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Real-world Context:

In this project, students will explore the concept of evolution and its relevance in the real world. They
will investigate how the process of evolution has shaped different species over time and how it continues
to influence their survival and adaptation. Students will examine real-life examples and case studies to
understand how evolution is connected to broader issues in biology and ecology.

Multimedia Presentation Rubric

Criteria 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

Content and
Exemplary Proficient Adequate Limited Poor

The presentation
presentation The presentation The presentation The
provides a
thoroughly provides a clear provides a basic presentation
explains explanation of explanation of does not
explanation of
evolution and evolution and its evolution and its effectively
evolution and its
-Demonstrates a its relevance to relevance to relevance to explain
relevance to
comprehensive ecology and ecology and ecology and evolution and
ecology and
understanding of biology using biology with biology with its relevance to
biology with few
evolution and its real-life relevant real-life some real-life ecology and
importance to ecology examples and examples. The examples. The biology. The
examples. The
and biology in the real case studies. student student student
world. The student demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a
demonstrates a
demonstrates a solid satisfactory poor
deep understanding of understanding of understanding
understanding of
understanding the subject the subject of the subject
the subject
of the subject matter. matter. matter.
Criteria 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

Organization and
Exemplary Proficient Adequate Limited Poor

has a well- The presentation The presentation
The presentation The
organized has a clear has a somewhat
lacks a clear presentation
structure with a structure with an clear structure
structure and does not have a
- The presentation has a clear introduction, but lacks
lacks coherence. clear structure.
clear and logical introduction, body, and coherence in
Transitions Transitions
structure. body, and conclusion. parts. Transitions
between ideas between ideas
conclusion. Transitions between ideas
are abrupt and are missing or
Transitions between ideas are are not always
confusing. nonexistent.
between ideas mostly smooth. smooth.
are smooth and

Visual and Multimedia

Exemplary Proficient Adequate Limited Poor

The The presentation

presentation includes some The presentation
The presentation
creatively visual aids, uses few or
incorporates a graphics, or inappropriate The
visual aids,
- Utilizes visual aids, variety of multimedia visual aids, presentation
graphics, and
graphics, and visual aids, elements, but graphics, or does not include
multimedia elements graphics, and their multimedia any visual aids,
elements that
effectively to enhance multimedia effectiveness is elements, which graphics, or
understanding. elements that limited in hinder multimedia
enhance enhancing understanding elements.
and engage the
understanding understanding and disengage
and engage the and engaging the the audience.
audience. audience.
Criteria 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

Delivery and
Exemplary Proficient Adequate Limited Poor
Presentation Skills

The student The student

presents The student presents
information presents information with The student The student
with information with adequate presents struggles to
exceptional clear communication information with present
clarity, communication, and some limited information
confidence, confidence, and confidence. communication clearly and
- Presents information
and engages engages the Engagement of and confidence. confidently.
in a clear, confident,
the audience audience the audience may Engagement of Engagement of
and engaging manner.
effectively. effectively. vary. Delivery the audience is the audience is
Delivery is Delivery is may be limited. Delivery minimal.
smooth, and mostly smooth, somewhat may be hesitant Delivery is
the and the hesitant or or lack hesitant or lacks
presentation is presentation is lacking enthusiasm. enthusiasm.
highly engaging. enthusiasm at
engaging. times.

Use of Research and

Exemplary Proficient Adequate Limited Poor

effectively The presentation
The presentation
utilizes a wide The presentation utilizes some The
lacks adequate
range of utilizes research research and presentation
research and
- Demonstrates the use research and and evidence to evidence to does not utilize
evidence to
of research and evidence in support key support key any research or
support key
evidence to support key support of key points and claims, points and evidence to
points and
points and claims. points and demonstrating a claims, but the support key
claims, showing
claims, solid foundation use is limited in points and
gaps in
demonstrating of knowledge. demonstrating claims.
a strong knowledge.
foundation of
Criteria 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

Overall Quality and

Exemplary Proficient Adequate Limited Poor

presentation The presentation The
The presentation
reflects a high reflects an The presentation presentation
reflects a good
level of quality average level of reflects a limited reflects poor
level of quality
and quality and level of quality quality and
- Reflects a high level and creativity. It
exceptional creativity. It is and creativity. It minimal
of quality and creativity is engaging,
creativity. It is somewhat lacks creativity. It
in the presentation. demonstrates
engaging, engaging and engagement, lacks
originality, and
original, and demonstrates originality, and engagement,
shows a solid
demonstrates some originality effort. originality, and
an outstanding and effort. effort.

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