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Number of questions: 40
Time permitted: 60 minutes

Directions: You will read four different passages, each followed by 10 questions. For 40
questions, you are to choose the best answer A, B, C or D to each question. Then, on your
answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the
letter of the answer you have chosen. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of
what is stated or implied in that passage.

PASSAGE 1- Questions 1-10

English is the first language of several countries. It is also used for international
communication in occupations related to medicine, business and travel. However, the English
language has many variations. British, North American, Australian, and South African English
are all spoken differently. In many English language courses, the British and North American
5 varieties are taught. One is not more correct than the other, but there are important
differences between the two.
Probably the biggest difference between North American and British English is the
vocabulary. Different words and expressions are used to talk about the same thing. For
example, in the United State, people throw their garbage into their trash can. In England,
10 people throw their rubbish into the dustbin. In Britain, people take a lift to the fifth floor. In
North America, people take an elevator.
North American and British English grammar can also vary. For example, speakers of
British English will ask “What did you do at the weekend?” But North Americans usually say
15 “on the weekend”. Some verb tenses also differ slightly. In the United States people usually
say “I’ve gotten a new car,” but in the U.K. they will say “I’ve just got a new car.”
The pronunciation of many vowel sounds in North American and British English is also
different, even when the spelling is the same. The word “tomato” – pronounced to-mah-to in
British English – is a classic example of this. Vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation are three
20 ways English varies in different parts of the world. Learning all of these differences would be
very difficult, so English language learners should be aware that they exist.

1. Which of the following is TRUE about English?

A. It is only spoken in England.
B. It is only used in business.
C. It is only used for travelling.
D. It has many variations.
2. What is the meaning of the word “occupations” in line 2?
A. talks
B. jobs
C. meetings
D. rules
3. Which of the following countries do NOT use English as their first language?
A. Australia
B. Britain
C. South Africa
D. Austria
4. How does the writer compare British English and American English?
A. British English is more correct than American English.
B. American English is more correct than British English.
C. There are some differences between them.
D. They are completely similar to each other.
5. What is the biggest difference between North American and British English?
A. Vocabulary
B. Grammar
C. Pronunciation
D. Discourse
6. Which of the following may an English person use?
A. rubbish
B. garbage
C. trash can
D. elevator
7. Which of the following may an American person use?
A. rubbish
B. dustbin
C. lift
D. elevator
8. The word “vary” in line 12 is closest in meaning to
A. exchange
B. bother
C. differ
D. comment
9. How many ways does English vary in parts of the world, according to the writer?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
10. What is the best title for the passage?
A. English is an international language
B. Variations of English in the world
C. American and British English are different
D. Comparing American and English vocabulary

PASSAGE 2 - Questions 11-20

Line Water on the earth is being recycled continuously in a process known as the
hydrologic cycle. The first step of the cycle is the evaporation of water in the oceans.
Evaporation is the process of water turning into vapour, which then forms clouds in the sky.
The second step is the water returning to the earth in the form of precipitation: either in
5 rain, snow, or ice. When the water reaches the earth’s surface, it runs off into the rivers,
lakes, and the ocean, where the cycle begins again.
Not all water, however, stays on the surface of the earth in the hydrologic cycle.
Some of it seeps into the ground through infiltration and collects under the earth’s surface as
groundwater. This groundwater is extremely important to life on earth, since 95% of the
10 earth’s water is in the oceans and is too salty for human beings or plants. Of the 5% on land,
0.5% is above ground in rivers or lakes. The rest is underground water. This groundwater is
plentiful and dependable, because it does not depend on seasonal rain or snow. It is the
major source of water for many cities. But as the population increases and the need for
water also increases, the groundwater in some areas is getting dangerously low. Added to
15 this problem, is an increasing amount of pollution that seeps into the groundwater. In the
future, with a growing population and more toxic waste, the hydrologic cycle we depend on
could become dangerously imbalanced.

11. Clouds are formed from

A. water vapour
B. snow and ice
C. hydrologic cycle
D. groundwater
12. Water returns to the earth by
A. infiltration
B. pollution
C. precipitation
D. evaporation
13. Ground water
A. depends on seasonal rain
B. comes from toxic waste
C. 0.5% of all water
D. collects under the earth
14. The amount of groundwater is
A. about 95% of all water
B. less than 5% of all water
C. 0.5% of above-ground water
D. 95% of above-ground water
15. What takes the highest proportion of the earth’s water?
A. oceans
B. rivers and lakes
C. underground water
D. ground water
16. What is closest meaning to the word “plentiful” in line 12?
A. abundant
B. redundant
C. vacant
D. decent
17. What is closest meaning to the word “toxic” in line 16?
A. alien
B. excessive
C. continuous
D. harmful
18. The supply of groundwater is getting low because of
A. conservation
B. toxic waste
C. pollution
D. population increase
19. Which of the following words can be used to describe underground water?
A. seasonal
B. adequate
C. reliable
D. scarce
20. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Water Conservation
B. The Hydrologic Cycle
C. Underground Water
D. Polluted Groundwater

PASSAGE 3 - Questions 21-30

Line Every student knows the feeling. You arrive to class with the best intentions, find a
seat, take out your book and begin listening attentively to your teacher. Suddenly the lights
are off, the projector is on and with every click of a power-point slide and your eyes just
want to shut.
5 Maybe you spent the night studying hard or had to work late. Maybe you have a
noisy roommate or are struggling to sleep. Whether it's an early morning class or an
afternoon class or a night class, most students have found themselves stuck in sleepiness
during class from time to time, while some students find this a chronic challenge.
There are many negative effects of sleepiness in class. The most obvious is low
10 academic performance. However, some strategies can help. You can do something before
class to avoid sleepiness.
You should sleep enough and sleep well. The amount of sleep needed varies from
person to person and changes as we age. In other words, there is no magic number for the
amount of sleep you need. It is dependent on genetics as well as your age. Research has
15 stated that young adults between the ages of 16 to 21 need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep
each night, for optimal performance. Most young adults do not get enough sleep; one study
found that only 15% reported sleeping 8.5 hours while going to school. It is good to set a
sleep schedule and follow it as best you can.
Before going to bed, do not eat a large meal or drink alcohol. Do not use caffeine or
20 nicotine at least an hour before bed. Read or listen to music before you fall asleep. These
habits can help you have a good night's sleep. Before class, do not eat carbohydrates and
sugar. Instead, have a protein rich meal that will keep you full and focused in class.
You should do exercise. The only way to experience the full mind blowing effects
regular exercise has on your body is to try it. When you're tired, the last thing you want to do
25 is exercise. Walking in between classes or hitting the gym for even 45 minutes will boost your
energy. Try an exercise program that lasts at least 45 minutes and do it 3-5 times a week.
You will notice the positive effects on your energy level. However, if you exercise at night,
end at least three hours before bed.
You should get ready for your class. If possible, have a shower before going to class.
This will wake you up and get you going. Arrive to class, know the material and have
questions as well as comments to contribute. Listen to music that will pump you up for class.
21. What does the writer mean by “your eyes just want to shut”?
A. You want to think more carefully
B. You want to remember the old lesson
C. You want to listen more attentively
D. You want to sleep right in class
22. The amount of sleep needed for everybody depends on
A. food
B. exercise
C. age
D. music
23. The word “magic” in line 13 could be best replaced by
A. true
B. right
C. wrong
D. false
24. What does “the most obvious” in line 9 refer to?
A. Performance
B. Sleepiness
C. Effect
D. Strategy
25. Which of the following is one of the reasons that may make you feel sleepy in class?
A. You had a late meal
B. You had a hard task
C. You friend had a struggle
D. Your friend disturbed you
26. The word “optimal” in line 16 is closest in meaning to
A. Perfect
B. Poor
C. Ordinary
D. Quick
27. Which of the following is one of the research findings?
A. 15% of people sleep between 8 and 10 hours a day
B. 15% of teenagers do not have enough sleep
C. 15% of students have 8.5 hours sleeping a day
D. 15% of young people sleep 8.5 hours at school
28. What should you have before class to help you more focused?
A. Coffee
B. Beefsteak
C. Cake
D. Cigarette
29. If you do exercise at night, you should
A. start at three after midnight
B. do it for three hours after bedtime
C. do it for three hours before bedtime
D. finish three hours before bedtime
30. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Sleep in class among school students
B. Hints avoiding sleepiness in class
C. Reasons causing sleepiness in class
D. Effects of sleepiness in class

PASSAGE 4 - Questions 31-40

Line With the development of advanced technology, growing use of mobile phones and
other gadgets are considerably harming the younger generation. Students are developing
a strong connection with their mobile phones, which is leading to a massive loss in their
concentration and time spent in studies. Parents and teachers usually face problem in
5 fighting the distraction of students.
There are a number of negative effects caused to a student with excessive use of
mobile phones. A new study claims that heavy internet and mobile phone users are more
likely to lose concentration and forget things easily. This also affects their awareness and
eventually leads to passive mind, weak focus and attention.
10 Parents want to give all the facilities to their children at a very young age so as to
help them shape a perfect career path. They purchase the most expensive and latest
smartphone for their children for this, which in itself is the origin of all the problems
apparently. Students generally have pressure to maintain their image among their friends.
Even if they do not want to buy an expensive mobile phone, they will do it for their friend
circle. Children get stressed trying to maintain a proper communication level with parents,
teachers and friends on phone.
Of course, use of technology has direct implication on education, whether it is
positive or negative. If a teacher is using technology in the classroom, it will benefit a
student. However, if a student chats for long hours on phone, it will definitely leave a
negative impact on him or her.
Why are mobile phones affecting kids negatively? Despite knowing about
education-related applications, kids spend most of their time doing following activities:
listening music frequently, playing mobile games, chatting and calling friends and
following social media. In short, excessive use of mobile phones is becoming a distraction
25 for students and is wasting their time. They really get into the virtual world to an extent
that they forget all other important things.
Anxiety, stress and depression are some of the problems faced by students due to
24-hour connection with friends and other people. According to a study, students fail to
set goals for themselves due to a confused state of mind. What leads to a confused state
30 of mind? Teenagers get deep into an exciting state of mind once they start keeping their
phone next to them at all times. They do not sleep, they constantly check their phone.
Despite sleeping, they are not stress free.
According to recent survey by Microsoft Corporation, India ranks third on the
highest rate of cyber bullying, after China and Singapore. As many as 7,600 children
between the age group of 8-17 years are the victims of cyber bullying. Some of the
impacts of cyber bullying are: rising student suicides, increase of aggression in students,
loss of self-confidence, depression and increase in student drug intake.

31. What does the passage say about the number of young people using mobile
A. declining
B. increasing
C. constant
D. fluctuating
32. What does the word “it” in line 14 refer to?
A. Shaping a career path
B. Maintaining their image
C. Buying an expensive phone
D. Doing a friend circle
33. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Negative effects of technology
B. Negative effects of mobile phones
C. Negative effects of social media
D. Negative effects of the internet
34. Which of the following can best replace the word “virtual” in line 24?
A. New
B. Real
C. Fake
D. Fun
35. What can be the writer’s attitude towards buying an expensive smartphone for
A. Supportive
B. Disapproving
C. Neutral
D. Indifferent
36. Which of the following is true?
A. India lags behind China and Singapore in cyber bullying
B. India, China and Singapore have equal rates of cyber bullying
C. India exceeds China and Singapore in cyber bullying
D. Singapore has the highest rate of cyber bullying in Asia
37. What is the main purpose of the writer in writing this passage?
A. To encourage parents to buy smartphones for their children
B. To warn teachers of the harm of using mobile phones in class
C. To persuade young people not to use mobile phones any more
D. To explain the downsides of using mobile phone among students
38. What does the writer mean by “cyber bullying”?
A. School bullying
B. Internet bullying
C. Direct bullying
D. Children bullying
39. What does the writer mean by “Despite sleeping, they are not stress free”?
A. They have more free time to sleep
B. They cannot sleep and feel stressed
C. They sleep well and do not feel stressed
D. They sleep but still feel stressed
40. One of the impacts of cyber bullying on students is
A. The increase of crimes
B. The rise of murdering
C. The depression in business
D. The growth of medical treatment


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