CSIA Self-Assessment Portal User Guide

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Customer Service Institute of Australia Pty Ltd

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t 1300 912 700
e info@csia.com.au
w csia.com.au
CSIA Self-Assessment Portal User Guide

This User Guide explains how to use the CSIA Self-Assessment Portal.
On the Home Page, you will find a short video which will take you through all of the main steps
of using the Self-Assessment Portal (e.g., how to link evidence documents, how to generate
summary reports, etc).

This User Guide provides further detail.

1. Log In – How to log in

2. Home Page – Selecting a self-assessment to complete

3. Self-Assessments – How to complete a self-assessment and access previous self-


4. Linking Evidence – How to link documents and weblinks to a self-assessment

5. Action Plan – How to generate a report of outstanding items to be actioned

6. Evidence Pack – How to save a full evidence pack

7. Q&A Report – How to generate a report

8. Adding Users – How to add and remove users

9. Need Assistance – Contact details for CSIA and BNG

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Your first step is to log in to the CSIA Self-Assessment Portal.

Access the login page at https://spp.ngoservicesonline.com.au/signin
We recommend you bookmark this page in your browser for easy access in the future.
(Note: this is the only page you should bookmark – you cannot access internal pages via a
If you forget your password, click on “Forgot Password?” and follow the prompts.

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Once logged in you’ll land on the Home page, which has important information about the Portal
to assist you before commencing with the self-assessments.
You can always return to this page by clicking Home in the top menu bar.

When you’re ready, scroll down the Home page to access either the International
Customer Service Standard – 2024-2025 Assessment or the Complaint Handling
Framework – 2024-2025 Assessment.

International Customer Service Standard – 2024-2025 Assessment

The first self-assessment is the International Customer Service Standard – 2024-2025

Assessment. It will help you to benchmark your performance against the standards, and the
ways your organisation can implement a best practice customer service management system.

Complaint Handling Framework – 2024-2025 Assessment

The second self-assessment is the Complaint Handling Framework – 2024-2025 Assessment.

This self-assessment will provide a recognisable benchmark and provide an implementation
approach to best practice complaints management.

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Below, the International Customer Service Standard has been used as an example to guide
you on how to use the Portal to complete your self-assessment. While the Complaint Handling
Framework contains content relevant to that self-assessment, the basic functionality is the
same between the two self-assessments.
On the self-assessment page, you can access all the Perspectives and Elements of the
International Customer Service Standard.

Click on a Perspective to see its underlying Elements, then click on an Element to begin
the self-assessment. You can choose to do work wherever you wish, or work through each
Element in sequential order.

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The first question in each quiz will ask you to rate your organisation’s performance against the
element, which can be found in italics at the top of the assessment.

Click on the hyperlink within the assessment for details on the scoring scale of the
International Customer Service Standard.

Select the self-assessment score which best reflects your performance against the element.

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Following the self-assessment score will be several questions asking you to describe in further
detail the organisational processes in place which are relevant to that element.
At the bottom of each assessment is a Yes/No question asking you to confirm whether or not
you have completed the assessment module and linked any evidence. If you answer “No” to
this question a recommended action is generated. If you wish, you can allocate the action to a
team member who also has a login to the CSIA Self-Assessment Portal, assign a due date and
add notes.

Always click SAVE ANSWERS at the end of an assessment page, to save changes.

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Click ADD A CUSTOM ACTION to add your own action and assign it to a team member with a
due date if you like. Make sure you click SAVE CUSTOM ACTIONS to save custom
actions. Please note, this does not save any changes made in scoring, information or
linked evidence.

Access your Archived Self-Assessments

You can access your previous completed self-assessments by clicking on the “Standards” tab.

Click on the drop-down menu next to the Standard you would like to view. Select the
Assessment to view the qualitative information and linked evidence for that assessment year.

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After saving your answers in each assessment module, you can upload and link evidence of
documented processes e.g., policies, procedures or registers.
Click on LINK EVIDENCE under the element’s introductory text.

In the pop-up screen you can search for an existing file / weblink in your Documents Library
(Service’s Library) or upload a new file / weblink (Add New Evidence).

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Search “Service’s Library” (1)
To search for a file / weblink that you’ve already uploaded into your Documents Library, enter
the file / weblink title in the “Search” field. Results will be listed below.
Select and Link Evidence (2, 3)
Select a file / weblink by clicking its checkbox and add a page / section reference, if needed.
You can select items from different pages and link them in one go. When all items have been
selected, click LINK.

Upload New Evidence (1)

If the file / weblink you want to link is not in the Library yet, click +Add New Evidence.
Select and Upload New Evidence (2, 3)
Enter a descriptive name for the new file / weblink, select the file or enter the weblink and click
UPLOAD. The new file / weblink will be automatically saved in your Documents Library.

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On the Standards Action Plan tab, you can generate a list of all actions that were created
when you answered “No” to a question, or when did not complete all checklist items for a
question. In essence, this is your Quality Improvement Plan.
Click Standards Action Plan in the top menu bar. Select the relevant self-assessment in the
“Standards” field, filter tasks by users (if you like, or just leave that field blank to capture all
actions), then click SEARCH to generate the Action Plan.

Action Details and Linked Resources (1)

The Action Plan displays action details (action needed, notes, who it’s assigned to, due date)
and any linked resources that may help you to complete the action.
Update Action or Mark Complete (2)
If you have updated action details, click SAVE ITEM to save changes; or if you want to mark an
action “Complete”, click COMPLETE. These changes are automatically saved in the
assessment page. You can also click VIEW IN ASSESSMENT to go to the assessment page
where the action was generated.
Export Action Plan (3)
Click SELECT EXPORT FORMAT, then select XLS (Excel) or PDF to export your Action Plan.

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When you’ve completed either the International Customer Service Standard or Complaint
Handling Framework self-assessments, you can view all of your linked evidence in the
Evidence Pack area.
On the Home page, click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the self-assessment
name and select “Open Evidence Pack”. You can also access the Evidence Pack by clicking
on OPEN EVIDENCE PACK on the self-assessment or assessment page.

Add Supplementary Comments (1)

Scroll down to the end of the Evidence Pack page and add supplementary, overarching
comments to your self-assessment if needed, then click SAVE COMMENTS. Click
DOWNLOAD COMMENTS to download the comments as a Word document.
Generate Evidence Pack for Review (2)
Click SAVE TO DOWNLOAD to generate an Evidence Report (summary of linked evidence)
and Evidence Pack (zipped folder containing the evidence files). The report may take a few
minutes to generate.
Note: The Portal saves the 3 most recent Evidence Packs and it is advised to save once your
self-assessment is completed.

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The Q&A Report consolidates your assessment answers and linked evidence, displaying them
against the requirements of each self-assessment.
On the Home page, click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the self-assessment
name and select “Q&A Report”. You can also access the report on the Evidence Pack page
by clicking on Q&A REPORT (see point 6 to open an Evidence Pack page).

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A desktop version of the Q&A Report will open. Click DOWNLOAD REPORT then select XLS
(Excel) or PDF to download the report.


Download User Details

Click on the Add Other Users link then DOWNLOAD DETAILS button, to download an Excel
report of user details.

The Excel report can help identify a user’s “Role” for the service account/s they’re linked to
(1), and which users are yet to activate their account (“Pending” user) (2).

There are four different user roles in the Portal:

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1. Administrator – Administrators have the highest level of user permissions and full
account access, they can:
• Add and manage users
• Complete self-assessments, assign tasks and upload and link evidence.
• Update the Documents Library

2. Board Member – Board Members have read-only access, they can:

• Read-only the self-assessments and linked evidence and Documents Library
(excluding Document – Review info)

3. Reviewer – Reviewers have read-only access but can assign custom actions, they can:
• Read-only the self-assessments and linked evidence, and Action Plans
• Assign Custom Actions in the self-assessments
• Read-only Documents Library content (excluding Document – Review info)

4. Service Account User – Service Account Users have full account access except
permission to manage users, they can:
• Complete self-assessments, assign tasks and upload and link evidence
• Update the Documents Library

Add a New User

To add a new user, first log-in at https://spp.ngoservicesonline.com.au/signin.
From the left side-bar click on the “Add Other Users” link, then “ADD SERVICE USER”.

Select your Service Account, enter the new user’s email address, select a user role, then click
on “ADD”. If you’re adding multiple users for the same user role you can enter each email
address on a new line.

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An invitation email from team@bngonline.com.au will be sent to the new user’s nominated
email – it is an auto-generated email so the user should also check their junk folder in case it
lands there.

The user’s details will appear under Pending until they’ve activated their invitation by clicking
on the link in their invitation email. To re-send the invitation email click on the drop-down
menu to the right of the user’s name and select “Resend”; select “Delete” if you no longer
want to invite the user in.

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Once a new user has activated their invitation, their details will be listed with all other entity
users, and you can now manage their account access.

Deactivate User Access

You can deactivate a user’s account access if they have left your organisation or no longer
need access. Click on “Add Other Users”, then click on the drop-down menu to the right
of the user’s name and select “Deactivate”.

The deactivated user will now appear under “Deactivated Users”. Don’t worry if you’ve
accidentally deactivated the user or the user requires access again – just click on the drop-
down menu and select “Reactivate”.

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The user’s account access will be reactivated with the previous access level and will re-appear
under the current users list.
A deactivated user’s account will be disabled (1), and their name will be removed from
the ‘Assigned To’ field for actions (2) in the self-assessments, Action Plans and the
Documents Library – i.e. you will no longer be able to assign an action to a deactivated user.

Below example is an action in an assessment:

Actions assigned to a deactivated user will no longer be assigned to them i.e. their name will be
removed from the ‘Assigned To’ field and this reverts to ‘Unassigned’, but an answer
they have selected and all other action details (‘Notes’ and ‘Due Date’) will be retained.
A deactivated user will not receive daily/weekly email notifications for pending actions.
Note: Evidence uploaded/linked by a user who’s since been deactivated, remain saved/linked.
Note: Only an account Admin and Service Account user can be assigned actions; a Board
Member and Reviewer cannot be assigned actions.

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Reactivate a ‘Deactivated User’
You can reactivate a deactivated user’s account access with their previous access level. Click
on Add Other Users link (1), then click on the drop-down menu to the right of the user’s
name and select Reactivate (2).

The reactivated user will now reappear with the Current Users.

A reactivated user’s account will be enabled again, and their name will reappear in the
‘Assigned To’ list for actions in the self-assessments, Action Plans and the Documents
Library – i.e. you will be able to assign an action to a reactivated user again.

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Note: Actions previously assigned to a reactivated user will NOT be automatically reassigned
to them (these actions can be reassigned to the reactivated user if needed).
Note: A reactivated user will receive daily/weekly email notifications for pending actions again.

Delete a ‘Deactivated User’

A deactivated user can also be permanently deleted from your account. Click on Add Other
Users link, then click on the drop-down menu to the right of the user’s name and select

Note: Once you’ve deleted a ‘Deactivated User’ they CANNOT be reactivated – if you’d like
the deactivated user to have account access again, you can reinvite them in as a new user, see
Add a New User.

For any questions about the requirements of either self-assessment or the content of the
assessments in the Portal, please contact CSIA on 1300 912 700 or emailing info@csia.com.au

If you need technical assistance with using the Portal, you can contact BNG (who maintain and
operate the Portal) by using the chat function in the Portal or by emailing

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