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Water legislation

Viewpoint – Why has the South African National

Water Act been so difficult to implement?

he NWA was aimed at funda- an agency to manage the national
mentally reforming the previ- water resources infrastructure.
ous Water Act of 1956 which Neither of the first two processes
was not only racially discriminatory has yet been completed: only two
in how water was allocated, but was out of a proposed nine CMAs have
based on the legislation of water-rich been established since 1998, and the
Europe which was not appropriate for transformation of irrigation boards
a water-scarce country such as South has not yet been completed.
Africa. Central to the NWA of 1998
is the principle that water is a scarce REALLOCATION AND
natural resource that belongs to all of EQUITY
the people of South Africa, and that it
must be used beneficially and in the
public interest.
The Act is premised on balanc-
E quity in both access to water and
the benefits derived from water
(through water allocation reform) is
ing the three legs of social benefit, a key principle of the legislation, and
economic efficiency and environ- yet, 14 years down the line, remark-
mental sustainability, and sets out ably little has been achieved in this
the legal framework for the national regard. The biggest users of water
government to protect, use, develop, remain white commercial farmers.
conserve, manage and control
water resources in the country. It LICENSING OF WATER USE
also incorporates the principle of
subsidiarity – management of water
resources at the lowest appropriate
level, through catchment manage-
T he process of issuing licences
to water users has seen serious
challenges and delays, hampering
The South African National Water Act (Act ment agencies (CMAs). much needed economic growth
It is not possible, in the scope of in the country. It has been found
36 of 1998) was hailed by the international
this article, to deal in detail with all that prior to a recent project aimed
water community as one of the most of the aspects of the NWA or all of specifically at removing the backlog
progressive pieces of water legislation the challenges that have hampered in water use licences, some licence
its successful implementation. As applications had been with the
in the world, yet, 15 years down the line,
a result, I will outline some of the department for up to eight years
implementation of the Act has been key challenges as I see them. Let me without being finalised. In parallel,
only partially successful. Former Deputy begin, however, by outlining briefly the system of registering water use
some of the key aspects where imple- across the country is not up to date
Director-General: Policy and Regulation
mentation of the NWA has been and reflects incorrect water use fig-
of the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) inadequate. ures, resulting in significant billing
and current Chair of the Water Research and revenue collection challenges
Commission, Barbara Schreiner, sets INSTITUTIONAL and difficulties in ensuring compli-

out some personal reflections on the

ARRANGEMENTS ance with registered water use.

challenges facing the implementation of this n the institutional front, the
remarkable piece of legislation and on the Act makes provision for the ECOSYSTEMS
establishment of CMAs, the trans-
failure to achieve the initial high ambitions
within the South African water sector.
formation of existing irrigation
boards into water user associations,
and the possible establishment of
W hile internationally recog-
nised methodologies for
determining the water requirements

38 The Water Wheel September/October 2013

Water legislation

of aquatic ecosystems have been “The process of issu- a variety of reasons, including issues
developed by South African scien- ing licences to water of competency and internal politics,
tists, and these have been used to in the past nine years, the depart-
determine the requirements in more
users has seen seri- ment has had three directors-general
than half of South Africa’s water ous challenges and and two acting directors-general.
resources, ensuring achievement of delays, hampering The current director-general has
such requirements in practice has much needed economic been suspended after only one year
been much more difficult. growth in the country.” of being in the position. Ministerial
What then, have been the drivers turnover has also been high, with
that have resulted in failure to deliver three ministers holding office (in
training also saw high levels of
effectively on the legislation? four terms) during the same period.
staff turnover in the department as
This high rate of leadership change
officials with two years’ experience
LEADERSHIP, were offered promotions into other
has not served the effective imple-
TRANSFORMATION AND departments or the private sec-
mentation of the NWA.

POWER tor. The result saw, amongst other

things, a transfer of skills from the THE PERFECT VS. THE
T he major restructuring of the
South African water legislation
department to the private-sector
consulting community, increasing
was made possible by the transfer
of power from a white minority to a
the dependence of the depart-
ment on consultants to support the
implementation of the new policy
A second critical challenge in the
implementation of the NWA
was achieving the correct balance
democratically elected government
representing all the people of South and legislation. between technical or scientific excel-
Africa. As a result, there was a fun- Actual implementation, however, lence and the ability to manage a
damental shift of power that under- remained in the hands of the civil process. So, for example, the aquatic
mined previous power blocs that had servants, with all the challenges ecosystem scientific community of
worked against major changes in the arising from lack of experience, lack South Africa, working closely with Little has been achieved
water legislation, such as the chang- of technical capability and high staff experts in the department, devel- in improving equitable
ing of riparian rights to time-bound turnover. An added complication in oped internationally recognised access to water.
authorisations to use water. this picture is the challenge of path
This change in power, however, dependency – the challenge of turn-
also played out in a number of ways ing around the focus of a department
within the then Department of where technical skills remained, at
Water Affairs & Forestry (DWAF). least for a period, primarily in the
Prior to 1994, DWAF had been a hands of a group of people who did
highly technical department, where not necessarily share the political
the technical staff (engineers, sci- vision of government or the depart-
entists, lawyers, etc) was almost mental leadership.
entirely white men. After 1994, the Compounding the political divi-
drive to transform the public sector sions was the fact that despite politi-
resulted in an employment equity cal change, the economy remained
approach that saw large numbers of firmly in the hands of a white elite,
black and female appointments into still equipped with significant bar-
the department. gaining power and skills, access to
An unintended consequence was the seats of power, and to legal sup-
the outflow of white officials with port when necessary. By contrast, the
years of technical experience, many poor black majority, and particularly
of them into the consulting world. the rural poor have limited, if any,
In their place a number of people access to these types of power, thus
Pippa Hetherington-Africa Media Online

were appointed who, because of the limiting their ability to take up the
apartheid legacy, had limited tech- fight for access to water.
nical training or experience in the The issue of the capacity of the
water sector. The drive to appoint department to implement the new
black staff across government and legislation has been compounded by
the private sector from a limited leadership challenges at both minis-
pool of people with technical terial and director-general levels. For

The Water Wheel September/October 2013 39

Water legislation

and path-breaking methodologies urgent political need to address the establishment of the CMAs (heads
for determining the water require- racial socio-economic inequities of regional offices) were not held
ments of the ecological Reserve. In arising from the apartheid era, and accountable for not achieving their
this process, there was considerable the need to resolve significant water targets. Lack of capacity in the
engagement between managers and challenges such as balancing supply regional offices was often cited as
scientists about what was required and increasing demand and ensur- a reason for not achieving targets,
to achieve scientific rigour and what ing appropriate water quality. but proper performance manage-
was required for adaptive manage- In addition, after 1994, the ment and accountability were weak.
ment decisions, with scientists department took on a water services The culture of the organisation, for
initially arguing for a much higher function that had not previously example, led to a large number of
level of scientific investigation than been part of the department’s func- managers receiving annual perfor-
managers felt there was the time or tions, including running a massive mance bonuses, despite targets not
resources to implement. As a result, national community water supply being reached.
a practical approach was developed and sanitation programme. This The second was the question-
which allowed for different levels programme came with a major ing of decisions taken. Despite the
of comprehensiveness of ecological budget, which required significant NWA giving the mandate for the
Reserve determinations. technical capacity for implemen- establishment of the CMAs, some
This, however, was followed by a tation. While new capacity was years into the process, senior man-
“The issue further challenge – the challenge of brought into the department, tech- agement members in the depart-
of the turning monthly flow regimes into nical staff was also drawn from the ment questioned the wisdom of
licence requirements and into actual water resources functions of the establishing such bodies, and to all
capacity of
practice on the ground. In many department, further depleting the intents and purposes the establish-
the depart- cases Reserve determinations have capacity to implement the water ment process was put on hold until
ment to not been achieved in the field. resources legislation. further work had been done on the
implement Technical positions have proven matter.
the new TOO MUCH TOO FAST difficult to fill in many cases, and The debate around CMAs
legislation positions in critical management reflected a larger debate that was

A third, critical challenge was and technical areas have remained happening in the country around
has been
that the department, as a vacant for too long, with acting the ‘agentisation’ or ‘corporatisation’
compounded officials in place. of government. The trade union
result of the sweeping changes in
by leadership the water sector and the country movement and left groupings in
challenges as a whole, found itself trying to DECISIONS AND government were concerned about
at both implement a vast swathe of new ACCOUNTABILITY the growing transfer of government
ministerial functions simultaneously. Thus, functions, and government employ-

despite the NWA having been writ- ees, into parastatal organisations
and director- final weakness in the imple-
ten in a manner that allowed phased mentation of the Act has been and agencies. This process, seen as
general part of the neo-liberal approach to
implementation, the reality was the failure to stick to and speedily
levels.” that the department was faced with the role of the state, was distrusted
implement decisions taken. A case
an overwhelming implementation in point relates to the establishment partly because it was seen as a move
challenge with limited resources. of CMAs. The first National Water towards privatisation of some of
A great deal of effort was put Resources Strategy (NWRS) set out these bodies, and partly because it
into planning the implementation the legal basis for the establishment moved government employees out
of the new legislation, with the of 19 catchment management agen- of the protection of direct public-
establishment of something called cies across the country. However, sector employment. On the other
TINWA – the team for the imple- establishment of the CMAs has hand, the argument was that CMAs
mentation of the National Water been poor, and to date, only two are would be more directly account-
Act. Under TINWA, a number of actually functioning. The decision able to water users in the catchment
task teams were developed to focus has now been made to establish than a government department
on the implementation of particular nine, rather than nineteen, and to because they would have both direct
elements of the act. As implementa- ensure that they are established stakeholder representation in their
tion progressed, however, it became within a limited timeframe. governance structures, and a direct
clear how much the task had been Two critical factors allowed accountability line to water users
underestimated. the establishment of CMAs to in that their financial sustainability
The pressure to implement the fall behind the original schedule would depend on stakeholders pay-
NWA at speed was driven by a proposed in the NWRS. The first ing their water use charges.
number of factors, including the was that those responsible for the Resolving this debate dragged

40 The Water Wheel September/October 2013

Water legislation

out over years, with the establish- management should result not only challenges that have arisen during
ment process put into a kind of in consultation with stakeholders, implementation over the past 15
limbo waiting for a decision that but in partnerships with key players years. Without, however, addressing
was delayed and delayed and from the local to the national level. the significant implementation chal-
delayed. It is only recently (2012) Such key players include commu- lenges raised in this paper, there is
that the minister took a clear and nity-based organisations, water user unlikely to be substantial improve-
firm decision to go ahead once associations, catchment management ment in delivery of the intended
again with the establishment of forums, non-governmental organi- policy outcomes.
the nine CMAs over the next three sationss, the academic, scientific It is, therefore, critical that the
years. However, there is still an and research communities, and the department develop a proper imple-
unresolved debate about what func- private sector, whether in consulting mentation plan, based on available
tions will be delegated to CMAs and firms or private enterprises. Harness- resources, and with clear delivera-
over what time frames. The power ing the capacity and commitment of bles and time frames against which
to authorise water use is at the cen- these stakeholders in determining managers can be held accountable.
tre of this debate. water management priorities, finding Such a plan needs to be both ambi-
innovative solutions, implementing tious and realistic and serve to
LESSONS? actions, and monitoring implemen- guide implementation, building on
tation can go a long way to bolster- the lessons of the past 15 years.

T he discussion above begs the ing the capacity needed to protect,

question: what can be learned develop, conserve and manage the • This is a shortenened version
from this experience? nation’s water resources. of an article published in Water
Firstly, there is the Volkswagen DWA is currently amending Alternatives 6 (2): 239-245,
vs. the Rolls Royce issue. The NWA the NWA to address some of the 
was hailed internationally as the
Rolls Royce of IWRM legislation.
But implementation has proved
extremely difficult. It would, per-
haps, have been better to write a
Volkswagen piece of legislation, one
that is more suited to the technical
and human resource capabilities of
a developing country.
Linked to this is the issue of
focusing on getting the basics right.
In the process of implementing a
sophisticated and nuanced piece of
legislation, and all the challenges
outlined above, many of the basics
like maintaining the monitoring
infrastructure, and ensuring com-
pliance with licence conditions,
have been poorly addressed. The
challenge of implementing IWRM
is that it can result in a shotgun
focus, trying to do everything at
once. Where there is limited capac-
ity, which is true in all developing
countries, it is, in my opinion, bet-
ter to focus on the key challenges in
the particular context, than to strive
to do it all at once.
Finally, I think it is important to
Ensuring the practical
recognise that capacity resides in
protection of South
Lani van Vuuren

a number of places in society, not Africa’s aquatic

only in government. To address the ecosystems have proven
issue of capacity, participatory water difficult.

The Water Wheel September/October 2013 41

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