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Gracious Shepherd Advanced School System Inc.

Brgy. Abar 1st, San Jose City Nueva Ecija

Achievement Test

NAME: _________________________________ DATE: ________________

SECTION: ___________________________ SCORE: ______________

A. Direction: Identify whether the given material is useful or not based on the stated purpose.
Write U if the given material is useful and NU if it is not useful.
_______ 1. Spoiled food for eating
_______ 2. Plastic plates for containing food
_______ 3. Dust for cleaning
_______ 4. Hardbound books for studying
_______ 5. Rubber shoes for walking
_______ 6. Fork for eating
_______ 7. Empty candy wrapper for keeping food
_______ 8. Sponge for cleaning
_______ 9. Wood cabinet for storing personal items
_______ 10. Sofa for resting

B. Direction: Identify if the following changes are due to oxygen or not. Write O if the change
is due to oxygen and N if not.

_______ 1. Potatoes turn brown after some time once sliced and left on the table.
_______ 2. Iron chains in a park swing are rusting.
_______ 3. There is a deformation of canned goods when infested with microorganisms.
_______ 4. Cheese is formed by the alcoholic fermentation of yeast and bacteria.
_______ 5. Fats and sugars are metabolized to produce carbon dioxide and water.
_______ 6. Red-orange flakes are formed in metal objects days after they are soaked in rainwater.
_______ 7. Glass breaks and shatters into small pieces when smashed with a hammer.
_______ 8. A rubber band can be stretched when force is applied to its ends.
_______ 9. In addition to deeper breathing, you become hungry and tired after a kilometer of a jog.
_______ 10. The kite is being blown away by strong winds during a windy day.

C. Direction: Identify the male reproductive organ being described in each statement. Choose
from the box below.
_____________________1. This component of male external genitalia serves to transfer the sperm cells to the
female reproductive system.
_____________________2. This is also known as the bulbourethral gland.
_____________________3. It protects the testes from changes in temperature.
_____________________4. This serves as temporary storage of the sperm cells after they have been produced.
_____________________5. This tube serves as a passageway for urine and semen with sperm to the outside of
the body.
_____________________6. This organ produces sperm cells.
_____________________7. This organ produces the hormone testosterone.
_____________________8. This is where the sperm cells mature.
_____________________9. The testis is made up of many of these tubules.
_____________________10. It houses the testes outside of the male’s abdomen.
_____________________11. These are the gonads of the female reproductive system
_____________________12. These are the fingerlike projections of the fallopian tube.
_____________________13. This is the inner lining of the uterus.
_____________________14. This is the process wherein the inner lining of the uterus sheds.
_____________________15. This is where the menstrual fluid exits.

D. Direction: Unscramble each word to identify what is being described in each statement.
Write your answer in the blank.
1. It is a process in which the enzymes or chemicals present in food react with the oxygen in its surrounding.
2. A type of change in matter in which its composition is altered.

3. It is a process in which materials change when exposed to oxygen.

4. It is formed when iron is mixed with oxygen.

5. It is a process in which humans use up the digested food in the body by mixing it
with oxygen.

6. These are substances that enhance processes such as food browning.

7. It is the process of coating iron nails with zinc to protect them from rusting.

8. It is an important process in human metabolism that requires oxygen.

9. It is commonly used to cover up the surface of metals to prevent metals from rusting.

10. Peeled fruits are often put in this substance to prevent food browning and enzymatic degradation.



Direction: Label the parts of the male and female reproductive system.

1. ______
_ ______
_ ______
_ _

1. ______________________
2. ______________________ 2. ______________________
3. ______________________ 3. ______________________
4. ______________________ 4. ______________________
5. ______________________ 5. ______________________
6. ______________________ 6. ______________________
7. ______________________ 7. ______________________
8. ______________________
III. IDENTIFICATION. Directions: Identify the endocrine gland that is being described in
each statement. Choose from the box below. Some items may be used more than once.

adrenal ovary pancreas parathyroid

pineal pituitary testes thyroid

_______________1. It secretes hormones that activate our fight or flight response.

_______________2. If a person lacks iodine, it will not be able to produce hormones.
_______________3. It is also known as the “master gland.”
_______________4. It mainly releases testosterone.
_______________5. It secretes melatonin that helps us sleep.
_______________6. It releases calcitonin which helps regulate the level of calcium in blood.
_______________7. It releases progesterone which prepares the uterus for pregnancy.
_______________8. This releases hormones that stimulate growth.
_______________9. It secretes estrogen which influences female secondary sex characteristics.
_______________10. It produces thyroxine that tells cells how fast energy should be converted from the food
we eat.


Fill in the blanks with word(s) to make the statement true. Choose answers from the box below.
(2 points each)

absorbed electricity kinetic music

muscle sound vibrates wave

1. Sound can transform into _______________ inside a microphone.

2. When you speak, your voice box vibrates, making the _______________ energy transform into sound
3. Electricity can transform into _______________ in audio speakers.
4. Sound energy can transform into heat energy when _______________
5. The part of the microphone that _______________ is called a diaphragm.

V. Directions: Draw and label the parts of the body system. (35 pts.)
1. Digestive system

3. Urinary system
2. Respiratory system
Direction: Complete the light transformation diagrams in the given situations. Choose from the
given words below. Answers may be repeated. Chemical energy, Electricity, Heat energy,
Sound energy, Kinetic energy, Light energy.
VII. Direction: Classify the following levers as first, second or third- class. Write your answer
on the blank.

What is the most important thing you have learned in Science 5 and why?

Prepared by:
Academic Officer

“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me”- Philippians 4:13.

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