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Nama:riska riyanti

Nim: 2110505071

1. Proyeksi Right Axiolateral Oblique ( Metode Law Double-tube Angulation)

Anatomi Radiograf
1. Mastoid Atrium
2. MAE/ meatus Acouticus Eksternal
3. Mastoid Air Cels

2. Proyeksi Axiolateral Oblique ( metode Modifikasi Law Single-tube Angulation

Anatomi Radiograf
1. Aurcle (laped forward)
2. Interial and external
3. Mastoid air cels
4. Mastoid process
5. Mandibular condyle

3. Proyeksi Axiolateral ( Metode Henschen, Schuller dan Lysholm)

Anatomi Radiograf
1. Mastoid antum
2. Internal and external acousthic meatus
3. Petrous portion
4. Mastoid process
5. Mandibula condyle
4. Proyeksi Left Axiolateral Oblique (Metode Law Double-tube Angulation)

Anatomi Radiograf
1. Auricle (taped forward)
2. Mastoid antrium
3. Mastoid air cells
4. Superimposed internal and external acoustic meatuses
5. Mandibular condyle
6. Mastoid process

5. Proyeksi Axiolateral Oblique ( Metode Stenvers-Posterior Profile)

Anatomi Radiograf
1. Auricle (taped forward )
2. Mastoid antrum
3. Mastoid air cells
4. Superimposed internal and external acoustic meatuses
5. Mandibular condyle
6. Mastoid process

6. Proyeksi Axiolateral Oblique Projection (Arcelin)

Anatomi Radiograf
1. Internal acoustic canal
2. Petrous ridge
3. Mastoid antrum
4. External acoutic meatus dan canal
5. Mandibular condyle
7. Proyeksi AP Axial (Metode Towne)

Anatomi Radiograf
1. Dorsum
2. Arcuate
3. Internal acoustic canal
4. Labyrinth( cochlea semicular canal vestibule)
5. Mastoid or cels

8. Proyeksi
Anatomi Radiograf
1. Condyle
2. External acoustic canal
3. Cochlea
4. Antrum
5. Mastoid process
6. Semicircular canal
7. Dens (odontoid process)

9. Proyeksi Axiolateral Oblik (Metode Mayer)

Anatomi Radiograf
1. Mastoid ar cels
2. Mastoid antrum
3. External acoustic canal
4. labyrintin
5. Mandibular condyle

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