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A New Pharmacologic Treatment

for Nausea and Vomiting
of Pregnancy
Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP) is
a common condition that can affect up to 80
percent of all pregnant women. Symptoms
can range from mild nausea alone to nausea
with vomiting that is unrelenting (Lacroix,
Eason, & Melzack, 2000). The most severe

weight loss and electrolyte imbalance that can

require hospitalization (Davis, 2004). Women
with NVP report higher levels of discomfort,
lower quality of life and lost time from work
form, hyperemesis gravadarum, affects a (Kramer, Bowen, Stewart, & Muhajarine,
smaller proportion of women and can lead to 2013; Munch, Korst, Hernandez, Romero, &
serious complications including dehydration, Goodwin, 2011).

Abstract Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP) affects up to 80 percent of pregnant women. This condition is usually
self-limiting, but the symptoms can be distressing and interfere with work, social activities and sleep. Symptoms can often
be managed by diet and lifestyle changes, but these interventions may not be successful for everyone. In April 2013, the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration approved doxylamine succinate 10 mg/pyridoxine hydrochloride 10 mg (Diclegis®) as the
first medication to specifically treat NVP in more than 30 years. This article reviews the indications, dosage and nursing
interventions associated with using doxylamine succinate/pyridoxine to treat NVP. DOI: 10.1111/1751-486X.12096
Keywords morning sickness | nausea | vomiting | NVP | pregnancy © 2014, AWHONN 73

Etiology of NVP litigation (Brent, 2002). Subsequent evidence-
Rx The exact etiology of NVP is unknown, based reviews and meta-analyses did not
although rising levels of human chorionic demonstrate an increased risk of birth defects
gonadotropin and other endocrine factors, such (Magee, Mazzotta, & Koren, 2002; McKeigue,
as fluctuating levels of estrogen, progesterone Lamm, Linn, & Kutcher, 1994), and the FDA
and thyroid-stimulating hormone, have been concluded that there were no reproductive
implicated in the development of NVP (Lee risks to the developing fetus associated with
& Saha, 2011; Niebyl, 2010). Other possible the use of doxylamine succinate/pyridoxine
contributing factors include slowed peristalsis of hydrochloride in pregnancy (Brent, 2002).

Medication Overview
Women with NVP report higher Doxylamine succinate 10 mg and pyridoxine
levels of discomfort, lower quality hydrochloride 10 mg is a combination drug
consisting of an antihistamine (doxylamine) and
of life and lost time from work
a vitamin B6 analog (pyridoxine) (Duchesnay,
Inc., 2013). This delayed-release oral medica-
the gastrointestinal tract from mechanical and tion is indicated for NVP that has not respond-
hormonal factors and changes in carbohydrate ed to other treatment modalities, such as dietary
metabolism (Cibulka & Barron, 2013). modification and lifestyle management.

Controlling NVP Mechanism of Action

Women with NVP are educated about the The specific mechanism of action for how
typical course of symptoms and strategies to the combination of doxylamine succinate/
alleviate these symptoms, and are encouraged pyridoxine hydrochloride works to alleviate
to avoid potential triggers such as odors, foods NVP is not entirely known. The vomiting
and situations that may increase the likelihood center in the medulla of the brain receives
of nausea and/or vomiting. Women’s and signals from the cerebral cortex, the inner
health care providers’ concerns about possible ear and the sensory organs through multi-
teratogenic effects of medications during ple neurotransmitters, including histamine.
pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, When the pathway of the neurotransmitters is
has led to many health care providers being interrupted, the vomiting reflex is decreased or
cautious about prescribing pharmacologic eliminated. Doxylamine, an antihistamine, may
treatments for NVP (Davis, 2004; Matthews, interrupt the histamine pathway and reduce
Dowswell, Haas, Doyle, & O’Mathuna, 2010). vomiting (Davis, 2004). Vitamin B6 alone and
Heidi Collins Fantasia, combined with other medications (such as
PhD, RN, WHNP-BC, Therefore, medications that are safe and
effective are often underutilized, and women doxylamine) has shown to be effective in some
is an assistant professor
who may benefit from treatment are not able to clinical trials to reduce nausea, although the
in the School of Nursing,
fully explore this option. therapeutic mechanism is unclear (Matthews
College of Health Sciences,
at the University of
et al., 2010). Although the mechanism of action
Massachusetts in Lowell, A New Option is not clear, the combination of doxylamine and
MA, and a women’s In April 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug pyridoxine has been shown to be effective over
health nurse practitioner Administration (FDA) approved doxylamine placebo in clinical trials (Koren et al., 2010).
at Health Quarters
succinate 10 mg and pyridoxine hydrochloride
in Beverly, MA. The Dosage and Administration
10 mg (brand name Diclegis®) for the treatment
author discloses that The dose amount and schedule are determined
of NVP. This is the first drug approved
she is currently serving by response to the medication. The initial
specifically for NVP in more than 30 years
on a women’s health starting dose is two tablets at bedtime. If
advisory board for Actavis (FDA, 2013). The drug is a new version of
Bendectin®, which was originally manufactured symptoms are relieved, the next day this dosing
Pharmaceuticals, for
by Merrill Dow but was voluntarily removed schedule can be maintained. If symptoms
which she receives
from the market by the manufacturer in the persist, the dose can be increased to one tablet
financial consideration.
Address correspondence to early 1980s because of concerns over birth in the morning and two tablets at bedtime. If defects and costs associated with malpractice adequate relief still isn’t obtained, the dose can

74 Nursing for Women’s Health Volume 18 Issue 1

be increased a final time to one tablet Implications for Nurses assessment will help identify women
in the morning, one in mid-afternoon NVP, although often mild and self- who may need more aggressive
and two at bedtime. Four tablets is the limiting, can be very distressing to treatment. Refractory cases of NVP,
maximum dose that can be taken each women and can interfere with work, especially when associated with
day (Duchesnay, Inc., 2013). sleep, relationships and social activities weight loss and clinical symptoms
(Cibulka & Barron, 2013). It may even of dehydration, may require
Adverse Reactions
increase anxiety about pregnancy and hospitalization, tube feedings and/or
The most frequently reported side is associated with depressive symptoms parenteral nutrition (Niebyl, 2010).
effects of doxylamine succinate 10 (Kramer et al., 2013). For women with mild to moderate
mg/pyridoxine hydrochloride 10 mg Nurses who care for pregnant NVP who are clinically stable, nurses
are related to the sedating effects of women should screen for NVP, suggest dietary and behavioral changes
antihistamines, and include drowsiness, including severity and associated that may help alleviate or lessen NVP
sleepiness and somnolence. Use of symptoms. NVP is different from (see Box 1). Although many of these
other central nervous system (CNS) hyperemesis gravadarum, the more interventions have not been supported
depressants such as alcohol, narcotics, severe form of NVP, and careful through randomized, clinical trials,
antianxiety medications and sleep aids
will potentiate this effect and increase
For women with mild to moderate NVP who are
the risk for accidents and falls. Women
who are taking doxylamine succinate/ clinically stable, nurses suggest dietary and behavioral
pyridoxine hydrochloride should not changes that may help alleviate or lessen NVP
use these medications. Monoamine
oxidase inhibitors prolong the CNS
effects of doxylamine succinate/
pyridoxine hydrochloride and should
not be combined. Additionally,
the doxylamine component has
anticholinergic properties and should
be used with caution in women who
have a history of asthma and urinary
retention (Duchesnay, Inc., 2013).

Special Populations
Doxylamine succinate/pyridoxine
hydrochloride is intended for use by
pregnant women, as its main indication
is to relieve nausea and vomiting
specifically caused by pregnancy. It
is considered a category A drug in
pregnancy, indicating that no well-
controlled studies have demonstrated
a risk to the fetus in the first trimester
and subsequent trimesters. This drug
is not recommended for women who
are breastfeeding. Both doxylamine
and pyridoxine are excreted in breast
milk and irritability and sedation have
been documented in infants exposed
to doxylamine via breastfeeding.
Safety and efficacy have not been
established in women under the age of
18 (Duchesnay, Inc., 2013).

February | March 2014 Nursing for Women’s Health 75

they are not associated with maternal or fetal empty stomach. Because the primary potential
Rx harm and may provide some level of relief. side effects are drowsiness and somnolence,
Individual results will vary, and women may women should be cautioned to avoid activities
need to try different combinations of dietary and that require attention and concentration, such as
behavioral interventions prior to experiencing driving, until they know how they will react to
symptom improvement. Additionally, NVP may the medication. Excessive drowsiness can lead
persist into the second trimester. Anticipatory to falls and, therefore, women should be aware
guidance should be provided about the expected of their surroundings and use caution on stairs,
duration of symptoms to decrease anxiety slippery and/or uneven surfaces, area rugs and
related to prolonged symptoms. in decreased lighting until they know how they
Women who are considering taking will react to the medication.
doxylamine succinate/pyridoxine hydrochloride In addition to providing education about
should be informed of the dosing structure and how to take the medication and about its
side effects. This is a delayed-release medication potential side effects, nurses who care for
and should not be crushed or chewed. Food may pregnant women may need to dispel myths

Box 1.
Dietary and Behavioral Interventions for NVP

Dietary Interventions Behavioral Interventions

• Eat small, frequent meals to avoid • Acupuncture
gastric distention • Acupressure wrist bands (P6 on the
• Avoid foods with strong odors/tastes wrist)
• Increase protein and decrease high-fat • Decrease or eliminate cigarette smoking
foods • Brushing teeth after eating
• Eat dry carbohydrates upon awakening • Avoid lying supine for 2 hours after
• Decrease or avoid spicy foods eating
• Try ginger, raspberry and peppermint • Consider chewable prenatal vitamins
teas • Straight posture to decrease stomach

affect absorption, so to increase the likelihood

of maximum benefit tablets are best taken on an

76 Nursing for Women’s Health Volume 18 Issue 1

about safety and provide reassurance to women Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (2013).

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