Kisii County Government Milestones Magazine

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Kisii County Government 1

An Official Publication of Kisii County Government

The Home of Soapstone and Bananas

Embracing Public Investment Opportunities Gallant Sons and Daughters

Participation of Kisii
9 28 30
2 Kisii County Government

Kisii Town
Kisii County Government 3

Devolution Transforming Kisii County

Together with 12 other counties, we have formed the Lake Basin
Region Economic Bloc to spur economic development of our
respective counties

t has been an exciting yet chal- renal unit to offer dialysis services; will have a capacity to crush 5,000
lenging journey at the helm of Kisii installation of state-of-the-art diag- tonnes of cane per day and produce
County Government since we were nostic equipment like a 16 slice CT 172,500 metric tonnes of sugar. Ad-
sworn into office as the pioneer lead- Scan, digital x-rays and MRI; increas- ditionally, the sugar complex will pro-
ership of the devolved county number ing the hospital’s bed capacity from duce 15 million litres of ethanol and
45. 450 to 700; and construction of a 10 megawatts of power.
Residents bestowed on me the im- hostel block. We are now putting up
Equally in the pipeline is a new Kisii
mense responsibility of laying the a new 100-body capacity mortuary
City, which is going to be built in part-
foundation for the long-term growth to replace the current 20-body ca-
nership with Chinese investors.
of a county with great potential, a pacity morgue. In addition, we have
put up an administration block for Together with 12 other counties, we
county that is on track to transform
the lives of its residents as a 24-hour the staff, which has freed space to have formed the Lake Basin Region
economy. accommodate the High Dependency Economic Bloc to spur economic de-
and Intensive Care units. Currently, velopment of our respective counties.
Kisii has been on a progressive jour-
construction works for a KShs2.1 bil- Despite the challenges, ranging from
ney through devolution. We have
lion cancer centre are ongoing. The disruptive politics to irregular dis-
improved education standards and
project is being funded by the Saudi bursement of funds from the Exche-
increased funding for bursary to
government and the Arab Bank for In- quer, the county has strived to and
KShs430million to help needy stu-
ternational Development. continues to deliver on its mandate.
To increase access to safe, clean The Council of Governors however is
We have recruited over 950 Early addressing the challenge of irregular
water to residents and support agri-
Childhood Development (ECD) teach- disbursements of funds from the Na-
culture, the county launched a pro-
ers and built classrooms to lay a foun- tional Treasury.
gramme to drill boreholes in each
dation for good education for our
of the 45 wards. The boreholes are Overall, Kisii County is an unrivalled
located in public institutions and fit- investment destination and a key
We have done over 1,000 kilometres ted with handpumps. The plan is to commercial hub for the region. We
of road network and continue to open develop the boreholes into water re- continue to live the dream of devolu-
up more using county-owned con- ticulation schemes to serve residents
struction equipment. tion. Join us on this journey.
near the public institutions. So far, 25
boreholes have been drilled.
In the health sector, we have hired
more medical workers, while hospi- To empower the county’s residents
To empower the
H.E. Hon. James E.O. Ongwae, CBS, EBS, OGW, tals which previously had no doctors,
now boast of at least two to three
through wealth creation, we have
positioned Kisii as an investment
county’s residents
Governor, Kisii County
practitioners in the facilities. We have
resuscitated theatres in Nyamache,
destination. This has been expedited
through continuous improvement of
through wealth
Keumbu, Gesusu and Gucha hospitals. infrastructure and attracting inves-
tors through the Kisii Entrepreneur-
creation, we have
Further, the county government re-
vamped and upgraded the Kisii Level ship Summit, which showcased trade positioned Kisii
and investment opportunities.
5 Hospital to a teaching and referral
as an investment
This is the surest way to
hospital in collaboration with Kisii After the summit, we signed three
We embarked on a major facelift of
key agreements totalling KShs21 bil-
lion. We have signed an agreement
better serve our people the facility that included renovation
of the kitchen to use gas instead of
with an Indian investor for the estab-
lishment of a sugar complex in South
firewood; establishment of a 10-bed Mogirango sub-county. The sugar mill

n 2013, the Governor
and I took over the
mantle of leadership in
Kisii County. We sought to
put structures in place and
promote a good system of
governance. “Devolution means the benefits of growth are
Clearly, devolved gover- reaching many more Kenyans, as achievements
nance is the surest way in the counties show. Kisii Town has a 24-hour
to bring services and re- economy following the installation of 300 solar
sources closer to the peo- lights.”
ple. As pioneer leaders of
the County Government H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta,CGH
in Kisii, we recognise our President and the Commander in Chief of the
obligation to maintain
the highest standards of
Defense Forces of Kenya
service delivery and craft
H.E. Hon. Joash Maangi,MBS, innovative ways to attract
Deputy Governor investment. Only then can
we realise the aspirations
of residents.
I would like to assure the residents of this great County that we are firm-
ly committed to delivering on our mandate. But to do this, we need the
support of all stakeholders. I urge that we exercise patriotism and work
towards the betterment of our beloved county for present and future gen-
I call upon the County Public Service to strive to discharge their duty with
honesty, diligence and accountability to our employer, the public. I also
thank the County Assembly and the leadership of Kisii for the spirit of “By and large, devolution is changing our country in
teamwork and dedication, which have been key in the realisation of the ways few imagined…People are taking control of their
achievements we are showcasing today. destiny. Devolution has come with a new boss; the people.
God bless Kisii County. Development is what the people say it should be.”
Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga,EGH
Leader of Opposition - CORD (Coalition for Reforms and
4 Kisii County Government

Empowering citizens through self-governance

he advent of devolution ushered a new market and labour restrictions within the East a window of opportunity for potential investors
dawn in the management of political African Community, Kisii is poised to develop in the field of agribusiness. By partnering with
power and resources in Kenya. The ob- strong networks into northern parts of neigh- us, you will be helping us transform our lives,
ject of this new dispensation was to promote bouring Tanzania and the whole of the Lake Vic- you will be helping our people to achieve higher
democratic and accountable exercise of power toria region markets. productivity and earnings from their farms. This
to foster national unity by recognising diversity. Kisii is today characterised by one main fea- direction will lead towards job creation and
Devolution also empowers people to benefit ture - diminishing land parcels. In an area where greater prosperity.
from self-governance and encourages partici- land is the principal resource which supports There are numerous investment opportunities
pation in the exercise of powers of the State livelihoods, you will appreciate what it means in processing and value addition of agricultural
and in making decisions affecting them. Further, to the people when land sizes are diminishing. produce like tea, coffee, bananas, pyrethrum,
the devolved system of government recognises This poses an obvious threat to the lives of the milk, avocados, name it. In addition, there are
the right of communities to manage their own people and generations to come. What is re- many other opportunities in other sectors such
affairs and to further their development. quired, in my view, is urgent transformation of as healthcare, exploitation of natural resources
Kisii County is strategically located, with easy our way of life, to move away from traditional (for example Kisii soapstone), energy genera-
access and developed communication infra- methods of agriculture and embrace new and tion, water harvesting, and waste recycling and
Hon. Christopher M. Obure, EGH modern technologies which will help improve management among others.
Senator - Kisii County structure. Kisii Town has become the commer-
cial and financial hub of the entire southwest- productivity on our smaller land parcels. Let us join hands as we build our county and
ern Kenya. With liberalisation and removal of This is a huge challenge for us, but it also opens offer valuable service to our people.

I Our dream is to make Kisii great

take this opportunity to congratulate the
Kisii County Government and the Governor
for the exemplary work done in entrenching
are accountable for the expenditure of funds in the county has seen to the installation of
devolution in the county.  The gains brought by
allocated to them. streetlights in most of the key towns in the sub-
devolution in Kisii County are evident and nu-
In Kisii County, the equitable share of al- counties. This has improved security and busi-
merous. The community enjoys better public
located revenue raised nationally has risen nesses are now operating in a 24-hour econo-
participation in decision making processes, be-
from KShs5,188,303,957 in the year 2013 to my. The county government, I note, has created
sides improved access to resources at the grass-
KShs7,654,114,597 in the year 2016.  I am more employment opportunities and devolved
roots level because the organs of government
very pleased to note that this revenue has been offices to the wards as per its constitutional
have been brought closer to the people.
utilised properly and key among these achieve- mandate to serve our community better. The
The Senate is constitutionally mandated to rep- affirmative fund to the counties has helped
ments are:
resent counties. This mandate places the Senate small and micro-enterprises and I hope that this
at the heart of efforts to ensure the success of Improved health:  The transformation of the Ki-
can be increased so that more women, youths
devolution. sii hospital into a Teaching and Referral Hospi-
and persons with disabilities can benefit. It is a
tal has improved service delivery in the health
The Senate does this by ensuring that coun- fact that women, persons with disabilities and Hon. Janet Ong’era
sector. I am happy to note taht the hospital of-
ty governments are adequately resourced to youth are integral to the success of devolution Senate Minority Deputy Whip
fers kidney dialysis at the renal unit established
perform their functions as set out in the  Con- and I urge the county government to address
by the County Government. legislation, once enacted, will have the overall
stitution. There has beenn an increase in the gender inequalities when offering opportuni-
funds allocated to county governments from We have also been tremendous improvements ties to spur economic growth. goal of transforming and empowering the lives
the national shareable revenue over the past in the care and staffing at our health centres of our people.
The county government’s initiative to boost
three years from KShs210 billion in 2013/14 to and in maternal child healthcare, including an- Like the Akan Sankofa bird, let us reclaim our
investor confidence in various forums is wel-
KShs302 billion in the current 2016/17 finan- tenatal and postnatal care for pregnant moth- rich cultural heritage by remembering our
come and the Kisii Entrepreneurship Summit as
cial year. The total allocation to county gov- ers. heroes and heroines and the rich heritage of
a milestone.
ernments as at the end of the current financial Emergency services: In Kisii, there are ambu- our culture, so that we can move forward in
The Senate shall continue to be the guardian
year will be KShs1 trillion. The Senate has also, lances and firefighting trucks that never existed deeply grounded roots as Omogusii to enable
angel of devolution in protecting the counties,
despite many challenges, done its best to over- before the creation of the county government. us understand why and how we came to be
and that is why we have passed a record of 55
sight county governments to ensure that they 24-hour economy:  A street lighting programme who we are today.
Bills concerning county governments, which

Working to achieve aspirations of Kisii residents

n 2010, Kenyans voted overwhelmingly for legislation and policy formulation, that a major- tions as individuals and as a community. This is
a new constitution, marking a new era of ity of the population has affordable access to a priority in my political agenda.
transformative government aimed at ben- basic needs and rights. As we work towards development projects, it is
efiting Kenyans equitably in all corners of the We should not wait for conditions to improve in important that the people of Kisii County note
country. With the new constitution came new the county to create opportunities. Instead, we that I am working towards more initiatives that
levels of government and expanded political should make that change by contributing as a will create a platform to empower our people.
representation to ensure the needs of vulner- community to the development of our county’s As we improve on what is already in place, let’s
able groups are also fully catered for. economy. work towards fulfilling the main objective of
One such crucial position created by the new Therefore, enabling more people of Kisii County devolution, which is to focus on bringing re-
constitution is that of County Woman Member to participate in the county’s economic growth sources to the people by promoting socio-eco-
of Parliament. My intention as the Kisii County through a more favorable support environment nomic development and providing easily and
MP is to ensure the realisation of long-term will generate more social and economic ben- accessible services throughout Kenya.
solutions to address challenges that face the efits to the economy. There is need to support God bless you all, God bless Kisii County!
Hon. Mary Otara people of Kisii. This includes ensuring, through
Woman Representative the people of Kisii County to realise their aspira-

Ours is a success story in utilisation of State resources

he Senate determines the allocation of en and Persons with Disability (PWDs) play in We want to applaud the Kisii County for being
revenue to counties as provided for in the country. Our role is to ensure this segment a success story in utilisation of State resources.
Article 217 of the Constitution of Kenya, of society is taken care of. Regardless of political affiliation, we continue
2010. The Senate also exercises oversight over As senators, we participates in the oversight of to participate in ensuring that services are eco-
national revenue allocated to county govern- State officers by considering and determining nomical, efficient and effectively provided to
ments. In line with this mandate, distribution of any resolutions all without fear or favour.
resources takes cognisant the role youth, wom-

Hon. Hosea Ochwang’i

Nominated Senator
Kisii County Government 5

6| Building a robust legislative institution

8| Destination Kisii: Explore, invest and prosper
9| Embracing Public Participation

Improving healthcare services

10 13 14 12| KShs2.1 billion cancer treatment centre in Kisii

to benefit millions

Journeys now shorter with better roads

Availing safe water for all

Ensuring prudent financial management


Making devolution deliver for Kisii residents


18 20 22 Championing innovative agriculture

Bringing service delivery closer to Kisii people

Bodaboda initiative empowers the youth
21| Private investor wins big with KShs200m eye

Nurturing culture, sports and youth talent

Honing vocational skills for employment


Positioning Kisii to attract investments


This magazine is printed and Planning urban areas to spur economic growth
Editor Design and Layout Photography
published as a partneship 26| Nyantika the barefoot runner who made history
Paul Omondi SAVVY MEDIA (K) LIMITED Denish Ochieng
between Kisii County David Ohito John Mogaka at the world stage
Government and The Standard Writers Kisii County Government
Group Limited County Poa Art Director Onchari Kenani Standard Group Limited Archives
Initiative Williab Habwe Maseme Machuka 27| FEATURE
Kenan Miruka Traditional African Rock Art
John Oywa 27| A sweet story of banana crisps
Erick Abuga


29| Empowering women, girls and the vulnerable

Kisii County Advisory Team 30| Some gallant sons and daughters of Kisii

Kisii County Editorial Team

Maseme Machuka Kenan Miruka

Director Deputy Director
Communication Communication
Johnstone Ndege Onchari Kenani John Nyamiobo Henry Nyanchoka Patrick Chogo
County Secretary Economic Advisor Political Advisor Chief of Staff Head of Special Programmes
6 Kisii County Government

Building a robust legislative institution

he County Government consists of two We have progressively built a robust legislative Constitution, national and county laws.
arms that are distinct but complementary institution, amid the myriad of challenges that
in nature; the Executive which imple- come with devolved units. When we started, the The Assembly has entrenched public participa-
ments the county development agenda, and the infrastructure in place was wanting. We had to tion in the legislative process where citizens give
Legislature which is vested with the mandate to put in place appropriate infrastructure to help us ideas and opinions on bills tabled for debate. In
legislate, represent the electorate and oversight deliver on our mandate. spite of the considerable progress realised so far,
the county Executive and its organs. a lot has to be done to overcome the existing
In exercising its oversight role, the County As- challenges. Indeed, we have, and continue to
As the pioneer Speaker of the Kisii County As- sembly continues to actively ensure that the collaborate with various development partners
sembly, I am proud of the tremendous progress County Executive Committee, all departments as we seek means to address these challenges.
we have made in the last three and half years of and agencies of the County Executive, carry out
devolution. their mandate effectively in accordance with the
Hon. Kerosi Ondieki,
Speaker Kisii County Assembly

Hon. James Nyaoga Hon. Evans Mokoro

Clerk- Kisii County Assembly Deputy Speaker Kisii County
KISII COUNTY ASSEMBLY There is also a functional and active Liaison

he Constitution of Kenya, 2010 buttress- Committee that brings together all chairmen of
es devolution as a sytem of governance. committees that continuously ensures effective
County assemblies find provision under Ar- coordination of committees’ operations.
ticle 176 (1) of the Constitution. Mandate
The Honourable speaker was elected in the first The Assembly’s core functions include legislat-
sitting of the house and thereafter, the County ing, oversight and representation. Article 185
Assembky Service Board was constituted in line of the Constitution and Section 8 of the County
with Section 12 (7) of the County Governments Government Act, 2012; spell out the roles of the
Act, 2012. County Assembly. These are:
The house is comprised of 71 members including (a) Representation
45 elected ward reps and 26 nominated to meet (b) Legislation
constitutional requirements on gender, youth,
minorities, marginalised groups and Persons with (c) Oversight ASSEMBLY LEADERSHIP
Institutional Framework 1. Infrastructure development
The County Assembly Service Board is fully con- The County Assembly has put up physical infra-
stituted and functional. The Board appointed a structure to facilitate the effective discharge of
substantive Clerk of the Assembly and recruited the Assembly’s mandate. We refurbished and
staff with diverse competencies and skills for all digitised the debating chamber. We have also
directorates to enhance service delivery. These successfully completed construction of two of-
are: fice blocks and committee rooms, within the
i. Human Resources Management County Assembly precincts for Members of the
County Assembly (MCAs) and staff. In addition,
ii. Administrative Services the County Assembly has constructed an in Hon. Protus Moindi Hon. Daniel Apepo
iii. Chamber and Procedural Services Majority Leader Leader of Minority
house cafeteria for members and staff.
iv. Finance and Budget
v. Information and Research Services 2. Human resources
vi. Legal and Litigation Services Through the County Assembly Service Board, we
have recruited and deployed staff at the head-
The committee system quarters and in all 45 ward offices. Installation
and commissioning of Hansard and broadcasting
The County Assembly constituted sectoral and equipment, complemented by a vibrant ICT unit,
select committees as required by the Standing has made it possible for the County Assembly to
Orders. The committees are fully operational. accord our stakeholders access to County As-
These include: sembly proceedings.
i. Lands, Physical Planning, Urban Development
and Housing Committee Hon. Shem Ondara Hon. Kemunto Machuka Hon. Peter Omari
3. Support to the Executive
ii. Health Services Committee Deputy Majority Deputy Majority Leader Deputy Minority
The Kisii County Assembly continues to support Leader Leader
iii. Labour and Social Welfare the County Executive by ensuring that all County
iv. Children, Culture and Community Services legislation, policies and plans that support the
v. Justice and Legal Affairs efficient delivery of services, attract investment
and support the County development agenda
vi. Early Childhood and Vocational Training
are expeditiously debated, passed and adopted
vii. Agriculture Environment, Water and Natural or enacted into Law.
To date the Assembly has successfully debated
viii. Planning, Trade, Tourism and Cooperatives and passed 36 Bills that have been enacted into
ix. Transport and Public Works Law. Currently, there are 16 Bills at various stag-
x. Public Investment and Accounts es of the legislative process before the County
Assembly. We shall endeavour to have these Bills
xi. Budget and Appropriations
passed and enacted into law by the end of this
xii. Committee on Implementation Hon. Henry Moracha Hon. John Ombati Hon. Francis Aburi Hon. Robert Siocha
year. Majority Whip Deputy Majority Whip Minority Whip Deputy Minority Whip
Kisii County Government 7

Members of Kisii County Assembly

Hon. Vincent Getene Hon. Geoffrey Nyamache Hon. Catherine Manzi Hon. Wilfred Monyenye Hon. Timothy Ogugu Hon. Timothy Nyarango Hon. Joash Orora Hon. Samwel Onuko Hon. Samwel Nyangenya Hon. Samwel Apoko
Nyatieko Ward Birongo Ward Bomachoge Bassi Ward Kisii Central Ward Magenche Ward Sengera Bosoti Ward Masimba Ward Boochi Borabu Ward Bobaracho Ward Kiogoro Ward

Hon. Samson Nyagaka Hon. Sammy Keronche Hon. Koina Onyancha Hon. Ronald Onduso Hon. Alfred Onguti Hon. Richard Machana Hon. Reuben Moreka Hon. Albert Oino Hon. Pius Abuki Hon. Phillip Motonu
Nyamasibi Ward Gesusu Ward Bombaba Ward Getenga Ward Ibeno Ward Bogiakumu Ward Bogetenga Ward Chitago Borabu Ward Kitutu Central Ward Riana Ward

Hon. Kennedy Nyakundi Hon. Kennedy Mainya Hon. Isaiah Mosota Hon. Dennis Ombachi Hon. Henry Mariita Hon. Harun Masase Hon. George Bibao Hon. Evans Zico Hon. Edward Otuke Hon. Cosmas Saka
Keumbu Ward Kiamokama Ward Bobasi Boitang’are Ward Marani Ward Kegogi Ward Masige East Ward Bokimonge Ward Sameta Mokwerero Bogusero Ward Nyakoe Ward

Hon. Elkanah Nyandoro Hon. Charles Nyagoto Hon. Bonny Okenye Hon. Onchonga Saisi Hon. Onchonga Maina Hon. Esther Nyamwamu Hon. Kefa Manyura Hon. Jane Kananga Hon. Ochwangi Mengo Hon. Lucy Bosire
Boikang’a Ward Bogeka Ward Bogetaorio Ward Sensi Ward Monyerero Ward Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated

Hon. Christine Karemi Hon. Sabina Kennedy Hon. Anne Ghati Hon. Agnes Kwamboka Hon. Janifa Marube Hon. Tabitha Okongo Hon. Irene Nyamisa Hon. Lydia Okwoyo Hon. Alice Boyani Hon. Grace Ogonda
Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated

Hon. Phellister Metobo Hon. Nancy Ongeri Hon. Isabella Mose Hon. Norah Onyancha Hon. Joyce Isaac Hon. Josephine Ombati Hon. Grace Achoki Hon. Muslima Dida Hon. Isabella Oigara Hon. Margaret Nekesa
Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated Nominated
8 Kisii County Government

Members of the National Assembly

Hon.Stephen Manoti Hon. Joel Onyancha Hon.Jimmy Angwenyi Hon.Manson Nyamweya

MP Bobasi MP Bomachoge Borabu MP Kitutu Chache North MP South Mugirango

Hon. Zebedeo Opore Hon. Elijah Moindi Hon. Simeon Ogari Hon. Richard Onyonka Hon.Richard Tong’i
MP Bonchari MP Nyaribari Masaba MP Bomachoge Chache MP Kitutu Chache South MP Nyaribari Chache

Destination Kisii: Explore, invest and prosper

The county’s administrative capital, Kisii Town, is a bubbling commercial hub characterised by busy streets where
commercial buildings jostle for space. This is indicative of the efforts of hardworking residents and Kisiis in the
Diaspora who continue to invest in the local economy

olling hills reach dramatically for the sky in local, regional and international markets.
while their green slopes sweep down to One of Kisii County’s key attractions is soap-
the valleys teeming with vegetation and stone, a unique rock that has been mined in
animal life. The scenic ridges dissected by me- Tabaka in South Mogirango Sub-County since
andering rivers that drain into Lake Victoria to the 1880s. The rock renders itself for manipula-
the west, complement the beautiful landscape tion to make a variety of figurines popular with
that is Kisii County, home to soapstone and ba- tourists as curios. Soapstone carvings from Kisii
nanas. are sold globally, while large sculptures carved
With a population of an estimated 1.3 million out of Kisii Stone adorn major world capitals,
inhabitants and a population density of 997 including UNESCO headquarters in Paris and
inhabitants per square kilometre – one of the the UN headquarters in New York City.
highest in the country - Kisii County is blessed
A visitor to the countryside in Kisii County will
with a ready market for finished products as
encounter traditional African rock art at Sam-
well as highly skilled human capital essential
eta and Gotichaki hills, with mystical features
for economic growth. By United Nations defi-
nition, Kisii County has an urban demography that can also be found in the Atlas Mountains
,meaning it is one large urban area. and in the pyramids of Egypt.
The county’s administrative capital, Kisii Town, Kisii County has also produced pioneer world-
is a bubbling commercial hub characterised by beaters in the field of sports, especially in ath-
busy streets where commercial buildings jostle letics. It is home to middle and long-distance
for space. This is indicative of the efforts of runners such as Nyantika Mayioro, Charles
hardworking residents and Kisiis in the Diaspora Asati, Hellen Obiri, Yobes Ondieki and Hezekiah
firms and 14 universities have presence in Kisii Kisumu’s Impala Sanctuary. Nyamao.
who continue to invest in the local economy. Town, pointing to the immense business oppor- Lying at altitudes of between 1,500 and 1,800 In order to actualise the vision of transforming
Twenty-four commercial banks, 16 insurance tunities that exist in the county. Indeed, statis- metres above sea level, Kisii County is a haven Kisii County into a middle income economy, the
tics from the Central Bank of Kenya in Kisumu of peace characterised by hospitable people. It
Kisii Town’s skyline is indicate that Kisii controls 60 per cent of the is a melting pot of cultures and religions, where
County Government is keen on leveraging its
rich agricultural potential to grow the economy
changing at high speed money market in the Nyanza region. The hospi-
tality industry has experienced a boom and Kisii
diverse communities live together in peace and through value-addition by venturing into agro-
harmony. It covers an area of 1,317.5 square processing, branding and marketing of high
with highrise commercial Town’s nightlife is unrivalled in the region. kilometres. quality agricultural produce.
and residential buildings Kisii Town’s skyline is changing at a high rate
with high-rise commercial and residential build-
The high rainfall received throughout the year Devolution is now entrenched as a system of
has led many to describe Kisii County as God’s Governance in Kisii. With an elaborate institu-
sprouting to meet the ings sprouting to meet the high demand for of- bathroom. With moderate temperatures all year tional framework in place, the county has laid
fice and residential space. Situated about 290
high demand for office kilometres west of Nairobi, Kisii Town is a vital
round, the county is suitable for cultivation of
crops like coffee, tea, sugarcane, maize, beans,
ground for take off to ensure prosperity for all.
Welcome to Kisii County.
and residential space. gateway to the western tourist circuit owing bananas, as well as livestock farming. The rich
Explore, invest, prosper!
to its proximity to niche attractions like Ruma agricultural produce from the farmlands is sold
National Park, Maasai Mara Game Reserve and
Kisii County Government 9

Embracing Public Participation:

Citizen engagement in devolved governance
Article 174c of the Constitution provides that one object of devolution is: “to give nomic development and this is why we have in-
vested heavily in improving our road network
powers of self-governance to the people and enhance their participation in the exercise over the past three years. However, due to the
of the powers of the State and in making decisions affecting them”. Kisii County is heavy rains received in Kisii throughout the year
coupled with the hilly terrain, the compacted mur-
actualizing this provision. ram roads we have built deteriorate fast. To ad-
dress this, we have developed a road maintenance
policy where we shall use a labour based approach
to ensure regular maintenance of roads through-
out the year. Using road construction equipment
acquired by the County, we have embarked on an
ambitious program to open up new roads across
the County and so far, we have done about 400km
of roads.

The NHIF program was among the campaign

agendas in 2013, when is the County Govern-
ment going to roll out the program? Everline
Nyanchama - University student.
The NHIF support program was borne out of a
survey conducted in 2013 that revealed that out
of the 1.3 million residents of Kisii County, only
about 70,000 were subscribed to the scheme. This
means majority of our people cannot access quali-
ty healthcare. We developed regulations to opera-
tionalize the NHIF Support Act, 2014 and set aside
KShs.40million to be used in subscribing NHIF for
needy and selection of beneficiaries is currently
ongoing. We have already formed committees
at ward level and the program will kick off in the
next two months.

Is the Implementation of the

Modern Cancer Treatment
Centre project on course?
Why has it taken long to
have the project imple-
mented yet some donor had
shown interest in funding
What is the status of the cially how they relate to the public. crafts and technical training which will equip the same? Jared Mekenye -
Sugar factory that was to our youth with skills that will enable them con- Laboratory Technologists.
The County has improved terms and conditions
be set up in South Mogi- of service for health workers, and recently we tribute to economic development by making A. The project is on course. We
rango? Is there goodwill promoted a number of them who had not been them self-reliant. plan to establish a KShs.2.1 billion modern cancer
from the locals and the promoted for over 15 years. treatment centre at the Kisii Teaching and Refer-
County government to ral Hospital. The processing of project funding for
As you know, this is a continuous effort be- There is an increase in
have the factory? such large funding takes time. The project was be-
cause service delivery is nebulous and it de- the number of hawkers
Meshack Andama ing funded jointly by two organizations, - the Arab
pends on the eye of the beholder. and traders along the
Bank of Economic Development in Africa (BADEA)
We signed a Memorandum The very fact that we are now able to carry streets in Kisii Town. Are
and the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD). So far,
of Understanding with out many diagnostic procedures that were not there plans to have a
it is only funding from BADEA that have been se-
an Indian investor for the construction of a available before is an indication of improved large space to relocate
cured, but the money has not yet been released.
KShs.5billion sugar complex in South Mogi- service delivery. the traders to allow for
rango. Once complete, the mill will have ca- humble business space? The contract agreement for finding states that
These procedures include renal dialysis, CT we can only access the funds once both contract
pacity to crush 5,000 tonnes of cane per day Richard Nyabwari -
scan, MRI, cervical cancer screening and the- agreements have been signed. Once the funds
and produce 172,500 metric tonnes of sugar. Mpesa attendant
atre services, not only at KTRH, but in outly- from SFD are secured, then we will be able to ac-
This factory will create jobs for locals besides - Kisii Town.
ing health facilities. In many of our sub-county cess the funds to embark on implementation of
addressing the marketing challenges of cane
hospitals, we now have at least 3 doctors Yes; the number of traders in Kisii Town has the project. SFD have already indicated that they
farmers. We have already obtained preliminary
where there were either one of none. increased over the past three years of our ex- are ready for negotiations so we expect to finalize
approvals and locals are continually involved in
istence as County Government. There are chal- financing arrangements any time soon.
the process so we have their goodwill.
lenges in terms of getting ample space for all
What are some of the
traders and as a County Government, we have
projects that you have Do you believe there is
You have spent consid- plans to redress this. Firstly, working with the
initiated to boost the goodwill from local leaders
erable good amount in National Government, we are modernizing Da-
youth and help reduce to support the county gov-
improving health services raja Mbili Market to accommodate more trad-
the high unemployment ernment in implementing
in the county but service ers. Already, a contractor is on site working
rates in the county? development projects? How
delivery is rated lowly. on completion of the stalled market building.
Onesimus Mesesi- Busi- has politics hampered your
What are some of the Secondly, we have built pedestrian walkways
nessman development agenda in the
measures you have put and opened up backstreet roads. Additionally,
in place to boost morale We appreciate the critical we plan to build markets in the suburbs like Jo- past three years? Osoro
among medics? Could role of the youth in our so- goo, Nyanchwa, Mwanyagetinge and Mwembe Okondo-Kuppet Chairman.
you guarantee patients ciety. For this reason, we among other places. A. I would like to indicate
better service delivery in have mainstreamed youth affairs in our devel- that I have a good working
government hospitals within the county? opment agenda. We have come up with a pol- relationship with our leaders and we hold regular
icy on youth empowerment and I have already Roads construction has been a major
Nancy Kerubo - Medical Practitioner meetings to discuss matters development in the
signed into law a bill that allows the County to achievement in your five-year term. Have
County. This is because the mwananchi we serve is
disburse funds to the youth through the Kisii you put in place measures to ensure that
one and their expectation is service delivery above
A. First, service delivery has considerably im- County Trade Credit Scheme. We work closely these roads are always maintained? Does
all other considerations. There may be occasions
proved in our health sector. We are having con- with the youth and support their activities. We your government have plans to open more
of negative synergy but this is not unique to Ki-
tinuous conversations with health workers to are also constructing workshops in our sub roads across the county? Lameck Mokua.
sii. As a Governor, I have tried to separate politics
ensure that service delivery is improved espe- counties to enhance training on artisan skills, A. A good road network is essential for eco- from development.
10 Kisii County Government

Improving healthcare services

The county is committed to strengthening primary healthcare
in order to prevent both communicable and non-communicable
Sarah Omache, HSC Alice Abuki
CEC Health Services Chief Officer
Health Services

ealth service delivery is a devolved function that is critical in the socio-economic de-
velopment of Kisii County. The department is mandated to provide county health ser-
vices, including:
• County health facilities and pharmacies
• Curative and rehabilitative health services
• Ambulance services
• Promotion of primary healthcare
Licensing and control of enterprises that sell food to the public, cemeteries, funeral parlours
and crematoria services
The main goal is to improve healthcare services to accord our people the highest possible
standard of medical care.
In the Lake Region Economic Bloc, Kisii County heads the health pillar, hence the 40 per cent
annual budget allocation to the sector.
Key achievements
Upgrading of Kisii Level 5 Hospital to teaching and referral status
The hospital was constructed in1916 to treat wounded soldiers during World War I. Follow- The County has completed piping to supply oxgen from the plant to all wards at KTRH. Surplus
ing the enactment of the Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital Act, 2014, the hospital was oxygen from the plant is sold to private hospitals and facilities from other counties.
upgraded to a teaching and referral facility in collaboration with Kisii University. It also offers
training for Kenya Medical Training College students.
This upgrade means that Kisii County residents will be able to access specialised treatment at
lower costs. Being a research centre, Kisii Teacching and Referral Hospital (KTRH) will also be
able to attract more funding, besides improving healthcare provision due to evidence-based
medicine training. The hospital serves a catchment population of about six million people in
Kisii, Nyamira, Migori, Homa Bay and parts of Narok, Bomet and Kericho counties.

To aid in the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of medical conditions, the county has in-
vested heavily in the purchase and installation of medical equipment in all health facilities.
(a) Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital

Equipment Before devolution After Devolution

Intensive Care Unit (ICU) None 6*
High Dependency Unit (HDU) None 3*
For the first time since 1917, KTRH can now offer kidney dialysis services at renal unit with 10
Renal machines None 10 machines installed by the County Government. The service is subsidized.
16 slice CT-scan None 1
Infrastructure development
Magnetic Resonance Imaging None 1 Since 2013 when the County Government was established, the health sector has undergone a major in-
(MRI) frastructure upgrade tremendous growth of infrastructure in our health facilities both at the Kisii Teach-
Image intensifier None 1 ing and Referral Hospital and other outlying facilities all over county. Some of the projects that have been
undertaken include: -
Orthopantomogram machine None 1 (a) Completed projects at KTRH
Digital x-ray None 1 1. Renovation and equipping of the kitchen
*Number of ICU and HDU beds to be operationalized 2. Renovation of the laundry block
3. Carpeting of the car park
4. Construction of hostel
5. Construction of oxygen production unit and piping to wards
(b) Ongoing projects at KTRH
1. New male ward
2. Ultra-modern mortuary/anatomy laboratory
3. Construction and digitalisation of new pharmaceutical store.

A worker inspects the Computerized Tomography (CT) scan machine installed at KTRH
to boost diagnostic services.

A hostel block built by the County Government at the Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital. It houses
A health worker inspects the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine installed at interns and visiting doctors on exchange programmes.
KTRH. It is the first public hospital hospital in western Kenya to offer MRI services.
Kisii County Government 11

The 100 body capacity mortuary under construction at KTRH.

The facility with modern coolers will replace the current 20
body capacity mortuary (inset) and house an anatomy lab as Governor James Ongwae (right) inspects a surgical bed after commissioning a theatre
well as a funeral home. complex at Nyamache Sub County hospital.

These facilities have been gazetted and will be operationalised this financial year.

Equipment Sub-county hospital

Hematology analyser Marani, Nyamache, Ogembo, Keumbu, Kenyenya,
Gesusu, Iranda
Standard delivery beds Marani, Nyamache, Keumbu
Baby incubators Marani, Nyamache , Keumbu , Kenyenya, Gesusu,
Iranda, Nduru
Autoclave machines Marani, Nyamache
BTL set Marani
Caesarian sets Marani
Suction machines Ogembo, Nduru
Oxygen cylinders Keumbu, Nduru
Ultrasound machines Nduru
The 250 bed male ward under construction at KTRH. Once complete, it will increase the hospital’s bed
capacity to over 700. Biochemistry analysers Marani, Kenyenya, Gesusu, Iranda

Human resource Now, patients can access theatre services at Gucha, Keumbu, Nyamache and Gesusu sub-
In order to boost the morale of health workers, the county has continually improved their terms and condi- county hospitals. Construction of modern theatres is underway at Nduru, Marani and Ke-
tions of service through timely promotions, re-designation, capacity building, establishment of a conflict nyenya sub-county hospitals and ultimately, all Level 4 hospitals will have theatre facili-
resolution committee, among others. We recently promoted over 1,100 health workers across various ties.
cadres. We also absorbed 30 doctors upon the expiry of their internship period. These doctors have been At Nyamache Sub-County Hospital, 71 procedures have been done, including 48 caesar-
posted to sub-county hospitals. Each of these hospitals now has at least three doctors, where previously ean sections and one major surgery; while at Keumbu Sub-County Hospital, 39 surgeries
there was one or none at all. have been done. Plans are also underway to establish others at Marani and Iyabe sub-
The table below highlights the staffing levels before and after devolution. county hospitals.

Cadre Before devolution Currently

Doctors 79 161
To allow health professionals to evaluate, diagnose and treat patients requiring special-
Nurses 696 900 ised treatment through the Internet, the Kisii County Government is investing in telemedi-
cine facilities in collaboration with John Hopkins University Hospital in USA and Apollo
Clinical Officers 115 235
Group of Hospitals in India to connect KTRH to the sub-county hospitals.
Ambulance paramedics/operators None 28 Moving forward, in order to improve and reduce healthcare costs, we will invest more
Medical laboratory technicians 46 92 on public health and community strategy so that we can be able to prevent the burden
of communicable diseases. This will be achieved by fostering partnership with other sec-
Pharmaceutical technicians 12 36 tors and NGOs.
Medical engineers 6 20
Nutritionists 15 25
Occupational therapists 5 18
Orthopaedic technologists 4 9
Physiotherapists 9 14
Public health officers 30 30
Radiographers 5 10
Social workers 1 13

Preventive and primary Health services

The county is committed to strengthening primary healthcare in order to prevent both communicable and
non-communicable illnesses. Focus is on reducing infant and maternal mortality, combating HIV and Aids, Part of the 10 state of the art ambulances acquired by the County for the emergency
and easing the rising burden of non-communicable diseases. ambulatory service. One ambulance is stationed in each of the nine Sub Counties.
Working with partners, we are upscaling the operationalisation of community units so that we have com-
munity health volunteers in every sub-location. These volunteers will visit households and share informa- Ambulatory services
tion on personal hygiene and lifestyle in a bid to prevent communicable and non-communicable illnesses. Prior to the inception of the devolved governance in Kisii County, residents had no am-
We have also strengthened collaborations with specialists from various parts of the world to offer much- bulatory services. As an intervention, the County Government pioneered the establish-
needed services to our people. ment of an Emergency Ambulatory Service, complete with trained emergency medical
technicians. Currently, each of the nine sub-county hospitals has one state-of-the-art
ambulance. Since it was launched, a total of 9,484 critical cases, among them expectant
(b) Sub-county hospitals mothers, have been transferred for specialised care.
In the sub-counties, Levels II and III hospitals have undergone infrastructural upgrade through renovation Residents can access this service using the emergency response telephone number;
of basic facilities and installation of core medical equipment. 0727600010 that is operational 24 hours a day.
We have identified 31 new facilities that were built through CDF and other agencies in the sub-counties.
12 Kisii County Government

KShs2.1 billion cancer treatment at KNH, while chemotherapy costs between KShs6,000
and KShs600,000 depending on the drugs used. Com-
pared to private facilities like Cancer Care Kenya, it costs

centre in Kisii to benefit millions about KShs50,000 a week for radiotherapy, and between
KShs12,000 and KShs200,000 for treatment, depending on
drugs used. This explains why we need more public institu-
tions to offer this critical service.
Confronted by these facts, and in line with Governor James
Ongwae’s vision to bring health services closer to the resi-
dents of Kisii County, the county prepared a project docu-
ment for setting up a cancer centre in Kisii. Our proposal
caught the eye of the Arab Bank of Economic Development
in Africa (BADEA), who together with the Saudi Fund for
Development (SFD), agreed to co-finance the project to the
tune of US$10 million each (KShs1 billion), while the Gov-
ernment of Kenya will contribute an equivalent of US$ 2.8
million (KShs280 million).
The loan agreement with BADEA has already been signed,
but the SFD loan agreement is still being negotiated. None-
theless, as we await the signing by SFD, the county has
already identified a potential site, and set up a project im-
plementation unit to oversee activities prior to the commis-
sioning of the project that will be handed over to the Kisii
Teaching and Referral Hospital (KTRH).
The cancer centre will serve an estimated 10 million people
in Kisii, Nyamira, Migori, Homa Bay, Kisumu, Kericho and
the Transmara region of Narok County.
“This centre will transform healthcare service provision in
Kisii and neighbouring counties. It will bring this critical ser-
Kisii Governor James Ongwae (left) and Treasury Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich (centre) receive documents from H.E. Yousif Bin Ibrahim, vice closer to the people and support Kisii University, with
President of the Board of Directors of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) and Director General H.E. Abdelaziz Khelef whom we have signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(right) during the signing of a KShs2.1 billion loan agreement for the establishment of a cancer centre in Kisii. The loan will be repaid in 30 years for the establishment of a medical school at the hospital,”
at an interest rate of one per cent. says Governor Ongwae.
The project is set to commence by April next year and will
As we await the signing by SFD, the county has already identified a take 18 months to complete. It will occupy 5,000 square
metres of land and will be fully equipped with theatres,
potential site, and set up a project implementation unit to oversee four examination rooms, mammograms, an observation
activities prior to the commissioning of the project that will be ward, waiting rooms, lecture rooms, a control room, two
shielded rooms for x-ray, CT Scanner, changing rooms for
handed over to the Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital. doctors and staff, an ICU with 12 beds, and patient wards
with 40 beds.
Onchari Kenani
- Onchari Kenani, Project Manager The scope of the project includes detailed design and su-
Project Manager
SOURCE INTERNEWS pervision, training and capacity building for medical staff.

isii County is putting up an ultra-mod- “The establishment of the cancer centre in Kisii County will
ern cancer treatment centre which boost early detection of the disease and reduce the cost in-
will go along way in offering treat- curred by patients who have to travel to Kenyatta National
ment services closer home. Hospital and even abroad for the service,” observed said
Cancer is a leading cause of death globally, Henry Rotich the Cabinet Secretary for National Treasury
and is growing fast in developing countries. during the signing ceremony.
Developing countries now account for over Kisii University Vice Chancellor, Prof. John Akama, wel-
two-thirds of all cancer deaths. comed the project, describing it as an innovative and stra-
Globally, cancer kills more people than tu- tegic move by the County Government.
berculosis, HIV and Aids and malaria com- “Kisii University will benefit immensely from this project
bined. because we will use it in conducting various forms of re-
When doctors from India-based B.L. Ka- search on causes of the rising incidence of cancer and how
pur Specialty Hospital held a one-day free to create awareness on prevention. Through it, we shall at-
cancer screening at the Kisii Teaching and tract specialists and funding from international partners,”
Referral Hospital (KTRH), over 1,700 people said Prof. Akama.
turned up and overwhelmed the doctors. According to WHO, cancer incidences in Kenya have been
Of those who braved the long queues to rising over the past decade with western Kenya region re-
see the specialists, only 500 were screened, cording 27,000 cases annually. Of these, 20,000 should
leaving many frustrated. The specialists cancer cases in Kenya every year, and the tients resign to their ‘fate’ and wait to die. benefit from radiotherapy, but many cannot access it, lead-
suspected 20 cases of cancer, while one World Health Organisation (WHO) reports Accessible and affordable healthcare is a ing to deaths.
was confirmed. These patients will have to that 27,000 of cases are from the western constitutional right for every Kenyan, yet Common cancers are; cancer of the cervix, cancer of the
travel to Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) part of Kenya. KNH in Nairobi and the Moi cancer treatment is not available to many, breast, cancer of the prostrate, HIV related malignancies,
or overseas in search of treatment and care Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) in resulting in the 13,720 annual deaths, ac- cancer of the oesophagus among others.
at very high costs. Eldoret can handle about 9,000 cases per cording to the 2014 Economic Survey.
This is the reality in many parts of Kenya. It annum, leaving the rest to private centres Patients spend between KShs500 and
is estimated that there are over 39,000 new locally or abroad. Unfortunately, some pa- KShs1,000 per session for radiotherapy

Governor James Ongwae (left) launches distribution of drugs The new prefab headquarters of the department of health The County renovated the kitchen at KTRH to allow for use of
and pharmaceuticals to outlying health facilities. services at KTRH built by the County Government gas instead of firewood used previously.
Kisii County Government 13

Accessibility enhanced with better roads

In order to boost efficiency in road construction, the county purchased road construction
equipment, including tipper trucks, graders, excavators, drum rollers and wheel loaders. The
equipment is also available for hire to contractors.
John Omwoyo Samuel Ongocho
CEC Roads and Public Works Chief Officer Roads and
Public Works

he Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, specifies that the National Government
shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of classified roads, while the counties are
responsible for the construction and maintenance of rural access roads.
The Department of Roads, Public Works and Transport is responsible for the management of engineer-
ing works and services; roads development; maintenance of infrastructure; motor vehicles and heavy
Key milestones
Enabling legislation
The department has developed the following legislations to support effective service delivery.
(i) Kisii County Transport Act, 2014 – to streamline the transport system within the county
(ii) Kisii County Mechanical and Transport Fund Bill – to mobilise resources through hire of plant and

Roads Directorate
As at March 2013, Kisii County had 1,133 kilometres of classified roads and 962 kilometres of rural ac-
cess roads, out of which 123.8 kilometres were tarmacked and 1,009.2 kilometres were rural access
roads. Recognising the importance of a good road network for economic development, the county
embarked on opening, gravelling and grading the new rural access roads to boost access to markets
and ease transport challenges. Part of the road construction equipment acquired by the County to boost efficiency in the
sector. The equipment is available to contractors on hire.
Item Before devolution (kms) Current situation (kms)
Tarmacked roads 123.8 130
Mechanical Engineering Directorate
Gravelled roads 340.2 1,155.2
In order to boost efficiency in road construction, the county purchased road construction equip-
Earth roads 669 1,359 ment, including tipper trucks, graders, excavators, drum rollers and wheel loaders. The equipment
Total 1,133 2,644.2 is available on hire to contractors. The county has also pioneered in the labour-based approach,
where youth are contracted to undertake works using the road construction equipment. This has
The county has constructed 1,505 kilometres of rural access roads, including 815 kilometres of com- allowed for construction of more roads within a short time, thus reducing costs.
pacted gravelled roads and opening of 690 kilometres of new roads in the sub-counties as illustrated Owing to the hilly terrain and heavy rains received in Kisii, the quality of roads deteriorates fast
below: after construction. For this reason, the county has bought the following equipment to support the
activities of the department.
Name (kms) Plant and machinery
Compacted gravelled roads 815
Item Before devolution Current situation (2016)
Opened and graded roads 690
Graders 1 4
Total 1,505
Excavators None 3
(i) County roads constructed Rollers None 3
(ii) Roads rehabilitated
Shovels None 1
Whereas it’s the responsibility of the National Government to develop all classified roads, the county
has rehabilitated sections of critical roads within Kisii Town and its environs. The Gusii Stadium – Itie- Tippers 1 5
rio Primary School Road (6.2 kolometres), a critical bypass that has become dilapidated, is currently Total 3 16
being rehabilitated.

• Inadequate road reserves leading to conflicts with land owners
• Topographical problems considering that the county is hilly and rocky, hence consuming a
lot of resources during construction

Way forward
• There is need to continue embracing labour-based approach to ensure job creation for the
county’s residents, especially the youth
• The roads that have been constructed need to be maintained

The Nyamarambe - Coffee Factory road in South Mugirango Sub County.

One of the graders acquired by the County works on a road in Kitutu Chache South Sub County.
Erera-Kenonka road in Kisii Central ward before and after construction by the County Using the equipment, the County is opening more roads in the Sub Counties.
Government. Prices of land in the area have plumetted since the road was opened.
14 Kisii County Government

Availing safe water closer to the people

The County has made efforts to ensure residents have improved sources of water that
include protection of springs, drilling of boreholes and construction of water springs, while
rehabilitating the existing ones.
Dr. Moiro Omari Zablon Ongori
CEC Water Chief Officer Water

he Department of Water, Energy, Environ-
ment and Natural Resources derives its
mandate from the Fourth Schedule of the
Kenya Constitution, 2010, which gives County
Governments the constitutional mandate to
deliver water and sanitation services. The de-
partment executes this mandate through the
directorates of Water, Energy and Environment.
Though Energy is not a fully devolved function,
the County Government, in partnership with
the National Government and other stakehold-
ers, has put in place measures to address energy
requirements in the county.
Since the County Government came to power,
it has made efforts to ensure residents have im-
proved sources of water that include protection
of springs, drilling of boreholes and construc- The County launched a spring protection programme to improve the quality of water available to
tion of water springs, while rehabilitating the residents.
existing ones. Spring protection
These efforts have seen the protection of 540 To improve the quality and quantity of water available to residents, secure water sources for future
water springs across the 45 wards; drilling of 25 expansion and reticulation, the county launched a spring protection programme targeting 675
boreholes; distribution of 45 water tanks to pri- water springs in all 45 wards. So far, 540 springs have been protected, benefitting an estimated
mary schools across the county to help in har- 24,300 households in the county.
vesting rainy water and support pupils access
safe drinking water; rehabilitation of seven wa-
ter schemes; and construction of 18 schemes
which are ongoing, while 31 are to start in the
2016/2017 financial year.

Key achievements
Enabling legislation
The following legislations have been prepared
to support the operations of the Department:
• The Kisii County Public Nuisance Act,
• Kisii County Polythene Bags and Garbage
Control Bill, 2015
embarked on rehabilitation and construction
Rain water harvesting of water schemes.
Although Kisii County is blessed with abun- So far, seven water schemes have been reha-
dant rainfall and numerous rivers, residents in bilitated (Getenga, Suguta, Amasago, Igoma,
urban and rural areas experience water short- Rioma, Riosiri, Mosora) and construction of 18
ages. One of the pledges of the Governor in his new water schemes is underway.
pre-election manifesto was to promote rain-
water harvesting and utilisation as a means of Drilling of boreholes have been drilled (Boochi Tendere, Ibeno, Boo-
addressing water shortages. In this regard, the chi Borabu, Bogeka, Nyamasibi, Machoge Bassi, Energy
To increase access to safe, clean water to
county distributed water tanks to two public in- residents and support agriculture, the county Keumbe, Tabaka, Moticho, Boitenga, Bogetao- To operationalise water reticulation schemes
stitutions in each of the 45 wards to encourage launched a programme to drill boreholes in rio, Kiamokama, Gesusu, Nyamasibi, Boguserio, and expand electricity connectivity, the coun-
and promote rainwater harvesting. each of the 45 wards. Nyakoe, Kitutu Chache, Nyatieko, Bobasi Cen- ty has partnered with National Government
tral). agencies to provide power supply. The county
The boreholes are located in public institutions
Water schemes constructed and rehabilitated has connected 834 facilities with power in the
and fitted with handpumps.
To increase access to potable water and reduce last three years. Among the facilities connect-
The plan is to develop the boreholes into wa- ed are 505 primary schools, 27 health facilities
ter reticulation schemes to serve residents near the distance covered to access water from
three kilometres to one kilometer, the county and 45 households.
the public institutions. So far, 25 boreholes
Since the County Government came to power, it has made efforts to ensure residents
have improved sources of water that include protection of springs, drilling of boreholes
and construction of water springs, while rehabilitating the existing ones.

A tree seedling nursery operated by a youth group near Storm Hotel in Kisii Central Ward. Governor James Ongwae commissions Mosora Water Project in Bobasi Sub
County. The County is reviving stalled water projects and building new ones.
Kisii County Government 15

Ensuring prudent financial management

In compliance with the advisories issued by the National Treasury from time to time,
the department has fully implemented the use of Integrated Financial Management
Dr. Kodek Omwancha
Information System (IFMIS) and e-procurement component in its financial management Wilfred Auma
CEC Finance
operations. Chief Officer Finance

The Department of Finance and Economic Planning derives its mandate from the
Constitution of Kenya, 2010, the Public Financial Management Act, 2012 and
County Government Act, 2012.

The department is responsible for monitoring, evaluating and overseeing

the management of public finances; planning of economic affairs and policy
formulation; implementing financial and economic policies; preparing and co-
coordinating the implementation of the annual budget; mobilising resources for
funding the budgetary requirements and managing the County Government’s
public debt; providing technical and operational support for ICT systems and
infrastructure and procurement of goods, works and services for the county.
Key achievements
Enabling legislation and policy documents
The department has developed the following policy documents and legislation
to guide the implementation of its operations:

1. The County Integrated Development Plan, 2013 – 2017

2. The County Emergency Fund Act, 2016
3. The Revenue Administration Act, 2014
4. The County ICT Roadmap 2015-2020
5. Annual development plans
6. County fiscal strategy papers (annually)
7. The annual budget
8. Finance Act (annually)
9. The Debt Management Strategy Paper (annually)

Following an advisory from the National Treasury that Access to Government
Governor James Ongwae(right0 and speaker Kerosi Ondieki (left) are shown how the automated revenue collection
Procurement Opportunities (AGPOs) certificates be issued at the county level,
system works. The County has finalized plans to roll out automated revenue collection for all streams.
the department established an AGPO desk in January, 2015 at Huduma Centre.
To date, over 200 certificates have been issued to disadvantaged groups in the
categories of general supplies, provision of works and services, health services
Name of Project Objective
and consultancy services.
Installation of structured Local Area Network and Wi-Fi infrastruc- To improve connectivity, access to information and
e– Government ture services offered over computer networks
The department, in compliance with the various advisories issued by the Na- Equipping county offices with end-user ICT equipment and devices To capacitate staff with necessary equipment and
tional Treasury issued from time to time, has fully implemented the use of In- materials required to perform their functions
tegrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) and e-procurement
component in its financial management operations. This has led to an improve- Establishment of county data centre and network operation center To provide infrastructure for hosting all county ICT
ment in financial decision-making and efficient and effective delivery of finan-
cial services.
(NOC) systems
Revenue automation Establishment of modern computer training/information centre To improve digital literacy among staff and county
In a bid to bolster revenue mobilisation and management, as well as widen the residents
revenue base, the Directorate of Revenue has identified more revenue streams
Installation of county IP-based telephony system complete with E1 To provide cost effective reliable communication
and is in the process of automating revenue collection. The procurement process
for automation of revenue collection is on and the system will be introduced by integration platform for both internal and external clients
September 2016. Deployment of County Active Directory and Unified Threat Manage- To provide secure access and management of all
ment Solution ICT resources and services; and ensure security of
ICT services data.
As part of setting up the governance structures for the County Government,
Installation of IP-based surveillance/CCTV system To provide real-time security monitoring within
there was need to set up an ICT directorate to provide the county departments
with the necessary information technology infrastructure and services in the and around County Government offices
discharge of their mandates. In view of this, the department has implemented Development and implementation of county Access to Government To manage online registration of youth, women
the following projects that have enhanced communication and sharing of infor-
mation among the county departments and the external clients.
Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) system and persons with disability in implementing the 30
per cent procurement rule
ICT completed projects
Going forward, the County Treasury will continue to put in place appropriate
measures to improve service delivery. These measures include continuous train-
ing and capacity building of staff to enhance their reporting capability, develop-
ing and enforcing cost benchmarks for the procurement of goods and services,
monitoring of budget implementation, carrying out regular value-for-money au-
dits and allocation of scarce resources to the county’s strategic priorities.
The department will also continue investing in information technology in a bid
to improve access to information and timely decision-making.

The modern ICT laboratory installed by the County at the Kisii The County Government has set up a one stop shop desk at Huduma Centre to boost e-government service delivery to the
Agricultural Training Centre. people. On the right is the modern server room.
16 Kisii County Government

Making devolution deliver for Kisii residents

The county government is cognisant of the fact that unless we invest in the potential of the
youth and women, we will not achieve real development that benefits everybody in
future - Governor Ongwae
Q. You were elected four years ago on a plat- a hostel block. We are putting up a new 100-
form of making devolution a reality. Do you body capacity mortuary to replace the current
think devolution is working for the people of 20-body capacity morgue. Further, we have put
Kisii and Kenyans in general? up an administration unit to house staff and this
A. Yes. Devolution is working. Devolution is a has freed space to accommodate the High De-
reality and it is here to stay. Devolution has re- pendency and ICU units.
ally been beneficial to the people of Kisii. There Establishing a medical school will bring special-
has been a marked improvement in the de- ist services close to the people and allow for
volved functions such as water, health services research. We also developed a concept paper
and roads. Examples of development in these which has enabled us get funding from the
areas abound and people can see for them- Saudi government and the Arab Bank for Inter-
selves. I can categorically state that devolution national Development to put up a KShs2 billion
has succeeded and will succeed even more in cancer centre in Kisii. There is going to be con-
the years to come. tinued major improvements in health services.
We didn’t have specialists before, but now we
have seven specialists in all medical practices.
Q. During your campaigns, you unveiled
your manifesto on how you would serve the
people of Kisii County if elected. Have you Q. How about infrastructure? What are some
translated your manifesto into reality? of the key successes in this area?
I can say with certainty that tremendous prog- A. I had indicated that I would improve the
ress has been made in actualizing my campaign road network in Kisii. As we all know, there
manifesto. Education has improved greatly in has been a disagreement over the roads to be
Kisii. We were the first county to hold an edu- handled by county governments and those un-
cation stakeholders’ conference that brought der the national government. It has taken us a
together renowned scholars, both local and long time to know which roads belong to us. It
international, to Kisii to deliberate on issues is only. Recently that the the National Govern-
that affect the sector. I formed a taskforce com- ment released county roads to us, but this was
prised of all stakeholders to implement the rec- not accompanied by the release funds for these
ommendations from this conference. Over the roads. The National Government still retains
last three years, we have disbursed KShs430 funds for the roads that they have released to
million in bursaries to needy students. This year, us This notwithstanding, we have been able to
our bursary allocation is KShs240 million. open up the road network within the County. In
the first year, we did over 500km of road and
we continue to open up more roads and ensure
We have also recruited Early Childhood Devel-
they are usable even during the rains. Our first
opment (ECD) teachers, built ECD classrooms,
intervention was to purchase road construction
and absorbed youth polytechnic tutors who
equipment. We have also put up our own office
were not being paid by the national govern-
structures at the headquarters and at the Sub
ment to improve the area of education within
the context of my mandate. In the area of staff-
ing in the health sector, I have recruited more
medical staff, while hospitals that had one doc- Q. The Kisii Entrepreneurship Summit (KES
tor or none at all, now have between two and 2016) was hailed as a huge success. What
three doctors. When we came in, a number of exactly did you achieve at the KES 2016?
hospitals didnít have theatres. We have resusci- How many trade deals did you sign during
tated theatres at Nyamache, Keumbu, Gesusu the summit and what is the status of these
and Gucha hospitals. agreements?
The Kisii Entrepreneurship Summit was a huge
In my manifesto, I pledged to initiate strate- success and one of its kind in the region. The
gies to create employment for our people. The summit accorded us an opportunity to show-
county however cannot just be driven by cre- case trade and investment opportunities in Ki-
ation of employment, but rather by offering an sii County to local, regional and international
enabling environment for businesses to thrive. investors who were in attendance. It also pro-
Kisii Town is now a 24-hour economy with vided a mentorship opportunity for our budding
thriving enterprises. entrepreneurs through interaction with estab-
lished entrepreneurs.

Q. You have been praised for turning around

the former Kisii Level 5 Hospital to a teach- In the aftermath of the summit, we have been
ing and referral hospital. What kind of face- able to sign three agreements totalling KShs21
lift has your government given to the hos- billion. We have signed an agreement with an
pital? Indian investor for the establishment of a sugar
complex in South Mugirango Sub-County. The
When the Kisii County Government came into
Sugar mill will have a capacity to crush 5,000
power in 2013, the hospital was in a dilapidated
tonnes of cane per day and produce 172,500
state with poor infrastructure, patient conges-
metric tonnes of sugar. Additionally, the sugar
tion and lack of proper working equipment and
complex will produce 15 million litres of etha-
general staff apathy.
nol and 10 megawatts of power.

We immediately embarked on addressing these

We also signed an agreement with a Chinese
challenges for better service delivery. Firstly,
investor for the establishment of a new city
we collaborated with Kisii University to elevate
in Kisii. The firm will offer low-cost housing
the hospital to a teaching and referral facility.
solutions to the South Nyanza region and cre-
We embarked on a major facelift, including
ate 10,000 new jobs in the area. In ICT, leading
renovation of the kitchen to use gas instead of
voice, data and IP provider, Liquid Telecom, will
firewood, establishment of a 10-bed renal unit
invest KShs6 billion in connectivity projects.
to offer dialysis services, installation of state-
This includes connecting the county govern-
of-the-art diagnostic equipment like a 16 slice
ment with its devolved units, metro Wi-Fi in
CT Scan, digital x-rays and MRI, increasing bed
Kisii Town and interconnectivity with Isebania
capacity from 450 to 700, and construction of
along the Kenya-Tanzania border.
Kisii County Government 17

Q. What are your priority projects this finan- We now have resources in the budget for the in the counties. manufacturing industries, bakeries and jua kali
cial year? rationalisation programme and hope that coun- I was also involved in advising all counties on associations. There is also great potential for in-
A. The priorities for this financial year are: ties will be able to do this. staffing modalities. I was the one who recom- dustries like soapstone, chalk making, hospital-
mended the staffing and the type of cadres that ity, brick making, tea factories, fruit processing,
Infrastructural development: Adequate allo-
governors needed to recruit. Working closely sugar factories and vegetable processing.
cation of resources in roads, transport, public Q. What is your working relationship with
works, energy, sewerage system, market devel- your fellow governors, especially those from with the Salaries and Remuneration Commis- The informal sector in the county provides em-
opment and information and communication Western Kenya? Do you have a forum where sion (SRC), I was involved in setting up the sal- ployment opportunities for an estimated 60
technology (ICT) programmes. This will reduce you discuss issues affecting the region? ary structure for the new cadres of staff who per cent of the county population, contributing
the cost of transport, promote competitiveness, came in after devolution. At the moment, I am about 70 per cent of household incomes. The
A: My working relationship with fellow gover-
open up business opportunities for our people, closely involved in ensuring counties have a activities in the sector include, jembe making,
nors is excellent. At the Council of Governors
and facilitate faster and more inclusive county superannuation scheme and other human re- repair and metal fabrication, furniture mak-
level, I have been appointed as the chair of the
development. The projects will also help in em- source benefits. ing, dressmaking, hairdressing etc. The sale of
Human Resources, Labour and Social Welfare
ployment creation and poverty reduction. second-hand clothes has spread throughout the
Committee. This is a very important commit-
county and is employing a substantial number
Water reticulation: Provision of equitable ac- tee charged with what is considered the most Q. What are your plans for the youth, wom-
of residents. This sector has high potential for
cess to safe and affordable drinking water for important factor of production, which is hu- en and people with disabilities in Kisii?
development and a big and ready market.
county residents through construction of water man capital. I am humbled by the confidence The county government is cognisant of the
schemes, drilling of boreholes and spring pro- bestowed upon me by my fellow governors, We have recognised the critical role that can
fact that unless we invest in the potential of
tection. which testifies to my good working relationship be played by the private sector and develop-
the youth and women, we will not achieve real
with them. At the regional level, our cordial ment partners in the mobilisation of resources
development that benefits everybody in fu-
working relationship has also seen us form the towards industrial development and therefore,
Healthcare: Equipping Kisii Teaching and Re- ture. We are committed to the empowerment
Lake Basin Region Economic Bloc to spur eco- we are using the public private partnership
ferral Hospital, while expanding and stabilising and improvement of the lives of our youth and
nomic development of our respective counties. model to accelerate development so as to cre-
existing sub-county health facilities to facilitate women. We are opening up opportunities to
ate jobs and spur county development. We are
accessibility of health services to our people. Initially, the bloc consisted of the 10 counties tap the latent talents and entrepreneurial capa-
also in touch with development partners for the
We will also purchase enough drugs and recruit of the former Nyanza and Western provinces; bilities of our youth, women and persons with
same. Recently, we held the entrepreneurship
enough health personnel in our healthcare sys- (Bungoma, Busia, Homa Bay, Kakamega, Kisii, disability, by encouraging them to form groups
summit where we showcased our resources
tems, with a view to building a healthy and pro- Kisumu, Migori, Nyamira, Siaya and Vihiga). and be assisted to start income-generating ac-
and provided an opportunity to link local re-
ductive human resource base that we need for Three other counties (Bomet, Kericho and tivities.
gional and international investors.
driving our county development agenda. We Trans-Nzoia) later joined the bloc, which now We are also directing resources towards the
will also ensure adequate social safety net for has a membership of 13 counties. These coun- promotion of sporting activities and expan-
our vulnerable groups. ties share not only vastly similar ecological sion of youth polytechnics in order to ensure Q. What are some of the challenges facing
zones and natural resources, but have similar sustainable youth empowerment. We are also devolution today and how can they tackled?
cultural histories that date back to pre-colonial constructing workshops in our sub-counties to A. The challenges facing devolution are many
Social protection: This is intended to open up times. enhance training on artisan skills, crafts and and varied. The biggest challenge is that gov-
opportunities to tap the latent talents and en-
In the wake of devolution, the governors of the technical training, which will equip our youth ernors had to fight to ensure that devolution
trepreneurial capabilities of our youth, women
13 counties took a bold step to come together with skills that will enable them contribute to is accepted. There were political challenges as
and persons with disability by encouraging
to harness the abundant natural resources of economic development by making them self well that unfortunately were advanced to some
them to form groups and be assisted to start
the region and benefit from economies of scale. reliant. Bursaries are also being given to needy extent by the media. For instance, about four
income-generating activities.
We have identified the main economic pillars students in all the wards. months into devolution, we were already deal-
Further, Kisii County has pioneered in starting for spurring economic growth and allocated ing with complaints that there was nothing tan-
In order to empower the most vulnerable mem-
a National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) sub- these to various counties based on their com- gible to show for devolution! It is only now that
bers of society, we have set aside resources for
scription for the poor and marginalized across parative advantage. Kisii County, for example, people are seeing the fruits of this new system
affirmative action interventions to help people
the county. Through the Kisii County NHIF Sup- is in charge of the Health pillar. When as a bloc of governance. Resources that are allocated to
with disability and youth development to en-
port Act, 2015, we have set aside KShs.40 mil- we negotiate for sectoral funding, we will allow the counties are not enough in relation to the
able them actively participate in our economic
lion to pay the NHIF subscriptions for those un- more resources to go to the county in charge of functions we have been given. This financial
transformation agenda. We are the only county
able to access medical care within the County. a particular pillar. year, no county got its 12th month remittance
that has acquired a card printer to be used in
Now the poor and elderly will be supported of resources. In Kisii for instance, the National
We have also sought partnerships with various the identification and registration of persons
through NHIF subscription (social protection) to Treasury remained with over KShs700 million
local and international agencies to support our with disability, which is a milestone as counties
enable them actively participate in our county’s that is due to the county government. This es-
development agenda and have received en- in the Western region can access this facility in
development agenda. Identification of benefi- sentially means that counties end up with debts
couraging responses, which we will soon un- Kisii.
ciaries is ongoing as stipulated in the Act. they cannot pay.
We are grateful for the support we have re- The other issue is on staffing. We are in di-
Q. Kisii County is home to massive deposits
Economic development: We will work on de- ceived from Deloitte East Africa, who partnered lemma about what to do with the excess staff
of raw materials for the soapstone industry.
veloping markets to enhance revenue collec- with us in preparing the economic blueprint whom we cannot declare redundant. Another
How has this industry impacted on the econ-
tion, besides providing security for traders and which was launched by H.E. the President dur- challenge is the classification of roads. Devolu-
omy of Kisii and what big plans do you have
their properties. We will also promote food se- ing the Second Devolution Conference in Kisu- tion, as per Schedule 4 of the 2010 Constitu-
for the industry?
curity and generation of farm income through mu in 2015. tion, envisioned clear transfer and classifica-
intensified information management for the ag- A. Kisii County is the only county with this rare tion of roads. Three years down the road, the
ricultural sector and enhancement of extension rock. Soapstone renders itself for manipula- National Government is yet to decentralise this
services through integrated efforts towards im- Q. How about your relationship with Kisii tion to make figurines. It can also be used to function.
provement of both crop and animal husbandry. leaders - the Senator, MPs and MCAs? make ceramics, talc powder, paint and other
Another challenge is on devolution of the
A. I would like to indicate that I am friends with products. We have written to the Ministry of
health function. Increased responsibility due
Kisii leaders even though as expected in poli- Industry to help us get an investor to ensure we
Q. Many counties inherited administrations to devolution typically lies with counties, and
tics, sometimes we may not agree on certain engage in value addition. We look forward to a
with bloated staff from the defunct local the Ministry of Health should therefore have
issues. In matters development, the mwananchi day when we won’t have to export soapstone
authorities. This excessive work force has minimal responsibility in the sector. This has not
we serve is one. as a raw product or as figurines. Currently, we
negatively impacted on county expenditure been fully adhered to by the National Govern-
have allowed investors who are doing minor
because of the huge wage bill. Are you fac- ment. Funding of the health docket at the na-
value addition like the manufacture of kaolin
ing the same problem in Kisii and how have Q. Do you hold any position at the Council tional level is still very high, and this means that
you handled it? of Governors? How have you used this posi- counties have to contend with limited resourc-
tion to improve devolution? es, which have continued hamper services.
A. When we took over, we had three cadres of
Q. Industrialisation is key to achieving Ke-
staff - those from the National Government, A. As the chairman of the Human Resources
nya vision 2030. How fast is Kisii being in-
those from the defunct local authorities, and and Social Welfare Committee of the Council of Q.Why should the people of Kisii vote you
the officers that we employed. The bulk of the Governors, I was instrumental in ensuring the back to office in 2017?
staff were from the local authorities. Accord- setting up of a proper institutional framework A. The existing industries in the county comprise
A. The people of Kisii will vote me back because
ing to the Employment Act, you cannot remove
any worker from employment. However, some The Kisii Entrepreneurship Summit was a huge success first and foremost, I am a serious about what I
am doing. I believe in working for the people of
of them require retraining because some of the and one of its kind in the region. The summit accorded Kisii County. I have depoliticised the office of
services they were offering - like in revenue – Governor in Kisii County and this is clear in the
were manual and we have since gone digital. us an opportunity to showcase trade and investment development projects I have initiated. Secondly,
We partnered with the National Government
to come up with the Capacity Assessment and
opportunities in Kisii County to local, regional and the people of Kisii are extremely intelligent and
are able to evaluate good leadership.
Rationalisation Programme, in which I happen international investors who were in attendance. It also
to be the co-chair at the Council of Governors
provided a mentorship opportunity for our budding
This programme is meant to ensure staff ratio- entrepreneurs through interaction with established
nalisation in national and county Governments.
18 Kisii County Government

Championing innovative agriculture

The overall objective is to transform the sector from subsistence to a modern, innovative
Vincent Sagwe
and commercially viable industry through value addition, branding and marketing Samwel Mogeni
CEC for Agriculture Chief Officer Agriculture

s outlined in the Fourth Schedule of the tural development and food security.
Constitution of Kenya, 2010, the follow- (c) Provision of farm inputs
ing functions and powers are assigned to
counties in the agricultural sector: To increase food production and boost the
income of farmers, the county introduced a
• Crop and animal husbandry
subsidised inputs programme through which
• Livestock sale yards 10,000 farmers received certified maize seed,
• County abattoirs planting and topdressing fertilizer.
• Plant and disease control (d) Tissue culture banana
• Fisheries To encourage the cultivation of tissue culture
The overall objective of the department is to banana that is early-maturing and disease-resis-
transform the sector from subsistence to a tant, the county procured and distributed 5,500
modern, innovative and commercially viable tissue culture suckers to farmers in all 45 wards
industry. The department envisions promoting to promote food security and income genera-
food security and self-reliance through sustain- tion.
able agricultural growth for employment and
wealth creation.
Focus is on implementing agro-processing, im-
proving availability of quality agricultural in-
puts like seeds, fertilizer and pesticides through
subsidies; improving agricultural marketing for
produce; improving agricultural extension ser-
vices; and improving governance in the area of

Key achievements
Enabling legislation
The department has formulated eight pieces of
Mr. Elijah Moindi inspects his avocado farm at Nyambunwa in Bomachoge Borabu Sub County. The
legislation to support the implementation of its County distributed free seedlings of the hass variety of avocado that is early maturing and has a
mandate: high oil content.
• Kisii County Science and Technology Park
Act, 2014 have been losing earnings through middlemen 22 coffee factories that need to be modernised
who export the fruit to countries like South Af- in order to enhance efficiency and effective-
• Kisii County Animal Disease Control Act, rica. ness. A taskforce set up by the county has fi-
To ensure farmers reap from this produce, the nalised its recommendations in areas of value-
• Kisii County Plant Health Act, 2013 addition and branding, financial management
county licensed an investor to put up an avoca-
• Kisii County Abattoirs Act, 2013 do-processing factory in Kisii. The investor es- and controls, governance challenges, manage-
• Kisii County Animal Welfare Act, 2013 tablished a manufacturing plant and exported ment of assets and liabilities, and production
• Kisii County Livestock Act, 2013 the first batch of 30,000 metric tonnes of avo- and processing. Most of the recommendations
(e) Soil testing and sampling kits cado oil to Mexico for the cosmetic industry. have been implemented and it’s envisaged that
Due to declining soil fertility that experts at- the gains will be realized soon.
Directorate of Crop Production However, due to environmental concerns aris-
tribute to continuous application of fertilizers ing from the factory’s location in the middle of
Achievements by this directorate include: rich in nitrogen, soil testing is recommended town, production was stopped. The county is
(a) Greenhouse demonstration kits to get the right advice on fertilizer to apply, building a multipurpose, value-addition site at
Due to diminishing land sizes, traditional ag- and the type of crops to cultivate. Previously, the Agricultural Training Centre and construc-
ricultural practices are no longer tenable. The farmers had to take samples to agricultural re- tion work is 70 per cent complete.
county is encouraging the use of greenhouses search centres and wait for days to get results.
The county has organised farmers into a coop-
and has established a greenhouse demonstra- The county procured and distributed soil test-
erative and distributed free seedlings of early-
tion centre at the Agricultural Training Centre. ing and sampling kits in all 45 wards. Farmers
maturing Hass variety of avocado that has high
A total of 45 greenhouses were distributed, one collect samples and have tests conducted at
oil content.
for each ward. the ward level. The kits give fast, accurate and
reliable soil fertility status, especially PH levels.
(f) Support for the construction of Sombogo
Tea Factory
The area tea farmers have been experiencing
losses due to distance covered to the nearest
tea processing factories. As an intervention
measure, the county government has allocated
KShs30 million as support to farmers, to allow
for the construction of a tea factory.

(b) Modernised extension by incorporating (h) Construction of a sugar factory

e-agriculture Following the successful hosting of the Kisii En-
Directorate of Fisheries
Agricultural extension services are critical in trepreneurship Summit (KES 2016), the county
the sector. However, there are challenges re- has signed an agreement with an investor for With diminishing land sizes, the county is en-
garding staffing and lack of equipment, espe- the construction of a sugar complex in South couraging farmers to diversify their agriculture
cially in the dairy sub-sector. To address this Mogirango sub-county. The sugar complex will and adopt fish farming as a means to wealth
challenge, the department has adopted Infor- crush 5,000 tonnes of cane per day and produce and employment creation and improved nutri-
mation and Communication Technology (ICT) 172,500 metric tonnes of sugar, 10 megawatts tion.
through e-agriculture. of power, and create more than 10,000 direct To support this venture, the County Govern-
Technical material has been uploaded to the and indirect jobs. Additionally, it will produce ment constructed 131 fish ponds and distrib-
county’s website and plans are underway to 7.5 million litres of ethanol. It will be the sec- uted free fingerlings to farmers in all the 45
launch a bulk SMS platform to enable farm- ond largest sugar factory in Kenya after Mumias wards.
ers access extension services on their mobile Sugar Company. Through the directorate, the county has iden-
(g) Construction of an avocado factory
phones through a digital farm service. The (i) Revival of the coffee sector tified suitable sites and encouraged farmers
Avocado is a nutritious fruit cultivated in nearly
county has established a modern ICT laborato- The coffee sector has over the years been to start fish farming. Extension officers are on
every home in Kisii County, with great potential
ry at the Agricultural Training Centre to support marred by challenges at the farm level, produc- hand to provide technical advice to farmers.
for income generation. Unfortunately, farmers
this initiative to enhance sustainable agricul- tion, processing and marketing. The county has Planned projects by the directorate include:
Kisii County Government 19

Our dream is to see our farmers increase

productivity from their livestock and earn
more money. Our dairy farmers face many
challenges including high cost of semen
and exploitation by unscrupulous AI service
providers. We have introduced this service
following a needs assessment and public
- Governor Ongwae

Governor James Ongwae (second from left) hands over a solar drier to a farmer group. The driers were distributed
to farmer groups in each of the 45 wards to facilitate value addition especially to local vegetables.

The department envisions

promoting food security and
self-reliance through sustainable
agricultural growth for Governor James Ongwae flags
off Artificial Insemination (AI)
employment and wealth creation. technicians during the launch
of the subsidized service. to
improve the dairy herd.

Directorate of Livestock Development

The livestock sub sector employs about 60 per cent of the
agricultural labour force in the county.
It also contributes significantly to the local economy as a
Subsidized Artificial
source of food and income. The County launched a dairy
commercialisation programme aimed at increasing earn-
Insemination (AI) to improve
ings from the sub sector. Below are some of the director-
ate’s achievements:
the dairy herd
(a) Dairy goats

he County Government unveiled a subsidized artificial insemination (AI)
The county distributed 179 dairy goats to farmer groups service to improve dairy breeds for milk production.
in all the 45 wards. Dairy goats are ideal for farmers with
small land sizes. Dairy farmers now access the service at a cost of KShs.500 down from
Governor James Ongwae hands over fish fingerlings KShs3, 000 charged by private service providers. Farmers access this service
to a fisheries officer during the launch of a fish pond (b) Improving extension services
at Suneka Primary School.
through AI technicians stationed in each of the 45 wards who are available on
The county procured and distributed 20 motorcycles to call 24 hours a day. The County plans to set up a call centre where farmers will
facilitate the mobility of agricultural extension officers at access extension services.
• Completion of the Fish Multiplication Centre the grassroots. During the launch, Governor James Ongwae underscored the need for breed
• Construction of more fish ponds in all the (c) Livestock disease control improvement to increase productivity and control animal diseases.
45 wards The county successfully conducted vaccination campaigns “Our dream is to see our farmers increase productivity from their livestock and
• Equipping of multiplication and demonstra against foot and mouth disease (14,896 animals were vac- earn more money. Our dairy farmers face many challenges including high cost
cinated), lumpy skin disease (7,509 cattle were vaccinated) of semen and exploitation by unscrupulous AI service providers. We have in-
tion centers at Tendere and rabies (214 dogs vaccinated). troduced this service following a needs assessment and public participation,”
• Completion of construction of fish markets (d) Poultry farming noted Ongwae.
and a cold storage facility at the Kisii market To promote poultry farming, the county distributed 11,018 He noted that his government is committed to improving dairy breeds noting
local poultry as breeding stock to over 6,000 farmers. To that the County’s milk production was low.
nurture entrepreneurship skills among school pupils, the The Governor called on farmers to shun the culture of using bulls for breeding
county partnered with Innovation Empowerment Project saying this contributed to the spread of diseases.
to distribute 2,250 hens and cages to school children. A
“We are committed to improving livestock production and veterinary services
total of 20,000 doses of poultry vaccine were also issued
in the County. I call on farmers to monitor the programme to ensure it meets
to farmers.
the intended objectives. All a farmer needs to do is to monitor their animals
(e) Cooperatives development and contact the ward AI service provider who will be available on call 24 hours
Before 2013, the cooperatives sector was plagued by gov- a day for consultation and service,” said Governor Ongwae.
ernance issues and low earnings. Through an aggressive He said all served animals will be tagged at a subsidized cost of KShs.100 per
capacity building programme initiated by the county, the head followed by registration of their progeny in the Kenya Stud Book.
sector has registered tremendous growth in membership,
share capital and assests, and is on its way to recovery. In the same vein, the National Government through the Deputy President Wil-
liam Ruto, has committed support this programme by establishing a liquid ni-
(f) Agricultural Training Centre trogen plant in Kisii.
The Agricultural Training Centre was handed over to the “I commend Kisii County for its efforts in lowering the cost of AI services.
county government in March 2014 through legal notice Use of high quality seed is the only way we can improve the production of
number 33. The county has set aside funds to construct meat and milk in the country. I know the hydrogen used to preserve semen is
a retreat centre and additional hostels to facilitate the sourced from Nairobi. I direct the ministry of agriculture to set up the nitrogen
training of farmers and staff. plant in Kisii,” the DP announced during this year’s Kisii ASK Show.
Some of the rabbits distributed to farmer groups in This will help lower the cost of the service by 50 per cent by reducing the dis-
empowerment initiatives. tance covered to access semen at Sotik.
20 Kisii County Government

Bringing service delivery closer to Kisii people

The county established a 24/7 telephone number for receiving emergency calls from
emergency and disaster incident scenes.

Peris Onsarigo Patrick Lumumba

CEC Administration Chief Officer

he department draws its mandate from the
County Government Act, 2012. Its primary
mandate is to:
• Institutionalise governance structure
• Public service management, facilitate • and
coordinate citizen participation and involvement
• Coordinate County Government functions at
the devolved units Enforcement of county laws,
disaster management and emergency response
The department has facilitated the institution-
alisation of governance structure in the county,
whose focus is on devolved units with nine the
sub-counties and 45 electoral wards.
To strengthen the decentralised units, the county
recruited and deployed sub-county and ward County Enforcement Officers undergo training. The enforcement unit supports revenue collection
administrators who are responsible for coordina- in the markets and compliance to set regulations.
tion, management and supervision of the general Chairman Public Service Board Hon. David Kombo
administrative functions in the devolved units, as Complete Ward Offices • Boochi Tendere Ward headquarters office speaking during the Performance Contracting
well as facilitating citizen participation in gover- • Masige West Ward headquarters office • Nyakoe Ward headquarters ceremony
nance. • Bassi Boitangare Ward headquarters office • Kitutu Central Ward headquarters
Key milestones • Bassi Chache Ward headquarters office • Bogusero Ward office
the performance of senior officers against the
• Bassi Bogetaorio Ward headquarters office • Monyerero Ward headquarters office
Enabling legislation resources that have been allocated to them,
• Sameta Mokwerero Ward headquarters office • Sensi Ward headquarters office and an objective means of rewarding and tak-
To provide an efficient and effective delivery of • Moticho Ward headquarters office • Gesusu Ward headquarters office
services, the department has developed the fol- ing appropriate sanctions as per the terms of
• Getenga Ward headquarters office • Kiamokama Ward headquarters office the contracts.
lowing legislations/policies, thereby granting the
• Bogetenga Ward headquarters office • Nyamasibi Ward headquarters office
department legitimate power to carry out certain
• Birongo Ward office • Bombaba Ward headquarters office
actions: County Public Service Board (CPSB)
• Bobaracho Ward headquarters office • Magenche Ward headquarters office
• Kisii County HIV and Aids Workplace Policy • Kisii Central Ward headquarters office • Bokimonge Ward headquarters office The County Public Service Board is anchored in
• Kisii County Transport and Fleet Management • Kiogoro Ward headquarters office • Bomariba Ward office the Constitution of Kenya 2010, Article 235(1)
Policy and Section 57 of the County Government Act,
• Kisii County Disaster Management Act, 2015 2012 with the primary responsibility of building
On-going Projects • Kegogi Ward headquarters office
a strong County Public Service by attracting, re-
• Kisii County Public Participation Act, 2016 • Bassi Central Ward office • Ichuni Ward headquarters office taining and developing human resource capac-
• Kisii County Flag, Emblems and Names • Tabaka Ward headquarters office • Boochi Borabu Ward headquarters office ity and institutional capability for effective and
Act, 2014 • Ibeno Ward headquarters office • Bogiakumu Ward headquarters office efficient social economic transformation at the
• Ethics and Integrity Policy • Bogusero Ward office grassroots.
• Code of Conduct and Ethics for the County
Marshals have trained the unit on firefighting, di-
Public Service construction are as indicated below
saster handling, prevention and response coordina-
The Kisii County Flag, Emblems and Names Act, tion. Enforcement and compliance
In addition, the county also acquired an additional The county has established an enforcement
The symbols were designed and developed 5000-litre fire engine, firefighting gear, and reno- unit, which is responsible for compliance
through a consultative process before approval vated six water hydrant points located at the Kisii with county laws and supporting revenue
by the County Assembly. Teaching and Referral Hospital (KTRH), Ram Hospi- collection.
The county flag, coat of arms, logo and seal are tal, Nyanchwa, Getembe, Daraja Mbili and the Kisii Performance management
instruments that signify identity and the exercise Central Police Criminal Investigation Department
of authority. The colours used are symbolic as il- Section 47 of the County Governments Act,
lustrated below: 2012 provides that each County Executive
Further, the county established a 24/7 telephone Committee shall design a performance man-
• Blue signifies that the sky is the limit for the number for receiving emergency calls from emer- agement plan to evaluate the performance of
county gency and disaster incident scenes. The emergency the County Public Service. The county has in-
• White represents peace and unity number is 0727 600 010. troduced performance management and, as
• Green denotes the rich agricultural potential a strategy to entrench delivery of quality and
timely services to residents, all CECs, Chief
of the county
Officers and staff have been put on perfor-
• The yellow rope represents unity and strength mance contracts. Through this system, mem-
• The seven stars exemplify the six clans in the bers of the public have a means of assessing
county and other communities resident in
our county
• The hills symbolise our green highlands
• The round ring (egetinge) stands for
Omogusii unity
• Kisii soapstone embodies the creative art The modern fire engine acquired by the County
of the Kisii people to support emergency response.

• The shield is a symbol of prosperity,

opportunities, justice, courage and abundance Office space
When the County Government came to office, there
was insufficient office space for staff. The county
Emergency and disaster management
therefore embarked on construction and renova-
To ensure preparedness to respond to emergen- tion of offices at the headquarters, sub-county and
cies, the county established an Emergency and ward levels.
Disaster Management Unit.
The additional and refurbished space has now pro-
The National Police Service’s National Disaster vided officers with conducive working environment
Management Unit (NDMU) has trained officers in and brought services closer to the people. The County built prefab offices to house its staff at the headquarters. The County has also
the unit, while the US State of Minnesota’s Fire built ward offices similar to the Bomariba ward office (above).
The lists of completed offices and those still under
Kisii County Government 21

Bodaboda initiative
empowers the youth
By Kenan Miruka of operators on safe riding and traf-
fic regulations, as well as formation

he sight of motorcycles is a
of a cooperative. The taskforce also
common feature in Kisii Town.
identified and designated pick-up and
Loved and loathed in equal
drop-off points.
measure, the speedy motorcycles,
popularly known as boda boda, have “Our first intervention was to devel-
transformed the Kisii County econo- op a curriculum for training of boda
my, particularly the transport sector. boda operators in conjunction with Part of the 200 motorbikes acquired by the Kisii
the Kenya Institute of Highways and bodaboda Sacco with support from the County.
From the county’s capital, Kisii, to the Governor Ongwae (below) greets players during a past
Building Technology (KIHBT) Kisii Cen-
smallest hamlets in the sub-counties, soccer tournament.
tre. The first batch of 200 operators
boda bodas are now the preferred
were trained and issued with driving
modes of transport.
licences,” says Patrick Lumumba, the
on a normal business day is KShs. 3,000. Without this
Kisii Boda Boda Association chair- Chief Officer for Administration.
business, I do not know how I would have fed my family
man, Mike Mose, reveals that there and educated my children,” he says.
Working with leaders in the boda
are an estimated 56,000 motorcycles
boda sector, the county administra-
in the county, with 12,500 operating Boda Boda Association Secretary, Bernard Mokua, says
tion has organised the operators into
in Kisii Town alone, the highest in the that Kisii Town has a total of 32 designated passenger
an organisation dubbed the Kisii Town
country. The business potential is im- stages.
Motorcycle (Boda Boda) Savings and
mense, with the day population for
Credit Cooperative Organisation “We have linked the Sacco with Post Bank and Coopera-
Kisii Town rising to 400,000 on mar-
(Sacco). With technical support from tive Bank. Members pay monthly contributions directly
ket days – as per estimates.
the county, the operators registered to the bank through mobile money transfer (M-Pesa) that
Boda bodas are a source of livelihood the Sacco and operate from an office is convenient. Members can access loans of up to three
for thousands of residents, especial- donated by the county government. times their savings from the Sacco to buy motorcycles, entrepreneurship skills to address unemployment among
ly the youth who would otherwise acquire property, pay school fees and cater for emergen- the youth,” says Governor Ongwae.
Operators deposit savings in the
be without income. The sector was cies,” explains Mokua.
Sacco and access credit at an interest
however characterised by chaos and
rate of two per cent, with the mini- Only 10 per cent of the youth own motorbikes – a major-
failure to adhere to traffic regula- KCB Foundation trains 100 Kisii youth on
mum amount one can borrow being ity are employed as riders. This is why the county govern-
tions, among other challenges. entrepreneurship
KShs.20,000. The Sacco has over ment came up with a strategy to enable youth acquire
“The bulk of the Kisii County popu- 3,000 registered members drawn their own motorbikes.
To further promote youth empowerment, the county
lation is the youth who comprise 61 from 27 stages within Kisii Town.
The county has developed and enacted the Kisii Trade identified 100 youth drawn from all the 45 wards to join
per cent of the unemployed popula- Members register with KShs.100
Credit Scheme Act, 2015, which provides a legal frame- the KCB Foundation’s Youth Empowerment Programme,
tion. The county government cannot and purchase a share at KShs.1,000.
work for the county to provide credit for entrepreneurs dubbed 2Jiajiri.
offer enough job opportunities for They then contribute a minimum of
at low interest rates. The county linked the Sacco with
the youth, but the private sector can, KShs.100 monthly. The pilot programme seeks to empower budding entre-
moneylender Platinum Credit and Honda East Africa, en-
if well supported. This is why we set preneurs to scale and upscale their business ventures. The
John Mogambi, 36, is a member of the abling 200 youth to acquire motorcycles in the first phase
out to support the boda boda trade,” youth were trained on entrepreneurship.
Sacco, and has been in business for of the project using KShs. 2million seed money provided
says Governor James Ongwae.
the past nine years. Using proceeds by the county. Through this, many of the youth who were The programme includes a 12-month incubation period
In order to reorganise the sector into from his boda boda business, he has employed as riders have now become owners, with some during which entrepreneurs will have access to mentor-
a safe, profitable and sustainable managed to put up a corrugated iron- already diversifying into taxi business from their increased ship resources.
source of livelihood for the youth, the roofed house in his rural home and earnings. The programme has been so successful that the
send his two children to school. county is rolling it out to other urban centres within the Participating youth will enjoy discounted financing to
governor formed a taskforce to iden-
county. support business start-ups and growth. They will also get
tify challenges in the sector and pro-
He owns five bikes, which generate a connected to mentors, financial advisers and investors on
pose a way forward. The taskforce
minimum of KShs. 400 each per day. “To improve working conditions of boda boda operators, project ideas developed.
recommended re-routing of boda
He rides one but has employed four we built 200 sheds, a minimum of five in each of the 45
boda transport in Kisii Town, training
other riders. “The least I can expect wards. Our focus now is to enhance capacity building on

Private investor wins big with KShs200m eye hospital

nowned, not just in Africa, but all obver the “I am working towards partnering with the
world. We aim at improving community live- county government through Public Private
lihoods by providing affordable quality eye Partnerships to help our people access this
care through innovative and patient-cen- rare service. This centre is the only privately-
tered approaches,” says Dr. Kiage. owned centre in the county,” says Dr. Kiage.

The centre is dedicated to improving the lives of

people with blindness and visual impairment. The
centre is led by Dr. Kiage, a consultant ophthalmologist
and glaucoma specialist, in collaboration with other
national and international eye care providers.

isii County prides itself as home to an inno- people with blindness and visual impairment. The
vative eye centre. Founded in 2013, Kisii Eye centre is led by Dr. Daniel Kiage, a consultant oph-
Centre uses a social entrepreneurial business thalmologist and glaucoma specialist, in collabora-
model approach to address the challenging prob- tion with other national and international eye care
lem of blindness and visual impairment in Kenya. providers.
In Kisii County, 25 per cent of the population is The centre provides high quality comprehensive
affected by visual impairment and blindness. The eye care services, and is equipped with state-of-
leading causes of blindness and vision impairment the-art equipment for the diagnosis and treatment
in the county include; eye defects that require of eye diseases. It offers world-class eye care ser-
glasses, cataract, diabetes, allergies and glaucoma. vices.
The centre is dedicated to improving the lives of “Our medical experts are highly qualified and re-
22 Kisii County Government

Nurturing culture, sports and youth talent

To provide recreational facilities and nurture sporting talent as well as preserving
culture with emphasis on the youth.
Marcella Otuke Beatrice Nyariki
CEC Culture, Sports, Youth Chief Officer Culture,
and Social Services Sports, Youth and Social

he functions related to Culture, Youth, Sports and Social
Services are not fully devolved. They are under the national
government, including the budgetary allocations for such
The department is mandated to manage functions outlined
in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010,
which include betting control; liquor licensing; libraries and
museums; sports facilities; and cultural activities and facilities.
However, in the spirit of cooperation, the county government is
supplementing the national government activities by allocating
resources to support programmes that target children, women, Ebitinge (anklets) - wedding bands
persons with disability, sports and affirmative action. worn on the ankles
Key Achievements
• Enabling legislation
• Kisii County NHIF Support Act, 2015
• Youth and Women Empowerment Fund
• Persons with Disability Fund

Persons with disability

We have mainstreamed the rights of Persons with Disability
(PWDs) in the county’s development agenda. The PWDs have an
umbrella organisation, the Kisii County Persons with Disability
Welfare Association, which is headed by a president.
The department has also acquired a card printer, the only one
in the Western Kenya region, to facilitate registration and iden-
tification of Persons with Disability. Previously, PWDs used to
travel to Nairobi to access this service. These cards will enable The Kisii Culture Centre. It has facilities for meetings and recreation.
businesspersons with disability to be exempted from taxes to
empower them economically.
Inter-Counties Sports and Culture Association (KICOSCA) games
Further, the cards will help Persons with Disability to conduct held in Nakuru, where all the counties participated. Kisii County
their businesses in a reserved manner and be recognised and won two gold medals in the competitions. The county also
identified in organisations where they apply for job opportu- participated in East Africa Local Authority Sports and Culture As-
nities. On the other hand, the county sponsored members of sociation games held in Kampala and won one bronze medal.
PWDs including their president for training in Mombasa to en-
hance their skills.
Community libraries
To boost literacy and promote a reading culture, the department
is constructing community libraries in each of the nine sub-coun-
ties. So far, community libraries have been built in Kenyenya and
Ogembo towns. Funds have been set aside to equip and opera-
tionalise these libraries.

Kenyenya Commuty Library built by the County Government

building of washrooms, pavilions and an inner perimeter fence.

In the sub-counties, the department is improving community
playgrounds in each of the 45 wards. Works include levelling of
grounds, fencing and erecting of goalposts. The playing grounds
are currently being improved.
The County has bought a card printer to assist in profiling and
identification of Persons with Disability.
Governor’s Cup
National Hospital Insurance Fund To enhance and promote sports culture, the Governor, through
In order to ensure the needy have access to quality healthcare, the department, rolled out the Governor’s Cup programme in
Kisii County, through this department, has pioneered in this pro- all the nine sub-counties, starting from the ward level. The main Ogembo community library built by the County Government
gramme by setting aside KShs45million to pay National Hospi- agenda was to identify young talented youths in the county, sup-
tal Insurance Fund (NHIF) subscription for selected beneficiaries port and nurture them by equipping them with training skills in
across the county. The NHIF policy is now in place and identifica- sports.
Alternative medicine
tion of beneficiaries is ongoing.
To promote and enhance alternative medicine, the department
Inter-County Sports and Cultural Association has recognised the establishment of Kenya Herbalists Association,
Support for elders’ council and women To promote national cohesion and nurture local talent, the Kisii Branch, headed by a chairman.
Elders play an integral role in promoting cohesion, culture and county, through this department, participated in the Kenya Additionally, the department is building cultural centres in Ta-
peace building in the community. To support their activities, baka and Suneka towns, where construction works are nearly
the department constructed and equipped an office block for complete. Construction of town halls in Mosocho, Kenyenya and
the Abagusii Culture and Development Council. Through the In order to ensure the needy have Tabaka towns are also complete. These cultural centres will host
Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Organisation (MYWO), the depart-
ment sponsored women leaders from each of the nine sub-coun-
access to quality healthcare, Kisii official and public meetings.

ties to undergo training on entrepreneurship at the Cooperative County, through this department, Rehabilitation of street children
University. The department has also set aside funds to construct
an office for the women organization. has pioneered in this programme by To control and rehabilitate street children, reduce alcoholism
setting aside KShs45million to pay and child prostitution, the department has set aside funds for the
construction of Kiamwasi Rehabilitation Centre. The procure-
Improvement of sports facilities National Hospital Insurance Fund ment process for the project is complete and the tender has been
To provide recreational facilities and nurture talent, the depart- awarded to the contractor who is expected to start construction.
ment embarked on an initiative to improve sports facilities, (NHIF) subscription for selected
starting with the Gusii Stadium. A perimeter fence has already
been erected around the stadium. Construction works in the
beneficiaries across the county.
first phase of the project include expansion of the running track,
Kisii County Government 23

Honing vocational skills for employment

We have employed 965 ECDE teachers, built over 200 classrooms and disbursed KShs430m
in bursaries to needy students to access education
Dr. Skitta Ocharo David Kebiro
CEC Education, Labour and Chief Officer Education,
Manpower Deveolpment Labour and Manpower

s outlined in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitu- county. Following the successful conference, a taskforce was
tion of Kenya, 2010, Counties are mandated to formed to oversee the implementation of recommendations.
manage Early Childhood Development Education One of the major recommendations from the Education
(ECDE) and vocational education. Counties have been as- Stakeholders Conference was that due to the prevailing pov-
signed pre-primary education, childcare facilities, village erty in the county, many bright students were unable to con-
polytechnics and home craft centres. All other levels of tinue with their education, thus denying the county human
education, including funding, is with the national govern- capital that is crucial for development.
ment. Prior to the inception of the county government,
pre-primary and village polytechnic functions were run by This became the basis for the establishment of the County
the national government and were faced by challenges, Bursary Fund whose prime objective is to boost transition
including inadequate staff and infrastructure. rates and promote retention in the county’s school system.
So far, a total of KShs420 million have been disbursed equal-
The department discharges its mandate through the di- ly to each ward and benefited 117,669 learners.
rectorates of Early Childhood Education and Vocational
Training. The department has come up with policies on
registration of ECDE centres, registration of ECD teach- Directorate of Early Childhood Development Education
ers, management of village polytechnics, registration of
village polytechnics and; quality assurance and standards Before the inception of the County Government, most par-
in ECDE centres and village polytechnics. ents bore the burden of paying salaries for ECDE teachers Governor James Ongwae presents a cheque to beneficiaries during the launch of the
and provision of infrastructure. As a result, enrolment was Kisii County Bursary Fund. Deputy Governor Joash Maangi (left),KCB John Momanyi and
Key achievements
low. KSSHA Chairman Jairus Onchoke look on.
Enabling legislation
To increase enrolment, expand and improve Early Childhood
The department has formulated four pieces of legislation Care and Education, the county has: Before devolution After devolution Total
to support the implementation of its mandate:
• Constructed 180 ECD classrooms throughout the Vocational Training Centres 39 19 58
• Kisii County Bursaries Fund (Amendment) Act, county
2016 Workshops 39 54 93
• Initiated construction works on a further 263 class-
• Kisii County Village Polytechnics Management Act, rooms that are ongoing The county has also distributed tools and equipment to 31 VTCs, including cookers, sewing ma-
2015 chines and hairdressing equipment. The county has further employed 120 instructors on permanent
• Recruited and posted 965 ECDE teachers to public
• Kisii County Childcare Facilities Bill, 2014 schools in all 45 wards and pensionable terms. An additional 150 instructors will be employed in the current financial year.
• Kisii County Home Craft Centre Bill, 2014 • Procured and distributed play equipment, including To improve supervision of curriculum instruction in VTCs, the county has employed quality assur-
swings, slides and seesaws ance and standards officers.
Education stakeholders conference These interventions have resulted in a tremendous increase Future Plans
in enrolment in ECDE centres within public primary schools, • The county will implement a business model approach in the youth polytechnics to guarantee
which stands at 79,182, compared to 64,440 previously. The sustainability in the management of the institutions
quality of learning has also improved, given that the current
• The county also plans to incorporate e-learning for the ECDE and vocational training centres.
teacher-student ratio has advanced from 1:46 to 1:38

Bursary enabled me pursue my

education dream - Barongo
am proud of the Kisii County Education Bursary Fund. It
enabled me offset my fee balances on time and prepare
for my final exams at the Kenya Medical Training college,
Kisii campus.
Governor Ongwae addresses newly recruited ECD
teachers after their induction training. I come from a humble background, being the third-born in a
In line with H.E. the Governor’s election pledge of im- family of six. My father died in 2006 when I was in Standard
proving education standards in the county, a needs as- Directorate of Vocational Education Eight. But my dear mother has ensured we go to school.
sessment conducted for schools at the inception of the
County Government revealed that there were both finan- • Achievements by this directorate include: I was unsure of completing my studies within three years be-
cial and infrastructural constraints that burdened parents. • Youth polytechnic workshops cause you cannot be allowed to sit for the final exams if you
It also indicated that there was a gap in transition rates To support this sub-sector, the county has invested in the have fee arrears. So, when I heard that the kitty was open
from primary to secondary school. This was followed by construction of modern classrooms and workshops. The goal specifically for needy college students in 2014, I applied by
the first Kisii County Education Stakeholders Conference is to have at least one modern Vocational Training Centre filling the official forms and returned them to our Riana Ward
at Kisii University to deliberate on critical educational is- (VTC) in each of the 45 wards. offices. I was awarded the bursary days later. I again applied
sues with the aim of improving academic standards in the successfully last year.
Number of VTCs and workshops
With an assurance that if I combined the bursaries and what
my mother raised I would offset the fee balance, I had a
peace of mind to prepare well for the Kenya National Exami-
With an
nations Council exams. God willing, I will graduate in Decem- assurance that
ber with a Diploma in Medical Laboratory, which will be a key if I combined
milestone in my life. It will help me secure a stable job from the bursaries
whence I will earn an income and help my mother pay fees and what my
for my siblings.
Vocational training cen-
mother raised
I want to dismiss the notion amongst needy students that it is
tre at Masakwe Youth difficult to get bursary. Your institution has a segment in the I would offset
Polytechnic in Sensi forms where they comment about you. You need to prove the fee balance,
that you deserve the money through your good performance I had a peace of
in class. The bursary committee receives several applications mind to prepare
and closely scrutinise each case and ensures fairness.
well for the
BEFORE AFTER While the bursary cannot entirely support every needy case, Kenya National
it is my belief that going forward, cash allocated to the kitty
will be increased. This will in turn mean that an individual Examinations
student gets an amount commensurate to the arrears he or Council exams.
An ECDE classroom she has.
at Matongo Primary In short, this bursary is the best thing that has ever happened
School in Bogiakumu to total and partial orphans and all needy students in Kisii. I
Ward, Bonchari Sub- encourage them to take advantage of the kitty, study to the
county before and after
best of their ability and transform the lives of their families
and the county at large in future. Kudos to the Kisii County

BEFORE AFTER -Francis Barongo from Bokora village in Riana Ward is a proud beneficiary of the
Kisii County Education Bursary. He is a former student at the Kenya Medical Training
College, Kisii Campus and will graduate in December 2016.
Story by Joshua Araka/Kisii County
24 Kisii County Government

Positioning Kisii to attract investments

We have improved market infrastructure to attract investors, supported entrepreneurial
ability, as well as positioning Kisii County as an unrivaled commercial hub in the region.
Kebati Osoro John Obwocha
CEC Trade, Tourism and Chief Officer Trade,
Industry Tourism and Industry

he Department of Trade, Tourism and Industry is one of the ten line departments in
the County. It is charged with the promotion of trade, industrial development, in-
vestments and Liquor licensing. It discharges its core mandate through the di-
rectorates of Weights and Measures, Trade, Liquor Licensing and Tourism respectively.
Projects implemented in this department are aimed at providing necessary market infrastructure,
attract investment, enhance existing entrepreneurial ability as well as reinforce the position of
Kisii County as a commercial hub in the region.
Key Achievements
Enabling Legislation • Investment Policy;
The following legislations have been enacted: • Investment Guide.
• Kisii County Trade Credit Scheme Act, Market Development
2015; The County embarked on the improvement
• Kisii County Trade and Markets Act, 2015; of markets across the 45 wards through the
construction of new ones and providing basic Governor James Ongwae (centre) hosts UNCTAD Secretary General Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi and CoG
• Alcoholic Drinks Control Act, 2015; chair Peter Munya, Governor Wycliffe Oparanya and other guests during the Summit.
• Tourism policy facilities to the existing ones as summarized
below. the actualization of this partnership. We are working with the World Intellectual
• Licensing policy;
Finally, we signed a deal with leading voice, Property Organisation (WIPO) and the Kenya
Completed Projects Ward data and Internet Service Provider Liquid Tele- Intellectual Property Institute (KIPI) to protect
com who will invest KShs6billion in connectivity soapstone as a geographical feature and safe-
Construction of Market Toilets Bogusero, Tendere Boochi, Keumbu, Kiogoro, guard the intellectual property rights of artistes.
projects. The firm will invest in connecting the
Bombaba, Borabu, Bogeka, Nyatieko, Sensi, Ichuni,
County Government with its devolved units, set Already, an investor has set a private processing
Gesusu, Nyamasibi, Bogiakumu, Riana.
up metro Wi-Fi in Kisii Town and interconnec- factory in South Mogirango to engage in value
Construction of Sheds Ongoing Projects Chitago Borabu, Bomorenda Ward tivity with Isebania along the Kenya-Tanzania addition. The factory will produce fine soap-
border. stone powder to be used as an additive in the
Market Toilets Kenyerero, Rionyiego, Kisii Town, Keumbu, Omor-
The effect of this investment will lead to im- manufacture of Kaolin.
ingamu, Eronge, Nyakeyo, Gesieka, Nyabitunwa,
Igembe, Ramasha, Ibacho, Nyabieyo. proved mobile phone services, better retail
facilities in Kisii Town and boost entrepreneur-
Market Sheds Omosaria, Matunwa, Matierio, Nyamache, Riosiri, ship due to the free Wi-Fi. We continue to real-
Tabaka. ize more fruits as we conclude discussions with
Before the County government came into being, such challenges as inadequate space for selling other investors.
their products traders in various market centres had problems of inadequate space to sell their
products, The department in this regard, has constructed markets in the 45 wards in Kisii County. The Kisii County Trade Credit scheme
Daraja Mbili Market improvement partnerships. In February this year, we success- Inadequate business finance is one of the prin-
fully held the first ever Kisii Entrepreneurship cipal causes of business failure in the County.
Daraja Mbili market is the second largest open- To address this challenge facing the traders, the
air market in the Nyanza region after Kibuye in Summit (KES 2016). The three-day high impact
Summit brought together local, regional and County government initiated a revolving credit
Kisumu and therefore, places the county as an scheme that provides affordable access to busi-
economic hub in the region. However, the mar- international investors to a platform where we
showcased trade and investment opportunities ness finance to the micro, small and medium
ket has been facing challenges of inadequate enterprises.
basic facilities. in Kisii County.
Following the summit, we have managed to With the enabling legislation in place, we have
The county, in collaboration with the National set up a board to manage the funds and the
Government, has embarked on upgrading the sign contractual agreements with a number of
investors. Firstly, we have signed an agreement County assembly has given necessary approvals.
market. Phase I of the project involves comple- Once the board is gazetted, small and Medium A sculpture made from Kisii Stone. The
tion of the stalled market building at a cost of with an investor on the establishment of a County has plans to support soapstone
KShs5billion sugar complex in South Mogiran- Enterprises can make applications to get funding
KShs204 million. from this scheme. mining in Kisii.
go. Modalities to actualise this project are on
Construction works include three additional Through this scheme, 200 youth have acquired
course and preliminary approvals for the proj-
floors to house a wholesale market, cold motorcycles (bodaboda) through their Savings
ect have been given. When ready, the sugar
rooms, a police post, cyber cafes, ATMs, offices and Credit Cooperative Society. Most the benefi-
complex will crush 5,000 tonnes of sugarcane
and kiosks. The market will have loading bays ciaries were initially working as riders for own- Creating an enabling environment
per day and produce 172,500 metric tonnes of
and once complete in June next year, traders ers of the motorbikes but now they have been
sugar making it the second largest sugar fac- Since the inception of the County Government,
who currently sell their wares along the road empowered to become entrepreneurs.
tory in Kenya after Mumias. Additionally, the the financial sector in Kisii has experienced tre-
will be relocated to the new facility.
sugar complex will produce 15 million litres of Boda boda sheds mendous growth with the number of commer-
The county will construct access roads, addi- ethanol and 10 Megawatts of power. cial banks rising from 13 in 2013 to 22 currently.
tional sheds, washrooms and stone pitching on The boda boda is a fast growing sector that has
The factory will be a major boon to our coun- created jobs for thousands of youth in the Coun- Insurance firms present in Kisii have grown from
Rivers Nyakomisaro and Nyanchwa. nine in 2013 to 17 currently. Indeed, statistics
ty’s agriculture sector of our economy as it not ty. To support this thriving industry, the County
only improve earnings to farmers but also cre- has built 200 boda boda sheds (four per ward) from the Central Bank in Kisumu indicate that
ate about 10,000 direct and indirect jobs for to improve the working conditions of the boda Kisii controls 60 percent of the money market
our people. boda operators. in Nyanza. To support this growth, CBK plans to
establish a money-clearing house in Kisii.
Secondly, we signed a KShs12 billion agree-
ment with another Investor for the building of Soapstone
a new city in Kisii County. This project will ad-
dress the need for residential and commercial Soapstone is a unique rock that is only found in
space while creating over 20,000 direct and Kisii County. The bedrock of this stone spreads
indirect jobs for our people. over 40 square kilometres and experts estimate
that only 20 percent has been exploited so far.
To implement the project, the firm will set up Much of the soapstone is mined crudely and ex-
one pre-cast plant in Kisii County and will train ported as a raw material or used to make figu-
1,000 youth and women for employment in rines. Soapstone can be manipulated to make
A washroom at Gesonso market in the first year. The plant will serve 13 Counties products including talc powder, ceramics and
Bogiakumu ward in the paint among others. However, miners, carvers
The Kisii Entrepreneurship Summit (KES 2016) We are in the process of identifying a site for and artistes have not benefitted fully from this
the construction of the city and already, we unique rock.
There exists viable investment opportunities
have in place a technical liaison committee to The County has developed the Soapstone Mining
in the county derived from the local resources
liaise with the National Government and other Policy that outlines what soapstone is, owner-
but the opportunities have for a long time re-
stakeholders. Thirdly, we forged a partnership ship, trading, value addition and marketing of its
mained untapped due to lack of a platform to
with the United Nations Conference on Trade products. It also spells out measures to ensure
showcase existing and potential investment
and Development (UNCTAD) for training inno- owners of soapstone benefit and prevent exploi- A boda boda shed at Motonto market in
and business opportunities to the local, region-
vators in Kisii County. I have tasked the Depart- tation from middlemen. Bomachoge Chache.
al and international investors and a network
ments of Trade and Administration to fast track
platform for negotiating joint ventures and
Kisii County Government 25

Planning urban areas to spur economic growth

The county has installed over 200 solar lights in Kisii Township, 230 across all the nine
sub-county headquarters and 32 market centres. This has helped transform Kisii Town
Moses Onderi into a 24-hour economy. Alice Nyariki
CEC Lands, Housing, Physical Chief Officer Lands,
Planning and Urban Housing, Physical
Development Planning and Urban

he department derives its mandate from the Forth During the 2016/2017 financial year, the department will install
Schedule to the Constitution of Kenya, 2010; the a further 360 solar streetlights in 30 new centres throughout the
County Government Act 2012; and the Urban Areas county and increase the number of high-mast lights in some cen-
and Cities Act, 2011. It is responsible for dispensing de- tres.
volved functions such as:
• Land surveying and mapping Waste management
• Provision of infrastructural facilities
Before devolution, Kisii County had only one waste management
• Land use planning site in Kisii Township. But the county has since purchased another
• Provision of affordable housing waste management site at Etora in Bomachoge Chache Sub-Coun-
ty and is in the process of purchasing other sites to decongest the
Streetlighting existing ones.
• Vetting and verification of building plans The county is also purchasing two more tipper trucks and two
compactors for the same in other urban centres such as Ogembo
• Waste removal services
and Nyamache.
• Land use regulation
Waste management sites, equipment and groups
The department discharges its mandate through three di-
rectorates namely; Lands and Physical Planning, Urban De- Project Before Current situation
velopment and Housing. devolution
Our motto is: Excellence in Land Management for Sustain- Waste management 1 2
able Development sites
Tractors, tipper trucks 2 3 tractors, 2
and compactors compactors BEFORE AFTER
Youth groups 0 Kisii Town (5), The County launched an Integrated Cleaning Service and bought
Keumbu (1), refuse compactors to ensure improved cleanliness of urban areas.
Keroka (1)
The county plans to have cleaning groups in each of the nine sub-
counties. The county is also in the process of seeking private inves-
and spacious passage for pedestrians.
tors to recycle waste and process it into usable items, manure and
green energy. This will create jobs for the people and decongest Ogembo town
the waste management sites. A number of roads were rehabilitated to enhance access and create
an enabling trading environment in this second largest town of Kisii
County. The roads include:
Urban roads and bus parks
A section of the solar streetlights intalled by the
• Petrol Station - Nyabiuto Road
In a bid to increase the road network for people to access ameni-
County in Kisii Town sparking the growth of a 24 hour ties like markets, schools and hospitals as well as reduce conges- • Ogembo PAG - Bw’ondege Road
economy. • JANS Hotel Road
tion of the markets and Kisii Town, the county has constructed
access urban roads in Keroka, Ogembo, Kisii Town and Suneka. • Kemboa - Aspen Road,
Key achievements
The county has been able to do cabro works in Kisii Town as well • Grinsphere Shoppers Road
Enabling legislation as pedestrian walkways. The construction of bus terminuses in • Kenya Women – Police road
The department has prepared the following pieces of legis- Keumbu, (80 per cent complete) and Ogembo along the Kisii-Kilgo- • Ogembo Open Air Market
lation to operationalise its mandate: ris road, has created ample space for disembarking and picking up
of passengers, and led to the reduction of accidents that were fre- • Public Works - Posta Road
• Kisii County Rating Act, 2015
quent in these areas. • Fortcrest – Gucha Tech – Elsa Road
• Kisii County Pounds Bill
• Okindo – Getare Road
• Kisii County Directorate of Building and Construction
• Kisii County Housing Bill, 2015 Keroka town
• Kisii County Survey and Mapping Bill, 2015 The county has opened/rehabilitated backstreet roads up to murram
level to improve accessibility and enhance businesses in the back-
As per the provisions of the Urban Areas and Cities Act,
streets. The roads include:
2011, the department has created the Kisii County Land
Management Board. • Gucha Hospital –Etundubari (tea buying centre)- main tarmac
• Gucha Hospital- Riondabu Road
Urban Development
• Kenol Petro Station – Otange along the main road and Etun-
Integrated street lighting dubari market
Before the inception of the County Government, the de-
funct county and town councils had 70 streetlight poles Keumbu
spread across the county. A pedestrian walkway built by the County in Kisii Town.
Keumbu is a growing town due to its strategic position next to the
These have since been taken over by the County Govern-
Kisii-Nairobi Road. Farmers in the town enjoy a ready market for
ment. In order to extend the working hours of businesspeo-
Kisii Town their fresh farm produce like bananas, vegetables, avocado and sug-
ple in Kisii and enhance secure environment, the director-
ate has managed to put up streetlights - both high-mast and To enhance access to Kisii Town from both the main and back- arcane. To promote these farmers’ business, the county has invested
solar lights - across the main urban centres and markets. It streets, and to decongest population pressure on the CBD, several
managed to install 200 solar lights in Kisii Township, 230 access roads have opened to decongest the CBD and enhance busi-
across all the nine sub-county headquarters and 32 market ness activities in those areas. Some of the access roads opened
centres across the county. The streetlights have had a tre- include:
mendous impact on the economy of Kisii Town by making • Daraja Moja- Culture Hall
it a 24-hour economy. • Ram Hospital - Tuskeys,
Integrated street lighting • Hashi Petrol- Umoja Centre
• KCB – AM Taylor
Project Before devolution Current state
• Kanyoni - Masaba Hardware
Streetlights (high- 0 34
• Dados - Nyachae Flats
• RAM Mortuary – Rehema Academy Road
Energy streetlights 70 70 • Makutano – Getare Junction Road, among others
Solar Streetlights 0 430 The county has also completed Mashauri- County Executive Front- Part of the construction work at Keumbu bus park. The County is
expanding the facility to accomodate traders who currently sell
age-Police line-Co-operative Bank walkway, which provides safe
Total 70 534 wares on the roadside.
26 Kisii County Government

a lot in the market to make it safe and conducive for business. Lands and Physical Planning
Sub County High Mast Lights
A robust street lighting project has resulted in extended trading To enable land allocation between competing uses and ensure
hours, which has greatly benefited the farmers. A modern bus the creation of sustainable human settlements, the department Bonchari 3
park is in construction to help disembark passengers from the undertakes land use planning. The county has completed plans
Bobasi 3
trading area. for Nyamache. The preparation of the Integrated Urban Develop-
ment Plan for Ogembo town is ongoing. Bomachoge Borabu 2
Sanitation blocks
The county has also revised the local physical development plan Bomachoge Chache 4
The county has constructed washrooms across the urban centres
for Mogonga, vetted and verified building plans, and taken stock
in the county for traders and members of the public. This has South Mugirango 2
of public land, which it has also beaconed.
improved sanitation in urban centres and eased the functioning
of the business community in Kisii. The youth and women groups Kitutu Chache North 3
manage the ablution blocks as income-generating activities. Challenges Kitutu Chache South 2
Table 3. The county faces challenges, such as lack of land for waste man-
Nyaribari Masaba 5
agement in the main urban centres due to lack of willing sellers.
Project Before devolution As at 2016 The county is seeking willing sellers within Keumbu to acquire Nyaribari Chache 3
Kisii Town 3 7 land for a waste management site that will help in decongesting
the old site in Kisii Township. Kisii Town 8
Keumbu 1 3 Total 35
Keroka 1 3 Sub County Solar Lights Installed
Masimba 1 2 Bonchari 19
Nyamache 1 2 Bobasi 29
Ogembo 1 3 Bomachoge Borabu 30
Suneka 1 2 Bomachoge Chache 23
Marani 1 2 South Mugirango 40
Kenyenya 1 2 Kitutu Chache North 38
Nyamarambe 1 2 Kitutu Chache South 25
Total 12 28 Nyaribari Masaba 6
The county will construct more washrooms in upcoming urban Nyaribari Chache 13
centres and markets like Daraja Mbili.
Kisii Town 231
Total 454

In a bid to increase the road network

for people to access amenities like
markets, schools and hospitals as
well as reduce congestion of the
markets and Kisii Town, the county
has constructed access urban roads
A backstreet road built by the County using cabro behind Part of the solar street lights installed at Suguta market in
Kenya Commercial Bank in Kisii Town. in Keroka, Ogembo, Kisii Town and South Mugirango Sub County.

Nyantika the barefoot

runner who made history
at the world stage
On competition day, barefoot Maiyoro Nyantika was
busy warming up when the 10,000-metre race started.
His trainer, Archie Evans, did not hear Nyantika’s name
being called out over the public address system, but a
sympathiser came looking for him.

ome forty-six years ago, came looking for him. By the ahead of the pack and opened
an African ‘native’ trav- time Nyantika arrived at the sta- up a huge gap, which he main-
elled by ship to the French dium, the pack was already 100 tained to the end.
colony of Madagascar to repre- metres into the race. From a monkey to a hero, Nyan-
sent Kenya in its first interna- Nyantika rushed onto the track tika’s fame spread like bush fire.
tional athletics competition. like a possessed man amid jeers Assembled journalists were
The young man and his English from the spectators. By lap 23, as interested in his colour as
trainer faced many handicaps, he had closed the gap. He was with his bare feet, which were
including a language barrier and level with the leaders on the cracked from years of walking
the oppressive humidity on the 25th lap. A smile spread across on Gusii terrain.
island. the face of the pitch-black run- Two years later, Nyantika was
On competition day, bare- ner. What followed was folklore among six athletes who repre-
foot Maiyoro Nyantika was repeated many times today. sented the Kenya Colony in its
busy warming up when the Nyantika took out a dry mon- first appearance at the Olympic
10,000-metre race started. His key’s tail from under his shirt Games in Melbourne, Australia.
trainer, Archie Evans, did not and stuck it in the back of his He finished sixth in the 10,000
hear Nyantika’s name being shorts. metre race.
called out over the public ad- To shouts of “monkey! Mon-
dress system, but a sympathiser key!” Nyantika moved out
Kisii County Government 27

Traditional African Rock Art

Ong’esa, a retired fine art tutor, has agitated for the preservation of traditional rock art sites on
soapstone and other limestone rocks within Kisii since 1968.

short climb up the steep slope of Sameta
hill in Kisii County leads to a clearing sur-
rounded by a mixture of indigenous and
exotic tree species.
Shiny rocks of varying sizes lie by the winding
path up the hill. Almost all the rock surfaces
appear scratched, but a closer look reveals ab-
stract patterns that are repeated on many of
the rocks.
Local and foreign tourists visiting the site en-
gage in heated arguments about the meaning
of the patterns.
Cupules similar to those of the traditional ajua
game appear on some of the rock surfaces,
while others have snake-like patterns with four
On another rock, the cupules are large and have
furrows that open into a cusp at the base. Ancient Traditional African Rock Art at Sameta in Bobasi Sub County. The County has mapped
These are part ancient traditional rock art sites out tourist attraction sites to boost the sector.
that are threatened with destruction by human
activity. They could be well over 1,000 years
old. the rocks as they waited for their colleagues,” “These art forms may have been fairly repre- us,” he notes.
Local and international sculptors taking part at explains John Onsare Mayieka, 52, a local resi- sentational and some confuse them for ajua Experts called on the government to step in and
the African Stones Talk Symposium in Kisii took dent. boards, but some of the patterns lie on steep compensate owners of lands around the sites
a day off to visit the rock art sites. Other elders argue the patterns used to give di- rock edges. It is not practical to play any game and protect them for posterity.
“This is not graffiti. These patterns were usually rections, while others claim men and women on a vertical surface, meaning these patterns
have a hidden meaning,” he argues. Coulson says traditional rock art is a heritage
done for spiritual reasons and have an attached used to grind powder from the limestone rocks that should be accorded the same treatment
meaning that cannot be easily discerned. Cu- for ornamental purposes. He goes on to explain that the traditional Ke- like the Egyptian pyramids, for tourism pur-
Yet other people claim the cupules were cre- nyan ajua game has eight rows and 10 holes poses.
Cupules similar to those of ated for use in preparing medicine. “We were aside, while the Kisii rock art has four rows and
Lydia Galavu, a curator with the National Muse-
10 holes.
the traditional ajua game told that Kisii men used to grind powder (em-
bondo) from the granite for use during ceremo- “Some shapes are zigzagged, while others form
ums of Kenya, urges Kenyans to notify the Sites
and Monuments Directorate in the Ministry of
appear on some of the nies. Some of these patterns have been covered human faces and the same have been found in National Heritage and Culture of heritage sites
by soil, while others have been used as building Egypt and the Atlas Mountains. Some represent at risk of destruction.
rock surfaces, while others material,” says Meshack Marita, 60. human beings, animals or possibly the plane-
“The community can notify the museum if
tary system,” he claims.
have snake-like patterns Similar rock art sites can be found at Gotichaki
and Nyabigena near the soapstone-rich Tabaka Ong’esa says that rock art in Kisii may have
some heritage is at risk of being lost and our of-
ficials will take appropriate action. We support
with four holes. region, but miners quarrying for the valuable been made by other cultures that occupied the all forms of creative art,” she promised.
Kisii stone have destroyed them. region before as the history of the Gusii com-
munity is barely 400 years old. Ten international artists worked with local art-
“This is arguably the artistic origin of the Kisii ists in an apprenticeship programme to carve
pules in rocks have been found in other parts of people which is now in danger of destruction. He calls for the preservation of the rock art granite and soapstone as part of the month-
the African continent like Egypt, Zimbabwe and It is a heritage that will disappear if not pro- sites as technology used to study the art form long symposium.
Sahara Desert,” says Trust for African Rock Art tected,” warns renowned international sculp- is not yet fully developed.
tor, Elkana Ong’esa. “The museum will host the products of the
(TARA) chairman, David Coulson. “There may be findings from future studies symposium at our Uhuru Gardens site for a year
Coulson, a facilitator at the symposium, said Ong’esa, a retired fine art tutor, has agitated that can reveal the history of the region. Simi- as a way of promoting and protecting visual
the rock art is recognized as having spiritual for the preservation of traditional rock art sites lar prehistoric art patterns have been found in art,” Galavu added.
significance and is protected in other countries. on soapstone and other limestone rocks within Karamoja and other parts of the region along
“The snake-like marks described the route up Kisii since 1968. the River Nile. This may have been a language
this hill. Our forefathers used to play ajua on of expression that could have a message for

We have received training and support from the county

government, and this has enabled us improve on the quality of the
bananas - Askah
In 2004, she decided to dry ba- 2013 in a pilot project funded by “Middlemen buy a bunch of our
nanas and make crisps from a the Kenya Industrial Research and produce for KShs100. This is very
bunch she had harvested from Development Institute (Kirdi), in discouraging to hardworking farm-
her parents’ farm in Nyangorora. partnership with the Kisii County ers,” she explained. “But with our
The crisps were so sweet that her government. technology, we can offer farmers
mother, Norah, encouraged her to “We have received training and higher returns,” she added.
consider packaging the product to support from the county govern- Askah is not worried of run-
make it more appealing. ment, and this has enabled us im- ning short of raw bananas for her
Askah, who comes from a very prove on the quality of the banan- plant. Kisii is a renowned banana-
humble background, dropped out as,” she says. producing region in the country.
of college in 2004 due to lack of The 34-year-old mother of two, In fact, she wants to scale up her
fees. All she had was a certificate nicknamed ‘the banana queen of production and supply wholesalers
in business management from a Kisii,’ says the award was a highly and retailers in the wider Nyanza
college in Kisumu. appreciated recognition for her region.
A sweet story of banana crisps “I came back home and started
deep-frying and salting bananas.
seven-year struggle to introduce
improved banana products into the
Her goal is to set up a complete ba-
nana processing plant at a cost of
I sold a bunch for KShs1,200. My Kenyan market. KShs25 million. “We are targeting

he success story behind complete “Value addition helps eliminate oversup- journey as a banana crisps manu- Her firm won the hearts of the over 12 different snacks from bananas,”
value addition process in Kisii Coun- ply in the market and boosts a farmer’s facturer began there,” she says. five judges during the inaugural Ki- she revealed.
ty can only be told by highlighting bargaining power,” says Askah. “I sold the crisps to people in my sii Entrepreneurship Summit. The The burgeoning entrepreneur says
the story behind Askah Nyakwara, the She won the KShs1 million at the Kisii village, including primary school processing plant produces banana her major challenge is marketing
KShs1 million winner of the county’s in- Entrepreneurship Summit innovation pupils. More than 90 per cent of flour, crisps, wine and cake, among and competing with established
novation award.   competition. Askah’s success story began those who sampled the product other products. players in the market.
For Askah, value addition has enabled her with her desire to offer something dif- loved it.” Farmers in Kisii have for long pro-
make as much as KShs2,000 per bunch of ferent through complete full crop value Through Nyangorora Banana Pro- tested the poor banana prices,
bananas, besides prolonging the shelf-life chain process initiated by the county gov- cessing Plant, Askah has been pro- with a bunch going for as little as
of the produce. ernment early in 2013. ducing banana crisps since May KShs100.
28 Kisii County Government

Investment opportunities The county’s investment policy

Favourable climatic conditions leading to high agricultural framework aims to ensure that
produce, especially tea, coffee, fruits and vegetables. These the development and growth
provide readily available raw materials for agro-based industries of the economy contribute to

ollowing the advent of devolution,
the people of Kisii, in collaboration improvements in the lives of all
with the county government, can
now determine their development priori-
Kisii County residents and provide
ties. This ambition can also be achieved a sustainable environment for the
by working with local, regional and inter-
national investors.
The county government promotes invest-
ment in Kisii through several initiatives,
including the Kisii Entrepreneurship Sum-
mit (KES). The county is harnessing its <<< Governor James Ongwae (left) signs an MoU
competitive advantage to position Kisii with Boleyn Magic Wall Panel CEO Jack Liu for the
as the preferred regional investment hub construction of a KShs.12billion new city in Kisii.
and has published the Kisii County Invest-
ment Guide, Kisii County Investment Poli-
cy, Kisii County Fact Book and Best of Kisii
to attract investment to the county. based industries
The county’s investment policy frame- • Infrastructural development and improved inter-county
work aims to ensure that the develop- connectivity
as a one-stop centre to process invest- tional Airport, Tanzania and Ruma • Stable, secure and vibrant economic activities by a hard-
ment and growth of the economy con-
ment related protocols. National Park working population
tribute to improvements in the lives of all
Kisii County residents and provide a sus- • Favourable climatic conditions • Entrepreneurial, hardworking and skilled human re-
The competitive advantage
leading to high agricultural produce, source, and a big a population that provides a ready
tainable environment for the future. • Strategic positioning of the county especially tea, coffee, fruits and market for goods and services
The policy provides various incentives and as a gateway to other destinations vegetables. These provide readily
guarantees to potential investors as well like Maasai Mara, Kisumu Interna- available raw materials for agro-

facilities, recreational parks and other amenities. ceramic tiles, paint, chalk, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics,
• Construction of shopping mall in Kisii Town, business coatings and insulators
stalls/exhibition centres • Supply and production of modern mining tools
• Establishment of modern wholesale and retail markets • Production of ballast for construction
• Development of marketing infrastructure for fresh pro- • Production of carvings moulds and handcrafts
duce • Production of whisky stones
Infrastructure development
• Construction and maintenance of roads
Investment opportunities • Road machinery and equipment for hiring and leasing
The Kisii County Investment Policy has identified the following • Consultancy and capacity building in road construction
sectors to drive the investment process in the county: • Clearing and forwarding
• Animal feeds production
• Bottling of soft drinks, fresh juice and drinking water Energy
• Maize milling and production of flour • Provision of alternative forms of energy like solar, fireless
cookers, biogas and wind energy
• Tanneries for leather processing • The establishment of three-star hotels and conferencing
• Establishment of mini hydroelectric power plants at river
• Honey processing facilities
Gucha and Mosocho
• Plastic crushing and recycling of waste • Development of eco- homes, home stays and cultural
• Street lighting, pole treatment and fabrication of electrici-
• Edible oil extraction tourism
ty lamp poles
• Milk packing and processing into yoghurt, cheese, ice • Development of sporting facilities, casinos, movie thea-
• Garbage collection and disposal
cream, mala etc. tres, entertainment spots and film locations
• Establishment of nature walks and trekking tracks within
the agro-forestry tourism circuit
• Provision of travel and tour operation services
• Provision of recreational facilities for local and interna-
tional tourist
• Construction of commercial buildings
• Production of building materials such as bricks, ballast,
roofing materials, nails, electrical materials etc.
• Development of office and rental parking space
• Consultancy in construction and housing development
• Real estate agencies
• Sugar factory to cater for sugar production in the county, Water
as well as processing of cane juice • Mineral water bottling
• Banana factory to process banana flour, banana crisps, Mining
• Production of carbonated soft drinks
dried bananas, chips, and wine
• Avocado factory to extract oil, process juice, soap and
shampoo etc.
• Pineapple factory for juice extraction
• Tea processing, packaging and marketing
• Coffee processing, packaging and marketing
• Sweet potato factory for dried chips and potato chips
• Canning for preservation

• Establishment of new modern markets (as Build Operate • Establishment of soapstone factory for manufacture of
and Transfer projects) equipped with cold rooms, ware-
houses, office space, eateries, parking space, indoor sports
Kisii County Government 29

Empowering women, girls and the vulnerable

Elizabeth Ongwae has cut her own niche and embarked on projects that resonate with women, girls
and the vulnerable.
Elizabeth Ongwae
First Lady- Kisii County

Mrs. Ongwae has partnered with Freedom From

Fistula (F3) to support women who undergo fis-
tula surgeries at the Kisii Teaching and Referral
Hospital (KTRH). Mrs. Ongwae organizes free
medical camps in collaboration with the KTRH
and Kenya Health, an Australian Charity that
provides medical care and education to moth-
ers and children.
Using the Beyond Zero Mobile Clinic donated
by First Lady Mrs. Margaret Kenyatta, she has
facilitated residents in remote parts of the
County to access healthcare.
During the medical camps, the County’s Beyond
Zero Mobile Clinic is availed and residents are
provided free screening and treatment from
various ailments.
“We appreciate the County Government’s con-
tribution towards improving health services by
equipping all hospitals and purchasing ambu-
lances which have helped women with compli-
Mrs. Elizabeth Ongwae (centre) hosts First Lady Margaret Kenyatta at the Kisii Teaching and Referral
cations,” she notes.
Hospital during the launch of Beyond Zero campaign. They visited women who had undergone corrective
fistula surgery.

rs. Elizabeth Ongwae an educationist With Partners, Mrs. Ongwae organizes anti- FGM
by profession and the spouse of the camps annually where girls drawn from each of
Governor James Ongwae has forged the 45 wards undergo alternative rites of pas-
a unique platform to champion important so- sage.
cial and development goals and made strides The training equips girls with life skills to avoid
by mobilizing resources and rallying residents teenage pregnancy, reject FGM and fight for
to support the cause of women and girl chil- their rights.
dren. Milestones of the Office of the First Lady
“As a mother I clearly understand that the joy
Inadequate access to quality healthcare, Gen-
of a woman is to give birth to a healthy baby.
der Based Violence, low financial literacy, high
It pains to learn that mothers die in prevent-
dropout rates especially among the girl child,
able causes. It is my wish to help the vulnerable
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and a high HIV
women and children who form a substantial
prevalence rate are some of the challenges fac-
percentage of the populace of the county,” she
ing womenfolk in Kisii.
With the support of the County Govern-
The Girl Child
ment and other collaborators, Mrs. Ong-
wae has made strides in addressing the In order to ensure retention in school particu-
plight of the disadvantaged in Kisii County. larly for the girl child, she has worked with well
wishers to distribute sanitary towels to under- Mrs. Elizabeth Ongwae ( 3rd from right) when she was crowned for championing the
privileged girls. She says that she is touched by menstural hygiene management in Kisii County.
Support to the vulnerable
the plight of young girls who miss school be-
Mrs. Ongwae supports children with special cause they cannot afford sanitary towels. Women Empowerment ering the economic lives of women.
needs, orphans, and street children. She donates
Mrs. Ongwae, an Educationist, has also donated On women empowerment, Mrs. Ongwae has “Beneficiaries of the initiative are widows,
foodstuffs, beddings as well as teaching and
education packs to needy children in remote partnered with the Coca Cola Company to women living with disabilities and the poor
learning materials to special schools and chil-
schools says that she started supporting edu- equip vulnerable women to start business. who cannot put food on the table. Women
dren homes.
cation long before her spouse was elected and The women drawn from all the 45 wards re- in Kisii carry the biggest burden of supporting
vows to continue supporting the course. ceived coolers and crates of sodas through the their families thus need to empower them,”
Currently, she also runs a successful scholarship company’s 5 by 20 initiative aimed at empow- she said.
program whose beneficiaries are in both nation-
al and provincial schools.

Abandonment of FGM
Mrs. Ongwae has upped efforts to protect the
girl child from harmful cultural practices like Fe-
male Genital Mutilation (FGM) that is still widely
practiced in the Gusii community.
Statistics from the United Nations Population Mrs. Elizabeth Ongwae (right) hands over
Fund (UNFPA) indicate that the FGM prevalence sanitary towels to pupils at Tabaka primary
stands at 95 per cent which is a high figure con- school.
sidering the spirited interventions by the govern-
ment and NGO’s. Correcting obstetric fistula
“Dangers of FGM are enormous but the practice “Many women who give birth at home lose their
is still considered important. Our girls have lost children in the process or and develop either
their lives during the process, others have de- Vesco Vaginal Fistula (FFV) or Obstetric Fistula.
veloped complications like Fistula, HIV/Aids and I am happy that my efforts are bearing fruits as Mrs. Elizabeth Ongwae presents cheques from the Women Enterprise Fund to a women
infertility and this is why we advocate for aban- records indicate that more women are giving group in Kisii.
donment of this practice,” she explains. birth in health facilities,” she said.
30 Kisii County Government

Some gallant sons and daughters of Kisii

Here is a profile of some of iconic personalities who have defined Kisii history and heritage. We salute
them and their contributions.
HON. SIMEON NYACHAE,EGH Upon his return to Kenya in 1960, Nyachae was elected Nyaribari ble, the support of Ford-People be-
Nyachae was posted as a District Chache MP in 1992. He served as came most welcome and in 2004,
S imeon Nyachae was born on
February 6, 1932 to the then
powerful colonial chief Musa
Officer in Kangundo Division. He
became a District Commissioner by
Cabinet minister for Agriculture
and then for Finance in 1998. In
Nyachae became the minister for
Energy and later for Roads in the
Nyandusi. December 1963 when the Kenya 1999, he resigned from govern- Kibaki regime.
gained independence, and steadily ment after being moved to the Nyachae lost his parliamentary
His father facilitated Nyachae’s
rose through the ranks within the less influential ministry of Industry. seat in 2007 after which he retired
earlier exposure to western educa-
provincial administration to the He quit Kanu and formed his own from active politics. The doyen of
tion, having been a mission edu-
apex as a Provincial Commission- party, Ford-People, with which he Gusii politics has invested in real
cated graduate.
er (between 1965–1979), before vied for the presidency in 2002, estate, agriculture, transport and
His long career in the civil service moving on to become Chief Secre- sweeping all parliamentary seats manufacturing.
began after his studies in public ad- tary in the Civil Service in both the in Kisii. When President Kibaki’s
ministration in London. Kenyatta and Moi regimes. NARC-Coalition started to crum-

HON. DR. ZACHARY ONYONKA, till 1958. His schoolmates at Yala in money and banking. Upon com- Dr. Onyonka served as the Mem-
EGH (Deceased) included Peter Oloo Aringo who pleting his master’s, he embarked ber of Parliament (MP) for the
later became a fellow Cabinet on a doctoral degree at the same then Kitutu West Constituency. He
Z achary Theodore Onyonka
was born on June 28, 1939, in
Meru, where his father, Godrico
After school, the Gusii County
university. Later, he joined the
University of Nairobi as a tutorial
served in the Cabinet from 1969
to 1996 in the ministries of Trade,
Oeri Mairura, was a policeman. Council employed Onyonka un- fellow while working on his PhD, Foreign Affairs, Education, Eco-
The family left for Kisii after his fa- til 1960. He was a beneficiary of before his graduation in 1969. nomic Planning and Development.
ther resigned from the police force the famous education airlifts with Thereafter, the University of Nai- He is remembered as the youngest
to join the Provincial Administra- a scholarship to the University of robi employed him as a lecturer in MP the country has ever had, hav-
tion as an assistant chief. Puerto Rico in San Juan. He gradu- the Department of Economics. His ing joined elective politics at the
He attended Catholic schools — ated in 1965 and in 1966, joined peers included Chris Obure (now age of 25 years. He retained his
St Mary’s Nyabururu in 1949 and Syracuse University, New York, a Cabinet minister), politician Da- parliamentary seat until his death.
St Mary’s Yala, where he studied where he enrolled for a master’s vid Kombo and former Permanent
degree in economics, specialising Secretary, Sospeter Arasa.

HON. JAMES MIYIENDA and later Kamagambo Mission graduated in 1958 with a Bachelor dent, Minister of State in charge of
NYAMWEYA (Deceased) School, where he excelled and of Law degree. External Affairs, Minister of State
earned a reputation as an avid Nyamweya served as the MP for in Provincial Administration, Min-
N yamweya was born in 1927 in
Kisii. In the late 1950s, he left
for the United Kingdom to study
reader. He later joined Kamagambo
Secondary School. Unfortunately,
the then Nyaribari Constituency
from 1963 to 1976. He also held
ister for Works, Minister for Power
and Communication, Minister for
the missionaries discontinued the several ministerial, parastatal and Labour, and later, Chairman of the
law. His daughter, Joyce (a former
secondary school section at the political party leadership positions Electoral Boundaries Commission.
Permanent Secretary), was about
school. But Nyamweya stayed in both the Kenyatta and Moi re- Nyamweya died on September
a year old, and his son, George
on and joined a teacher-training gimes, from 1965 to 1995. 25,1995 while serving as the Na-
(former MP), only two weeks old
course, after which he taught at tional Vice Chairman of the Demo-
at the time. When he returned in He was the Permanent Secretary
Nyanchwa, Sengera, Isecha and cratic Party. He is remembered
1959, the two children could not (PS) in the Ministry of Justice and
Sironga. He then got admission to as the architect of Kenya’s labour
recognise him. Nyamweya went Constitutional Affairs, Assistant
Kings College, University of Lon- laws.
to Nyanchwa SDA Primary School Minister in the Office of the Presi-
don, for undergraduate studies. He

HON. LAWRENCE GEORGE and be honoured with a ‘knight- and then proceeded to Kabaa Man- In 1957, he quit teaching to pur-
SAGINI, EGH (Deceased) hood.’ Paradoxically, the religious gu Holy Ghost College. His school- sue a Bachelor of Arts degree in
background of Sagini’s family was mates included Andrew Omanga, sociology and political science at
L awrence George Sagini was
born at Gesonso, Kisii, on Janu-
ary 1, 1926. He was the first son
Seventh Day Adventist (SDA). His
mother was an SDA deaconess
Moody Awori, Mwai Kibaki, Tom
Mboya, Lawrence Oguda and Chri-
Allegheny College in Pennsylva-
nia, United States. He graduated
when Sagini joined Mangu, a Cath- santus Ogari. One of the memo- with honours in 1959. Upon his
of Ndemo Kibagendi and Esther
olic school. But she later converted rable events of the time was when return, Sagini rejoined the teach-
Nyanganyi. His father was the
to Catholicism, along with some missionaries discouraged students ing profession and taught briefly
president of the African Tribunal
members of the Ndemo family. from using family names. This ex- at Asumbi Teachers College. In
Courts in Kisii.
Sagini started his primary edu- plains why officially, Sagini did not 1960, the government appointed
Sagini was baptised when he was use his father’s name, Ndemo. Af- him Assistant Education Officer,
cation in 1934 at Isecha Sector
a student at Mangu School. He ter Mangu, Sagini went to Kagumo a position he held until 1961. He
School. His father and five wives
helped construct Ria’Sagini Catho- Teachers’ Training College in Nyeri. also became a member of the Pro-
would in turn meet Sagini halfway
lic Chapel which is named in his After graduation in 1950, he be- vincial Council of the University of er became MP for Kitutu West in 1963. The
with porridge or food as he walked
honour. He also supported other came a teacher and rose to the East Africa.
home from school – those days University of Nairobi awarded him a post-hu-
churches and self-help projects. rank of headmaster before being
pupils walked long distances to Sagini was the first elected Kisii mous doctorate for his role in development
In appreciation, the Catholic school. In 1937, Sagini joined the promoted to an education officer representative to the Legislative of education in Kenya in November 1995. He
Church in Kenya selected him, Kisii Government African School in Central and South Nyanza. Council (LEGCO) in 1961 and lat- died in a car accident in 1996 aged 69
and seven others, to visit the Pope

HON. ZEPHANIA MOGUNDE and later Bugema Missionary resigned as a matter of principle sii Senator, Christopher Mogere
ANYIENI (Deceased) College in Uganda for his educa- from the ruling party KANU to join Obure. The charismatic politician
tion. Anyieni started his political the late Jaramogi Odinga’s oppo- spent much of his time in and out
T he late Hon. Zephania Mogunde
Anyieni is one of the veteran Ki-
sii politicians. He was born in Janu-
career in 1958 by attempting
to be elected to the legislative
sition party KPU at a time when
people hardly dared resign.Conse-
of Parliament championing the
cause of soil conservation and af-
council. He served as the first MP quently, he lost his seat in 1966. forestation. He passed on in March
ary 1935 to Heradion Mogunde at independence in 1963 in the 2014.
Anyieni and Peninah Nyamanyi. Anyieni reclaimed his seat in 1974
then Majoge-Bassi Constituency. and served until 1979, before
He attended Isbania High School He was a resolute polititian who he was dethroned by current Ki-
Kisii County Government 31

PROF. JOSEPH NYASANI Kiswahili and Ekegusii. He actually demia, his humble mien was con- losophy was the study of reality
(Deceased) trained as a priest but quit on the founded many. He had a brief stint in its histotality,” recalls Governor
eve of his ordination. at the UN secretariat in New York James Ongwae – his student. He
T he late Prof. Joseph Nyasani was
a renowned scholar who made a
mark in academia and media. Born
He is remembered for breaking a
300-year record by writing his dis-
as a political affairs officer in 1971.
While working at the University of
thought that everyone at univer-
sity regardless of their disciplines
sertation in Latin while doing his Nairobi as a lecturer, he worked should study philosophy in order to
in Kisii in 1936, Prof. Nyasani want- part time as a news anchor at the arrive at logical answers.
doctorate in Germany in 1963. At
ed to become a Catholic priest but Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Prof. Nyasani survived a gun attack
the time of his death, he had pub-
when he grew up, his destiny took (KBC) TV, the only television station outside his home in 1994 in which
lished 41 titles and authored sev-
a different direction and he ended eral books in philosophy especially at the time. a bullet fired above his eye went
up becoming a philosophy profes- metaphysics, logic, cosmology and He remains an inspiration to many through his skull. He passed on in
sor and a TV personality fluent in legal philosophy. through decades of writing, aca- February 2016 at 79. He had been
numerous languages including Eng- demic and media work. “He was living with the bullet lodged in his
Despite scoring many firsts and ris-
lish, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, the first person to tell me that phi- skull for 21 years.
ing to the highest pinnacle of aca-

MRS. CLAIRE KWAMBOKA She has fought many battles in a sources to improving the educa- coming Kisii Mayor, a first in the
OMANGA male-dominated political world. tion standards in Gusii. Her love region. She made a stab at a par-
for education is seen through a liamentary seat but was not suc-
C laire’s public life was not a
walk in the park. She attended
Nyabururu Primary School before
Her ambition is to ensure that the
girl-child gets better education. As
the first woman Mayor of Kisii, she
children’s storybook she wrote,
The Girl Who Couldn’t Keep a Se-
cessful. She has served as Nyan-
siongo Tea Factory Company Board
proceeding to Loreto Girls, where was instrumental in fighting for cret. chairperson, yet another first for a
she attained Division II in her Form the girl-child to remain in school. She defied odds to be elected woman in Kisii.
Four examinations. She married She has also contributed her re- Councillor for Bobaracho Ward
the late Andrew Omanga in 1961. in the early 1990s, eventually be-

HELLEN ONSANDO OBIRI ral with the Kenya Air Force could after being sponsored by a well- position in 1500m at the 13th IAAF
not believe she had beaten a world wisher who had spotted her talent. World Championships in athletics
I n 2012, four-time 3,000m de-
fending champion Meseret Defar
was on her way to a fifth straight
champion Defar who settled for
In 2008, she was recruited to join
the armed forces, thanks to her
in Daegu, South Korea; finished in
first position (8:37.16) to win gold
world title at the World Indoor Born in December 1989 at Ny- athletic prowess and was posted to at the IAAF World Indoor Champi-
Track and Field championships in acheki in Bobasi, Hellen is a mid- Nanyuki Air Base where she works. onships in Istanbul, Turkey; ranked
Istanbul, Turkey. dle and long-distance runner. She It is while at the military that she 14th in women’s 1,500m and 101
holds the world and African record became established, taking part in women’s overall ranking in the
In the final lap, little known Hellen
in 1,500m. the world military games in Rio De world. Her personal best in 300m
Onsando Obiri pursued and pulled
Janeiro, Brazil where she finished is 8:35.35 that she recorded in Bir-
level with Defar before zooming Obiri attended Ekeonga Primary
in third position. mingham, Great Britain on Febru-
away from the Ethiopian great to School before joining Riruta Cen-
Career highlights: Finished in 11th ary 18, 2012.
arrive home at 8:37.16. The corpo- tral Secondary School in Nairobi

HENRY MOTEGO Kenya knock out the north African He helped Shabana gain promo- Motego signed for Omani league
giants in qualifying rounds to sail tion to the Kenyan top-tier league side Al-Oruba SC for two seasons
B orn on 21 May 1964, Henry
Motego is one of the lethal
strikers Kenya has ever produced
through to the Africa Cup of Na-
tions competition after a long spell
in 1988. He played for Harambee
Stars with the likes of J.J Masiga,
from 1991 to 1992 and thereafter
returned to play for Kenya Brewer-
in the recent past. He electrified in the cold. Bobby Ogolla, Ambrose Ayoyi and ies until 2000 when he retired.
the football scene in Kenya with Motego began his career in 1983 the late Sammy Onyango Jogoo. Motego made several appear-
his ball artistry and courage. He at Boitang’are Primary School ances for the Kenya national foot-
is remembered as a stocky, fast and was spotted by Shabana FC Following his success at Shabana, ball team and played for Kenya at
player who could characteristi- coaches during the national school he was signed by Kenya Brewer- the 1988, 1990 and 1992 Africa
cally waltz past defences, before games and drafted him. ies Limited, starting as a clerk and Cup of Nations finals. He currently
unleashing powerful rockets past He played for Shabana while still doubling as their club’s striker un- works in the Kisii County Govern-
opposition keepers. a student at Cardinal Otunga High til 2005 when he was retrenched. ment’s sports department.
Such were Henry Motego’s exploits School, Mosocho and Itierio High He also served as Tusker FC coach,
against Tunisia in 1992 — that saw School, between 1983 and 1987. winning the league in 2005.

YOBES ONDIEKI nals of 1988 and 1992, but did not Ondieki was known for his de- holm by over nine seconds.
win a medal. He is the first ever manding training sessions and his
Y obes Ondieki was a man of
many firsts. The 5,000m run-
ner won the World Championships’
athlete to break the 27:00 mark in
the 10,000m race in 1993.
ability to run constantly at a high
pace. In 1993, he became the first
From 1989 to 1993, Ondieki was
ranked top five in the world in
the 5,000m race by Track & Field
gold medal in Tokyo in 1991. In the Ondieki attended Iowa State Uni- athlete to break the 27-minute News, with his number one rank-
same year, he set a temporary Ke- versity, where he captured four Big barrier over 10,000 metres, when ing coming in 1991. In 1993, Track
nyan 5,000m record of 13:01.82 in Eight conference titles, three of he clocked 26:58.38 at the Bislett & Field News ranked him number
Zurich. them in cross country. He received Games in Oslo on July 10. His time one in the world in the 10,000 me-
All-America accolades six times in broke the mark set by Richard Che- tre race
He participated in the Olympic fi-
Iowa State. limo only five days earlier in Stock-

ELKANA ONG’ESA,HSC tonne ‘Bird of Peace’ (Enyamuch- Embassy in Nairobi. It symbolises his Tabaka home, Ong’esa has suc-
era) sculpture that adorns the en- peace, happiness and international cessfully organised three editions
O ng’esa is an internationally
renowned stone sculptor who
hails from Tabaka in South Mo-
trance of UNESCO headquarters in
Paris, where it has remained since
Ong’esa studies fine art at universi-
of the African Stones Talk Inter-
national Sculpture Symposium in
girango. He was born in 1944 in 1980. ties in Kenya and Uganda and his Kisii, where local and international
a family of craftsmen, a heritage The sculpture, which took him two postgraduate thesis at McGill Uni- stone sculptors interact and ex-
he developed to become Kenya’s years between 1976 and 1978 to versity in Canada was on ‘East Af- change cultural experiences.
most recognised artist. build from soapstone, is an ab- rican Stone Carving in Kenya.’ He
Ong’esa is well known for his stract representation of a bird that has taught creative arts in various
sculptures and has exhibited his symbolises peace. institutions, both locally and inter-
works around the world. He is His other carving, ‘Dancing Birds,’ nationally.
perhaps best known for his seven- is in permanent display at the US Working with visual artists from
32 Kisii County Government

See you in Kisii


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