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Department of Education
National Capital Region

TVL - Home Economics

Food and Beverage Services
Second Quarter-Module 2
Seat the Guests

Writer: Marivic A. Dela Rosa

Cover Illustrator: Christopher E. Mercado

City of Good Character
City of Good Character
City of Good Character
City of Good Character
City of Good Character
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you develop
knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the performance of FBS tasks. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course.

The module is divided into four learning outcomes, namely:

Learning Outcome 2.1 – Welcome and Greet Guests
Learning Outcome 2.2 – Seat the Guests
Learning Outcome 2.3 – Take Food and Beverage Orders
Learning Outcome 2.4 – Liaise Between Kitchen and Dining Areas
After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Discuss the proper procedures in escorting and seating guests.

2. Assist the guest in seating properly to avoid the traffic flow of guests in the dining room.
3. Demonstrate the ways on how to unfold cloth napkins for the guest.
4. Show the guidelines in serving water based on the standards of the food service facility.

Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if it is incorrect.

_______1. Use your right hand to pull the chair of the guest as you assist them in getting
_______2. In seating the guest, assist first the ladies, then gentlemen, and the host/hostess
_______3. Avoid seating the guest in a four-seater table if the number of guest/s is one or
two, unless three or there is no available table.
_______4. When escorting the guest to their table, walk a little behind them.
_______5. If the customers have a reservation, allow them to seat in the available table to
accommodate them immediately.
_______6. Position the young couple in a romantic and quit place or at the corner with nice
_______7. Insist to the customer the perfect place you have prepared instead of allowing
them to seat in their choice.
_______8. Special attention is given to the customer with mobility difficulties.
_______9. Consider first the number of guests in the party before assigning them to their
_______10. For groups with kids, position them in the corner or wall side and provide them
cushions, booster seats or high chair.

City of Good Character

6 Seat the Guests

Welcoming and greeting guests is not the end of providing a good quality service to
the customers/guests. As you welcome and greet them upon their arrival, it is proper to escort
them to the table for them to feel comfortable and relax while having their unforgettable dining
experience. Now, as you lead them to the table you must walk side by side or a short distance
in front of them so they will not feel that you are in a hurry to reach the table. Ask the
customers/guests if the table and its location in the restaurant is alright with them. If they say
yes, this is the right time for you to introduce them to the captain waiter or waiter near the
table. In the manner that there is no available waiter, assist them first in getting seated and
tell them that the captain waiter or waiter will be with them in a short while. The manner on
how they are seated will set their mood for them to feel welcome and appreciated in the
restaurant and for them to have an unforgettable dining experience.

Seating is an essential part after welcoming and greeting customers/guests upon their
arrival at the restaurant. This is a crucial part in providing a good quality service for
customers/guests. The receptionist must settle them first before he/she leave the table.
Always remember that our customers/guests are the top priority in the restaurant. Proper
attention should be given for them to have a wonderful dining experience in the restaurant.
Giving considerations to the different seating arrangement for every type of
customer/guest is very important. In this lesson, I’ll challenge you to follow the tips and
guidelines in seating the customers/guests and I’m sure they will never forget the service
you’ve provided.

City of Good Character
Read carefully and understand the given situation in the restaurant. Explain your answer.
(5 points each).

1. One of your customers made a table reservation for 6 persons. Their reservation date and
time falls during weekend and rush hour. It is the busiest time, but you still accommodate their
reservation giving them the assurance to be seated upon their arrival. The customers arrived
late and didn’t meet the commitment time. They apologized for being late and asked for the
reserved table for them to be seated immediately. But, unfortunately the table is not available
or free since you anticipated that the guest will no longer be coming. Being the captain waiter
or waiter how are you going to handle the situation for them to be seated immediately since
they have a table reservation?
2. What will you do if the customers/guests were already seated and suddenly changed their
minds to transfer to another place because they are not comfortable? But the scenario is, the
place they want to transfer is not available but they still insist that they really wanted to
transfer. Cite your answer.
3. A customer arrived together with his family, composed of two grandparents, the couple with
three children ages 4, 7, 12 and one nanny. The host requested to place them at the center
of the dining area and a table good for 10 persons. Since you are the captain waiter or the
waiter, are you going to follow the host or you will give them an option?

City of Good Character
Seating Arrangement to Guests

Figure 1.1

Analyzing and familiarizing the seating arrangement of a customer will eliminate

some confusion when more than five people dine together. It will give them an impressive
impression to you most especially if they really want their place. Based on figure 1.1, the
proper seating arrangement of the guest is important. So, better to know first who the
host/hostess of the party and take considerations of the different seating arrangement
based on the different types of customer/guest namely: (a) Customers preferences like:
smoking or non-smoking, near the window at the corner and overlooking view (b)
Customers with small children (c) Customers with special physical needs (d) Special
attention is being given to customers with communication difficulties.

Guidelines in Assigning Tables or Seats to Guests

1. Customers’ preferences- in this manner allow the customer to choose the comfortable
place whenever possible. If not, be humble to say that it is not possible then give them an
2. Number of guests- It is important to ask the host/hostess the expected number of
guests for you to assign them in proper table.
3. Customers with small children – they must be positioned at the corner to avoid any
traffic as the children may roam around during the service.
4. Customers with special physical needs- giving extra attention is a must most
especially for the seniors or limp. They must be placed near the entrance.
5. Consider seating the ladies first – that is the protocol in a restaurant, then
proceeds around the table in a clockwise motion and seat the host last. In the absence of
ladies the other gentlemen should be seated first and the host last.
6. Introduce them to the captain waiter or waiter- as the customers/guests approached
the table, they must be alert of their presence.
7. Using both hands- when pulling the chair away from the table, it should be
approximately three feet to allow the customer/guest to get in, then pushing the chair back
towards the table to make them comfortable.

City of Good Character
8. Proceed around the table clockwise and then let the other guests have their seats.
9. Once all the guests were seated, the waiter may assist in unfolding the napkin on the
lap of the guest.

Assigning Tables or Seats During Business Lunch or Dinner

1. When handling business associates, the head seats at the end of the table and are taken
by the host and hostess.
2. On a round or square table, the head seats wherever the host wanted him/her to sit.
3. On a rectangular table, the head seats at the end of the table.
4. The most important guest occupies the right-hand seat, with the second most important
guest, if anyone, occupies the left-hand seat.

Seating the Guests

Figure 1.2

Reminders in Seating the Guests

1. Avoid using a four-seater table for one or two customers unless there is no table
available or seem that no smaller table will be available soon.
2. When holding loud parties place them in a private room to avoid disturbing other
3. Elderly or handicapped persons may wish to be near the entrance of the room to avoid
long walk.
4. Young couples prefer quite corners or nice view.
5. If holding a lavish party, place them at the center of the dining area, as they will be an
advantage to the restaurant.
6. If the customer requests for specific location, try to accommodate him/her.
7. In seating the guests, assist first the ladies, then the gentlemen, and the host/hostess
8. Children may be assisted first if the customers/guests come with them.
9. Help the guest when pulling back the chair when they are about to sit.
10. Never start a party without ensuring the table and seats are clean and properly set-up.

City of Good Character
Unfolding Table Napkin

Figure 1.3

Procedure in Unfolding Table Napkin

a. Position yourself on the right side of the guest.

b. Used your two fingers hold the top corner of the table napkin.
c. Place them on your right side and shake it gently to open into triangular form.
d. Carefully place it down at the lap of using your right hand towards the guest.
e. Be careful not to touch the lap or body parts of the customer/guest.
f. Check the gesture of the customer if they refrain from putting on the lap. Some of the
customer prefer not to unfold the napkin or to place on the side of their table.
g. Move clockwise around the table to unfold the napkin of the other guest, finally the host.

Serving Water

Serving refreshing cold water or juice is one of the standard operating procedures
(SOP) in the restaurant. In this manner you will let the customer/guest to cool down before
giving them the menu card. But before that, you may ask them their preference, mineral
water, bottled water or juice. Remember to charge it to their bill if they ordered bottled
water or juice.

Figure 1.4
City of Good Character
Procedure in Serving Water

1. Prepare the beverage based on customer’s preferences.

2. Place water in a water pitcher or in tray if bottled water.
3. Place a dry table napkin at the bottom of the pitcher to wipe off the moisture.
4. Approach the customers table with a smile and say excuse me.
5. Pour the water on the right side of the guest with the napkin underneath the pitcher.
6. Make sure the pitcher will not touch the lid of the glass.
7. Serve ladies and older gentlemen first.
8. Pour slowly and carefully fill the glass about ¾ full.
9. Move clockwise around the table to serve the other guest.
10. Refill glasses in a proactive way (don’t wait until the guest asks for it).

Sequence from Seating the Guests up to Serving Water

1. Stay near the customers’ table.

2. Once spotted the customer is approaching position at their table
3. Assist the guest in getting seated by pulling the chair and push it back.
4. Ask them to unfold their table napkin and do so if they permitted.
5. Serve the water/juice based on the customer’s preference.
6.Gve the menu to the guests, first to women, next to gentlemen and the host.

Arrange chronologically the procedure in serving water to guests by writing letter A on the first
procedure and B on the second and so on. Write your answer on the space before each

Procedure in Serving Water

________1. Make sure the pitcher will not touch the lid of the glass.
________2. Approach the customers table with a smile and say excuse me.
________3. Pour slowly and carefully fill the glass about ¾ full.
________4. Prepare the beverage based on customer’s preferences.
________5. Place a dry table napkin at the bottom of the pitcher to wipe off the moisture.
________6. Serve ladies and older gentlemen first.
________7. Place water in a water pitcher or in tray if bottled water.
________8. Move clockwise around the table to serve the other guest.
________9. Refill glasses in a proactive way (don’t wait until the guest asks for it).
________10. Pour the water on the right side of the guest with the napkin underneath the

City of Good Character
Online Activity: Using the internet, search for different video presentations from seating the
customers/guests up to serving water. Create your own video presentation by following
the sample flow chart given below.

Offline Activity: Look closely at the sample of a flow chart below. Now, create your own
flow-chart and draw the appropriate figure to illustrate the activity. Use a short bond paper.

Topic: Sequence from Seating the Guest up to Serving Water

1. Stay near the customers table

2. Once spotted the customer is approaching position at their table

3. Assist the guest in getting seated by pulling the chair and push it back

4. Ask them to unfold their table napkin and do so if they permitted

5. Serve the water/juices based on the customer’s preference

6. Distribute the menu to the guest first to women, gentlemen and the host.


Checklist: 10 7 5 3 1 Score

1. Properly follow the guidelines on how to seat

the guest, unfolding table napkin and serving
2. All details needed on how to seat the guest,
unfolding table napkin and serving water is being
3. Creatively draw and illustrate each activity
4. Observe time limit in creating video and use a
short bond paper.
5. Artistically create and present the output

City of Good Character
Supply the missing word/s to complete the basic phraseologies in seating the guests.
Write your answer on the space provided.
Basic phraseologies in seating the guest in the Restaurant
Waiter: Good morning madam/sir: Again I’m ( ) your (_______________)
for today and I will be with you to assist with all your needs.
Customer: Oh hi (__________________) thank you for the assistance, will call you from
time to time.
Waiter: Bye the way madam/sir may I (_________________) your table napkin madam/sir?
Customer: Sure! (then move to the other customer clockwise).
Waiter: How about you madam/sir?
Customer: No thanks. I can manage
Waiter: Okay madam/sir, Would you like some (______________) water/juice?
Customer: Yah please! Thank you so much
Waiter: Okay madam/sir, Excuse me for a while I’ll get your (_____________) water/juice
Customer: Okay (_______________)
Waiter: Excuse me madma/sir, Here is your (___________________)
Customer: Oh thank you again (_______________)
Waiter: Excuse me madam/sir, May I present to you our (______________) for you to
review our dishes and specialty for today.
Customer: Okay thank you.
Waiter: Excuse me madam/sir I’ll be back to take your order.Thank you...

Read and analyze the sentence then choose the correct answer that best describes each
performance. Write only the letter on the space provided.

A. Guidelines in assigning tables or seats to guest

B. Reminders in seating the guest
C. Procedure in unfolding table napkin
D. Procedure in Serving Water

_______1. Move clockwise around the table to serve the other guest.
_______2. Proceed around the table clockwise and then seat the other last.
_______3. Be careful not to touch the lap or body parts of the customer/guest.
_______4. Children may be assisted first if the customer/guest comes with them.
_______5. Allow the customer to choose the comfortable place whenever possible
_______6. Place a dry table napkin at the bottom of the pitcher to wipe off the moisture.
_______7. Place them on your right side and shake it gently to open into triangular form.
_______8. Once all the guest gets seated the waiter may assist in unfolding the napkin
on the lap of the guest.
_______9. Customers with small children must be positioned at the corner to avoid any
traffic as the children may roam around during the service.
______10. If holding lavish parties, place them at the center of the dining area for they will
be an asset to the restaurant.

City of Good Character
Online Activity: Using the internet search and watch the different ways on how to seat the
guest, unfolding table napkin and serving water. Create your own video presentation in one
compilation. Limit your video in 5 minutes and choose the appropriate background music.
Offline Activity: Look at the magazines or other food and beverage service reference to find
out the different ideas in seating the guest, unfolding table napkin and serving water. Cut and
paste them on a short bond paper.

Checklist: 10 7 5 3 1 Score

1. Properly follow the guidelines on how to seat

the guest, unfolding table napkin and serving
2. All details needed on how to seat the guest,
unfolding table napkin and serving water.
3. Creatively played the appropriate music based
on the restaurant theme.
4. Observe time limit in creating video and use a
short bond paper.
5. Artistically create and present the output

City of Good Character
Technical Vocational Livelihood Home Economics Food and Beverage Services Manual,
DEPED Complex, MERALCO Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600.
Food and Beverage Service customer Relations First edition 2018 by Amelia S. Roldan, Benito
T. Edica, Marian Joyce R. Santos
Fundamentals of Food and Beverage Service Operation Joseph Linford A. Ditan

Online Resources

City of Good Character
Development Team of the Module

Writer: Marivic A. Dela Rosa (MHS)

Rosalina S. Cruz (Master Teacher, PHS)
Leah dV. Santos (Dept. Head, THS)
Nerissa S. Estrella (ASP/OIC, MNHS)
Internal Reviewer: Joseph T. Santos (EPS, EPP/TLE)
Lay-out Artist:
Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Joseph T. Santos
Education Program Supervisor – EPP/TLE

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero

EPS – Learning Resources Management and Development System

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

Email Address:

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

City of Good Character

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