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English – Session 3 WAGOLL

Deforestation of the Amazon cause climate change and global

warming. Surely, by now, our well
rainforest educated society have learnt that
Despite the
continuing to cut down the rainforest will
Amazon rainforest
result in a desolate Earth- a solitary
is the largest
rainforest in the
The Amazon Rainforest, which is
deforestation of this precious land is
responsible for providing well over 20%
occurring at accelerating rates. At the
of all oxygen produced on Earth, is
rate it is currently being eradicated our
essential for the survival of all life forms.
future generations will not know of its
Deforestation is cutting the supply of
existence. Unsurprisingly, the benefits of
oxygen to all living things The Amazon
Amazon Rainforest can be seen
rainforest is responsible for 20% of all
worldwide as it impacts ALL living things
oxygen produced on Earth. Carelessly, we
on Earth. Unless deforestation of this
are killing the Amazon and at the same
sacred landscape is stopped there will be
time, killing ourselves! Deforestation
serious and life changing consequences in
means there are fewer trees available to
the future.
absorb carbon dioxide and release vital
oxygen needed for all living things to stay
There a countless reasons proving that
alive. Frustrated sciences who have
the Amazon needs to be saved. Firstly,
proven time and time again that we are
deforestation causes devastating loss to
slowly suffocating ourselves yet it
animal and plant life. Cutting down the
appears that nobody cares!
Amazon vegetation means that animal
habitats are destroyed and plants are
As members of a global society we must
crushed. This is leading to many animals
act now to, before it is too late to combat
becoming endangered and extinct – each
the irreversible changed that have
year, many animal and plant species are
already started because of deforestation.
becoming extinct. Can you really imagine
Animals are becoming endangered and
a world without certain species of
extinct, climate change and global
warming is worsening each and every
single day and the amount of oxygen on
In addition,
Earth is decreasing rapidly. If these aren’t
deforestation is
reasons to act now for the future of
causing climate
mankind and all living things I don’t know
change and global
what is!
warming to By Penny Lang CEO of Blue Planet
worsen. The
Amazon rainforest is described as ‘The
Lungs of the Earth’, but if we are
dismembering these lungs, they won’t be
able to breathe in the harmful gases that

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