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Animal Conservation.

Print ISSN 1367-9430

One way or another: predictors of wolf poaching in a

legally harvested wolf population
J. Suutarinen1 & I. Kojola2
1 University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
2 Natural Resources Institute Finland, Rovaniemi, Finland

Keywords Abstract
Canis lupus; gray wolf; human–carnivore
conflict; human-caused mortality; poaching; Poaching is a major threat to large predator populations, but the predictors of poaching
illegal killing; carnivores. are poorly mapped in developed countries where illegal killing is motivated by social
reasons. Poaching can be common although the species is legally hunted, such as in
Correspondence the case of the wolf (Canis lupus). Our goal was to identify crucial motives of poach-
Johanna Suutarinen, University of Oulu, ing to find possible solutions to the ongoing wolf conflict. We studied predictors of
Paavo Havaksen tie 3, 90014 Oulu, Finland. poaching on two spatial scales – countrywide (76 wolves) and territory [30 Global
Email: Positioning System (GPS)-wolves] – during 2001–2016 in Finland. The countrywide
factors predicting illegal kill were as follows: (1) lifestage, with adult wolves showing
Editor: Julie Young a remarkably high probability of being illegally killed in comparison with juveniles;
Associate Editor: Vincenzo Penteriani (2) the number of wolves killed legally in the local scale, that is, licensed wolf hunting
at the local scale decreased the likelihood of illegal killing, as did the total number of
Received 22 August 2017; accepted 13 legally hunted wolves; (3) total legal bag in the whole country; and (4) density of the
February 2018 local human population, that is, low human density increased the probability of illegal
kill. For breeding adult GPS-collared wolves at the territory level, there was a positive
doi:10.1111/acv.12409 relationship between the tendency to cross roads and likelihood of being illegally
killed. Our results provided evidence that poaching is a matter of local intolerance
toward wolves and that the problem is mainly related to wolf hunting. Legal hunting
might decrease poaching, but seems inefficient as a long-term solution. To maintain a
viable wolf population, the poaching risk of breeding adults should be decreased. Pre-
dicted poaching probabilities could be used to tackle poaching in a preventive manner
by involving both decision makers and local residents in anti-poaching actions.

The negative attitudes and fear toward wolves (Treves,

Introduction Naughton-Treves & Shelley, 2013; Dressel, Sandstr€ om &
Poaching is a many-sided global issue, from large-scale illicit Ericsson, 2015) appear to be due to a hyper-awareness of
trade to sporadic hunting offenses (Dickman, 2010; Challen- the risks caused by these potentially risky animals (Dickman,
der & MacMillan, 2014; Chapron & Treves, 2016; Pohja- 2010). Wolves cause livestock damage (Kaartinen, Luoto &
Mykr€a, 2016). In addition to habitat destruction in human- Kojola, 2009) and the loss of hunting dogs (Kojola et al.,
altered landscapes (Ripple et al., 2014), poaching threatens 2004), as well as hunt moose (Alces alces), which is both
many wildlife populations (Liberg et al., 2012; Maisels the primary prey for wolves and is considered to be the most
et al., 2013; Challender & MacMillan, 2014; Sharma et al., valuable game species in boreal regions (Timmermann &
2014). Top predators are especially prone to conflicts due to Rodgers, 2005).
their wide home ranges and carnivorous behavior (Graham, Illegal killing may threaten the recolonization of wolf pop-
Beckerman & Thirgood, 2005; Treves & Bruskotter, 2014). ulations (Liberg et al., 2012; Olson et al., 2014; Chapron &
For example, in northern latitudes, poaching motivation Treves, 2016; Suutarinen & Kojola, 2017). Poaching can
arises from carnivore-livestock and carnivore-game conflicts have a remarkable effect on both the population dynamics
(Graham et al., 2005; Andren et al., 2006; Persson, Ericsson and on individual behaviors of a social, monogamous group
& Segerstr€om, 2009; Treves & Bruskotter, 2014) and is living species (Borg et al., 2015), especially if breeding adult
intensified by human–human conflicts between the different wolves are exposed to high poaching risk (Suutarinen &
interest groups (Dickman, 2010; Pohja-Mykr€a, 2016). Kojola, 2017). Death of one or both breeding adults can
With most controversial species, such as the gray wolf increase the risk of mortality of the offspring (Brainerd
(Canis lupus), the principal objective of illegal killing is to et al., 2008), cause pack dissolution (Borg et al., 2015), and
reduce or remove the species (Treves & Bruskotter, 2014). decrease hunting success (Sand et al., 2006). Consequently,

414 Animal Conservation 21 (2018) 414–422 ª 2018 The Zoological Society of London
J. Suutarinen and I. Kojola Predictors of wolf poaching

poaching has the potential to work in a super-additive way, 2017). In addition, hunting may reduce the ecological func-
affecting the population to a greater extent than most other tion of these apex predators (Ordiz, Bischof & Swenson,
types of mortalities (Milleret et al., 2016). Wolf poaching is 2013).
mostly unreported and difficult to prove, and therefore called Here, we examined the predictors of poaching in a wolf
‘cryptic poaching’ (Liberg et al., 2012), resulting in an population that lives in a human dominated landscape and
unknown size and frequency of this type of crime (Biderman has been exposed to various levels of legal harvest. We
& Reiss, 1967; Wellsmith, 2011). Due to cryptic poaching, aimed to predict poaching probabilities for different scenarios
anti-poaching actions and achievements by authorities often of legal harvest.
remain abstract.
Finland was recolonized by wolves in the 1990s (Kojola
et al., 2014). Since then, the population has been fluctuating
Materials and methods
(Jansson et al., 2012; Kojola et al., 2014). According to the The Finnish landscape is dominated by forests: three-quarters
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Kojola, 2005; Kojola of the land area is covered by forests and one-tenth by agri-
et al., 2014), the wolf population increased from c. 130 to cultural land (Statistics Finland, 2014). The majority of the
160 wolves from 2000 to 2003 up to 180–250 wolves from human population lives in urban areas, and the average
2004 to 2008, with minor changes in between; then, the human density in Finland is 18 inhabitants per km2 (Official
population decreased to 120–160 wolves in 2009–2013 and Statistics of Finland, 2017). Finland has c. 300 000 hunters
increased to 220–270 in 2014–2015, with a recent decline to out of the total population of 5.5 million people (Natural
150–180 wolves (Natural Resources Institute Finland, Resources Institute Finland, 2017b). Calculated based on the
2017a). Annual reports by the institute include comprehen- above statistics, the proportion of hunters ranges from <2%
sive description of pack size and territory area locations, in the Uusimaa province where the capital city Helsinki situ-
which are based on observations collected from the hunters, ates, up to 20% in the Kainuu province in east-central Fin-
snow-tracking, noninvasive genetics, and positioning data of land. Human density in our study area was c. 1.6 humans
the collared wolves (Natural Resources Institute Finland, per km2 and forest road density c. 1.2 km km 2.
2017a). We equipped 146 wolves with very high frequency (Telo-
The wolf’s legislative status in Finland is a protected nics, Mesa, AZ, USA) or GPS (Televilt, Lindesberg, Swe-
game species according to national legislation (Hunting Act den; and Vectronic, Berlin, Germany) collars during 1998–
and related decrees) and regulations by the European Union 2016 (Kojola et al., 2006). Of these, we selected wolves to
(EU, Habitats Directive, Council Directive 92/43/EEC). Wolf be included in the analysis using the following criteria: (1)
hunting is license-based, and annual hunting quotas are when the death was caused by illegal killing or legal hunting
issued by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Wolf man- (Suutarinen & Kojola, 2017); (2) death occurred outside of
agement policy has undergone several changes in 2000– the reindeer herding area, where the wolf hunting policy is
2016. In 2015, the ministry launched a territory-based ‘toler- more liberal than in the rest of Finland in order to keep the
ance hunting’, a hunting policy permitting hunting licenses reindeer herding area free of resident wolves (Kojola et al.,
for management purposes (Ministry of Agriculture and For- 2009; Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 2015); (3) indi-
estry, 2015). These licenses were targeted on local wolf viduals were not known to be a members of the same pack
packs to decrease wolf conflict in the territory areas. as any other study animal included in the analysis; and (4)
Lethal control is often used as a tool for large carnivore they were able to be identified as juveniles (<2 years old) or
management besides sports hunting to maintain populations adults (>2 years old) based on their social status (Kojola
at stable levels, to reduce conflicts over property, and to et al., 2006) or age defined from a tooth sample (Matson’s
build public support (Treves, 2009). In Finland, legal hunting Laboratory LLC, Manhattan, MT, USA, see also Ballard,
has been the administrative solution to ease discomfort Matson & Krausman, 1995). Following the above criteria,
toward wolves and an attempt to reduce illegal killing (Min- we chose 38 illegally and 16 legally killed collared wolves
istry of Agriculture and Forestry, 2015). Epstein (2017) that died during the calendar years 2001–2016.
describes such ‘tolerance hunting’ as hunting premised on To obtain the same number (n = 38) of legally and ille-
the hypothesis that the negative attitudes toward wolves that gally killed wolves for the analysis, we randomly sampled
lead to illegal killing will be ameliorated to the point of tol- 22 legally killed wolves from the inclusive bag record data
erating a greater wolf presence if people are allowed to leg- of wolves that were legally hunted in 2001–2016 that met
ally kill wolves. the same criteria (n = 129). We conducted sampling using
Although lethal control is used to tackle poaching in Uni- the sample function in the program R (R Core Team 2015).
ted States and Northern Europe (Chapron & Treves, 2016; Kill site coordinates for legally shot animals were reported
Epstein, 2017), contradictory arguments have been presented, by hunters as routine protocol. Sites for illegal kills were
that is, there is no scientific support for the hypothesis assessed by using: (1) the exact kill site coordinates given in
(Epstein, 2017), that lethal control does not inevitably a report (n = 2); (2) last position of the wolf (n = 8); and
increase feeling of stewardship over large carnivores (Treves, (3) central spot of the territory area (n = 18), which was
2009) or tolerance (Browne-Nu~nez et al., 2015) and that it measured as a 100% Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP) of
may impress a negative message about the value of wolves the GPS position. The kill site was known by its name in 10
(Chapron & Treves, 2016; but see also Pepin, Kay & Davis, illegal cases. We searched the coordinates for these place

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Predictors of wolf poaching J. Suutarinen and I. Kojola

names using a free online mapping application ‘Map Site’ each independent variable and examined with single-variable
by National Land Survey of Finland (https://asiointi.maanmit GLM whether or not the exclusion influenced the direction of the effect.
Using the kill site as the center point, we created a circu- Logistic regression coefficients can be converted into odds
lar range of 1000 km2 to calculate the spatial variables. The ratios (OR) which can be used to predict the probability of an
wolf territory size is c. 1000 km2 in Finland, but because of event to occur for a given set of predictor values. The number
the variability in the size of the 100% MCPs (621– of illegally killed wolves (MP) can be derived from the pre-
3868 km2, Kaartinen, Antikainen & Kojola, 2015; see also dicted probabilities as MP = N 9 mP, where N is the popula-
Mattisson et al., 2013), we used these computational ranges tion size and mP is the probability to be illegally killed. We
in the country-level model (Mattisson et al., 2013; Ordiz calculated the predicted number of illegal kills for a hypotheti-
et al., 2015; Milleret et al., 2016). cal population of 250 wolves with the approximate proportion
The country-level model included 13 independent vari- of adults and juveniles as in Finland (I. Kojola, unpubl. data):
ables (Table 1). Spatial data were treated using ArcMap adults represented 32% and juveniles 68% of the population,
10.3.1 (ArcGIS; ESRI, Redlands, CA, USA) and the that is, 80 adults and 170 juveniles. We calculated the predicted
Geospatial Modelling Environment (Hawthorne L. Beyer, poaching probabilities for adults and juveniles separately based
Spatial Ecology LLC). on the top-ranked model and used the original unstandardized
To examine the predictors in more detail, we used data values of the independent variables.
derived from countrywide data for a territory-level inspec-
tion, including only GPS-collared breeding adult wolves
(n = 30, Table 2). The territory-level model included two
independent variables which were selected on the basis of The likelihood of illegal kill at the country level was
the country model results (Table 3). We defined the territory affected by ‘legal bag range’, ‘total legal bag’, ‘human den-
area as the 100% MCP and calculated the spatial variables sity’ and lifestage (Table 4a). At the territory level, the like-
using this area. lihood of illegal kill was predicted by the frequency that the
We analyzed the data with logistic regression using a gen- wolves crossed roads (Table 4b).
eralized linear model (GLM) with a binomial-dependent vari- According to the top-ranked model, lifestage had the
able (0 = legal, 1 = illegal). We standardized the explanatory strongest effect on the likelihood of illegal kill. The risk of
variables by scaling the means to 0 with a variance of 1 to being illegally killed instead of legal kill was c. 5% for juve-
improve the interpretability of the regression coefficients niles in comparison to adult wolves (juvenile vs. adult:
(Schielzeth, 2010). We tested correlation between continuous b = 2.87, SE = 0.78, OR = 0.06).
independent variables using Spearman’s rank correlation test. For a harvest strategy with a quota of 30 wolves (‘total legal
Model selection was made based on corrected Akaike’s bag’ = 30) kept constant over the years (‘legal bag
information criterion (AICc; Burnham & Anderson, 2002). change’ = 1) and distribution of one permit per local area (‘le-
We used R package ‘AICcmodavg’ for Akaike calculations gal bag range’ = 1) in the absence of human residence in the
(Mazerolle, 2017). area (‘human density’ = 0), the probability of being illegally
We created three a priori alternative models (Table 2), killed was 0.46 for adults and 0.05 for juveniles. For a more
which were based on the working hypotheses: (1) poaching populated area (‘human density’ = 10), the probabilities were
is related to legal wolf harvest, (2) poaching is related to 0.14 for adults and 0.01 for juveniles. For the hypothetical pop-
hunting in broader sense because wolves are considered ulation of 250 wolves, the example with zero human density
harmful for hunting and game management, and (3) poach- would double the number of harvested wolves: 36 illegally
ing is related to overlapping home ranges of wolves and killed adults and 8 illegally killed juveniles, but the example
humans. We simplified a priori full models based on the with higher human density would halve it: 11 illegally killed
standard errors and confidence intervals of the independent adults and 2 illegally killed juveniles.
variables until we reached the smallest AICc per a priori ‘Legal bag range’ had a negative effect on the likelihood
model. Then, we combined the simplified models with small- of illegal kill. The likelihood of being illegally killed was
est AICc and created a full combined model. We simplified three times less likely if there was another wolf shot with
the combined model until reaching the smallest AICc. This permission within the range during the hunting season in
procedure resulted in 15 candidate models (Table 4a) which comparison with the absence of licensed wolf hunting
we ranked based on their relative differences (Di AIC) and (b = 1.26, SE = 0.55, OR = 0.28). A larger total number of
strengths of evidence (Akaike weights xi). For territory-level legally killed wolves (‘total legal bag’) also decreased the
model, we created three alternative models: one with both likelihood of illegal kill (scaled variable b = 1.43,
variables and both separately, and compared their Akaike SE = 0.57, OR = 0.24). For the unstandardized values, the
values (Table 4b). chance of illegal kill decreased by an odds ratio of 0.90
We made multimodel inference on the variables ‘road [95% CI (0.81, 0.96)], for an increase of one wolf in the
density’ and ‘legal bag change’ using model averaging and total legal bag, that is, c. 10% higher chance for the wolf to
resulting conditional standard error and confidence intervals. die in a legal hunt (1/OR = 1.11). In terms of probabilities,
We tested the effect of the possible outliers by making a the poaching probability for adult wolves for a hunting quota
subset of the data excluding the high leverage point(s) for of 20 wolves would be 0.71, but for 40 wolves, the

416 Animal Conservation 21 (2018) 414–422 ª 2018 The Zoological Society of London
J. Suutarinen and I. Kojola Predictors of wolf poaching

Table 1 Country-level a priori models and independent variables of the illegality of a wolf kill model for wolves in Finland

Predictor Determination Key figures (unconverted)

(1) A priori model ‘legal wolf hunting’
Legal bag range Number of legally hunted wolves within the artificial 1000 km2 range Range: 0–5
during the hunting year the individual died, excluding the individual 1st–3rd quartile: 0–1
itself Median: 0
SD: 1.1

Legal bag region Number of legally hunted wolves within a game administration region of Range: 0–17
the Finnish Wildlife Agency (corresponding to the provinces) during the 1st–3rd quartile: 1–8
hunting season the individual died, including the individual itself Median: 4.5
SD: 5.2

Total legal bag Number of legally hunted wolves in the whole country during the Range: 7–70
hunting year the individual died, including the individual itself 1st–3rd quartile: 17–34
Median: 21
SD: 13.2

Legal bag change Change in total wolf bag in two consecutive hunting years when t + 1 is Range: 0.28–8.3
the year the individual died 1st–3rd quartile: 0.81–2.18
Median: 1.65
SD: 1.8

(2) A priori model ‘hunting versus wolf presence’

Moose bag change Change in moose bag within the game administration region, in two Range: 0.51–1.45
consecutive years, when Ht + 1 is the hunting year (Ht) the wolf died. 1st–3rd quartile: 0.83–1.12
Moose bag records by Finnish Wildlife Agency Median: 0.98
SD: 0.23
Hunter proportion Proportion of hunters of the total human population within the province. Range: 0.02–0.22
Number of hunters determined as the total number of people who had 1st–3rd quartile: 0.11–0.19
paid for the game management fee for the year that the wolf died. Median: 0.12
Human population data by Statistics Finland SD: 0.06
Dog damages Number of dogs killed by wolves according to the records of Finnish Cases (illegals):
Wildlife Agency. Data pooled over the years 2010–2015 (N = 213). Low: 16 (4)
Number of damages per province categorized to low (<10), moderate Mod: 2 (2)
(10–20) and high (>20) damage levels High: 58 (32)
Road density Road density (km km 2) of unpaved secondary roads (i.e., forest roads) Range: 0.35–2.58
within the artificial 1000 km2 range. Road data by National Land Survey 1st–3rd quartile: 1.0–1.53
of Finland Median: 1.17
SD: 0.42

(3) A priori model ‘overlapping home ranges’

Human density Human population density (permanent residence) per km2 within the Range: 0.04–74.8
artificial 1000 km2 range in the year the wolf died. Human population 1st–3rd quartile: 0.56–5.1
density data by Statistics Finland Median: 1.63
SD: 13.1
Livestock damages Number of livestock damage events caused by wolves according to the Cases (illegals):
records of Finnish Wildlife Agency. Data pooled over the years 2010– Low: 11 (6)
2015 (N = 130 events, total 441 animals). Number of damages per Mod: 33 (15)
province categorized to low (<5), moderate (5–10), and high (>10) High: 32 (17)
damage levels
Population increase Rate of population increase, when n + 1 is population size in the year the Range: 0.67–1.48
individual died. Population sizes are based on estimates of population 1st–3rd quartile: 0.83–1.14
size in the end of the each year (see Suutarinen & Kojola, 2017) Mean: 1.01
SD: 0.18

Lifestage Adult > 2 years of age See Table 2

Juvenile < 2 years of age
Sex Female, male

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Predictors of wolf poaching J. Suutarinen and I. Kojola

Table 2 Description of the wolf data used in this study (b = 1.77, SE = 0.81, OR = 5.89 [95% CI (1.5, 40.5)]. ‘Yard
Adults Juveniles Total
visits’ did not effect on the likelihood of illegal kill (in terri-
Countrywide (females) (females) (females) tory-level full model b = 1.13 [95% CI ( 0.21, 4.68)],
SE = 1.17). ‘Road crossings’ model had the smallest AICc
Legal 19 (9) 19 (12) 38 (21)
value and Akaike weight (Table 4b).
Illegal 33 (14) 5 (1) 38 (15)
Total 52 (23) 24 (13) 76 (36)
Predicted poaching probabilities could be used to quantita-
tively estimate poaching levels in the following way: with a
Territory level Females Males Total hunting quota of 50 wolves (‘total legal bag’ = 50) put into
Legal 3 5 8 practice by removing one wolf per pack or local area (‘legal
Illegal 8 14 22 bag range’ = 1), and with the average human density within
Total 11 19 30 the 1000 km2 ranges (1.63 inhabitants per km2), the pre-
dicted probability of illegal kill would be 0.2 for adults and
The countrywide data were a sample of 76 wolves killed outside
0.01 for juveniles. For the hypothetical population of 250
the reindeer herding area in Finland 2001–2016. The territory-level
wolves, that would mean 16 illegally killed adults and 2
data were a sample of 30 breeding adult Global Positioning
juveniles. The total loss including both the legal and illegal
System-collared wolves killed outside the reindeer herding area in
harvests would be 68 wolves.
Finland 2003–2016.

poaching probability would decrease to 0.22 (‘human den- Discussion

sity’ = 0, ‘legal bag range’ = 1, ‘legal bag change’ = 1). Our results speak of intolerance toward wolves and empha-
‘Legal bag change’ increased the likelihood of illegal kill size the local focus on the wolf conflict. The results sup-
(b = 1.62, SE = 0.61, OR = 5.0). ‘Legal bag change’ had four ported the assumption that legal hunting decreases illegal
influential outliers, all of which were illegally shot in the same killing. The higher poaching rates during shortages of legal
province during the hunting season of 2000–2001. That hunt- hunting permits might be an act of frustration and lead to
ing season had remarkably larger total legal bag than the sea- the removal of wolves in a one way or another. Despite
son before, resulting in a change of 8.33. GLM with ‘legal bag annual legal harvesting, the human–wolf conflict in Finland
change’ as the single one independent variable resulted in has not led to coexistence, and tolerance for wolves has
b = 0.08, but excluding the influential outliers b = 0.09. To remained low (Bisi et al., 2010; Pohja-Mykr€a, 2016).
avoid erroneous interpretation, we held the ‘legal bag change’ Breeding adults suffered a very high poaching likelihood
at value 1 in all predicted probabilities. in our study area, which represents a landscape of high
The top-ranked model was only 1.96 times better than the human impacts on forest structure and wildlife populations,
second-ranked model that included additionally ‘road den- but low human density. In Finland, poaching has focused on
sity’ variable. The weighted average of the ‘road density’ breeding adults with highest poaching risk in January–Febru-
estimate was 0.43 [unconditional SE = 0.42, 95% CI ary (Suutarinen & Kojola, 2017), that is, simultaneously with
( 1.25, 0.4)]. Confidence interval of ‘road density’ included the breeding season. Adult wolves are essential for the conti-
zero indicating that road density did not affect the likelihood nuity of a wolf population. Successful breeding of local wolf
of illegal kill at the country level. packs in consecutive years could work as an indicator of an
Based on the evidence that, at the country level: (1) ‘hu- absence of poaching. Securing the survival of breeding
man density’ affected the illegality and (2) the effect of adults could also increase local acceptance in the long run,
‘road density’ was slightly unclear, we examined the effect as wolves learn to avoid human settlements as they become
of secondary roads and human settlement within the territory familiar with their territory (Kojola et al., 2016). In addition,
to the likelihood of illegal kill in more detail at the territory pack dissolution reduces a pack’s hunting success (Sand
level. Frequent crossing of roads while moving within the et al., 2006) and can increase damage to domestic animals
territory increased the likelihood of being illegally killed (Wielgus & Peebles, 2014; Fernandez-Gil et al., 2016).

Table 3 Independent variables at the territory level of the illegality of a wolf kill model for wolves in Finland

Predictor Determination Key figures (unconverted)

Yard visits Proportion of GPS positions closer than 150 m from a house or other Range: 0.0005–0.9
building (Npos = <150 m) out of all GPS positions (Npos). 1st–3rd quartile: 0.004–0.1
Building location data by National Land Survey of Finland. Median: 0.006
SD: 0.02
Road crossings Proportion of road crossings measured as intersects of lines of Range: 0.2–1
consecutive GPS positions with roads inside the territory area 1st–3rd quartile: 0.3–0.5
(100% MCP). Road data by National Land Survey of Finland. Median: 0.41
SD: 0.17

GPS, Global Positioning System; MCP, Minimum Convex Polygon.

418 Animal Conservation 21 (2018) 414–422 ª 2018 The Zoological Society of London
J. Suutarinen and I. Kojola Predictors of wolf poaching

Table 4 Model ranking of the (a) countrywide and (b) territory-level illegality of a wolf kill models based on corrected Akaike’s information
criterion (AICc) of the logistic regression models with binary response variable (0 legal, 1 illegal)

K AICc Di AICc xi LL
(a) Countrywide models
Legal bag range + total legal bag + legal bag change + human density + lifestage 6 74.53 0.00 0.66 30.65
Legal bag range + total legal bag + legal bag change + road density + human density + lifestage 7 75.87 1.35 0.34 30.11
Legal bag range + total legal bag + human density + lifestage 5 84.58 10.05 0.00 36.86
Human density + lifestage 3 92.33 17.80 0.00 43.00
Human density + lifestage + sex 4 94.14 19.62 0.00 42.79
Lifestage 2 97.00 22.47 0.00 46.42
Human density + livestock damages + lifestage + sex 6 98.56 24.03 0.00 42.67
Legal bag range + total legal bag + legal bag change 4 98.83 24.30 0.00 45.13
Road density 2 99.07 24.54 0.00 47.45
Hunter proportion + road density 3 100.74 26.21 0.00 47.20
Human density + livestock damages + population increase + lifestage + sex 7 100.82 26.30 0.00 42.59
Legal bag range + legal bag region + total legal bag + legal bag change 5 101.00 26.47 0.00 45.07
Moose bag change + hunter proportion + road density 4 102.93 28.40 0.00 47.18
Moose bag change + dog damages + hunter proportion + road density 6 105.37 30.84 0.00 46.08
Legal bag range + total legal bag 3 106.16 31.64 0.00 49.92
(b) Territory-level models
Road crossings 2 31.94 0.00 0.50 13.75
Yard visits + road crossings 3 32.03 0.09 0.48 12.55
Yard visits 2 37.77 5.83 0.03 16.66

K stands for number of parameters in the model; Di AICc for AICci AICctop-ranked; xi for Akaike weight; and LL for log likelihood. Descrip-
tions of a priori models and independent variables are given in Tables 1 and 2.

Damages to domestic animals did not affect the poaching consequences of management changes in depth, wolf man-
likelihood, even though damages increase the negative atti- agement requires multidisciplinary inspection (Treves et al.,
tude toward wolves (Treves, 2009; Bisi et al., 2010). Dam- 2017) and straightforward interpretations that granting legal
ages to livelihood and property are often the basis for a hunting of wolves reduces poaching should be done with
legal wolf hunting permit, and therefore, the effect on the caution.
illegality can remain absent even though damages undoubt- The only significant predictor of illegal kill at the territory
edly increase the mortality risk itself. Territory-level inspec- level was the frequency at which wolves crossed roads.
tion of the effect of damages would demand detailed Roads have been observed to increase human-caused mortal-
information on the damage and the wolf kill, and might not ity of wolves (Person & Russell, 2007). Finland has a dense
be even justifiable: such information would require large forest road network, which makes territories easily accessible
dataset to fade out any identifiable information of personal year round. The local wolf population is often under frequent
details, especially in the sensitive context of illegality. tracking from the roads by local hunters: for example, obser-
Wildlife crime is victimless, usually with no witnesses, vations of wolf tracks are also collected nationally in Finland
and often takes place in remote areas. Risk of getting caught as a part of wolf monitoring; for instance, the estimate of
by law enforcement is low in such offenses, which was sup- the wolf population size in March 2017, of c. 150–180
ported by our results of higher human density decreasing wolves, was partially based on more than 3300 observations
poaching likelihood. This highlights the poaching hotspots in from local hunters.
more remote areas, but can also be influenced by the possi- The countrywide and territory-level models offer supple-
ble bias caused by better chances of getting legal permits to mentary insight. The rate of population increase had no
hunt wolves in more human populated areas. Nevertheless, effect on poaching likelihood, but road crossings indicating
predicted poaching probabilities could be implemented by the detectability of the local wolf population increased this
law enforcement in allocating resources and in targeting likelihood. Yard visits did not affect the poaching likelihood,
surveillance on areas with higher poaching risk. but higher density of human population decreased it. Local
An increased total legal bag increased the likelihood of and countrywide hunting measures were significant, but
poaching, which indicates that swift changes in wolf hunting regional measures were not. Therefore, it seems that from
might result in higher poaching rates. The effect was unclear the viewpoint of the local people, the subjective impression
due to outliers, but should not be totally neglected. An of the number of wolves is more important than the actual
increased poaching rate due to an increased total legal bag population size, further underlining the importance of attitude
could also be a type of hyper-aware response to the indirect and tolerance with regard to coexistence with wolves.
message taken from the increased total legal bag – that the Higher level of legal hunting decreases the availability of
wolf population requires greater harvest. To track the wolves for poachers. Increased hunting total legal bag might

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