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Here are a three sample exercises from the Trainer’s Pack of NLP
Exercises, which has 128 exercises altogether.
My aim in writing this exercise pack was to make it the best
resource out there both for qualified NLP trainers and other
trainers who want to enrich their courses with some NLP
Pretty much everything I have learned in years of running NLP
courses - everything I know at the conscious level anyway - is in
It's the resource that I wish had been available when I was a
newly-qualified NLP trainer 14 years ago. Have fun using them!

Sample from The Trainer’s Pack of NLP Exercises © Andy Smith and Coaching Leaders Ltd 2014 25 Mar 2024

Centering To Reduce Internal Dialogue

Use this exercise for:

Reducing Worry and Anxiety, Therapy Skills, Introduction to NLP,

Self-Esteem, Stress Management, Dealing With Difficult People,
Confidence, Presentation Skills

Timing: About 3 minutes per round

• Participants practice calibrating change of state from non-
verbal cues

• Participants are able to reduce internal dialogue interference

and change state rapidly, becoming calmer and more centred

• Participants have evidence that mind and body are one system


Demo this. Client just stands there. Coach gently pushes

shoulders of client backwards and forwards and side to side,
noticing how much they move and how 'strong' client feels.

Coach now asks client to focus on 'hara' (as it's called in Japanese
martial arts traditions) or 'tan tien' (as it's called in Chinese
traditions) or central point (3 finger widths below the navel, and
half way between the front and the back of the body). When client
is doing this, coach tries pushing the shoulder again and notices
difference. Coach asks what is different for the client and
Sample from The Trainer’s Pack of NLP Exercises © Andy Smith and Coaching Leaders Ltd 2014 25 Mar 2024

especially how it feels emotionally (NB client will usually say it

feels 'strong', but sometimes say that it doesn't feel like anything
in particular. This is fine - it just means their attention is focused
outside themselves).

Coach then asks client to 'break state' (let go of the focus on the
hara) – distracting client if necessary with some irrelevant

Coach now asks client to focus on a point at the top of their

forehead. When client is there, coach tries pushing shoulder again
and notices difference. Again, coach asks what is different for the
client and how it feels emotionally.

Expected result:

Client feels much more centred and strong when focused on the
hara, both emotionally and physically - as evidenced by them
being much harder to push back.

What to ask

What did you notice?

Who often gets a lot of internal dialogue or mental chatter? (some

people will immediately know what you are talking about, others
will be saying to themselves "Internal dialogue? What's he/she on

Sample from The Trainer’s Pack of NLP Exercises © Andy Smith and Coaching Leaders Ltd 2014 25 Mar 2024

What happened to that internal dialogue when you went into

peripheral vision? (most people will find that it slows down or
stops - you can congratulate them on achieving something in a
few minutes which takes many people years of meditation to be
able to do)

When might this be useful?

Be prepared for some wit to say "when someone is trying to push
you over"! Typical answers will include:

• any confrontational situation

• any time you want to feel more strong and centred,
emotionally or physically
• to pause and gather yourself before the start of any task


Can you use when you're sitting down, in a meeting for example?

Future pace

Don't wait until you're in the stressful situation - practice it all the
time (e.g. when you are walking down the street) so it becomes
second nature and is available to you when you need it.

Sample from The Trainer’s Pack of NLP Exercises © Andy Smith and Coaching Leaders Ltd 2014 25 Mar 2024


To really make the contrast clear between centred and uncentred,

you can ask the demo subject to tense up and resist your push as
hard as they can. They should go backwards easily (as the
different tensed-up muscle groups cancel each other out). If they
are resisting by leaning their entire weight against your hand, you
can take your hand away and they will have to step forward.
Then get them to centre as before.

Pushing the shoulder is the "PC' version of this exercise. You

could push in the upper centre of their chest instead (get their
permission first). Male trainers, use your discretion if your
volunteer is a woman in a low-cut top!

Sample from The Trainer’s Pack of NLP Exercises © Andy Smith and Coaching Leaders Ltd 2014 25 Mar 2024

The Confidence Chorus

Timing: 10 minutes per round

Use this exercise for:

Stress Management, Therapy Skills, Self-Esteem, Confidence,
Interviews, Reducing Worry And Anxiety


• Participants boost their self-esteem and confidence

• Participants gain a better understanding of the power of
auditory submodalities, particularly location


2 participants - Explorer and Coach (optionally, add an Observer)

Explorer identifies an upcoming situation where they are not as

resourceful as they would like to be (e.g. job interview,
presentation, best man's speech, court appearance). If no suitable
situation comes to mind, ask what the Explorer would really like
to do but has not dared to so far.

Briefly associate into the experience - enough to get a feel for it

and rate it on a 1-10 scale of intensity.

Coach guides Explorer to imagine being 'backed up' by two sets of

people. The 'inner circle' is made up of four people who love
Sample from The Trainer’s Pack of NLP Exercises © Andy Smith and Coaching Leaders Ltd 2014 25 Mar 2024

them, or who are close friends. The 'outer circle' is four people (or
more) who respect them and are well disposed towards them.

The 'inner circle' are arranged one at each shoulder of the

Explorer, and two behind. The 'outer circle' are just beyond that.

Explorer imagines each person in the inner and outer circles

saying supportive things that convey a belief in the Explorer's
ability to succeed in the coming challenge. Experiment with the
auditory submodalities of each voice to give the maximum feeling
of confidence to the Explorer.

(Optionally - experiment with the optimum distances from the

Explorer of the inner and outer circle).

Now turn the voices down so that the Explorer can pay full
attention to the challenge, but still knows that the supporters are
'there' and so still feels supported.

As a future pace: what will be different now when you are in that
situation for real? Ask what the Explorer needs to do in order to
have these supporters available when needed in the future (ie
have them self-anchor the experience). Break state and test.

Clear up

What did you notice?

Sample from The Trainer’s Pack of NLP Exercises © Andy Smith and Coaching Leaders Ltd 2014 25 Mar 2024

Explorers - what element of that procedure made the real

difference for you?

Sample from The Trainer’s Pack of NLP Exercises © Andy Smith and Coaching Leaders Ltd 2014 25 Mar 2024

"Sticky Fingers" Exercise

Use this exercise for:

Rapport, Coaching Skills, Counselling Skills, Therapy Skills,

Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Development

Timing: 5 minutes each way


• Participants gain experience of non-verbal or 'embodied'

• Participants experience altered state (eyes closed, plus
''becoming one' with another person
• Atmosphere in room changes rapidly (if needed - e.g. as a
pattern interrupt if participants are getting into unresourceful
state or becoming disruptive)

In pairs - A and B. Demo this first. You will need a lot of clear
space in the room. This is a silent exercise.

Face each other in pairs. A holds up palms at shoulder height. B

places the tips of middle fingers in the center of A's palms, and
closes eyes.

Sample from The Trainer’s Pack of NLP Exercises © Andy Smith and Coaching Leaders Ltd 2014 25 Mar 2024

A now gradually begins to move their hands. B's job is to

maintain contact between the fingertips and A's palms, very
lightly (almost not quite touching).

A's job is to lead B around, keeping them at the edge of their

ability to follow (ie not too fast, not too slow). A will gradually
speed up and make larger movement.

When you demo this, get to the point where you step back,
forward or sideways, so that B has to move their feet in order to
stay upright.

It's helpful to play some restful music in the background -

Hanshan Temple from Buddhist Chants and Peace Music by Jin
Long Uen is very good.

When participants have had a reasonable time (5 minutes) to

experience the activity, swap round.

Variation: if doing this outside on a lawn where there's plenty of

room to spread out, both participants can close their eyes.

Clear Up
How do you feel now?
What did you notice?
What was it like being led with your eyes closed?
What was it like leading?

Sample from The Trainer’s Pack of NLP Exercises © Andy Smith and Coaching Leaders Ltd 2014 25 Mar 2024

What information could you get just from the touch of the
fingertip? (usually A will be able to sense very easily how relaxed
B is)
What are you going to do differently as a result of what you've
learned from this exercise?

What to expect: often the pairs reach the point where it's not
clear which is leading and which is following.


Why did we do that? This question comes up sometimes from the

more 'in their heads' participants, so it's worth giving plenty of
reasons up front before the exercise starts.

Reasons could include:

• We're going to experience non-verbal rapport
• We're going to experience being part of a larger system than
just one person.
• We're going to experience an everyday altered state.
• We're going to have an experience of taking in information
through different channels (kinaesthetic) than those we
normally use (visual). So pay attention to what you notice.

Sample from The Trainer’s Pack of NLP Exercises © Andy Smith and Coaching Leaders Ltd 2014 25 Mar 2024

No more searching for new exercises!

Are you a corporate trainer or NLP trainer, looking for some new
group exercises or additions to the ones you’ve already got?

Then this is the training resource you need!

It can take hours and hours to find the right exercises to fit your
group and your programme, but it doesn’t have to any more!

If you have some familiarity with NLP, here are practical step-by-
step exercises with instructions (with all the handouts etc.).

No more having to wade through loads of theory to find the

usable activities.

I designed the Trainer's Pack of NLP Exercises specifically to

save you days or weeks of preparation time. These sample
exercises are just three of the 128 in the pack.

Click here for more information and how to order

Sample from The Trainer’s Pack of NLP Exercises © Andy Smith and Coaching Leaders Ltd 2014 25 Mar 2024

What's in the Pack:

A printable e-book in PDF format - 360 pages with 128 exercises,

plus 54 pages of handouts and wallcharts (where applicable - not
every exercise needs a handout) in MS Word format so you can
tailor or rebrand them for your courses!

Plus - over 40 PowerPoint slides for an NLP Foundation Skills

course - yours to customise as you like.

View the contents lists of the e-book and the handouts

This resource kit could save you days or weeks of preparation!

Ready to order? Click here!

Includes exercise instructions with:

• Objectives
• Timings
• Procedure
• Suggested clear-up questions
• Handout pages (where needed) that you can copy or modify
• Wallcharts (where needed) that you can copy or modify

In this pack, you get clearly set out exercise formats for:
• developing NLP skills such as rapport and sensory acuity,
• practising techniques such as anchoring and submodality
• learning language patterns and hypnotic skills
• formats for problem solving and exploration, such as the
"Disney Strategy", Neuro-Logical Levels and the S.C.O.R.E.
• clarifying values and setting goals
• sharpening questioning skills
• strategy elicitation and modelling
• increasing emotional awareness and social intelligence

Sample from The Trainer’s Pack of NLP Exercises © Andy Smith and Coaching Leaders Ltd 2014 25 Mar 2024

The Trainer's Pack of NLP Exercises also includes a Word

document version of the exercise handouts (where the exercises
need handouts) to allow you to modify them, and searchable
keywords to allow you to quickly find activities for workshops on
particular topics such as listening skills, self-esteem or

"This is a must have if you are running NLP courses - and it

doesn't matter how long you've been doing it. Andy has long
had a reputation for providing top notch training, and this
book is a wonderful and generous extension of his standards.
It's not only a resource, it's a companion, packed as it is with
his advice and commentary. This must have been a huge
undertaking, and many will thank him for it for many years
to come. I'm definitely one of them."

Trevor Silvester - NLP Trainer, developer of Cognitive

Hypnotherapy, author of Wordweaving and Cognitive

"A very rich gold mine of exercises for both the NLP Trainer
as well as NLP Practitioners and those of us who run NLP
practice groups. The wealth of experiential exercises and
structured, yet 'pick and mix' learning format is a absolute
must have. Buy yourself a copy right now, you will be very
very pleased!!"

Nigel Hetherington - Master Clinical Hypnotherapist and

NLP Trainer

"I'm pleased to wholeheartedly recommend this book to NLP

Trainers, NLP Master Practitioners, AND well-trained NLP
Practitioners alike... I'm confident it will expand any trainer's
repertoire of learning experiences. Every trainer should
acquire a copy!"

Jonathan Altfeld, international NLP trainer and developer of

Knowledge Engineering for modelling

So if you want great exercises that are already worked out, and
that will be just right for your students, buy this pack!

Ready to order? Click here!

Sample from The Trainer’s Pack of NLP Exercises © Andy Smith and Coaching Leaders Ltd 2014 25 Mar 2024

There are more

where these came from!

Go to
to download another

great NLP training activities!

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