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Scholar: An always-prepared sage who is able to Each playbook is composed of the same parts.


Credits identify monster weaknesses, and carries all sorts

of useful items.
lists Moves – which are available to everyone –
with your bonuses associated with each move.
Whenever you roll that Move, you get to add the
Writing & design by Michael “Karrius” Mazur. Scoundrel: A former bandit or outlaw who fights
bonuses listed for your playbooks. Some Moves
against the darkness with cunning, dirty tricks,
Playbook art by Dreamweaver Druid. share the same bonuses, such as Knowledge and
and charm.
Layout & formatting by Goaty Goats. Warlock: A master of infernal magic, who has
The playbooks also list abilities – Basic and
sold their soul for the power to incinerate their

Advanced. You begin play with all Basic abilities
associated with your playbook, and two Advanced
Vampire: A predator of the night, cursed with abilities. At the MC’s option, you may start with
undeath who must feed upon the blood of the more Advanced abilities if they want to run a
Once the group has some kind of idea of what
living. game with more experienced characters. As you
they want to play, each picks a Playbook. The play, you’ll get more Advanced abilities every few
playbooks tell you what kind of character you’ll Werewolf: Cursed with lycanthropy, a werewolf is
be playing, and what they’re capable of. While always fighting for control with the vicious beast
multiple players can pick the same playbook, it’s within. While some playbooks list equipment, not all do.
highly discouraged – picking different playbooks This doesn’t mean that those characters are
ensures that each member of the group has their walking around without anything, though. All
specialties, and everyone gets their own chance in characters are assumed to have the basics – things
the spotlight. The playbooks are: like clothes, food, torches, rope, money, and the
like. Any sort of weaponry not listed is only
Champion: A devoted warrior who defends the capable of dealing 2 harm, and while any
innocent with an impenetrable armor and will. character can be wearing protective gear, if it’s not
Changeling: A faerie-touched wanderer who provided by a playbook provides no mechanical
carries the enchantments of the fey courts. benefit against the threats PCs will actually face.

Dreamer: A sorcerer whose mind is infected with Finally, each playbook comes with some
eldritch insights, and master of astral sorceries, quickplay backgrounds – use these if you’re
the magic of dreams and nightmares. having problems coming up with details on your
character, or just need to make a character fast for
Fiend: A redeemed demon who has to fight a one-shot game. These quickplay backgrounds
against their evil nature, while still commanding are just suggestions, and you shouldn’t feel
the full powers of hell. restricted by them.
Hunter: A seasoned monster slayer, who is a
peerless warrior that always has the tools needed.

Necromancer: A master of the magic of death,

able to drain the life from their foes and
command undead.
Character Name
Those that stand for truth and righteousness, and
are empowered by their strong belief in self-
sacrifice have little to fear from the dark.
Shunning subtlety and dishonesty, they wade
Player Name
forward into battle to defeat the forces of evil, and
protect the innocent. And while courage is a
mighty shield and justice a powerful sword, being Harm: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
heavily armed and armored helps, too.
Bonus Moves
Quickplay Background
+2 Battle
Your distinctive armor is:
◯ a shining suit of plate.
◯ battered, worn, and patched together.
◯ a thick and fur-lined leather coat, boots, and
+3 Resist Dark Magic

You draw your strength of conviction from your Poke Around/Hunt

faith in:
◯ your land and its people. +2 Interview/Convince
◯ the good that exists in all hearts.
◯ cold, hard steel. Daring Action

You and another PC are tied together through:

+0 Sorcery
◯ your shared faith or hometown.
◯ your guidance to them on the path of light.
Assign +1, +1, and +0 to the
◯ working together to save the same person. remaining Moves.
Advanced Abilities ◯ Shining Example: Whenever you succeed on a

Champion ◯ Authority: You have a granted authority – it

Resist Dark Magic move to resist a dangerous
effect, or roll at least a 7 on a Daring Action move
might be a wide reaching legal one, or just among to avoid harm or perform a stunt, your allies gain
Basic Abilities an organization you’re a part of. At the beginning +1 Ongoing to moves to accomplish that same
of an adventure, make a move using your task for the rest of the scene. They cannot gain
Heavily Armed and Armored: You own a suit of Convince bonus. On a 7-9, hold 1. On a 10-12, more than +1 Ongoing to the same move from
marvelous heavy armor (and possibly a shield) hold 2. On a 13+, hold 3. During the adventure, this ability.
which gives you 2 armor, as well as one of the you can spend a hold to find someone who obeys
following weapons: the same authority as you, and make a request of ◯ Stand Your Ground: Whenever a creature
them like you had rolled a Convince move with a deals harm to you, you deal +1 Harm the next
◯ Battle axe or claymore (4 harm, close, iron)
result of 10. time you damage said creature.
◯ Spear (4 harm, reach, iron)
◯ Center of Attention: Before rolling Hunt, you ◯ Strong Soul: All weapons you wield count as
◯ Short sword (3 harm, close, iron) and a may choose to make yourself the bait. If you do, soulbound, and you never need a soulbound
longbow, crossbow, or musket (4 harm, ranged) your allies get +1 Forward to their Hunt rolls, but warding tool. In addition, whenever you grant an
with iron ammo. you can’t get a result higher than 7-9. ally a Forward to a Battle or Sorcery move, any
harm they deal counts as if they had a soulbound
Protect the Weak: Whenever you use the Battle ◯ Guided by Conviction: When you make a weapon.
move to draw attention onto you, you either give Daring Action move in a way that does not
an ally you’re protecting +1 Forward against the involve treachery, guile, deception, or surprise, ◯ Gain +1 Knowledge/Lore
creature you’re fighting, or to reduce the next you always do whatever you set out to ◯ Gain +1 Poke Around / Hunt
Harm you take from the creature by 1. accomplish: rolling 6 or below is treated as a 7-9.
◯ Gain +1 Daring Action
Turn Away Evil: Whenever you successfully use ◯ Honest to a Fault: As long as you haven’t lied to
Resist Dark Magic to ward away a creature, you a bystander this adventure and intend to stay true
may either deal 1 Harm (ignores armor) to that to your word, you gain a +1 bonus to your
creature or gain +1 Forward against them. Once Interview and Convince moves.
per adventure, you can produce a warding tool of
your choice: ◯ a flaming emblem, ◯ an iron ◯ Mind Like An Empty Book: You’re good at
emblem, ◯ a silver emblem, ◯ a soulbound listening to others and respecting when they’re
emblem. right. When someone uses a Knowledge hold to
help you specifically, they gain +1 Forward to their
next Knowledge move (this effect does not stack).
You also gain a +1 Forward to using Lore when
you use it alongside someone with a higher bonus
to Lore moves than you.

◯ Leadership: You can direct your allies in their

tasks, keeping them organized, motivated, and
inspired. Instead of using a combat or
investigation move, you can instead choose to
lead your allies, giving them +1 Forward to their
next move.
Character Name
The reach of the fey is subtle and insidious. Some
who wander into their lands return years later,
unchanged physically, but forever touched. Other
times, children are snatched from their cribs, with
Player Name
a faerie child left in their place. Changelings are
those who bridge the human and fey worlds in
some way – be they humans who entered faerie Harm: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
lands, or fey who have imprinted on human ones.
They find themselves with all of the charm of the Bonus Moves
fey, but being between worlds as they are,
forgettable by those around them. +2 Battle

Quickplay Background Knowledge/Lore

Your fey heritage is obvious due to your:

Resist Dark Magic
◯ inky black eyes.
◯ long, pointed ears.
+2 Poke Around/Hunt
◯ supernatural beauty.
◯ unnatural hair color.
+3 Interview/Convince
◯ skin and hair that changes with the seasons.

You became a wanderer: Daring Action

◯ after escaping from the fey realms.
◯ after your parents rejected you for your +0 Sorcery
◯ because the wanderlust was too strong. Assign +1, +1, and +0 to the remaining
You joined up with the other heroes:
◯ because they were the only ones who seem to
be able to focus on you.
◯ because one of them took you in when nobody
else would.
◯ because misfits have to stick together.
◯ because you find yourself drawn to one, and
want to be close to them.
Advanced Abilities and you can use the Convince move to get both

Changeling ◯ Enchanting Voice: Your voice can take on an

enthralling quality. When you use Enchanting Voice, roll
domesticated and wild animals to do things for you.

◯ Oathkeeper: You can swear an oath, and are granted

great abilities to keep it. If you swear an oath to protect
a move using your Convince bonus. On a 6 or below,
Basic Abilities your use of magic is obvious, and enrages your victims.
someone or something, you gain +1 Forward to any
move used to directly keep them out of harm’s way, and
Forgotten Child: Whenever you use an On a 7-10, you can distract people or beast minions for
magically know whenever they are in danger. If you
as long as you talk, but they’ll know they’ve been tricked
Investigation move, you can prevent anyone from swear an oath to kill a thing, you deal +1 Harm to said
when it’s done. On a 10-12, you can distract people or
remembering your presence – but they still react creature. If you abandon or fail on your oath, you suffer
beast minions and warriors for as long as you talk, and a
to you in the moment. If you spend a hold from -1 Ongoing to Resist Dark Magic, Convince, and Sorcery
few minutes after, with them being none the wiser. On a
any investigation move, you can also have your moves until the end of the adventure. You can swear one
13+, your voice can lull people and beast minions or
oath each adventure.
allies be forgotten. This can be as selective as warriors into a trance that is only broken after hours, or
you’d like. until someone rouses them. ◯ Rules of the Court: You have sworn to the rules of the
faerie courts, knowingly or not. Gain +1 Ongoing to
Hunter’s Tools: You own one of the following ◯ Faerie Skin: Your skin is tough, and can turn aside the
Convince moves when you are telling the truth or using
claws and teeth of sharp beasts. Gain 1 armor that is
weapon sets, and a suit of light armor worth 1 misleading wordplay and deception while not lying. As
ignored by iron.
armor. long as you do not lie, you can tell when someone is
◯ Fey Kinship: You gain +2 to Resist Dark Magic moves lying to you – if you do end up lying, you lose the
◯ A longbow or crossbow (4 harm, ranged) with to resist the magic of, but not ward against, all fey benefits of this ability and suffer -1 Ongoing to Convince
silver arrows; and a short sword or woodcutters’ creatures, as well as +1 to Hunt rolls in any natural moves until the end of the adventure.
axe (3 harm, close, iron) settings.
◯ Touch of Magic: Choose one type of magic: Astral,
◯ A spear (4 harm, reach, silver); and throwing ◯ Finder of the Lost: You cannot be affected by magic Infernal, and Necromancy. Your Sorcery bonus with
knives or throwing axes (3 harm, throwable, iron) and glamours that keep you from noticing something or that type of magic increases to +2. You know two
someone. Add the following questions to your Poke combat spells from that school of magic, and once per
Unnoticed: Your presence is hard for other Around (when asking about a specific area) and adventure you can cast a ritual sorcery spell without the
creatures to focus on. Beasts, Fiends, and Humans Interview (when asking about a person or people) help of any scroll or outside source.
will never attack you unless you make a motion to moves:
◯ Gain +1 Knowledge/Lore.
attack them or take something of theirs first. ➢ What was lost here – physical or metaphorical?
When you enter a fight with such creatures, you ◯ Gain +1 Daring Action.
gain +1 Forward to your first Battle move against ➢ What are people’s unfulfilled wishes?
◯ Gain +1 Resist Dark Magic.
them, as if you had ambushed them. ➢ What do people regret is gone from here?

Whispers: When you use the Convince move, ◯ Hidden Friends: Whenever you use the Battle move
you can give yourself -1 Forward to it to make the to draw a creature’s attention towards you and away
target forget their interaction with you, and think from another, those you are protecting are glamoured –
that they came to their desires on their own. they are completely forgotten by the creature you’re
dealing with as long as you’re still around and they don’t
attack the creature. Hidden allies get +1 Forward to their
next move against creatures ignoring them, but then
can’t benefit from Hidden Friends again that fight.

◯ Listen to the Wilds: You can speak to and understand

animals, plants, and other natural creatures. When you
use the Interview move, you can ask questions of them,
Character Name
The sleepers from beyond the stars, under the
waters, and within the earth speak to many
unfortunate enough to hear. They whisper in
their dreams, invade their thoughts, and bring
Player Name
unwanted insights. These unbidden secrets can be
mastered, and astral sorceries flow through the
recipients like waves through the ocean. But while Harm: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
the waves can be harnessed, they change what
they touch, and the Dreamer’s mind slowly Bonus Moves
erodes away.
Quickplay Background
+2 Knowledge/Lore
People are unsettled by you because of your habit
+2 Resist Dark Magic
◯ never blinking.
◯ taking raspy, gurgling breaths. Poke Around/Hunt
◯ chanting in your sleep.
◯ bleeding black oil. Interview/Convince

The sleepers have a connection to you because:

Daring Action
◯ you came too close to where they slumber.
◯ you meddled in magics that should not be
+1 Sorcery
◯ they were drawn to you by your art.
+3 Astral Sorcery
Despite your oddities, the other heroes work with
you because: Assign +1, +1, +0, and +0 to the
◯ they knew you before your changes. remaining Moves.
◯ you’re convinced they can help you silence the
◯ you’ve proven your reliability in saving others.
◯ few know more about monsters than you do.
Advanced Abilities ◯ Sorcerous Savant: Choose Infernal or Necromantic

Dreamer ◯ Forbidden Knowledge: Whenever you make a

Knowledge or Lore move, you can choose to tap into
sorcery. Your sorcery bonus with that type of magic
increases to +2. You know two combat spells from that
school of magic, and once per adventure you can
forbidden knowledge. When you do, gain an extra hold produce a ritual sorcery spell without the help of any
Basic Abilities – or two extra holds if you roll 13+. When you use this, scroll or outside source.
Commune: You can slip into the world of dreams, you suffer -1 Ongoing to Resist Dark Magic moves until
◯ Twisted Flesh: Your body seethes with twisted
you’ve had time to rest.
and feel out the creatures living here. As an growths underneath the surface. You gain one armor
Investigation move using your Astral Sorcery ◯ Lead the Faithful: When you use a hold from the against physical blows, but is ignored by any weapon
bonus, and ask questions from the following list Knowledge move to increase harm dealt to a monster, that’s flaming or any other source of damage. Whenever
as normal: the attacks of you and any bystanders you’re fighting a creature deals damage to you by consuming part of
with deal +1 Harm and don’t count as the “next attack” you in some way – biting, blood draining, soul stealing,
➢ What evils are slumbering here? for the purpose of the bonus’s duration. In addition, or the like – it suffers one harm that ignores armor.
whenever you use a hold from the Knowledge move to
➢ What major events have happened here? ◯ Whispers of the Sleeper: Whenever you sleep, and
give your allies a bonus to Resist Dark Magic moves, all
whenever you take the Patch Up move, you can listen to
bystanders you’re fighting with are immune to the
➢ What emotions and fears are heavy here? the whispers of the sleeper, choosing one of the
following benefits: heal an additional Harm; gain +1 to
➢ What is the geography and terrain of the Resist Dark Magic moves until you cast a spell; gain +1
◯ Lingering Aura: When you use Commune, you can
surrounding area and structures? focus on an object instead of an area, and ask the Forward to your next investigation move.
following questions:
Astral Sorcerer: You know all astral combat ◯ Zeal of Devotion: When making a Battle or Daring
sorcery, and if you want to cast an astral ritual ➢ Who owned this last? Action move, you may add up to +3 Forward. You then
sorcery, you know it and don’t need to find it take -1 Ongoing to all Sorcery moves until you’ve rolled
➢ Who handled this, since the past full moon?
written down. with your Sorcery bonus a number of times equal to the
➢ What owner had the deepest connection? bonus you took.. You cannot use this ability if you are
Touched by Another World: Choose a mutation already suffering the Ongoing penalty from it.
from the following list. Every three Advanced ➢ When and why did it change hands?
◯ Gain +1 to Daring Action.
Abilities you choose, you can choose another. ➢ What was this used for, or on?
◯ Gain +1 to Poke Around / Hunt.
◯ See in total darkness. ◯ Lure of the Moon: Your magic is tied to the phases of
the moon. During the night of a full moon, you ignore ◯ Gain +1 to Interview/Convince.
◯ Breathe underwater and swim perfectly. Combat Spell and Ritual Sorcery drawbacks for all your
spells – although your allies do not, even when
◯ Ignore all poisons, sickness, disease, and
participating in a ritual with you. During the night of a
new moon, you suffer a -1 Ongoing to all Sorcery
◯ Have no need to sleep. moves. During any other night, you ignore the first
combat sorcery drawback each scene.
◯ Be able to eat any organic material, no matter
◯ Misguided Dreams: You can enter a trance, and slip
how spoiled, rotten, or poisoned.
into the dreams of someone who you have a clear
mental image of. Roll a move using your Astral Sorcery
bonus. On a 6 or below, that person has a dream about
you, and grows suspicious. On a 7-12, you can implant
an idea in their mind, that they’ll carry out until they’re
in obvious great risk. On a 13 or above, they’ll carry out
the implanted idea with fanatical dedication. If you roll
9 or less, you also suffer a ritual sorcery drawback.
Character Name
Not all demons are bad. For whatever reason,
some of them turn out good. Maybe they were
summoned and raised by humans as a baby,
they’re a human possessed by a fiend, found love
Player Name
with a mortal, or just never got into that evil thing
in the first place. Now, they bring hellfire and
damnation to the side of good, while struggling Harm: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
against their dark nature.
Bonus Moves
Quickplay Background
Your demonic heritage is obvious from your:
◯ oddly colored skin.
+0 Knowledge/Lore
◯ hooves and tail.
◯ thick horns.
+1 Resist Dark Magic
You strayed from the path of evil due to:
◯ being raised by humans since you were young. +1 Poke Around/Hunt
◯ falling in love with a mortal.
◯ witnessing a great tragedy. Interview/Convince
◯ never having the heart for evil anyway.
Daring Action
The other PCs met you when:
◯ they suspected you of being a monster to hunt.
+0 Sorcery
◯ you saved them from another demon.
◯ you worked together as parts of the same
+2 Infernal Sorcery
Assign +3, +2, and +0 to the
remaining Moves.
Advanced Abilities ◯ Smell of Fear: Add the following questions to

Fiend ◯ Brooding: Sometimes, you just need to stay

your Interview list. When you roll at least 7+ on an
Interview move, you may ask one of them for
alone, and brood on your dark heritage – but free:
Basic Abilities you’ll always show up when needed. For an
➢ What do the people here fear the most?
investigation action, you can instead choose to
Against Your Nature: Whenever you spend a Brood. Doing so allows you to give any one ally of ➢ What can I do to get people here to fear me?
combat action putting yourself in harms way to your choice a +1 Forward to their Investigation
defend another while dealing no harm, gain +1 move after they roll the dice, as you were there ➢ What can be done to soothe fear here?
Forward to your next move. Whenever you make helping all along. Alternatively, if someone gets
◯ Thickened Skin: Your skin has thickened,
a Convince move and act generously and honestly into trouble during the investigation, you can
becoming even tougher – possibly with a change
to the other side when you didn’t need to, heal 1 show up and get +1 Forward to your first move to
of color. You gain an additional armor that is
Harm. help them out of it.
ignored by soulbound weapons, but your
Demon’s Skin: You have 1 armor that is ignored ◯ Damn Charming: Despite – or maybe because demonic nature is always apparent to bystanders.
by soulbound weapons. You cannot be harmed by of – your appearance, you have a certain allure.
◯ Unnatural Aura: You give off an aura of ill ease
non-magical fire or ice, and aren’t bother by You can spend a hold from the Interview move to
that keeps Beast, Demon, and Fey Minions from
extreme temperatures. get someone to perform a favor, so long as it
approaching or attacking you, unless you attack
Hellborne Magic: You know all infernal combat doesn’t place them in danger that they’re aware
them first. You can also ward away Beasts as if
sorcery, and once per adventure can produce a of. When you make a Convince move, you can
using Resist Dark Magic, but by rolling your
ritual sorcery spell without the help of any scroll always offer a favor later as payment. While you
Infernal Sorcery bonus instead.
or outside source. can skip out on the favor, you won’t be able to use
Convince on that target or those they tell until ◯ Wings: You grow large wings that let you fly,
Infernal Weapons: You have some form of natural you make good. glide, and hover as fast as you can run or walk.
weaponry that you can have burst into flames:
◯ Devour Essence: You can feed on the souls of ◯ Gain +1 to Knowledge / Lore
claws, heavy fists, horns, spikes, etc. These count
as a weapon with (4 harm, close, flaming). the fallen. Whenever you kill a living creature, or
◯ Gain +1 to Resist Dark Magic
at the end of a fight in which people died, gain 1
hold that can be spent immediately or after the ◯ Gain +1 to Poke Around / Hunt
fight to either ask any question from any of the
investigation moves that the creature’s knowledge
would help answer or to heal 1 harm.

◯ Driven by Shame: You’ve learned to turn your

own shame into a driving force. Whenever you
roll 6 or below for any move, you gain +1 Ongoing
to all moves until you roll a 10+.

◯ Fury: Whenever a creature inflicts harm on

you, or two or more harm on an ally, you get +1
Forward to your next move against it – but that
move must inflict harm back if possible. You
cannot gain more than +1 Forward against a single
monster from this ability.
Character Name
There are many who wander as expert monster
hunters. They’ve learned every trick for tracking
all sorts of creatures down and putting them to
rest. Chances are they’ve had some sort of terrible
Player Name
run-in that set them down this path, and there’s
always older hunters willing to mentor the next
generation. Maybe it’s even in their blood. Harm: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯

Quickplay Background Bonus Moves

Your hunter’s outfit is:

+3 Battle
◯ a long cloak stained with mud.
◯ a nobleman’s outfit, worn from the road.
◯ a cuirass and armored skirt.

Monster hunting has become your life because: Resist Dark Magic
◯ of your need for revenge on the creatures that
killed your family. +2 Poke Around/Hunt
◯ your bloodline has always done so.
◯ it’s a living. Interview/Convince

You joined up with the other hunters because:

+2 Daring Action
◯ you shared the same mentor.
◯ you taught one the art of the hunt.
+0 Sorcery
◯ you saved one from a monster attack.
◯ your families have always worked together.
Assign +1, +1, and +0 to the remaining Moves.
◯ you worked together to hunt the same
◯ you mistakenly thought one was a monster you
needed to kill.
produce any item on this list. Anything that Infernal (Demons), or Necromancy (Undead), or

Hunter comes in multiples (like arrows or throwing

daggers) is enough for one person to keep on-
for Fey, any. Your bonus to Sorcery moves of that
type is now +2, and you can use your Tools of the
hand and keep using: Trade to produce a combat spell scroll or ritual
Basic Abilities ◯ silver throwing knives (3 harm, throwable,
sorcery scroll for that school.

Light Armor: You own a suit of light leather or silver) ◯ Mentor: Whenever you produce an item
mail armor that provides 1 armor when worn. ◯ iron throwing axes (3 harm, throwable, iron) through Tools of the Trade and give it to another
◯ a hidden dagger (3 harm, close, concealed, person, you also have another of that item – for
On the Trail: After using the Poke Around move
iron) yourself, or to hand out as well. In addition,
to ask a question about a monster, you gain +1
◯ an heirloom blade (3 harm, close, soulbound) whenever you gain +1 Forward for any reason, you
Forward to your next Hunt move against this
◯ a heavy torch (3 harm, close, fire) can instead choose to give it to another character,
monster. You cannot gain more than +1 Forward
◯ iron or silver ammo with the same restrictions and uses on the bonus.
against a single monster from this ability.
◯ a flaming emblem (warding tool),
◯ Reputation: You’re well known and
Signature Weapon: You begin play with a magical ◯ an iron emblem (warding tool),
experienced as a monster hunter – your Slayer
weapon. At your choice, it or its ammo is made of ◯ a silver emblem (warding tool)
bonus now applies to Convince or Interview
◯ a soulbound emblem (warding tool)
◯ iron or ◯ silver, and the weapon is either ◯ moves when getting bystanders to help against
flaming or ◯ soulbound. Choose one from the Advanced Abilities any monsters you’re a Slayer of, as well as Poke
list below: Around and Hunt moves against said monsters.
◯ Backup Weapon: Choose and gain a second
◯ Battle Axe or Claymore (4 harm, close) Signature Weapon. You own it, or your signature ◯ Slayer of Many: Choose an additional monster
◯ Chain Whip or Spear (4 harm, reach) weapon can transform into it with a flick of the type to be a Slayer of.
◯ Crossbow, longbow, or musket (4 harm, wrist. ◯ Stench of Evil: Whenever you use the
◯ Bigger Bag: You can pull two more item from Interview move, you can spend a question to ask
Slayer: You have one type of monster you know a your Tools of the Trade a day. In addition, add the “Is the person I’m talking to a monster?”. If they’re
lot about – maybe they’re the ones you’ve following items to the list: ◯ poisoned knives (2 a type of monster you’re a Slayer of, you’re told
primarily trained against, maybe they killed your harm ignores armor, throwable, only vs living what type they are.
family and burned your village, or maybe just a creatures), ◯ oil flasks (2 harm, ranged, fire, target ◯ Unstoppable Pursuit: You gain +1 Forward to
touch of magic is in your bloodline compelling takes 1 harm ignores armor per action until put any Daring Action moves in order to chase, reach,
you against them. Choose one type of monster: out), ◯ a vial of distilled souls (makes a weapon or otherwise get to someone for you to fight, and
Abominations, Beasts, Demons, Fey, or Undead. soulbound for one scene), ◯ a vial of flaming oil you can always choose to suffer 1 Harm (ignores
You gain +1 Ongoing to your Knowledge, Lore, (makes a weapon flaming for one scene). armor) as the drawback from such a move. In
and Resist Dark Magic moves when used against
◯ Create Opening: You gain +1 Forward to your addition, your Slayer bonus applies on Daring
these creatures, and when you use Lore when
next Battle move against any creature you’ve Action when trying to reach one of your chosen
investigating these creatures, you get the answer
successfully warded away using a Resist Dark enemies.
to “What type of creature was it?” for free, without
spending a hold. In addition, choose one item Magic move, or successfully resisted the effects of ◯ Gain +1 Knowledge/Lore
from the Tools of the Trade list that’s relevant to a power from using Resist Dark Magic.
◯ Gain +1 Resist Dark Magic
that type – you always have it on hand. ◯ Magic in the Blood: Choose a sorcery type
attached to one of the monsters your Slayer ◯ Gain +1 Interview/Convince
Tools of the Trade: You have a bag of items you
can rely on. Twice per adventure, you can bonus is associated with; Astral (Abominations),
Character Name
The magic of life and death is a seductive path,
promising to defeat man’s greatest foe –
mortality. The quest for eternal life through
undeath draws many to the dark magic of
Player Name
necromancy, while others research it to prolong
the life of others, or try to bring back loved ones.
No matter the intention, necromancy slowly eats Harm: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
away at your soul, leaving its practitioners as
lifeless as the creatures they command. Bonus Moves

Quickplay Background Battle

Death follows you, and is obvious by your:

+2 Knowledge/Lore
◯ dark, dramatic clothing.
◯ pale, lifeless skin.
+2 Resist Dark Magic
◯ total lack of body heat.

You first delved into the dark arts: Poke Around/Hunt

◯ because you were allured by its forbidden
nature. Interview/Convince
◯ to try to resurrect someone important to you.
◯ to better understand and fight undead horrors. Daring Action
◯ to seek eternal life.
+1 Sorcery
The other heroes work with you:
◯ after you used your magic to save the life of an
+3 Necromantic
innocent. Sorcery
◯ because you pursue the same research, and just
took it further. Assign +1, +1, +0, and +0 to the
◯ after needing your help to put an unruly spirit remaining Moves.
to rest.
Advanced Abilities ➢ Who or what’s blood (or body part) is this,

Necromancer ◯ Bind Soul: When a creature dies near you, you

and are they still alive?

➢ When and how did this person die?

can choose to trap its soul into a talisman of your
Basic Abilities own making. When you have that talisman with ➢ What was the last thing this person
you, you can interrogate the soul and use the experienced before they died?
Command Undead: You may attempt to Interview or Lore moves to learn anything the
command unintelligent undead. As a combat soul would know. If you spend an entire night in a ➢ Is this person or creature undead?
action, make a move using your Necromantic ritual, the soul becomes permanently trapped.
◯ Dread Medic: Whenever you heal your own
Sorcerer bonus. On a 6 or below you attract the Otherwise, it is released the next time you bind a
harm through Necromantic sorcery, you may
attention of the undead, who instead come for soul.
instead heal a nearby ally. If you do not change
you. On a 7-9, you can get unintelligent undead
◯ Blood Sacrifice: Using your own blood as a the target you’re healing through sorcery (be it
minions to momentarily halt, skipping their next
ritual component, you can empower your spells. yourself or another), heal an additional harm.
action. On a 10-12, you can get unintelligent
undead warriors to halt, or unintelligent minions If everyone participating in a ritual with you
◯ Essence Focus: If you have a body part
to fight for you for their next action. On a 13+, suffers 1 Harm (ignores armor), you can ignore
(including hair, blood, or the like) belonging to a
monstrous warriors will fight for you for their one of the ritual’s requirements of your choice.
creature, you can use it to channel your magic.
next action, and minions fall under your When you cast a sorcery that deals damage, you
You can target that creature with your spells, even
command for the rest of the scene. You can keep can choose to suffer 1 Harm to deal an additional
if you can’t see them, as long as they’re nearby. In
using this move on the same undead, until you 2 Harm.
addition, you gain +1 Ongoing to Hunt moves
roll 6 or below, after which they become immune ◯ Curse Master: Whenever you use a Ritual against creatures you have a body part to.
until you rest. You can only affect a close handful Sorcery to place a curse, hex, or the like on
of undead each time you use it. ◯ Reaper: You gain +2 Ongoing to the Battle
another creature, you can ignore one of the ritual
move, but if you use the bonus you must choose
To Know Death: Whenever a non-minion requirements. Whenever you use a combat
to deal harm. You also get a heavy weapon – a
creature dies near you, you gain a Knowledge sorcery to give a creature any kind of non-harm
battle axe, claymore, or scythe (4 harm, close,
hold that can only be spent against creatures of a penalty, that penalty lasts for twice as long.
iron, soulbound).
similar type (abomination, beast, demon, fey, ◯ Dark Life: You have completed your
undead, or human). ◯ Sorcerous Savant: Choose Astral or Infernal
transformation into one of the undead. You gain a
sorcery. Your sorcery bonus with that type of
Necromantic Sorcerer: You know all necromantic +2 bonus to Resist Dark Magic moves, but can no
magic increases to +2. You know two combat
combat sorcery, and if you want to cast a longer ward against any creatures. Unintelligent
spells from that school of magic, and once per
necromantic ritual sorcery, you know it and don’t undead will not attack you except in self-defense,
adventure you can produce a ritual sorcery spell
need to find it written down. or unless explicitly commanded to by their
without the help of any scroll or outside source.
controller. You count as undead, and no longer
need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe, but still heal ◯ Gain +1 to Poke Around / Hunt.
◯ Gain +1 to Interview / Convince.
◯ Death Sight: You can see the ebb and flow of
◯ Gain +1 to Daring Action.
life and death.. Add the following questions to you
Lore list. When you roll at least a 7+ on a Lore
move, you may ask one of them for free:
Character Name
Knowledge is one of the greatest weapons against
the darkness, and some wield it as their sword.
Educated students, savvy merchants, and even
former cultist have turned their hard studying
Player Name
into a way to fight horrors intellectually when
they can’t physically. Their knowledge is an
invaluable resource – as are all the tools and Harm: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
equipment they carry, and the bits of magic they
dabble in. Bonus Moves

Quickplay Background +0 Battle

Your clothes speak to who you are. You wear:

+3 Knowledge/Lore
◯ a fancy scholar’s outfit, dirtied from the road.
◯ a scholar’s outfit, perfectly maintained and
Resist Dark Magic
◯ practical, smart traveling gear.
Poke Around/Hunt
◯ unassuming religious robes.
◯ a hooded cowl.
You’ve learned all you know from:
◯ studying in the top universities Daring Action
◯ being mentored by a skilled monster hunter
◯ as part of your priestly duties +0 Sorcery
◯ hands on experience and curiosity
◯ being a part of a cult. Assign +2, +1, +1, and +0 to the
remaining Moves.
You first met the other PCs:
◯ when they were investigating near you, and
you had something they needed.
◯ when you helped educate one.
◯ when you were assigned to them from the
same group.
Advanced Abilities sorcery spell without the help of any scroll or

Scholar ◯ Always Prepared: You may use your Bag of

outside source.

◯ Plenty to Go Around: Whenever you produce

Supplies an additional 3 times every adventure, In
an item from your Bag of Supplies, you can spend
Basic Abilities addition, you may spend 2 uses of your Bag of
an addition use of it to provide enough of that
Supplies to have any item at all you can think of
Bag of Supplies: You have a bag of items you can that’s reasonable for you to be carrying around. item for the entire party of heroes.
rely on for every conceivable situation. Five times
◯ Astral Dabbling: Your bonus with Astral ◯ Gain +1 to a Move or pair of linked Moves that
per adventure, you can produce any item on this
Sorcery increases to +2. You know two combat are at +0 or +1 currently.
list. Anything that comes in multiples is enough
for one person to keep on-hand and keep using: spells from that school of magic, and once per ◯ Gain +1 to a Move or pair of linked Moves that
◯ a silver dagger (3 harm, close, concealed, silver) adventure you can produce a ritual sorcery spell are at +0 or +1 currently.
◯ an iron dagger (3 harm, close, concealed, iron) without the help of any scroll or outside source.
◯ Gain +1 to a Move or pair of linked Moves that
◯ silver or iron ammo ◯ Bumbling: Whenever you suffer a drawback are at +0 or +1 currently.
◯ a heavy torch (3 harm, close, fire) from Daring Action, you can always choose to
◯ an heirloom blade (3 harm, close, soulbound) lose one use from your Bag of Supplies, or lose or
◯ oil flasks (2 harm, ranged, fire, target takes 1 break an item you’ve already pulled from it as
harm ignores armor per action until put out) your penalty. You can also do this to reduce the
◯ a flaming emblem (warding tool), harm of an attack against you by 2.
◯ an iron emblem (warding tool),
◯ a silver emblem (warding tool) ◯ Dramatic Reveal: Whenever you produce an
◯ a soulbound emblem (warding tool) item from your Bag of Supplies to immediately
◯ a vial of distilled souls (makes a weapon use, you gain +2 Forward to any move to use it.
soulbound for one scene)
◯ Light Armor: You invest in a suit of light
◯ a vial of flaming oil (makes a weapon flaming
leather or mail armor that provides 1 armor when
for one scene)
◯ a scroll containing any ritual or combat sorcery
◯ Infernal Dabbling: Your bonus with Infernal
Killer Curiosity: Whenever you put yourself in
Sorcery increases to +2. You know two combat
danger due to a need to investigate or learn
spells from that school of magic, and once per
something without the rest of the group to back
adventure you can produce a ritual sorcery spell
you up, gain 2 holds that last until the end of the
without the help of any scroll or outside source.
adventure. You can use these holds as per the
Knowledge, Lore, or Poke Around moves. ◯ Just a Scholar!: You know how to make yourself
look harmless. You can spend a hold from the
Knowledge move to have an enemy’s attention
redirected from you to elsewhere – you don’t get
to choose where.

◯ Necromantic Dabbling: Your sorcery with

Necromantic Sorcery increases to +2. You know
two combat spells from that school of magic, and
once per adventure you can produce a ritual
Character Name
Some who fight against monsters weren’t always
the most heroic, even if you they wouldn’t think
of themselves that way – bandits, pirates,
cutpurses, highwaymen, or the like. But there’s
Player Name
always something more dangerous lurking in the
dark. One fateful encounter with a real monster is
enough to change anyone’s priorities to focusing Harm: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
on making the night their own once again.
Bonus Moves
Quickplay Background
+2 Battle
Your rough & rugged look is complemented by:
◯ a big scar across your face.
◯ a bandanna and an open shirt.
◯ your blades on open display.
Resist Dark Magic
You abandoned the criminal life after:
◯ someone you failed to mug gave you a second Poke Around/Hunt
◯ a robbery went tragically wrong. +2 Interview/Convince
◯ monsters attacked the people you cared about.
+3 Daring Action
You met up with another hero when:
◯ you tried to steal from one of them.
+0 Sorcery
◯ they called upon you having heard of your
fearsome reputation.
Assign +1, +1, and +0 to the remaining Moves.
◯ you were with them at the wrong place, wrong
◯ you sought them out to teach you the way of
the straight and narrow.
◯ they saved you when you got in over your
Advanced Abilities ◯ Risk Taker: When you roll a 10-12 on Daring Action,

Scoundrel ◯ Connections: Whenever you want some help and are

in an environment that might have some of your old
you can take a downside to also gain one of the benefits
you get from rolling 13+. You also can only ever take a
maximum of 1 harm from the downsides of your
gang or other ruffians you can press into service around, Daring Actions.
Basic Abilities make a Convince move. On a 6 or below, you won’t get
◯ Scoundrel’s Luck: Whenever you would suffer Harm,
Ambush Master: You gain a +1 Ongoing to Hunt the help you need, and word will get around. On a 7-9,
you may take -1 Forward to your next move to reduce
you’ll get some basic supplies, no questions asked, or a
moves when you try to lay an ambush or trap. that Harm by 1 by rolling out of the way, putting
guy or two to help you. On a 10-12, you can get some
yourself into a bad position, or the like. If you use this
Element of Surprise: Whenever you attack a specialized (illegal) help, or a couple of armed people
ability to negate Harm, you can’t use it again until
target unaware of your presence or unaware that who don’t mind getting their hands dirty. On a 13+, you
you’ve lost the forward and regained your footing.
can put together an entire gang, no problem.
you’re a threat, deal +2 Harm.
◯ Sticky Fingers: Whenever you use the Poke Around
◯ Criminal Lore: When investigating, if you roll at least
Scoundrel’s Gear: You own a suit of light leather move and get at least one hold, you can ask “What items
7+ on any investigation move, you can ask one of the
or mail armor that provides 1 armor when worn, have been hidden here” or “What’s here that might be
following questions for free, and spend holds from any
and you have a collection of light weapons, useful” for free, and pocket it without anyone noticing.
investigation moves to ask more:
In addition, if there’s ever something you could have
including throwing knives or axes (3 harm,
➢ What is the most expensive thing here? picked up and it turns out you need it later, you’ve been
throwable, iron), and either:
hiding it the entire time.
➢ Were or are there any cheats, scams, or cons taking
◯ a small crossbow or pistol (3 harm, ranged, place? ◯ Whose Side Are You On?: You gain +2 to Resist Dark
concealed) with iron ammo Magic moves to not give into influences that would
➢ Is anyone here using a cover identity? cause you to harm or betray your allies. However, you’re
◯ daggers (3 harm, close, concealed, iron)
➢ How has this area been tampered with? very good at pretending to have succumbed. Whenever
Slippery Bastard: Whenever you use the Battle you try to pretend you’re betraying someone or that
◯ Expose Weakness: When you damage an opponent you’ve been incapacitated, magic or not, you gain a +1
move and don’t choose to deal Harm, you suffer
and have at least one Knowledge hold, you can ignore 1 Ongoing to any moves in order to make it look genuine,
one less Harm from all sources until your next point of that opponent’s armor (to a minimum of 0) and get +1 Forward to a Battle move against anyone who
action. without spending the hold. An ally can spend two buys it, in addition to being able to ambush them.
Knowledge holds to give you one Knowledge hold at
any time. ◯ Gain +1 Knowledge/Lore

◯ Make Em Bleed: Whenever you use Battle to give ◯ Gain +1 Resist Dark Magic
your allies +1 Forward, you can also deliver a bleeding ◯ Gain +1 Poke Around/Hunt
wound. In addition to the normal effects, you deal 1
harm (ignores armor), gain +1 Ongoing to Hunt and
Poke Around moves involving them thanks to a blood
trail, and will be able to identify them even if they try to
disguise themselves or shapeshift if the wound is visible.

◯ Reputation: You have a criminal reputation of some

kind. You gain +1 Ongoing on Convince moves when
you use that reputation, as well as an extra hold
whenever you make an Interview move (even if you roll
6-), but doing so will likely scare away who you’re
talking to afterwards – and might draw the attention of
local authorities.
Character Name
Cursed with undeath, vampires require blood to
survive, and are driven to prey on others. Some
are strong enough to fight against this curse – or
may have some help – and so retain some essence
Player Name
of their humanity. They still feel the call to feed,
but fight against it, and use the dark powers
granted to them as best they can. Harm: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯

Quickplay Background Bonus Moves

You are dressed in:

+2 Battle
◯ a noble’s outfit, with long cloak, suiting your
old status.
◯ simple peasant garb, that you wore when you
were attacked.
+0 Resist Dark Magic
◯ a long hooded robe, to protect you from the
sun and hide your hideous visage.
Poke Around/Hunt
The vampire who sired you:
◯ is dead – you saw to it. +2 Interview/Convince
◯ you have no knowledge of.
◯ is out there somewhere, and you’ll find them. Daring Action
◯ was killed by another one of the heroes, for
which you’re thankful. +0 Sorcery

You managed to fight against the curse and retain

+2 Necromantic Sorcery
your humanity because:
◯ you were born from a woman turned vampire
Assign +1, +1, and +0 to the remaining
when pregnant. Moves.
◯ one of your parents was fully mortal.
◯ you were saved before you were made a
vampire fully.
◯ a powerful necromancer gave you a soul.
Advanced Abilities cloud of mist, you can fly as fast as you can

Vampire ◯ Beast Form: By spending one blood point, you

normally walk, cannot make any sort of attacks,
and cannot be harmed except by fire.
can shapeshift into a wolf or bat. As a wolf you
◯ Hunt for Blood: You have learned how to hunt
Basic Abilities gain +1 ongoing to Poke Around and Hunt moves,
for wildlife to sate your hunger. As an
and retain your fangs. As a bat, you can fly as fast
Armaments: You own a suit of light leather or chain as you can normally run, but cannot make any investigation action, make a Hunt move, with +1
armor (1 armor) and one of: Ongoing if it’s night. On a 6 or below you fail to
attacks. You cannot speak, wear armor, or use
◯ a fine duelist’s sword (4 harm, close, iron) most items and weapons in either form, but find anything to drain. On a 7-9, you find small
anything you carry melds into your new form. wildlife; set your blood points to 2. On a 10-12,
◯ a spear (4 harm, reach, iron) you managed to hunt and consume a deer, or
Turning back into human form does not take any
Blood Points: The curse of vampirism leaves you blood points. similar sized animal; set your blood points to 3.
craving the blood of the living, which drives and On a 13+, you gorge yourself on large prey; set
empowers you. You begin each adventure with 3 blood ◯ Blood of Life: You can draw upon your your blood points to 4.
points, which can be used on various abilities down to undeath to heal your wounds. You can spend 1
your minimum of 0. You can spend 1 blood point to blood point to recover 1 Harm. As a combat ◯ Hypnotic Gaze: You can hypnotize creatures
gain +1 Forward to any move. You cannot spend any action, you can also have others drink your blood, who look into your eyes, making them easy prey.
blood points in direct sunlight, but may do so in the When you use Hypnotic Gaze, make a move
healing them 1 Harm for each 1 Harm you suffer.
shade or in a sunless room. If a move tells you to set using your Convince bonus. On a 6 or below, your
your blood points to a specific value, you only do so if ◯ Cloak of the Night: The darkness surrounds attempt to hypnotize the target is obvious to
your current blood points are lower. and protects you. Whenever you are completely them. On a 7-10, you can hypnotize one person or
Fangs: You have a set of sharp fangs (3 harm, close) isolated from the sun – be it night, you’re deep beast minion for as long as you take no other
which can be used to drain blood from others. underground, or in a windowless room – you gain actions. On a 10-12, you can distract one person
Whenever you deal harm with your fangs, set your 1 armor that is ignored by soulbound weapons. or beast minion for several minutes after you stop
blood points to be equal to the harm dealt (after armor). You can also see perfectly in even the deepest focusing, or a warrior for as long as you take no
If you’re trying to drink the blood of a willing or darkness. other action. On a 13+, you lull a person or beast
helpless creature, use Shared Blood, instead.
minion into a trance that is only broken after
◯ Darkly Charming: You have a supernatural
Shared Blood: You can drain blood points from a several hours, or a warrior for several minutes.
allure. Whenever you use the Interview move to
helpless or willing creature. Choose how much harm You gain +1 Forward to Battle and Convince
you want to deal ahead of time – this damage ignores get information out of someone, you get +1
moves against creatures you’ve hypnotized. Any
armor. Set your blood points to be equal to the amount Ongoing on Convince moves against that person.
harm dealt to a hypnotized creature breaks the
of harm you deal. When you have no blood points and You can use the Convince move to convince
use Shared Blood, you must declare how much you people to let you drink their blood, and as long as
want to drink and then roll a move at no bonus. On 6 or you don’t kill them, they’ll find it pleasant enough ◯ Sanguine Strength: Whenever you have 2 or
below, you deal 2 more harm (and gain 2 more blood to come back for more. more blood points, and spend a blood point to
points) than you intended. On a 7-9, you deal 1 more
gain +1 Forward, you instead get +1 Ongoing to
Harm (and gain 1 more blood point) than you intended. ◯ Fangs Out: Whenever you attack an opponent
On a 10 or above, you feed as you want. that move (and just that move) for the rest of the
who is unaware of you, or you have a Forward to
scene, or until your blood points drop to 0.
Unholy Magic: You know all necromantic combat your Battle move from an ally’s action, your fangs
sorcery, and once per adventure can produce a ritual improve to being 4 harm. ◯ Gain +1 Knowledge/Lore.
sorcery spell without the help of any scroll or outside
◯ Form of Mist: By spending a blood point, you ◯ Gain +1 Poke Around/Hunt.
can shift into a cloud of mist, allowing you to fly
through the air and through tiny cracks. As a ◯ Gain +1 Daring Action.
Character Name
A seductive source of power, infernal magic
grants its users whatever they wish – as long as
what they wish is destructive. Warlocks have sold
their soul for the ability to burn away all their
Player Name
worries – and their soul. Some see it as a
necessary sacrifice to make in order to protect
those they care about, and struggle not to slip Harm: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
further. Others fight against their past, in hopes of
redeeming themselves. Bonus Moves

Quickplay Background Battle

Try as you might to hide your sinister nature, it’s

+2 Knowledge/Lore
always revealed by:
◯ the way your eyes glow.
+0 Resist Dark Magic
◯ the smell of sulfur around you.
◯ a brand seared into your flesh.
Poke Around/Hunt
You first pursued the dark arts:
◯ to obtain revenge on those who had wronged +2 Interview/Convince
◯ after being tempted by mortal pleasures. Daring Action
◯ when you were indoctrinated into a cult.
+1 Sorcery
You’ve sought out the other heroes to fight
+3 Infernal Sorcery
◯ because it’s the only way to get your soul back.
◯ to continue your goal to see all monsters burn.
Assign +1, +1, and +0 to the
◯ to make up for all that you’ve done. remaining Moves.
Advanced Abilities take advantage of this to prey on their guilt, you

Warlock ◯ Command Elements: You can control the

gain +1 Ongoing to your Convince move.

◯ Sacrificial Expert: Gain +1 Ongoing to your

elements, even when they’re used against you. As
Sacrifice move. In addition, you can choose to
Basic Abilities a combat action you can make an Infernal
spend your Sacrifice holds to gain +1 Forward to
Sorcery move. On a 6-, nothing happens. On a 7-
Infernal Sorcerer: You know all infernal combat 9, reduce the harm of all elemental (fire, ice, any move, but only one at a time (except for
sorcery, and if you want to cast an infernal ritual lightning, etc) attacks against you by 1. On a 10-12, sorcery, as normal).
sorcery, you know it and don’t need to find it reduce the harm of those attacks against you by 2, ◯ Sift Through the Ashes: Add the following
written down. or against allies you’re standing next to by 1. On questions to your Poke Around list. When you roll
Sacrifice: You can gain magical power by 13+, reduce the harm of those attacks against you at least 7+ on a Poke Around move, you may ask
sacrificing to powerful demons. As you perform by 3, or against allies you’re standing next to by 2. one of them for free:
sacrifices, they grant you more power, but expect If you reduce the harm of an attack to 0, you can
instead redirect it to a new target of your choice. ➢ What was destroyed here?
more and more from you. A sacrifice is an
involved ritual, and takes an investigation action ◯ Demonic Torture: You know just how to strike ➢ Why were things destroyed here?
to perform. Making a sacrifice is a move with a to make your foes hurt. Whenever you cause
➢ How long ago did this destruction happen?
bonus based on the value of your sacrifice, as harm to a creature, one ally of your choice gains
below: +1 Forward to any move against it as the creature ◯ Soul of Cinders: You’ve sold your soul, or
is wracked with pain. burned it away to get the power you crave. You
➢ Kill a living animal = +0 bonus
gain +2 Ongoing to Resist Dark Magic to resist
➢ Take and destroy someone’s property = +1 ◯ Impromptu Offering: You have a ritual knife (3
effects, but not against warding creatures, and
bonus harm, close, iron), that’s decorated in a macabre
you’re immune to any effects based on draining
way. Whenever you successfully kill a creature in
or stealing your soul.
➢ Take and destroy an animal owned by combat with it, or an ally benefiting from a
another = +2 bonus forward or bonus to harm that you have given ◯ Sorcerous Savant: Choose Astral or
them kills a creature in combat, you immediately Necromantic sorcery. Your sorcery bonus with
➢ Take and destroy something precious and
gain a hold for your Sacrifice ability that does not that type of magic increases to +2. You know two
irreplaceable to someone = +3 bonus
count as a penalty to future Sacrifice moves. combat spells from that school of magic, and
➢ Kill a living person = +4 bonus once per adventure you can produce a ritual
◯ Metamorphosis: You can take on a demonic
magic spell without the help of any scroll or
If you roll 6 or below, the dark gods are form for a short period of time. Spend one of
outside source.
displeased with your sacrifice, and you can’t make your holds from Sacrifice. For the rest of the
another sacrifice this adventure. On a 7-9, gain scene, you gain claws (4 harm, close, flaming) and ◯ Gain +1 Battle.
one hold. On a 10-12, gain two holds. On 13+, gain thick skin (1 armor, cannot be harmed by non
◯ Gain +1 Poke Around/Hunt.
three holds. Each hold can be used to give you +1 magical fire or cold). If you spend an additional
Forward to a Sorcery move, and you can use as sacrifice hold, you gain +1 ongoing to Battle ◯ Gain +1 Daring Action.
many holds as you want on a single roll. If you try moves and the transformation lasts until the next
to make multiple sacrifices in one adventure, you sunrise or sunset.
suffer a penalty equal to the total number of holds
◯ Prey on Guilt: When you roll at least 7+ on an
you’ve gained from Sacrifice this adventure.
Interview move, you may ask “What does this
Performing demonic sacrifices is a dangerous
person feel most guilty of?” for free. When you
thing, and should not be taken lightly.
Character Name
One of the most terrifying beasts of the night,
werewolves are creatures of bestial strength and
rage. Those infected with lycanthropy are
doomed to forever be a danger to those around
Player Name
them, ready to explode in a killing frenzy at a
moment’s notice. The strongest willed learn to
fight back, eventually regaining some measure of Harm: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
control. Still a danger to all those around them,
they seek to make sure those at risk for being Bonus Moves
caught in their wrath are those who can handle it
– and those who deserve it. +2 Battle

Quickplay Background Knowledge/Lore

Your bestial nature is hinted at from:

Resist Dark Magic
◯ your body hair and sideburns.
◯ your odd nose and constant sniffing.
+2 Poke Around/Hunt
◯ fangs that show when you smile.
◯ fingernails that grow back long no matter how
much you cut them.

The first time you transformed: +1 Daring Action

◯ was a tragedy you never want to speak of.
◯ was predicted and controlled, because you +0 Sorcery
knew you were infected.
◯ someone showed up to stop you, and you owe +2 Control
them everything.
Assign +1, +1, and +0 to the
You travel with the other heroes: remaining Moves.
◯ because you’ve always been close friends.
◯ because they’re the only ones who accept you.
◯ for redemption for all that you’ve done.
◯ because you know they can handle you at your
questions which are added to your Poke Around someone tries to magically influence you, you

Werewolf list:

➢ Whose scents can I smell here?

may choose to immediately shift into Beast Form.
In addition, whenever you shift into or out of
Beast Form, you heal 1 harm.
Basic Abilities ➢ Where have I smelled this person’s scent
◯ Moon’s Child: Your claws and bite count as
Beast Form: When you shapeshift into your beast silver weapons, and in Beast Form, your armor is
form – either a large wolf, or bipedal hybrid form Scrounged Weapons: You’ve learned how to reduced by 1 against silver attacks, instead of
– you gain +1 Ongoing to Battle and Hunt moves, defend yourself with whatever you can get your being completely ignored.
as well as Daring Action moves for physical stunts hands on. With a bit of time, you can get your
◯ Rampage: Whenever you attack with your
focused on speed or brute strength. You also gain hands on a woodcutter’s axe (3 harm, close, iron)
claws or teeth, you can choose to have the results
claws and bite (5 harm, close), and 2 armor that is or pitchfork (3 harm, reach, iron).
of your Battle move effect all creatures within
ignored by silver. When in Beast Form, you
reach around you, as if it had the (group) tag,
cannot make Knowledge, Lore, Interview, Advanced Abilities except for one of your choice – this applies to
Convince, or Sorcery moves.
◯ Anger Management: You no longer have to both enemies and allies.
Control: You have a special move, Control, used make a Control move when taking harm from a
◯ Shred: Whenever you deal harm to a creature
to keep yourself from changing into your beast Daring Action downside. In addition, you can
with armor using your claws and bite, its armor is
form, and to force yourself to change back. Your channel your bestial strength for great feats even
reduced by 1 against attacks that don’t bypass any
Control bonus starts at +2, but takes a -1 Ongoing in your normal form: you get +1 Ongoing to
of its armor until the end of the scene. This ability
under a full moon and -1 Ongoing if you have 5 Daring Action moves for physical stunts based on
cannot reduce a creature’s armor by more than 1.
or more harm. Whenever you suffer harm, or the strength or speed. This adds to the bonus from
first time each scene you’re exposed to the full Beast Form. ◯ Silver Sorcerer: Spirits that are bound to the
moon, you must make the Control move. On a 6 moon as you are speak to you. Your Astral Sorcery
◯ Animal Magnetism: You can understand the
or below, you transform into your beast form. On bonus increases to +1. Whenever the moon is
wants and needs of animals, allowing you to use
a 7-9, you hold it back for now. On a 10+, you visible, you gain an additional +1 to Astral Sorcery.
the Convince move to get both domesticated and
don’t need to make a Control move again for the You can use Astral Sorcery while in beast form.
wild animals to do things for you. When dealing
rest of the scene. You know two combat spells from that school of
with wolves or dogs, you have +1 Ongoing to
magic, and once per adventure you can produce a
You can will yourself into your beast form at any Convince moves. You can make Convince and
ritual sorcery spell without the help of any scroll
time, and transform whenever you fail a Control Interview moves against wolves and dogs when in
or outside source.
move. Once the immediate threat is over, you can Beast form.
start to try to transfer back. If you’re in sunlight, ◯ Gain +1 Knowledge/Lore.
◯ Beast Without: When not in beast form, you
it’s automatic. If during the full moon, you need
can still manifest claws (4 harm, close), and are ◯ Gain +1 Resist Dark Magic.
to wait until daybreak. Otherwise, you can make a
resistant to damage, gaining 1 armor that is
Control move at the end of each combat, or after ◯ Gain +1 Interview/Convince.
ignored by silver, as well as a +1 bonus to the Hunt
each Investigation move, and turn back on a
move due to your sharpened senses. This is
result of 7+.
replaced by your Beast Form bonuses when you
Keen Nose: Whenever you make a Poke Around transform.
move, you get an extra hold that must be spent on
◯ Break the Chains: Whenever you are in Beast
a question to identify the movements, number, or
Form, you ignore any attempts by enemies to
identity of creatures, or on the following
magically influence your mind. Whenever

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