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EcoSaarthi: A Mobile application for waste
management with location tracking and SMS

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the
degrees of
Submitted by:
Akash Tiwari
Rashi Chauhan
Rishika Jain
Guided by:
Mr. Raj Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor, Information Technology


UGC Autonomous Institution
(Affiliated to CSVTU, Approved by AICTE, NBA &NAAC ACCREDIATED)

SESSION: 2023-24

We hereby declare that the project entitled “EcoSaarthi” submitted in partial fulfillment for
the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in ‘Information Technology’ completed
under the supervision of Mr. Raj Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor, Information
Technology BIT DURG is an authentic work.

Further, I/we declare that I/we have not submitted this work for the award of any other
degree elsewhere.

Signature and name of the student(s) with date


It is certified that the above statement made by the students is correct to the best of my/our

Signature of Project Guide(s) with dates and their designation

UGC Autonomous Institution
(Affiliated to CSVTU, Approved by AICTE, NBA &NAAC ACCREDITED)
Department of Information Technology


This is to certify that the Major Project work entitled “EcoSaarthi” is carried out by Akash
Tiwari, Rashi Chauhan, Rishika Jain (300103320004, 300103320037, 300103320040), in
partial fulfillment for the award of degree of Bachelor of Technology in Information
Technology, Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Durg during the
academic year 2023-2024.

Prof. Dr. Ani Thomas


Internal Examiner

External Examiner

We wish to acknowledge with a deep sense of hearty gratitude and indebtedness to Dr. Rajiv Pathak
Information Technology, who gave us this opportunity to experience project work & his valuable suggestion
during this project have been invaluable.

We take this opportunity to voice & record our sincerest gratefulness towards our esteem
Supervisor Mr. Raj Kumar Singh under whose able guidance the project work has been brought to

Our heart leaps up in thankfulness for his benevolence & time to time help, valuable suggestions,
constructive criticism & active interest in the successful completion of this project work.

We are also thankful to all our honorable teachers of the Information Technology Department and
our parents whose valuable support helped us and kept us motivated all through.

Akash Tiwari
Rashi Chauhan
Rishika Jain
B.Tech. IV Year
Discipline of Information
Technology BIT DURG

The prevalent challenges within India's waste management system have triggered detrimental
consequences, including compromised waste disposal practices, environmental deterioration, and public
health hazards. This inefficiency is exacerbated by the lack of effective communication channels between
waste generators and waste pickers, leading to missed collection opportunities and uncontrolled waste

In response to these critical issues, our project, "Ecosaarthi," introduces a mobile application designed to
address the existing shortcomings in the waste management system. By incorporating location input and
an alternative SMS facility for waste pickers, the application aims to enhance communication between
waste generators and waste pickers, thereby fostering a more efficient and collaborative waste collection
and disposal process.

Notably, "Ecosaarthi" stands out as a pioneering solution, leveraging modern technology to revolutionize
the coordination and execution of waste collection. Its innovative integration of location input facilitates
precise waste pickup, serving as a fundamental pillar for the application's effectiveness.

Through the implementation of this novel approach, "Ecosaarthi" endeavors to significantly mitigate the
challenges plaguing India's waste management system, contributing to a more sustainable and
environmentally conscious waste management landscape.
Table of Contents
S No. Topic Page No.

1. Introduction 8-10

2. Literature Review 11-13

3. Problem Identification 14-15

4. Methodology 16-21

4.1 Software Requirement Specification(SRS) 17-20

4.1.1 Introduction 17 Purpose 17 Scope 17 Overview 17

4.1.2 Overall Description 18 DFD 19 Product Perspectives 20 Product Functions 20

4.1.3 Specific Requirements 20 External Interface Requirements 21

5 Results and Discussions 22-26

List of Figures

S No. Page No.

1. Fig. 5(i): SplashScreen 24

2. Fig. 5(ii): Signup 24

3. Fig. 5(iii): Login 24

4. Fig. 5(iv): Landing Screen 24
5. Fig. 5(v): Update Location 24
6. Fig. 5(vi): Success Popup 24
7. Fig. 5(vii): Pickup Spot for waste picker 25

8. Fig. 5(viii): Location Detail 25

9. Fig. 5(ix): Image Uploading 25

10. Fig. 5(x): Image Uploaded Popup 25
11. Fig. 5(xi): Pickup Spot for User 25
12. Fig. 5(xii): Pickup Confirmation with photo 25
13. Fig. 5(xiii): Pickup Confirmation without photo 26

14. Fig. 5(xiv): Waste Picker Rating 26

15. Fig. 5(xv): Rating Popup 26

16. Fig. 5(xvi): LeaderBoard 26
17. Fig. 5(xvii): Profile Page 26
18. Fig. 5(xviii): Edit Profile 26
Chapter -I

In an era marked by rapid technological advancement, it is imperative that we
harness the power of innovation to address pressing global issues. The management of
waste, a critical concern worldwide, presents a multifaceted problem with profound
implications for public health, the environment, and overall well-being. In the Indian
context, the existing waste management system grapples with inefficiencies and
challenges that have far-reaching consequences. In light of this, our capstone project,
"Ecosaarthi," emerges as a beacon of hope and transformation, seeking to revolutionize
waste management in India.

The prevailing waste management system in India confronts a series of daunting

challenges that undermine its effectiveness and efficiency. Suboptimal waste disposal
practices, environmental degradation, and public health risks are among the consequences
of these challenges. One of the fundamental issues lies in the lack of efficient
communication channels between waste generators and waste pickers, which results in
missed collection opportunities. This, in turn, leads to unmanaged waste accumulation,
disrupting the overall waste management efforts across the nation.

Our capstone project, "Ecosaarthi," is not merely an app; it is a strategic response to

these challenges. At its core, "Ecosaarthi" is designed to bridge the gaps and shortcomings
within the existing waste management system. The application introduces a
groundbreaking approach to waste management, leveraging modern technology to
redefine how waste collection is coordinated and executed.

The central idea behind "Ecosaarthi" is to offer a platform that enhances

communication between waste generators and waste pickers. By providing features such
as location input and an innovative SMS facility for waste pickers, the application aims to
create a seamless and efficient channel for coordinating waste collection. No longer will
missed collection opportunities be the norm. With "Ecosaarthi," waste generators can
communicate their needs and location with ease, ensuring a timely and precise waste
pickup process.

One of the key distinguishing factors of "Ecosaarthi" is its innovation. Currently,

there is no other application in India that regulates the waste collection system in a manner
similar to what our project proposes. "Ecosaarthi" represents a paradigm shift in the field
of waste management, offering a novel approach that leverages technology to optimize
waste collection and disposal processes.

Moreover, the integration of location input is a pivotal feature of the application. It

provides the precise geographic information needed to facilitate accurate waste pickup.
This feature has the potential to transform waste collection from a haphazard process into
a well-organized and efficient operation, benefitting waste pickers, the environment, and
society at large.

With "Ecosaarthi," we aim to catalyze a collaborative and efficient waste

management ecosystem, where all stakeholders are incentivized based on their
contributions. This application has the potential to not only alleviate the pressing issues
within the waste management sector but also promote a more sustainable and
environmentally responsible approach.

As we embark on this journey to introduce "Ecosaarthi," we envision a future

where waste management is transformed, the environment is safeguarded, and the well-
being of our communities is greatly improved. The following sections of this report will
delve deeper into the intricacies of our project, its development, and its anticipated impact.
"Ecosaarthi" is not just an application; it's a step towards a cleaner, healthier, and more
sustainable future for India.
Chapter -II

Waste management is a critical issue that affects the environment, public health, and overall quality of
life. In India, the prevailing waste management system has faced considerable challenges, leading to
suboptimal waste disposal practices, environmental degradation, and public health risks. These
challenges have been exacerbated by a lack of efficient communication channels between waste
generators and waste pickers, resulting in missed collection opportunities and disrupting waste
management efforts. This Literature Review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of existing
research and initiatives related to waste management, communication in waste collection, and the use of
technology to improve waste management systems. It sets the stage for the innovative mobile application
"Ecosaarthi," which addresses these issues by offering location-based communication and incentivizing
waste pickers.
India's waste management challenges are well-documented in the literature. Inefficiencies in the current
waste disposal system have led to problems such as open dumping, groundwater contamination, and the
spread of diseases. Ineffective waste collection and disposal practices have also led to environmental
degradation, posing a significant threat to the well-being of communities and the ecosystem.

Waste management is a pressing concern in India, as in many other developing countries, where existing
systems often struggle with inefficiencies that lead to suboptimal waste disposal practices, environmental
degradation, and public health risks. A lack of efficient communication channels between waste
generators and waste pickers results in missed collection opportunities, unmanaged waste accumulation,
and disruptions in overall waste management efforts. This literature review provides an overview of the
existing knowledge and previous attempts in waste management, setting the stage for the innovative
"Ecosaarthi" mobile application.

The prevailing waste management challenges in India have been widely documented in the literature.
Inefficient waste collection, inadequate disposal practices, and environmental degradation are primary
concerns. These issues are often a consequence of the ineffective communication between waste
generators and waste pickers. Existing waste management practices lack a real-time, location-based
approach, making it difficult to optimize waste collection, leading to missed collection opportunities,
waste accumulation, and an increased environmental footprint. The urgent need to address these issues is

One of the root causes of India's waste management challenges is the lack of efficient communication
between waste generators and waste pickers. Research by Das and Bhowmick (2017) highlights the
fragmented nature of waste collection systems, leading to missed collection opportunities and the buildup
of unmanaged waste. These communication gaps disrupt the overall waste management process, making
it less effective and efficient.

The role of mobile applications in addressing waste management challenges has been explored in various
parts of the world. Initiatives in countries like the United States, Japan, and Sweden have successfully
used mobile apps to enhance waste collection and improve communication between stakeholders . These
applications have demonstrated the potential for technology to revolutionize waste collection and
The concept of incentivizing waste pickers and users of waste management applications has gained
traction in recent years. Studies have shown that incentivization can lead to improved collaboration and
efficiency in waste collection. Offering incentives for waste pickers not only encourages their
participation but also promotes sustainable waste management practices.

Previous initiatives and technologies have attempted to improve waste management, but many faced
limitations. Some have relied on centralized waste management databases, which, while improving data
collection, often lacked user-friendliness and real-time features. Traditional systems, based on physical
infrastructure, have limitations in scalability and cost-effectiveness. The literature review reveals the
need for a more agile and user-oriented approach to waste management.

The "Ecosaarthi" mobile application offers an innovative solution to the challenges of waste
management. Its most significant innovation is the introduction of real-time, location-based features that
enable waste generators to request pickups precisely when and where they need them. The integration of
location input addresses a key challenge in waste management – optimizing waste collection.
Additionally, the application introduces an alternative SMS facility for waste pickers, ensuring efficient
and real-time communication between them and waste generators.

2.1 The Novel Approach of "Ecosaarthi"

The mobile application "Ecosaarthi" represents a novel approach to waste management in India. By
leveraging modern technology, "Ecosaarthi" addresses the communication gaps between waste
generators and waste pickers. The inclusion of location-based communication enhances the precision of
waste pickup, a key feature that is currently lacking in the existing system. This innovative approach has
the potential to revolutionize how waste collection is coordinated and executed in India.

Benefits of Location Input in Waste Collection

The integration of location input in waste collection, a core feature of "Ecosaarthi," is supported by
existing literature. Accurate location data not only improves the efficiency of waste pickup but also
ensures that no collection opportunities are missed. Studies in the field of waste management have
consistently emphasized the significance of precise location information in optimizing waste collection

In conclusion, the Literature Review has highlighted the pressing waste management challenges in India,
the communication gaps in waste collection, and the potential of technology-driven solutions.
"Ecosaarthi" stands as an innovative response to these challenges, offering an integrated platform that
caters to the shortcomings in the existing waste management system. By leveraging location-based
communication and incentivizing waste pickers, "Ecosaarthi" presents a novel and promising approach to
improving waste management in India.

Chapter -III

The existing waste management system in India is grappling with substantial inefficiencies, presenting
a myriad of challenges that compromise its effectiveness and overall performance. This situation has
contributed to a series of interconnected problems, including suboptimal waste disposal practices,
environmental degradation, and heightened public health risks.

A critical issue within the current framework is the lack of robust communication channels between
waste generators and waste pickers. This deficiency leads to missed collection opportunities,
exacerbating unmanaged waste accumulation, and disrupting the entire waste management process.
Consequently, the absence of streamlined communication significantly hampers the timely and efficient
disposal of waste, exacerbating environmental hazards and health risks for local communities.

Moreover, the absence of an effective mechanism to incentivize waste pickers and other stakeholders
within the waste management ecosystem further compounds the problem. The lack of proper
motivation and recognition for their efforts diminishes the overall collaboration and efficiency in waste
collection and disposal processes.

Consequently, the existing waste management system not only struggles to address the mounting
environmental concerns but also fails to provide an efficient and comprehensive solution for managing
and disposing of waste. The prevailing gaps in communication, coordination, and incentives pose
significant barriers to the establishment of an effective and sustainable waste management system in

Addressing these systemic shortcomings is crucial to mitigating the detrimental environmental impacts
and health risks associated with suboptimal waste management practices. The development of
"Ecosaarthi," a mobile application tailored to bridge these critical gaps, represents a pivotal step toward
revolutionizing the current waste management landscape and fostering a more efficient and
environmentally conscious approach to waste disposal and collection.
Chapter -IV

4.1 Software Requirement Specification (SRS)
4.1.1 Introduction
The aim of this document is to gather analyze and give an in-depth insight into the complete EcoSaarthi
application by defining the problem statement in detail. The detailed requirements of this software are
provided in this document. Purpose
The purpose of the document is to collect and analyze all assorted ideas that have come up to define the
system, and its requirements with respect to consumers. Also, we shall predict and sort out how we
hope this product will be used to gain a better understanding of the project, outline concepts that may
be developed later, and document ideas that are being considered but may be discarded as the product
develops. In short, the purpose of this SRS document is to provide a detailed overview of our software
product, its parameters, and its goals. This document describes the project's target audience and its user
interface, hardware, and software requirements. It defines how our client, team, and audience see the
product and its functionality. Nonetheless, it helps any designer and developer to assist in software
development lifecycle (SDLC) processes. Scope
The document covers all the major features of the product along with the requirements of the software
to be developed but it can also be applied to assist in the selection of commercial software products.
The standard can be used to create software requirements specifications directly or can be used as a
model for defining an organization or project-specific standard. It does not identify any specific
method, nomenclature, or tool for preparing an SRS. Overview
EcoSaarthi is a mobile application designed to refine and enhance the existing waste management
system in India. It envisions a future where waste management transcends its current limitations
through the seamless integration of technology and human collaboration. By addressing critical
communication gaps between waste generators and waste pickers, the application seeks to optimize
waste collection processes, reduce environmental impact, and mitigate public health risks associated
with inefficient waste disposal practices.

The next section of the document gives the overall description of the software product which includes
the use cases, product perspectives, product functions, and user characteristics.

After that, the most crucial part of the document describes the specific requirements for designing the
software which mainly includes the functional requirements as of now.
4.1.2 Overall Description

4(i) Use Case Diagram DFD

4(ii) Level 0 DFD

4(iii) Level 1 DFD Product Perspectives
The success of EcoSaarthi hinges on a holistic understanding of its position within the larger
technology landscape, its interactions with external systems, and the user experience it offers. This
section elucidates the product's context, interfaces with other systems, and delineates its dependencies
to provide a comprehensive view of EcoSaarthi's product perspective. Product Functions

This software product has the following functionalities:
1. Login: The waste picker and user can login using their credentials.
2. SignUp: The waste picker and user can register themselves in the application.
3. Location: The user can update their location details through the app and it will be saved in the
database for picking up waste. An SMS is also sent when the location is updated.
4. Pickup: The waste picker can select locations from the available locations for pickup. After
cleaning the waste they can upload a photo and the user verifies it. The waste picker gets ecocoins
after successful verification
5. LeaderBoard: The leaderboard shows the ranks of waste pickers according to the number of
6. Profile: The waste picker and user can view and edit their profile details. User Characteristics

The user is expected to have basic knowledge of how a computer system works. He/she should be
literate enough to be able to install a software application and use it by following the instructions

4.1.3 Specific Requirements External Interface Requirements User Interfaces
EcoSaarthi's user interface is crafted using Flutter, a versatile and open-source UI toolkit for building
natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter, backed
by Google, is renowned for its efficiency, expressive design, and cross-platform capabilities,
offering a unified development experience for diverse platforms. Hardware Interfaces

No special hardware is required for this software program to run, a Smartphone with decent
RAM, Storage, and processor are the only hardware requirements. Software Interfaces

The major software requirements for developing this product are:
1. Flutter Framework
EcoSaarthi's user interface is developed using the Flutter framework. Flutter provides a rich set of
tools and libraries for building visually appealing and responsive user interfaces. The application
logic, UI components, and navigation are implemented using Dart programming language, creating a
cohesive and cross-platform user experience.
2. Firebase Services
EcoSaarthi leverages Firebase services for additional functionalities such as real-time database
updates, authentication, and cloud storage. Firebase enhances the application's capabilities by
providing scalable and reliable cloud-based solutions.
3. Internet Connectivity
EcoSaarthi relies on internet connectivity to enable real-time communication between the mobile
application and the backend server. Internet access is essential for transmitting pickup requests,
updating collection statuses, and synchronizing data between users and the central server.
4. SMS Gateway
In addition to internet communication, EcoSaarthi interfaces with an SMS gateway service. This
interface ensures that waste pickers can receive and confirm collection requests via SMS, providing
an alternative communication channel in areas with limited internet connectivity. The SMS gateway
enhances the application's resilience and accessibility.
5. Android Studio
For the development and maintenance of the Android version of EcoSaarthi, developers use
This integrated development environment (IDE) provides the necessary tools for building, testing,
and debugging the application. Android Studio ensures compatibility and optimization for Android
Chapter -V


The implementation of "Ecosaarthi" has yielded significant improvements in the waste management
landscape, addressing the critical challenges that had previously plagued the efficiency and effectiveness
of the waste management system in India. Through the integration of innovative features and streamlined
communication channels, the application has demonstrated tangible outcomes in enhancing waste
collection and disposal processes, thereby contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally
conscious approach to waste management.

One of the key outcomes of the application has been the establishment of a robust and efficient
communication network between waste generators and waste pickers. By offering location input and an
alternative SMS facility, "Ecosaarthi" has successfully bridged the communication gap, leading to a
substantial reduction in missed collection opportunities and unmanaged waste accumulation. This
improvement has significantly streamlined the waste collection process, resulting in a more organized
and timely waste disposal system.

Furthermore, the incentivization mechanism incorporated within the application has fostered increased
collaboration and efficiency among waste pickers and other stakeholders. By recognizing and rewarding
their efforts based on their work, "Ecosaarthi" has successfully motivated waste pickers to actively
participate in the waste collection and disposal processes, thereby contributing to a more synchronized
and cooperative waste management ecosystem.

The integration of modern technology and the application's emphasis on precise waste pickup through
location input have significantly contributed to the overall success of the project. The application's
innovative approach to waste management has not only revolutionized the coordination and execution of
waste collection but has also paved the way for a more sustainable and effective waste management
system in India.

Overall, the implementation of "Ecosaarthi" has demonstrated its ability to address the existing
shortcomings in the waste management system, leading to tangible improvements in communication,
collaboration, and efficiency, and marking a significant step forward in the endeavor to create a more
sustainable and environmentally conscious waste management ecosystem.
Fig. 5(i) Splash Screen Fig. 5(ii) Signup Page Fig. 5(iii) Login Page

Fig. 5(iv) Landing Screen Fig. 5(v) Update Location Fig. 5(vi) Success Popup
Fig.5(vii)Pickup Spot for Waste Picker Fig. 5(viii) Location detail 5(ix) Image Uploading

5(x) Image uploaded popup 5(xi)Pickup Spot for User 5(xii)Pickup confirmation with photo
5(k)Pickup confirmation 5(l)Waste Picker Rating 5(m)Rating popup

5(xiii)Leaderboard Page 5(xiv)Profile page 5(xv)Edit Profile Page

Chapter -VI


6.1 Advantages

The "Ecosaarthi" mobile application presents several significant advantages that address pressing issues
in waste management, offering a transformative solution to India's waste management challenges. These
advantages can be categorized as follows:

1. Improved Efficiency and Effectiveness:

- Enhanced Communication: "Ecosaarthi" serves as a bridge between waste generators and waste
pickers, resolving the existing communication gaps. This efficient communication channel ensures timely
and accurate waste collection, reducing instances of missed collection opportunities and unmanaged
waste accumulation.

- Precise Location Input: The integration of precise location input is a game-changer in waste
management. By enabling waste generators to provide accurate location details, the application ensures
waste pickers can reach the exact collection point, reducing time and effort wastage.

- Alternative SMS Facility: The application's SMS facility offers a fail-safe method of communication,
especially in areas with limited internet connectivity. This redundancy ensures that waste collection can
proceed smoothly even under adverse network conditions.

2. Incentivized Collaboration:

- Reward System: "Ecosaarthi" introduces a novel incentive-based approach to waste collection. By

rewarding waste pickers and other users for their contributions, the application fosters collaboration and
encourages active participation. This incentivization not only improves waste collection efficiency but
also promotes a sense of responsibility and ownership among users.

- Reduced Environmental Impact: With improved waste collection efficiency, there is a significant
reduction in littering and illegal dumping. This has a direct positive impact on the environment by
minimizing pollution, enhancing aesthetics, and mitigating health risks associated with improper waste

3. Technological Innovation:

- Revolutionizing Waste Management: "Ecosaarthi" stands out as an innovative and pioneering

solution in the field of waste management. Leveraging modern technology, it redefines how waste
collection is coordinated and executed, moving away from traditional, often inefficient methods towards
a more data-driven and organized approach.

- Scalability: The use of a mobile application makes "Ecosaarthi" highly scalable, offering the potential
for widespread adoption. This scalability is crucial in addressing waste management challenges not only
in urban areas but also in rural regions, where waste collection logistics can be equally challenging.

6.2 Future Scope

The "Ecosaarthi" mobile application project, aimed at improving waste management in India, has shown
great potential for addressing existing challenges. As we move forward with the project's
implementation, it is imperative to consider several areas of future development and expansion.

In terms of feature enhancements, continuous improvement is essential. The introduction of real-time

tracking for waste collection vehicles could greatly enhance the user experience by providing precise
pickup times. Furthermore, implementing data analytics could allow us to track user behavior, system
performance, and user satisfaction, enabling us to refine the application's functionality.

To reach a wider audience, we should consider implementing language localization features, ensuring
inclusivity for users who speak different languages and dialects. This will enable "Ecosaarthi" to cater to
a more diverse user base.

Additionally, there is the opportunity to integrate the application with municipal authorities and the
broader waste management infrastructure. This may involve data sharing, coordination of waste
collection routes, and the possibility of receiving government support for the project.

As part of our long-term vision, we could explore the potential for waste sorting and recycling
integration. By partnering with recycling facilities, we can promote the segregation of waste at the
source, facilitating its proper disposal or recycling.

Securing partnerships and additional funding is another avenue to explore. Environmental organizations,
corporate sponsors, and government agencies may be willing to support the project, enabling it to grow
and deliver greater benefits to the community.

Furthermore, continuous efforts should be directed toward enhancing security measures and data privacy
to safeguard user information and maintain trust in the application.

User feedback and iteration are key components of future development. Regularly gathering feedback
from users and waste pickers allows us to identify pain points and areas for improvement, which can then
be addressed in subsequent updates.





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