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KeyShure® Organic Trace Minerals – Poultry Recommendations

Why feed KeyShure Organic Trace Minerals to Poultry?

Conventional corn-soybean meal diets typically fed to poultry contain phytate an antagonist that can inhibit the absorption of trace
minerals. In addition certain mineral-mineral interactions have been shown to negatively affect trace mineral bioavailability.
Antagonistic effects have been illustrated in studies looking to determine the requirements of trace minerals in poultry. When semi-
purified diets (dextrose-casein or isolated soy protein) which are low in antagonists were fed the requirements were 14 ppm for
manganese (Southern and Baker, 1983a), 35 to 40 ppm for zinc (Morrison and Sarett, 1958, O’Dell et al, 1958, Roberson and Shaible,
1958) and 40 ppm for iron. However, when these requirements were determined using conventional corn-soybean meal diets which
contain the antagonists requirements were 50 ppm for manganese (Gallup and Norris, 1939a,b), greater than 40 ppm for zinc (Edwards et
al. 1959, Lease et al. 1960, Zeigler et al. 1961) and 80 ppm for iron (Davis et al. 1968, McNaughton and Day, 1979). Higher estimates of
mineral requirements, in the presence of diets containing antagonists, demonstrate the effect of antagonists on trace mineral utilization.
KeyShure Organic Trace Minerals protect the metal ion from the effects of the antagonists making the mineral more available to the
animal and improves bioavailability.

KeyShure Organic Trace Minerals Overcome Negative Effects of Antagonists.

Simms and de Veth (2009) fed broilers diets high in antagonists (phytate and gossypol) and then supplemented inorganic or organic
forms of zinc at 40 ppm. Broilers fed the antagonists had lower body weights and feed conversions compared to birds not fed the
antagonists. Supplementation with KeyShure Zinc was the only treatment that completely restored growth and feed conversion in the
presence of the antagonists.

Keyshure Benefits:
• Improved egg production – 3.9% ( average of 4 trials)
• Improved feed conversion (lb fed/dozen eggs) – 4.4%
(average of 3 trials)
• Increased body weight – 5.0% (average of 4 trials)
• Improved feed conversion – 4.5% (average of 3 trials)
• Decreased incidence of ascites – 4.9% (average of 3 trials)

What are the KeyShure Organic Trace Mineral feeding recommendations?

Balchem recommends under most circumstances replacing 50% of the inorganic trace minerals with the corresponding
KeyShure Organic Trace Mineral form.

It is very common for nutritionists to formulate diets with trace mineral levels in excess of the levels recommended by the National
Research Council (NRC). This is often done to compensate for potential antagonists. However, feeding higher trace mineral levels can in
itself negatively affect utilization. Higher trace mineral cost and increasing concern over excretion of trace minerals into the environment
also make this strategy even less attractive. Feeding KeyShure OTM can overcome the effects of antagonists thus supporting optimum
performance and decrease mineral excretion into the environment.

References available on request.

Below are the NRC recommendations and the recommended feeding rates for Keyshure Organic
Trace Minerals for poultry. Replacing approximately 50% of the NRC recommended trace mineral
levels with KeyShure OTMs enhances performance and reduces excretion of minerals into the

Layers - Starting and Growing Pullets – Leghorn-Type

Pullet Age
0-6 weeks 6 weeks to 1st egg
Mineral NRC , Keyshure2 ppm Keyshure , 2
NRC ,1
Keyshure2 ppm Keyshure2,
ppm lb/ton ppm lb/ton
Manganese 60.0 30.0 0.40 30.0 15.0 0.20
Zinc 40.0 20.0 0.27 35.0 17.5 0.23
Copper 5.0 2.5 0.03 4.0 2.5 0.03
National Research Council nutrient recommendations, 2 Balchem Recommendations for Keyshure.

Layers - Hens in Egg Production – Leghorn-Type

Layer Daily Feed Intake, g
80 100 120
NRC Keyshure Keyshure NRC Keyshure Keyshure NRC Keyshure Keyshure
Mineral ppm ppm Lb/ton ppm ppm Lb/ton ppm ppm Lb/ton
Manganese 25.0 12.5 0.17 20.0 10.0 0.13 17.0 8.5 0.11
Zinc 44.0 22.0 0.29 35.0 17.5 0.23 29.0 14.5 0.19
Copper ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
For improved eggshell quality and yield feed 500 ppm of KeyShure Calcium 20%. Feed breeders 2.0
mg Manganese and 4.5 mg zinc per bird daily. Feed Layers 2.0 mg Manganese and 3.5 mg Zinc per bird

Broilers – 0 to 16 weeks
Mineral NRC, ppm Keyshure, ppm Keyshure, lb/ton
Manganese 60.0 30.0 0.40
Zinc 40.0 20.0 0.27
Copper 8.0 4.0 0.05

Turkeys - Growers
Age in Weeks
0-4 4-8 8-12 12-24
Mineral NRC Keyshure Keyshure NRC Keyshure Keyshure NRC Keyshure Keyshure NRC Keyshure Keyshure
ppm ppm lb/ton ppm ppm lb/ton ppm ppm lb/ton ppm ppm lb/ton
Manganese 60.0 30.0 0.40 60.0 30.0 0.40 60.0 30.0 0.40 60.0 30.0 0.40
Zinc 70.0 35.0 0.47 65.0 32.5 0.43 50.0 25.0 0.33 40.0 20.0 0.27
Copper 8.0 4.0 0.053 8.0 4.0 0.053 6.0 3.0 0.04 6.0 3.0 0.04
Breeder Keyshure recommendation: Mn 30.0 ppm, Zn 20.0 ppm, Cu 3.0 ppm. Layer Keyshure
recommendations: Mn 30.0 ppm, Zn 32.5 ppm and Cu 4.0 ppm. For improved hatchability feed 500
ppm of KeyShure Calcium 20%.

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