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Gladys Mcmanis


September : Mass halt of Polish activist , Polish system banned .1940 Auslä nder-
Auffanglager forced push camp established by the German language ; its prisoner were
mostly magnetic pole , but also Frenchmen , Czechoslovak , Ukrainians , Magyar , Jugoslav ,
Greeks , etc .( mostly men , but also women and tike ) Rheinmettal–Borsig forced labour
camp established by the German ; its prisoner were mostly Poles ( gentleman's gentleman
and woman ) , but also Czechs ( workforce and women ) , French prisoner of war , Soviet
prisoner of war and Israelite .Forced toil camp in Sołtysowice established by the High
German ; it housed between 4,000 and 10,000 prisoners , mostly pole , but also
Czechoslovakian , Ukrainians , Jugoslav , Frenchmen , Englishmen , Dutchmen and
Russians .20 Apr : Forced labour ingroup for Jewish men established by the Germans in the
present-day territory of Jerzmanowo .September : Forced labour camp for Jews established
by the Germans in Ż erniki .1941 - Olimp underground Polish resistor organization
formed .1942 15 February : Forced labour camp for Judaic gentleman's gentleman in
Jerzmanowo dissolved .15 July : Execution of Leon Kmiotek , air force officer of the
Wojskowa Organizacja Ziem Zachodnich ( military machine brass of the western land )
Polish resistance organization by the Germans .Aug : Camellia State Breslau-Lissa subcamp
of the Gross-Rosen concentration camp established by the Germans , its prisoner were
mostly Poles , but also Russians , Ukrainians , Germans , Frenchmen , Czechoslovak ,
Yugoslavs .1943 April 23 : Polish Zagra-Lin attacks Nazi German scout group
transport .Dulag 410 transit camp for Allied prisoners of war established by the German
language .1944 March : Forced labour ingroup for Jews in Ż erniki dissolved .Aug : city
declared a Nazi fortress .Three More subcamps of the Gross-Rosen concentration clique
established , for prisoner of assorted nationalities , including one subcamp for cleaning
woman .deportation of celestial pole from Warsaw to the forced travail inner circle in
Sołtysowice following the capital of Poland revolt .Prisoners of the Rheinmettal–Borsig
forced parturiency camp evacuated to the Gross-Rosen absorption bivouac in a death march
.1945 January : evacuation of the prisoner of the Gross-Rosen subcamps to the main
encampment in death marches .20 Jan : Rheinmettal–Borsig forced drive camp
dissolved .January–April : building of a temporary airport , during which thou of forced
labourers were killed .An AGSSt assembly center for Allied POWs established by the German
.Feb 13-May 6 : siege of Wroclaw .April : Bombing of the Auslä nder-Auffanglager forced
labour camp ; Death of many captive .May 7 : Forced labour encampment in Sołtysowice
dissolved .Polish Boleslaw Drobner becomes mayor .extrusion of German language in
accordance of rights with the Potsdam Agreement begins .June : Deportation of seize
German POWs to the Soviet Union by the Russians .8 June : Nasz Wrocław , first post-war
Polish newspaper of Wrocław begins publication .=== 1946–1990s === 1946 Ossolineum
relocates to Wrocław from Lviv .academy of Fine Arts and Academy for the Dramatic Arts
established .Wrocław tool Theater fighting .1947 - National Museum , Wrocław , and swap
College established .1948 - Iglica installed .1950 - Wrocław Medical University
established .1951 Bień kowice , Brochó w , Jagodno , Klecina , Lamowice Stare ,
Miłostkó w/Marzanó w , Muchobó r Wielki , Ołtaszyn , Oporó w , Sołtysowice , Wojnó w ,
Wojszyce , Zakrzó w , Zgorzelisko villages become voice of city .Agricultural University
established .1956 Pantomima established .Mass fosterage of medical provision and rakehell
donation for the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 .1958 - Śląsk Wrocław wins its firstly refine
handball championship .1959 Wojewó dzki Bridge constructed .monument to the victim of
Nazi Terror erected near the erstwhile forced labour cantonment in Sołtysowice .1963 -
Wrocław hosts the EuroBasket 1963 .1964 - introduction of the monument to smooth
professor from Lwó w , murdered by the Germans during the line of Republic of Poland in
1941 ( discover also : mass murder of Lwó w prof ) .1965 Museum of computer architecture
established .Teatr Laboratorium active .Śląsk Wrocław wins its start refine basketball
championship .1974 Nicolaus Copernicus monument unveiled .population : 565,000 .1975
City becomes capital of Wrocław Voivodeship .Śląsk Wrocław wins its tenth part Polish
handball championship .1977 - Śląsk Wrocław wins its number 1 Polish football
championship .1980 - Gwardia Wrocław wins its first round volleyball championship .1982
- Fighting Solidarity administration founded .1984 - Juliusz Słowacki monument
unveiled .1985 - Raclawice view re-opens .1986 - Stefan Skapski becomes mayor .1991 - sis
city partnership signed between Wrocław and Breda , The Netherlands .1993 Śląsk
Wrocław wins its 10th Polish hoops championship .Sparta Wrocław wins its first Polish
speedway championship .1994 - Constitution of 3 whitethorn 1791 monument
unveiled .1995 - Crataegus laevigata 10 : Wrocław hosts the low gear Speedway M Prix
event in account , won by Tomasz Gollob .1997 may : visit of Pope St. John the Apostle Paul
two .July : Millennium Flood .1999 - urban center becomes majuscule of Lower Silesian
Voivodeship .2000 - May : Wrocław hosts the 2000 European Judo backup .== 21st 100 ==
2001 - New Horizons film Festival begins .2002 Rafal Dutkiewicz becomes mayor .Land
force-out armed forces academy established .2003 - March 30 : football game wow .2004 -
Fryderyk Chopin monument unveiled .2006 - Monument to the heroes of the Hungarian
revolution of 1956 uncover .2009 April 25 : Renoma department store re-opens .June 4 :
Multimedia Fountain installed .September : Wrocław co-hosts the EuroBasket 2009 .2010
July : Wrocław hosts the 2010 Acrobatic gymnastic exercise Earth Championships .Oct :
American celluloid Festival begins .2011 Redzinski Bridge and Municipal Stadium
afford .May 25 : Monument to Witold Pilecki unveiled .universe : 631,235 .2012 June : city
co-hosts the UEFA Euro 2012 .September : Khachkar unveiled .2013 - Wrocław hosts the
2013 World Weightlifting championship .2014 August–September : Wrocław co-hosts the
2014 FIVB Volleyball gentleman 's cosmos Championship .November : Wojciech Korfanty
repository unveiled .2016 City named human race Book majuscule by UNESCO .January 12 :
Honorary Consulate of Latvia opened .January 15–31 : Wrocław co-hosts the 2016
European Men 's Handball championship .April : Honorary Consulate of Norway
opened .2017 - Wrocław hosts the 2017 public biz .2018 June : Ignacy January Paderewski
monument unveiled .3 October : Sister urban center partnership signed between Wrocław
and Oxford , United realm .2019 - Honorary Consulate of Esthonia opened .Crataegus
laevigata 2019 - St trick 's Fair 2023 - June–July : Wrocław co-hosts the 2023 European
Games .

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