in a gamete made by a corn plant?

refers to the process of changes in the genetic makeup of a population become prevalent in future generations because the individuals car-
from one generation to the next. rying the allele are more likely to reproduce and pass the beneficial
As suggested by Charles Darwin in the nineteenth century, the allele to their offspring. This process is known as natural selection.
members of a species are in competition with one another for essen- In this way, a species becomes better adapted to its environment.
tial resources. Random genetic changes (i.e., mutations) occasion- Over a long period of time, the accumulation of many genetic
ally occur within an individual’s genes, and sometimes these changes changes may lead to rather striking modifications in a species’ char-
lead to a modification of traits that promote reproductive success. acteristics. As an example, Figure 1.11 depicts the evolution of the
For example, over the course of many generations, random gene modern-day horse. Over time, a variety of morphological changes
mutations have lengthened the snout and extended the tongue of the occurred, including an increase in size, fewer toes, and modified
anteater, enabling it to probe into the ground and feed on ants. When jaw structure. The changes can be attributed to natural selection.
a mutation creates a new allele that is beneficial, the allele may Over North America, where much of horse evolution occurred,

0 Hippidium and other genera

5 Pliohippus

Hipparion Neohipparion


Sinohippus Megahippus

Millions of years ago (mya)

Anchitherium Hypohippus




Paleotherium Epihippus


Pachynolophus Orohippus


FI G U RE 1.1 1 The evolutionary changes that led to the modern horse genus, Equus. Three important morphological changes that occurred
were larger size, fewer toes, and a shift toward a jaw structure suited for grazing.
CONCEPT CHECK: According to the theory of evolution, why have these changes occurred in horse populations over the course of many generations?
1.3 Fields of Genetics 11

large areas of dense forests were replaced with grasslands. The 4. Evolutionary change caused by natural selection results in spe-
increase in size and changes in foot structure enabled horses to cies with
escape predators more easily and travel greater distances in search a. greater complexity.
of food. Natural selection favored the changes seen in horses’ teeth, b. less complexity.
because such changes allowed them to eat grasses and other types c. greater reproductive success in their environment.
of vegetation that are tougher and require more chewing.
d. the ability to survive longer.


1. At which of the following levels can gene expression be observed?
a. Molecular and cellular levels Learning Outcome:
b. Organism level 1. Compare and contrast the three major fields of genetics:
c. Population level transmission, molecular, and population genetics.
d. All of the above
2. Variation in the traits of organisms may be attributable to Genetics is a broad discipline encompassing molecular, cellular,
a. gene mutations. organism, and population biology. Many scientists who are inter-
b. alterations in chromosome structure. ested in genetics have been trained in supporting disciplines such
c. variation in chromosome number. as biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology, mathematics, microbiol-
d. all of the above. ogy, population biology, ecology, agriculture, and medicine.
Experimentally, geneticists often focus their efforts on model
3. A human skin cell has 46 chromosomes. A human sperm cell has
organisms—organisms studied by many different researchers so
a. 23.
that they can compare their results and determine scientific prin-
b. 46. ciples that apply more broadly to other species. Figure 1.12 shows
c. 92. some examples of model organisms: Escherichia coli (a bacte-
d. None of the above is the number of chromosomes in a rium), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (a yeast), Drosophila melano-
sperm cell. gaster (fruit fly), Caenorhabditis elegans (a nematode worm),

0.3 μm 7 μm

(a) Escherichia coli (b) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (c) Drosophila melanogaster

156 μm

(d) Caenorhabditis elegans (e) Mus musculus (f) Arabidopsis thaliana

FI GURE 1.12 Examples of model organisms studied by geneticists. (a) Escherichia coli (a bacterium), (b) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(a yeast), (c) Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), (d) Caenorhabditis elegans (a nematode worm), (e) Mus musculus (mouse), and (f) Arabidopsis
thaliana (a flowering plant).
(a): Source: Peggy S. Hayes & Elizabeth H. White, M.S./CDC; (b): ©Science Photo Library/Alamy; (c): ©Janeff/Getty Images; (d): ©Sinclair Stammers/Science Source; (e): ©G.K. & Vikki Hart/
Getty Images; (f): ©WILDLIFE GmbH/Alamy
CONCEPT CHECK: Can you think of another example of a model organism?

Mus musculus (mouse), and Arabidopsis thaliana (a flowering Molecular geneticists often study mutant genes that have
plant). Model organisms offer experimental advantages over other abnormal function. This is called a genetic approach to the study
species. For example, E. coli is a very simple organism that can be of a research question. In many cases, researchers analyze the
easily grown in the laboratory. By limiting their work to a few effects of a gene mutation that eliminates the function of a gene.
model organisms, researchers can more easily unravel the genetic This is called a loss-of-function mutation, and the resulting ver-
mechanisms that govern the traits of a given species. Furthermore, sion of the gene is called a loss-of-function allele. Studying the
the genes found in model organisms often function in a similar effect of such a mutation often reveals the role of the functional,
way to those found in humans. nonmutant gene. For example, let’s suppose that a particular plant
The study of genetics has been traditionally divided into species produces purple flowers. If a loss-of-function mutation
three areas—transmission, molecular, and population genetics— within a given gene causes a plant of that species to produce white
although there is some overlap of these three fields. In this section, flowers, you might suspect that the role of the functional gene
we compare these three fields of genetics. involves the production of purple pigmentation.
Studies within molecular genetics interface with other disci-
Transmission Genetics Explores the Inheritance plines such as biochemistry, biophysics, and cell biology. In addi-
Patterns of Traits as They Are Passed from Parents tion, advances within molecular genetics have shed considerable
to Offspring light on the areas of transmission and population genetics. Our
quest to understand molecular genetics has spawned a variety of
A scientist working in the field of transmission genetics examines modern molecular technologies and computer-based approaches.
the relationship between the transmission of genes from parent to Furthermore, discoveries within molecular genetics have had wide-
offspring and the outcome of the offspring’s traits. For example, spread applications in agriculture, medicine, and biotechnology.
how can two brown-eyed parents produce a blue-eyed child? Or
why do tall parents tend to produce tall children, but not always? Population Genetics Is Concerned with Genetic
Our modern understanding of transmission genetics began with Variation and Its Role in Evolution
the studies of Gregor Mendel. His work provided the conceptual
framework for transmission genetics. In particular, he originated The foundations of population genetics arose during the first few
the idea that factors, which we now call genes, are passed as dis- decades of the twentieth century. Although many scientists of this era
crete units from parents to offspring via sperm and egg cells. Since did not accept the findings of Mendel or Darwin, the theories of
Mendel’s pioneering studies in the 1860s, our knowledge of population genetics provided a compelling way to connect the two
genetic transmission has skyrocketed. Many patterns of genetic viewpoints. Mendel’s work and that of many succeeding geneticists
transmission are more complex than the simple Mendelian pat- gave insight into the nature of genes and how they are transmitted
terns that are described in Chapter 2. The additional complexities from parents to offspring. The work of Darwin provided a natural
of transmission genetics are examined in Chapters 3 through 8. explanation for the variation in characteristics observed among the
Experimentally, the fundamental technique used by a trans- members of a species. To relate these two phenomena, population
mission geneticist is the genetic cross—the breeding of two geneticists have developed mathematical theories to explain the prev-
selected individuals and then analyzing their offspring in an alence of certain alleles within populations of individuals. This work
attempt to understand how traits are passed from parents to off- helps us understand how processes such as natural selection have
spring. In the case of experimental organisms, the researcher resulted in the prevalence of individuals that carry particular alleles.
chooses two parents with particular traits and then categorizes the Population geneticists are particularly interested in genetic
offspring according to the traits they possess. In many cases, this variation and how that variation is related to an organism’s envi-
analysis is quantitative in nature. For example, an experimenter ronment. In this field, the frequencies of alleles within a popula-
may cross two tall pea plants and obtain 100 offspring that fall into tion are of central importance.
two categories: 75 tall and 25 dwarf. As we will see in Chapter 2,
the ratio of tall to dwarf offspring provides important information
concerning the inheritance pattern of the height trait.
1. Which of the following is not a model organism?
Molecular Genetics Focuses on a Biochemical a. Mus musculus (laboratory mouse)
Understanding of the Hereditary Material b. Escherichia coli (a bacterium)
The goal of molecular genetics, as the name of the field implies, is c. Saccharomyces cerevisiae (a yeast)
to understand how the genetic material works at the molecular d. Sciurus carolinensis (gray squirrel)
level. In other words, molecular geneticists want to understand the
2. A person studying the rate of transcription of a particular gene is
molecular features of DNA and how these features underlie the
working in the field of
expression of genes. The experiments of molecular geneticists are
a. molecular genetics.
usually conducted within the confines of a laboratory. Their efforts
frequently progress to a detailed analysis of DNA, RNA, and pro- b. transmission genetics.
teins, using a variety of techniques that are described throughout c. population genetics.
Parts III, IV, and V of this textbook. d. None of the above is correct.
1.4 The Science of Genetics 13

4. The raw data from the experiment are then presented.

1.4 THE SCIENCE OF GENETICS 5. Last, an interpretation of the data is offered within the text.
Learning Outcomes: The rationale behind this approach is that it enables you to see the
1. Describe what makes genetics an experimental science. experimental process from beginning to end. As you read through
2. Outline different strategies for solving problems in genetics. the chapters, the experiments will help you to see the relationship
between science and scientific theories.
As a student of genetics, you will be given the opportunity
Science is a way of knowing about our natural world. The science to involve your mind in the experimental process. As you are read-
of genetics allows us to understand how the expression of our ing an experiment, you may find yourself thinking about different
genes produces the traits that we possess. In this section, we will approaches and alternative hypotheses. Different people can view
consider how scientists attempt to answer questions via experi- the same data and arrive at very different conclusions. As you
mentation. We will also consider general approaches for solving progress through the experiments in this book, you will enjoy
problems. genetics far more if you try to develop your skills at formulating
hypotheses, designing experiments, and interpreting data. Also,
Genetics Is an Experimental Science some of the questions in the problem sets are aimed at refining
Researchers typically follow two general types of scientific these skills.
approaches: hypothesis testing and discovery-based science. In Finally, it is worthwhile to point out that science is a social
hypothesis testing, also called the scientific method, scientists discipline. As you develop your skills at scrutinizing experiments,
follow a series of steps to reach verifiable conclusions about the it is fun to discuss your ideas with other people, including fellow
world. Although scientists arrive at their theories in different students and faculty members. Keep in mind that you do not need
ways, the scientific method provides a way to validate (or invali- to “know all the answers” before you enter into a scientific discus-
date) a particular hypothesis. Alternatively, research may also sion. Instead, it is more rewarding to view science as an ongoing
involve the collection of data without a preconceived hypothesis. and never-ending dialogue.
For example, researchers might analyze the genes found in cancer
cells to identify those that have become mutant. In this case, the Genetic TIPS Will Help You to Improve Your
scientists may not have a hypothesis about which particular genes Problem-Solving Skills
may be involved. The collection and analysis of data without the
need for a preconceived hypothesis is called discovery-based As your progress through this textbook, your learning will involve
science or, simply, discovery science. two general goals:
In traditional science textbooks, the emphasis often lies on ∙∙ You will gather foundational knowledge. In other words,
the product of science. That is, many textbooks are aimed primar- you will be able to describe core concepts in genetics. For
ily at teaching the student about the observations scientists have example, you will be able to explain how DNA replication
made and the hypotheses they have proposed to explain those ob- occurs and describe the proteins that are involved in this
servations. Along the way, the student is provided with many bits process.
and pieces of experimental techniques and data. Likewise, this ∙∙ You will develop problem-solving skills that allow you to
textbook also provides you with many observations and hypothe- apply that foundational knowledge in different ways. For
ses. However, it attempts to go one step further. Most chapters example, you will learn how to use statistics to determine
contain one or two figures presenting experiments that have been if a genetic hypothesis is consistent with experimental
“dissected” into five individual components to help you to under- data.
stand the entire scientific process:
The combination of foundational knowledge and problem-solving
1. Background information is provided so that you can appre- skills will enable you not only to understand genetics, but also to
ciate observations that were known prior to conducting the apply your knowledge in different situations. To help you develop
experiment. these skills, Chapters 2 through 29 contain solved problems named
2. Most experiments involve the testing of a hypothesis via Genetic TIPS, which stands for Topic, Information, and Problem-
the scientific method. In those cases, the figure presenting solving Strategy. These solved problems follow a consistent pattern.
the experiment states the hypothesis the scientists were try-
ing to test. In other words, what scientific question were
the researchers trying to answer? GENETIC TIPS THE QUESTION: All of the Genetic TIPS
3. Next, the figure follows the experimental steps the scien- begin with a question. As an example, let’s consider the following
tists took to test the hypothesis. The figure presents two question:
parallel illustrations labeled “Experimental Level” and     The coding strand of DNA in a segment of a gene is as follows:
ATG GGC CTT AGC. This strand carries the information to make a
“Conceptual Level.” The experimental level helps you to
region of a polypeptide with the amino acid sequence, methionine-
understand the techniques that were used. The conceptual
glycine-leucine-serine. What would be the consequences if a mutation
level helps you to understand what is actually happening at changed the second cytosine (C) in this sequence to an adenine (A)?
each step in the procedure.

T OPIC: What topic in genetics does this question address? The 5. Relate structure and function. A recurring theme in
topic is gene expression. More specifically, the question is about biology and genetics is that structure determines function.
the relationship between a gene sequence and the genetic code. This relationship holds true at many levels of biology,
including the molecular, microscopic, and macroscopic
I NFORMATION: What information do you know based on the levels. For some questions, you will need to understand
question and your understanding of the topic? In the question,
how certain structural features are related to their
you are given the base sequence of a short segment of a gene and
biological functions.
told that one of the bases has been changed. From your
6. Describe the steps. At first, some questions may be diffi-
understanding of the topic, you may remember that a polypeptide
cult to understand because they may involve mechanisms
sequence is determined by reading the mRNA (transcribed from a
gene) in groups of three bases called codons.
that occur in a series of several steps. Sometimes, if you
sort out the steps, you may identify the key step that you
P ROBLEM-SOLVING S TRATEGY: Compare and contrast. need to understand to solve the problem.
One strategy to solve this problem is to compare the mRNA 7. Propose a hypothesis. A hypothesis is an attempt to
sequence (transcribed from this gene) before and after the mutation: explain an observation or data. Hypotheses may be made
in many forms, including statements, models, equations,
Original: AUG GGC CUU AGC and diagrams.
Mutant:     AUG GGC   AUU AGC 8. Design an experiment. Experimental design lies at the
heart of science. In many cases, an experiment begins with
ANSWER: The mutation has changed the sequence of bases in the
some type of starting material(s), such as strains of organ-
mRNA so the third codon has changed from CUU to AUU. Because
isms or purified molecules, and then the starting materials
codons specify amino acids, this alteration may change the third
are subjected to a series of steps. The experiments featured
amino acid to something else. Note: If you look ahead to
throughout the textbook will also help you refine the skill
Chapter 13 (see Table 13.1), you will see that CUU specifies
of designing experiments.
leucine, whereas AUU specifies isoleucine. Therefore, you would
predict that the mutation would change the third amino acid from
9. Analyze data. The results from an experiment produce data
leucine to isoleucine. that can be analyzed in order to accept or reject a hypoth-
esis. Many of the Genetic TIPS give you practice at analyz-
ing data. For example, a variety of different statistical
methods are used to analyze data and make conclusions
Throughout Chapters 2 through 29, each chapter will contain sev-
about what the data mean.
eral Genetic TIPS. Some of these will be within the chapter itself
10. Make a calculation. Genetics is a quantitative science.
and some will precede the problem set that is at the end of each
Researchers have devised mathematical relationships to
chapter. Though there are many different problem-solving strate-
understand and predict genetic phenomena. Becoming
gies, Genetic TIPS will focus on ten strategies that will help you to
familiar with these mathematical relationships will help
solve problems. You will see these ten strategies over and over
you to better understand genetic concepts and to make
again as you progress through the textbook:
1. Define key terms. In some cases, a question may be diffi-
For most problems throughout this textbook, one or more of these
cult to understand because you don’t know the meaning of
strategies may help you to arrive at the correct solution. Genetic
one or more key terms in the question. If so, you will need
TIPS will provide you with practice at applying these ten problem-
to begin your problem-solving by defining such terms,
solving strategies.
either by looking them up in the glossary or by using the
index to find the location in the text where the key terms
are explained.
2. Make a drawing. Genetic problems are often difficult to 1.4 COMPREHENSION QUESTION
solve in your head. Making a drawing may make a big dif-
1. The scientific method involves which of the following?
ference in your ability to see the solution.
a. The collection of observations and the formulation of a
3. Predict the outcome. Geneticists may want to predict the
outcome of an experiment. For example, in Chapters 3
through 6, you will learn about different ways to predict the b. Experimentation
outcome of genetic crosses. Becoming familiar with these c. Data analysis and interpretation
methods will help you to predict the outcomes of particular d. All of the above
4. Compare and contrast. Making a direct comparison
between two things, such as two RNA sequences, may help
you to understand how they are similar and how they are


Introduction: genome 1.2: morphological traits, physiological traits, behavioral traits,

1.1: genetics, gene, traits, nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, molecular level, cellular level, organism level, species, popu-
lipids, macromolecules, proteome, enzymes, deoxyribonucleic lation level, alleles, genetic variation, morphs, gene mutations,
acid (DNA), nucleotides, polypeptides, genetic code, codon, environment, phenylketonuria (PKU), diploid, homologs, so-
amino acid, chromosomes, karyotype, gene expression, tran- matic cells, gametes, haploid, biological evolution (evolution),
scription, ribonucleic acid (RNA), protein-encoding genes natural selection
(structural genes), messenger RNA (mRNA), translation, 1.3: model organisms, genetic cross, genetic approach, loss-of-
central dogma of genetics function mutation, loss-of-function allele
1.4: hypothesis testing, scientific method, discovery-based science


∙∙ The complete genetic composition of a cell is its genome. The ∙∙ Genetic variation underlies variation in traits. In addition, the
genome encodes all of the proteins a cell can make. Many key environment plays a key role (see Figures 1.8, 1.9).
discoveries in genetics are related to the study of genes and ∙∙ During reproduction, genetic material is passed from parents to
genomes (see Figures 1.1, 1.2, 1.3). offspring. In many species, somatic cells are diploid and have
two sets of chromosomes, whereas gametes are haploid and
1.1 The Molecular Expression of Genes have a single set (see Figure 1.10).
∙∙ Living cells are composed of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), ∙∙ Evolution refers to changes in the genetic composition of a
proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids (see Figure 1.4). population from one generation to the next (see Figure 1.11).
∙∙ The entire collection of proteins a cell makes at a given time is
its proteome. The proteome determines the structure and func- 1.3 Fields of Genetics
tion of a cell. ∙∙ Genetics is traditionally divided into transmission genetics,
∙∙ DNA, which is found within chromosomes, stores the informa- molecular genetics, and population genetics, though overlap
tion needed to make cellular proteins (see Figure 1.5). occurs among these fields. Many geneticists study model or-
∙∙ Most genes encode polypeptides that are units within func- ganisms (see Figure 1.12).
tional proteins. Gene expression at the molecular level involves
transcription to produce mRNA and translation to produce a 1.4 The Science of Genetics
polypeptide (see Figure 1.6). ∙∙ Researchers in genetics carry out hypothesis testing or discovery-
based science.
1.2 The Relationship Between Genes and Traits ∙∙ Genetic TIPS are aimed at improving your ability to solve
∙∙ Genetics, which governs an organism’s traits, is studied at the mo- problems.
lecular, cellular, organism, and population levels (see Figure 1.7).


MORE GENETIC TIPS 1. A human gene called the A. People with cystic fibrosis have lung problems due to a buildup
CFTR gene (for cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator) encodes a of thick mucus in their lungs.
protein that functions in the transport of chloride ions across the cell B. The mutant CFTR gene encodes a defective chloride transporter.
membrane. Most people have two copies of a functional CFTR gene
and do not have cystic fibrosis. However, a mutant version of the C. A defect in the chloride transporter causes a salt imbalance in
CFTR gene is found in some people. If a person has two mutant lung cells.
copies of the gene, he or she develops the disease known as cystic D. Scientists have wondered why the mutant CFTR gene is rela-
fibrosis. Are the following descriptions of this disease related to tively common. In fact, it is the most common mutant gene that
genetics at the molecular, cellular, organism, or population level? causes a severe disease in people of Northern European descent.

One possible explanation why cystic fibrosis is so common is D. Population level. This is a possible explanation of why two
that people who have one copy of the functional CFTR gene and alleles of the gene occur within a population.
one copy of the mutant gene may be more resistant to diarrheal
diseases such as cholera. Therefore, even though individuals
2. Most genes encode proteins. Explain how proteins produce an
with two mutant copies have the disorder, people with one
organism’s traits. Provide examples.
mutant copy and one functional copy might have a survival
advantage over people with two functional copies of the gene.
T OPIC: What topic in genetics does this question address? The
T OPIC: What topic in genetics does this question address? The topic is the relationship between genes and traits. More
topic is the different levels at which genetics is studied, ranging specifically, the question is about how proteins, which are encoded
from the molecular to the population level. by genes, produce an organism’s traits.

I NFORMATION: What information do you know based on the I NFORMATION: What information do you know based on the
question and your understanding of the topic? The question question and your understanding of the topic? In the question,
describes the disease called cystic fibrosis. Parts A through D give you are reminded that most genes encode proteins and that
descriptions of various aspects of the disease. From your proteins play a role in producing an organism’s traits. From your
understanding of the topic, you may remember that genetics can understanding of the topic, you may remember that proteins carry
be studied at the molecular, cellular, organism, and population out a variety of functions that determine cell structure and
level. This concept is described in Figure 1.7. function.

P ROBLEM-SOLVING S TRATEGY: Make a drawing. Compare P ROBLEM-SOLVING S TRATEGY: Relate structure and
and contrast. One strategy to solve this problem is to make a function. One strategy you can use to solve this problem is to
drawing of what is described in each of parts A through D and consider the relationship between protein structure and function.
decide if you are drawing something at the molecular, cellular, Think about examples in which the structure and function of
organism, or population levels. For example, if you drew the proteins govern the structure and function of living cells. Also,
description in part B, you would be drawing a protein, which is a consider how the structures and functions of cells determine an
molecule. If you drew the description in part C, you would be organism’s traits.
drawing a cell in which a salt imbalance is present. Another
strategy to solve this problem would be to compare and contrast ANSWER: The structure and function of proteins govern the structure
parts A, B, C, and D with each other. For example, if you and function of living cells. For example, specific proteins help deter-
compared part A and part D, you might realize that part A is mine the shape and structure of a given cell. The protein known as
describing something in one person, whereas part D is describing tubulin can assemble into large structures known as microtubules,
the occurrence of the mutant gene in multiple people. which provide the cell with internal structure and organization. The
proteins that a cell makes are largely responsible for the cell’s struc-
ANSWER: ture and function. For example, the proteins made by a nerve cell
cause the cell to be very elongated and to be able to transmit signals to
A. Organism level. This is a description of a trait at the level of an
entire individual. and from other cells. The structure of a nerve cell provides animals
with many traits, such as the ability to sense the temperature of their
B. Molecular level. This is a description of a gene and the protein it environment and the ability to send signals to their muscles to pro-
mote movement.
C. Cellular level. This is a description of how protein function
affects the cell.

Conceptual Questions
C1. Pick any example of a genetic technology, and describe how it has allele called the HbA allele, and it can also be found as the HbS
directly affected your life. allele. Individuals who have two copies of the HbS allele have the
C2. At the molecular level, what is a gene? Where are genes located? disease called sickle cell disease. Are the following descriptions
examples of genetics at the molecular, cellular, organism, or
C3. Most genes encode polypeptides, which are functional units of population level?
proteins. Explain how the structure and function of proteins
produce an organism’s traits. A. The HbS allele encodes a polypeptide that functions slightly
C4. Briefly explain how gene expression occurs at the molecular level. differently from the polypeptide encoded by the HbA allele.

C5. A human gene called the β-globin gene encodes a polypeptide that B. If an individual has two copies of the HbS allele, that person’s
functions as a subunit of the protein known as hemoglobin. red blood cells take on a sickle shape.
Hemoglobin is found within red blood cells; it carries oxygen. In C. Individuals who have two copies of the HbA allele do not have
human populations, the β-globin gene can be found as the common sickle cell disease, but they are not resistant to malaria. People
Another random document with
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weight; 1880-1884, at 40 per cent.; before 1880, at 20 per

By this mode of reckoning, the table of battleships is

converted to the following exhibit of estimated "naval

Count adjusted fighting

Great Britain. 70 604,141
France. 35 220,635
Russia. 24 221,988
Germany. 25 152,929
Italy. 19 112,899
United States. 16 176,708
Japan. 7 88,088

This method of depreciating the tonnage on the basis of the

age of a ship causes the respective proportions of Great
Britain, France and Italy, in battle-ships, to become smaller,
while the respective proportions of Russia, Germany, United
States and Japan become larger. The United States lose but 4
per cent. of the nominal value of their battle-ships; Japan, 5
per cent.; Russia, 16; Germany, 20; Great Britain, 26; France,
35; Italy, 42.

Applying the same arithmetic to the returns of armored and

protected cruisers, the writer shows that Japan suffers a loss
of 10 per cent. of their nominal fighting weight, France 14,
United States 14, Italy 18, Great Britain 21, Russia 23,
Germany 24.

Reducing in like manner all the remaining returns, he arrives

at the following summary of "the seven navies arranged in the
order of their strength"—taking the navy of Japan as the unit:
Degree of strength.
Great Britain, 6.38
France, 2.57
Russia, 1.88
United States, 1.65
Germany, 1.34
Italy, 1.03
Japan, 1.00.

Stated in "tons of fighting weight," his comparison stands:

Great Britain, 1,347,000

France, 543,000
Russia, 397,000
United States, 349,000
Germany, 282,000
Italy, 218,000
Japan, 211,000.

Turning next to the consideration of armaments, the writer has

compiled the following table, which shows "for each class of
gun separately, and for all classes of guns combined, the
number of these guns that are possessed by the seven naval

POWER Breech Quick Muzzle

Torpedo All Classes
Loading Firing Loading
Tubes of Guns
Guns Guns Guns

Great Britain. 912 7,454 340

1,534 10,240
France. 471 3,653 -
928 5,052
Russia. 393 2,589 -
625 3,607
Germany. 258 1,995 -
611 2,864
Italy. 140 1,791 4
573 2,508
United States. 303 1,791 -
230 2,324
Japan. 110 1,168 -
314 1,592
All the Powers
combined. 2,587 20,441 344
4,815 28,187

In this comparison the United States drops from the fourth

rank to the sixth. For a comparison of the naval expenditure
of the Powers,

See (in this volume)


NEBUCHADREZZAR, Exploration of the ruins of the palace of.

See (in this volume)



See (in this volume)

CUBA: A. D. 1900-1901.


See (in this volume)


NEGRO, Disfranchisement of the.

See (in this volume)

LOUISIANA: A. D. 1898; and

NEGROS, The island of:

American occupation.

See (in this volume)


Acceptance of American sovereignty.

Establishment of provisional government.

See (in this volume)


NEMI, Lake: Sunken Roman vessels found in.

See (in this volume)


NETHERLANDS, The Kingdom of the (Holland): A. D. 1894.

War in Lombok.

See (in this volume)

-------NETHERLANDS, The Kingdom of the (Holland): Start------

NETHERLANDS, The Kingdom of the (Holland): A. D. 1896.

Electoral Reform Act.

A notable extension of the franchise was accomplished by an

Act passed this year by the States General, to have effect in
the elections of 1897. It made voters of all Dutch citizens
not under 25 years of age who present "certain outward and
positive signs of capacity and well-being. The chief sign is
the fact of payment of one or more direct State taxes (for the
land tax an amount of 1 florin is sufficient). Besides these,
the Reform Act admits as electors all those who can prove that
they are householders, and have paid rent of houses or
lodgings during a fixed term, or that they are owners or
tenants of boats of not less than 24 tons capacity, or that
they have been during a fixed term in employment with an
annual wage or salary of at least £22 18s. 4d., or possess a
certificate of State interest of at least 100 florins, or a
State savings bank deposit of at least 50 florins, or the
legal qualifications for any profession or employment."

Statesman's Year-Book,
1899, page 807.

NETHERLANDS, The Kingdom of the (Holland): A. D. 1897.

First election under the new Franchise Law.

The first election in Holland under the new franchise law,

held June 15-25, 1897, returned to the Chamber 47 Liberals, 22
Catholics, 22 Protestant anti-Revolutionists, 4 Radicals, and one
deputy who is styled an Historic Christian.

NETHERLANDS, The Kingdom of the (Holland):A. D. 1898.

Enthronement of Queen Wilhelmina.

Queen Wilhelmina, who succeeded to the crown on the death of

her father, William III., in 1890, reached the age of 18 on
the 31st of August, 1898, and received the reins of government
from her mother, Queen Emma, who had acted as Regent until
that time. The young Queen was enthroned September 6 in the
New Church at Amsterdam, where she delivered, with a
simplicity and fervor which impressed those present, her
address to the States-General and took her oath of allegiance
to the Constitution. "I am happy and thankful," the Queen
said, "to rule over the people of the Netherlands, who,
although small in numbers, are great in virtue and strong by
nature and character. I esteem it a great privilege that it is
my life's task and duty to dedicate all my powers to the
prosperity and interests of my dear fatherland; and I adopt
the words of my beloved father,—'Yes, Orange can never do
enough for the Netherlands.'" After the Queen and the
Queen-Mother, the most striking figures at the ceremony were
the Princes from the Dutch Indies.

NETHERLANDS, The Kingdom of the (Holland): A. D. 1898 (June).

The Sugar Conference at Brussels.

See (in this volume)


NETHERLANDS, The Kingdom of the (Holland): A. D. 1899 (April).

Invitation to the Peace Conference to be held at The Hague.

See (in this volume)


NETHERLANDS, The Kingdom of the (Holland): A. D. 1899 (May-July).

Representation in the Peace Conference at The Hague.

See,(in this volume)


NETHERLANDS, The Kingdom of the (Holland): A. D. 1899 (May-

Advice to President Kruger of the South African Republic.

See (in this volume)


NETHERLANDS, The Kingdom of the (Holland):A. D. 1901.

Marriage of Queen Wilhelmina.

Queen Wilhelmina was married, on the 7th of February, to Duke

Henry of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, who received the title of
Prince of the Netherlands by proclamation on the same day.
Both civil and religious ceremonies of marriage were

--------NETHERLANDS, The Kingdom of the (Holland): End------


See (in this volume)


NEWEL, Stanford:
American Commissioner to the Peace Conference at The Hague.

See (in this volume)


Union with Canada refused.

Terms proposed for the union of Newfoundland with the Dominion

of Canada were rejected, and negotiations abandoned.

Conference of colonial premiers with the
British Colonial Secretary.
See (in this volume)

NEWFOUNDLAND: A. D. 1897-1900.
The Reid contract.
The question in politics.

In the fall of 1897 a line of narrow-gauge railway, with

branches over six hundred miles in total length, was completed
and opened to traffic. The main line of rail extends from the
capital, St. Johns, to Port aux Basques, at the southwestern
extremity of the island, and is expected to produce an
important development of resources from the forests and mines,
as well as from agricultural lands. The railway was
constructed by a contractor, Mr. Reid, who agreed to operate
it for seven years at his own expense, receiving therefor a
land grant of 5000 acres per mile. In 1898 a new contract was
made with Mr. Reid, which placed most of the resources of the
island under his control. For an additional land-grant of 2500
acres per mile of road he undertook to operate the road for
fifty years. By a present cash payment of $1,000,000 to the
colony treasury, he purchased the reversion of its right to
the possession of the road at the end of that period. At the
same time he secured the right to purchase from the government
its telegraph lines and the dry-dock at St. Johns, for half a
million of dollars, and was given a monopoly for 30 years of
the coast mail steam service, with an annual subsidy of
$150,000, he undertaking to maintain in it eight steamers,
well equipped. This remarkable contract was bitterly denounced
by a large party in the island, and the Imperial government was
strongly petitioned to nullify the whole transaction: but the
British Colonial Secretary, Mr. Chamberlain, while he
characterized the contract as representing "the most
unparalleled abrogation of its functions by a responsible
government," decided that he could not properly interfere.
The "Reid Deal," as it was known, then became a burning issue
in Newfoundland politics, and the Ministry responsible for it,
led by Sir James Winter, was ousted from the government in
February, 1900. Mr. Reid was then arranging to transfer his
Newfoundland contract and franchises to a company, which
required the sanction of the colonial government. The new
(Liberal) Ministry, of which Mr. Robert Bond was Premier,
refused consent to the transfer unless Mr. Reid would amend
his bargain with the colony in several very important
particulars. He offered some concessions, but not to the
extent demanded; and so the question between him and the Bond
Ministry went into the canvass of 1900, for the election of a
new Assembly, and the Conservatives, heavily backed by Mr.
Reid, were defeated overwhelmingly, winning but 4 seats out of
36 in the Lower House of the Legislature. On this result of
the elections the "London Times" of November 26, 1900,
comments as follows: "The course which the victorious Bond
Ministry will now take must be awaited with interest. … A
policy of compromise would certainly appear to be the wisest
and the safest for all parties. Mr. Reid, it seems to be
acknowledged, has carried out his part of the bargain of 1898
fully and even generously, and the colony, it is stated, has
profited largely in consequence. In the absence of actual
fraud or corruption it would be difficult in these
circumstances to justify the rescission or even the material
modification of the agreement, on the faith of which he has
spent his money, without his assent. A repeal of the Act of
1898 against his will would savour of repudiation. It would
assuredly damage the credit of the colony very seriously."

NEWFOUNDLAND: A. D. 1899-1901.
The French Shore Question.
The Modus Vivendi.

"At the period of the negotiation of the Treaty of Utrecht, in

1713, by which the rights of the French fishermen were regulated
[see, in volume 4, NEWFOUNDLAND: A. D. 1713], thousands of
French fishing vessels availed themselves of the inshore
fisheries about the island; and that they might be not
altogether without facilities for the drying and curing of
their fish, they were granted under the Treaty the 'right to
use a strip of the coast seven hundred miles long and half a
mile wide.' Accompanying the Treaty, but, be it noted, not a
part of it, was a declaration of King George, that British
subjects on the island were not to interfere with these French
coast rights by erecting permanent structures upon it,
calculated to obstruct the operations of the French fishermen.
This Royal declaration was harmless and unimportant when the
population of the island was very small, and the French
fishermen resorted to the inshore fisheries of Newfoundland.
But to-day, a different condition exists. The French fishermen
no longer use the inshore fisheries of the island, but
prosecute, instead, their fishing operations on the Grand
Banks, several hundred miles distant, drying their product
either at the French islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon, which
are more adjacent to the Banks, or transporting the fish
direct to France. … The need for which the French shore right
was granted has practically ceased to exist; and inasmuch as
the prohibition to the people of the island from erecting
permanent structures on the island was merely a mandate
emanating from the King, and not an integral part of the
Treaty itself; and because the reason for the observance of
the mandate has thus ceased to exist, it is imperative that,
in the interests of the prosperity of the island, this Royal
concession should be revoked. … But what, it may be asked, on
a perusal of the whole case, has caused the Newfoundland
question to suddenly become paramount? Why is its urgency
greater in 1899 than it was in 1889? Is there not some
concentrated force, some propelling power, at work behind the
scenes? There is—and that power is a millionaire. The name of
this millionaire is Robert Gillespie Reid, who, having
voluntarily assumed, by means of the measure known as the Reid
contract, the responsibility of developing the island's
resources, finds himself, at the outset, confronted by a
situation which precludes all present enterprise. This
gentleman has acquired, in fee simple, some three or four
million acres of land in Newfoundland; and where the islanders
were content to wait patiently for justice, he, as a
business-man, eager to exploit his mines and timber, can
hardly be expected to pin his faith to assurances so frail,
and of fulfilment so remote."

B. Wilson,
Newfoundland's Opportunity
(Fortnightly Review, February, 1899).

A royal commission which lately investigated the situation of

affairs on the Treaty Coast of Newfoundland found that the
coast "is 800 miles in extent, with a permanent population of
13,300, all but 76 of whom are native-born, while the total of
French frequenting the territory during the fishing season
does not exceed 600 men. The French, last year, according to
the official reports furnished to the Admiralty, occupied only
eight cod and nine lobster stations, with a personnel as
above, while their catch of cod was but 18,000 qtls., worth
about 36,000 dollars, and their pack of lobsters about 7,000
cases, of about equal value. And is it not monstrous that, in
order to satisfy vexatious French claims and perpetuate
obsolete treaty claims, the people of the Treaty Coast should
he coerced and victimised, and the development of the whole
colony retarded, as has been the case? The Commissioners
found that, despite the liberal bounties given by France for
fishing on the Treaty Coast, the allowance of 50 francs per
head by the St. Pierre municipality for the same purpose, and
the special appropriation the past two seasons in the French
colonial grant 'for extending operations on the Newfoundland
coast, 4,000 francs,' the number of men frequenting there and
the number of stations operated are steadily declining every
year, and in ten years' time it is doubtful if there would be
a Frenchman on the coast. Still, so powerful is the French
fetish that the shore is tabooed as far as industrial
development is concerned, and the hinterland likewise. No
grant of land can be given there except with the stipulation
that it is subject to French rights. No permanent building can
be erected within half a mile of high-water mark, because the
French claim the strand for drying their fish. No wharves can
be built by which to load minerals, because they will
interfere with the French fishery. (Only last year they
stopped the erection of one which was twenty-two miles from
their nearest station, and Mr. Reid, the railway contractor,
when he wanted to build a wharf at Bay St. George to land
construction materials, had to seize the opportunity of the
French warship in the Bay leaving to coal and renew stores,
and put an army of men to work, who built it in seventeen
days, so that it was completed when the Frenchmen returned.)
No mineral developments are permitted because they may hamper
the French. Competition on near-by fishing grounds is
prohibited for the same reason. Illicit (?) lobster packers
are hunted like malefactors for disregarding a 'modus vivendi'
as unjust as it is ridiculous. Bait-selling is only possible
by permission of the French and on their terms. The railway
was deflected 120 miles out of its proper course because of
French objection to a terminus on the shore. In fact, fishing
is only pursued with the greatest difficulty, while the land
is closed to agricultural settlement and mining enterprise.
And that, too, in the face of the fact that the French 'army
of occupation' consists of about one vessel, one station, and
about sixty fishermen on every 100 miles of coast, whose
annual catch is worth about 10,000 dollars."

P. T. McGrath, France in Newfoundland

(Nineteenth Century, January, 1899).

In 1890, a temporary agreement ("modus vivendi") concerning

the lobster packing and other questions, was arranged between
the British and French governments, which has been extended
from time to time, very much to the dissatisfaction of the
Province. The last extension expired at the end of the year
1900, and the Newfoundlanders showed a strong disposition to
resist any renewal of it. A letter from St. Johns, in
December, 1900, stated the feeling of the colony as follows:
"Last year the term of the 'modus vivendi' was allowed to run
out, and a deadlock, such as now seems inevitable, would
doubtless have been created; but when the end of December came
the reverses in South Africa appealed to our patriotism as the
oldest British colony, and the Legislature unanimously passed
at one sitting a Bill renewing the arrangement for another
year. The colony was unable to afford any more substantial aid
at the time, as her naval reserve had not then been
inaugurated, but this course on her part testified to her
sympathy with the Imperial mother, and her readiness to
relieve her from other difficulties. This year Newfoundland is
taking the bit between her teeth, and the result must be a
complication which, however unwelcome to the Imperial Cabinet,
cannot but have been regarded as inevitable sooner or later.
If our case is as strong as we are led to believe that the
Royal Commission represents it to be, there is certainly good
ground for our insisting upon remedial measures. It must not
be forgotten that the French now keep up less than 15 cod and
lobster stations altogether on the treaty coast, and that
about 550 men is the number they had there last season. As
against this the resident population is nearly 14,000, and the
objections which they urged against the 'modus vivendi' in its
early days apply with equal strength now. These people are
shamefully treated, the colony as a whole is humiliated, and
the recognition of such conditions by England without making
an attempt to get rid of them is a cause of reproach which she
should remove without delay."

Much newspaper discussion of the subject has been going on in

both England and France, with an apparent showing of readiness
on the part of the latter country to bargain with the British
for cessions in West Africa or elsewhere. How much of a price
Great Britain is willing to pay for release from the treaty of
Utrecht is a question the answer to which cannot be forever

Despite its reluctance, the Newfoundland Legislature was

prevailed upon, in February, 1901, to pass an Act renewing the
"modus vivendi" for another year. Several members who
supported the measure declared that they did so for the last
time, and only because of an unwillingness to embarrass the
British government during the continuance of the South African

Change of Government.

Early in the year, Sir Henry McCallum was transferred from the
governorship of Newfoundland to that of Natal, and Sir
Cavendish Boyle was appointed to succeed him.

NEW JERSEY: A. D. 1897.

Constitutional Amendments.

On the 28th of September, several proposals of constitutional

amendment were voted on in New Jersey. One prohibitory of
gambling was adopted by a small majority. Another, that would
give the suffrage in school elections to women, was rejected
by about 10,000 majority.


See (in this volume)


NEW YORK CITY: A. D. 1894-1895.

The Lexow Investigation of Tammany government.
Election of Mayor Strong.

"On the second Sunday in February 1892 the minister of a

wealthy Presbyterian church, Dr. Charles Parkhurst, startled
his congregation by preaching an outspoken political sermon,
in which he attacked the Tammany administration in most
unmeasured language. 'The mayor and those associated with him
are polluted harpies [he declared]. Under the pretence of
governing this city they are feeding day and night on its
quivering vitals. They are a lying, perjured, rum-soaked, and
libidinous lot. … Every effort to make men respectable,
honest, temperate, and sexually clean is a direct blow between
the eyes of the mayor and his whole gang of lecherous
subordinates, in the sense that while we fight iniquity they
shield and patronise it; while we try to convert criminals
they manufacture them, and they have a hundred dollars
invested in the manufacturing business to every one invested
in converting machinery. … Police and criminals all stand in
with each other. It is simply one solid gang of criminals, one
half in office and the other half out.' This sermon was the
starting point of the new anti-Tammany movement. Dr. Parkhurst
was called before the grand jury to prove his words, but he
was obliged to admit that all he knew was the repeated
accusations that appeared in almost every local newspaper.
Thereupon the grand jury publicly rebuked him, and sent a
formal presentment to the Recorder declaring their
'disapproval and condemnation' of the sermon. Everyone at once
concluded that no more would be heard of Parkhurst in
politics, but they did not know the man. The clergyman called
a couple of detectives to his aid, and personally visited the
lowest resorts, to obtain the necessary evidences of
corruption. A month later he preached a second political
sermon, and this time he took into the pulpit with him a
bundle of affidavits. He repeated and emphasised his former
accusations, and again he was summoned before the grand jury.
This time the result was different. 'The police are either
incompetent or corrupt,' the jury declared, and citizens
generally agreed. …

"In 1894, the State Senate … appointed a committee, this time
under Senator Lexow, to inquire into New York municipal
affairs. Soon after the committee was appointed Mr. Croker
found it convenient to hastily resign the leadership of
Tammany and go to Europe. The worst accusations of the
bitterest enemies of Crokerism were almost all more than
substantiated by the evidence given before the committee. It
was found that the police were utterly corrupt, that they
extorted blackmail from gambling house keepers, women of ill
fame, saloon keepers, and others, and in return gave them
their protection. Even thieves, in some instances, were found
to be regularly paying their police dues in return for
immunity from arrest. One police justice had to admit that he
received a hundred dollars from a keeper of a disorderly
house. Everywhere that the Lexow Committee probed, or that
other competent critics examined, the same thing was found.
For several years New York had been living under a system of
universal blackmail. Saloon keepers had to pay Tammany to be
allowed to evade the Sunday closing law, merchants to be
granted the simplest conveniences for getting their goods into
their premises. But in the case of Mr. Croker no dishonesty
could be proved. It was known that he had in a few years risen
from a poor man to a millionaire, but in no instance could it be
shown that he had acquired this wealth by corruption. His
friends said he had made his money by horse-racing and real
estate speculation, but unfortunately Mr. Croker did not go
before the witness stand to finally clear up the matter. While
the committee was sitting he remained in Europe.

"The usual storm of indignation followed the 'Lexow' exposure,

and most reputable citizens united once more to overthrow
Tammany. Colonel Strong, a well-known banker, was chosen
reform candidate for mayor, and secured a majority of fifty
thousand. In 1895 he began his administration, and initiated a
vigorous reform movement. The police force was entirely
reorganised; municipal offices were given for merit rather
than political reward; the streets, for the first time in the
memory of the oldest inhabitant, were really kept clean, and
the whole local government was taken out of politics. Mayor
Strong's time of office has not been without its faults, but
among those faults dishonesty has not been one. Rather the
mistake has been to enforce all laws too rigidly, and make too
few allowances for the weaknesses of human nature in a
cosmopolitan resort. Police President Roosevelt's strict
enforcement of the Sunday closing and social purity laws was
only his duty, but yet it cost the reformers many votes.
Although the report of the 'Lexow' Committee did Tammany much
temporary harm, it recovered quickly. After the mayoral defeat
of 1894 it pulled its forces together again, and rallied
around it all the ambitions men who were disappointed in Mayor
Strong's bestowal of his patronage. In the autumn of 1895 it was
able to score a minor victory at the polls, and it carefully
nursed its strength for the election of November 1897. Mr.
Croker, notwithstanding his repeated declarations that he was
'out of politics,' came back to New York, and at once took
over command of his party."

F. A. McKenzie,
(Nineteenth Century, December, 1897).

NEW YORK CITY: A. D. 1895.

Consolidation of the Astor, Lenox and Tilden foundations
to form the New York Public Library.

See (in this volume)


NEW YORK CITY: A. D. 1896-1897.

Consolidation of New York, Brooklyn, and neighboring towns,
in the Greater New York.

"The project of uniting the cities of New York, Brooklyn, and

the cities, towns and villages contiguous to the same, into
one great municipality, although long mooted before 1890,
first took definite form in that year, by the passage on May
8th, by the Legislature, of Laws 1890, Chapter 11, entitled
'An Act to create a commission to inquire into the expediency
of consolidating the various municipalities in the State of
New York, occupying the several islands in the harbor of New
York.' …

Pursuant to the provisions of this act, a commission

consisting of the following members was appointed, viz.:
Andrew H. Green, Frederick W. Devoe, John L. Hamilton, J.
Seaver Page of New York; J. S. T. Stranahan, Edward F. Linton,
William D. Veeder of Brooklyn; John H. Brinkerhoff of Queen's
county; George G. Greenfield of Richmond county; Charles P.
McClelland of Westchester county; and Campbell W. Adams, State
Engineer and Surveyor, ex officio, and Albert E. Henschel
acting as secretary. In 1893, the commission presented to the
Legislature a bill providing for the submission of the
question of consolidation to a vote of the residents of the
various municipalities proposed to be united into one city.
The following year the Legislature provided for the referendum
suggested by the commission. … The following vote was cast
upon the question of consolidation in the ensuing election on
November 6, 1894:

for consolidation; against;

New York, 96,938; 59,959;
Kings, 64,744; 64,467;
Queens, 7,712; 4,741;
Richmond, 5,531; 1,505;
Mount Vernon, 873; 1,603;
Eastchester, 374; 260;
Westchester, 620; 621;
Pelham, 261; 153.
At the opening of the Legislature in 1895, the Commission of
Municipal Consolidation Inquiry presented a report with a
proposed bill declaring the entire district before mentioned
(with the exception of the city of Mount Vernon) consolidated
with the city of New York. The bill, however, failed of
passage because of the addition of an amendment of referendum
in the last hours of the session of 1895, too late for further
action. The Legislature, as a result no doubt of this vote on
consolidation, did annex to New York city the towns of
Westchester, Eastchester, Pelham and other parts of
Westchester county.

"Early in January, 1896, the Legislature appointed a joint

sub-committee of the Cities Committees of both Houses to
inquire into the subject of the proposed consolidation and
report March 1, 1806. The committee made a report and
submitted a bill favoring consolidation. The bill as reported
was passed by the Legislature and was submitted to the Mayors
of the cities of New York and Brooklyn, and to the Mayor and
Common Council of Long Island City pursuant to the provisions
of the Constitution.
The bill was returned to the Legislature without the
acceptance of the cities of New York and Brooklyn. The
Legislature repassed the bill over the vetoes of the Mayors of
New York and Brooklyn, and it became a law May 11, 1896, with
the approval of the Governor. This act (L. 1896, ch. 488) is
entitled, 'An Act consolidating the local governments of the
territory within the city and county of New York, the counties
of Kings and Richmond and Long Island City and the towns of
Newtown, Flushing and Jamaica and part of the town of
Hempstead, in the county of Queens, and providing for the
preparation of bills for enactment into laws for the
government thereof.' … Pursuant to the act of consolidation,
the Governor (Levi P. Morton) appointed on June 9, 1896, the
following members of the commission to draft the proposed
charter, viz.: Seth Low, Benjamin F. Tracy, John F. Dillon,
Ashbel P. Fitch, Stewart L. Woodford, Silas B. Dutcher,
William. C. De Witt, George M. Pinney, Jr., Harrison S. Moore.
Mr. Fitch having resigned from the commission, the Governor
appointed Thomas F. Gilroy in his place. By virtue of the act,
the following gentlemen were members of the commission: Andrew
H. Green, president of the commission appointed by L. 1890,
ch. 311; Campbell W. Adams, State Engineer; Theodore E.
Hancock, Attorney-General; William L. Strong, Mayor of New
York; Frederick W. Wurster, Mayor of Brooklyn; and Patrick
Jerome Gleason, Mayor of Long Island City. The commission
organized on June 25, 1896, appointed Benjamin F. Tracy as
president and George M. Pinney, Jr., as secretary, and named
William C. De Witt, John F. Dillon, Thomas F. Gilroy, Seth
Low, Andrew H. Green, Benjamin F. Tracy, and George M. Pinney,
Jr., as a committee on draft of proposed charter."

M. Ash,
The Greater New York Charter,

The committee submitted a draft charter to the commission on

the 24th of December, with a report in which a fundamental
feature of its plan is thus set forth: "It is clear that the
work of administering all of the Departments over so large a
space of territory, situated on three islands and partly on
the main land, must be subdivided in order to be successfully
done. The draft, therefore, proposes to divide the city into
the five Boroughs which nature and history have already
formed; that is to say:

(1.) Manhattan, which consists of the island of Manhattan and

the outlying islands naturally related to it.

(2.) The Bronx; that is to say, all that part of the present
City of New York lying north of the Harlem, a territory which
comprises two-thirds of the area of the present City of New

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