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Syllables, Vowels and Consonants

Syllables Vowels
Syllables are word parts. There are two kinds of syllables: A, E, I, O, U
 Closed syllables end in a consonant e.g. Egg/ Ap-ple Consonants
 Open syllables end in a vowel or a lonely vowel e.g.
Me/O-pen/E-qual B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P,
Q, R, S, T, V, W, X.Y, Z.
RULE: Every syllable must have a vowel.


Activity 1: Read each word. Write down how many syllables make up each word.
1. Square ____________ 4. Idea ___________
2. Pen- ____________ 5. January ___________
3. Month ____________ 6. Moment ___________

Activity 2: Rewrite each word below dividing it into syllables.

1. Candy _____________________
2. Important _____________________
3. Women _____________________
4. Afternoon _____________________
Activity 3: Syllable Division [VCCV]- Divide each word below into syllables.
Example: helmet = hel + met
1. Mascot _________________ 4. Combat ________________
2. Trumpet _________________ 5. Bandit ________________
3. Rocket _________________ 6. Witness _________________

Activity 4: Syllable Division [V/CV]- Divide each word below into syllables.
Example: Protect = Pro + tect
1. Tulip _________________ 4. Combat ________________
2. Music _________________ 5. Bandit ________________
3. Rocket _________________ 6. Witness _________________

Activity 5: Syllable Division [VC/V]- Divide each word below into syllables.
Example: Solid = Sol+id
1. Body _________________ 4. Dragon ________________
2. Punish _________________ 5. Exit ________________
3. Relish ________________ 6. Rapid _________________

Activity 6: Syllable Division [Consonant Le]- Divide each word below into syllables.
Example: Grumble = Grum+ble
1. Cattle _________________ 4. Shuffle ________________
2. Cable _________________ 5. Puzzle ________________
3. Wiggle ______________ 6. ladle _________________

Activity 7: Syllable Division [VCCCV]- Divide each word below into syllables.
Example: Conflict = Con+flict
1. Anthem _________________ 4. Address ________________
2. Hopscotch _________________ 5. Sandbox ________________
3. Subtract _________________ 6. Express _________________

Activity 8: Syllable Division [VCCCV]- Divide each word below into syllables.
Example: Instruct= In+struct
1. Abstract _________________ 4. Grandstand ________________
2. Standstill ______________ 5. Dishcloth ________________
3. Handstand ______________ 6. Matchbox _________________

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