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Module 5 Paper-Mia Nixon

Four positive/negative impacts that I found are listed below.

- It can be a learning curve about adapting to new technologies which will continue to
- It can be helpful when brainstorming quality ideas, then writing your own content.
- It can help break down confusing topics and new concepts.
- It can provide suggestions to improve writing.
- Students are using it to cheat and take the easy way out rather than using it as a resource.
- AI can provide false information.
- It takes the thinking process away from students at early stages of life and teaches them
that struggling is out of the ordinary.
- AI content can give false perceptions of “perfect” writing and language if we don’t
understand how it operates.
Before watching the Vox video, I didn’t realize how many students were using AI to do
homework and use it in place of critical thinking. Now that I have learned about the use of AI
and its efficiency, I can see a brighter side to it. But, I still do not think that this is something all
students should be using. Yes, it has the potential to give students knowledge and ideas, but is
that really what students are going to use it for? The video mentions that it is used by students to
generate ideas for topics, but if this is something at their fingertips, why not use AI to just write
the whole paper? If this practice wants to be incorporated, I think it should be something that
teachers show examples of, such as having an assignment in class about what students have
found on AI and how that might be helpful/harmful to them when using it in their education. So,
what might be at stake for AI and education? In the end I think that this will take away students
and eventually professionals’ motivation to generate their own thoughts and perceptions of
things that they are supposed to be evaluating. It is teaching students and professionals that it is
ok to take the “easy way out” instead of challenges.
When thinking about our ways of communicating today, AI can change the way we perceive
human interaction. In the last 20 years we have shifted to communicating through social media
rather than face to face. This can be further affected by the concept of having an immediate chat
bot at your response. For example, instead of asking for help from a mentor or teacher, why not
give AI a chance to give you immediate feedback. This is mentioned in the video when Fong
speaks about the fact that AI is incorporated into many places, we don’t even realize such as a
word document that has a tab asking, “Want a suggestion?”. This all will affect the way we go
about interacting with the world around us. I also thought it was interesting when Fong said,
“Turn by turn navigation leaves us with poorer spatial knowledge of the area” (Vox, 2023). This
supports the fact that we are disengaging in our environment in ways that we aren’t even aware
of, such as navigation apps (Google Maps, Apple Maps, etc.).
Vox. (2023, December 12). AI can do your homework. Now what? [Video]. YouTube.

Word Count: 530

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