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BSBCRT511 - Develop Critical Thinking In Others

1.Describe any two models of critical and creative thinking (one for each). 100- 150

Calvin Taylor model: It describes talent areas as productive thinking, communication, planning,
decision making and forecasting. This model is best known as talents unlimited, a program of
national diffusion network of the us department of education.

The Taylor model incorporates both the critical and creative elements of thinking.

Product thinking

It suggest critical and creative thinking of many ideas, varied ideas, unusual ideas, and adding
to those ideas.


Beyer’s evaluative thinking model:

Critical thinking is not making decisions or solving problems. It is not the same as reflective
thinking, creative thinking, or conceptualizing. Each of these other types of thinking serves a
specific purpose. We make decision in order to choose among alternatives. We solve problems
when we encounter an obstacle to a preferred condition.

Beyer asserts that critical thinking involves 10 cognitive operations, which can be employed in
any sequence or combination as needed for the thinking task at hand:

1. Distinguishing between verifiable facts and value claims.

2. Distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information, claims or reasons.
3. Determining the factual accuracy of a statement
4. Determining the credibility of a source
5. Identifying ambiguous claims or arguments
6. Identifying unstated assumptions
7. Detecting bias
8. Recognizing logical fallacies
9. Recognizing logical inconsistencies in a line of reasoning
10. Determining the strength of an argument or claim

2. List out at least five characteristics of critical thinker.

 . A goal of creative thinking is to free your mind from customs and norms so you can
approach a problem in an unusual or novel way. Creative thinking involves skills like
associative thinking, brainstorming and originality.
 .Critical thinking in that it involves looking at things from a new perspective, coming up
with several solutions to a problem and avoiding solutions that are overly simplistic.
 It differs from critical thinking in that it allows for improvisation, can involve wild ideas
and benefits from a playful approach.
 A goal of creative thinking is to free your mind from customs and norms so you approach
a problem in an unusual or novel way.
 Creative thinking involves skill like associative thinking, brainstorming and originality

Discuss the following features of critical and creative thinking concepts in about 30-40
words each. Also identify the tools/techniques used for effective critical thinking.

Critical thinking is the ability to clearly and logically consider information that is
presented to us. Creative thinking is about generating new, novel, or useful ideas.
The great innovators combine critical thinking and creative thinking Old world
perspectives with new world ideas.

Creative Thinking Critical Thinking

It is generative It is analytical
It is Divergent It is generative
It is Right Brain It is left brain
It is Intultive It is logical
It is Imaginative It is sequential
It is subjective It is objective
It is open-ended It is close ended
It is Lateral It is vertical
It is Possibility It is probability
It is Non judgment It is judgment
It is Visual It is verbal
It is Hypothesis forming It is hypothesis testing
The key to helping students develop as critical thinkers is to nurture competent use
of five types of tools of thinking. These categories of tools are background
knowledge, criteria for judgment, critical thinking vocabulary, thinking strategies, and
habits of mind.
Steps of Critical Thinking:-
 Identify the problem or question. ...
 Gather data, opinions, and arguments. ...
 Analyze and evaluate the data. ...
 Identify assumptions. ...
 Establish significance. ...
 Make a decision/reach a conclusion. ...
 Present or communicate.
What are the five tips to develop critical thinking skills?

 Formulate your question. Know what you're looking for specifically. ...
 Gather your information. Now that you know what's relevant to your problem or
decision, research it.
 Apply the information. What concepts are at work?
 Consider the implications.
 Explore other points of view.

Discuss how workplace objectives and processes promotes a culture of creative
thinking. 200-250 words.

Ensure that organisational workplace objectives and processes should encourage

an environment that promotes a culture of creative thinking.

a) Diversity and inclusion: Organizations with diversity and inclusive culture have
a competitive advantage over others. Diversity and inclusive workforce are a pool of
talent, bringing in different perspectives and fosters creativity. It provides a platform
for the team to expand their knowledge by communicating with each other. When
members of the diverse team view things in a different way, they identify new and
different opportunities.

b) Staff empowerment: Staff empowerment has a positive impact on employee

efficiency, job satisfaction and helps to increase their efforts to create innovation, by
increasing their competency. Employee competency is increased by providing
employees with required education and resources to enhance their knowledge and
improve their creativity and innovation.

c) Continuous improvement: Organisational practice of continuous improvement

involves regular evaluation and improvement of practices and processes to ensure
that they are effective, efficient and relevant. Continuous improvement supports
creative and critical thinking. Organisations that focus on continuous improvement
try to identify new and innovative ideas for improving processes and practices to
increase effectiveness and efficiency.

d) Rewards: One of the powerful tools that support creativity and innovation is
rewards and recognition. Employees want to be recognized and rewarded for their
ideas and initiatives. Rewards motivate the employees to express their ideas and
provide feedback on ideas. Not every idea is implemented. Develop a culture where
even ideas that are not considered, are rewarded. This enables the employees feel
that even their ideas are valuable.

What resources are required to promote creative and critical thinking in an organisation?
Describe in about 150-200 words.

To create an environment that promotes creative and critical thinking, organizations need to identify and
allocate relevant resources. Resources may include –
a) Financial resources: - Creative and critical thinking cannot happen without dedicated finances. An
appropriate portion of budgets should be kept aside for developing critical thinking practices at
workplace. Percentage of budget can be estimated after a thorough analysis of costs incurred by earlier
projects and practices of critical thinking and previous years’ budgets for allocation of funds towards
critical thinking practices.
b) Human resources: - One of the greatest assets for critical and creative thinking is people. An
environment that promotes creative and critical thinking can be established by hiring people who have
required skills and knowledge to demonstrate creativity at their work or by developing critical
thinking skills of the existing employees.

c) Training and development: - Develop different training programs that allows employees to identity
skills and knowledge they require to improve on their creative and critical thinking and to develop the
skills. Provide employees with training programs to improve on their existing skills and learn new
skills and enhance their knowledge required for critical thinking.

Explain the characteristics of organisational learning environments. 100-150 words.

Organizational learning is the process by which an organization improves itself over

time through gaining experience and using that experience to create knowledge.
The knowledge created is then transferred within the organization.

A. Systems thinking: - Prepare to appreciate patterns and realization as an

alternative of isolated events. The System Thinking need some disciplines to
make active a learning organization realization, to interconnect the entire team
and to avoid blaming each other and to understand the problems may occur
on the actions taken during operations.
B. Personal Mastery: - It is a self-commitment for life time learning and life form
a part of a learning organization. Each member tries to be the most excellent
person and struggle for assurance and excitement and have to be more
realistic for the future.
C. The Mental Models: - the self-reflection process starts for the implementation,
where everyone has to be in deeply insight for generalization and structuring
the organizations model.
D. Sharing thoughts / Visions: - Individuals have rights to share original ideas,
proposals and visions because, the each distinct has the diverse visionary
aspect of a particular segment of operation.
E. The Learning Team: - Each team member is gluttonous to learn and share
their ideas between rest of the members which surge the credibility and
creativity of employees which ultimately diversify the organizations structure
and helps to achieve the organizational goal.

example for each opportunity#8.

Briefly describe the following formal learning environments and systems in 20-40 words
each. Provide an

Formal learning is usually delivered in a systematic intentional way. Formal learnings are usually structured,
goal-oriented and lead by an instructor. The most common formal learning opportunities to fill the skill gap are

a) Face-to-face:- A more traditional delivery method, but still ubiquitous, formal

learning takes place face-to-face or in a classroom-like setting. Popular as it
adds a level of immediate interactivity, face-to-face training like seminars,
coaching, and on-the-job training, does have its drawbacks though. It’s
expensive and time-consuming to run, and your learners often have to miss
full days of work to do the training. For example coaching, on-the-job-learning,
tutorials, group talks, seminars etc.

2. Online training
Done with the help of a learning
management system, online
training delivery has become the
new norm for businesses looking to
deliver a formalized learning
strategy. The big draw is that it’s
quick and easy. v
b) Certificates of achievement: - Different programs are designed to provide a
level of skills, knowledge and attitudes in different activities. These programs
are grouped as certificates of achievement. They provide the skill and
knowledge requirements for employees to perform within a range of functions.
c) Internal training and coaching:-Internal training and coaching identify the
exact skills and knowledge that participants need to improve and develop
appropriate training programs. Internal training uses real-life examples,
problems and challenges faced by the employees at the organisation. Internal
training positively impacts employee learning and development by providing
on-the-job, formal or informal training through mentors and coaches.
Coaching helps to improve the performance by focusing on the present,
wherein a coach is provided as a facilitator of learning. The coach helps the
employees to improve performance or to learn. For example LMS courses,
webinars, ILTs, podcasts, videos, VR etc.
Describe any three informal learning environments and systems that are most commonly
used in organisations. (30 – 40 words each)

Informal learning occurs in different ways and may include self-study, reading articles, participating in forums
and chat rooms. In informal learning, learner sets their own learning objectives. The most common Informal
learning opportunities to fill the skill gap are:-

A. Workplace Mentoring :- Pairing new employees with seasoned employee’s

gives the newbie’s an opportunity to see how business is conducted in your
company. With no exams or assignments to worry about, new employees can
learn by example and incorporate the practices they observe in more
experienced employees. This also gives new employees the confidence they
need to do their jobs well and helps with the succession planning process.
B. Feedback:-Feedback has a significant effect on the learning. Feedback helps
to identify the skills where the employee needs to improve and provide
guidance on how to improve learning. Providing learners with feedback on
their work is an important part of the learning process. Feedback will have a
positive impact on their learning. Feedback helps employees to transform the
gaps into potential skills to support and encourage change and growth of the
C. Job rotations:-Job rotation is a skill development strategy where the
employee is moved into other job roles. Job rotation broadens the employee
knowledge of other functions and departments. Job rotations maximize
employee’s exposure by allowing them to move into different roles. It helps to
cross-train members of the team.

List any five legislative requirements that guide the development of critical thinking in

Legislative Requirement Brief Desciption

Anti-discrimination Anti-discrimination legislation promotes that it is unlawful to discriminate
legislation on the basis of number of protected attributes including age, disability,
race, sex, marital status race in some of the areas including education and
Age Discrimination Act 2004 This act makes it unlawful to discriminate on the grounds of age in
relation to certain areas including work and providing benefits at
Disability Discrimination This act explains that it is unlawful to discriminate on the ground of
Act 1992 disability in the areas of work, education and other specific areas. The
main object of the act is to ensure persons with disabilities have the same
rights to equality before the law.
Racial Discrimination Act This act prohibits racial discrimination and offensive behaviour based on
1975 racial hatred. It prohibits workplace discrimination based on race, colour,
and descent, national or ethnic origin.
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 This act explains that it is unlawful to discriminate the employees based
on their sex, marital status, pregnancy or potential pregnancy. It also sets
out laws against sexual harassment and dismissal from work based in
family duties.

List what does a safe critical thinking environment include. (at least two)

An optimal learning environment for critical thinking is essential to establish a safe

environment and shared understanding of expectations. An understanding of how to
create a conducive learning climate is of paramount importance for critical thinking.

A. Make space for equal and open discussions: - A strong and high-
performing workplace should be the perfect place for open discussions.
Brainstorming sessions and workshops can be a great opportunity to
generate new, exciting, and innovative ideas. When conducting group
discussions, you may find that the more extroverted and opinionated team
members dominate proceedings. In order to promote a safe and positive
environment for the whole team, develop a system where everyone gets the
chance to voice their idea or opinion. It can be a very discouraging experience
to arrive at a meeting bursting with ideas, only to be talked over or lack the
courage to speak up at the opportune moment.
B. Get your team to show appreciation for each other:-One easy and
rewarding thing you can do to create a positive working environment is to
actively show appreciation for one another and to highlight just how much you
value everyone’s contributions. This can be done in an unstructured way, by
just encouraging your employees to be thankful to each other. Alternatively,
this can be done in a more structured manner during reflection sessions
during which your team where everyone can share feedback.

List out any four sources from which organizations can get reliable information on
workplace procedures?

The information relevant to analyze the current organizational systems may be

collected from –
A. Consumer research:-Consumer research is a part of the market research
that helps to identify the inclination, motivation and purchasing behavior of the
consumers. This technique helps the organization to understand the
information about what customer needs and their psychology. This
information helps the organization to understand the changes that need to be
done to their products and services, increase customer satisfaction and boost
B. Customer service surveys:-Customer service survey is an instrument that
helps organizations to measure customer’s level of satisfaction with their
products and services. It gives insights to make better decisions. Customer
service surveys are one of the effective ways for the organization to maintain
a record on how customers are feeling. This helps organizations to turn
negative customer experiences around and improve the overall product and
service to delight more customers, leading to better loyalty, high sales and
better employee retention.

C. Environmental scans:-Environmental scanning is the process of gathering

information about events and Environmental scanning is the process of
gathering information about events and their relationships within an
organization’s internal and external environment. Environmental scans help
organization to assess its developments and understand the factors that
contribute to its success and monitor external and internal environments.
D. Organizational frameworks:-generational frameworks provide individuals
and organizations with a bench mark to measure their capabilities.
Organizational framework consists of hierarchy of objectives that needs to be
developed by taking up different projects and processes. The framework
provides the structure to integrate financial planning, tracking the project,
reporting and monitoring the performance indicators.

Discuss any two best practices that fosters creative and critical thinking in industry. (In
about 130 – 150 words).
Employees are more inspired to be creative when they’re provided with a stimulating
atmosphere and a diverse group of colleagues. Creative employees can help grow
your business by coming up with better solutions to problems, expanding sales
opportunities, and distinguishing your products and services from competitors.

1. Set the stage for brainstorming

When employees have a wide-open whiteboard to work with, you never know what
ideas might come up. When they have an empty slate, with plenty of markers and
opportunities to brainstorm, your business can reap the rewards. In place of
whiteboards, consider putting down sheets of white butcher paper down on the
break room tables and scatter with various writing utensils. They may even end up in
an impromptu brainstorming session with someone from a different department.

2. Encourage individuality

Let your employees know that you value their thoughts. It sounds simple, but
employees get used to feeling like part of the pack and can sometimes think it’s
better to just keep up with their workload, blend in, and not become a squeaky
wheel. Employers should take extra steps to let employees know that individuality is

List at least three best practice approaches for instructing teams and individuals in
critical thinking.

Team leader or the manager should identify those who require additional support
and help to improve critical thinking practices and enhance critical thinking skills.
Identify additional support required for the teams and individuals, which can be
provided by –
a) Training:-When it comes to critical thinking practices, team leaders should not
overlook the virtue of training. Training helps to enhance required skills and
knowledge and improves on thinking practices of the individual and teams. Training
programs are designed based on the skills and knowledge which an individual need
to be developed.
b) Coaching and mentoring:-Training when combined with coaching and
mentoring provides opportunities to enhance required skills and knowledge.
Coaching helps to build interpersonal skills and develop relations with other team
members. Coaching helps to improve specific skills and behaviour. Mentoring
facilitates an expert to help the teams and individuals to sharpen their skills in a
positive way.
c) Implement an open-door policy:-By having an open-door policy, members of
the team who need support can approach and request for feedback, advice and
share concerns. This helps the leader to resolve issues and challenges faced by the
team, immediately and effectively. This provides inputs on how to develop their skills
and knowledge to improve their thinking practices.

What are the practices that helps the organisation to lead team and individuals in
developing critical and creative thinking skills? 80-100 words.

Leading a team and individuals in the direction of creative and critical thinking involves –
a) Conducting ideation sessions
Ideation session is conducted to generate more and innovative ideas and helps to improve on creative and
critical thinking skills. Ideation session for developing critical thinking skills can be developed by –
 Brainstorming sessions
 Mind mapping
 Brain writing
 SCAMPER model
 Reverse thinking
b) Creative and critical thinking techniques
Encourage employees to practice and participate in problem-solving and decision making.
Also inspire them to use different creative and critical thinking techniques like –
 Observation Open-mindedness
 Awareness
 Introspection
 Biases
 Decisiveness
 Consultation
 Collaboration

Provide at least five examples of how critical thinking can be applied in the workplace

 Promoting a teamwork approach to problem-solving. Any department within a

company is a team and effective collaboration is important to its success. ...
 Self-evaluating your contributions to company goals. ...
 Practicing self-reflection. ...
 Making informed decisions. ...
 Using your time wisely.

There are six steps to critical thinking. These are knowledge, comprehension,
application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Knowledge comes from the research
gathered while using critical thinking in the workplace. In order to understand a
problem, workers must first find the sources. Next is comprehension, concertedly
attempting to understand the information. The third step involves application of these
concepts to the specific problem. Analysis means breaking something into its
constituent parts and showing how those parts work together to create the whole.
Synthesis is bringing diverse ideas together to create a new idea. During the
evaluation phase, workers team members test their hypotheses.

List any five examples of processes that are often adopted to develop critical thinking in
others for a supportive environment. (In 60-70 words).

1. Analytical thinking: Being able to properly analyze information is the most

important aspect of critical thinking. This implies gathering information and
interpreting it, but also skeptically evaluating data.
2. Good Communication: Whether you use it for gathering information or
convincing others that your conclusions are correct, good communication is
crucial in the critical thinking process.
3. Creative thinking: Being able to discover certain patterns of information and
make abstract connections between seemingly unrelated data will improve
your critical thinking.
4. Open-mindedness: Previous education and life experiences leave their mark
on a person’s ability to objectively evaluate certain situations. By
acknowledging these biases, you can improve your critical thinking and
overall decision process.
5. Ability to solve problems: The ability to correctly analyze a problem and
work on implementing a solution is another valuable skill.

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