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Advanced Project Management

Table of Contents
A. Project Selection and Portfolio Management.............................................................................3
i. Objectives of the Hilti Group...................................................................................................3
ii. Module selection for evaluation and confirmation - Checklist...............................................4
iii. Recommendations..................................................................................................................6
B. Organizational Context...............................................................................................................7
i. TOWS analysis.....................................................................................................................7
C. Project Governance.....................................................................................................................9
ii. Recommendation for the finest option of project management governing frameworks:...11
iii. Suggestions on the governing Institute................................................................................11
D. Leadership.................................................................................................................................12
i. An examination of the role of the Leader in the management of projects.........................12
ii. Recommendations...............................................................................................................13
E. Advanced Planning and Scheduling..........................................................................................14
i. Examining the benefits of the Agile and Prince2 project management models.................14
ii. Limitations associated with the Agile and Prince2 management of project methodologies.
iii. Proposal for the most advantageous option:.......................................................................15
F. Managing and Leading Change.................................................................................................16
i. Implementation of the Lewin model...................................................................................17
G. Conclusion................................................................................................................................18
A. Project Selection and Portfolio Management

i. Objectives of the Hilti Group

Hilti is a globally recognized corporation specializing in the design and maintenance of

construction projects. The company offers a wide range of products and services to construction
professionals across the world. The Hilti Group's strategic goal is to create enduring value by
achieving market dominance and differentiation. Hilti operates manufacturing facilities and
research and development centers and is actively engaged in numerous technological
partnerships. Hilti's corporate foundation is grounded in a robust, adaptive, and outcome-oriented
ethos, which is aligned with the company's core business goal of actively cultivating satisfied
customers and contributing to the betterment of society. The company prioritizes the
differentiation of its services and products, direct customer interactions, operational efficiency,
and high-performing teams across the globe as per its guiding principles ( 2022). The
majority of Hilti's workforce is involved in the practice of direct marketing. To attain excellence
in logistics and customer relationship management, it is imperative to ensure a seamless
transition of all marketing channels, as well as all technological and organizational factors.
Hilti has devoted a considerable amount of time to the organization and standardization of data
and procedures. Its extensive global presence has facilitated the company's ability to fully
capitalize on the advantages of the digital revolution. The employment of a cloud-based solution
platform and a device enables the salesforce to effectively engage customers, perform a needs
analysis, and implement a more efficient marketing strategy. Hilti has implemented a set of
strategic initiatives aimed at improving its long-term performance and facilitating a seamless
shift from locally enhanced management services to portable and real-time business options, as
well as advanced statistical technologies (Abd el-shafy et al., 2019). These measures are
designed to promote ongoing learning, progress, and productivity gains. Contemporary
opportunities for innovation do not yield immediate value. Instead, they require a comprehensive
implementation of digital innovation capabilities to drive innovation endeavors. The extensive
implementation of project management methodologies across diverse industries, including new
product design and development, production and information management restructuring, and
technology and innovation application management, has led to a plethora of potential projects to
choose from. Consequently, it is imperative to make decisions when assembling a proficient
project portfolio (Adams and Collyer, 2019).
ii. Module selection for evaluation and confirmation - Checklist

Before suggesting the optimal approach for assessment, it is imperative to grasp the concept of
screening. The screening model or structure plays a crucial role in evaluating the advantages and
potential risks associated with each project. This evaluation helps in identifying the project that
can effectively contribute to the success of the organization. Due to the limited availability of
company assets and the involvement of organizations in multiple projects, prioritizing plans is
crucial to mitigate risks and optimize benefits. The screening module offers four distinct
computational mechanisms that conform to a common fundamental principle (Ariwinata,
Nasution, and Maas, 2022). The methodology involves the utilization of streamlined scoring,
criteria, hierarchy, and profile evaluation for the assessment of the initiatives. The checklist
method is deemed the preferred approach for evaluating the Hilti Corporation's endeavors, based
on the aforementioned criteria (Arsanjani and Ershadi, 2021). Checklists represent a
straightforward approach to assessing the fundamental components of an initiative and can be
employed by any member of the project team, irrespective of their level of expertise or training
an example of a checklist.
The following protocol is designed for the Hilti Group:
The checklist is expressed for the Hilti Group below:
Measuring criteria of the Hilti
Tasks of the Hilti Factors High Average Low

Production of tools and The planned budget x

selling for the
construction sector Related or x
(Hilti Corporation, anticipated risks
2022) Time needed x
Net Profit x
SAP Application The planned budget x

Related or x
anticipated risks
Time needed x

Net Profit x
Salesforce change The planned budget x

Related or x
anticipated risks
Time needed x

Net Profit x
Manufacture of eco- The planned budget x
friendly instruments for
the construction sector Related or x
anticipated risks
Time needed x

Net Profit x

Based on the analysis carried out in the preceding segment employing a worksheet, it can be
concluded that transitioning to the Salesforce platform is going to outcome in a great net revenue
as it appears extra modern and compatible with modern tools; nevertheless, the threat associated
with SAP is small, the net profit of the company is at risk of becoming obsolete soon. As with
the manufacturing and marketing of ecological products, there will be substantial earnings, but
also risk. Despite this, a proposal is made to pursue a new project to transition to Salesforce and
produce environmentally responsible tools.
iii. Recommendations

The process of transitioning necessitates the migration of all data from the previous SAP system
to the novel Salesforce platform, alongside the need to retrain all personnel in the IT, marketing,
and sales departments. By utilizing the Project "Portfolio" Matrix, Hilti has demonstrated
proficiency in the management of project portfolios. The aforementioned tool is deemed
advantageous in various pursuits. The process of prioritization may involve the consideration of
various factors, such as the cost and deadline associated with a particular effort, or the
application of alternative criteria. It is recommended that the x and y axes be appropriately
labeled with relevant information, such as expenditure, return on investment, punctuality, and
comprehension level. This tool facilitates the evaluation of program modifications and the
generation of suggestions for refining interventions. The matrix assesses the potential for
enhancing the position of various initiatives through modifications (Baldauf and Lee, 2020). The
implementation of this model is expected to facilitate the modernization of the IT platform
utilized by the sales and marketing personnel, while also transitioning from SAP to Salesforce.
The aforementioned framework is designed to comprehensively examine all relevant data and
facilitate the process of arriving at a well-informed decision.

Figure 1: Project Portfolio Pattern

While technical difficulty and commercial viability are evaluated, projects in the upper-right
section are referred to as "Pearls" because they are innovative, yield high incomes, and are
simple to implement. The initiatives located in the lower-right quadrant, commonly known as
"Oysters," are indicative of endeavors that have the potential to yield significant advantages, but
are also susceptible to the possibility of failure. The software applications located in the top-left
quadrant, commonly known as the "Bread and Butter" programs, exhibit reliable results and
necessitate gradual modifications over time.

B. Organizational Context

The Hilti group's strategic goal is to attain future profits using market leadership and
differentiation. Hilti is engaged in various technology partnerships and operates manufacturing
plants and research and development centers. Hilti's organizational structure is built upon a
strong, forward-thinking, and outcome-oriented corporate culture that facilitates the company's
primary objective of fervently generating satisfied customers and promoting a more enjoyable
world. The Hilti Group aims to migrate from SAP to the Salesforce company to update the
information technology infrastructure employed by its marketing and sales staff. The TOWS
matrix enables the creation of plans based on the logical coupling of internal strengths and
vulnerabilities with external possibilities and dangers. They are capable of analyzing all pertinent
data and assisting with decision-making (Bianchin et al., 2022).
i. TOWS analysis

External factors SO ST
Internal factors Salesforce will encourage future As per the provided case,
sustainability by ensuring the Salesforce will encourage a
expansion of its clientele through sustainable future by ensuring
enhanced service and innovative the development of those it
technological features (as per the serves through enhanced
provided case). service and advanced
technological features.
External factors WO WT
Internal factors Career enrichment: The staff Increased resistance.
members will learn novel
technologies that will enhance their As Salesforce will lessen the
skills, but they must surmount requirement for physical
resistance. personnel, the attrition rate will
Starting the aforementioned TOWS pattern, this can be concluded that the cloud depends on
Salesforce technology and has several vulnerabilities, but these can be mitigated through the use
of various security systems. When it embarked on its voyage toward digitalization, its efficiency
and environmental responsibility, customer loyalty, and its ability to satisfy the technological or
digitalized demands of its customers were all strong. It was crucial to the organization's
objectives when it began international facts and acts integration complete Salesforce. It evolved
as the business changed from IT to IT altering the organization with new technological advances,
starting with limited business incorporating, continuing to a worldwide IT setting, accomplishing
IT the ability to adapt to change and establishing stability in IT, business, employees, and
clientele to encourage technology innovation. The organizational structure of a company will
determine how it allocates resources to such initiatives and how influential the Project
Coordinator will be within the company. An organizational structure is the formal sequence of
command and control within an organization. Program management structures define how an
organization's reporting relationships operate. Depending on the operating environment of the
organization, The aims it sets for itself, and the characteristics of the undertaking at present.
The Hilti group should employ any one of the following three organizational structures:
Functional organization: In an efficient organizational structure, an experienced functional
manager makes an authority-driven budget, timeline, and material decisions. In functional
organizations, the project manager does not exist, hence this implies that they have minimal
influence. However, they will find that the work is separated into departments like personnel,
advertising, accounting, public relations, management, etc. It is comparable to a traditional
corporation in that workers are regulated by an administrator based on their duties and
communicate with department heads and senior management.This organizational style seems to
make people better at their jobs, increasing efficiency. When anything goes wrong, everyone
knows their part. Functional organizations have one manager, the Functional Coordinator, and
one function for each employee (Boemelburg et al., 2022). The Functional Supervisor assigns,
manages, and pays employees.
Project-based organization: This project's management team architecture gives the program
manager project authority. They control project costs, schedules, and staff. With employees, they
would make all choices at the top of the hierarchy. After the program, personnel are discharged
and resources are given to appropriate sectors. This structure's explicit authority chain speeds up
decision-making and authorization. The requirement simplifies and improves teamwork, and
team members become more acquainted with different projects (Budler and Trkman, 2019).
Organizational Matrix: A matrix organizational model is a hybrid form that lies between the
functional model of organization and the project-based model and is characterized by its matrix
topology. The project manager runs the operation in a strong matrix organizational structure. As
in a functional organization, a functional manager will oversee projects in a weak matrix
structure. In an equal matrix organization, the program supervisor and functional supervisor
possess equivalent project authority (Cobb, 2023).
Thus, Hilti may use any of these three models of organization to build long-term value through
market leadership and differentiation, passionately delighting customers, and improving the

C. Project Governance

The arrangement is among various factors that impact an organization's performance and project
results. The basic framework delineates the management and control of the team
straightforwardly. To mitigate potential misunderstandings, every employee must possess a
comprehensive understanding of the organizational framework and regulations that oversee the
company or project. An effective governance framework facilitates the establishment of a well-
defined project plan that is expeditiously disseminated to all stakeholders.
i. Comparison between the two selected governing frameworks of project management
Stage gate approach Advantages Disadvantages
It prevents squandering the In some enterprises, phase gates are
necessary resources on ideas frequently not implemented
with no future: No one correctly. Justifying the continuation
wishes to put an end to of a senior manager's or developer's
creativity, but there isn't such project by ignoring or dominant
a thing as beating a deceased evidence is possible. In the lack of
horse. Phase gates and objective, measurable, then agreed-
stop/go meetings conducted upon purposes for the activation of
at crucial points in a every new stage, the part gates may
development cycle can devolve hooked on a contest of who
curtail money-wasting can shout the loudest.
initiatives. A chance to take Too many gates impede the flow:
a formal, objective look at One of the highest risks of level
the true potential of an gating is that analysis opportunities
endeavor as it grows can become bureaucratic barriers rather
prevent it from making grave than valuable. The imposition of
errors. It can prevent from additional review phases is a natural
falling victim to developers response to past failings and issues.
following an impossible They can inhibit inventiveness: As
idea. the actual commercial possibility of a
revolution may not be understood
until after its overview to the market,
it may require change and
optimization to make its impression.
Project management It eliminates siloing: Phase Currently, models are still quite
maturity Model gating incorporates multiple generic; however, no model suits
collaborators in the making every organization, nor do all models
of crucial project decisions. serve a single organization.
These formal review Numerous elements may be modified
meetings, supported by for a specific business, such as the
information as well as industry. A well-defined PM practice
record-keeping, will ensure could facilitate the application of the
that you make the right model by making it simpler to
decisions, at the right time, customize.
for the right reasons. It
ensures that scope expansion
is avoided and that
unsanctioned development
efforts cannot proceed
unchecked and unanalyzed.

ii. Recommendation for the finest option of project management governing


The stage-gate method offers a key advantage in that it enables a clear determination of task
completion and progress, with the ability to promptly address any misalignments or deficiencies.
In the process of scrutinizing and evaluating the standard of work to identify mistakes and effect
modifications as deemed appropriate both the waterfall and process-gate methodologies adhere
to a sequential approach, whereby the initiation of a subsequent deliverable is contingent upon
the satisfactory completion of the preceding deliverable. The cited sources emphasize the
importance of maintaining uniformity and consistency in alignment with the project's objectives
(De Roos, 2019). The suggested strategy of the Hilti project to use Salesforce as a replacement
for SAP is a significant and dynamic undertaking. This initiative aims to successfully incorporate
an innovative algorithm as well as integrate a business that operates across multiple nations and
employs over one thousand individuals, as outlined in the provided case. The stage gate approach
mentioned in this note is expected to facilitate the methodical classification of project segments.
This includes the integration of training and change management for team members, as well as
the initiation of the move from SAP to Salesforce. Additionally, this approach is anticipated to
assist in breaking down the whole project into smaller, more manageable portions. It is advisable
to ensure a seamless and efficient transition for the Hilti Group's Salesforce initiative, given the
expected substantial impact on a workforce of 20,000 individuals and operations spanning 23
countries (Diaconita, Belciu, and Stoica, 2023).
iii. Suggestions on the governing Institute

The organizational structures that govern societies are indicative of how individuals are
managed. The display of the chain of command that staff members are expected to follow when
interacting with one another has been documented. Accountable governance structures enhance
the sustainability of initiatives by increasing their accountability and responsibility to society and
its constituents. As per the reports of Hilti Corporation for the year 2022, it has been
demonstrated that the Hilti Group has exhibited a high degree of responsibility and
conscientiousness towards individuals, the natural world, and the community. Efficient
governance enables the organization to make logical decisions, which subsequently steer the
accomplishment of projects. The Hilti Group's executive leadership should exercise overall
control, while the project manager ought to possess the requisite power to effect Salesforce
integration modifications (Diaconita, Belciu, and Stoica, 2023). The Burj Khalifa project serves
as an exemplary illustration of the utilization of innovation and technology in contemporary
times, as evidenced by technological advancements today.

D. Leadership

The notion of leadership and the cultivation of impactful leaders have garnered substantial
attention in contemporary times. A multitude of scholars researches the influence of leaders on
the success or lack thereof of organizations and endeavors. Effective leadership plays a critical
role not only in achieving successful project outcomes but also in managing the group of
individuals who constitute the foundation of project governance. have shown that the absence of
a leader or competent leadership can lead to team members becoming disoriented and work not
being coordinated, ultimately resulting in negative economic consequences for project
management(Fábrega Ferrer, 2022). Leaders play a crucial role in maintaining the project's
goals, resolving ambiguity, and directing the entire team toward achieving success. Furthermore,
leaders possess the ability to inspire team members, facilitate successful team-building activities,
and address conflicts that may arise within the team. Thus, proficient leadership plays a vital role
in ensuring a smooth migration from SAP to Salesforce (Gadatsch, 2023).
i. An examination of the role of the Leader in the management of projects.

The responsibilities and functions of project leaders are distinct from those of other types of
leaders. As per Pinto's (2010) findings, project managers possess unique obligations in their
projects. For achieving success, the concerned individuals must be driven by intrinsic
motivation. Motivation plays a crucial role in the successful completion of any undertaking. In
the absence of adequate guidance and incentive, team members may experience a decline in their
motivation levels, which could impede their ability to surpass obstacles and perform at an
exceptional level. Thus, it is imperative for project managers at Hilti to adeptly motivate their
teams via transformational leadership (Gertzen, Van der Lingen, and Steyn, 2022).
Modifications are an inevitable aspect of project development, stemming from dynamic changes
in market needs, advancements in technology, alterations in costs, and shifts in the preferences of
the target population. Hence, to ensure efficient project management, project leaders must
possess the quality of adaptability. To promote adaptability, leaders must allocate sufficient
space during the planning phase for the efficient integration of any essential and beneficial
modifications that will guarantee the triumphant fulfillment of the undertaking. Effective
communication is a crucial factor in achieving success in any undertaking. Hence, proficient
leaders must utilize efficient communication skills and tactics to guarantee smooth information
dissemination among the members of the project team (Gertzen, Van der Lingen, and Steyn,
2022). To guarantee comprehension and responsibility among each member of a project team
concerning their designated roles and responsibilities, project executives must establish reliable
communication channels. The attainment of the project's main goals and objectives is contingent
upon the efficacy of communication. A project must have a designated leader who assumes the
responsibility of directing the selected team toward the successful attainment of the project's
objectives. The aforementioned persons are commonly referred to as project managers or
directors within the context of their professional roles (Gertzen, Van der Lingen, and Steyn,
The project supervisor bears the responsibility of making pivotal decisions for the project. The
project manager, being the decision maker of the project, must approve any process or action of
any particular component of the project.
The individual in the role of project supervisor bears the responsibility of overseeing the
comprehensive project plan. The purview of the concerned individuals encompasses expenses,
schedules, and procedural strategies.
In the field of management, project executives are tasked with overseeing the entirety of a
project. This includes duties such as team selection, delegation of responsibilities, and
authorization of payments, among various managerial obligations.
The significance of leadership in project management is attributed to the three primary
obligations of project executives, as noted (Ghorbani, 2023). Therefore, the outcome of a given
undertaking is dependent on the characteristics or approaches that leaders utilize in their roles as
ii. Recommendations
Communication: To express messages and accounts, and deliver presentations, along with
visions, concepts, and objectives with all project stakeholders, project managers need to have
solid interpersonal abilities.
Effective project managers are adept negotiators when dealing with consumers, suppliers, and
other parties. In addition, they utilize their abilities to negotiate to moderate conflicts and
guarantee that everyone meets the project's objectives.
Risk Management: Every endeavor involves inherent hazards. Therefore, project supervisors
must have the knowledge and skills to implement methods for minimizing risk. They should be
able to utilize enterprise-level risk management tools that enable efficient analysis of prospective
Team Administration: Project managers need to be proficient in managing teams, including
delegating responsibilities, resolving conflicts, evaluating performance, and motivating team
members to promote progress and enhancements.
Budget Administration: One of the primary responsibilities of project supervisors is to create
viable project budgets. They must be able to generate spreadsheets, monitor costs throughout the
undertaking, and identify sections where expenses are exceeding expectations.

E. Advanced Planning and Scheduling

When APS options were integrated into the scheduling and planning of projects, three categories
of potential benefits were identified: decision-making benefits, schedule efficiency advantages,
and learning effects. According to APS professionals and APS professionals, decision-making
support benefits were the most prevalent type. The findings of the example business revealed
that the perceived benefits of various managing project actions vary. The majority of the
purported benefits of actions involving the creation of execution plans were learning-related. the
benefits of activities involving the creation of a planning process are most prevalent in terms of
planning effectiveness(Ghorbani, 2023). Various governmental bodies have put forth policies for
the smart factory industry, wherein cyber-physical manufacturing systems are deemed pivotal, as
a reaction to the worldwide movement towards smart factories. The CAPS planning engine is an
advanced algorithm that utilizes dynamic scheduling and planning techniques to generate
efficient production or operational schedules. A case involving planning and scheduling that was
comparable (Guenzi and Habel, 2020).
i. Examining the benefits of the Agile and Prince2 project management models

Reflection strongly indicates that the utilization of PRINCE2 aids in the development of the
projected project timeline before its initiation. Time and budget management is a crucial
technique in project management. Posit that project constraint of considerable importance
include time and resources. Thus, the utilization of the PRINCE2 methodology enables effective
management of project initiation and closure, thereby providing benefits to project endeavors.
Moreover, the utilization of PRINCE2 is imperative for the effective management of multiple
activities concurrently, thereby facilitating portfolio management (Hussain et al., 2018).
Conversely, it can be argued that the agile methodology was primarily formulated to cater to the
dynamic demands of the software industry, as posited. The Agile methodology is known to
enhance customer satisfaction as a result of the display and distribution of projects to consumers
at the end of each iteration. Furthermore, the agile methodology enables the integration of input.
Enhancing the adaptability and flexibility of the project in the future is facilitated by this
approach (Jeannet et al., 2021).
ii. Limitations associated with the Agile and Prince2 management of project


As per the guidelines of PRINCE2, it is imperative to maintain a comprehensive record and

documentation of every project phase and requirement. The duration required to document each
phase is considerable. The Agile methodology has certain drawbacks, such as its restricted
suitability for small-scale projects and the requirement for a specialist to oversee and manage the
methodology. Posited that the multitude of modifications increases the probability of scope
expansion. Furthermore, frequent repetitions may result in increased expenses.
iii. Proposal for the most advantageous option:

The previous section presents an assessment of the benefits and drawbacks of the agile and
Prince 2 methodologies. This evaluation is based on data and discussions from various scholars
in the field. The case study indicates that the Hilti initiative is centered on technological
transformation, and as such, the preferred methodology is agile. The study provides evidence of
the effectiveness of the agile framework in the management of software-based initiatives
(Jeannet et al., 2021). Given that the current project of the Hilti Group involves the
implementation of Salesforce, an algorithmic software, it is reasonable to assume that the
adoption of the agile approach would be advantageous for the project's success. The Agile
methodology enables the implementation of modifications across multiple projects, thereby
justifying decisions in response to the dynamic requirements of clients. Furthermore, the resilient
framework of the Hilti Group guarantees that it will not be jeopardized by the implementation of
an Agile methodology for resource allocation. Furthermore, the utilization of the agile
methodology facilitates regular surveillance for any irregularities, which can be promptly
addressed to assist in the fulfillment of the Hilti project's timelines and bolster its selection.
Redmi Android phones receive periodic updates to safeguard the algorithm from evolving
security threats and cater to the present requirements of consumers (Keil and Zangrillo, 2023).

F. Managing and Leading Change

For several years, corporations and businesses have been adopting automation, and the digital
revolution has extended to encompass society as a whole. Hence, the administration of devising
novel methodologies to replace outdated frameworks is a crucial and continuous preoccupation
of management in the technological era. The Hilti Group has opted to migrate from SAP to
Salesforce as the information technology platform utilized by its sales and marketing staff in this
endeavor. The process of transitioning necessitates the transfer of all data from the previous SAP
database to the newly established Cloud platform, in addition to the need for IT personnel to
undergo retraining. There exist several factors contributing to the frequent failure of
implementation procedures. However, it is imperative to comprehend the diverse causes and
identify potential solutions to enhance the probability of achieving success. The issue of
optimizing implementation procedures in conjunction with the emergence of new technological
advancements will remain a prominent topic for many years to come, given the prevalence of
digitalization in contemporary society. Moreover, it is anticipated that this endeavor will require
a significant financial investment. The results obtained from this inquiry are clear and
anticipated. The present research enhances the existing body of knowledge on project
management and reproduces previous investigations conducted in this domain. The study's
findings facilitate the augmentation of substantiated concepts (Khyat, Kumar, and Kumar
Baliarsingh, 2019).
The aforementioned recommendations have been extensively documented in management
literature for the last twenty years, as evidenced. The metric of efficiency is considered
subjective as it assesses the perceptions and expectations of team members across various
dimensions. The present investigation fails to reveal the correlation between the aforementioned
statistical parameter and other variables such as completed resolutions, a surge in planning
inaccuracies, or the frequency of hazards. The success of the Hilti group, as perceived by the
administration, is contingent upon the viewpoints of its team members. It can be inferred that
effective change management is a critical component for the longevity and prosperity of all
enterprises amidst the highly competitive and ever-evolving commercial landscape of the present
era. However, the existing change management methodologies and concepts available to both
scholars and professionals often exhibit inconsistencies, lack empirical substantiation, and rely
on unchallenged assertions regarding the character of modern change management and
leadership (Lima et al., 2023). The objective of this article is to conduct a critical analysis of key
methods and concepts for leading and supervising change, as a preliminary measure towards the
creation of a novel framework for change management. The leadership style of effectiveness is
widely regarded as a critical factor in influencing both organizational and individual outcomes,
thereby enabling a competitive edge to be achieved. This research aims to investigate the
correlation among various dimensions of transformational leadership, specifically the
motivational quotes of the Hilti Group, charismatic leadership, guidance and involvement, and
change management (Mohammed, 2021).
i. Implementation of the Lewin model

The present objective utilizes Lewin's change model as it takes into account the process by which
an individual adjusts to change. Furthermore, the article highlights the obstacles presented by
resistance, which have the potential to hinder progress. Furthermore, if the lean manager utilizes
these techniques to convince higher-level executives and aid in the management of the lean
program, the results may be highly advantageous. The process of reversing the solidification of a
substance is typically achieved by raising its temperature above its freezing point. At this point,
the leader must provide the team with a comprehensive explanation regarding the significance of
the transition and the most efficient methods to adapt to it (Moreno-Monsalve et al., 2023).
Unfreeze: The individual in charge must eradicate inflexible frameworks and foster an
environment that promotes unreserved communication and cooperation among team members. It
is imperative that the individual initiates communication with upper-level management and
facilitates their comprehension of the significant damage that the postponement of Hitli's transfer
has already inflicted upon the organization. To encourage intermediate and lower-level
management to support systemic reform, upper-level management must acknowledge the issue at
hand (Moreno-Monsalve et al., 2023).
Change: At this juncture, a paradigm shift is imperative, and it is crucial to commence with
incremental measures before embarking on a comprehensive overhaul. The implementation of
Salesforce can be facilitated by the lean methodologies employed by the lean director, thereby
facilitating organizational transformation. The individual in question will exhibit the team's
employment of Salesforce technologies to improve information communication and leadership.
To achieve success in the current business landscape, organizations must ensure the perpetual
accessibility of their communication channels, the ability of their leaders to motivate their teams,
and the provision of adequate resources to enable their employees to perform optimally (Ozcáriz
Lindstrom, 2022). The sustainability of the change in a company's lean deployment is contingent
upon its adherence to the criteria outlined in their study, and the positive outcomes observed as a
result of such adherence.
Refreeze: The process of refreezing is expected to occur once the company observes favorable
outcomes. The adaptability and flexibility of the organization will increase as it responds to
fluctuations in consumer demand. There will be a rise in profitability, creativity, and output as a
result. Lewin's model suggests that the leader would be capable of implementing the lean project
management approach systematically and efficiently. As the team and its leaders adjust to
unforeseen circumstances, they have the opportunity to gain knowledge from one another's
experiences. The implementation of this approach is expected to facilitate the key principles of
lean management, ongoing education, and deliberate modification. Bosch's rapid development is
attributed to the company's proficient implementation of change management within a suitable
framework (Parek and Patel, 2022).

G. Conclusion

Hilti's core operations encompass the areas of design and administration of construction projects.
The company has a plan to produce construction equipment and offer facilities for construction
workers on a global scale. The Hilti group's strategic aim is to achieve long-term profitability by
establishing a dominant market position and setting itself apart from competitors. The initiative
is founded on modernizing the IT infrastructure used by the Hilti group's sales and marketing
personnel and transitioning from SAP to Salesforce. This paper's primary objective is to present
while implementing the concept and techniques of decision-making based on multiple factors in
project prioritization and choosing in the management of project portfolios, which has been
accomplished through the above-described steps. Each step is essential to understanding the
value as well as the importance of this study in its entirety. Various approaches and frameworks
have been utilized to determine the most efficient way to reach the goal. In conclusion, it is
explained how variation management can be incorporated fundamentally into the plan and how
to involve pertinent parties in the change management procedure.

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Task 1 I think I am on distinction since I recognized Hilti's approach and

suggested two or three initiatives. I also suggested a screening approach
and project grid for portfolio management.
Task 2 I am on merit since I addressed TOWS's requirement and connected it to
the company's business goal. I also offered a hybrid structural paradigm to
improve project performance.
Task 3 I am on distinction because The author conducted a comparative analysis
of two distinct project management governance frameworks, namely the
Stage-Gate model and P3M3, and subsequently recommended the
superior framework for the project at hand. I proposed the implementation
of a project board to establish and oversee the project's governance
Task 4 My merit is attributed to my analysis of the functions of a project the
manager and project champion, and their potential contributions towards
the successful completion of the project in the given scenario.
Task 5 The successful completion of the task was attributed to the comprehensive
analysis of two distinct project management governance frameworks,
namely Agile and PRINCE2, followed by the identification of the most
suitable framework for the project.
Task 6 The assignment was executed proficiently as the author expounded on the
company's potential to manage efficiently through Lewin's 3-step change
process. Additionally, the author offered precise recommendations on
how to involve and engage affected employees in the process of managing
changes, resulting in an above-average performance.

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