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Talk about free time = 15

In this fast-paced lifestyle, it is almost impossible to take some rest let alone having some activities in
free time. But one activity which I like to do whenever I have some time to spare it to hang out with my

By hanging out with friends, I mean a whole lots of activities such as dining out, having a drink in a bar,
smoking and chatting about everything, going to the cybernet cafe, watching a football match, etc.
totally depends on our mood. We don’t really plan anything, just go with the flow!

I have two friends who I always hang out with. One of them is my high school friend, the other one is my
university friend. We both get along very well from when we first met until now. We are both very busy
with work but we always try to make time for each other.

This is my favorite free time activity because It’s a simple, practical and not an expensive activity to do.
Hanging out with my friends, I’m able to discharge all the negative feelings by sharing my stories, making
jokes and talking about lots and lots of topics that we can think of about anything in this world. It’s great
to have some friends who share a lot in common with me and is willing to support me mentally and
financially too!

1. Talk about hometown = 17,16

Hanoi – the capital of Vietnam – is my beloved hometown/ city. It is located in the North of the country.
It is renowned for its rich history and cultural heritage. Many people come here to travel since it is well-
known for being the largest cultural and political center of Vietnam.

There are many amazing historical landmarks that everyone has to see if they are in Hanoi. Some of the
famous destinations I would highly recommend are the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, the Presidential
Palace, the Temple of Literature & National University, and the Hoa Lo Prison Museum. By visiting these
places, visitors can know more about the history of Vietnam.

Furthermore, the unique cuisine is what makes Hanoi different from other destinations. There are many
must-try specialties, such as Phở, Chả cá Lã Vọng, and Nem cua bể. These dishes have greatly contributed
to the diversity of Hanoi’s food culture, making the experiences of travelers more unforgettable.

Currently, even though I am not living in Hanoi, I still remember vividly everything about it. I often go back
to my hometown once or twice every year to visit my family and take a break from my busy job.
I absolutely love my hometown, Hue City, in Vietnam. It is a historically rich and culturally vibrant city. The
city is known for its warm and welcoming people, who take pride in preserving the traditions and heritage
of the region. The local cuisine is delectable, with dishes like Bun Bo Hue and Banh Khoai that are unique
to the area.”

2. Talk about your favourite sport = 7

a. Cấu trúc câu hay với chủ đề Talk about your favorite sport
I would like to talk about a sport that I particularly enjoy: tôi muốn nói về môn thể thao mà tôi đặc biệt
ưa thích
For me, it is my all-time favorite sport: đối với tôi đây là môn thể thao tôi luôn ưa thích
I have been practicing it for many years: Tôi đã và đang luyện tập môn thể thao này được nhiều năm rồi.
It’s something that I would choose to do in my free time: Đó là một điều mà tôi sẽ chọn làm khi tôi rảnh.
I’m a (big) fan of this sport: Tôi là fan cuồng của môn thể thao này.
3.1. Do you like to watch sports on TV?
Well, I think I’m not a big fan of sports. I only watch a few major sports events in the world such as
World Cup and Olympic Games. Moreover, as I’m always busy with my work, I spend my leisure time
pursuing other interests like listening to music or going shopping.
Tôi nghĩ mình không phải là một người hâm mộ thể thao. Tôi chỉ xem một vài sự kiện thể thao lớn trên
thế giới như World Cup và Olympic. Hơn nữa, vì tôi luôn bận rộn với công việc của mình nên tôi dành
thời gian rảnh rỗi để theo đuổi các sở thích khác như nghe nhạc hoặc đi mua sắm.
3.2. Do you play any sports?
I don’t play any sports, but I work out at the gym with a personal trainer who helps me design a suitable
training program. When going to the gym, the very first step that I need to take is to do some warm up
by stretching, bending over and doing jumping jacks. After this stage, I will work out intensely, which can
put my muscles in pain for the first few days.
Tôi không chơi bất kỳ môn thể thao nào, nhưng tôi tập luyện tại phòng tập thể dục với huấn luyện viên
cá nhân, người giúp tôi thiết kế một chương trình tập luyện phù hợp. Khi đến phòng tập, bước đầu tiên
tôi cần làm là khởi động bằng cách vươn vai, cúi người và thực hiện động tác bật nhảy. Sau giai đoạn
này, tôi sẽ tập luyện cường độ cao, có thể khiến các cơ của tôi bị đau trong vài ngày đầu.
3.3. What are the most popular sports in your country?
In my country, football is the most common sport activity and I think it is considered the king of sports.
People prefer football over any kinds of sports because of the animating atmosphere it brings back. They
go wild when our team wins a game- they even drive around waving flags and honking.
Ở đất nước tôi, bóng đá là hoạt động thể thao phổ biến nhất và tôi nghĩ nó được coi là môn thể thao
vua. Mọi người thích bóng đá hơn bất kỳ loại thể thao nào vì bầu không khí sôi động mà nó mang lại. Họ
phát cuồng khi đội của chúng tôi thắng một trận đấu – họ thậm chí còn lái xe vẫy cờ và bấm còi xe.
3.4. What is your favorite sports star?
My favorite football player is Ronaldo de Lima. It is not just his dribbling skills or his nose to sniff out a
goal from nothing that makes him one of the most revered footballers of all time, but he is also
someone who celebrates the efforts of his team and feels happy when other strikers succeed in putting
the ball in the net.
Cầu thủ bóng đá tôi yêu thích là Ronaldo de Lima. Không chỉ kỹ năng rê bóng hay khả năng đánh hơi bàn
thắng của anh ấy khiến anh ấy trở thành một trong những cầu thủ được tôn sùng nhất mọi thời đại, mà
anh ấy còn là người luôn tôn vinh những nỗ lực của đội mình và cảm thấy hạnh phúc khi các tiền đạo
khác thành công trong việc đưa bóng vào lưới.
3.5. What kind of sports would you like to try in the future?
If I have more free time, I would like to try tennis. I think it will be good for my health, both physically
and mentally, as this sport requires concentration and endurance. It’s also a lot of fun because it can be
played as a recreational activity with friends and family.
Nếu có nhiều thời gian rảnh, tôi muốn thử sức với quần vợt. Tôi nghĩ nó sẽ tốt cho sức khỏe của tôi, cả
về thể chất và tinh thần, vì môn thể thao này đòi hỏi sự tập trung và sức bền. Nó cũng rất thú vị vì nó có
thể được chơi như một hoạt động giải trí với bạn bè và gia đình.
I would like to talk about my favorite sport, which is swimming.
I first knew about it when I was 15 years old. My father thought that I was a bit overweight so he forced
me to join a swimming training course with his friends. I have to admit that even though I was a bit upset
for being made to do something against my will, I soon got into it after only a week.

Unfortunately, these days, as a white-collar, I mostly spend my day in the office and only reach home by
7 p.m. So, I do not have any time for swimming anymore./ Nowadays, I still keep the habit of going to the
swimming pool every Saturday afternoon with my boyfriend who is also a fan of this water sport. Only
when I am snowed under a heavy workload do I ever skip a day

Anyway, I still love this sport for several reasons: First, it helped me to lose some weight which led to
better health. Second, when I practiced the sport in the sports center near my house, I made plenty of
cool friends who supported me a lot in life. Last but not least, after knowing this sport, I would say for
sure I could overcome my timidity of being a big size person and make an effort to change my look. All in
all, I suggest this sport is a must-have pastime for everyone.

3. Talk about daily routines = 18

I am a pharmacist, and I have a daily routine that mostly circles around my hospital, friends and family. I
spend my days mostly adhering to this routine except for weekend when I do not follow a specific routine.

I get up early in the morning, mostly at around 6:00 am and eat breakfast so I can have enough energy to
go to the gym. After working out for an hour, I take a hot-refreshing shower, which makes me ready to
take on the challenges of the day! Then I change and get ready for work. I reach the hospital roughly at
7:00 am and bywork till around 11:45 pm. I have my lunch at around 12. Even though there is only 1 hour
to eat and take some rest, this time of the day is very important for me to recharge my energy and
continue my hard work in the afternoon.

In the evening, I eat some light snacks and then be ready to learn some classes. This is my favorite time of
the day because I can meet a lot of friends, colleagues, talk with them and discuss interesting topics in the
class. I feel happy when I can improvements my knownlege in our learning. At around 9.45pm, after these
classes end, I listen to music or watch a movie to relax before going to bed at around 11h30 pm.

I have been following this routine for the last few days. Before that, I didn’t go to the gym but I just signed
up for it as I want to improve my health. If I do not have classes or if I have holidays, I go through a different
routine which includes watching movies, going shopping and hanging out with friends.


What part of your day do you like best?

The evening is my preference because this is when I put my mind off tasks at school or work. I tend to
indulge in watching a movie or having a drink while reading a book. These bedtime rituals will help me
have a tight sleep, so I can energetically kick start my hectic day.
Is it hard to change a habit?
Yes, definitely, especially when it comes to bad habits because they become deep rooted in our brains.
For example, letting go of procrastination would be extremely hard for most people. Even when they are
fully aware of further difficulties later on, they keep procrastinating because this habit gives them a sense
of routine and comfort.
In the future, do you think people will work more or less?
From my point of view, people will likely work more. I hold a belief that human beings can not be replaced
by automation, so they will still be the main factor in boosting productivity. Plus, as the world becomes
more and more developed, the cost of living will keep going up, so people will have to take on a heavy
workload to cover their daily life.

4. Talk about your family

I would like to talk about my family. We have five members in our family, including my parents, and my
younger sister. My father is a soldier and my mother works as a doctor, and my younger is still a college
student. We are a quite close-knit family since we often spend time together during weekends at home
or going out for meals. We usually share our daily activities with each other and help each other when
there is one in need. My family is extremely important to me because they are always supportive. Through
thick and thin, they have been readily there for me, providing encouragement as well as guidance. They
also shaped who I am today, instilling values such as hard work, honesty, and responsibility. My family is
the most important aspect of my life. My parents did everything possible to raise me up and ensure my
education and well-being. They know me better than any other person and will always be with me and
support me no matter what
My family is a close-knit one, consisting of my parents, my younger brother, and myself. My father is a
renowned surgeon, while my mother is a professor of literature. My brother is currently studying
engineering in a top university. We all live in a spacious apartment in the heart of the city and enjoy
spending time together.
We share a strong bond of love and support, and we often engage in lively discussions about a wide range
of topics, from science to art. We enjoy going on family vacations and trying out new cuisines. I feel that
we are each other’s best friends, and we always make time for each other, no matter how busy our
schedules are.
My family is incredibly vital to me as they have shaped my values, beliefs, and aspirations. They have
always encouraged me to pursue my dreams and have provided me with a safe and nurturing environment
to grow in. I’m grateful for their unwavering love and support, and I know that they will always be there
for me, through thick and thin.

Close-knit (adj): gắn bó chặt chẽ Cuisines (n): ẩm thực

Renowned (adj): nổi tiếng Aspirations (n): khát vọng
Surgeon (n): bác sĩ phẫu thuật Nurturing (adj): nuôi dưỡng
Professor (n): giáo sư Unwavering (adj): kiên định
Engineering (n): kỹ thuật Through thick and thin: trong mọi trường hợp
Lively (adj): sôi nổi
Wide range (n): phạm vi rộng

Who are you close to in your family?

I am close to every single family member in my own way. However, in terms of sharing personal secrets
and spending time, I am closer to my mother than my father. I think it is because we are the only women
in the family, we share the same ideas about many things and she always supports me.

5. Talk about your home= 11

6. Talk about your last holiday

I would like to talk about an exciting holiday where I went to the city of Nha Trang. It’s a lovely coastal city
locates in the southern part of Vietnam. Me and my friends decided to spend our holiday there because
we wanted to experience a different part of the country and see life by the beach.
There are several public transport system to get to Nha Trang. We took a train from Saigon to Nha Trang,
it was an 8 hours trip so it was a bit hectic and frustrating but the joy and excitement compensated for it
all. However, if you fly there, it will only take you about 1 hour and it should be more comfortable than
traveling by train.
There were so many activities but we were only able to do just a few things on our three day trip. We got
around the islands by cruise which was an amazing experience for use because we all like sightseeing.
Taking part in the Vietnamese cuisine workshop was also a great fun. We bought fresh ingredients at the
local flea market and learned how to use a wok to fry fresh fish and other seafood like crab and lobster.
There are also lots of flavorful authentic local specialties in the market as well.
We absolutely enjoyed our holiday trip and we actually are planning on another trip so we can try out
more activities in the graceful and charming Nha Trang. Be able to see the vibrant lifestyle of the locals
and aesthetically of the landscape was something we will never forget. It is very much a worth-living city.
My holiday in Hue, last month was an incredible experience that allowed me to discover the rich history
and cultural heritage of this beautiful city.
Hue, known for its golden past as the former capital of Vietnam, offered a captivating journey through
time. I visited the majestic Imperial City, where I marveled at the intricate architecture and learned about
the Nguyen Dynasty. Exploring the iconic Thien Mu Pagoda and the calm Huong River added a sense of
tranquility to my trip.
The local cuisine in Hue was a delight, as I tried many mouthwatering dishes like Bun Bo Hue and Banh
Beo. The friendliness of the locals made me feel welcomed and added a personal touch to my experience.
I also had the opportunity to witness traditional performances of Hue’s royal arts, such as Nha Nhac.
Each day in Hue was filled with new discoveries and cultural encounters, leaving me with treasured
memories of my holiday./ My friends and I all find this holiday to be a memorable experience which
produces priceless moments that we will always cherish.

7=2. Talk about your favourite sport

8. Talk about your favourite food. = 19
Question 1: What the food is
Well, I’m a food lover so this question is extremely difficult, I cannot pick just one! But if I have to, I’d say
Bánh Cuốn or steamed rolled pancakes is my favorite food that I would like to talk about today.
Bánh Cuốn is a popular option for diners in Viet Nam. As the matter of fact, among the well-known
offerings of Saigon street food, Bánh Cuốn is consistently ranked a top choice. I believe this dish originates
from the Northern region of Vietnam, the exact date and time it was first made are unknown but it seems
hard to deny that Bánh Cuốn has been made for years.
Question 2: How it is made
Basically, Bánh Cuốn looks like a soft spring roll filled with meat. However, the recipe is much more
complicated than that. You start with a steamed rice roll cooked on a pot which is covered by a thin fabric.
Until the rice roll is very thin, it will then be scrapped off the pot with a bamboo stick. After that, the roll
is filled with a mixture of pork, wood ear mushrooms, onions, and fish sauce.
Question 3: How often you eat it
I often have Bánh Cuốn once a week, particularly on the weekends since I prefer to have a quick meal
during weekdays.

Question 4: Why it is your favourite food

This is my favorite dish among thousands of amazing food in Vietnamese cuisine because it is perfectly
enough. From the smell to the taste, everything is just enough to make your mouth-watering. This is my
favorite breakfast and maybe even dinner for many Vietnamese. It is a quick and delicious day starter.

9. Talk about your favourite means of transport

Amid different types of transportation mode, I prefer bicycle. Bicycle is a very common and popular
transportation mode and is available around the world.
Riding a bicycle has numerous benefits. Firstly, it is economic to ride on a bicycle as the price of fuels is on
the rise. So, if you are on your bike, you are saving your bucks. Secondly, riding helps to feel you relaxed
physically. As you are riding, you are having physical exercise and that will remove all your stresses away.
Besides, it helps to lose the unwanted weights from your body and to burn the fat, strengthens your leg
muscles, ankles and feet and thus makes you fit physically into your daily activities. Riding a bicycle is
much better than running in the morning or evening. So, I intend to start using the bicycle as my everyday
What’s your favorite means of transport? (Bạn thích loại phương tiện di chuyển nào?)
“Amid different types of transportation mode, I prefer the train because it’s quick, convenient, reliable
and especially punctual. What I like most about this type of transport is that I can totally forget about
traffic congestion and therefore pollution. Plus, the rail fare is quite reasonable, I mean, quite affordable
for a student like me.”
How do you like to travel for a long trip? (Bạn thích đi du lịch dài ngày với phương tiện nào?)
“By plane, of course, coz it doesn’t take me too long to get to my destination. It’s kind of exhausted and
unpleasant to me to travel by other types, you know, I don’t want to waste my valuable time just getting
there while I can use that time to enjoy and do lots of more important things.”
What’s the traffic like in your country? (Giao thông ở quốc gia bạn như thế nào?)
“Oh, I’m afraid you ask that. It’s terribly bad, I have to say, especially in Hanoi-the capital of my country.
You know what, it becomes the last place I’ve ever wanted to live because of the traffic it has. People
often give themselves about an hour extra time to arrive on time due to the traffic jam, particularly in
rush hours, Just imagine this, Hanoi does really looks like a giant car park, you know. And the traffic
network like traffic lights, transport lane… are all old fashioned. And accidents on the main road seem to
happen every day. People always hope to have a better system but it appears to be daydreaming coz it’s
just getting worse.”
How do you think the public transport could be improved? (Theo bạn làm thế nào để cải thiện chất
lượng các phương tiện vận chuyển công cộng?)
“I think the best way to better public transport, make it more efficient is that the government should
subsidize their budget to upgrade its system and quality. I mean, like, increasing frequency of trains and
buses, making it more reliable and punctual for the convenience of commuters, more accessible for
people with low income and you know, I think higher fuel prices are going to help too.

10. Talk about your hobby

For me, reading is a hobby that is both enjoyable and beneficial for individuals. Through reading, I can
explore different perspectives and ideas from various genres, and it also helps to improve our vocabulary,
comprehension, and critical thinking skills.
I have discovered that reading provides a sense of escape and relaxation from the pressures of daily life.
Whenever I read, I'm lost in the world of the literature, which allows me to forget about everything else
happening around me, making me feel alive. Besides entertainment, I read self-help books that help me
to become a better version of myself. The knowledge and strategies provided to me by reading a book
have been useful to me in both my work and personal life.
In conclusion, reading is an excellent hobby for everyone as it helps me to expand my knowledge and
perspective on the world. Whether it's reading a new novel, a self-help book or an article, every reading
provides me with the opportunity to learn and gain new insights.
I think the benefits of reading are endless, and everyone will have their own go-to book genre depending
on their personalities.

(Đọc sách là một sở thích vừa thú vị vừa có lợi cho cá nhân. Thông qua việc đọc, chúng ta khám phá những quan
điểm và ý tưởng khác nhau từ nhiều thể loại khác nhau, đồng thời nó cũng giúp cải thiện vốn từ vựng, khả năng hiểu
và kỹ năng tư duy phản biện của chúng ta.
Tôi đã phát hiện ra rằng việc đọc mang lại cảm giác thoát khỏi và thư giãn khỏi những áp lực của cuộc sống hàng
ngày. Bất cứ khi nào tôi đọc, tôi như lạc vào thế giới của văn học, nó cho phép tôi quên đi mọi thứ đang diễn ra xung
quanh mình, khiến tôi cảm thấy mình đang sống. Bên cạnh giải trí, tôi đọc những cuốn sách giúp tôi trở thành một
phiên bản tốt hơn của chính mình. Kiến thức và chiến lược được cung cấp cho chúng tôi bằng cách đọc một cuốn
sách rất hữu ích cho tôi trong cả công việc và cuộc sống cá nhân.
Tóm lại, đọc sách là một sở thích tuyệt vời cho mọi người vì nó giúp chúng ta mở rộng kiến thức và quan điểm về
thế giới. Cho dù đó là đọc một cuốn tiểu thuyết mới, một cuốn sách tự giúp đỡ hay một bài báo, mỗi lần đọc đều
mang đến cho chúng ta cơ hội học hỏi và có được những hiểu biết mới. Tôi khuyến khích các cá nhân dành thời gian
trong thói quen hàng ngày để đọc sách, vì nó mang lại rất nhiều lợi ích có thể giúp ích cho họ trong cuộc đời.)

11. Talk about your house = 5

3.2 Would you like to move to a different home in the future?
Although my current living situation is adequate, I would like to live in a villa once. A villa appears to be a great
residence for me because it was my boyhood goal to have my own swimming pool and yard.

My house is a two-story structure featuring four bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms. The design
is ultra-modern, so there’s a lot of glass and concrete and steel – and not a lot of wood to be seen . On the first floor,
you’ll find the living room, kitchen, a bathroom, and my parents’ bedroom. Our living room is furnished with two
sofas, an armchair, a small table, and a smart TV. Adjacent to the living room is my parents’ room, where they have
a spacious bed, two nightstands, and a closet positioned behind the windows. The kitchen is located opposite the
living room and contains a refrigerator, a stove, a cupboard, and a large dining table.

Moving to the second floor, you’ll discover my bedroom, my brother’s bedroom, a guest room, and another
bathroom. In my room, there’s a desk near the window, a sizable bed, a computer resting on the desk, and my
wardrobe. My sister’s room is situated beside mine, featuring a desk beneath the window, a bookshelf adjacent to
the desk, her bed located away from the window, and her closet situated next to the bed. My favorite spot is the
balcony where I can
My house is a spacious and cozy place that I am proud to call my home. It is a two-story house located in
a quiet residential area in the suburbs of the city. The house has a brick exterior, which gives it a traditional
and classic look.
As you walk into the house, you will be welcomed by a warm and inviting atmosphere. The living room is
the first thing you will see, which is furnished with comfortable sofas and armchairs. There is also a large
TV and a fireplace, which is perfect for cold winter nights. The walls are painted in a soft shade of cream,
which makes the room feel even more comfortable and welcoming.
The dining room is adjacent to the living room and is separated by a beautiful wooden table. This table is
the centerpiece of the room and can comfortably seat eight people. The room is decorated with beautiful
artwork and framed photographs, which add a personal touch to the space.
The kitchen is located at the back of the house and is equipped with modern appliances, including a stove,
oven, and dishwasher. There is also a large island in the center of the kitchen, which provides plenty of
space for preparing meals and hosting guests.
Upstairs, there are three bedrooms, each with its own bathroom. The master bedroom is the largest and
features a king-size bed, a large closet, and a private bathroom with a jacuzzi bathtub. The other two
bedrooms are smaller but still comfortable, and each has a unique theme and color scheme.
Finally, the backyard is the perfect place to relax and enjoy the outdoors. It is a large space that is
surrounded by trees and has a beautiful garden. There is also a patio with a barbecue grill, which is perfect
for hosting summer barbecues and outdoor parties.
Overall, my house is a beautiful and comfortable place that I am grateful to call my home. It provides me
with a peaceful and relaxing environment, and I love spending time here with my family and friends.

3.1. What kind of apartment is the most popular in your country?

In Vietnam, the most popular type of apartment is a high-rise building located in urban areas. These
apartments usually have a modern design and are equipped with various amenities such as a gym,
swimming pool, and 24-hour security. The demand for this type of apartment is high because of the
convenience and prestige of living in a modern urban area.

high-rise building: tòa nhà chọc trời

urban area: khu vực đô thị
modern design: thiết kế hiện đại
amenities: tiện ích
convenience: tiện lợi
prestige: uy tín, danh tiếng
3.3. What are the differences between houses and apartments?
Houses and apartments have several differences. Houses are generally larger and offer more living space,
while apartments are more compact and require less maintenance. Houses usually come with a yard or
garden, while apartments often have communal spaces like a park or playground. Apartments also offer
more security and may have access to more amenities than houses.

living space: không gian sống

maintenance: bảo trì, bảo dưỡng
yard: sân
garden: vườn
communal spaces: không gian chung
security: an ninh, bảo vệ
amenities: tiện ích

12. Talk about your best friend

I don't have many pals. However, I consider myself quite fortunate to have a close buddy. Oanh is her given name.
She attended the same high school as I did. We all sit at the same table. We've been buddies for ten years.
She has pale skin and ruby lips. Her eyes are huge and round. Her eyes are gorgeous. Oanh is a girl who appreciates
simplicity. She does not dress formally, She dresses in a really fashionable way. She has a lovely appearance. She
frequently gives me fashion advice. She is a bright young lady with a pleasant demeanor.
Oanh is my best buddy for several reasons. First and foremost, she respects and loves me for who I am. Second,
despite her demanding schedule, she is always prepared to provide a sympathetic ear if I am experiencing difficulties
or feeling demotivated.

13. Talk about your watch TV

Despite not being a fan of TV programs, I must admit that “The way to Mount Olympia” really arouses my interest
every time I watch it.
This is actually a game show for students from highschools throughout Vietnam to join and claim rewards as
scholarships. This show is broadcast once a week on Sunday and attracts a huge number of audiences of all ages. To
tell the truth, all the questions posed during the show are diverse and require critical thinking to solve. Thus,
candidates must be so intelligent and quick that they are able to get the right to answer questions. There are 4
rounds during the game, and the one with the highest score after all 4 will be granted the first prize with a
scholarship. This not only brings pride to themselves but also to their schools and family.
Personally, I am into the program since it helps enrich my knowledge and have fun.
If I were younger, I would sign up for the game show, and maybe, I would be the winner

1.Do you like watching TV? (Bạn thích xem TV không?)

To be honest, I am not really interested in TV programs, so I never slump in front of the TV for hours to watch
something. However, I often spend about 30 minutes every evening watching news while having dinner with my
2.What kind of program do you like to watch? (Bạn thích xem chương trình gì?)
Well, to be frank, I do love to become a couch potato sometimes when streaming some series on my TV. To be more
specific, HBO or Fox always broadcast various types of series which are intriguing and mind-blowing. Hence, I can
spend all day before the TV and watch them until the very last minute.
3. Do you prefer to watch TV or surf the internet? (Bạn thích xem TV hay lướt internet?)
Honestly, it really depends on different situations. There are occasions on which I do not mind if the TV is on or not
and just glue my eyes to my laptop to update myself on news on the internet. Nevertheless, there are times when I
prefer leaning backwards on my sofa and enjoy 3-hour movies one after another.

20. Talk about farvorite room

In my house, my farvorite room will definitely have to be the bedroom. The reason is that it is the room which best
shows my personality. I painted the walls blue as it is my favourite colour, and I also have a lot of ornaments to
decorate the room. I like to keep things simple when it comes to decoration. I use some paintings to add more charm
and personality to the room. Plus, I hang my photos on the walls, along with some photos of my family and idol. My
bedroom is a wholly personal space, thus I feel at ease there. I transformed it into a place that provides me
everything I require to feel cozy and at ease. Whether I'm reading a book, listening to music, or just lying in bed with
my eyes closed, I know that I'm in a space that's designed to help me feel relaxed and comfortable.

Overall, my bedroom is my favorite place in my house because it's a space that's designed specifically for me. I can
be wholly myself there and forget about the pressures of the outer world

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