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1. Differentiate among paid, owned, and earned media.

Give a specific example of each of the

following types of media for Coca-Cola:

(A) Paid media

(B) Owned media
(C) Earned media

2. Explain and give examples of each of the four key elements included in digital marketing. For
each element, explain the flow of information between consumers and firms or organizations.

3. You work for a major car-rental company and need to create search advertisements for the
firm. Explain the four-step process you would go through as you create such advertising. Include
details about what happens at each step of the process after you launch your ads. As you
complete your answer, be sure to include all substeps. Give specific examples that relate to the
car-rental firm when you explain each step of the process.

4. The following data are collected after a firm runs a search marketing campaign. The average
margin per transaction generated from the search marketing program is $200.
Determine each of the following metrics for the program detailed above:

(A) Click-through rate

(B) Conversion rate
(C) Cost per click
(D) Cost per sale or transaction
(E) Profit from the search ad program
(F) Search ad return on investment

5. You run both a search-ad campaign and a click-and-conversion display ad campaign for a
product that your firm markets. The results of both campaigns are detailed below. The margin of
each unit of product sold is $383, and consumers typically buy only one unit of the product at a
time. Based on the return on investment of each campaign, which ad campaign is more effective
for your firm in this case?

__a. The search ad campaign is more profitable.

__b. The display ad campaign is more profitable.
__c. Both ad campaigns are equally profitable.
__d. It is impossible to determine which ad campaign is more profitable from this data.

6. Explain how Adidas can use each of the following types of digital ads to attract customers
actively looking to buy a new pair of running shoes. After your explanations, briefly discuss the
distinct characteristics of each type of ad.

(A) Contextual ads

(B) Highly visible ads
(C) Retargeting ads
(D) Morphing display ads

7. You have been asked to give a presentation to your co-workers in the digital marketing
department at your current employer on what factors should be considered in assessing the
effectiveness of your firm’s search and display ads more accurately. Choose any two of the five
issues related to measuring the effectiveness of search and display ad that are discussed in the
Digital Marketing reading and briefly outline what you will tell your co-workers.
Attribution: se tienen que fijar ciertos criterios
First click
Último click


Online vs Offline interaction. Todo se le atribuye a la tienda física a pesar de que lo buscó en línea
y viceversa

Customer lifetime value. Long term impact on sales and profitability. Me permite saber cuanto
quiero invertir en conseguir un cliente. Si el valor cliente mayor a CPA es rentable.

 Impresiones se paga a CPM (coste por mil de impresiones)

 Search se paga a CPC (coste por click)

8. How is a brand association map (BAM) created? Cite three different ways that a firm might
use such a map as a “window into the consumer mind.”

A Brand Association Map (BAM) is a visual representation of the associations and perceptions that
consumers have about a brand. It helps in understanding the brand’s position in the marketplace
from the consumer's perspective. Creating a BAM involves several steps and methodologies to
capture the nuances of consumer perception accurately.
1. Identify Key Attributes:
2. Gather Consumer Insights:
3. Analyze Data:
4. Create the Map
5. Interpret the Map

9. After a few years of work in the marketing department of a small firm, you are placed in
charge of the firm’s inbound marketing. What are you most likely to be in charge of?
__a. The firm’s efforts in creating and placing television and print advertising
__b. Creating content for and monitoring consumer actions on the firm’s social media platforms,
such as Facebook and Twitter
__c. Efforts of the firm to capture consumers no matter where they are
__d. Ensuring that consumers can find the firm when they search for information on products
and services
__e. Creating display advertising, finding websites on which to place such advertising, and
ensuring that inquiries made from such advertising are responded to properly.

10. Ben &Jerry’s Ice Cream buys keywords for a search marketing campaign such as “Ben&Jerry’s
Chunky Monkey” and “Ben &Jerry’s Cherry Garcia.” What type of keywords is the firm buying?
__a. Negative keywords. Ej Coca-Cola y Cola Cao
__b. Organic keywords. Sin el uso de publicidad pagada
__c. Native keywords.
__d. Generic keywords. Ej.
__e. Branded keywords. Ej. La marca

11. Marketers know it is essential to have their search page links at or very near the top on
search engine results pages, in the area referred to as the golden triangle. If a manufacturer of
USB data storage drives is planning a search marketing campaign, which of the following best
describes what it must do to obtain optimal placement on search engine results pages?
__a. Be one of the highest bidders for each keyword on which it bids
__b. Communicate its search budget to the search engine company and make sure it is greater
than its competitors’ budgets
__c. Create search ads that are relevant to consumers, create quality landing pages, and bid
high enough for the keywords on which it bids
__d. Create relevant search ads from the consumer’s point of view and bid high enough on its
__e. Create search ads that are relevant to consumers, bid high enough on its keywords, and
have high overall budgets for its search programs.

Two factors determine search ad’s position on a search result page:

- Quality score (based on the relevant of the ad to consumer and the quality of the landing
- Cost per click bid on the relevant keyword.

12. You have run two different search ad campaigns with the following results:
329,000/2175 = $151,264
247,500/1,382 = $179,088
Which of the campaigns would be the best choice to run again, based on cost per transaction?
__a. Campaign A
__b. Campaign B
__c. Either campaign A or campaign B; they are equally good.
__d. It is impossible to tell because the information needed for a decision is not provided in the

13. You have run a search ad campaign with the following results:
The margin on each unit sold is $158. Assume that consumers purchase only one unit of the
product per search. What is your search ad return on investment?

428,750/4,723= 90.77
158/90.77= 1.74 – 1 = 74%
__a. 29%
__b. 32%
__c. 54%
__d. 74%
__e. 112%

14. As a marketer, your goal is to use one type of digital marketing tool to both spur consumers
to immediate action and to increase brand awareness. Which of the following digital marketing
tools would you use?
__a. Search ads
__b. Web pages
__c. Display ads
__d. Social media
__e. Search engine optimization

15. You are considering websites on which to place your online display advertising. Which of the
following factors will NOT affect the price that the websites charge for advertising space?
También se toma en cuenta la temporalidad

__a. The prestige of the website

__b. The website’s traffic
__c. All the factors listed affect the price that websites charge for advertising space.
__d. The website’s social media tie-ins
__e. The demographics of the users of the website

Las asociaciones de un sitio web con redes sociales pueden influir en su alcance y en cómo
se percibe el sitio, pero este factor en sí mismo no determina directamente el precio del espacio
publicitario en el sitio web. Los precios suelen estar más directamente influenciados por el prestigio
del sitio web, su tráfico, y las demografías de sus usuarios, ya que estos factores afectan la
visibilidad y el potencial impacto de la publicidad colocada en el sitio.

16. Which of the following type of online advertising intermediaries decide the placement and
pricing of online display ads by using the supply and demand of the ad landscape in a real-time
auction process?
__a. Ad exchanges. Se determina oferta y demanda, automatiza el math entre publisher usando
subasta en tiempo real.
__b. Ad networks
__c. Content publishers
__d. Data providers. Cualifica audiencia
__e. Retargeters

17. You work for and you are charged with building consumer awareness for the
latest version of the firm’s Kindle reader. What type of digital advertising campaign should you
__a. Search ad campaign
__b. Click-based display ad campaign
__c. Ad exchange display campaign
__d. Impression-based display ad campaign
__e. Rich media display campaign

18. Your manager has asked you to increase the effectiveness of your company’s digital display
advertising for the wallets that your firm sells with built-in RFID (radio-frequency identification)
protection. She asks you to avoid sites that already cater to men’s fashion because those sites
are currently your primary website choice for advertising. She also warns you not to come up
with any ideas that may irritate your customers or potential customers. What type of ads would
you recommend to your boss?
__a. Auto-play video ads
__b. Contextual ads
__c. Morphing ads
__d. Retargeting ads
__e. Pop-up ads

19. Marketers may choose among various approaches to attribute accurately the role of a
particular digital ad in a purchase. Identify the approach that uses existing data on consumer
interactions with each ad or search along the consumer’s purchasing path to estimate the effect
of each interaction.
__a. Last interaction
__b. First interaction
__c. Linear
__d. Model-based
__e. Time decay
20. You have been hired by a new organic juice company to run its digital marketing program for
its product. One of the first initiatives you tackle is the firm’s inbound marketing program. Which
of the following tools would NOT be included as part of your inbound marketing program?
__a. A weekly podcast on organic produce hosted by the company’s founder
__b. Creating paid search advertisements that are very good at gaining consumer attention
__c. A blog written by the CEO discussing the company’s special events and plans for new flavors
__d. A search engine optimization (SEO) program headed by you, the marketer
__e. Optimizing landing pages that are the first company web pages that consumers see after
clicking on a search result

22. You are working with Starbucks to increase consumer landings on the company’s web
pages, which promote and sell Starbucks’ at-home coffee-brewing systems. One way to
increase such landings is to work for better organic search engine results through search engine
optimization (SEO). Which of the following tactics should you follow in your SEO program for
__a. Include fewer keywords on Starbucks’ website so that the remaining keywords garner more
attention from the search engines
__b. Decrease the use of meta tags, thus improving the search to hit ratios through organic
__c. Be sure that content on Starbucks’ landing pages discusses the company’s in-store drinks
and promotions
__d. You should use all of the tactics listed.
__e. Build the site’s authority by determining ways to garner more mentions on other,
nonaffiliated websites

23. Which of the following factors correctly explain(s) the importance of social media for
__a. Customers acquired through word-of-mouth avenues are worth twice as much as are those
attracted through other channels.
__b. According to Intuit co-founder Scott Cook, “A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it
is—it is what consumers tell each other it is.”
__c. Social interactions contribute to the retention of existing customers.
__d. All of these factors correctly explain the importance of social media for marketers.
__e. McKinsey and Company estimates that between 20% and 50% of all purchases are driven
primarily by word-of-mouth recommendations.

24. You have been asked to create a digital marketing plan to reach consumers using mobile
devices. Which of the following steps will you NOT recommend to your mobile team?
__a. Leave current web pages the same because consumers prefer to view web pages on their
mobile devices that mirror those created for viewing on desktop or laptop computers.
__b. Shorten long text pieces because people are less inclined to read for long periods of time
on small-screen mobile devices.
__c. Discover keyword searches that are shorter and more precise because typing on mobile
devices can be problematic.
__d. Set up tracking programs that use location data as well as other data commonly used to
study digital marketing effectiveness.
__e. Create mobile-friendly apps that consumers can use in place of or in addition to traditional
web pages when using mobile devices.

25. Which of the following choices is a way that big data and data science can help today’s
__a. The use of big data helps in marketing decision making because it keeps marketing
information more “pure” by eliminating other business units from the marketing decision-making
__b. Big data can help firms react to market conditions more quickly, leading to optimized pricing
__c. Data science has helped simplify promotional decisions because it has shown that simple
promotions reaching large audiences work the best.
__d. Real-time inventory management often helps marketers plan promotional campaigns that
are more effective.
__e. Big data has been useful in determining what other companies a firm should merge with to
be a more effective marketer.

26. True or false: Native advertising is being studied by both industry associations and US federal
government regulators, who are concerned with the blurring of lines between editorial content
and advertising.
__a. True
__b. False

27. True or false: The top position on a search engine results website that attracts the most
attention is also the most profitable position for a search advertisement.
__a. True
__b. False

28. True or false: A famous influencer tweets out a picture of herself at a restaurant for which
she was not paid. This is an example of paid media.
__a. True
__b. False

29. True or false: Many companies provide search advertising for marketers and only a few
provide opportunities for online display advertising.
__a. True
__b. False

30. Harper Collins (a book publisher) posted an article on Buzzfeed titled “10 Quotes Every Grad
Needs to Read.” This article was identified as authored by Harper Collins because the user
associated with the post was the Harper Collins username. This is an example of
__a. Outbound marketing
__b. Inbound marketing
__c. Native advertising
__d. Earned media
__e. Search advertising

31. True or false: The metrics used to assess the effectiveness of an impressions-based digital
display ad campaign are the same as the metrics used to assess the effectiveness of a search ad
__a. True
__b. False

32. You have been tasked with developing an SEM (search engine marketing) campaign. As part
of your plans, you should consider doing all of the following, EXCEPT
__a. Choosing keywords on which to bid
__b. Setting a budget
__c. Developing specific landing pages for click-through
__d. Setting the click-through rate
__e. Making bids for specific words
33. The Core Reading describes social media as a double-edged sword. Explain what is meant by
this phrase in the context of digital marking and provide at least one example.
In the realm of digital marketing, social media is often regarded as a double-edged sword.
On one side, it offers unparalleled access to vast audiences, enabling targeted messaging, real-time
engagement, and brand building. For instance, platforms like Facebook allow precise targeting for
higher conversion rates. However, on the flip side, social media poses risks such as negative
publicity and loss of control over messaging. A single misstep can lead to a PR crisis, as dissatisfied
customers can quickly amplify their voices, damaging a brand's reputation. Thus, while social media
presents immense marketing opportunities, marketers must tread carefully to navigate its potential

34. A flower delivery company is trying to reach more customers online and is considering
purchasing key words to attract new customers. Provide two reasons why the number of
keywords the company may want to buy could increase quickly.

35. Quality Scores are based on all of the following factors, EXCEPT
__a. Potential click-through rates
__b. Consumer relevance
__c. Landing page quality
__d. Bid amount

36. A company spends $400,000 on a search ad campaign. This campaign creates 10 million
impressions with a click-through rate of 5%. What is the cost-per-click?
To calculate the cost-per-click (CPC), we need to divide the total expenditure by the number of
clicks generated.
First, let's find the number of clicks generated:
Number of clicks = Total impressions * Click-through rate
Number of clicks = 10,000,000 * 5% = 500,000

Now, let's calculate the CPC:

CPC = Total expenditure / Number of clicks
CPC = $400,000 / 500,000
CPC = $0.80

37. A company uses an attribution model in which a purchase is attributed uniformly across all
ads or clicks. What type of attribution model is it using?
__a. Uniform
__b. Linear
__c. Regression
__d. Time decay
__e. Position-based

38. You have been recently hired to run the marketing for a small company. The company has a
very traditional approach to marketing, but you believe some changes could improve the
company’s marketing effectiveness. You want to invest more in inbound marketing, but you must
convince your manager that this investment is worthwhile. Provide two reasons why inbound
marketing is increasing in importance.
1. Inbound marketing adapts to the preferences of modern consumers who actively seek
information and engage with brands on their own terms. By providing valuable content and
building relationships, inbound marketing helps establish trust and credibility, fostering long-term
customer loyalty.
2. The digital nature of inbound marketing allows for better tracking and optimization, making it a
crucial strategy for businesses aiming to succeed in today's digital landscape.

39. You’re preparing for a meeting with your manager, who does not believe it’s important to
understand why consumers share content. What should you say to convince her that she should

40. An apparel company decides to stop paying celebrities to use their social media presence to
enhance awareness of its clothing line. Instead, it believes that its marketing efforts will be more
successful if it begins to feature individuals who are not famous and are not followed by many
people, but who like the company’s products and mention the company in their social media
accounts. This approach suggests the company is using a(n) _____ strategy.
__a. Inbound marketing
__b. Viral marketing
__c. Big seed
__d. Amplified

41. Explain the concept of homophily and how it creates a challenge in measuring the effect of
social media influence. Provide one example of this type of challenge.

42. A company has begun to make its content more mobile friendly. As this company develops its
strategy, which of the following reasons should it consider in understanding how mobile
technology usage differs from desktop and laptop usage?
__a. Screen size
__b. Location tracking
__c. Use of apps
__d. All answers are correct

43. According to Google, which of the following is NOT considered a type of micro-moment?
__a. I want to go
__b. I want to know
__c. I want to do
__d. I want to buy
__e. I want to feel

44. True or false: Because of privacy concerns, ads that directly address an individual are less
likely to be clicked on than those that target them based on demographics or interests.
__a. True
__b. False

45. Your manager has tasked you with improving the company’s ranking in search engines. You
decide that the best way to do this is to create content that will make other websites link to your
company’s site. Your strategy is based on improving.
__a. Authority
__b. Meta tags
__c. Relevance
__d. Paid search

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