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Ministry of Higher Education Subject: Computational Fluid

and Scientific Research Dynamics

University of Kufa Year: Four\ HVAC&R Branch
Faculty of Engineering Time: 1 ½ Hours
Mechanical Engineering Department Examiners: Ahmed Alhusseny
Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Branch Nasr Alkhalidy
2nd Term Exam
(2018– 2019)
Q1\ A\ Select the correct answer for the questions below:
1- The momentum equations differ from those for passive scalars (those not affecting the flow)
because they are .….........
(a) non-linear (b) coupled (c) must be mass-consistent (d) all of these reasons
2- In many compressible-flow codes, the main fluid variables are assembled and solved as a
vector of (ρ, ρu, ρv, ρw, ρE). This is called the ………. approach.
(a) PISO (b) Coupled (c) Segregated
3- The only unconditionally-bounded two-time-level (one-step) scheme is………...
(a) backward differencing (b) forward differencing (c) centred differencing
4- In SIMPLE algorithm, the continuity equation serves as an equation to determine.……………
(a) pressure (b) density (c) pressure-correction
(8 Marks)
Q1\ B\ State whether the following statements are True or False and correct the incorrect ones.
1- In a co-located grid arrangement, velocity components are stored half-way between the
pressure nodes that drive them.
2- In a staggered grid arrangement, no interpolation is required, but it is very difficult to
implement on complex geometries.
3- Post-processing stage includes creating geometry, generating a grid, specifying the equations
to be solved and their boundary conditions.
4- SYMMETRY PLANE boundary condition is used in repeating flow; e.g. rotating machinery,
regular arrays.
(8 Marks)
Q1\ C\ Compare between the Forward Euler, Backward Euler, and Crank-Nicolson schemes in terms
of the need for iterating, accuracy, and timestep restrictions. (9 Marks)

Q2\ Part of a uniform structured mesh is shown below together with the velocity u and pressure p at
nodes. In each cell, the momentum equation gives a relationship between velocity and pressure of the
𝑢 = −4∆𝑝 + ⋯

Where (∆) here denotes a centred difference.

i= 1 2 3 4

1- Calculate the velocity on the cell face marked f by Rhie-Chow interpolation if:
a) 𝑝𝐿 = 0.5;
b) 𝑝𝐿 = 0.3. (10 Marks)

2- Based on Rhie-Chow interpolation, derive a general expression to compute 𝑢𝑓 in terms of nodal

values of ui and pi. (5 Marks)
Q3\ The equation:
(t + ∅) = ∅2 , ∅(1) = 1;

is to be solved numerically with timestep ∆𝑡 = 0.5 𝑠𝑒𝑐.

1- Find the value of ∅ for the period (1 ≤ t ≤ 2) using:

a) The forward Euler method.
b) The modified Euler method.
c) The Runge-Kutta method.
2- State which of the schemes in part (a) you expect to give a more accurate answer and explain
your reasoning.
(20 Marks)

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