Research Proposal Annotated Bib Final Draft

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Xavier Rosario

Professor Mirchandani

ENC 1101

27 Feb. 2024

Making Panama More Inclusive for Wheelchair users: Research Proposal

Research question: How can wheelchair accessibility in Panama improve?

In Panama, wheelchair users cannot navigate nor access various spaces, facilities, and

services with ease. The importance of creating a more friendly environment for wheelchair user

cannot be overstated because it promotes equality, independence, and social inclusion, which not

only benefits them but also the wider community by fostering diversity, enhancing tourism, and

promoting economic growth. This issue was chosen because it acknowledges the difficulties that

people on wheelchairs encounter in achieving their inherent rights, participating fully in society,

and gaining access to necessary services and even tourism. There are various countries that

wonderfully managed to improve wheelchair accessibility in their streets. We can implement

these projects and services in Panama to make a more wheelchair-friendly environment.

Disabled People’s Association. “Disability Inclusion in Singapore Elections.” Disabled People’s


This article talks about how every Presidential Election (PE) assists wheelchair users at the time

of voting. “If persons with disabilities are by themselves and require any assistance, all voting

areas at polling stations are staffed with election officials who are ready and trained to assist

people with disabilities”. It also states that all voting areas at polling stations will have barrier-

free drop off points designates for wheelchair users. This source ends with .org, meaning that

this information is from is a credible organization dedicated to the topic. This source has given

me a look into how Singapore has managed to be an inclusive country during elective times,

which is a topic that almost nobody talks about, however, a very important one.

“Such improvements are important steps and will make it easier to vote for such individuals.”

The Wilderness Society. "5 Ways to Make the Outdoors More Accessible for People with

Disabilities." The Wilderness Society, 2023,


This article talks about how the White Sands National Park, located in New Mexico, counts with

a boardwalk through the dunes, which every wheelchair user can use to navigate with ease

through the dunes. It also mentions a wheelchair ramp leading into the caverns, which also

facilitates the navigation of wheelchair users through the place. This is an updated and

professional source dedicated to the topic. Also. the .org lets us know that this is an organization.

This source allowed me to understand the difficulties that wheelchair users face when they travel

and do tourism, no other credible source focuses on this important topic. “A lot of the activities

we might take for granted, including the outdoors, simply aren’t accessible to everyone.”

The Nordic Council. "People with Disabilities in Sweden." Nordic cooperation,

This article talks about Sweden and how this country implemented a transport service (färdtjänst)

in which the municipality decides whether you are entitled to use it or not. This “disability

transport” is a supplement to public transport for citizens who have a disability and involves

transport by taxi or small bus. This source ends with .org, letting us know that this is an

organization with good credibility, and it’s also updated. This source allowed me to see how

Sweden has become one of the most inclusive countries towards wheelchair users. “Even if you

have a disability, you must be able to participate in society like everyone else.” "Beijing, China Wheelchair Accessible Travel Information.",

This article shows how Beijing, the capital of China, implemented this stair climber in their

modern subway lines. This stair climbers can transport wheelchairs one at a time. Something

interesting and very helpful is that there is always someone from the staff supervising and

helping the wheelchair users while using this service. This source ends with .org, meaning that

this is a credible source which also is updated. This organization dedicates to inform about the

different features countries must facilitate navigation for wheelchair users. Like other few

sources, this one explains different features Beijing has for wheelchair users, in this case, a stair

climber and staff trained for helping these people, which lets us know that society plays a

significant role in this project. “Staff in the subway stations are incredibly helpful and very

kind.” "Montreal, Canada Wheelchair Accessible Travel Guide.",

This article shows how Montreal, a city in Canada, has an exceptional sidewalk accessibility for

wheelchair users. These sidewalks count with curb ramps at street crossings and intersections.

Also, pedestrian signals are provided at intersections where vehicular traffic is controlled by

traffic lights. This source is an organization dedicated to informing how are the travel for

wheelchair users and what to expect from different countries as a wheelchair user. It talks about

every country and how they have improved their inclusivity towards impaired people.

“Wheelchair accessibility in Montréal is improving, with increased investment in accessible

transportation and infrastructure.”

Wheelchair Travel. “Public Transportation.” Wheelchair Travel,

This article shows how London has managed to implement an electronic wheelchair ramp in

most of the the city’s buses. If you need the ramp to enter the bus you need to push the button

next to the door on the outside of the bus, this way you notify the bus driver that you need the

ramp. As you back away, the ramp is extended, and proceed up the ramp. This source ends

with .org, indicating that this is an organization and a credible source, which is updated and

agrees with other sources. This organization talks about the different features countries count

with to allow wheelchair users to navigate more freely and with ease. A renewed focus on

accessibility has brought positive improvements, opening more of London to both residents and

tourists with disabilities.

They underscore the importance of fostering inclusivity and collaboration across sectors to drive

meaningful change. By utilizing these insights to educate others, sharing case studies and success

stories, we can raise awareness about the obstacles faced by wheelchair users and advocate for

similar improvements in our communities. Additionally, engaging stakeholders such as


policymakers and businesses can facilitate discussions on the significance of accessibility and the

necessary steps for implementation. Ultimately, these sources serve as valuable tools for

initiating dialogue, promoting empathy, and inspiring collective action towards a more inclusive

society, where equal access to opportunities is ensured regardless of mobility status.

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