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JAMA | Original Investigation

Associations Between Surrogate Markers and Clinical Outcomes

for Nononcologic Chronic Disease Treatments
Joshua D. Wallach, PhD, MS; Samuel Yoon, BS, BA; Harry Doernberg, MM; Laura R. Glick, MD; Oriana Ciani, PhD;
Rod S. Taylor, PhD; Maryam Mooghali, MD; Reshma Ramachandran, MD, MHS, MPP; Joseph S. Ross, MD, MHS

Supplemental content
IMPORTANCE Surrogate markers are increasingly used as primary end points in clinical trials
supporting drug approvals.

OBJECTIVE To systematically summarize the evidence from meta-analyses, systematic

reviews and meta-analyses, and pooled analyses (hereafter, meta-analyses) of clinical trials
examining the strength of association between treatment effects measured using surrogate
markers and clinical outcomes in nononcologic chronic diseases.
DATA SOURCES The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Adult Surrogate Endpoint Table and
MEDLINE from inception to March 19, 2023.

STUDY SELECTION Three reviewers selected meta-analyses of clinical trials; meta-analyses of

observational studies were excluded.

DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS Two reviewers extracted correlation coefficients,

coefficients of determination, slopes, effect estimates, or results from meta-regression
analyses between surrogate markers and clinical outcomes.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Correlation coefficient or coefficient of determination,

when reported, was classified as high strength (r ⱖ 0.85 or R2 ⱖ 0.72); primary findings were
otherwise summarized.

RESULTS Thirty-seven surrogate markers listed in FDA’s table and used as primary
end points in clinical trials across 32 unique nononcologic chronic diseases were included.
For 22 (59%) surrogate markers (21 chronic diseases), no eligible meta-analysis was
identified. For 15 (41%) surrogate markers (14 chronic diseases), at least 1 meta-analysis
was identified, 54 in total (median per surrogate marker, 2.5; IQR, 1.3-6.0); among these,
median number of trials and patients meta-analyzed was 18.5 (IQR, 12.0-43.0) and 90 056
(IQR, 20 109-170 014), respectively. The 54 meta-analyses reported 109 unique surrogate
marker–clinical outcome pairs: 59 (54%) reported at least 1 r or R2, 10 (17%) of which reported
at least 1 classified as high strength, whereas 50 (46%) reported slopes, effect estimates,
or results of meta-regression analyses only, 26 (52%) of which reported at least 1 statistically
significant result.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Most surrogate markers used as primary end points in clinical
trials to support FDA approval of drugs treating nononcologic chronic diseases lacked
high-strength evidence of associations with clinical outcomes from published meta-analyses.

Author Affiliations: Author

affiliations are listed at the end of this
Corresponding Author: Joshua D.
Wallach, PhD, MS, Department of
Epidemiology, Rollins School of Public
Health, Emory University, 1518 Clifton
JAMA. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.4175 Rd, Room 3033, Atlanta, GA 30322
Published online April 22, 2024. (joshua.wallach@emory.edu).

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Research Original Investigation Surrogate Markers and Clinical Outcomes for Nononcologic Chronic Disease Treatments

linical trials increasingly use surrogate markers, such
as imaging findings or laboratory measurements, as pri- Key Points
mary end points.1-3 Surrogate markers, which are ex-
Question What is the strength of association between surrogate
pected to predict target outcomes of interest (eg, clinical out- markers used as primary end points in clinical trials to support
comes that directly measure how people feel, function, or Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of drugs treating
survive),4 offer the advantage of reducing the duration, size, nononcologic chronic diseases and clinical outcomes?
and total cost of trials.5,6 In 2018, the Food and Drug Admin-
Findings No meta-analyses of clinical trials examining the
istration (FDA) publicly released an Adult Surrogate End- strength of association between treatment effects measured using
point Table of more than 100 surrogate markers that may be surrogate markers and clinical outcomes were identified for 22
used as primary end points in clinical trials that form the ba- (59%) of 37 surrogate markers for 32 chronic diseases, whereas at
sis of traditional or accelerated approval of new drugs or bio- least 1 was identified for 15 (41%), although few reported
logics. Although this table was designed to serve as a refer- high-strength evidence of treatment effect associations.
ence for drug developers, it does not provide justification for Meaning Most surrogate markers used as primary end points in
surrogate selection in terms of strength of evidence of asso- clinical trials to support FDA approval of drugs treating
ciations between the treatment effects measured using the sur- nononcologic chronic diseases lack high-strength evidence of
rogate marker and those measured using disease-relevant clini- associations with clinical outcomes from published meta-analyses.
cal outcomes.
In oncology, surrogate markers, such as progression-free Data Sources and Selection
survival and objective response rate, are weakly associated with For each surrogate marker, we conducted independent system-
clinical outcomes such as overall survival and quality of life.7-10 atic reviews for English-language meta-analyses of clinical trials
However, to our knowledge, no studies have examined such through searches of MEDLINE (Ovid ALL) from inception to
associations for surrogate markers used as primary end points March 19, 2023, using broad study design (eg, meta-analyses),
in clinical trials to support FDA approval of drugs treating non- correlation, surrogate marker, and chronic disease–specific
oncologic chronic diseases, which compose one-third of dis- terminology (eMethods in Supplement 1). Reference lists of
ease indications listed in FDA’s table. Accordingly, our objec- eligible studies were reviewed manually.
tive was to systematically review the literature to identify and
summarize all meta-analyses of clinical trials examining the Study Selection
strength of association between treatment effects measured Three reviewers (J.D.W., S.Y., and L.R.G.) independently
using surrogate markers listed in FDA’s Adult Surrogate End- screened titles and abstracts. Full-text versions of potentially
point Table and those measured using any clinical outcomes eligible articles were subsequently reviewed to identify sum-
for nononcologic chronic diseases. We focused on published mary or individual patient-level data meta-analyses, system-
meta-analyses as opposed to independently meta-analyzing atic reviews and meta-analyses, and pooled analyses (hereaf-
clinical trial data because FDA has maintained that the use of ter, meta-analyses) of clinical trials. Meta-analyses were eligible
surrogate markers in traditional approval requires, at a mini- if they (1) reported summary measures of associations, includ-
mum, evidence from meta-analyses of clinical trials demon- ing correlation coefficients, coefficients of determination,
strating an association between surrogate markers and clini- slopes, effect estimates, results from meta-regression analy-
cal outcomes to establish surrogacy.11 ses, or any other metrics of association or prediction (eg, sur-
rogate threshold effect13) for the association between treat-
ment effects measured using the surrogate marker and any
clinical outcome (ie, surrogate marker–clinical outcome
pairs)12; and (2) included at least 1 component study in which
This review, prospectively registered on OSF.io, is reported in the disease, patient population, and medication(s) were the
accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Re- same as described in FDA’s table. We excluded pooled analy-
views and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Institutional ses containing only 2 component studies, meta-analyses con-
review board approval and participant informed consent were taining observational studies, earlier versions of updated meta-
not required for this review because it used only previously analyses, and meta-analyses evaluating only individual patient-
published research. level correlations (ie, they did not examine changes attributable
to treatment) (eMethods in Supplement 1).
Surrogate Marker Selection
On August 2, 2022, we reviewed FDA’s Adult Surrogate End- Data Extraction
point Table12 to identify all surrogate markers that may be used For each eligible meta-analysis, 3 reviewers (J.D.W., S.Y., and
as primary end points in clinical trials to support FDA approval H.D.) recorded study characteristics and identified all corre-
of drugs treating chronic diseases (Figure 1; eMethods in Supple- lation coefficients or coefficients of determination (eMethods
ment 1). We did not consider FDA’s Pediatric Surrogate End- in Supplement 1). If none were reported, we abstracted slopes
point Table and excluded any surrogate markers for diseases and effect estimates from regression-based analyses or other
listed in FDA’s Adult Surrogate Endpoint Table that were acute metrics of association or prediction. Last, we recorded the au-
illnesses (eg, skin infection), primarily genetic (eg, Fabry dis- thors’ subjective interpretation of the association between each
ease, cystic fibrosis), oncology related,9,10 or vaccine related. surrogate marker–clinical outcome pair.

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Surrogate Markers and Clinical Outcomes for Nononcologic Chronic Disease Treatments Original Investigation Research

Data Synthesis and Analysis Figure 1. Surrogate Marker Selection Flowchart

For each surrogate marker–clinical outcome pair, the number
of correlation coefficients, coefficients of determination,
197 Total adult and pediatric disease surrogate end point
slopes, effect estimates, or results from meta-regression analy- pairs in FDA's table of surrogate end points
ses that were statistically significant (P < .05) was identified.
Correlation coefficients or coefficients of determination were 73 Pediatric disease surrogate
end point pairs excludeda
then classified as providing high-strength evidence accord-
ing to criteria proposed by the Institute for Quality and Effi-
124 Total adult disease surrogate end point pairs
ciency in Health Care (r ≥ 0.85 or R2 ≥ 0.72).14 For meta-
analyses reporting inconsistent evidence across multiple
87 Disease surrogate end point
associations for the same surrogate marker–clinical outcome pairs excluded
pair (eg, high- and low-strength correlations across different 24 Primarily genetic
23 Vaccine related
subgroups or follow-up durations), the evidence was classi- 20 Cancer indications
fied as mixed. Descriptive statistics were calculated to char- 18 Acute conditions
2 Dental illness
acterize the eligible meta-analyses and evidence examining the
strength of association between surrogate markers and clini-
37 Total surrogate markers for 32 unique chronic diseases
cal outcomes with RStudio (Posit) and R (R Foundation for
Statistical Computing).
FDA indicates Food and Drug Administration.
The FDA has a separate Pediatric Surrogate Endpoint Table.

Study Characteristics or coefficient of determination was reported for 59 (54%)
There were 37 surrogate markers listed in FDA’s Adult Surro- surrogate marker–clinical outcome pairs, 10 (17%) of which
gate Endpoint Table that may be used as primary end points reported at least 1 that provided high-strength evidence
for clinical trials of 32 unique nononcologic chronic diseases (ie, r ≥ 0.85 or R 2 ≥ 0.72). The remaining 50 pairs (46%)
(7 for accelerated approval and 30 for traditional approval) reported only slopes, effect estimates, results from meta-
(Table; eMethods in Supplement 1). For these 37 surrogate regression analyses, or another metric of association or pre-
markers, 31 independent systematic reviews were conducted diction, 26 (52%) of which reported at least 1 statistically sig-
because the table contained similar diseases (eg, Cushing dis- nificant result.
ease and Cushing syndrome) and some surrogate markers were
listed multiple times. Overall, 19 993 records were identified Surrogate Markers That May Be Used
for title and abstract screening (median, 216 records; range, for Accelerated Approval
3-5541) (Figure 2; eFigures 1-31 in Supplement 1). Alzheimer Disease Surrogate Marker: Amyloid-β Plaque Deposition
For 22 of the 37 surrogate markers (59%) that may be used Of 792 records screened, 3 meta-analyses offered inconsis-
as primary end points for 21 chronic diseases, no eligible meta- tent evidence on the strength of association between reduc-
analysis of clinical trials quantifying the strength of associa- tion in amyloid-β plaque deposition and several cognitive rat-
tion between the treatment effects measured using the rel- ing scales for Alzheimer disease (eTable 2 and eFigure 18 in
evant surrogate marker and any clinical outcome was identified Supplement 1). One reported low-strength correlation coeffi-
(Table; eFigures 1-17 in Supplement 1). Of these surrogate mark- cients between reductions in amyloid-β deposition and changes
ers, 17 (77%) were classified by FDA as being appropriate for in the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale sum of boxes (Pearson
traditional approval, including forced expiratory volume in the r = 0.51; P = .09 [n = 9 randomized clinical trials {RCTs}]) and
first second of expiration (FEV1) for asthma and urine toxicol- Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale–Cognitive subscale
ogy for opioid use disorder, and 5 (23%) as being appropriate (Pearson r=0.68; P = .02 [n = 9 RCTs]),15 whereas another re-
for accelerated approval. ported that a decrease in amyloid-β level detected by posi-
For 15 of the 37 surrogate markers (41%) that may be used tron emission tomography of 0.1 standardized uptake value
as primary end points for 14 chronic diseases (Table), at least ratio unit was not associated with a reduction in the Clinical
1 meta-analysis of clinical trials was identified, totaling 54 Dementia Rating Scale sum of boxes score (0.051 point;
unique meta-analyses (median, 2.5; IQR, 1.3-6.0). Of these sur- 95% CI, −0.027 to 0.13 [n = 10 RCTs]) or the Mini Mental State
rogate markers, 13 (87%) were classified by FDA as being ap- Examination score (0.087 point; 95% CI, −0.042 to 0.22 [n = 14
propriate for traditional approval and 2 (13%) for accelerated RCTs]).16 However, a third reported that a 0.1-unit decrease in
approval. The median number of trials and patients meta- amyloid-β level detected by positron emission tomography was
analyzed in these 54 meta-analyses was 18.5 (IQR, 12.0-43.0) associated with statistically significant decreased reductions
and 90 056 (IQR, 20 109-170 014), respectively. in the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale sum of boxes score (0.09
The 54 meta-analyses, 14 (26%) of which had any indus- point; 95% CI, 0.03-0.15 [n = 15 RCTs]), Mini Mental State Ex-
try funding, reported 200 total associations for 109 unique amination score (0.13 point; 95% CI, 0.017-0.24 [n = 16 RCTs]),
surrogate marker–clinical outcome pairs (Figure 3; eTable 1A and Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale–Cognitive score
and B in Supplement 1). At least 1 correlation coefficient (0.33 point; 95% CI, 0.12-0.55 [n = 15 RCTs]).17

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Research Original Investigation Surrogate Markers and Clinical Outcomes for Nononcologic Chronic Disease Treatments

Table. Surrogate Markers for Nononcologic Chronic Disease Treatments Table. Surrogate Markers for Nononcologic Chronic Disease Treatments
in the FDA’s Adult Surrogate Endpoint Table in the FDA’s Adult Surrogate Endpoint Table (continued)

Disease or use Patient population Surrogate end point Disease or use Patient population Surrogate end point
Surrogate markers appropriate for accelerated approval with at least 1 Cushing disease Patients with Cushing Urine free cortisol level
meta-analysis of clinical trials disease for whom
Alzheimer disease Patients with mild Reduction in amyloid-β pituitary surgery is not an
cognitive impairment or plaques option or has not been
mild dementia stage of curative
Alzheimer disease Cushing syndrome Patients with endogenous
Primary glomerular Patients with primary Proteinuria (urinary Cushing syndrome who
diseases associated glomerular disease protein to creatinine have type 2 diabetes
with significant associated with ratio) mellitus or glucose
proteinuria significant proteinuria intolerance and have
failed surgery or are not
Surrogate markers appropriate for accelerated approval without any
candidates for surgery
meta-analyses of clinical trialsa
Exocrine pancreatic Patients with exocrine Fecal coefficient of fat
HDV Patients with HDV ≥2 Log reduction in HDV
insufficiency pancreatic insufficiency absorption
infection with or without RNA plus normalization
due to cystic fibrosis
cirrhosis of ALT
HDV below the LLOQb HBV Patients with HBV Undetectable plasma
infection with or without HBV DNA for indefinite
MAC lung disease Patients with MAC lung Sputum culture
cirrhosis treatment
disease conversion to negative
result by 6 mo HBsAg loss for finite
NASH Patients without cirrhosis Histopathologic findings
with NASH liver fibrosis of (1) resolution of HCV Patients with HCV Sustained viral response
steatohepatitis with no infection with or without (HCV RNA)
worsening of fibrosis, cirrhosis
or (2) improvement of HIV-1 Patients at high risk of Serum HIV antibody
fibrosis with no sexually acquired HIV-1 >0.5 Log reduction in
worsening of
plasma HIV RNA
or (3) bothc Hypothyroidism Patients with Serum TSH level
Primary biliary Patients with primary Serum alkaline
cholangitis biliary cholangitis phosphatase and bilirubin Lupus nephritis Patients with active lupus CRR, defined as
nephritis (1) a response in the
Pulmonary Patients with active Sputum culture
urine proteinuria
tuberculosis pulmonary tuberculosis conversion to negative
level (protein to
creatine ratio);
Surrogate markers appropriate for traditional approval with at least 1 and (2) preservation or
meta-analysis of clinical trials improvement of kidney
Chronic kidney Patients with chronic Estimated glomerular function (estimated
disease kidney disease secondary filtration rate glomerular filtration
to multiple etiologies rate)
COPD Patients with COPD FEV1 Opioid use disorder Patients with opioid use Urine toxicology test
disorder result for opioids
Gout Patients with gout Serum uric acid level
Osteoporosis Postmenopausal women New morphometric
HIV-1 Patients with HIV-1 Undetectable plasma HIV with osteoporosis vertebral fractures
Paget disease Patients with Paget Serum alkaline
Hypercholesterolemia Patients with Serum low-density disease phosphatase level
heterozygous familial and lipoprotein cholesterol
nonfamilial level Primary Patients with Serum calcium level
hypercholesterolemia hyperthyroidism hypercalcemia
due to primary
Hyperphosphatemia Patients with Serum phosphate level hyperparathyroidism
hyperphosphatemia and
receiving dialysis Systemic Patients with systemic FVC
sclerosis–interstitial sclerosis–interstitial lung
Hypertension Patients with Systolic blood pressure lung disease disease
hypertension Diastolic blood pressure Tobacco dependence Cigarette smokers Exhaled carbon
Hypertriglyceridemia Patients with severe Serum triglyceride level monoxide level
Abbreviations: ALT, alanine transaminase; COPD, chronic obstructive
Osteoporosis Patients with Bone mineral density pulmonary disease; CRR, complete renal response; FDA, Food and Drug
osteoporosis Administration; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC, forced vital
Men with osteoporosis capacity; HBsAg, hepatitis B surface antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus;
HCV, hepatitis C virus; HDV, hepatitis D virus; iPTH, intact parathyroid hormone;
Pulmonary fibrosis Patients with pulmonary FVC
LLOQ, lower limit of quantification; MAC, Mycobacterium avium complex;
NASH, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.
Secondary Patients with secondary Serum iPTH level
hyperparathyroidism hyperparathyroidism Measuring the strength of association between the relevant surrogate marker
associated with associated with chronic and clinical outcomes. Surrogate markers appropriate for accelerated approval
chronic kidney kidney disease and traditional approval are mutually exclusive.
Type 2 diabetes Patients with type 2 Serum hemoglobin A1c The agency anticipates that this surrogate end point could be appropriate for
mellitus diabetes mellitus level use as a primary efficacy clinical trial end point for drug or biologic approval,
Surrogate markers appropriate for traditional approval without any although it has not yet been used to support an approved new drug
meta-analysis of clinical trialsa application or biologics license application.
Asthma Patients with asthma FEV1 c
Surrogate end point is part of a composite of biomarker surrogate end points.
Chronic kidney Patients with chronic Serum creatinine level
disease kidney disease secondary
to multiple etiologies Primary Glomerular Disease Surrogate Marker: Proteinuria
Of 19 records screened, 1 meta-analysis offered high-strength
evidence of the association between proteinuria and the

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Surrogate Markers and Clinical Outcomes for Nononcologic Chronic Disease Treatments Original Investigation Research

composite end point of doubling of serum creatinine level, end-

Figure 2. Study Flowchart
stage kidney disease, or death (R2 = 0.91; 95% bayesian cred-
ible interval, 0.47-1.00 [n = 11 RCTs]) (eTable 3 and eFigure 19
22 197 Records included for 31 searches conducted in the
in Supplement 1).18 MEDLINE database, covering 37 disease surrogate
end point pairsa
18 Citation searches
Surrogate Markers That May Be Used
for Traditional Approval 2104 Duplicate references removed
Chronic Kidney Disease Surrogate Marker:
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate 19 993 Studies screened at the title and abstract level
Of 731 records screened, 2 meta-analyses offered consistent
evidence on the strength of association between reductions 19 561 Ineligible studies excluded at
in estimated glomerular filtration rate and a range of clinical the title and abstract level

outcomes (eTable 4 and eFigure 20 in Supplement 1). One

reported a high-strength coefficient of determination 432 Studies sought for retrieval and assessed for eligibility

between estimated glomerular filtration rate and the com-

posite end point of doubling of serum creatine level, esti- 374 Studies excluded
102 Wrong aim
mated glomerular filtration rate less than 15 mL/min/m2, 78 Observational or cohort studies only
and treated end-stage kidney disease (R2 = 0.97; 95% bayes- 50 Wrong surrogate end point
30 Wrong disease indication
ian credible interval, 0.78-1.00 [n = 47 RCTs]),19 whereas 30 Wrong study design
another reported that 30% and 40% reductions in esti- 24 Wrong or no clinical outcome
22 No discussion of association
mated glomerular filtration rate were associated with statis-
16 Systematic review only
tically significant improvements in treated end-stage kidney 10 Non-English language
disease.20 6 Overlapping with included article
2 Fewer than 3 included studies
2 Article not available
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Surrogate Marker: FEV1 2 Abstract only

Of 569 records screened, 6 meta-analyses offered inconsis-

tent evidence on the strength of association between 54 Studies included in review,b with 109 associations
for surrogate marker–clinical outcome pairs
improvements in FEV1 and several objective and subjective 11 Hypercholesterolemia
clinical outcomes across different subgroups and follow-up 10 Hypertension
9 Type 2 diabetes
durations (ie, exacerbation rate, rescue medication use, 6 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire, Transition Dyspnea 6 Osteoporosis
3 Alzheimer disease
Index, and risk for hospitalization) (eTable 5 and eFigure 21 3 Hypertriglyceridemia
in Supplement 1) and only reported 2 or more high-strength 2 Chronic kidney disease
coefficients of determination between change in trough 2 Gout
FEV1 and first occurrence of a moderate to severe exacerba- 1 Hyperphosphatemia
tion across all trials (R2 = 0.85) and among those evaluating 1 Primary glomerular disease
1 Pulmonary fibrosis
only bronchodilators (R2 = 0.88).21
eFigures 1 through 31 in Supplement 1 provide flowcharts for the individual
Gout Surrogate Marker: Serum Uric Acid chronic diseases.
Of 188 records screened, 2 meta-analyses offered inconsis- b
Four meta-analyses were applicable to 2 disease indications.
tent evidence on the strength of association between serum
uric acid and various clinical outcomes (eTable 6 and eFig-
ure 22 in Supplement 1). One reported a low-strength associa- load less than 200 copies/mL and progression to AIDS or
tion between achieving serum urate level less than 6 mg/dL death at 48 weeks (R2 = 0.86; P = .02 [n = 5 RCTs]) and 8
and the risk of patients’ experiencing gout flair (R2 = 0.0779 low-strength correlations for different viral load levels and
[n = 10 RCTs]),22 whereas another reported statistically sig- follow-up durations.25
nificant slopes, suggesting that reductions in serum urate
concentration were associated with worse pain and patient- Hypercholesterolemia Surrogate Marker:
reported outcomes across several scales.23 Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
Of 3463 records screened, 11 meta-analyses reported incon-
HIV Surrogate Marker: Plasma HIV RNA sistent evidence on the strength of association between
Of 506 records screened, 2 meta-analyses offered inconsis- reduction in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and various
tent evidence on the strength of association between HIV-1 clinical outcomes (eTable 8 and eFigure 24 in Supplement 1).
RNA viral load and progression to AIDS or death (eTable 7 Although all meta-analyses claimed that reductions in low-
and eFigure 23 in Supplement 1). One reported that in- density lipoprotein cholesterol were associated with statisti-
creased levels of HIV-1 RNA were associated with higher cally significant improvements in at least 1 clinical outcome,
rates of progression to AIDS,24 whereas another reported 1 only 1 meta-analysis reported high-strength coefficients of
high-strength coefficient of determination between viral determination between low-density lipoprotein cholesterol

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Research Original Investigation Surrogate Markers and Clinical Outcomes for Nononcologic Chronic Disease Treatments

0.89-0.94] among participants with and without cardiovas-

Figure 3. Strength of the Associations Between 109 Surrogate Marker–
Clinical Outcome Pairs
cular disease, respectively [n = 48 RCTs]).28

40 Hypertriglyceridemia Surrogate Marker:

Serum Triglyceride
No. of associations between surrogate

Of 1869 records screened, 3 meta-analyses offered inconsis-

marker–clinical outcome pairs

tent evidence on the strength of association between serum
triglyceride level and several clinical outcomes (eTable 11
20 and eFigure 27 in Supplement 1). One reported that each
increase of 10 mg/dL in absolute triglyceride level was asso-
ciated with a nonstatistically significant lower risk of vascu-
10 lar events (log relative risk, 0.4; 95% CI, −3.8 to 4.8 [n = 64
RCTs]),29 whereas another reported that changes in triglyc-
eride levels were predictive of cardiovascular events (log
Strong Moderate Modest Weak Limited No rate ratio slope, 0.488; P = .005 [n = 40 RCTs]) but the ob-
evidence evidence evidence evidence evidence evidence
served slope was no longer statistically significant when
Strength of association between
surrogate marker–clinical outcome pairs limited to RCTs of primary prevention (slope, 0.373; P = .11
[n = 25 RCTs]).30 A third meta-analysis reported that each
Strong evidence: correlation coefficients or coefficients of determination values reduction of 1 mmol/L (88.5 mg/dL) in triglyceride level was
reported for all associations examined, and all associations classified as associated with a lower risk of major vascular events (rela-
statistically significant and high strength according to criteria proposed by the
Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (r ⱖ 0.85 or R2 ⱖ 0.72).14
tive risk, 0.84; 95% CI, 0.75-0.94 [n = 44 RCTs]).31
Moderate evidence: r or R2 values reported for all associations examined, and 1
or more (but not all) classified as statistically significant and high strength. Osteoporosis Surrogate Marker: Bone Mineral Density
Modest evidence: r or R2 values reported for some associations examined, and 1
Of 1356 records screened, 6 meta-analyses offered inconsis-
or more (but not all) classified as statistically significant and high strength. Any
other r, R2, slopes, effect estimates, or results from meta-regression analyses tent evidence on the strength of association between
classified as statistically significant. Weak evidence: no r or R2 values classified increases in bone mineral density (ie, hip, femoral neck, and
as both statistically significant and high strength, but all r, R2, slopes, effect spine bone mineral density) and reductions in the risk of
estimates, or results from meta-regression analyses classified as statistically
several fracture types (ie, hip, vertebral, nonvertebral, and
significant. Limited evidence: no r or R2 values classified as both statistically
significant and high strength; some r, R2, slopes, effect estimates, or results spine fracture) (eTable 12 and eFigure 28 in Supplement 1).
from meta-regression analyses classified as statistically significant and some The 2 most recent meta-analyses reported 18 coefficients of
not. No evidence: no r or R2 values classified as statistically significant and high determination, of which 3 were considered high strength
strength, and all r, R2, slopes, effect estimates, or results from meta-regression
analyses classified as nonstatistically significant. (hip bone mineral density and vertebral fractures, R2 = 0.73
[95% CI, 0.41-0.83], P < .001 [n = 14 RCTs]; femoral neck
bone mineral density and nonvertebral fractures, R2 = 0.65
[95% CI, 0.33-0.77], P < .001 [n = 17 RCTs]; and spine bone
and major vascular events (R2 = 0.85), major coronary events mineral density and vertebral fractures, R2 = 0.63 [95% CI
(R2 = 0.85), and vascular mortality (R2 = 0.75 [n = 25 RCTs]) 0.41-0.73], P< .001 [n = 30 RCTs]).32,33
among trials investigating statin therapy.26
Pulmonary Fibrosis Surrogate Marker: Forced Vital Capacity
Hyperphosphatemia Surrogate Marker: Serum Phosphorus Of 85 records screened, 1 evaluated the strength of associa-
Of 556 records screened, 1 meta-analysis reported low- tion between forced vital capacity and the end points of mor-
strength correlations between changes in serum phosphorus tality (hazard ratio, 1.20; 95% CI, 1.12-1.28 per 2.5% relative de-
level and improvements in all-cause mortality (r = 0.23; 95% cline in forced vital capacity during 3 months) and disease
credible interval, −0.48 to 0.69 [n = 12 RCTs]) or cardiovascu- progression (hazard ratio, 1.46; 95% CI, 1.36-1.57 per 2.5% rela-
lar mortality (r = 0.54; 95% credible interval, −0.98 to 1.0 tive decline in forced vital capacity during 3 months [n = 6
[n = 4 RCTs]) (eTable 9 and eFigure 25 in Supplement 1).27 RCTs]) among treated individuals (eTable 13 and eFigure 29 in
Supplement 1).34
Hypertension Surrogate Marker:
Diastolic and Systolic Blood Pressure Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Surrogate Marker:
Of 5541 records screened, 10 meta-analyses offered inconsis- Serum Parathyroid Hormone
tent evidence on the strength of association between reduc- Of 53 records screened, 1 offered low-strength evidence on the
tions in systolic or diastolic blood pressure and improve- strength of association between serum parathyroid hormone
ments in cardiovascular outcomes and all-cause mortality level and all-cause mortality (r = 0.12; 95% credible interval,
(eTable 10 and eFigure 26 in Supplement 1). The most recent −0.61 to 0.73 [n = 12 RCTs]) and cardiovascular mortality
meta-analysis reported that reductions of 5 mm Hg in sys- (r = −0.03; 95% credible interval, −0.91 to 0.91 [n = 6 RCTs])
tolic blood pressure were associated with decreased inci- and continuous serum parathyroid hormone level and all-
dence of major adverse cardiovascular events (hazard ra- cause mortality (r = −0.69; 95% credible interval, −0.88 to
tio = 0.89 [95% CI, 0.86-0.92] and hazard ratio = 0.91 [95% CI, −0.18 [n = 17 RCTs]) and cardiovascular mortality (r = −0.28;

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Surrogate Markers and Clinical Outcomes for Nononcologic Chronic Disease Treatments Original Investigation Research

95% credible interval, −0.98 to 0.96 [n = 5 RCTs]) (eTable 14 disease. The FDA has maintained that the use of surrogate
and eFigure 30 in Supplement 1).27 markers in traditional approval requires, at minimum, evi-
dence from meta-analyses of clinical trials.11 The agency
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Surrogate Marker: Hemoglobin A1c could publicly report and routinely update an accompany-
Of 1766 records screened, 9 meta-analyses offered inconsis- ing summary of evidence supporting marker surrogacy for
tent evidence on the strength of association between reduc- clinical benefit, or clarify when no studies are available.
tion in hemoglobin A1c level and improvements in all-cause Although individual studies may be the only source of evi-
mortality, myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure, kidney dence for surrogate markers classified by FDA as being
injury, cardiovascular death, hospitalization for heart failure, appropriate for accelerated approval, FDA could reconsider
coronary heart disease, treatment-related discontinuations, whether to allow surrogate markers with low-strength evi-
neuropathy, and peripheral vascular events (eTable 15 and eFig- dence from multiple meta-analyses to be used as primary
ure 31 in Supplement 1). One offered high-strength evidence end points in clinical trials supporting traditional drug
for the outcome of fatal stroke (R2 = 1.00 [n = 18 RCTs]),35 approval. Additional studies explicitly designed to establish
whereas 2 offered high-strength evidence for the outcome of surrogacy may be necessary for surrogate markers with no
major adverse cardiovascular events.35,36 or inconsistent evidence.39

This study has several limitations. First, our findings may not
Discussion apply to surrogate markers used in clinical trials of drugs treat-
This systematic review of the evidence examining surrogate ing chronic diseases but not listed in FDA’s Adult Surrogate End-
markers listed in FDA’s Adult Surrogate Endpoint Table that point Table. Second, unpublished studies submitted to FDA
may be used as clinical trial end points to support FDA ap- and other regulators may not have been identified. Third, by
proval of drugs treating nononcologic chronic diseases found our relying on the published literature indexed in MEDLINE,
that more than half had no published meta-analysis examin- some published studies indexed in other databases may not
ing the strength of their association with any clinical out- have been identified. However, the search terms were broad
come. Nearly 80% of these surrogate markers without a and MEDLINE (Ovid) indexes information from more than
published meta-analysis were classified by FDA as being ap- 5600 journals. Fourth, individual studies and meta-analyses
propriate for traditional approval, including FEV1 for asthma using observational cohorts were excluded because these stud-
and serum creatinine for chronic kidney disease. For surro- ies are not considered robust sources of evidence for evaluat-
gate markers for which at least 1 eligible meta-analysis of clini- ing drug treatment effects or establishing surrogacy.40 Fifth,
cal trials was identified, most lacked high-strength evidence identified meta-analyses could be susceptible to publication
of treatment effect associations with any clinical outcome. bias because studies showing significant associations be-
Only 3 surrogate markers, FEV1 for chronic obstructive pul- tween surrogate markers and clinical outcomes may be more
monary disease for the outcome of time to first occurrence of likely to be published than those showing no association. Sixth,
a moderate to severe exacerbation, hemoglobin A1c for type 2 exploratory subgroup analyses were not recorded, although
diabetes mellitus for the outcome of fatal stroke, and protein- they could reveal variations for specific subgroups or settings
uria for primary glomerular disease treatment, were found to of use.
have consistent evidence from published meta-analyses dem-
onstrating a high-strength treatment effect association with
a clinical outcome.
There is a lack of consensus on the minimum strength of
association between the treatment effects measured using More than half of the surrogate markers listed in FDA’s Adult
surrogate markers and those measured using target clinical Surrogate Endpoint Table that may be used as primary end
outcomes necessary to establish surrogacy. Although correla- points in clinical trials supporting FDA approval of drugs
tion coefficients and coefficients of determination from treating nononcologic chronic diseases were not found to
meta-analyses of clinical trials are often used to evaluate the have a published meta-analysis evaluating associations
strength of association between surrogate markers and clini- between treatment effects measured using surrogate markers
cal outcomes,8,9,14 these values are purely statistical, rely on and clinical outcomes. For the surrogate markers for which at
arbitrary cutoffs, and fail to capture information about the least 1 meta-analysis was identified, most lacked high-
study design, target outcome, and generalizability of the evi- strength evidence of treatment effect associations with clini-
dence. Although more comprehensive methods to establish cal outcomes. These findings highlight the importance of
surrogacy have been proposed (eg, the Biomarker-Surrogacy making publicly available a summary of the evidence sup-
Evaluation Schema),13,37 enhanced clinical trial reporting4,38 porting surrogate end points that may be used to support
and greater availability of shared individual patient-level FDA approval of drugs treating chronic disease, which can
data will facilitate more precise analyses and estimates. aid drug sponsors in choosing appropriate surrogate end
To further enhance transparency, FDA’s Adult Surrogate points for trials and guide physicians and their patients to
Endpoint Table could explicitly report the target outcomes better interpret the clinical benefits of drugs approved
intended to be predicted by each surrogate marker for each according to listed surrogate markers.

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Research Original Investigation Surrogate Markers and Clinical Outcomes for Nononcologic Chronic Disease Treatments

ARTICLE INFORMATION serving in an unpaid capacity as chair of the FDA 7. Walia A, Haslam A, Prasad V. FDA validation of
Accepted for Publication: March 4, 2024. task force for the nonprofit organization Doctors surrogate endpoints in oncology: 2005-2022.
for America and in an unpaid capacity as board J Cancer Policy. 2022;34:100364. doi:10.1016/j.
Published Online: April 22, 2024. president for Universities Allied for Essential jcpo.2022.100364
doi:10.1001/jama.2024.4175 Medicines North America. Dr Ross reported 8. Kim C, Prasad V. Cancer drugs approved on the
Author Affiliations: Department of Epidemiology, receiving grants from FDA, Johnson & Johnson, basis of a surrogate end point and subsequent
Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Medical Device Innovation Consortium, the Agency overall survival: an analysis of 5 years of US Food
Atlanta, Georgia (Wallach); Collaboration for for Healthcare Research and Quality, and National and Drug Administration approvals. JAMA Intern Med.
Regulatory Rigor, Integrity, and Transparency, Yale Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and 2015;175(12):1992-1994. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.
School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut Blood Institute outside the submitted work; and 2015.5868
(Wallach, Yoon, Doernberg, Mooghali, serving as an expert witness at the request of
Ramachandran, Ross); Department of Internal relator's attorneys, the Greene Law Firm, in a qui 9. Prasad V, Kim C, Burotto M, Vandross A. The
Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard tam suit alleging violations of the False Claims Act strength of association between surrogate end
Medical School, Boston (Yoon, Doernberg, Glick); and Anti-Kickback Statute against Biogen that was points and survival in oncology: a systematic review
Center for Research on Health and Social Care settled September 2022. No other disclosures of trial-level meta-analyses. JAMA Intern Med.
Management, SDA Bocconi School of Management, were reported. 2015;175(8):1389-1398. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.
Milan, Italy (Ciani); MRC/CSO Social and Public 2015.2829
Funding/Support: This work was supported by
Health Sciences Unit, School of Health & Wellbeing, grants from Arnold Ventures to the Yale 10. Gyawali B, Hey SP, Kesselheim AS. Evaluating
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, Collaboration for Regulatory Rigor, Integrity, and the evidence behind the surrogate measures
United Kingdom (Taylor); Robertson Centre for Transparency. included in the FDA’s table of surrogate endpoints
Biostatistics, School of Health & Wellbeing, as supporting approval of cancer drugs.
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funder had no EClinicalMedicine. 2020;21:100332. doi:10.1016/j.
United Kingdom (Taylor); Section of General role in the design and conduct of the study; eclinm.2020.100332
Internal Medicine, Department of Internal collection, management, analysis, and
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Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Woodcock J. Biomarker qualification: toward a
Connecticut (Mooghali, Ramachandran, Ross); approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit
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Yale National Clinicians Scholars Program, Yale development, regulatory acceptance, and
School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut Disclaimer: Dr Ross is a Deputy Editor at JAMA but utilization. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2015;98(1):34-46.
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Policy and Management, Yale School of Public article.
Health, Yale–New Haven Health System, 12. Food and Drug Administration. Table of
Additional Contributions: We thank Kate Nyhan, surrogate endpoints that were the basis of drug
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