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Flow Chart

Direction: After reading Odyssey, list the important events in the story in time order.

Title: Odyssey
Odysseus came to Troy and fought the Trojans for 10 years which was told in the Iliad.
The Greeks, which Odysseus was in, built a Trojan Horse as a way of infiltrating through the
walls of Troy. The Trojans accepted the horse since they thought that it was a gift from the gods
themselves. The Greeks inside the Trojan Horse would wait until dawn to patiently attack the
Trojans while they were sleeping and drunk. Odysseus and his men later on attacked the Trojans.
His plan was successful with the help of Poseidon killing a soothsayer which may potentially
corrupt the plan of the Trojan Horse. Later, after the war, Odysseus shouted to the seas that he
conquered Troy without the help of the gods and that man doesn’t need help from the gods.
Because of this, Poseidon cursed Odysseus and his men on his journey back home to Ithaca.

During Odysseus’ journey through the seas, they came on an island called the Cyclops
Island. The Cyclops were considered as Poseidon’s children. There, they battled a cyclops named
Polyphemes and lost few men. They also came to the island of Aeolia where Odysseus met
Aeolus the keeper of the wind. Aeolus helped him see the way to Ithaca by sucking the excess
wind from the west to a container and dare not to open it. Through curiosity, Odysseus’ men
betrayed him by opening the container. Later on, they washed up on the shores of Circe’s Land or
“Aeaea.” Circe is the goddess of magic, sometimes a nymph, who offers wine to her visitors
which turns them into animals. Odysseus’ men fall into this trap and most of them became
animals. Odysseus then search for them, but before that, Hermes, the messenger of the gods,
helped Odysseus by giving him a plant as immunity to Circe’s wine. When Circe gave wine to
Odysseus, she was shocked because he didn’t turn into an animal. Odysseus became mad and
threatened her. But Circe said, in order to turn his men into human again, Odysseus have to sleep
with her. After that, Odysseus thought that he only stayed there for 5 day but when he asked
Circe, they were there for 5 years already. Odysseus, then, round up his men and left Aeaea.

Odysseus got information from Circe to meet Tiresias in the Underworld for directions to
Ithaca. They later on encountered Scylla and Charybdis which devoured Odysseus’ men. After
that, he harmed the cattle at the land of Helios which made Helios and Zeus upset over Odysseus.
Without her men and with a broken ship, Odysseus floated on the seas of the Mediterranean with
only a combined pile of wood. He later on washed up on the shores of Ogygia or Calypso’s
Island. Calypso fell in love with Odysseus banning him ever from leaving. Odysseus stayed there
for 2 years until the gods had mercy on him. Athena beg pardon to Zeus to get him back to Ithaca.
Hermes delivered the message to Calypso to comply with the gods’ request. Failure to release
Odysseus will have consequences on the island. Calypso attempted to trick him to stay but it
didn’t stop Odysseus from leaving.
Odysseus arrives at Ithaca safely and apologizes to the gods. He then met Eumaeus, his
servant, at his post. There, they waited until dawn until Telemachus, his son, arrived which he
hadn’t saw for 20 years. Telemachus was suspicious at first but then realized that it was truly his
father. After that, he met with Athena who helped him disguise as a beggar. Odysseus went to the
palace and witnessed how rowdy the suitors of his wife Penelope was. He, then, planned an attack
with Telemachus to get rid of his wife’s suitors. Queen Penelope started the competition for his
new husband and king of Ithaca. The suitors must use the bow that only Odysseus can wield.
They must hit the target with an arrow across 12 axes. While Odysseus was still disguised as a
beggar, he attempted to do challenge and shocked the audience with only one attempt. He, then,
transformed into himself and battled the suitors together with his son, Telemachus. After battle,
he finally met Penelope at last and proved to her that he was Odysseus.

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