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Differentiating between
acute and chronic
kidney disease
When dogs and cats have kidney disease, it can be a puzzle in this article, aKi and cKd are used
to include pre-azotemic (disease) and
determining whether the problem has just developed or has azotemic (failure) conditions. dogs and,
been ongoing. These diagnostics can help you piece the puzzle especially, cats may have compensated
together to make that distinction so you can provide optimal cKd in which they exhibit no clinical
care and give owners the most accurate prognosis for their pets. signs until an acute uremic crisis is
superimposed. this “acute-on-chronic”
Meghan Myott, DVM, and Cathy Langston, DVM, DACVIM kidney disease may have clinical features
of both aKi and cKd.

ifferentiating between acute age range from an increase in creatinine the diagnostic and therapeutic ap-
and chronic kidney disease concentration of 0.3 mg/dl (compared with proach to aKi differs from the approach
can be a complicated task. the a previous reading) to the need for renal to cKd. With aKi, an aggressive diag-
recommended tests, treatments, and replacement therapy.1-5 the time frame for nostic plan is recommended to uncover
short- and long-term prognoses differ increased creatinine concentrations var- any ongoing process that requires a
depending on whether the patient has ies from hours to weeks.6 the term acute specific treatment in addition to sup-
acute or chronic disease. kidney injury has been adopted in lieu of portive therapy. aKi frequently requires
in this article, we review important acute renal failure to accentuate that dam- aggressive treatment in the hospital,
components of the diagnostic process that age to the kidney is a continuum—even whereas cKd may be treated on an
aid in differentiating acute kidney injury mild decreases in glomerular filtration outpatient basis in many cases.
(aKi) and chronic kidney disease (cKd). rate, even if they do not lead to overt Prognosis varies considerably between
We discuss historical, physical examina- azotemia, are associated with adverse acute, chronic, and acute-on-chronic kid-
tion, laboratory, and histologic findings clinical outcomes.6,7 aKi may be reversible. ney disease. Giving clients prognostic in-
and diagnostic imaging results. common Most definitions of cKd specify that formation allows them to make informed
clinical findings and diagnostic test results renal disease has been present for at decisions about their pets’ care. in one
in cases of aKi or cKd are summarized least three months,8,9 although some study, 53% of cats survived an episode of
in Table 1. We also briefly discuss a few less sources suggest that four to eight weeks aKi.12 Of these surviving patients, 47%
common diagnostic techniques. may be sufficient time for stabilization were discharged from the hospital with
after an acute insult to allow accurate a normal serum creatinine concentration,
OvErviEw Of AKi vs. CKD categorization.10 after an acute insult to whereas the remaining 53% of surviving
Multiple definitions of aKi are used in the the kidney, compensatory hypertrophy cats had persistent azotemia.12 therefore,
human medical and veterinary literature. may gradually improve renal function, 25% of the total study population were
Specific criteria for the severity of dam- but this adaptation is generally maximal discharged without azotemia.12 a similar
within three months. renal dysfunc- study in dogs with aKi revealed compa-
tion that persists after three months is rable results in dogs, with 44% of the study
Meghan Myott, DVM typically not reversible. the term chronic population surviving to be discharged
Cathy Langston, DVM, DACVIM kidney disease is preferred to chronic renal from the hospital.13 nineteen percent of
The Animal Medical Center failure to accentuate the concept that renal the total study population had creatinine
510 East 62nd St. disease may be present in the absence concentrations that returned to normal.13
New York, NY 10065 of azotemia. For azotemia to develop, although cure is impossible with cKd,
over 75% of the nephrons must be lost.11 long-term survival (i.e. years) is possible

illustration by Kip carter Veterinary Medicine June 2011 295

Acute vs. chronic kidney disease ❖ PEER-REVIEWED


Common Clinical Findings and Diagnostic Test Results in Cases

of Acute Kidney Injury or Chronic Kidney Disease*

Acute Kidney Injury Chronic Kidney Disease

Patient History
Polyuria/polydipsia Yes Yes
Decreased appetite Yes Yes
Vomiting Yes Yes
Oliguria/anuria Maybe Unlikely
Physical Examination
Oral ulcers Yes Yes
Weight loss/poor body condition No Yes
Small kidneys No Maybe
Normal to large kidneys Yes Maybe
Hypertension Yes Yes
Laboratory Findings
Nonregenerative anemia No Yes
Hyperphosphatemia Yes Yes
Hypercalcemia/hypocalcemia Maybe Maybe
Hypokalemia Yes Yes
Hyperkalemia Maybe No
Active urine sediment Maybe Maybe
Diagnostic Imaging Results
Small kidneys No Maybe
Normal to large kidneys Yes Yes (maybe)
Uroliths Yes Yes
Renal osteodystrophy No Yes
Parathyroid gland hyperplasia No Yes
*Because of possible concurrent diseases and individual manifestations of kidney disease, not all of these findings
will be present in all patients.

in many patients. Patients with acute-on- the discrepancy in owners’ reporting showing interest in food without actu-
chronic disease may require aggressive of polydipsia more frequently than ally eating. Historical weight loss sug-
treatment in the hospital but will have polyuria is likely because owners are gests chronic disease, although owners
residual cKd requiring some degree of better able to detect abnormalities in frequently do not recognize weight loss
long-term management. water consumption than abnormali- when it is slowly progressive and subtle.
ties in urination volume or frequency. compensatory mechanisms can mask
PATiENT HisTOrY about half of dogs and cats with aKi a great degree of the patient’s clinical
Obtaining a thorough clinical history are oliguric or anuric.12,13,15 signs at home, leading owners to miss
is useful in determining the chronicity decreased appetite, vomiting, or other subtle changes. the history should also
of a patient’s kidney disease. Polydipsia gastrointestinal signs can be associated include questions about exposure to
and polyuria are classic signs of kidney with both aKi and cKd, but these signs medications (administered or accidental)
disease but are not present in all cases. would be of recent onset with aKi. in one or possible toxins.
their presence does not differentiate study, decreased appetite was present in
aKi from cKd, but their duration may 33% and vomiting in 22% of cats with PHYsiCAL EXAMiNATiON
help distinguish between the two. in cKd.14 Often these signs were waxing a thorough physical examination can
one study, 70% of cats with cKd pre- and waning for months. in addition to help differentiate between aKi and cKd.
sented with an owner complaint of complete refusal of food, other common initially, most patients with aKi with-
polydipsia and 31% with polyuria.14 signs include taking longer to eat or out concurrent disease processes have

296 June 2011 Veterinary Medicine

Acute vs. chronic kidney disease ❖ PEER-REVIEWED
FELIMAZOLE (methimazole)

Coated Tablets
2.5 mg and 5 mg strengths
For oral use in cats only

BRIEF SUMMARY (For Full Prescribing Information,

see package insert.)

CAUTION: Federal (USA) law restricts this drug to

use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.

DESCRIPTION: Methimazole is a thioureylene

antithyroid drug, which inhibits the synthesis of
thyroid hormones. Methimazole (1-methylimidazole-
2-thiol) is a white, crystalline substance that is freely
soluble in water. The chemical formula is C4H6N2S.
Molecular weight is 114.16.


Coated Tablets are indicated for the treatment
of hyperthyroidism in cats.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Do not use in cats with

hypersensitivity to methimazole, carbimazole or
the excipient, polyethylene glycol. Do not use
in cats with primary liver disease or renal failure,
autoimmune disease, hematological disorders, or
coagulopathies. Do not use in pregnant or lactating
queens. Laboratory studies of methimazole in rats
and mice have shown evidence of teratogenic and

1. A cat with poor body condition secondary to CKD. Note the generalized severe
embryotoxic effects.

WARNINGS: Methimazole has anti-vitamin K activity muscle wasting, including the epaxial muscles.
and may induce bleeding diathesis without evidence
of thrombocytopenia.

HUMAN WARNINGS: Not for use in humans.

a normal body condition. However, of systemic hypertension and appears
Keep out of reach of children. Methimazole is a because kidney disease is a highly as “pseudonarrowing” of retinal arte-
human teratogen. Wash hands with soap and water
after administration of methimazole or contact with catabolic disease, muscle loss can oc- rioles. dilation and tortuosity of retinal
the litter of treated cats. Do not break or crush
tablets. Wear protective gloves to prevent direct
cur rapidly. although weight loss and vessels, retinal hemorrhage, retinal
contact with litter, feces, urine, or vomit of treated poor body condition are not specific detachment, and retinal degeneration
cats, and broken or moistened tablets. Methimazole
may cause vomiting, gastric distress, headache, for kidney disease, a poor body con- are seen more commonly with chronic
fever, arthralgia, pruritus, and pancytopenia. In the
event of accidental ingestion/overdose, seek medical dition with diffuse muscle wasting hypertension.26,27 identification of any
advice immediately and show the product label
to the physician.
and an unkempt coat are often some of these ocular signs should prompt
of the first characteristics noted on blood pressure measurement. Ocular
Tablets in cats with renal dysfunction should be physical examination of a patient lesions are identified in between 48%
carefully evaluated. Reversal of hyperthyroidism
may be associated with decreased glomerular
with cKd (Figure 1). Palpation of the and 100% of cats and 20% and 62% of
filtration rate and a decline in renal function, epaxial muscles often reveals subtle but dogs with hypertension.24,28-32 Hyper-
unmasking the presence of underlying renal disease.
Cats on methimazole therapy should be monitored marked muscle loss. Small, irregular tensive retinopathy tends to gradually
closely for any sign of illness including fever,
lymphadenopathy, or signs of anemia, as these kidneys on abdominal palpation sup- progress with chronic hypertension,
may be associated with serious adverse reactions. port a diagnosis of cKd, while normal but an acute rise in blood pressure may
ADVERSE REACTIONS: The most common or large kidneys can be associated precipitate an acute exudative retinal
adverse reactions reported are lethargy, anorexia,
vomiting, diarrhea/loose stool, abnormal vocalization, with either aKi or cKd. detachment or hyphema.27
and self-induced excoriations of the head and
neck. Serious, but less common, adverse reactions
the prevalence of hypertension is clinical signs of cKd may be less
may include lymphadenopathy, hepatopathy, 9% to 93% in dogs with cKd16-21 and pronounced when compared with
immune mediated anemia, thrombocytopenia, and
agranulocytosis. Depression/withdrawn behavior, 19% to 65% in cats with cKd.22-24 With those of aKi with the same level of
weight loss, hair coat abnormalities, increased blood
urea nitrogen (BUN), weakness, and agitation have aKi, 87% of dogs25 and 30% of cats are azotemia,33 although we have observed
also been reported as associated with long-term use. hypertensive (Worwag S, Langston that some patients with early aKi
ce, Unpublished data, 2009). thus, have minimal clinical signs, which
the presence of hypertension does worsen over the subsequent several
not distinguish between aKi and days if recovery is not prompt. as
cKd. Because the eyes are a target with the patient history, the physical
Distributed by: of hypertensive damage, retinal ex- examination is just one of multiple
Dechra Veterinary Products
7015 College Boulevard, Suite 525 amination is indicated in any patient pieces in this clinical puzzle.
Overland Park, KS 66211
with renal disease and is quick and
866-933-2472 easy to do with an indirect lens. the LAbOrATOrY fiNDiNgs
FELIMAZOLE is a trademark of
Dechra Ltd. © 2009, Dechra Ltd.
most common ocular manifestation although initial laboratory testing
NADA 141-292, Approved by FDA of systemic hypertension is exudative (a serum chemistry profile, complete
retinal detachment.26 retinal edema blood count [cBc], and urinalysis) is
can be seen as an early manifestation essential to diagnosing kidney disease,

298 June 2011 Veterinary Medicine

these tests cannot, by themselves, dif- accelerated red blood cell loss (bleeding
ferentiate between aKi and cKd. these or hemolysis).
two disease processes often have similar conditions that contribute to anemia
initial laboratory findings. But patients include low-grade hemolysis secondary
with results consistent with renal fail- to uremic toxin accumulation causing
ure may have additional findings that increased erythrocyte fragility; blood
support further characterization of the loss associated with platelet dysfunc-
disease process as acute or chronic, such tion, especially from gastrointestinal
as an elevated parathyroid hormone ulcers; and increased PtH concentra-
(PtH) concentration. tions inhibiting hematopoiesis.44 Patients
with renal disease may have less severe
serum chemistry profile clinical signs from anemia compared
with patients with anemia associated
Calcium concentrations. Hypercal- Renal imaging CE with other disease processes, since
cemia has traditionally been associated Focus on your imag- concurrent increases in serum phos-
with cKd. it can develop in the presence ing skills in Dr. Laura phate concentrations and erythrocyte
of renal tertiary hyperparathyroid- Ambrust’s presenta- 2,3-diphosphoglycerate concentrations
tion “Renal ultraso-
ism, if the hyperplastic parathyroid may improve tissue oxygenation in the
nography: Kidneys
gland autonomously starts secreting big, small, and in between” on Aug. face of a lower hematocrit.44
PtH despite normal to high serum ion- 28 during the CVC in Kansas City. For
ized calcium concentrations. this only more information and to register to Urinalysis
occurs with cKd. However, because attend, visit Similar to the serum chemistry profile
ionized hypercalcemia can cause aKi and cBc, urinalysis is indispensable in
and because hypercalcemia can also be diagnosing kidney disease. However,
secondary to either aKi or cKd, it is have ionized hypocalcemia.35,37,40,41,43 it often does not shed enough light on
not useful in distinguishing between data on ionized calcium concentrations whether the kidney disease is acute
acute and chronic disease. no cats in in aKi are not available. or chronic. an active urine sediment
one study of 32 cats with aKi were Unfortunately, because of the preva- with evidence of pyuria, hematuria,
hypercalcemic (Worwag S, Langston lence of both hypercalcemia and hypo- bacteriuria, and proteinuria can be seen
ce, Unpublished data, 2009), although calcemia with both acute and chronic with either form of kidney disease. re-
total hypercalcemia was present in kidney disease, the value of calcium nal epithelial cells may be present in
62.5% of dogs with aKi from grape or concentrations in differentiating be- a urine sample in a patient with aKi.
raisin intoxication and in 30% of dogs tween acute and chronic kidney disease However, it is not possible to definitively
with aKi in another study.34,35 With is quite low. distinguish whether the cells originated
cKd, 9% to 22% of dogs and cats have in the kidney or lower in the urinary
total hypercalcemia,17,35-39 whereas 0% to CbC tract unless they are formed into casts.45
30% have ionized hypercalcemia.14,35-37,40 evidence of a nonregenerative anemia Occasional renal epithelial cells may be
total hypocalcemia occurs in 7% on a cBc should trigger suspicion that normal. However, larger numbers may
to 23% of dogs with cKd,17,35,41,42 com- the azotemia is long-standing. Seventy indicate acute infiammation, infection,
pared with 10% to 15% of dogs with percent of dogs with cKd in one study or neoplasia of the renal pelvis.45
aKi.37-39 in cats with cKd, 8% to 15% presented with a nonregenerative, normo- casts may be evident in both aKi
have total hypocalcemia, compared cytic, normochromic anemia,44 compared and cKd and indicate active damage.
with 30% of cats with aKi (Worwag S, with 25% of dogs with aKi present- casts rapidly disintegrate, frequently
Langston ce, Unpublished data, 2009). ing with anemia in another study.13 precluding identification at the labora-
Given these similar ranges for both aKi erythropoietin is an important factor tory.46 Hyaline casts are present with
and cKd, total hypocalcemia cannot be in replacing senescent red blood cells, acute or chronic proteinuria and may
used to differentiate acute from chronic and erythropoietin production decreases not represent marked renal pathology.43
kidney disease. in the face of cKd. a relative or abso- cellular casts are more common in
in the presence of cKd, the total cal- lute erythropoietin deficiency leads to aKi.43 White blood cell casts are usu-
cium concentration is poorly predictive chronic, nonregenerative anemia. With ally associated with acute nephritis,
of ionized calcium, the metabolically severe aKi, erythropoietin production pyelonephritis, or toxins that damage
active fraction.37 thirty to forty percent may be decreased, but anemia would the renal tubular epithelium, and red
of dogs and 10% to 26% of cats with cKd not be expected to occur unless there is blood cell casts often support a diagnosis Veterinary Medicine June 2011 299

Acute vs. chronic kidney disease ❖ PEER-REVIEWED Acute vs. chronic kidney disease ❖ PEER-REVIEWED

radiography and ultrasonography can be useful tests in dif-
ferentiating aKi from cKd as well.

radiographic examination
an abdominal radiographic examination allows evaluation of
renal size and shape. normal canine kidneys should measure
2.5 to 3.5 times the length of the second lumbar vertebra in
a ventrodorsal view.49 the kidneys of neutered cats should
measure 1.9 to 2.6 times and the kidneys of intact male and
female cats 2.1 to 3.2 times the length of the second lumbar
vertebra on a ventrodorsal view.50
Small kidneys in comparison to the patient’s size suggest
cKd (Figure 2). One study showed 33% of cats with cKd
had small kidneys, 40% had normal-sized kidneys, and 27%
had enlarged kidneys.51 renal asymmetry can be caused by
chronic damage to one kidney leading to scarring, fibrosis,
and small size with hypertrophy of the contralateral side.
acute obstruction of one kidney could lead to enlargement
of that side with a normal-sized contralateral kidney, but
azotemia would not be expected if the normal-sized kidney
2. Radiographic examination can allow efficient evaluation of kidney were functioning normally. an irregular renal contour can
size. In this ventrodorsal radiograph of a neutered male cat, the be caused by an acute or chronic infarction, cystic diseases,
length of the L2 vertebra measures about 2.2 cm. The length of the
or, rarely, renal masses. Symmetrically enlarged kidneys sug-
right kidney measures about 4 cm, and the length of the left kidney
measures 6.6 cm. The right kidney is slightly smaller than normal, gest acute disease. Uroliths in the kidney or ureters indicate
and the left kidney is enlarged. This radiograph also reveals bilateral a chronic disease process but may have caused acute uremia
nephroliths (arrows) and an irregular margin to the right kidney. from acute obstruction or pyelonephritis.
Bilateral ureteral obstructions secondary to proximal ureteroliths evaluation of bone density throughout the radiograph
were diagnosed in this cat. Severe hydronephrosis of the left kidney
is important in diagnosing any concurrent renal osteodys-
and mild pelvic dilation were identified with ultrasonography.
trophy secondary to renal secondary hyperparathyroidism.
of glomerulonephritis or renal hematuria,47 although both radiography alone is 60% sensitive and 100% specific for
types of casts are uncommon in cats and dogs. casts with detecting nephroliths or ureteroliths in cats.52 Ultrasonog-
kidney tubular epithelial cells signal tubular damage.48 raphy alone is 77% to 100%53,54 sensitive and 33% specific,52
Granular casts can be present in cases of aKi and are com- and the combination of radiography and ultrasonography
posed of cells that have degenerated such that the cell type is 90% sensitive.55
cannot be distinguished.47 Fatty casts are course granular
casts with lipid granules that are seen with glomerular Ultrasonographic examination
disease or diabetes mellitus.47 Waxy casts indicate chronic an abdominal ultrasonographic examination allows for the
renal tubular degeneration47 as they are the final stage of evaluation of kidney size, shape, and architecture. a normal
granular cast degeneration.46 feline kidney is about 3.8 to 4.4 cm in length and has no pelvic
dilation.56 Ultrasonographic determination of renal volume
Additional laboratory testing: PTH assay (by measuring renal length, width, and depth) and the ratio
an increased serum phosphorus concentration decreases of renal length to aortic diameter have been evaluated to
the serum ionized calcium concentration, which stimulates determine normal renal size parameters in dogs.57 although
secretion of PtH to return the ionized calcium concentration both the renal volume and the ratio methods provide some
to normal. With progressive cKd, PtH concentrations tend utility, the amount of normal variation is large, especially in
to increase. in one study, 47% of asymptomatic cats with cKd very small or very large dogs, and these techniques are not
had elevated PtH concentrations, compared with 100% of commonly used.54,57
cats with severe end-stage cKd.14 in another study, 100% of during an ultrasonographic examination, cKd will fre-
dogs with cKd or aKi had elevated PtH concentrations.35 quently appear as small irregular kidneys with hyperechoic
although the mean PtH concentration was higher in the cortices and decreased corticomedullary distinction (Figure
dogs with cKd compared with those with aKi, this differ- 3). Pelvic dilation, renal mineralization (nephrocalcinosis), or
ence was not significant.35 nephroliths may also be present. renal asymmetry, with one

300 June 2011 Veterinary Medicine

Acute vs. chronic kidney disease ❖ PEER-REVIEWED

3. Ultrasonographic images of cats with diseased kidneys. Panel A: Normal renal shape and internal architecture with good corticomedul-
lary distinction in a cat with AKI. Panels b and C: Reduced corticomedullary distinction (arrowheads), renal asymmetry (right larger than
the left), irregular renal contour bilaterally, and a caudal infarct on the left kidney (flattened caudal pole, arrow) in a cat with CKD.

small and one normal or large kidney, study, parathyroid glands in dogs with of 13.4% in dogs and 18.5% of cats was
suggests chronic disease of the small cKd were larger (2.8 to 7.1 mm) than noted in one large study.62 ten percent of
kidney, but the contralateral kidney parathyroid glands in healthy control dogs and 17% of cats required transfu-
may have chronic disease (e.g. compen- dogs or dogs with aKi (1 to 3.5 mm).60 sion because of post-biopsy hemorrhage,
satory hypertrophy, hydronephrosis Parathyroid gland size varies with pa- and 2.5 % of dogs and 3% of cats died.62
from obstruction) or acute disease (acute tient size. although ultrasonographic renal function does not decrease in
obstruction, pyelonephritis, ischemic examination of the parathyroid gland healthy dogs and cats after unilateral
or toxic insult). renal cysts typically is not part of the routine evaluation of renal biopsy.64,65
denote chronic disease.58 the kidneys patients with kidney disease in most
may appear structurally normal in the practices, it is helpful to determine chro- OTHEr TEsTs
presence of cKd. nicity in experienced hands. Various other tests have been investi-
in the presence of aKi, the kidneys gated to help distinguish between aKi
may appear normal or may be enlarged, rENAL biOPsY and cKd but are not commonly used in
hydronephrotic, and hyperechoic on ul- Fibrosis, sclerosis, and atrophy are histo- veterinary medicine. an elevated urea
trasonographic examination. Perinephric logic indicators of chronicity of injury.61 concentration causes hemoglobin to
fiuid generally is associated with acute Because these changes are irreversible, become carbamylated, and this abnor-
disease.59 enhanced corticomedullary renal biopsy rarely affects the manage- mal hemoglobin accumulates over time
distinction does not distinguish between ment or outcome of cKd.62 Biopsy is within red blood cells. the carbamylated
acute or chronic disease, nor does the typically reserved for suspected cases hemoglobin concentration can be corre-
presence of a medullary rim sign (a hy- of aKi when a diagnosis cannot be con- lated to the duration of azotemia. in one
perechoic band at the corticomedullary flrmed by less invasive testing, and it is study, cKd was accurately diagnosed in
junction), which has also been seen in used to attempt to deflnitively diagnose dogs with a carbamylated hemoglobin
normal animals.56 decreased cortical histologic lesions causing protein-losing concentration exceeding 108 µg of valine
echogenicity can be seen in both acute nephropathy, providing appropriate hydantoin per gram of hemoglobin with a
and chronic renal disease.56 Varying de- technique is used. Fibrosis and other positive predictive value of 71.2%.66 if the
grees of renal pelvic dilation or ureteral evidence of chronicity may not be uni- blood urea nitrogen concentration is not
dilation occur with partial or complete formly distributed throughout the kidney, elevated, this test will not be predictive.
obstruction, which can be acute or chronic. so biopsies may miss the lesion. it is the creatinine concentration at the
Ultrasonographic examination prudent to inspect a core biopsy with a distal end of the flngernails is another
can also be used to evaluate the size dissecting microscope to ensure that at method for differentiating aKi and cKd
and echogenicity of the parathyroid least 10 glomeruli have been collected. in people. nails do not change in their
glands. in cKd, chronically increased if the sample is insufflcient, additional chemical makeup after they leave the
phosphorus and decreased calcium tissue should be collected. cuticle.67 Fingernail growth from proximal
concentrations stimulate chronic in- Good-quality kidney biopsy samples to distal end takes about three months.67
creases in PtH production. this renal are more likely to be obtained in anesthe- therefore, the creatinine concentration
secondary hyperparathyroidism leads tized patients compared with those that at the distal tip indicates the creatinine
to parathyroid gland hyperplasia. in one are only sedated.63 a complication rate concentration three months before, with a Veterinary Medicine June 2011 301

Acute vs. chronic kidney disease ❖ PEER-REVIEWED

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