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Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 1

The Problem and its Background

On-the-job training (OJT) is training in the workplace. This program aims to train

and orient students about the work they are supposed to do to prepare them for their future

careers. The students can acquire skills and competencies based on what they learned,

and practice their skills and competencies through a series of field practices and exposure

to the course Alejandro, NJ. (2012).

Hotel and Restaurant Management students would have a chance to develop their

skills and competencies in housekeeping, front desk, restaurant, and others. In

housekeeping, Andrews (2013) stressed that students in OJT are responsible for

cleanliness, maintenance, and aesthetic upkeep of the entire premises both externally and

internally to keep a sparkling hotel into creating a 'home away from home'. In other

words, making all offices, conference centers, and movie theaters clean and attractive are

the tasks and functions of the housekeeping department. Hence, in an OJT period,

students will be trained and therefore would develop the needed skills and competencies.

The front office is the first venue where a customer can usually ask for. When the

students are trained to work in the front, they would know how to respond to the customer

and inquire about what the establishment can offer. The front desk or the reception area is
St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 2

the core operation of the hotel as stressed by Empleyo, Dequilla, Gallo, Lontoc, Atienza,

and Delos Reyes (2014).

As to working in the restaurant, students are also trained with some dos and don’ts

like avoiding placing the book or order pad on the table to take an order. In the OJT, the

student trainees are trained to stand erect to the left of the guest bringing the order pad

supported in the palm of their hand and a sharp pencil ready. With these, the students are

becoming ready and competent in the actual workplace. However, it cannot be avoided

that what is usually learned by students in schools is completely out of sync with the real

world of work (Bolido, 2011). That is why, it is imperative to better equip the students

during their OJT as these skills and competencies acquired are essential factors to be used

or applied in the actual workplace.

Hence, this study aimed to determine the level of acquired skills and competencies

by the HRM students during their OJT as to housekeeping; front-desk; and restaurant.

It is advantageous to expose them to these three areas so that they can perform what they

are expected to do when at work. With this study, students may realize the importance of

on-the-job training in preparation to work relevant to their field of specialization.

St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 3

Theoretical Framework and Conceptual Model of the Study

The study is based on Dewey’s Learning by doing approach as cited by Williams

(2017). It is a hands-on approach to learning, which means that students must interact

with their environment to adapt and learn. Hence, this relates to the concept of On-the-

Job Training (OJT). This is an aftermath of the big challenge posed by the industries to

higher education institutions (HEIs) to respond to the unpredictable labor market and

make parallel adjustments to fulfill their mission. Thus, the HEIs keep pace with this time

of quickening change by providing avenues for the graduates to gain certain general skills

and qualities that will make them completely geared up to the real demands of the world

of work (Abas and Imam, 2016). For such, the HEIs should demonstrate a greater

commitment to developing the generalized expertise that graduates can transfer to

whatever working environment they find themselves in after graduation. In other words,

they are expected to have developed not only subject-specific skills but also employability

skills to make them both specialists and generalists. And workplace exposure through On-

the-Job Training (OJT) has always been a good opportunity for the students to practice in

a real environment the skills, knowledge, and competencies acquired in the classroom and

are further enhanced in the training workplace.

Hence, the framework implies that HRM students will utilize their academically

acquired skills and competencies through an OJT program while the hospitality industry

(like hotels and restaurants) will provide the venue where the HRM students can apply
St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 4

their skills in an actual work environment. Students will now observe the importance of

their skills based on the actual work task /function. Thus, the OJT is a good avenue to

observe the importance of the academic acquired skills and competencies as compared to

the actual skill needs of the industries. On-the-job training contributes to upgrading skills

that are particularly important for specific jobs or specific work environments,

emphasizing a learning-by-doing approach.

Background of Study 1 Conceptual Framework of Study 3

 Which area provides

Acquired Skills and
most skills and
competencies required
by the HRM program
Training  Housekeeping
 Which area do student
Experiences  Front Desk
apply their knowledge
 Restaurant from

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study on acquired skills & Competencies in the
Course of HRM Students OJT (experiences-based)
St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 5

Statement of the Problem

This study determined the skills and competencies acquired by the HRM graduates

from their OJT experiences.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following:

1. To what level of acquired skills and competencies do the HRM graduates apply on

their OJT as to:

1.1. Housekeeping;

1.2 Front-desk; and

3.1 Restaurant?

2. Which area provides the most skills and competencies required by the HRM


3. Which area do students apply their knowledge acquired from school?

Scope and Limitations of the Study

Focus. The focus of the study was to determine the skills and competencies

acquired by the HRM students from their OJT experiences and by determining also which

partner institution/agency/establishment provides the needed skills and competencies.

Respondents. The respondents of the study were fresh graduates from St. Paul

University Surigao A.Y 2018-2019 who already experienced on-the-job training (OJT)

as required from their HRM course.

St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 6

Place and Time. This was conducted at the locations of the participating

respondents and during the academic year 2019-2020.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study could be significant in consideration of the interests of the


HRM Program Head and Instructors. Through this study, they would be

acquiring information on the performances of their OJT students from their respective

areas of assignment. The results can be a good source of reference for them to upgrade

and improve their OJT programs in helping their graduates easily find a job in the future

after graduation.

Partner Agency/Institution/Establishment. They would be aware of what

specific skills and competencies the company needs to develop.

Tourism & hospitality management. The results of the study would provide

additional knowledge to hospitality management students, especially in manifesting

quality performances while in the OJT program. The students would be able to acquire

skills and competencies they could use as they embark on the world of the workplace

locally and internationally.

Readers and Future Researchers The output of the study would give the readers

and future researchers ideas and information to develop the paradigm of their future

studies which may relate to the present study.

St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 7

Definition of Terms

Some terms are defined operationally to provide a clearer understanding of the


Acquired Skills and Competencies. This pertains to the result of the training from

which student trainees can acquire new learning.

Competencies. These pertain to the aptitudes or capacities acquired by the students

from their OJT experiences in the areas of housekeeping, front desk, and restaurant.

Extent. This refers to the level or magnitude of learning as to skills and

competencies acquired by the HRM students from their OJT experiences.

Front Desk. This is generally termed as the front office. This is where guests are

welcomed and greeted and the place where guests would also ask for further details of the

hotel or restaurant.

Housekeeping. This refers to the general care, cleanliness, orderliness, and

maintenance of the hotel or restaurant.

OJT stands for on-the-job training of the HRM students of St. Paul University


Partner Agency/Institution/Establishment. This refers to the hotels and

restaurants where the HRM students are commissioned or assigned to have their training

where they could apply what was learned from school and on the other hand, can
St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 8

experience new reflection and observation regarding their course concerning the actual


Program. This pertains to the curriculum or curricular offering relative to the

application and acquisition of new knowledge, experiences, skills, and competencies

during the OJT.

Restaurant. This is a place in the hotel where food is prepared and served to

guests in exchange for money.

Skills. These refer to abilities, capabilities, and knowledge acquired by the HRM

students from their OJT experiences.

St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 9



Views and concepts from different books, journals, and electronic sources were

culled and reviewed to establish a connection with the concepts tackled in the present


OJT means on-the-job training: Its Importance and Advantages to Students

It always pays to go on training. On-the-job training (OJT) is one of the best

training methods because it is planned, organized, and conducted at the employee’s

worksite. On-the-Job Training (OJT) is one of the mechanics of Higher Education

industries in developing the needed competencies of its graduates. Its goals and objectives

served as a guide in developing the needed competencies for a particular job and

translating the training into a gainful working experience (Ylagan, 2013). It is usually the

principal method used for augmenting employee skills and escalating. On-the-job training

or OJT is an occasion and a process by which knowledge, skills, and aptitudes to perform

a desired job are imparted to the trainee. OJT helps improve the level of performance and

eventually resulted in higher productivity. In fact, in OJT the cost and time drawn in

learning are reduced. Kuzgun (n.d.) added that on–the–job training for students has been

used as a traditional instrument to increase the employability of graduates with connected

demand for the labor market. On-the-job training for students has two important points
St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 10

the supply of student labor force and the demand for students as the trainee. So, it can be

counted as an active employment policy measure to increase the employability of


However, Kelly (2015) averred that OJT is a type of training that can be formal or

informal. It is about a show between a more experienced employee and a less experienced

employee to teach them how to do something. OJT is simply a preparation for the big

work assignment in the future after a graduate can land a job. Russell (2019) coined it as a

means of entry to the real workplace. It is where one is trained as an apprentice to acquire

skills and competencies needed for real-world experience in work. And so, it is necessary

to have one training from an agency or establishment that offers specialized skills. Parker

(2019) mentioned that choosing or picking a career that requires specialized skills and just

picking a workplace for an OJT experience that also provides special training for skills


On-the-job training or OJT is also exemplified in the vocational training offered by

both schools and companies. This is when they institutionalized OJT as part of the

vocational training programs as responsive to skill needs in the economy so that those who

are trained in vocational training programs can readily contribute to the production,

narrowing the existing skill gaps (Yamauchi, Kim, Lee & Tiongco, 2016). For this

reason, the idea of implementing OJT for students has sprouted. The Technical Education

and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) envisages that the Dual Training System
St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 11

(DTS) trainee beneficiaries enjoy quality training and acquire proper skills, work attitude,

and knowledge leading to better employability after training and improved career

mobility. Whether DTS or OJT, these two are important factors in making students

acquire the necessary skills and competencies needed for the workplace. Therefore,

collaboration works and helps between the workplace and schools or universities

(Docherty, 2014).

On Skills and Competencies Acquired in OJT

In selecting competencies that need to be developed during OJT, the National

Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE, 2019) revealed the following information

processing, teamwork, planning/prioritizing, decision-making/problem-solving, and verbal

communication. This goes to say that students may develop or acquire these competencies

by performing well during the OJT experiences. The study conducted by Valdez,

Alcantara, Pamintuan, Relos, and Castillo (2015) revealed that the OJT program of the

university has significant contributions to the development of students' basic skills,

thinking skills, personal qualities and competencies in resources, interpersonal,

information, systems, and technology.

On-The-Job Training (OJT) On-the-job training focuses on the acquisition of skills

within the work environment generally under normal working conditions. It is the oldest

form of training before the advent of off-site training classrooms. On-the-job training is

one of the oldest methods of training, "before the advent of off-site training classrooms,
St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 12

the only practical way of learning a job was working alongside an experienced worker in a

particular trade or profession".

Thus, some schools and universities educate and train students to be competitive

by providing them with applied learning opportunities that require talented workers and

rank among the best in the world in terms of productivity, career, attitude, and technical

skills (Felicen et al., 2014). Through on-the-job training, employees acquire both general

skills that they can transfer from one job to another and specific skills that are unique to a

particular job. Then, allowing the graduating students to apply what they have learned

from books in a work environment would develop their work values and attitude necessary

to achieve the ultimate goal of education to produce efficient and effective leaders and

professionals in cross-cultural and multidisciplinary undertakings (Laguador, 2013). It

can be said that there are students who were able to land a job apart from their

qualifications. A mismatch between their course and the type of work has emerged.

However, Zhang, Rashid, and Mohammed (2017) corroborated that there was a

great proportion of HRM graduates who fail to make their career decisions to work in the

hospitality industry. It is therefore important to provide a valuable conceptual model that

expounds on the theoretical relationships existing between motivational factors and

students. Shariff, Kayat, and Abidin (2014) pointed out that for graduates to survive in

the industry, working in teamwork is important. Their study significantly contributes to

the planning of the tourism and hospitality graduate curriculum by taking into
St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 13

consideration the competencies derived since they may represent the cultural values of the

workplace, particularly in the tourism and hospitality industry. Meanwhile, Delelis (2016)

accentuated that on-job training is an important activity that is integrated with the

curriculum to enhance the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom; Develop the

value of professionalism, love of work, and commitment to people they serve; This will

help to explore the relationship between the knowledge & skills acquired in college with

those required in the working situations.

Housekeeping Skills and Competencies. The PIC Management (2019) mentioned

the skills and qualities an intern or OJT trainee may present while reporting for OJT duties

such as:

“... innate sense for service; patient and diplomatic in answering the

guests’ requests and expectations; may give information and advice

customers on the hotel and its services; becoming versatile and

resourceful; need to have a strong sense of perfection to create an

unforgettable customer experience and taking initiative all the time”

(p. 2).

This goes to say that before the students embark on the workplace for their OJT,

they already have their ready skills and these can be augmented once they start working in

the actual scene in their respective area of assignment. Then again, once they are already

attuned to working in their OJT, several skills would develop in them, or many skills
St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 14

would they acquire in the process. In this connection, PIC Management (2019) elaborated

on some skills such as mastery of the hospitality standards that can be applied to different

aspects such as cleaning, security, and outfit. Then, students would know how to identify

and solve problems efficiently; which will allow students to discover rules and codes

applicable in a hotel as well as the way other departments work. And if the OJT happens

abroad, the trainees will have the opportunity to improve their language skills. Then,

finally, the student trainees will be able to develop a whole new set of cross-disciplinary

skills for their future careers. Other values like adaptability, rigorousness, a sense of

observation, and service will be useful for their future professionally as well as personally

(PIC Management, 2019). It goes to say that OJT can make the trainee fully equipped

with skills and competencies which they can use to work in the future. Alejandro (2012)

in his assessment study of the housekeeping skills and knowledge of HRM students from

their OJT revealed that students can now work alone without any supervision and work

well as their skills and knowledge acquired from OJT were two of their biggest strengths.

Relative to being diplomatic, Valdez, an OJT student as cited by Esmerna (2011)

shared that:

"I learned through experience how to interact and communicate

with people. Knowing how to handle and tackle different issues and

still be diplomatic in both action and words are important. The

whole experience of going to another country and facing issues that

St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 15

need to be addressed was quite memorable. Also, I was able to get a

glimpse of how the United Nations works when I met new people

during the trip. It will be so exciting in the 'real' world, being

independent and figuring things out on your own. This also means

having to deal with different people more often, so it is really good

to know what you're doing and to love it. As a student, what I can

do for now is to learn whatever I can in school, be inspired, love the

path I am taking, and do my best in everything I do, with a positive

outlook in mind.

The TESDA (n.d.) has enumerated the needed skills and competencies each

student or housekeeper should possess which include being comfortable in serving other

people; Comfortable in serving other people Endurance – the ability to withstand

tiresome work for long hours Basic oral and written English skills – English is required

since hotel guests are often foreigners Organization – must be able to prioritize tasks

and work on those that have urgency first Courteous and polite – it is essential to be

courteous and polite when talking to guests and clients, attitude is as important as quality

service in the housekeeping field.

Front Desk Skills and Competencies. According to Aspiring Minds Team

(2018), a hotel management trainee has to work in close association with different

departments in a hotel and assist them in their daily routine operations. A trainee is
St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 16

required to understand the overall operations of the hotel while specializing in one or two

areas. Hotel management trainees may have to work closely with front desk managers, the

culinary department, general managers, convention and event planners, housekeeping

department, and learn from them. The student trainee in OJT can be able to learn the skills

and competencies as to registration of guests and assigning rooms; maintaining an

inventory or reservation, vacancies, and room assignments and answering inquiries

regarding hotel services than providing assistance and responding to guests' complaints.

Besides, the trainees are required the following competencies such as the ability to sell,

problem-solving, service orientation, and ability to handle pressure.

In like manner, OJT training is similar to internship from which student trainees

can acquire skills in front desk roles, and housekeeping among others. Sisson and Adams

(2013) did research into the competencies required in accommodation, food, and beverage,

and no less than 86 percent of the identified competencies were "soft skills" rather than

"hard" technical skills. They describe hard skills as being "task-oriented competencies"

which are learned in the classroom but claim that soft skills are learned by interacting with

customers and colleagues, as is the case during internships or placements. This goes to

say that it is always advantageous once the student trainees are exposed to the real world

of work. Such contention has been substantiated by Losekoot, Lasten, Lawson, and Chen

(2018) by elaborating that having established the importance of soft skills for graduates to

be successful in the hospitality industry, it is helpful to consider the benefits those skills
St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 17

might provide while the student is on placement or in OJT (i.e. before they join the

industry full-time).

Additionally, Rose (2016) enumerated the essential skills of a good front desk that

can be acquired early during on-the-job training. Neat and professional appearance; can

lift and carry 30-50 pounds of luggage; skillful in problem-solving; stamina to stand for

long periods; Ability to stay calm under pressure; having strong interpersonal skills; able

to work a flexible schedule; I have learned to be pleasant and friendly, working efficiently

and accurately, solving problems and anything else necessary to ensure a pleasant

experience for hotel customers.

According to Doyle (2019), a good front desk must be friendly and organized.

Hence, these can be acquired by the time the person is still in the internship or OJT period.

As the first person a guest sees upon entering the hotel, the front desk person has to be

extremely welcoming with a smile and kind words. One skill or competency is that of

always being ready to multitask. He/she needs to be organized and develop the skill of

time management.

Restaurant Skills and Competencies. In the words of Beltis (2015), being into

multitasking is one skill that a crew in a restaurant should possess. Hence, at the early

stage of OJT, the trainee should initially develop this skill. Whether one is prepping

multiple plates in the kitchen or accommodating multiple parties at their tables, he/she

should never take care of “just one thing” in the restaurant job and which is why
St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 18

multitasking is one of the most essential restaurant skills. It is true that having an

internship or OJT in a restaurant what would develop and can be acquired are not only

hands-on skills but also plenty of supplemental "soft" skills. These are skills one might

not end up giving their line item on a resume but are valuable life skills that one will come

to appreciate sooner or later. Speed, attention to detail, physical endurance, patience,

cleanliness, memorization, trust, and stress management are other skills needed and can be

acquired in working and training in a restaurant (Beltis, 2015).

Before acquiring new skills and competencies, student trainees are already

equipped with the needed skills from their schools. However, there seems to be a dismal

consequence when students appeared very poor when already working in their OJT. So,

Buted, Felicen, and Manzano (2014) underpinned the program of the College of

International Tourism and Hospitality Management (CITHM) of Lyceum of the

Philippines University, Batangas to further enhance the curricular program and existing

activities in preparation for the deployment of interns to different establishments such as

Personality Development Seminar, English proficiency Seminar, and Pre-Internship

Seminar and Orientation. It continually updates the course syllabus by providing industry

exposure, training, and seminars, to hospitality professors and continuously implements

the Outcomes Based Curriculum. The university may upgrade the quality of facilities and

laboratories to continuously enhance the knowledge and skills of the students necessary to

have future work assignments. The proposed training plan may be implemented to
St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 19

enhance the knowledge, skills, attitude, and personality of the students to prepare them for

a more holistic approach to employment (Buted et al, 2014).

The reviews provide the researchers with significant information and beneficial

insights concerning the skills and competencies a student trainee can acquire in OJT,

internship, or placement periods. The cited literature provided several concepts and ideas

that established connections with the present study as these materials are concrete

evidence of the claims that there are established skills and competencies that can be

acquired from OJT and can be used in the actual field of work in the hospitality industry.

Synthesis of the Review. The background of the study provides the

researchers with significant information and beneficial insights concerning the study of

On-the-Job Training Experiences of HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front desk, and

St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 20



This chapter presents the researcher design, participants, instrument, data gathering

procedure, and data analysis.

Research Design

The descriptive survey method was used in the study. This was utilized to

determine the extent of the skills and competencies acquired by the HRM students from

their OJT experiences. Descriptive research design is a scientific method that involves

observing and describing the behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way.


The respondents of the study were fifty (50) selected fresh graduates of the HRM

course at St. Paul University Surigao. Using purposive sampling where allowed the

researcher to choose participants according to his judgment after knowing concerned

graduates have just experienced OJT in different hotels in Surigao City.

St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 21


The instrument used was a researcher-made questionnaire where item indicators

were culled from the related literature. This was dealing with the perceptions of the fresh

graduates of the HRM course who experienced the OJT program as required. The extent

was measured using a 4-point scale as follows:

Scale Parameter Verbal Interpretation Qualitative Interpretation

4 3.25-4.00 Very competent Very high extent

3 2.75-2.71 Competent High Extent

2 2.75-2.49 Less competent Low extent

1 1.00-1.74 Not competent Poor

Hence, in this study, it is possible to objectively measure the reliability of the

adapted questionnaires using Cronbach’s alpha, it being the most widely used objective

measure of reliability (Tavakol & Dennick, 2011)

Ethical Considerations

The researchers assure the respondents of their rights by avoiding at all means to

any harm in the process of the conduct of the study. Full respect for their dignity was of

utmost priority. The protection of their privacy was ensured by the researchers and the
St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 22

results of this study shall remain confidential until the end of the research endeavor and

any type of misleading information, as well as representation of primary data findings in a

biased way, will be avoided.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers provided questionnaires to respondents online for them to answer

and then the questionnaires were retrieved personally by the researchers. The gathered

data were tallied and treated with the help of a statistician.

Data Analysis

In this study, the researchers used the following statistical tools:

A simple Percentage Count was used on the skills and competencies acquired by the

graduates from their OJT experiences.

Mean and Standard Deviation were used to treat the extent of the skills and

competencies acquired by the HRM students based on their OJT experiences in

housekeeping, front desk, and restaurant.

St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 23

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the results and discussion of the data gathered. The

presentation of the result is based on the problem presented in Chapter 1.

Skills and Competencies acquired by the HRM students based on their OJT experiences
in housekeeping, front desk, and restaurant

The succeeding tables illustrate the extent of the skills and competencies acquired

by the HRM students based on their OJT experiences in housekeeping, front desk, and


Table 1. The extent of the Skills and Competencies acquired by the HRM Students
based on their OJT Experiences in Housekeeping
1. Providing a range of general housekeeping services like cleaning and
preparing rooms for incoming guests. 3.10 0.95 A HE
2. Preparing cleaning supplies and equipment required for servicing
rooms. 3.10 0.84 A HE
3. Accessing rooms for servicing correctly under the establishment's
customer service and security procedure. 3.02 0.82 A HE
4. Making up, replacing, and segregating beds, mattresses, linens, and
pillows under enterprise standards and procedures. 3.14 0.78 A HE
5. Cleaning and clearing rooms including furniture, fixtures, and fittings
under enterprise procedures and hygiene/safety guidelines. 3.22 0.82 A HE
Average 3.12 0.71 A HE
Legend: Scale Parameter Verbal Interpretation Qualitative Interpretation

4 3.25-4.00 Very Competent Very high extent

3 2.50-3.24 Competent High extent
2 1.75-2.49 Less Competent Low extent
1 1.00-1.74 Not Competent Poor
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It is apparent in Table 1 that there was a high extent of skills and competencies

acquired in housekeeping by the HRM students based on their OJT experiences as

evidenced by the average mean of 3.12 and standard deviation of 0.71. This implies that

the OJT program of the university is quite good and adequate to respond to the demand for

the internship or workplace in general. The school has taught the OJT students necessary

skills in housekeeping that they can ably use in their duty hours. According to Felicen et

al, on-the-job training is one of the oldest methods of training, "before the advent of off-

site training classrooms, the only practical way of learning a job was working alongside an

experienced worker in a particular trade or profession" (reference for business) On the job

training is one of the oldest method training, "before the advent of off-site training

classrooms, the only practical way of learning a job was working alongside an experienced

worker in a particular trade or profession".

In particular, it can also be seen in the same table that there was a high extent of

housekeeping skills and competencies acquired by the OJT students, especially in the

techniques of cleaning and clearing rooms including furniture, fixtures, and fittings under

enterprise procedures and hygiene/safety guidelines. This is evident in the highest mean

score of 3.22 and standard deviation of 0.82. In like manner, with the lowest mean of

3.02 and standard deviation of 0.82 the said housekeeping skills of accessing rooms for

servicing correctly under the establishment's customer service and security procedure are

acquired by the OJT student to a very high extent. Both skills and competencies are very
St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 25

important and appropriate to be applied in maintaining a clean and safe room for the safety

of the guests.

The result implies that the on-the-job training of the schools has made the OJT

students competent in performing their tasks relative to housekeeping. This corroborates

the claims of PIC Management (2019) which elaborated that some skills to master the

hospitality standards can be applied to different aspects such as cleaning, security, and


Table 2 presents the extent of the skills and competencies acquired by the HRM

students based on their OJT experiences at the front desk.

Table 2. The extent of the Skills and Competencies acquired by the HRM Students
based on their OJT Experiences at to Front Desk
1. Maintaining an inventory or reservation. 1.84 0.79 D LE
2. Answering inquiries regarding hotel services and providing assistance
and responding to guests’ complaints. 1.80 0.73 D LE
3. Speaking proficiently in more than one language. 1.84 0.89 D LE
4. Communicating effectively both orally and in writing such as
responding to guests' emails and writing down directions on local
attractions. 1.92 0.92 D LE
5. Ability to stay calm under pressure.
2.00 0.93 D LE
Average 1.88 0.74 D LE
Legend: Scale Parameter Verbal Interpretation Qualitative Interpretation

4 3.25-4.00 Very Competent Very high extent

3 2.50-3.24 Competent High extent
2 1.75-2.49 Less Competent Low extent
1 1.00-1.74 Not Competent Poor
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As shown in Table 2, there was a low extent of skills and competencies acquired by the

HRM students based on their OJT experiences at the front desk manifested in the average

mean of 1.88 and standard deviation of 0.74. This could mean that OJT students learned

lesser techniques in manning the front desk and can simply imply that enhancement in this

area is needed to better prepare the students for the future field of work.

There was also a low extent of skills and competencies acquired at the front desk

in having the ability to stay calm under pressure, being organized and detail-oriented

through the highest mean of 2.00 and standard deviation of 0.93. On the other hand,

another low extent was acquired as to the skills of answering inquiries regarding hotel

services and providing assistance, and responding to guests' complaints. As a student

trainee, it is necessary to develop communication skills. According to Aspiring Minds

Team (2018), a hotel management trainee may have to work closely with front desk

managers, the culinary department, general managers, the convention and event planner,

housekeeping department, and learn from them. Thus, one can be able to learn the skills

and competencies as to registration of guests and assigning rooms; maintaining an

inventory or reservation, vacancies and room assignments, and answering inquiries

regarding hotel services then providing assistance and responding to guests' complaints.

Besides, the trainees are required the following competencies as ability to sell, problem-

solving, service orientation, and ability to handle pressure (Aspiring Minds Team, 2018).
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On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
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Table 3 presents the extent of the skills and competencies acquired by the HRM

students based on their OJT experiences in restaurants.

Table 3. The extent of the Skills and Competencies acquired by the HRM Students
based on their OJT Experiences as in Restaurant
1. Serving customers with physical speed and strength like carrying
heavy loads without spilling and doing side tasks quickly and efficiently.
3.28 0.73 SA VHE
2. Being attentive to details through quick cleaning of tables, clearing
food, waiting on tables, resolving guest concerns, and receiving and
processing phone orders. 3.08 0.78 A HE
3. Having physical endurance and patience. 3.04 0.83 A HE
4. Being clean and trustworthy by making the restaurant safe by
following compliance and risk assessment. 2.88 0.75 A HE
5. Being able to memorize the orders of guests and the ability to
manage stress. 3.30 0.61 SA VHE
Average 3.12 0.39 A HE
Legend: Scale Parameter Verbal Interpretation Qualitative Interpretation

4 3.25-4.00 Very Competent Very high extent

3 2.50-3.24 Competent High extent
2 1.75-2.49 Less Competent Low extent
1 1.00-1.74 No Competent Poor

Based on the data illustrated in Table 3, the skills and competencies acquired by

the students from OJT in the restaurant are described to a high extent based on the 3.12

average mean and 0.39 standard deviation. This means that OJT students are performing

better in this area.

Particularly, it is evident that the OJT acquired a high extent of skills and

competencies in restaurants by being able to memorize orders of guests and the ability to

manage stress through the highest mean of 3.30 and standard deviation of 0.61. In like

manner, there was a high extent of skills and competence acquired in OJT to be clean and
St. Paul University
St. Paul University System
City, Philippines
On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 28

trustworthy by making the restaurant safe by following compliance and risk assessment

based on 2.88 lowest mean and standard deviation of 0.75.

The result implies that in terms of skills needed for restaurant operation and

management, the OJT students are acquiring them greatly which made them perform their

tasks with capability and proper decorum. After all, Beltis (2015) supported the claim by

elaborating that being into multitasking is one skill that a crew in a restaurant should

possess. Hence, at the early stage of OJT, the trainee should initially develop this skill.

Whether one is prepping multiple plates in the kitchen or accommodating multiple parties

at their tables, he/she should never take care of “just one thing” in the restaurant job and

which is why multitasking is one of the most essential restaurant skills.

Area Provides Most Skills and Competencies Required by the HRM Program

Table 4 presents the area which provides the most skills and competencies required

by the HRM program and the area in which students applied their knowledge acquired from


Table 4. The area that Provides Most Skills and Competencies required by the
HRM program
Frequency Percentage
Housekeeping 30 60.00
Front Desk 4 8.00
Restaurant 16 32.00
Total 50 100.00
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As revealed, skills and competence in housekeeping appeared as the top area in the list

having a frequency of 30 or 60%. This is followed by skills and competence in the

restaurant (16 or 32%) and the last is about skills and competence in the front desk (4 or


It can be said that housekeeping is very important because this is where the OJT

students can apply adequately such skills and competencies which include being

comfortable in serving other people; the ability to withstand tiresome work for long hours

Basic oral and written English skills. English is required since hotel guests are often

foreigners and it is considered as a universal language. Also, being courteous and polite is

essential when talking to guests and clients, for attitude is as important as quality service

in the housekeeping field.

Skills and competence in the restaurant are also needed because these are valuable

life skills that one will come to appreciate sooner or later as speed, attention to detail,

physical endurance, patience, cleanliness, memorization, trust, and stress management are

other skills needed and can be acquired in working and having training in a restaurant

(Beltis, 2015). So also with front desk skills because these skills are learned in the

classroom but are also learned by interacting with customers and colleagues, as is the case

during internships or placements (Losekoot et al., 2018).

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. The area does Students apply their Knowledge acquired from School
Frequency Percentage
Housekeeping 32 64.00
Front Desk 1 2.00
Restaurant 17 34.00
Total 50 100.00

It is apparent in the table that housekeeping (32 or 64%) is the same area in which

students applied the knowledge acquired from school in their OJT experiences and

exposures. Next to it is the restaurant (17 or 34%) and front desk (1 or 2%).

Some students didn't manage to experience some areas in the hotel while doing

OJT for reasons like health problems and the hotel won't allow the student to work the

same as an employee. It cannot be denied that students are trained in these areas because

these have been the major contents of the said course. Undeniably, HRM students should

be trained in these areas to make them very competitive in the actual workplace. That is

why during the OJT exposures these skills and competence must be developed. Andrews

(2013) substantiated this by elaborating that in an OJT period, students will be trained

about it and therefore develop the needed skills and competencies to make them

competitive and readily employable.

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On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 31

Chapter 5

Summary and Conclusion

This chapter summarized the results and findings of the study, based on the

findings, conclusions were drawn and recommendations were given.


This study determined the skills and competencies acquired by the HRM students

from their OJT experiences. The instrument used was a researcher-made questionnaire where

item indicators were culled from the related literature. Simple Percentage Count and

Frequency Computation as well as Mean and Standard Deviation were used to treat the data.


The salient findings revealed that:

1. There was a high extent of skills and competencies acquired by OJT students in

housekeeping and restaurant while a low extent in the front desk.

2. Housekeeping appeared as the top area that provided most skills and

competencies required by the HRM program; restaurant and front desk followed


3. Housekeeping has been the area in which students applied their knowledge

acquired from school.

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On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 32


With the findings at hand, the following conclusions are made:

1. That the skills and competencies of the HRM graduates during OJT were to a

high extent in terms of housekeeping and restaurant.

2. That the skills and competencies of the HRM graduates during OJT were in low

extent in terms of the front desk.


With the findings, the following recommendations are made:

1. That the sending school should be able to assess students in their skills and

competencies in housekeeping, front desk, and restaurant before sending them to the

establishment for OJT purposes.

2. That the schools and establishments should be able to monitor and evaluate

closely students during their OJT to ensure that they are performing appropriately in their

assigned workplace.
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St. Paul University System
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On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 33


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Appendix A

Letter Request to Conduct Study

January 23, 2019


Dean, College of Business and Technology
St. Paul University Surigao
Surigao City

Dear Sir:
Greetings in the Lord.
The undersigned researcher is currently writing a thesis entitled: “On The Job Training
Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk and Restaurant.”
The researchers would like to ask permission from your good office to allow conducting
the study outside the school campus.
Thank you very much for giving this request your preferential attention.
Respectfully yours,

SHELBIN A. CATULAY Mary Riolyn E. Solitario

Researcher Researcher

Noted by:

Research Instructor


Dean, College of Business and Technology

Appendix B
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Letter of Validation of the Study


Surigao City, Philippines
Letter for Validation

January 8, 2019

Mrs. Rodora Bisnar Olaivar

Program Chair
One hive Hotel & Suites

Dear Ma’am:


“On The Job Training Experiences of The HRM

The researchers are undergoing a study on
Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk and Restaurant.” This 2nd Semester, S.Y. 2019-
2020 at St. Paul University Surigao.

In this connection, may we request you to please validate the enclosed questionnaire which will serve as our
major instrument in gathering data for our study.

We are hoping for your favorable response to this request.

Thank You.

Respectfully yours,

Shelbin A. Catulay Mary Riolyn E. Solitario

Researcher Researcher

Noted by:

Dr.Maricar M. Saavedra
Thesis Adviser


Thesis Instructor

Validated by:
Rodora Bisnar Olaivar
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On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 39

Appendix C


March 10, 2020

Dear Participant,

Greetings of Christ’s Peace and Love!

The undersigned students are conducting a study about the “On The Job Training
Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk and Restaurant.”
The study is in partial fulfillment of the requirements leading to the Degree of Bachelor of
Arts in Political Science.

In view thereof, the researchers would like to request your precious time to please answer
the given questionnaire concerning our study. The data that will be gathered will provide
and shall be utilized in the analysis and interpretation of the results of this study.

We are anticipating your favorable response and cooperation in this regard. Thank you
very much.

Respectfully yours,




Noted by:


Research Adviser
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On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 40

Appendix D



Direction: Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each factor using the
following scale:

Scale Parameter Verbal Interpretation Qualitative Interpretation

4 3.25-4.00 Very Competent Very Competent
3 2.50-3.24 Competent Competent
2 1.75-2.49 Less Competent Less Competent
1 1.00-1.74 Not Competent Not Competent

Through my OJT experience, I acquired skills and competence on:
1. Providing a range of general housekeeping services like cleaning and
preparing rooms for incoming guests.
2. Preparing cleaning supplies and equipment required for servicing rooms.
3. Accessing rooms for servicing correctly under the establishment's
customer service and security procedure.
4. Making up, replacing, and segregating beds, mattresses, linens, and
pillows under enterprise standards and procedures.
5. Cleaning and clearing rooms including furniture, fixtures, and fittings
under enterprise procedures and hygiene/safety guidelines.
FRONT DESK 4 3 2 1
Through my OJT experience, I acquired skills and competence on:
1. Maintaining an inventory or reservation.
2. Answering inquiries regarding hotel services and providing assistance
and responding to guests’ complaints.
3. Speaking proficiently in more than one language
4. Communicating effectively both orally and in writing such as
responding to guests' emails and writing down directions on local
5. Ability to stay calm under pressure.
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On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
Cost Analysis as Basis for City Ordinance of Skipjack Tuna Fish at Public Market: Surigao City 41

Through my OJT experience, I acquired skills and competence on:
1. Serving customers with physical speed and strength like carrying heavy
loads without spilling and doing side tasks quickly and efficiently.
2. Being attentive to details through quick cleaning of tables, clearing food,
waiting on tables, resolving guest concerns, and receiving and processing
phone orders.
3. Having physical endurance and patience.
4. Being clean and trustworthy by making the restaurant safe by following
compliance and risk assessment.
5. Being able to memorize the orders of guests and the ability to manage


1. Which area provides the most skills and competencies required by the
HRM program?

Housekeeping Front Desk Restaurant

2. Which area does the student apply their knowledge acquired from school?

Housekeeping Front Desk Restaurant

Appendix E
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Name: Shelbin A. Catulay

Email address:

Date of birth: September 15 1997

Place of Birth: Surigao City

Nationality: Filipino

Civil Status: Single


Father’s name: Sheldan V. Catulay

Mother’s name: Robina A. Catulay

Educational Attainment:

Elementary: Surigao City Pilot School,

Secondary: Surigao State College of Technology,

Tertiary: St. Paul University Surigao

St. Paul University
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On-The-Job Training Experiences of The HRM Students in the Housekeeping, Front Desk, and Restaurant
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Name: Ma. Riolyn E. Solitario

Email address:

Date of birth: May 7, 1998

Place of Birth: Surigao City

Nationality: Filipino

Civil Status: Single


Father’s name: Candelario T. Solitario

Mother’s name: Evelyn E. Solitario

Educational Attainment:

Elementary: San Isidro Elementary School

Secondary: Saint Augustine Institute

Tertiary: St. Paul University Surigao

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