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Material designed for students of English courses. UAQ. FI. MCE. Adriana Luna Martínez.

2024-1 2nd draft



1. Which of the following embarrassing situations have happened to you?

a) Fall down in public.
b) Be scolded by a teacher.
c) Taken out of a class.
d) taken to the principal’s office
e) Being suspended from lessons
f) stink of armpits
g) _______________________________________________________.
h) _______________________________________________________.

2. Choose the correct option to define the following situations.

1. Volunteer
a) An apprentice b) A collaborator

2. Run a business
a) To manage your own business b) To run for business

3. Be fired
a) Get a job b) Be dismissed from a job

4. Mistake a person for someone else.

a) The person you address is the correct one.
b) The person you address is the incorrect one.

5. Applications
a) A form with your personal data b) A form requesting the employer’s data

6. Spill something.
a) To stain someone’s clothes with liquids.
b) To slip and fall down.

7. Crowded
a) A lonely and quiet place b) A place with lots of people

8. Stomach growls.
a) Your stomach is quiet. b) Your stomach roars as a bear.

9. Trip and fall.

a) To step on your shoelaces and fall. b) To fall to tie your shoelaces.

10. Coughing fit.

a) To have a cough attack b) A cough fits you well.
Material designed for students of English courses. UAQ. FI. MCE. Adriana Luna Martínez. 2024-1 2nd draft

3. Look up the meaning of these words in a dictionary.

1. Crawl: _________________________________________________________________________.
2.Charity: ________________________________________________________________________.
3.Wealthy: _______________________________________________________________________.
4. Successful: _____________________________________________________________________.
5. Glare at: _______________________________________________________________________.
6. Bump into: _____________________________________________________________________.

4. Translate the sentences into Spanish.

1. The subway was very crowded, however I bumped into a colleague among so many people.
2. Steve Jobs studied a business degree, he ran his own business, incredibly he was fired from it.
3. On my way back home I saw a man that looked like a friend from high school. However, it wasn’t
him. I had mistaken that guy with that friend.
4. After he was fired, he sent an application to a new firm. First, he started as an apprentice, then as
a temporary worker and now he is the chief of human resources department.
5. In order to be wealthy and successful you may work hard to set and run your own business or you
may be a gifted innovator to revolutionize the world of science and technology as Steve Jobs, Elon
Musk or Mark Zuckenberg.



5. Put the verb in the correct form.

1. Richard _______________________ (always / get up) before 7:00 am.

2. I __________________________ (organize) a birthday party for my Dad, It’s his 50 anniversary.
3. She ____________________________ (not / understand the sentence, Please, explain that to
4. Have you heard the news? Harry ___________________ ( join) the Army!
Material designed for students of English courses. UAQ. FI. MCE. Adriana Luna Martínez. 2024-1 2nd draft

5. Mary ___________________ (never / do) her homework in the living room. She gets distracted
6. I think _____________ (not /have) enough time to finish the report for tomorrow.
7. While she _________________ (wash) the dishes, her brother _________________ (mop) the
dining room.
8. I’m sorry, I can’t meet you tonight. I _____________________ (go out) with my parents.
9. Where _________________________ (you / usually/ have) lunch? At school or at home?
10. Where ___________________ (you / be) last night? I called you but nobody answered!
11.. They _____________________ (not / have) time to attend the customers, so please give him a
12. look out! You _________________ (hit) that tree!
13. I think I’m in love, whenever I realize it, I _____________________ (think) of him.
14. Look! She ______________________ (sing) let’s go and listen to her.
15. We _____________________ (have) dinner when we _____________ (hear) a loud noise
coming from the neighbor’s house.

6. Fill in the gap the correct auxiliary verb.

1. Excuse me but you _______ making a lot of noise. Would you be quiet, please?
2. ________ you do homework? I’m afraid I forgot we had to write a letter for writing class.
3. How often ________ your cousin take piano lessons?
4. We _______ staying three more hours today because we arrived late to work.
5. What ______ she _________ talk about in her oral presentation? She looks very busy preparing
for the big day.
6. I ___________ have time to waste. The exam is next Monday, so I can’t go out. Sorry. Maybe
some other time.
7. ___________ you waiting for me? Sorry, there was a lot of traffic.
8. __________ you marry me?
9. I hope she ____________ accept.
10. _________ she sleeping or _______ she pretending so because she has no idea about the topic.
11. We __________ studying English IV, we _________ attending English V this semester.
12. What __________ she do? Oh, she’s a jazz singer and a dancer.


Units 1 & 2


1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. Marian _______ much better when she is giving that when she is receiving presents of praise.
a) feel c) feels
b) use to feel d) is feeling
2. The company has been hit hard by the economic recession, so to cut costs it ______ 200 workers.
a) lay off c) laying off
b) lays off d) is laying off
3. Now that she is out of a job, Aisha _______ going back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet.
a) considers c) is considering
b) considered d) consider
3. It doesn’t matter if you ____ it or not you _____ to pay taxes.
a) wanting / have c) wanted / have
b) wants / has d) want / have
4. No matter how hard he _______, the doorman still ______ my name.
a) try / forgets c) tries / forget
b) tries / forgets d) trying / forgets
5. The University that I want to attend now _______ TOEFL.
a) require c) requiring
b) requires d) is requiring
6. This coffee is old. It _____ like acid.
a) is tasting c) tastes
b) taste d) tasted
7. The sun ____ round the Earth in 24 hours.
a) go c) goes
b) is going d) going
8. Having an unbalanced diet _____ overweight and other illnesses.
a) cause c) is causing
b) causes d) does cause
9. When you do exercise regularly, you feel better and your brain ____ more oxygen.
a) get c) is get
b) is getting d) gets
10. The moon ______ light. It’s provided by the sun.
a) never have c) doesn’t have
b) don’t have d) doesn’t has
11. In fact, I _____ why people don’t understand the necessity we have from each other.
a) ‘m not knowing c) no know
b) don’t know d) doesn’t know
12. The trash truck collector passes in the neighborhood ________.
a) sometimes c) usually
b) often d) every evening
13. Speaking a second language ______ you appreciate another culture and value the own one.
a) make c) is making
b) makes d) making

14. Some children ________ to speak in the early ages because they need special attention.
a) don’t learn c) aren’t learning
b) not learn d) isn’t learning
15. Some people _______ science fiction movies incite to violence.
a) are thinking c) think
b) thinks d) once think

2. Find the mistake in the sentences below.

1. Karen have trouble opening the package, go and help her.

a b c d
2. Look! Bob is do magic tricks! He is so amazing!
a b c d
3. That stock does very well. The price went up fifty percent yesterday.
a b c d
4. It is good news. The cable television working again. The repair person was here yesterday.
a b c d
5. We go to the soccer match next Saturday… Do you want to come with us?
a b c d
6. This is summer, so Carla is searches for a part time job to get some extra money.
a b c d
7. Marian is tring to rewrite her composition but she has trouble doing so.
a b c d
8. She feel that the teacher didn’t give her enough feedback about it.
a b c d
9. The movie is about a boy and a girl who grew up together but who are loving each other.
a b c d
10. The Johnson’s stay in a hotel these months while their house is renovated.
a b c d
11. He wears a suit to work always because it is in the job’s norms.
a b c d
12. We once a week do the shopping so we save money and time.
a b c d
13. He is so an interesting man, tell me where is he come from?
a b c d
14. Those shoes look really good quality, how much are they cost?
a b c d
15. Where usually do you study or do homework, in your house?
a b c d
16. Listen! That is our song they play on the radio, so will you get out of the car and dance with me?
a b c d
17. Vivian is knowing that she will have to put her mother in a nursing home pretty soon.
a b c d
18. Mark is checking the other furniture to determine if a double bed is fitting in there.
a b c d
19. So sorry for not going to the match, I’m making algebra homework.
a b c d
20. In my free time I like painting, drawing, reading and cook some Italian food for my dear ones.
a b c d

21. We are fond of homemade food so we eat in restaurants seldom.

a b c d

22. We go to Toronto on vacations next summer. Everything is arranged.

a b c d
23. I’m quite understand what you mean but it isn’t as easy as you think.
a b c d
24. We are having three dogs at home. They are the pamper ones in our family.
a b c d
25. Gabriel Vargas created “La familia Burrón” which showing the Mexican way of living in Mexico.
a b c d



SIMPLE Adverbs of • Habits and routines.
PRESENT I always take a shower. frequency
She never smokes cigarettes. (always… • Facts.
They often go to the theatre. never)
(Once, twice, • Schedules.
Water boils at 100°C. every day)
The sun provides light to the moon. AUXILIARY VERB: DON’T /
The bus arrives at 10:00 tomorrow. FORM.
The movie starts at 9:00 tonight.





Grammar videos: Future forms – exercises

Watch the video on our website and read the

conversation between Sophie and Adam. Then do
these exercises to check your understanding of
future forms.

1. Check your grammar: grouping

Write the sentences in the correct group.

I don't think I'll ever be I'm seeing Jenny on

I'll hold the door for you. I'll wash. You dry.
famous. Sunday.

It won't take long to get What are you doing next

We'll help you! I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
there. week?

Are you going to the I'm playing basketball

You'll feel better soon. I'll ask him.
cinema tomorrow night? tonight.

Predictions and hopes Spontaneous ideas Plans and arrangements

2. Check your grammar: multiple choice

Circle the best future form to complete these sentences.

1. Don't worry about your driving test! I'm sure you’ll pass / you're passing .

2. I won’t come / ’m not coming on Friday, sorry. I have a doctor's appointment.

3. Are you hot? OK, I’m going to / I’ll open the window.

4. Don't leave your bike there! Someone ’s stealing it / ’ll steal it .

5. Good morning and welcome to our school. In this talk I’ll / I’m going to tell you about ...

6. Look at the traffic! We're going to be / We're arriving late for school.

7. Oops, I forgot your drink! I'm going to / I’ll go and get it now.

8. I don't think he'll / think he won't go to the party.

Grammar videos: Future forms – exercises

3. Check your grammar: error correction

Correct and write these sentences on the line below.

1. That looks heavy. I help you.

2. I'll play at a music festival this weekend.

3. He's playing really badly. There's no way he's winning this match.

4. I'll meet Charlie and Anna later.

5. Let's not go to that beach. I think it's too full of tourists today.

6. I'll start piano lessons on Monday. I'm really looking forward to it.

7. I think it won't rain today.

8. Ask her! I'm sure she isn't minding.



What are your plans for this weekend?

4. Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of a future tense. (will, be going to +
verb, present continuous or simple present).

1. The train __________ (to arrive) at 12:30.

2. We __________ (to have) dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday.
3. It __________(to snow) in Brighton tomorrow evening.
4. On Friday at 8 o’clock I __________ (to meet) my friend.
5. Paul __________ (to fly) to London on Monday morning.
6. Wait! I __________ (to drive) you to the station.
7. The English lesson __________ (to start) at 8:45.
8. I __________ (to see) my mother in April.
9. Look at the clouds – it __________ (to rain) in a few minutes.
10.You’re carrying too much. I __________ (to open) the door for you.
11.You __________ (to feel) a lot better when you take a nap.
12. Look at tha man on the bridge. He _______________ (to jump)!

13.We __________ (to wait) in the shelter until the bus comes.
14.I’m very sorry Dr. Jones __________ (not be) back in the clinic until 2pm.
15.I think this summer, I __________ (to spend) my holydays in Brighton.
16.I don’t think you __________ (to have) any problems when you land in Boston.
17.________________ (to take) your children with you to France?
18. I hope she arrives con time, otherwise, she ________________ (not / to see) the
starting part of the play.

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