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Lauren Anderson


EDT 317

April 22, 2023

Final Lesson Plan Reflection

For my final lesson plan, I implemented a music lesson in the Voyagers room. The

purpose of this lesson was for students to be able to respond to music by listening to different

words and sounds. I decided to do a lesson plan involving technology since it is a new and

different way to engage students at Bombeck. The objective of my lesson was for students to

listen to the popular bedtime song “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and sing along to the song as a


This activity required all the students to participate together. Therefore, after breakfast, I

had each table get up at different times and head towards the stage where they sit in their

assigned seats. It was important that I was able to get all the students to come to the stage in a

proper and non-chaotic way. Dismissing them in groups made this transition simpler. Once all

the students were ready, I grabbed my computer and a chair to sit in front of the students. I had

an audio that was going to display “Twinkle Twinke Little Star.”

Before starting the activity, I wanted to hear from the students and get them to talk about

and participate in this lesson. I asked if they listened to any bedtime stories or songs before they

went to sleep, and they all responded yes. I then asked if anyone wanted to share their favorite

bedtime story or song; that they raised their hands, and I would call on them individually. I heard

a variety of different answers, which included: “Old MacDonald had a Farm,” Christmas Carols,

Doc McStuffins, and The Three Little Pigs. Once the students finished sharing, I asked who
knew “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,” and half the class did, which showed me that I made a

proper song selection to incorporate in my lesson.

I explained to the students that we will first listen and watch the lyric video to “Twinkle

Twinkle Little Star” to become familiar with the different rhythms, sounds, and beats within the

song. All students paid attention thoroughly and focused their attention on my laptop when

needed. After we watched the video once, I asked the students for the second time to sing along

to the chorus. The students followed along and sang as loudly as they could to the song. I was

also singing with the students, but they did a great job singing what they heard. After the song

was over, we all clapped, and they said that they wanted to hear the song again.

Before doing the lesson, I was skeptical about how the students would respond to the

activity and if all the students would be eager to participate. The class exceeded my expectations,

and they did a great job engaging and paying attention to the lesson. All the students loved

singing along and using technology. I learned that it is important to make sure that instructions

are very clear beforehand to make sure that there is no confusion throughout the lesson. I also

learned that students will try harder at the task they are asked to complete if their instructor is

with them. As the teacher in this lesson plan, I needed to be excited and enthusiastic as well so

that they could see that I want them to participate and have fun.

Implementing this lesson plan in the classroom was a good learning experience for when

I become a future teacher. I learned different strategies that I would like to continue to use and

certain aspects that I would do differently. For instance, I would want to give the students options

on different songs that we could sing as a class to see what they would be most interested in.

Overall, the lesson plan went according to plan and was effective for all students in the

classroom, along with me as the teacher.

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