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Let’s PlayScrum

Certified ScrumMaster

You play or You don’t

Satisha K Venkataramaiah +91-9901622788 @satishakv satisha.venkataramaiah

© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited

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Empirical Agile Scrum
Process and Values

Started with
Scrum Product
Scrum Roles Backlog

Scrum in Agile Scaling

Action and Planning
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Empirical Process

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What do we do when we are trying to
achieve a goal?
Changing Actions to achieve Goal?

Changing goals to benefit from our


We Inspect and Adapt

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Speed of Iteration Beats Quality


Act Orient

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What do you think?

India vs Pakistan match

announced. Would Team
India settle on a total?

Now they also know that

its @ Mohali, India.
Would Team India settle
on a total?
© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited
What do you think?

Now they are batting

first? Would Team India
settle on a total?

They are 200/3 in 30

overs, Would they settle
on a total?

© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited


They work as a team, look

at the current situation
and accordingly act, right?

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What’s Empirical Process?
The empirical model of process
control provides and exercises control
through frequent

and adaptation for

processes that are imperfectly
defined and generate unpredictable
and unrepeatable outputs.
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Why Software Development is hard?

Specifications will never be fully understood

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Why Software Development is hard?

The user will never be sure of what they want

until they see the system in production
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Why Software Development is hard?

Software evolves more rapidly as it

approaches chaotic regions

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Software Development Process is

Far from agreement Requirements

Close to agreement

Far from
Close to

Source: Ken Schwaber (inventor of Scrum) who adapted it from Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics, by Ralph D. Stacey
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People are different and have different

Dravid(128) and Sehwag(254): 1st Test: Pakistan v India at Lahore, Jan 13-17, 2006
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Human imagination will always outpace

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Deming Cycle

Act Plan …is the core of Scrum

Check Do Inspect and


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Agile Principles and Values

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What is Agile?
It’s a philosophy that uses
organizational models based on

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Agile Manifesto

Image Source:

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The Agile Manifesto
We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping
others do it. Through this work we have come to value

Individuals and interactions over Processes and tools

Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation

Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation

Responding to Change over Following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the
left more
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Agile Principles :: Principle #1
Our highest priority is to satisfy the
customer through early and continuous
delivery of valuable software.

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What’s Value?
What the customer wants the product
to do

Tell me how many license I should buy
Show me how am I utilizing my cluster
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What’s Value Stream?
Value Stream
All actions required to bring project
from creation to completion

Types of actions
 Add value
 No value added, but unavoidable
 No value added, avoidable
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What's waste?
Any activity that consumes resources,
but adds no value

Examples of waste
 Partially done work
 Extra processes
 Defects
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8 Types of Wastes
• Navigating multiple
• Making or processing screens to input data
more than is needed
• Surgeon – Nurse
Unnecessary Motion

• Broken Light bulbs

• Rework
• Scratched appliances
• Entering same data
• Can’t Access the Home multiple times.
Page .
Defects • Learning Curve
Excess Processing

• Multiple applications
awaiting approval • On decisions

• Product in Warehouses. • On Systems

• Unnecessary document/data • On Equipment

storage Waiting
Excess Inventory

• Failure to use good

• Conveyance of material
ideas from anywhere
• Delivering Hard Copies

© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited Unrealized Creativity 26
Agile Principles :: Principle #2
Welcome changing requirements, even
late in development. Agile processes
harness change for the customer's
competitive advantage

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Yoder and Foote’s
Software Shearing Layers
Foote and Yoder’s advice for avoiding tangled,
hard-to-change software is to, “Factor
your system so that Artifacts that
change at similar rates are together.”

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Agile Architecture

Base you architecture on

Travel Light
Document just enough

Prove your architecture with

Concrete experiments 29
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Agile Principles :: Principle #3
Deliver working software frequently,
from a couple of weeks to a couple of
months, with a preference to the
shorter timescale

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Horizontal vs Vertical Architecture


Feature N
Feature 1

Feature 2

Business Process

Data Access

© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited

Database 31
Agile Principles :: Principle #4
Business people and developers must
work together daily throughout the

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Agile Principles :: Principle #5
Build projects around motivated
individuals. Give them the environment
and support they need, and trust them
to get the job done.

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Agile Principles :: Principle #6
The most efficient and effective method
of conveying information to and within
a development team is face-to-face

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Agile Principles :: Principle #7
Working software is the primary
measure of progress.

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Agile Principles :: Principle #8
Agile processes promote sustainable
development. The sponsors,
developers, and users should be able to
maintain a constant pace indefinitely.

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Product is in motion at all time

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No product is made until the customer

requests it

Requires a process that flows

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Agile Principles :: Principle #9
Continuous attention to technical
excellence and good design enhances

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Agile Principles :: Principle #10
Simplicity--the art of maximizing the
amount of work not done--is essential.

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64% implemented features are
rarely or never used

Sometimes Rarely
16% 19%


Focusing on customer needs ensures:

the right features are built
not wasting effort (and resources) on
features that are not needed
Ref: Jim Johnson, Chairman of Standish Group, quoted in 2006 in:
Sample: government and commercial organizations, no vendors, suppliers or consultants
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Agile Architect



Defer until last

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Agile Principles :: Principle #11
The best architectures, requirements,
and designs emerge from self-
organizing teams.

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Agile Principles :: Principle #12
At regular intervals, the team reflects
on how to become more effective, then
tunes and adjusts its behaviour

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Activity: Puzzle Game

Discuss on your tables how would you

play the puzzle game differently based
on what you learnt from Agile

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Agile Methodologies


Scrum DSDM Atern

Lean Agile Unified Process (AUP)
Extreme Programming (XP)
Lightweight Approaches Fuller Approaches (but still agile)

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Why do companies adapt Agile?

Accelerate Time to Market

Manage Changing Priorities
Increase Productivity
Better Align IT/Business
Enhance Software Quality
Improve Project Visibility
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Benefits Obtained from adapting Agile?

Ability to manage changing priorities

Improved project visibility
Increased Productivity
Improved team morale
Faster time to market
Better alignment between IT &
Business Objectives
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Scrum Framework

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© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited
What is Scrum?

A framework within which people can

address complex adaptive
problems while productively and
creatively delivering products of the
highest possible value”

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Influences of Scrum

The New New

Development Game

Iterative and

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The New New Product Development

The New New Product Development Game

by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka

Built-in instability
Self-Organizing project teams
Overlapping development phases
Subtle Control
Organizational transfer of learning
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Lean Principles

7. See the 2. Amplify

whole Learning

6. Build
Lean 3. Delay
Integrity Committm
In ent

5. Deliver
the Team

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Framework doesn’t define interiors

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Its an..




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5 Scrum Values

Focus Commitment


Openness Courage
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Scrum Framework : 3 Roles
responsible for
maximizing the value of
the product and the
work of the
Development Team

The SCRUM Team

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Scrum Framework : 3 Roles

responsible for Responsible for

ensuring Scrum is converting the product
understood and backlog into releasable
enacted product increment

The SCRUM Team

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Scrum Framework: 5 Events

the team meets

with the product
owner to choose a
set of work to
deliver during a
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Scrum Framework: 5 Events

the heart of the scrum,

during which a “Done”,
useable, and potentially
releasable product
Increment is created.
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Scrum Framework: 5 Events

the team meets each

day to synchronize
activities and plan for
the next 24 hours

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Scrum Framework: 5 Events

the scrum team

demonstrates to the
stakeholders what it
has completed
during the sprint

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Scrum Framework: 5 Events

the scrum team inspects

itself and create a plan for
improvements to be
enacted during next

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Every event in
Scrum including the
Sprint is

This helps the team

in maintaining the
sustainable pace. 70
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Scrum Framework: 3 Artifacts
An ordered list of everything that
might be needed in the product and
is the single source of requirements
for any changes to be made to the

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Scrum Framework: 3 Artifacts

set of Product Backlog items selected for

the Sprint plus a plan for
delivering the product Increment and
realizing the Sprint Goal
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Scrum Framework: 3 Artifacts

required result of every

sprint. It is an
integrated version of
the product, kept at
high enough quality to
be shippable
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Additional Artifacts

The Product Owner looks at the amount of work

remaining at the end of every Sprint and the
trend to assess progress toward completing
projected work by the desired time for the goal.
Release burndown or burnup can be used for this
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Additional Artifacts
The Development Team compares the amount of
work remaining daily to the time they have to
project the likelihood of achieving the Sprint Goal.
Sprint burndown or burnup can be used for this

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Who uses Scrum?

 Google  Lockheed Martin

 Oracle  Philips
  Siemens
 Toyota  Capital One
 BBC  Time Warner
 Nokia  Yahoo
 BMC Software
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 Nielson Media 76

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Getting Started with Scrum

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Get everyone on the same page

Train your organization on

Make sure that everybody
understands the Scrum the
right way.

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Split the Organization into smaller


Team of Motivated Cross-functional

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Split your work into Smaller

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Split the Release into Shorter Iterations

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Get your teams together

Same building, same floor

and next to each other

Invest on high quality

video conference for
exceptional cases of
distributed teams
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Change rewarding system

STOP rewarding
individual contributions

START rewarding team


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Scrum Roles

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3 Roles

The SCRUM Team

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Product Owner [PO]

Maximize the value of the product backlog and

the work of the Development team.
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Create Product’s Vision

to build a place where

people can come to
find and discover
anything they might
want to buy online.

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Drive Product’s Success

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Manage Product Backlog
The PO is the sole responsible person for
managing the Product Backlog.

The PO may be assisted by others to manage the backlog but PO

remains accountable.
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Work with all the stakeholders

The PO decides what goes in a release

after consulting all the stakeholders.

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Plan the release

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Create and maintain Product
Backlog. Organize it into
incremental releases

Be available to answer

Create Product Vision

Demonstrate the product to
stakeholders and evaluate the
product for release readiness

Review the work done by the team

to ensure that its done as per the
Contribute in identifying the criteria
improvement needs and help
Define sprint goal and prioritize
team inthe
planning to enact
work for the team to ensure higher
value is gained out the work done
by the team
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Scrum Master is a Change Agent

Gathers support from everyone to

make sure that the change is accepted
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Scrum Master is a Coach

Train, mentor and make the team speak

the same language
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Scrum Master is a Protector

Protects the team from the

outside interferences
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Scrum Master is a Problem Solver

Unblocks impediments so that the

team can achieve the sprint goal
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Scrum Master is a Process Owner

Teach Scrum to everyone and ensure that

the right things are done the right way
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Scrum Master is a Servant Leader

Lead the team to success by serving the

team to become knowledge-wealthy,
self-organizing and autonomous
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Scrum Master Responsibilities

Towards the Product Owner

• Finding techniques for effective Product
Backlog Management
• Clearly communicating vision, goals, and
Product Backlog items to the Development
• Teaching the Scrum Team to create clear and
concise Product Backlog items;
• Understanding long-term product planning in
an empirical environment;

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Scrum Master Responsibilities

Towards Development Team

• Coaching them to become self-organized
and cross-functional team
• Teaching and leading them to create high
value products
• Removing impediments to progress
• Coaching them in organizational
environments in which Scrum is not yet
fully adopted and understood.

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Scrum Master Responsibilities

Towards Organization
• Planning, leading and coaching the
organization in its Scrum adoption
• Helping employees and stakeholders
understand and enact Scrum and empirical
• Causing change that increases the
productivity of the Scrum Team
• Working with other Scrum Masters to
increase the effectiveness of the
application of Scrum in the organization
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SM Responsibilities

Towards the Community

• Build the Scrum community
• Help others in the community understand
and enact Scrum.
• Maximize the Scrum awareness by reaching
outside the network where people don’t
know about Scrum.

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Help PO in defining and
maintaining the product

Facilitate DSM and help

teams inspect and adapt

Understand the product

vision and lead the team to Facilitate. Ensure that the
work towards it. focus is on integrated product
increment. Help the team
inspect and adapt.
Coach team to self-organize and
help them solve impediments.
Facilitate and help team inspect and
Protect them from external
adapt the process. Ensure everyone
interferences. Lead them to achieve
is heard and appreciated. Help the
the sprint goal.
team identify the actions to enact in
the next sprint.
Facilitate the Sprint Planning
meeting. Help team work together
to create Sprint backlog. Help the
team inspect and adapt

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Activity: Self Organizing Team

• Goal: Produce 200 Steps

• Rules:
• Each table is a team. One manager and rest
all workers.
• The manager can give the commands: Go,
Stop, Right, Left, Slower, Faster
• The manager needs to manage each
employee and count steps.
• The workers must follow manager’s
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The Development Team
The Development Team is :
A cross-functional team
Empowered and autonomous
Collectively responsible for converting product
backlog into product increment

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Development Team Size

The communication channels

increase exponentially

1 3 6 10 15
Most commonly used
development team size is 7 ± 2
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The Ultimate Goal

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The Development Team

Self-Organize to collectively deliver

product increment every sprint
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Help PO in defining and
grooming the product backlog

Update each other of the

progress and plan for next 24
hours. Inspect and Adapt

Understand the product

vision and internalize it. Demonstrate the work done
and understand both verbal
and non-verbal feedback.

Convert product backlog into

product increment. Help each other
Actively participate and
and self-organize to achieve the identify process
committed sprint goal. improvements to get better
at delivering value

Understand and commit to sprint

goal. Create sprint backlog. Create
Just enough design for the sprint

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Product Backlog

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What is the best way to understand the

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Requirements are a communication
The written requirements
 can be well thought through, reviewed and edited
 provide a permanent record
 are more easily shared with groups of people
 time consuming to produce
 may be less relevant or superseded over time
 can be easily misinterpreted

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Requirements are a communication
The verbal requirements
 instantaneous feedback and clarification
 information-packed exchange
 easier to clarify and gain common understanding
 more easily adapted to any new information known
at the time
 can spark ideas about problems and opportunities

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A picture is worth
a thousand words

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Product Backlog

An ordered and emerging list

of user needs plus anything
else that is required to fulfill
the Product Vision.

Each item in the product is called Product

Backlog Item [PBI]

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A good product backlog is

Detailed enough
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Product Backlog is emergent

Fine grained with details and

ready to be pulled in next sprint.

Coarse-grained requirements

The amount of detail that each PBI has depends on

its position in the product backlog.
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Why is it emergent?

The product backlog starts with a

vision statement

Build a website that fulfils

every need of a traveller

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The details get added over period of

Build a website that fulfils

every need of a traveller

Flight Hotel Taxi Travel

Booking Booking Booking Needs

Booking Cancellation Re-booking

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How does the product backlog emerge?

Ideas as the working Feedback from the

software is used stakeholders and customers

Conversations Grooming Sessions

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Product Backlog Item [PBI]
Each PBI is a

Frequent flyer can re-  User’s need

book the last journey  Feature description
 Planning item
 Token for conversation
 Mechanism for deferring
the conversation

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What gets added to PBI’s as they

Criteria Additional

Algorithms Data points

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PBI should cut across all the layers

User Interface
Presentation Logic
Feature 1

Feature 2
Feature 3

Feature 4

Business Logic
The architecture evolves secondary to the value created
by early regular releases of working software
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Estimating Product Backlog

Scrum doesn’t prescribe any estimation

techniques. Instead it promotes

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Problem with Planning & Estimates

Wishful Delay
Thinking Student

Perfectionism Planning Fallacy

Parkinson's Law
Optimism Bias

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So what do I do about estimates?

Use whatever technique your team is

comfortable with. Scrum provides more
opportunities to inspect and adapt

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Estimating Product Backlog

What are we estimating?

How far is it?

How long does it


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Estimating Product Backlog

What we estimate is
- How big are the Product Backlog
items based on the complexity,
uncertainty and the work involved.
- Not how long does it take to
implement them.

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Relative Sizing
1 – Goa
3 – Tripura
12 – Punjab
6 – Kerala
40 – Orissa
50 - Karnataka

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Which one is Complex?

10 piece Jigsaw Puzzle

1000 piece Jigsaw Puzzle

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Which one is Complex?

Links to PM Portal, JIRA, Helpdesk,

HRIS etc.
Single Sign on to Pm Portal, JIRA,
Helpdesk, HRIS etc.

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Planning Poker*

- The whole scrum team

participates but estimates
are given by the
development team
- Everyone estimates overall
size of the item (not just part
of the work)
* Planning Poker is not part of core scrum but a practice widely used by Scrum teams.
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Planning Poker: Mechanics
 Create a common understanding of the User Story.
 Choose a reference card.
 Estimate size in relation to reference – but don’t tell
 Show your cards at the same time
 Discuss differences
 Repeat estimation until consensus
 Estimated user story becomes new reference
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Find three stories as reference:
smaller, larger and equal sized
1 2 3 5 8 13 20 …

A user A user A user A user A user A user A user Break the

can… can… can… can… can… can… can… stories
A user A user A user A user A user and re-
can… can… can… can… can… estimate
A user A user A user
can… can… can…

A user

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How is it ordered?
Its ordered based on
 Business Value
 Customer satisfaction
 Risk
 Opportunity cost
 Budget etc.

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MuSCoW Prioritization(from DSDM)

Must Have: Minimum Usable SubseT

Should Have: Expected in this release

Could Have: Possibly have them in this

Won’t Have: Out of Scope for this
Requirements that cannot be de-scoped without causing the project to fail
Requirements that can be de-scoped as a last resort to keep the project on track
Requirements that can be de-scoped without causing significant problems
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How does the product backlog gets

Customer Interaction with

feedback the stakeholders
The product backlog gets groomed

Conversations Meeting
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Product Backlog Grooming
- It is the act of adding detail, estimates, and
order to PBI

- On going process of collaboration between

PO and the Development Team

- It’s a part-time activity during the sprint and

how and when is decided by the Scrum Team

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Product Backlog Grooming: Activities
- Enrich PBI with new details
- Split large PBIs
- Write new PBIs
- Estimate PBIs.
- Re-prioritize PBIs as needed.

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Scrum in Action

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- It’s a timebox of one month or less and is a
Deming cycle
- Its an iteration in which the team produces a
shippable product increment
- There will be no change in the Sprint duration or
Sprint Goal

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During the Sprint

Sprint Sprint
Goal Duration
However, the scope may be
clarified and re-negotiated

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All the classic SDLC activities happen
during the Sprint
Analyze and Design
Feature A Implement

Feature B
..but continuously
and all the time
Feature C (not as a mini-


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Sprint Goal
- An objective that will be met within the Sprint
through the implementation of the Product Backlog
- It provides a guidance to the Development team on
why its building the increment
- may be a milestone in the larger purpose of the
product roadmap

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When is a PBI is done?
Definition of Done[DoD]
- A shared understanding within the Scrum Team on
when a PBI is considered as “Done”.
- A checklist of valuable activities required to produce
releasable product increment.
 Fully implemented
 Tested
 All Acceptance Criteria fulfilled.
 No known issues etc.
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Adverse Effects of undone work.

The technical debt

increases and pulls
down your velocity.

You will end up with

hardening sprints.

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The Sprint Planning
…..Planning for the Game

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Sprint Planning Overview

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Sprint Planning Part I: “What”
1. The product owner presents the ordered PBIs to the
Development Team.
2. The Development team Pulls and discuss PBIs, ask
clarifying questions and understand the acceptance
criteria. Select the PBI for Sprint.
3. Continue 2 until Sprint backlog is full
4. The Scrum team crafts the sprint goal.

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What details are discussed in part I?

Acceptance Demonstration


Algorithms, Data points

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Sprint Planning Part II: “How”

Discuss how to achieve the Sprint goal and

deliver the product increment
1. Discuss the rough architecture
2. Make design decisions
3. Identify tasks the team needs to do

The team may renegotiate

the Sprint Backlog items
with Product Owner
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Creating a rough design
 Identify components and interfaces
 Identify dependencies
 Identify the external integration points
 Identify Data to be used and data sources
 Discuss Architectural patterns to be applied
 Discuss Testing strategy

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How team members understand user
stories and estimate

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Sprint Backlog

Feature Tasks Estimate 1 2 3 4 5

Custom Create custom actions tab with 2
Actions the list of actions performed on
the job with the status
Custom Create stdout and stderr viewer 10
Actions in custom actions tab
Custom Create dynamic Input Dialog with 4
Actions input parameters configured
The Product Backlog items
with app associated with the
selected job selected for this Sprint plus
Submission Basic data model for job 3
Form submssion form the plan for delivering
service to get application
definition [M2]
is5called the Sprint

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Sprint Burndown Chart(Based on PBI)

Sprint Burndown
50 50
work left




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Sprint Burndown Chart(based on tasks)

Sprint Burndown Chart




Work left







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Expected Burndown Actual Burndown

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Life of a Product Backlog Item in a

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The Daily Scrum
…..Planning for the Moment

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Daily Scrum Meeting

Duration: 15 minutes
– Scrum Master (Facilitates)
– Development team
– Product Owner

For Development team to synchronize the activities
and create plan for next 24 hours
Inspect and adapt
© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited
Are we there yet?
 Ensure that you update the sprint
backlog and Sprint Burndown as
you want to know where you
stand before starting the DSM.

 The focus of DSM should only be “Are we

there yet?” and “What we need to get
there?”. Discuss the details of “How” outside
the DSM.

© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited 163

Why should we meet everyday?
Helps you focus by creating an “anticipating
Promotes “Openness” as everyone shares

Helps team to respect each other for their


Reinforces commitment

Provides enough data so that you can face tough

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What DSM shouldn’t be?

© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited

Sprint Review Meeting

Duration: 4 Hour for One-month

- Scrum Master (facilitates)
- Product Owner,
- Development team
- Stakeholders
Inspect the product increment and adapt the product

© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited

Sprint Review

Focus on Work done. PO identifies the

work done and what has not been

Development team discusses how the

last Sprint went and demonstrate the
working product increment.

PO discusses Product Backlog as it stands

and project the likely completion dates
based on the progress to date.
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Sprint Review Overview

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Release Burndown Chart

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The Sprint
… did we do?

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Retrospectives bring out the real
At the end of India tour At the end of India tour of
of England and 0-4 loss Australia and 4-0 loss

“Pitches were not helpful” “Pitches were not helpful”

At the end of England

tour of India and 1-3 loss

“God, I shouldn’t have

skipped retrospectives”
© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited
“Pitches were not helpful” 171
Sprint Retrospective Meeting

Duration: 3 hours for one month sprint

• Scrum Master (facilitates)
• Product Owner,
• Development team
 Inspect how last sprint went with regards to people,
relationship, process, and tools
 Identify and order the major items that went well and
potential improvements
 Create a plan for implementing improvements to the way
the Scrum Team does its work
© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited
Good one to have!

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Retrospective Prime Directive

“Well, we gave our best. There are lots of positives

to take home. We will certainly need to work on
bowling and batting departments”
© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited 174
Retrospective Prime Directive

Kerth's Prime Directive:

“Regardless of what we discover, we must
understand and truly believe that everyone did
the best job he or she could, given what was
known at the time, his or her skills and abilities,
the resources available, and the situation at

© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited 175

Retrospective Steps*

I. Setting the Stage

II. Gather Data
III. Generate Insights
IV. Decide What to Do
V. Close the Retrospective

*This is one of the ways of doing retrospective and its not prescribed by scrum

© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited 176

Setting the Stage

 Set the Agenda

 State the Purpose
 Set Focus
 Set Rules

© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited 177

Set the Stage

“In this session, we’ll discover where we added the

most value during our last iteration and plan for
increasing the value we add during the next

State an affirmative goal for the


© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited 178


Focus on Focus off

Inquiry rather than Processes and tools

Dialogue rather than Debate

Conversation rather than Argument

Understanding rather than Defending

© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited

Gather Data

 Review available data: Burndown charts,

Velocity Trend etc..

 Create a common view

 Discuss what happened during last
 Mood Timeline
 Plus/Delta
 Four Square
 Brainstorming etc.
© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited 180
Generate Insights

 Generate insights on what could have

caused the plus/delta
 5 whys
 Fishbone diagram
 Brainstorming + Silent Grouping

© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited 181

Appreciative Futurespective
 If we could time travel to the end of the next
release and converse with our future selves, we
hear that it was the most productive, most
satisfying effort we’ve ever worked on. What do
you see and hear in that future time?
 Ask: “What changes did we implement now that
resulted in such productive and satisfying work in
the future?”
 Write down all the answers / Silent Brainstorming
 [Silent] Grouping
© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited 182
Decide what to do
 Discuss solutions and SMART goals
 Create backlog of action items
 Prioritize the backlog based on:
 “What are we best positioned to try next?”
 “What do we really want to try (or sustain)?”

 Make sure each backlog item has volunteer


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Close the Retrospective
 Summarize the results
 Agree on action items
 Appreciate the results achieved from earlier

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Let’s Retrospect our first Sprint

 Review the first sprint with

regards to process, tools, people
and relationships.

 Identify the improvements and

action items

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Agile Estimation and Planning

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The Release Planning
…..Planning for the Season

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Release Planning*


Just Enough
Design *Release Planning is not prescribed by Scrum. This is one
of the practices used in the community

Technical Backlog
Dependencies and
Risks 188
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Release Planning Steps

Estimate Product Backlog

 Go through the backlog and estimate each

 Use Poker Planning or any other method
 If required split the stories

© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited 189

Release Planning Steps

Decide the Sprint length

 The most common Sprint length is two weeks

 The automation infrastructure and how long
you need to deliver valuable software dictates
the length
 Remember that at the end of the sprint you
deliver releasable product increment
© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited 190
Release Planning Steps

Choose the Velocity*

Velocity is how much product

backlog that the team can handle in
a Sprint.
*Velocity is not a Scrum term but used widely in Scrum

© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited 191


Sum of story points associated with

work done in a Sprint.
Used to calculate approximate cost of
release and track release progress

Velocity doesn’t include bugs and

rejected stories.
© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited 192

Velocity of two teams are not

Velocity is not productivity:
Velocity changes with team
Velocity increases with team’s tenure

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Release Planning Steps

Calculate the number of Sprints

Best Case : Size of Product Backlog/ Max Velocity

Worst Case : Size of Product Backlog/ Min Velocity

Most Likely Case : Size of Product Backlog/ Avg. Velocity

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Fixed Scope


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Fixed Date

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You got the release date now

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Fixed Scope and Fixed Date


You are expected to burn at the same rate,

which is next to impossible
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Technical Debt


Planned Forecasted
Release Date Release Date

© leanpitch Technologies Private Limited 199

Call me @ 9901622788 any time you need help

Write to me @

You can download all the materials used in the

class from
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Building leaner pitches for your efficiency games

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