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Assignment 01 is based on Study Units 1 to 3 in your Tutorial Letter 501 and the
relevant chapters in your prescribed textbooks. Carefully read the specific Study Units
to be familiar with the concepts and specialist terms introduced in this module before
you attempt to answer the assignment questions below. In addition, it is important that
you attempt all the activities in order to establish a sound understanding of how to
analyse and interpret the structure of language, including its functions in selected


N.B. For the 10 marks question your response should be about 300 words

For the 20 marks question your response should be about 350-400 words.
Read Text A below and answer the questions that follow.

Benefits of Multilingualism

Author: Jiachen Mo

Published: 3/25/2019 1:09:45 PM

There are about 7,000 different languages spoken around the world. These languages are more than just a
form of communication but instead represent different cultures, traditions, and identities. They are an
inseparable aspect of people's lives. Especially in today's society, bilingualism or even multilingualism is very
common due to close proximity to other countries with different languages and an increased desire to
acquire such skills. Below are some advantages of being multilingual:

Global Awareness: People who know other languages often familiarize themselves with those cultures as
well. They appreciate cultural differences and are more open to new approaches and traditions. This diverse
mindset reduces biases and encourages more traveling in the future. Cognitive Benefits: Studies have
shown that there are many cognitive benefits of being multilingual. Multilingualism can delay the
symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease by an average of five years. In addition, constantly
switching between languages results in a more efficient, developed executive control system. As a result,

Open Rubric
they tend to be better at multitasking and have longer attention spans.

In the workforce: Knowing other languages broadens employment opportunities, both internally and to
other locations worldwide. Companies are always looking to hire people who can speak multiple languages.
They provide precious skills that come in handy when negotiating with foreign suppliers, customers, or
trying to expand into a new location.

As the world becomes more connected and globalized, the trend of studying other languages will continue. As
demand increases, more innovative and complete approaches to learning languages are emerging as well. Take
advantage of your free time and learn some basics of a new language, you never know when it might be useful.

Source: 09 June 2023

1. In a well-structured answer, identify any three cohesive devices and explain how they contribute to
achieving cohesion of the text. In your response, briefly define each cohesive device you intend to
discuss and describe how it functions in the text.
(20 marks)

2. Who, would you say, is the target audience of this article? Justify your answer and include
substantiation from the text. Respond in approximately 300 words (about two paragraphs).

(10 marks)

3. In a well-structured answer, identify the purpose of the writer in Text A and discuss how it is
achieved through the register and rhetorical devices found in the text.
(20 marks)

TOTAL: [50 marks]

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