Mech - Sem 3 Question Papers

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Punjab Engincering College, Chandigarh

End-Term Examination (December 2022)

Programmne: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) Year/Semester: 2nd/3rd (22231)

Course Code: ME-1031
Course Name: Elements of Manufacturing Processes
Maximum Marks: 80 Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Notes: All questions are compulsory. Assume any missing data suitably.
Q. No. Statement

(a) Enlist the two best methods for making hollow tubes. 2
(b) Enlist the consumables used in the arc welding process. 2
(c) Differentiate between swaging and radial forging with a neat sketch. 2
Cdt What is heat treatment? Why it is done?
(e) Explain the working of core prints, chaplets, and chills in casting
engineering 4
2 a) What factors would you consider for the selection of materials for any
products? 4
(b State the differences between manufacturing and production.
maximum solidification time
(a) Find the condition of the minimum surface area and
riser to be the top
for the riser having a diameter (d) and height (h). Consider the to its volume)
riser. Also, calculate the cooling characteristic (ratio of surface
for both risers.
aspiration effect and to feed 7
(b) Calculate the dimensions of the sprue to avoid the air kg/m, the height
liquid metal at a rate of 20 kg/sec. The density of metal is 7000
of the sprue is 16cm, and the height of the pouring basin is 9 cm.
and disadvantages over 6
4 á) Define the hot working of metals. What are its advantages
2 cold working? sketch. 4
6) Differentiate between punching and blanking with a neata neat sketch. What are the 4
help of
() Explain the electro-hydraulic forming with the
major applications of this process?
5 aExplain the following welding defect with appropriate schematic (a) porosity, (b) 6
for the respective welding
slag inclusion, (c) undercuts. Also, describe the remedies
using AC and DC power supplies for arc
b) Compare the merits and demerits of the work piece
welding. Also, indicate the diferent penetration depths produced on
help of neat sketches.
by using these power sources for welding with merits, demerits, and
(c) Explain TIG welding and MIG welding with their 6
application. Explain the various methods of annealing. 6
6 What are the objectives of annealing? constructed? 4
21 (YWhy are the Time-Temperature-Transformation (TTT) diagrams
(c) Explain in brief the various surface-hardening processes.
(Deemed to be University)
End-Term Examination
December 2022
Ycar/Class/Semester: 2022/ B.Tech/ 3rd
Course Namc: General Psychology Course Code: HS2303
Maximum MarkS: 40 Time allowed: 3 Hours
Allquestions are compulsory.
The candidates, before starting to write the solutions, should please check the
for any discrepancy, and also ensure that they have been delivered the questionquestion paper
course code.
paper of right
Q.Ng Mark
Various aspects of human beings are studied in psychology, unlike covert aspect, 5
Watson focused on the overt aspect. Demonstrate branches and scope of Psychology?
According to Spearman, "Intelligence comprises oftwo factors- General and Specific". 5
Evaluate this statement and how is it diferent from thurstone's view of Intelligence ?
3 aCan perSonality be assessed ? Ilustrate with example especially projective 3+3

K."The personality normally function as a whole, however overwhelmed by excessive

stimulation from any source, anxiety results." Support your answer with the help of
defence mechanisms.
aStress is considered to be disruptive. Compare it with stress which can lead to growth 3+3
and enhanced competence, give suggestions to improve wel being ?
BS it true that mental health problems can be prevented ? How does mental health
Váiffers from mental ill health ?

What is learning ? Discussin detail how does the schedule of reinforcement impact the
rate of responding ?
Evaluate what happens if hierarchy of needs are not met. xplain how a recent
environmental disaster (eg., Earthquake etc) affects where someone may be on the
hierarchy ?

gAnalyse the concept and the process of forming the association of people and 3+3
directing their behaviour towards the accomplishment of common goal.

B.What type of conflicts does the organization face? Discuss the strategies of resolving
What does the word leadership mean ? How many styles of leadership are there?"



Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University),

End-Term Examination, Dec 2022
Programnme: B.Tech (CSE) Year Semester 2 Yr 22231
Course Nane: Data Structures
Maximum Marks: 60
Course Code: CS6301/CS5301
Time allowed 3 hrs.
All questions are compulsory.
The candidates, betore startung to n nte the solutions, should please check the question paper for
any d1screpancy. and also ensure that thev have beer
del1v ervd ihe qucstion paper of night course code.
Make neeary assumptions and mention it clearly wherever necded.
Sr. No Question Marks
Q.1. Analyze and find the Time Complexity of the following code snippet. (3)
(a). 1=n

while (i>=1){
forj= 1to n
X=X +1

Analyze and find the Time complexity the following recurrence function.
T(n)-7T() +n²
Consider the following infix expression. Convert it to postfix expression using stack.
Q.2, A- B- D*E/F+B*C
Given the binary max-heap represented by the array: 16, 12, 14, 8, 5, 1
(b) i)Show the max-heap after inserting an element with the value of 15 and then the value of 18. (2.2)
i) Show the max-heap after extracting the max value (use the original heap, not after the inserts)

Q.3. An Enqueue operation is required to add an element to

the end of the queue andDequeue operation is required
Head IRiiat State Head Fical Stae
to remove an element from the front of the queue.
Consider the queues Q1 containing four elements and
Q2 containing none (shown as the Initial State in the Q2

figure). The only operations allowed on these two fcad

queues are Fnqueue(Q, element) and Dequeue(Q).
What are the the minimum number of Enqueue
operations on Ql required to place the elements of Q1
in Q2 in reverse order (shown the inal State in the
figure) without using any additional storage?
and oxdd 1
Let I. be a singly linked list in memory. Write a pseudo code (o count the number of even
clements respectively in I..
Construct an AVL tree that results from inserting the keys 4, l10, 3, 8, 5, 6, 25 in that order into an |S)
Q.4. final AVL tree. (2+3)
(a) Inilially emply AVL tree. Give a preorder, inorder, and postorder traversal of
Shou the B Tre ater inserting the keys 60, 70, 75, S1. 52,65, 68, 77, 78, 79 of order 4(i.e. M-4) in Iis
the gii en order Show the B Tree atier deleting node 75 rom fnal B (ree. (3+2)

Consider the follow ing graph. ist the order ot nodes for a depth B D

tìstsearch (DFS) and breadth-tirst search (BES) starting at vertex [6)

1 Assume that the child nodes are generated in alphabetical order. (3+3)
ln addition, dunng node selection. ties can be resolved using
alphabeical onder.

(6) Consider ahash table with 9 slots. The hash function is h(k) = k mod 9. The collisions are resolved by [6]
chaining. (3+3)
) The follon ing 9keys are inserted in the order: 5. 28. 19, 15, 20, 33, 12. 17, 10. Show the hash table
after inserting the keys.
i) What are the maximum. mininmum. and average chain lengths in the hash table created in part (i).
Given the list of elements in Anay [40, 10, 35. 15, 20, 2, 10, 7], our task is to sort the elements in
Q.6. ascending order with mininmum number of swaps. (2+4)
Which sortingalgorithm is best suited for this scenario? Why?
iterations to sort the the
Implement the sorting algorithm mentioned in part (a) and clearly show all
(b) elements in ascending order.

Construct the Minimun Spanning Tree for the given [3]

Q.7. graph using Prim's algorithm. Choose S node as
can be
starting or root node. During node selection, ties
resolv ed using alphabetical order.

(b} Consider the following directed weighted graph [6]

Using Floyd Warshall Algorithm, find the shortest
show all
distance between every pair of vertices.
distance matrix for the given graph. 2

Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University)
End-Term Examination
Programme: B.E (Mech) Year/Semester: 3nd Sem
Course Name: Theory of Machine Course Code: MEN 1034
Maximum Marks: 100 Time allowed: 3 Hours

All questions are compulsory.
The candidates before starting to write the solution, should please check the question paper for any
discrepancy and ensure that they have delivered the question paper of rightcourse code
Sr. Question ks
Q1 Find the degree of freedom in each of the following cases



The structure of Whitworth quick return mechanism as shown in Figure used in reciprocating
machine tools. The various dimensions of the tool are as follows: OQ = 100 mm; OP =200 mm, RQ
Determine the
= 150 mnm and RS = 500 mm. The crank OP makes an angle of 60° with the vertical.
velocity of the slider S (cutting tool) when the crank rotates at 120 r.p.m. clockwise. Find also the
angular velocity of the link RS and the velocity of the sliding block T on the slotted lever QT.

Q3 A cam, with a minimum radius of 50 mm, rotating clockwise at a
a knife edge follower the motion as described below:
uniform speed, 1s required to
1. To move outwards through 40 mm during 100° rotation of the cam;
2. To dwell for next 80°;
3. To return to its starting position during next 90°.
4. To dwell for the rest period ni.e. 90°.
Draw the profile of the cam, when the line of stroke of the
follower passes through the centre oft.
cam shaft. The displacement of the follower is to take
place with uniform acceleration and unifor
retardation. Determine the maximum velocity and acceleration of the follower when
the cam abaa
rotates at 900 r.p.m. Draw the displacement, velocity and
acceleration diagrams for one complete
revolution of the cam
4 (a) What are the main tooth profiles of gear teeth which fulfill the law of
gearing? Compare them.
4 (b) Figure shows a gçar train in which gears Band C 10
constitute a compound gear. The number of teeth
are shown along with each wheel in the figure. Determine the
speed and the direction of rotation of
wheels A and E if the arm revolves at 210 rpm clockwise and the gear Dis

E 15

40 30 40 60
5 (a) With the help of vector diagram, explain the effect of gyroscopic couple when viewed from the nose
and the plane takes right turn and direction of rotation of propeller is clockwise.
S(b) Apunching press is required to punch 35 mm diameter holes in a plate of 15 mm thickness at the rate
of 33 holes per minute. It requires 5N-m of energy per mm² of sheared area. If the punching takes
1/8of asecond and the r.p.m. of the flywheel varies from 170 to 150, determine ) the power of the
motor (ii) the mass of the flywheel having radius of gyration of 1 meter.
6 (a) Can a Porter governor be isochronous? Justify your statement 5
6(b) Four Masses A, B,Cand D are completely balanced. Masses Cand Dmake angles of90° and 120°
TeSpectively with B in the same sense. The planes containing B and C are 300 mm apart. Masses A,
B, C and D can be assumed to be concentrated radii of 360, 480, 240 and 300 mm respectively. 15

Ine masses B, Cand D are 15 ke. 2S kg and 20 ke respectively. Determine (i) the mass A and its
angular position (ii)the positions of planes A and D.
3rd Semester B.Tech. (Mechanical) (Semester 22231)
Mechanics of Materials (ME-1033)
Note: assume missing data, if any, suitably
Maximum Marks: 90
Time: 180 Minutes
Statement of Problem Marks
Q No.
and subjected to 7.8 MPa 10
(a) A thick steel cylinder with 0.95 m as inside diameter
thickness which can restrict the
internal pressure is to be designed for the the volurne
Evaluate the change in
maximum shearing stress to exceed 34 MPa.
ends when exposed to this pressure if E=
of this 6 m long cylinder with closed
200GPa and Poisson's ratio as 0.33. inside
cold drawn thincylinder of 60mm
1 (b) Calculate the maximum pressure that a ultimate strength of the
can withstand if the
diameter with 2mm wall thickness
material of this is 380 MPa.
100kN and 75kN 10
fixed beam is loaded with point lateral loads of
A fm long moments and
2 (a) left end. Evaluate the fixing
respectively at 2m and 4nm from hence calculate
both ends with the help of Macaulay's method and
reactions at flexural rigidity 'El'
defection where 100kN point load is acting in terms of beams when
the cantilever
conditions in respect of simply supported and
Write end loading.
are designed for deflection under different types of 15
.3Explain all theories of failure. equations in respect of columns with following
Develop basic bending
1. Both ends hinged or
2. Both ends fixed. length calculation
column with both ends hinged for its
section for the
Design an "I' cross compressive load when E=200GPa
4 (b) 180 kN of axial
width = 100mm width,
if it is to support section dimensions are as: Flange
cross 10mm.
material and the T
Thickness of both the flange and the stem = 10
Overall depth = 120mm, twist, Axial deflection, Stiffness of spring wire
Angle of pull with
.5 (a) Derive expressions forclose-coiled helical spring subjected to axial
Shear stress in case
at the
of circular cross section. moving at 4Km/hour is to be stoppedrequired
weighing 25 KN and would be
close-coiled springs thatcompBession of 250
5 (b) A wagon the number of
bufferstop. Compute motion during a diameter of the
stop to absorb the energyof the mean
inthe buffer coils, made of 20 mm wire,
has 20
mm. Each spring N/mm'. 12
mm. Take N= 0.84 x10 sudden and impact
coils being 200 stresses due to gradual,
expressions for the
6 (a) Derive the load of 60 kN.
loading. diameter is subjected to a tensile
and 25 mm in energy anmodulus of resilience.
6 (b) Abar 2 m long Calculate the strain
Taking E=2 x10 N/mm',

I'unjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University)

IND Tem Ennination, Dec 2022
Year/Semester : 2nd /3rd
: BTch. (\lechanica) (ourseCode
: ME1032
'rgamme lhermodyuamies Maximum Marks: 100
ourNe Name : Tlements of

lmporant Notes: paper for any

write the solutions, should check the question
or stating to
Ihe vdates

\llqwsts rompulsory. unnecessarily.

on) inyur answers. Do not elaborate things
Be svitic (o the
additionaldata is rquind, assume suitably and state clearly.
lfann Marks
Q. Question
the significance of variousand (b)
equation and point out
Write the steady flow energy
cquation make an energy analysis of (a) steam
invoved. Based on the
centritugal pump. construction an 5
eficiency of Carnot cycle. What is the difficulty in
Derive an exprssion for
engine working on Carnot cycle. system.
availability ofclosed system and steady flow open
Set up the expressions for
pressure for diesel 5
exprssion for air standard efticiency and mean eftective
Derive an
Cvcle. State the assumptions calorimeter
explain the construction and working of a separating and throttling
Sketeh and fraction of steanin a boiler.
used for determining the dryness are
be used as standard of reference for steam power plant. What
Why Carnot cvcle cannot
6 performance of Rankine cycle.
various methods to improve the
thermodynamic equilibriunm? How does it difter from thermal
(2) what is meant by
cquilibrium. this
concept of continuum? How density and pressure are defined using
(b) what is the
mountings are essential in boiler. Name and sketch any tvo mountings of
boiler and explain their working. 10
thernal power plant operating on an ideal Rankine cycle, superheated steam 10
In a where it expands to the còndenser pressure of
at 5 MPa and s00°Cis fed to a turbine
22 MW, Determine:
kPa. Ifthe netpower output of the plant is to be
(a) Heat added in the boiler per kg of water. b) themal efficiency of the cycle. (c) mass
tlow rate of steam in kg/s (d) mass flow rate of cooling water in the condenser if the
0ing water enters the condenser at 24 c and leaves at 34°c
An tee making plant prndus 760 kg of ice from liquid water available at 'c whils: the 10
ambient atmospherie temrerature is 310 K. The task is accomplished b running a
eitigerating unit that ohtains its motive power from a heat engine. Hot water at 350 k
pniuh solar heating is used as heat source for the heat engine uses the ambient
atmosphere as sink. Detemine:
(a) Power required to run the refrigerating unit.
() Ratio of the heat extracted from freezing water to the heat supplied to the heat engine,
() Rate at which energy is rejected to atmosphere by both the machines.
It may be presumed that both the devices operate as ideal machine and the enthalpy of
fusion ofwater at c is 333.45 kJkg.
11 Aclosed system contains 2.2kg of air and during an adiabatic
expansion process, there
Ccurs a change in its pressure from 500 kPa to 100 kPa and in its temperature from 350 10
to 320 K. if the volume doubles during the process, make calculations for the
work, the change in availability and the irreversibility. maximum
For air take Cy = 0.718 kJ/kg k and R=0.287
kJ/kg k.
The surrounding conditions may be assumed to be 10 kPa and 300 K.
12 3 kg of air at 150 kPa pressure and 360 k
temperature is compressed polytropic ally to
pressure 750 kPa according to the low pvl2 = constant. Subsequently
the air is cooled to
Initial temperature at constant pressure. This is followed by
expansion at
temperature till the original pressure of 150 kPa is reached. Sketch the cycle on p-v constant
and T-s
plots and determine the work done, heat transfer and entropy change for each
Assume C = 1.005 kJ/kg k; Cy=0.718 kJkg k and R= 0.287 Jkg k.
13 1kg of steam (0.1 MPa/0.8 dry) enclosed in cylinder-piston assembly is 10
heated at a
constant pressure till the steam temperature rises to 350°C. find the
(a) Work done by the system (steam) ; (b)Heat interaction
14 The compression ratio for a single cylinder engine operating on dual cycle is 9. The 10
maximum pressure in the cylinder is limited to 60 bar. The pressure and temperature of the
air at the beginning of the cycle'are 1bar and 30c. Heat is added during constant pressure
process upto 4 per cent of the stroke. Assuming the cylinder diameter and stroke length as
250 mm and 300 mm respectively, determine:
(1) The air standard efficiency of the cycle. (2) The power developed if the number of
working cycles are 3 per second. Take for air Cy =0.71 kj/kg k and c =1.0 k]/kg k.
Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University)
MidTern Examination
Programme: BTech. (Mechanical) Year/Semester: 2022/3rd
Course Name : Theory of Machincs Course Code: ME 1034
Time:1 Hours 30 Mins Max Marks: 40

All questions are compulsory

Be specific (to the point) in your answers
Assume missing data, if any.
Q1/ Determine the degree of freedom of the mechanisms shown in Figure. (5)

(a) (b)


AB = 0B = 300 mm and CD =
Q2. Figure shows a mechanism in which OA = 0C= 100 mm,
direction. Determine the
250mm. The crank OA rotates at 130 rpm in the clockwise
i, velocity of the slider at D
angular velocities of links QB and AB (10)



Q3. For the configuration of a slider-crank mechanism shown in Figure, calculate the
(i) acceleration of the slider at B
(ii) acceleration of the point E
(iii)angular acceleration of the link AB
OA rotates at 18 rad/s counter-clockwise. (10)
E 450 A
1600 B

Q4. (a) Define hammer below? (2)
(6) Afour-cylinder two-stroke engine running at 1500rpm has the crank of S0 mm. The
length of connecting rods are 200 mm and the cylinders are spaced 200 mm apart. The
cylinders are numbered 1to 4 from one end, and the firing order is 1-3-2-4. The
reciprocating mass per cylinder is 2kg. Determine (i) Unbalanced primary and secondary
forces, if any. (ii) Unbalanced primary and secondary couples about the central plane of
the engine. (13)

October, 2022
Year/Semestcr: 2022/1IIrd
Programme: 3" Sem. B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) Course Code: ME 1032
Course Name: Elements
Maximum Marks: 50
of Thermodynamics Time allowed: 90 minutes

1. All questions arc con1pulsory.symbols have their uSual mcanings in context with subjcct.
2. Unlcss stated otherwisc. the if any.
Assume suitably and state, additional data rcquired, plcase chcck the question
3. The candidatcs, before
starting to write the solutions, should delivered the question
discrepancy, and also ensure that tlhey have been
papcr ior any
paper of right course code. Marks
Thermodynamics? 2
S.No. Questions understand by Classical and Statistical
\a) What do you Control Surface. How 3
briefly the concept of Control Volume and
(b) Explain open system.
does Control Volume differ from anhave two specific heats.
Why gasses 3
e Define specific heat? for the displacement work donc during an arbitrary
(d) Set up on expression
360 K is compressed 5
kPa and temperature
3kg of air at a
pressure of 150 gas is then cooled to
to 750 kPa according to law pVl.2=C. The expanded at constant
polytropically is then
constant pressure. The air kPa. Draw the cycle on p-V
initial tennperature at original pressure of 150
temperature till it rcaches
diagram and determine the net work and heat transfer.prevail, 3600 kg of water per 10
the steady flow m per
In asteam power plant, specific enthalpy of 840 kJ/kg and a speed of 300 boiler
hour enters the boiler at a constant pressure in the
water receives heat at the
minute at 5-m elevation. The 3140 kJ/kg and then steam formed enters
specific enthalpy to m/min at an elevation
and increases turbine at the speed of 3000
turbine. The steam leaves the kJ/kg. Heat losses from the turbine and
a specific enthalpy of 2640
of 1m and power output of the power plant.
boiler are 72000 kJ/h. Detemine the
Show that internal energy is a propcrty of the system. 2
4 (a)
flow work.
(b) Explain the concept of theorem. 3
(c) State and prove Carnot
Clausis Inequality.
(d) Explain the concept of according to linear law from 4.2 bar to 1.4 bar. The 5
5 1kg of gas expands reversibly gas is cooled
m and 0.02 m², respectively. Theinitial state of
initial and final volumes are 0.004
compressed isothermally back to its
at constant pressure and finally the work done in cach process
stating its
4.2 bar and 0.004 m'. Calculate
direction. Sketch the cycle on a p-V diagram.
reservois, 10
operate in series between two hcat
6 Thrce Carnot engines Ci, Ch and C; temperature of thc
400 K. Calculate the
which are at temperature of 1000 K and work produced by thesc cngines in the
intermediate reservoirs if the amount of
proportion of 5:4:3.
FINNOVATEEXCEL (Deemed tpbe University)
Mid-Term Examination
-October 2022

Year/Class/Semester: 2022/ B.Tech/3rd Course Code: HS2303

% Hours
Psychology Time allowed: 1
Course Name: General
Maximun Marks: 20

ase check the

Notes: compulsory. solutions, should please the
Allquestions are before starting to vrite the that they have been delivered
The candidates, ensure
anydiscrepancy, andalso
question paper for course code.
questión paper ofright Marks

aDefine Memory. information on political views,
(b Systematic many other topics is called
buying habits and retrievalis
not require any conscious
that does
C,A form of memory
called 2+2
Differentiate between theretroactive interference
Proactive and punishment
reinforcement and negative
dependent 1+2+1
test scores, the
at how tutoring impacts
3 rà. In a study looking
variable would be
statement- Case studies are widely used
comment on the
C) Justify and limitations":
but it has certain

4 Paradigmof Classical Conditioning.

b. Types of LTM
connection of the 1+1+2
type of rehearsal involving meaning and
5. The
information already stored in memory is strengthencd by their
behaviours are
b/A type of learning in which
consequences is called
c. FergetingCurve

(Deemed to be University)
Mid-Semester Examination Oct' 2022
Programme: B.Tech. (OE-1) Year/Semester: 2nd Yr/22231
Course Code: CS6301/CSS301
Course Name: Data Structures
Time allowed: 1.5 hr
Maximum Marks: 30

Note: All questions are compulsory

Q. No Deseription of the Question 2
1 a) What is the Time Complexity of the following code?
int fun (int n)
int i, j;
for (i=1; i<=n; it+)
for (j=1; j<n; jt=i)
printf (%d %d", i. ):

Recurrence function if n99?

b) What is the output of the given
int fun (int n) {
if (n>100)
return fun(fun(n+11));

printf ("%d, fun(n)):
expression using a stack:
c) Evaluate the following postfix

5 2 7 a * 39 13 / -
9 1| * +
for the following Recurrence Relation?
2. a) What will be the Time Complexity
T(n) = 8T (Vn) + (logn)
b) Convert the following Infix notation
to Postfix notation:
12, 13, 25, 14, 10, 8, 16
Build a binary Max-heap of following elements: operations 2+
on Max-heap?
What is the content of the array after two delete
Perform heap sort on it and create a sorted Array (in increasing
Clearly show all steps and don't include deleted elements to perform heap

4 Write a pseudo code to find the smallest element in the Singly Linked List.
respective 4+1
5 Explain at least 4 differences between malloc () and calloc ) function with their
syntax. What is the purpose of free () function?
6 What will be the output of the following code snippet for the linked list
void solve (struct node* start)

if (start =- NULL)
printf ("d",start->data):
if (start-Mext != NULL )
printf(%d", start->data):

What will be the output after perforrning the following operations in a Deque?
Insertf ront(20):
insertRear 10):
Inserkcar( 15);
Punjab,Engineering College, Chandigarh
ME1031: Elements of Manufacturing Processes
Mid-Term Examination, October 2022
B.Tech, Third Semester
Duration: 1.5 Hours
Max.Marks: 40
Answer allthe
processes briefly. [4]
Define manufacturing and classify the manufacturing
neat sketches. Explain the conditions 5]
2 Differentiate between product and process layouts with
in which these both are adopted.
following products are made (a) gas turbine blade,|14|
3 Name the casting methods by which the
(b) gear blank, (c) hollow pipes, and (d) steel refractorinss, permeability, [6]
molding sand? Explain the
4 What are the major constituents of
molding sand.
cohesiveness, flowability, and collapsibility of the aneat [4]
commonly used casting process to produce steel with the help of
5. Explain in brief the
diagram. holes, [S]
schematic representation (a) blow
casting defects with proper
6. Describe the following
and their remedies.
misrun. Mention their causes
(b) hot tears, and (c) minutes. What will be the
solidification time 41
of a cubical casting is 5
7 The
solidification time original
same material and eight times heavier than the
casting the
of another cubical
casting? The casting has two parts
x 25 x 25 cm is to be filled using a parting line gate.
Casting of 25 the top gate, and
parting line. For part A of the casting, the gate acts as
below and above the total height (pouring basin
cm, and the
gate. The area ofthe gate is 5
Bbehaves as the bottom the figure.
Calculate the time required to fill the cavity, as shown in
+ sprue) is 25 cm.

25 cm
B 1Scm

A 10 cm
Mid-Term Examination 2223-1
Time :90 Minutes Mechanics of Materials (ME-1033)
M.M. 30
1 Problem Statement Marks
State Castigliano's first theorem. Using this theorem,
determine the 10
deflection and rotation of the overhanging end A of the beam loaded as
shown in figure
kL3 -L
A ring mass of 60 kg encircles a bar and falls through a distance h before5
checked by astop fixed to the bottom of the bar which bangs vertically from
the rigid support. The bar is of steel which has modulus of elasticity of
2.05 x10° Nmm²; and is 40 mm in diameter and 2.5 mlong. If themaximum
instantaneous extension given to the bar was 1.25 mm, calculate the
maximum stress produced and the value of h.
The direct stresses on two mutually perpendicular planes, in two 10
dimensional stress system, are o and 144 MN/m². Inaddition, these planes
carry a shear stress of 48MN/m". Find the value of ' at wBich maximum
total strain energy is the least, assuming Poisson's ratio as 0.3.
4 Graphically represent the Maximum Shear Stress Theory with proper 5
ations for all four quadrants.

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