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There are a few pages of just names and generic avatars. I like to create cards, like the one shown below, using the

character information and the name tags.

This way students can easily hide their information by folding back up, and other students can clearly see who has
which character since they are clearly labeled. You can also print them out and use string and hole punches to create
name tags to be worn by the students.

Either way, it’s easier for students to find the characters they need if everyone has some sort of name tag.

This activity usually takes 45 minutes to 2 hours to complete. It really depends on the class and the students. As
students begin to figure out who did it, encourage them to continue to participate since they still have information
other students probably need. I give everyone a specific stop time 10 minutes before the end of class. Everyone goes
back to their seats to quietly fill out the assessment sheet.

I did not include an answer sheet since student answers will vary. I did include a completed notes key so you can help

the students figure out what important information they are missing. The vandal is identified on the notes sheet answer
key. His reasoning and the specifics on how he did it are listed on his character card.

Local Artist’s Work is Destroyed Just Hours Before Annual School Art Contest!

Earlier today, each class at Generic Middle School reported to the gym with their art projects. The office staff,

the judges each year for the contest, reported to the gym at 2pm in order to judge the projects and to determine the

awards and prizes for each category.

Mr. Kaufman's class was the last class to report to the gym. His class did not arrive until 1:30 pm – well after

all of the other classes. His students quickly dropped off their projects and went back to the classroom for station

work. At 2:05pm an administrator came to Mr. Kaufman’s room and pulled Julia Stevens aside to speak with her in
the hallway. The students heard Julia scream: “Vandalized my project? How?” It was quiet for a minute as the
administrator said something else to Julia in a low voice that no one in the classroom could hear. Julia’s scream broke
the silence again: “I bet it was Luke! He’s always been jealous of my talent! Or Eliza! Maybe Kylie or Marcus! I
want justice!” The administrator then led Julia down the hall in an attempt to calm her down; the students couldn’t
hear anything else from Julia or the administrator.
Mr. Kaufman tried to get control of the classroom again, but all anyone cared about was finding out who
vandalized Julia’s art project. You are Mr. Kaufman’s class which means you are all suspects and detectives in this

Everyone will receive a sheet of paper detailing your character: where you were, how you know Julia, and some
general background information that may or may not be important. ONE of you is the vandal; everyone else is
innocent. Unless your paper says, “You are the vandal,” you are innocent. IMPORTANT: You are not the vandal
unless your paper specifically says you are.

To all the people who are NOT vandals:

Your goal is to find out who vandalized Julia’s artwork and why. In order to do this, you will ask questions of all of
the students in your class. Good questions to ask:

• What were you doing after we dropped off our art projects?
• How well do you know Julia?
• Have you had any arguments with Julia recently?
• Who do you think vandalized Julia’s artwork?
• How do you feel about what happened to Julia?
• Did you hear or see anything suspicious?

These are just some initial suggestions; you’ll come up with your own as the game progresses.

Here are the rules as you are circulating and conversing.

You will be asked questions as well and you must tell the truth to the best of your ability. You can elaborate on your

backstory and information, but it must still make sense with your character. You can’t ask anyone if they vandalized
Julia’s artwork; ask other questions to figure it out. You may not give or show your character paper to anyone else.

To the vandal:

Your objective is to avoid being caught. However, you cannot lie! You don’t have to give up all your information, but
you do have to honestly answer all questions. Blend in with the others by asking questions and doing your best to act
as if you are fully cooperating while trying to keep your secrets to yourself.
You Are: Your Background
Ugh...all about Julia again. You guys were best friends a long time ago, but you’ve

Kylie Klaus drifted apart over the years. Now you can’t stand how self-centered she is. It’s not like

-Independent you’re happy that her artwork was ruined; you’re just annoyed that once again she’s

the center of attention and everyone’s scrambling to find out what happened to poor

Julia. It was always like that when you were friends, too. Whatever. Once everyone
-Ambitious sees your amazing science fair project you’ll be the center of attention again. You

can’t wait.

(not the vandal)
Your Alibi – if you have one
You were with Marcus. At 1:45pm you both went to the cafeteria to get some plastic spoons for your STEM
project. You’re making this amazing catapult that is going to wow everyone at the science fair. You may not be
the best artist, but you and Marcus are going to crush it at the science fair.
Be sure to tell people…
You didn’t see anyone go into the gym, but you did run into Eliza at the girls bathroom just outside the
cafeteria. She walked back to the room with you and Marcus. She said she went to the bathroom by the
cafeteria because it has the coldest water in the school and she was thirsty.

Include this information if it comes up

Eliza seemed pretty calm and natural. You doubt it could have been her unless she’s really good at lying and
keeping her cool.

You Are: Your Background

You are very upset about Julia’s art project being destroyed. You didn’t make it
Eliza Hamilton yourself, but you gave Julia a lot of ideas and tips on how to perfect her project. It felt
-Perfectionist like yours and it hurts to know someone destroyed all that hard work and creativity.
You see some people looking your way when the accusations start to fly. It’s no
-Competitive surprise. You argued with Julia this morning that your name should be on the project as
-Outspoken well since you helped so much. She refused and you stormed off. You’ll have to work
pretty hard to convince everyone it wasn’t you.

(not the vandal)
Your Alibi – if you have one

You went to the bathroom around 1:45ish. You were working on your science fair project and got frustrated so
you asked to use the bathroom to cool off and get something to drink. You usually know exact times but you

were frustrated. How are you going to get this bacteria to grow in time for the science fair?

Be sure to tell people…
You’re not mad about the art project anymore. That’s old news - now you’re all about the upcoming science
fair. Also, it couldn’t have been you because Kylie and Marcus saw you at the bathroom near the cafeteria - on
the other side of the gym.

Include this information if it comes up

Julia had a rough morning. Right after her fight with you, Julia had to go over to Jordan and apologize for
embarrassing him this morning. He said they were cool, but he still looked really angry.
You Are: Your Background
Julia was your first girlfriend. She broke up with you last month so she could focus

Cameron Edwards more on her schoolwork and art. But you’re not bitter and you certainly wouldn’t do

-Athletic anything to hurt her. In fact, you’ve already moved on; you’re busy with your life,

too. You’re playing soccer in the fall and baseball in the spring. You also volunteer at

the local library a few days a week. And then there’s Emily. You’re not officially
-Generous together, but it looks like there might be something there.

(not the vandal)
Your Alibi – if you have one
You were with Alicia. You’re not sure what time you left the room. You were on your way to get a drink from
the water fountain and Alicia was on her way to get some wires from Mrs. Smith who is in room 107.

Be sure to tell people…

You were just trying to be nice walking Alicia to Mrs. Smith’s room. She seemed a little bummed about some
stuff going on at home and she asked for some company in the hallway. It definitely wasn’t Alicia who
vandalized Julia’s project. She has a lot going on and winning some art contest is the last thing on her mind.

Include this information if it comes up

When you were on your way back to class, you noticed Jordan leaving the office with a science textbook, but
he walked right by Mr. Kauffman’s room towards the auditorium or maybe to the boys locker room. He has a
key since he’s the wrestling captain.

You Are: Your Background

Alicia Lewis This has not been a good month. You don’t share what’s happening with your
classmates, but things have been a bit rough at home. The art contest and the science
-Reserved fair are a nice distraction; however, your heart’s not really in it right now. Cameron
-Empathetic has been such a good friend to you. And poor Julia. You really feel for her. She put so
much time into that project. She must be heartbroken. You’re determined to put your
-Compassionate own troubles to the side for a bit and focus on helping to find out who vandalized her

(not the vandal) project.

Your Alibi – if you have one

The only time you left the room you were with Cameron. You had to go to Mrs. Smith in room 107 to get
some supplies for your science fair project: a potato alarm clock. Mrs. Smith always has extra supplies and she

can verify that you were there. Cameron was on his way to the water fountain but he agreed to walk with you

since he knows you’ve been a bit down lately.

Eliza did it?

Be sure to tell people…
You really have no idea who did this. You know Eliza and Julia just had an argument the other day. Maybe

Include this information if it comes up

You saw Jordan go from the office back towards the classroom, but he didn’t go back in. He walked by
towards the auditorium. Or maybe he went to get some water from the coldest fountain in the school.
You Are: Your Background
Okay, it was your fault that Taylor’s soda spilled. You were playing a trick on him and

Alex Mack loosened the lid - but Taylor didn’t laugh. He completely freaked out. were

both in the auditorium working on your science fair project: how music affects plant

growth. You’re trying to play it cool with Taylor now because the last thing the band
-Class clown

needs is conflict between the band members. You don’t know Julia that well, but
-Musical you’re an artist as well, so you sympathize that someone ruined her artwork. You just

hope your guilt about Taylor doesn’t make people think you’re guilty of the vandalism.

(not the vandal)
Your Alibi – if you have one
You were with Taylor the entire time. Your class dropped off your projects in the gym and then you and Taylor
went directly to the auditorium. Taylor was only away for two minutes tops - There’s no way you or he could
have done it that quickly.

Be sure to tell people…

You saw Eliza and Julia arguing earlier that day. Maybe it was Eliza. You’re on Eliza’s side with this one;
Julia should have formally given Eliza credit for her ideas and her help with the art project.

Include this information if it comes up

None of this makes sense anyway. Mr. Kaufman’s room is right outside the gym doors. Wouldn’t they have
seen if someone went in and out after they dropped off their art projects?

You Are: Your Background

In the last year or so you’ve lost interest in school work. Things are starting to get
Travis Black really difficult and you’re not someone who enjoys bookwork much. It’s not that you
-Laid back hate learning, you just love working with your hands. This science project is perfect.
Why can’t school just be experiments everyday? You’re friends with Julia, but you’re
-Logical kind of annoyed with this whole vandalism thing. It’s interrupting your science fair
-Intelligent work and doesn’t affect you directly. You’ll try to help but really you just want to get
back to your project.

(not the vandal)
Your Alibi – if you have one

You were in the classroom the whole time. So was your partner, Tamera. She was chatting with other students
mostly and leaving the work to you.

Be sure to tell people…
Alex is sweating bullets and looks really guilty. He has ever since he and Taylor got back from the auditorium.
In fact, they both look somewhat guilty and nervous.

Include this information if it comes up

You’re not really sure why Alex and Taylor would do anything to Julia. As far as you know they never even
talk to her.
You Are: Your Background

Torri Platt How did you get stuck working with Ethan? He spent the entire time talking about

how Julia is his new idol and how he’s going to start doing stand-up gigs at parties.

You can’t stand it. School is serious stuff for you. You have dreams of becoming a
-Hard-worker writer and moving out to New York City. But that’s not going to happen if you keep

getting stuck with partners like Ethan. You’ve worked with Julia a few times and you

both got along fine. But you’re not super-close or anything. Just cordial.

(not the vandal)
Your Alibi – if you have one
It’s Ethan. You’re not thrilled that Ethan is your alibi, but he’s the only one who can say for sure that you were
in the room the entire time. It seems like everyone else was in and out of the room.

Be sure to tell people…

Your money is on Luke. He’s the only one who really had a chance at winning the art contest aside from Julia.
You didn’t see him in the room at all; you’re not sure where he was.

Include this information if it comes up

When you all heard the administrator talking to Julia, your eyes immediately went to Eliza. You don’t think it
was her though. She genuinely looked shocked and sad about what happened.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: ______________

Your Notes

General Info Possible Motivation Alibi/Clues




SAM P Cafeteria

106 107

Local Generic Middle School

105 Boys Locker Girls Locker 108

(Layout not to scale)

104 109

103 110


M P L E 111



Mr. Kaufman’s






S Marcus
Name: _______________________________________________________________ Date: _____________

Classroom Mystery Assessment


Part I: List out two names of students (aside from yourself) you KNOW are innocent. Next to each name state
the specific details that prove the person is innocent.


I know this person is innocent because _________________________________________________________



2. ____________________

I know this person is innocent because _________________________________________________________



Part II: List out one piece of information you thought was a clue but turned out to be a red herring.

The red herring: ___________________________________________________________________________

It seemed important because ________________________________________________________________

It was not a clue because ____________________________________________________________________

Part III: Explain who is guilty and how you know. Be specific in your details and explain your logic.

The guilty person is __________________________.

His/Her motivation is _______________________________________________________________________


His/Her alibi is ____________________________________________________________________________


However, ________________________________________________________________________________




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