Swill Steam Generator

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Jerry-Rig Your Power Source: Time for a Slapdash Paint Job:

SCAB STEAM Roll a D6. Roll a D6.

DOCKYARDS 1. Oars: The internal swill turbines are 1. Fishmonger Murals: The
kaput. The galley dregs and have been Steamship is covered in fish guts and
“For days they drifted through the darkness forced to row. chum, making its particularly slippery
of Swill. The Dreg crew writhing like rats to walk on.
below deck of the oil slick scab-steamer. 2. Paddle-steam: Two enormous
Locked in his cabin, Vaine sobbed into rotating paddles have been attached to 2. Brand Awareness: The craft is
ledgers of sale, counting the slow tick tock the side of the steamer. Either fully decked out with the Factory Cults
minutes until the welcome home of his old encased in protective armour, or laid latest advertising slogans. It is only
town fog came rolling in. bare to the elements. mildly convincing.
Rattling in the hold, a pompous collection of
ingenuity, metal and death belched smoke
3. Sails: Ropes are cut, and oil black, 3. Postered: It seems some oiks have
eel skin sails unfurl catching the slapped offensive posters all over your
in legion. Warming their cold pig iron
noxious smog winds from the city. vessel while you were at the pub. Too
hulls in the furnace fires of the psychopomp
late to remove them now.
4. From Below: An abhorrent sea
thing, a mass of gills and loathing 4. Dazzle Camo: The dramatic
To Assemble Your Scab pulls the craft through the swill. angular patterns make you sick.
Steamer 5. Funnels: A great many smokestacks 5. Rusted Iron: The paint job can
have been added to the steamer. It barely be seen due to heavy corrosion
Discover the Dubious Integrity of
isn’t clear if these even function.
your Hull: 6. Chalkboarding: Various fishmonger
Roll a D6.
6. Collision: An unfortunate incident chalkboards offer deals on haddock
involving insurance and high have been erected on board.
explosives. Roll twice on the integrity
1. Burst: The Scab is attempting to
escape its metal prison, bursting the
of the hull Pick Up Some Flotsam:
many rivets of its casing and engorging
its financially literate meat onto the
Steal Your Armaments: Roll a D6
deck. Roll a D6. 1. Sea Mines: Who put all these
2. Spikes: Suicidal attempts by the naval mines here?
1. Ram: The prow of the ship has been
perfidious Mudlarks have forced the transformed into brutal battering ram.
steamer crew to hastily weld a mass of 2. Guano: The sea birds have been
anti boarding spikes along its hull. nesting on the hull. The ship is
2. Bomb Lance: Whaling guns have covered in their droppings.
been set up on deck, ready to face off
3. Heavy Plating: Shore bombardment against the horrors of the swill.
has left the scab steamer heavily 3. Whaling Vessel: The ship has
wounded. At least some of the damage returned from its adventures covered in
3. Boarding Crew: The crew are huge slabs of blubber
has been repaired by great sheets of supplied with pikes, blades and other
iron of a different colour to its hull. boarding tools. 4. Wrecked: You’ve hit a part of the
4. Driftwood Paneling: To display decaying city. A small town house is
4. Naval Guns: Twin linked cannons lodged in your vessel.
their wealth, the crew has crudely mounted in a rotating turret. The peak
decked the ship with oil stained of swill engineering.
driftwood. 5. Seal: A corpulent swill seal is
relaxing on deck. It’s not to be
5. Landing Craft: The Steamer has disturbed.
5. Oil Tubes: The disgusting scab is been fitted with a ramp, for spewing
attempting to sink its prison. The crew crew or scab tanks of to the docks of
have installed a forest of vent tubes to 6. Tug Boat: Stranded in the swill, a
an enemy workhouse. smaller steamer has had to drag you
release the excess swill and scab fluids.
to shore.
6. Fire-ship: The ship has been rigged
6. Broadsides: short range cannons to blow!
pockmark the steamer’s hull. Corroded
gun-ports eye the foreshore for targets.

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