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Ways in which AI is used for cybercrime:

Information gathering - The first step of any cyber attack is information gathering. The more
information you know about the target, the greater the chance of success. Data can be organized
according to groups or specific topics.

This organization can be done both online, referring to data collected from the internet or digital
sources, as well as offline, referring to data collected from physical sources or non-digital mediums.
The term "information" can encompass different types of entities. It can refer to data or knowledge
about individuals or groups of people, such as personal information, demographics, or social data. It
can also refer to information about assets, which can include physical objects, properties, financial
resources, or any other tangible or intangible items of value.

How is machine learning used to gather info about people online?

Targeted Attacks: Hackers may use classifying algorithms to identify potential victims who are more
likely to fall for their attacks. By analyzing large amounts of data, such as emails, they can categorize
individuals into specific groups based on their characteristics or interests.

Reduced Detection: By sending malware or phishing attempts only to those individuals who are likely
to click on malicious links, attackers decrease the chances of their planned attack being detected early.
This targeted approach helps them evade security measures.

Factors for Classification: Hackers can consider various factors to classify potential victims. For
example, they might differentiate between users who frequently discuss IT topics on social networking
sites and those who primarily focus on unrelated subjects like food or cats. The latter group may be
less aware of potential online threats.

Methods for Analysis: To classify potential victims, hackers can employ a range of techniques,
including clustering and classification methods like K-means, random forests, or neural networks.
These algorithms can be applied on top of natural language processing (NLP) analysis, which examines
the content of victims' posts on social networks.

Solvency Classification: Another classification approach is based on the victim's financial status or
solvency. For instance, an algorithm could target users who display signs of wealth, such as kids
wearing luxury brands or posting pictures inside private jets. This approach aims to identify victims
who might be more valuable targets.

ML for Targeted Attacks: If the attacker already has information about a specific victim, machine
learning (ML) techniques can be employed further. For example, image recognition tools can be used
to detect the victim's social media accounts by analyzing their pictures. Trustwave's Social Mapper is
mentioned as an example of a tool that automates the search for a person across various social media
platforms using Google image search.

How is machine learning used to get info about online assets?

Objective: The objective of information gathering in targeted attacks is to collect as much information
as possible about a specific infrastructure. This typically involves automated checks and analysis.

Traditional vs. Software-Defined Networking (SDN): Existing tools like network scanners and sniffers
are effective for analyzing traditional networks. However, the new generation of networks based on
software-defined networking (SDN) is more complex. This complexity creates an opportunity for
adversaries to leverage machine learning techniques.

Know Your Enemy (KYE) Attack: The KYE attack can be used as an example of applying machine
learning to gather information about the configuration of a target SDN network. This attack focuses
on extracting sensitive information such as security tool configurations, network virtualization
parameters, and network policies like Quality of Service (QoS).

Probing Phase: The attacker initiates the probing phase, where they attempt to trigger the installation
of flow rules on a specific switch. The characteristics of the probing traffic are designed to elicit specific
responses from the network.

Analysis Phase: In the analysis phase, the attacker examines the correlation between the probing
traffic and the installed flow rules. By analyzing this correlation, the attacker can infer the network
policies that are enforced for different types of network flows.

Automating the Process: Manual information gathering can be time-consuming and inefficient. By
applying machine learning techniques, hackers can automate the process and save significant time.
Algorithms can be trained to make decisions based on various factors, such as the number of certain
packets required to extract specific information.

Automation of Other Information Gathering Tasks: The passage concludes by mentioning the
automation of other information gathering tasks. For example, a tool called DirBuster, used for
scanning available directories and files, can be improved by incorporating genetic algorithms, LSTMs
(Long Short-Term Memory networks), or GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) to generate
directory names that closely resemble existing ones.

How machine can be used to get info about people offline?

Lets say the criminal needs to enter a building with a lot of security. It would be amazing of he had the
ability to trace the security guards. There is a technology that enables the monitoring of patients' vital
signs without the need for wearable devices or bulky equipment. This method also has the capability
to see through walls using the reflections of wireless signals like Wi-Fi. While this innovation has
significant benefits in healthcare for tracking and recording vital signs, it also raises potential concerns
in the context of cybercriminal activity. The unique aspect of this technology is its ability to see
through walls. By leveraging the reflections of wireless signals, it is possible to detect and track
individuals on the other side of a wall or barrier.

How can machine learning be used to gain info about offline assets?

Identifying Video Cameras and Detection Devices: The primary objective is to identify video cameras
and other detection devices present within the building. This could include devices such as motion
sensors, security cameras, or other surveillance equipment that generate signals or emit specific

Signals as Training Data: The devices mentioned above produce signals or specific patterns that can be
utilized as training data for an algorithm. By gathering examples of these signals or patterns and
training an algorithm with them, it becomes possible to develop a system that can detect and
recognize the presence of these devices.

Detection Algorithm: An algorithm that can analyze signals and identify the symbols or patterns
associated with video cameras and other detection devices, can be used. This algorithm can be trained
using machine learning techniques, where it learns to recognize the specific signals or patterns
associated with these devices.


Impersonation is used by cybercriminals to target victims through various communication channels.

Attackers can employ different methods depending on the channel they use, such as email, social
engineering, or even phone calls. Impersonation is categorized into three types of cyber activities:
spamming, phishing, and spoofing.

Impersonation as an Attack Tactic: Impersonation refers to the act of pretending to be someone else,
usually with the intention of deceiving or tricking the victim. In the context of cybercrime,
impersonation is a technique employed by attackers to carry out their malicious activities.

Exploiting Different Communication Channels: Cybercriminals can utilize different communication

channels, such as email, social engineering, or phone calls, to impersonate someone or something and
target their victims. Each channel provides an opportunity for the attacker to deceive the victim in
various ways.

Convincing Victims to Click on Malicious Links: One example of impersonation mentioned is when
attackers send emails or use social engineering techniques to convince victims to click on a link that
leads to an exploit or malware. This is a common tactic used in phishing attacks, where the attacker
masquerades as a trustworthy entity to trick the victim into revealing sensitive information or
installing malicious software.

Phone Calls as a Means of Impersonation: The passage emphasizes that impersonation extends
beyond digital channels and includes phone calls as well. Attackers can impersonate someone else
over the phone to manipulate the victim into taking certain actions or disclosing confidential

Types of Impersonation Activities: Impersonation in cyber activities is further categorized into three

a. Spamming: This refers to the mass sending of unsolicited messages, often advertising or promoting
products, services, or fraudulent schemes. Attackers may impersonate legitimate companies or
individuals to send spam emails or messages.

b. Phishing: Phishing involves attempts to deceive victims into divulging sensitive information, such as
usernames, passwords, or financial details, by impersonating trustworthy entities. Attackers may
create fake websites or emails that mimic reputable organizations to trick victims into providing their

c. Spoofing: Spoofing involves the manipulation of communication protocols or information to deceive

recipients about the origin of a message or the identity of the sender. This can include email spoofing,
where the attacker alters the email header to make it appear as if the message is from a different

How machine learning can be used for impersonation in spam?

Email spam refers to unsolicited and unwanted emails that are typically sent in large volumes to a
large number of recipients. In the early days of email spam, cybercriminals would manually generate
these messages and send them out. However, with the advancements in machine learning (ML),
cybercriminals have found a new way to create and distribute spam emails more effectively.

Machine learning involves training algorithms to learn patterns and make predictions based on data.
In the case of email spam, cybercriminals can use ML techniques to train a neural network, a type of
ML model, to generate junk emails automatically. By exposing the neural network to a large dataset
of existing spam emails, it can learn the characteristics, patterns, and content commonly found in
such emails.

The advantage of using ML-generated spam emails is that they can closely resemble legitimate emails,
making it harder for recipients to distinguish them from genuine messages. These ML-generated
emails can be designed to avoid triggering common spam filters and can include deceptive elements
that make them appear more convincing.

However, while ML can be used to generate the content of spam emails, it can be challenging for
cybercriminals to imitate the writing style and behavior of individual users. For example, if an attacker
wants to trick employees into changing their passwords or downloading malicious updates by
impersonating a company administrator, it can be difficult to replicate the administrator's writing
style accurately. Without access to a significant amount of emails written by the administrator, it is
challenging to copy their unique writing patterns and behaviors.

On the other hand, with the increasing popularity of instant messaging platforms and messengers, it
has become easier for cybercriminals to mimic human interactions. These platforms often involve
informal and conversational language, which is less rigid and more varied compared to formal emails.
As a result, attackers can use ML techniques to create chatbots or automated systems that can
simulate human-like conversations, making it easier to deceive users through messaging platforms.

Overall, while machine learning has been used to improve the effectiveness of email spam, the ability
to accurately mimic individual users in emails is still challenging. However, the rise of messaging
platforms provides cybercriminals with more opportunities to exploit ML-generated content and
mimic human behavior to carry out cyberattacks

How machine learning is used for impersonation in phishing?

Social media phishing refers to the act of deceiving individuals on social media platforms to obtain
their personal information or carry out malicious activities. Compared to email phishing, social media
phishing offers certain advantages, particularly in terms of publicity and easy access to personal

One significant advantage of social media phishing is the ability to monitor and learn users' behavior
by analyzing their posts and activities on social media platforms. By studying a user's public posts,
cybercriminals can gather information about their interests, preferences, relationships, and other
personal details. This information can be used to craft phishing attacks that appear more targeted and
convincing to the user.

In a recent research study titled "Weaponizing Data Science for Social Engineering Automated E2E
spear phishing on Twitter," the authors introduced a tool called SNAP_R, which is designed to
automate and enhance phishing campaigns on Twitter. The tool aims to increase the success rate of
phishing attacks by leveraging data science techniques.

The research compared the effectiveness of traditional automated phishing, manually targeted spear-
phishing, and the new method using SNAP_R. Traditional automated phishing typically achieves an
accuracy rate of 5%-14%, while manually targeted spear-phishing can reach 45% accuracy. The new
method using SNAP_R falls in the middle, with a 30% accuracy rate and up to 66% in certain cases.
Importantly, this level of accuracy is achieved with the same effort as traditional automated phishing.

To generate phishing messages on Twitter, the researchers used a Markov model based on a user's
previous tweets. The Markov model is a probabilistic model that analyzes the statistical patterns in
the user's tweet history and generates new tweets that mimic their writing style and content.
Additionally, the researchers compared the results with a recurrent neural network (RNN), specifically
a type of RNN called Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). While LSTM provided higher accuracy, it
required more time for training compared to the Markov model.

In summary, social media phishing offers advantages over email phishing in terms of accessing
personal information and public visibility. The research study introduced SNAP_R, an automated tool
that leverages data science techniques to enhance phishing campaigns on Twitter. By analyzing a
user's previous tweets and using a Markov model or LSTM, the tool can generate phishing messages
that closely resemble the user's writing style and achieve higher accuracy compared to traditional
automated phishing methods.

How machine learning is used for impersonation in spoofing?

In the new era of AI, advancements have been made in creating not only fake text but also fake voice
and video content. Lyrebird, a startup specializing in media and video technology, has developed the
ability to mimic voices, enabling them to create a bot that can speak exactly like a specific individual.
This demonstrates the potential for generating highly realistic fake voices. It is important to note that
the details of Lyrebird's specific technology are not known, and it is unlikely that hackers have direct
access to their services. However, there are other open platforms, such as Google's WaveNet, that
hackers can explore for similar capabilities. These platforms often leverage generative adversarial
networks (GANs), which are machine learning models that consist of two parts: a generator and a
discriminator. The generator tries to produce realistic content, such as voices or images, while the
discriminator attempts to distinguish between real and generated content. Through an iterative
process, these models can improve their ability to generate highly convincing fake media.

In addition to fake voices, AI has also made progress in generating fake images. Nvidia, a technology
company, published a paper introducing a tool capable of generating high-quality celebrity images.
This tool utilizes AI algorithms to generate images that resemble real people, even though the
individuals portrayed in the images do not actually exist.

These advancements in AI-generated fake content raise concerns regarding their potential misuse.
Cybercriminals could exploit such technologies to create convincing fake voices, videos, or images for
various malicious purposes, such as spreading disinformation, impersonation, or fraud. As these
technologies continue to evolve and more open platforms become available, it is crucial to develop
robust security measures and detection systems to mitigate the risks associated with the proliferation
of AI-generated fake media.

A few years ago, videos and images generated by neural networks, a type of machine learning model,
had poor quality and were primarily used for research purposes. However, significant advancements
have been made since then, and now it has become relatively accessible for almost anyone to create
fake videos using publicly available tools like DeepFake.

DeepFake is a prominent example of a tool that leverages deep learning algorithms to manipulate
videos and images. It utilizes a technique known as generative adversarial networks (GANs) to
generate highly realistic and convincing fake media. GANs consist of two components: a generator
and a discriminator. The generator generates synthetic media, such as videos or images, while the
discriminator tries to distinguish between real and generated content. Through an iterative training
process, the generator becomes more adept at creating fake media that is difficult to differentiate
from genuine footage.

With the availability of tools like DeepFake, it has become increasingly feasible for individuals to
create fake videos featuring celebrities or well-known public figures. These manipulated videos can
make it appear as if the person is saying or doing something they have never actually done. This has
raised concerns about the potential misuse of such technology for spreading disinformation,
propaganda, or defamation.

The accessibility of these tools has made it crucial for society to address the ethical and security
implications associated with the proliferation of fake videos. Efforts are being made to develop
detection techniques and raise awareness about the existence of deepfakes to mitigate their potential
negative impact. Additionally, researchers, policymakers, and technology companies are exploring
solutions to combat the misuse of AI-generated fake media and ensure the integrity of digital content.

The proliferation of fake content is indeed a growing concern in various domains. While fake
companies may not be prevalent at the moment, the potential for AI assistance in generating such
entities exists.

One notable example of AI-assisted deception is the creation of a fake restaurant with fabricated
reviews on platforms like TripAdvisor. While manually creating a fake establishment and generating
numerous positive reviews can be a laborious task, AI can streamline and automate this process. By
training AI algorithms, it becomes possible to generate fake accounts and reviews that mimic human
behavior, making it more challenging for platforms to detect and filter out such fraudulent content.
Looking ahead, it is conceivable that AI could be utilized to create entire fictional entities, including
companies, cities, or news agencies. With advancements in AI technology, it becomes increasingly
feasible for malicious actors to employ AI algorithms to generate convincing stories, news articles, or
social media posts that align with their agendas. These fabricated narratives could be designed to
spread misinformation, manipulate public opinion, or advance specific political or social agendas.

The consequences of widespread adoption of AI-generated fake content are significant. It poses a
threat to the credibility of information sources, undermines trust in media and online platforms, and
can potentially influence public discourse and decision-making processes. Detecting and combatting
these fake entities and narratives becomes crucial in maintaining a well-informed society.

Addressing the challenge of AI-generated fakes requires a multi-faceted approach. It involves

developing robust algorithms and AI models for detecting and flagging fake content, enhancing
platform moderation and verification processes, promoting media literacy and critical thinking skills
among users, and fostering collaborations between technology companies, researchers, and
policymakers to tackle the issue collectively.

As AI technology continues to advance, it is essential to stay vigilant and proactive in developing

countermeasures to mitigate the risks associated with the spread of AI-generated fakes in various

Machine learning for unauthorized access

Machine learning can be employed in two common areas related to obtaining unauthorized access:
CAPTCHA bypass and password brute force attacks.

Machine learning for CAPTCHA bypass:

When cybercriminals aim to gain unauthorized access to user accounts, one obstacle they face is
CAPTCHA, a security measure designed to verify human users. CAPTCHAs often include object
segmentation, which presents a challenge for automated systems.

Early research in this area utilized support vector machines (SVM) to break the system running on
reCAPTCHA images with an accuracy of 82%. Subsequent advancements leveraged deep learning
methods, particularly deep residual networks with 34 layers, to achieve high accuracy in breaking
character-based CAPTCHAs. For example, one study achieved a 95-98% accuracy in breaking IRCTC's
CAPTCHA, a popular Indian website.

Moreover, researchers have tackled more advanced CAPTCHA systems, including semantic image
CAPTCHAs like Google's reCAPTCHA. Notably, a research paper presented at the BlackHat conference
demonstrated various machine learning algorithms that could achieve a 98% accuracy in breaking
Google's reCAPTCHA, raising concerns about the effectiveness of CAPTCHA as a security measure.

Worryingly, recent articles indicate that 100% CAPTCHA bypass methods may be on the horizon,
further highlighting the need for robust security measures.

Machine learning for password brute force attacks:

Another area where machine learning aids cybercriminals is in password brute force attacks.
Traditional methods employed Markov models to generate password guesses based on common
patterns. However, more recent approaches have applied neural networks, such as LSTM, to generate
passwords by training on known passwords.

Using this approach, researchers have achieved positive outcomes, surpassing traditional password
mutation techniques like replacing letters with symbols. Additionally, the concept of generative
adversarial networks (GANs) has been employed, where one network generates potential passwords
while another network determines if they are real or fake. By training these networks on real
password data obtained from breaches, cybercriminals can generate passwords that mimic real ones.

The availability of massive password databases from data breaches has made these techniques even
more appealing to cybercriminals, as they can leverage machine learning algorithms to generate
plausible passwords for targeted attacks.

It is crucial to note that the application of machine learning in these areas is not limited to
cybercriminals. Security researchers and experts also utilize machine learning to develop advanced
detection mechanisms and strengthen security measures to counteract such unauthorized access

Machine learning for attacks

Cybercriminals are increasingly exploring the use of machine learning in the actual execution of their
attacks. There are three primary goals that they aim to achieve: espionage, sabotage, and fraud.
These objectives are often accomplished through the deployment of various malicious programs such
as malware, spyware, and ransomware, which are typically delivered to users through phishing
techniques. Attackers also take advantage of vulnerabilities in systems to upload and distribute these
malicious programs. In addition to well-known types of attacks like Denial of Service (DoS), there are
emerging and less common attacks like crowdturfing that can benefit significantly from the utilization
of machine learning.

Machine learning can enhance the effectiveness of cyberattacks in several ways:

Customization and Targeting: Machine learning algorithms can analyze large volumes of data to
identify specific targets, vulnerabilities, or patterns of user behavior. This enables cybercriminals to
tailor their attacks to specific individuals, organizations, or systems, making them more targeted and
difficult to detect.

Evasion of Security Measures: Cybercriminals can employ machine learning techniques to develop
evasion strategies that bypass traditional security measures. By training their algorithms on security
protocols and defense mechanisms, they can create malware or attacks that can circumvent antivirus
software, intrusion detection systems, or other security controls.

Automation and Adaptation: Machine learning can facilitate the automation and adaptation of
attacks. Cybercriminals can utilize machine learning algorithms to dynamically adjust their attack
strategies based on real-time feedback or changes in the target environment. This allows them to
continuously evolve their attacks and increase their chances of success.

Advanced Techniques: Machine learning can be used to develop sophisticated attack techniques
that exploit vulnerabilities and weaknesses in systems. For example, adversarial machine learning can
be employed to generate targeted attacks that deceive or fool machine learning-based security
systems themselves.

Overall, the incorporation of machine learning into cyberattacks provides cybercriminals with
powerful tools to conduct espionage, sabotage, and fraud with greater efficiency, effectiveness, and
stealth. As these techniques evolve, it becomes crucial for organizations and security professionals to
stay abreast of these advancements and employ robust defense strategies to mitigate the risks posed
by machine learning-driven cyberattacks.

Machine learning for vulnerability discovery

One of the commonly used methods for discovering vulnerabilities in software is called fuzzing.
Fuzzing involves providing random inputs to an application and monitoring whether it crashes or
exhibits unexpected behavior. Automation and AI can play a crucial role in two steps of the fuzzing
process: example generation and crash analysis.
Example Generation: Typically, researchers manually edit a file or input by making random changes
to certain fields, such as modifying a PDF document. However, utilizing smarter approaches to
generate mutations can significantly accelerate the process of discovering new examples that could
potentially cause the application to crash. AI techniques, such as machine learning algorithms, can be
employed to generate diverse and intelligent mutations, exploring various aspects of the input space
and increasing the chances of discovering vulnerabilities.

Crash Analysis: After fuzzing, the crashes or unexpected behaviors need to be analyzed to
determine if they indicate a potential vulnerability. This analysis traditionally involves a significant
amount of manual work, as researchers investigate each crash individually. However, by applying
reinforcement learning approaches similar to those used by AlphaGo, it is possible to train a model to
identify and prioritize relevant crashes. By training the model on known vulnerabilities and their
characteristics, it can learn to recognize similar patterns in crashes and suggest which ones are more
likely to be indicative of security issues. This helps save time and effort in the vulnerability discovery
process and can make it more cost-effective.

By leveraging automation and AI in fuzzing, the process of vulnerability discovery becomes more
efficient, faster, and potentially less expensive. Smarter example generation and intelligent crash
analysis help researchers identify vulnerabilities more effectively, allowing for timely fixes and
improved software security.

Machine Learning for Malware/Spyware/Ransomware

Machine learning has played a significant role in malware protection, being one of the earliest
successful applications of ML in cybersecurity. Numerous scientific papers have explored different
techniques for detecting malware using artificial intelligence (AI).

However, it is important to recognize that cybercriminals can also leverage machine learning to create
and deploy malware. Here are two examples:

Reinforcement Learning: Cybercriminals can employ reinforcement learning to develop and evolve
malware. They can start with an existing malware sample, make changes to it, and then test its
detection rate using services like VirusTotal. By iteratively modifying the malware based on feedback,
they can gradually create variants that can evade traditional detection mechanisms. Reinforcement
learning allows cybercriminals to adapt and optimize the malware to bypass security measures more

Facial Recognition for Targeted Attacks: Facial recognition technology can be exploited for targeted
attacks. An example of such a technique is DeepLocker, a type of malware that remains dormant until
it detects a specific face using a facial recognition system. This targeted approach enables
cybercriminals to launch attacks specifically tailored to specific individuals or organizations, making
them more difficult to detect or attribute.

These examples demonstrate how machine learning can be utilized by cybercriminals to enhance the
capabilities and sophistication of their malware. It emphasizes the need for robust and proactive
security measures that can effectively detect and defend against evolving threats, including those
employing machine learning techniques.

Machine Learning for DoS attacks

Detecting DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks is a critical aspect of protecting networks and
systems from disruption. Traditionally, common methods of detecting DDoS attacks involve
identifying patterns in network packets associated with the attack. However, the nature of DDoS
attacks often involves attackers attempting to make their packets appear different from legitimate
traffic, making detection challenging.
The introduction of AI (Artificial Intelligence) techniques in DDoS attacks can indeed bring significant
changes to this landscape. Here's how attackers can leverage AI to enhance their DDoS attacks:

Generating Realistic DDoS Packets: Attackers can employ AI, specifically neural networks such as
GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks), to generate DDoS packets that closely resemble legitimate
user actions. By capturing and analyzing normal traffic patterns, the neural network can be trained to
create DDoS packets that are difficult to distinguish from genuine user traffic. This can help attackers
bypass traditional detection mechanisms that rely on identifying common patterns associated with
DDoS attacks.

Evading Detection: AI-based DDoS attacks can dynamically adapt and evolve to evade detection. By
leveraging machine learning algorithms, attackers can continually refine their techniques, making
their attack patterns more sophisticated and unpredictable. This cat-and-mouse game between
attackers and defenders necessitates ongoing advancements in AI-driven detection and mitigation

The utilization of AI in DDoS attacks presents a significant challenge for defenders. It underscores the
need for cybersecurity professionals to leverage AI and machine learning technologies in DDoS
detection and mitigation as well. Advanced AI algorithms can be employed to analyze network traffic
in real-time, identify anomalies, and differentiate between legitimate and malicious activities, thus
enhancing the ability to detect and mitigate DDoS attacks effectively.

The evolving landscape of DDoS attacks calls for continuous innovation and adaptation in defense
strategies, leveraging the power of AI to stay one step ahead of attackers and ensure the robust
protection of networks and systems.

Machine learning for crowdturfing

Machine learning can be leveraged by cybercriminals to carry out various malicious activities, such as
mass following, generating fake information, including fake news, and engaging in crowdturfing.
These activities can be automated and performed at a reduced cost with the assistance of machine
learning algorithms.

Crowdturfing, as described in the research paper "Automated Crowdturfing Attacks and Defenses in
Online Review Systems," involves the malicious use of crowdsourcing services. For instance, attackers
may pay individuals to write negative reviews about a competing business, aiming to damage their
reputation. These fake reviews are often difficult to detect since they are written by real people,
making it challenging for automated tools that typically focus on identifying software-based attacks.

Fake news is another example of crowdturfing, where false or misleading information is intentionally
spread to manipulate public opinion. Machine learning can assist in the generation and dissemination
of fake news, making it appear more authentic and convincing. Cybercriminals can exploit AI
algorithms to create realistic-sounding articles, social media posts, or videos, which can have
significant societal and political consequences.

In the book "Life 3.0" by Max Tegmark, a fictional story is mentioned where a team of hackers creates
an AI capable of performing simple tasks on Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk). The AI's cost of
operation on Amazon Web Services is lower than the earnings it generates through MTurk tasks. This
scenario demonstrates how AI-powered systems, when utilized by cybercriminals, can exploit
platforms and services to cause financial harm or disruption.

These examples highlight the potential risks associated with the malicious use of machine learning
and AI. It emphasizes the importance of developing effective defenses and countermeasures to detect
and mitigate such activities. Ensuring the integrity and trustworthiness of online platforms and
information is crucial in combating these emerging threats.

Machine learning for cybercrime automation

Experienced hackers are increasingly utilizing machine learning to automate various tasks within the
realm of cybercrime. The exact scope and nature of these automated tasks may be difficult to predict,
but it is important to recognize that cybercrime organizations can consist of hundreds of members,
necessitating the use of software tools like support portals or support bots.

A relatively new concept in the realm of cybercrime is the notion of "Hivenet," which refers to smart
botnets. Traditional botnets are typically managed manually by cybercriminals, but hivenets introduce
a level of intelligence to the botnet infrastructure. In a hivenet, multiple bots or malware-infected
devices work in concert and make decisions based on specific events or triggers. Each bot within the
hivenet can dynamically change its behavior and determine which victim's resources to exploit for a
given task. This decentralized and adaptive approach is akin to a chain of parasites living within an
organism, leveraging the collective power of the hivenet to carry out malicious activities.

By incorporating machine learning into hivenets, cybercriminals can enhance their capabilities in
executing targeted attacks, evading detection, and adapting to defensive measures. Machine learning
algorithms can enable hivenets to analyze and learn from their environment, optimize resource
allocation, and even develop new attack strategies based on evolving circumstances.

The emergence of hivenets signifies a new level of sophistication in cybercriminal operations. It

underscores the need for robust cybersecurity measures, including advanced threat detection
systems, proactive defense strategies, and strong network security practices. Detecting and
combating hivenets requires a multi-layered approach that combines human expertise, AI-driven
technologies, and continuous monitoring to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

Paper 1

Article Year Attack Vector Target Category

DeepLocker – Concealing 2018 Highly targeted and evasive Video conferencing Next-generation
Targeted Attacks with AI malware, which hides its attack applications malware
Locksmithing payload without being detected
until it reaches a specific target.
Availability Attacks on Computing 2019 Self-learning malware, which is able Computing Next-generation
Systems through Alteration of to induce indirect malicious attacks infrastructure malware
Environmental Control: Smart that masquerade as accidental
Malware Approach failures on computing infrastructure
by compromising the environmental
control systems.
Using AI to Hack IA: A New Stealthy 2018 Attacking framework to record the Voice assistants Voice synthesis
Spyware Against Voice Assistance activation voice stealthily by
Functions in Smart Phones adopting NLP techniques, and to
play the activation voice of user by
designing an IED module.
Artificial Intelligence-Based 2018 Next-generation AI-based password Computer Password- based
Password Brute Force Attacks brute force attacks by constructing authentication attacks
the attacking dictionary in a more systems
intelligent way based on prior
PassGAN: A Deep Learning Approach 2018 Fully automated password guessing Password-based Password- based
for Password Guessing technique based on GAN, by systems attacks
learning the distribution from actual
password leaks.
Weaponizing data science for social 2016 A highly automated method of end- Twitter Social bots
engineering: Automated E2E spear to-end spear phishing, by
phishing on Twitter discovering high-value targets and
spreading personalized machine-
generated content automatically.
DeepPhish: Simulating Malicious AI 2018 Weaponization of ML algorithm AI phishing detection Social bots
with the goal of learning to create systems
better phishing attacks and making
it undetectable from detection
Automated Crowdturfing Attacks 2017 A new automated review attack for User-generated Social bots
and Defenses in Online Review large-scale users’ opinion review sites
Systems manipulation, using DNN-based fake
review generation.
Generating Adversarial Malware 2017 Automated approach based on GAN ML-based black-box Adversarial training
Examples for Black-Box Attacks for generating adversarial examples malware detection
Based on GAN to bypass ML-based black-box systems
malware detection systems.
DeepDGA: Adversarially-tuned 2016 An automated generation of DGA classifier Adversarial training
domain generation and detection malware domains using GAN that
learns to bypass malware detection
mechanisms powered by DNNs.
Weaponizing Machine Learning: 2017 A new ML hacking tool “DeepHack,” Web applications Adversarial training
Humanity was overrated anyway which learns to break into web
applications using NNs and
reinforcement learning.
The paper discusses the analysis of AI-based cyber attack case studies and the need for effective
mitigation approaches to combat these threats. It highlights the increasing sophistication of attacks
that leverage AI techniques to maximize their impact and the inadequacy of existing solutions in
addressing the speed and scale of such threats. The authors propose that using AI to fight AI is the
most efficient way to mitigate these advanced threats.

The paper suggests that AI has been instrumental in deploying cybersecurity solutions by analyzing
activities in real time to detect and prevent security risks. However, emerging threats that maliciously
utilize AI make current defensive approaches insufficient due to their increased accuracy and speed.
The attack process of AI-based models is described as integrating learning features, leading to
advanced planning, intrusion, and execution strategies. The same steps used in these attack strategies
can be employed for defensive purposes in a supervised manner, with security engineers having full
knowledge of the data flowing between devices and systems.

The paper emphasizes that AI can automate various cyber defense tasks such as vulnerability
assessment, intrusion detection, incident response, and threat intelligence processing. By
incorporating reinforcement learning methods, AI systems can learn from their own experiences and
adapt to solve complex and dynamic security problems. The use of deep reinforcement learning (DRL)
methods and game theory approaches is mentioned as potential strategies for developing
autonomous defense systems.

Furthermore, the paper mentions the exploration of computational intelligence approaches in

intrusion detection and prevention systems as a way to enhance cyber defense mechanisms. It
acknowledges that while these potential solutions may not completely eliminate the effectiveness of
AI-based cyber attacks, they can reduce their impact if identified in a timely manner.

The paper concludes by highlighting the evolving nature of threat actors and their focus on using AI-
driven techniques to improve attack performance. It emphasizes the need for suitable defenses and
presents an analytic framework for modeling AI-based attacks, identifying key opportunity areas for
the security community. Lastly, it provides an example scenario illustrating the potential targeting of a
smart Cyber-Physical System (CPS), such as a smart grid, by advanced malicious cyber activity.

Paper 2

Paper 3

The paper discusses the main areas of application of artificial intelligence (AI) by criminal groups.
According to the information presented, the use of AI by criminals is expected to increase in various
domains. Here are the main areas discussed:

 Compromising Payment Systems: Criminals can use AI to compromise and implant malicious
software into payment systems that rely on the blockchain protocol. By utilizing deep learning
techniques and neural networks, AI programs can hack and reprogram payment protocols built
on the blockchain, potentially allowing criminals to generate significant income with minimal

 Penetrating Trading Platforms: High-tech cyber criminals target the trading operations of large
financial institutions. As financial institutions improve their IT platforms using AI, criminals need
to keep pace with the advancements. They may use AI combined with open-source solutions to
penetrate and compromise trading platforms, although the proportion of criminal gains in this
area may decrease in the short term due to the financial arms race.

 Intellectual Property Theft: Cyber criminals show increasing interest in intellectual property, and
self-improving algorithmic modules based on AI are used to breach corporate information
security systems. The value of stolen intellectual property is significant, and it is more profitable
for criminals to acquire stolen documentation or programs than invest in research and
development. AI can play a crucial role in facilitating the theft of intellectual property.

 High-Tech Assassinations: The text mentions the possibility of criminal syndicates specializing in
contract high-tech assassinations. Criminals may utilize AI as a tool for carrying out targeted
assassinations using autonomous systems controlled by a central AI. The complexity of neural
networks and deep learning makes it challenging for traditional homicide departments to
investigate such crimes effectively.

Additionally, the paper suggests that criminals may attempt to create their own databases using AI
solutions. By analyzing video streams from locations near law enforcement buildings, criminals could
gather information on undercover agents, informants, and employees of police information centers.

Overall, the paper emphasizes the potential use of AI by criminals in various illegal activities and
highlights the need for law enforcement agencies to adapt and develop effective countermeasures to
combat these emerging threats.
Paper 4

Paper 5

The paper discusses various research questions related to AI-driven cyberattack techniques in the
field of cybersecurity. Here is a breakdown of the key concepts discussed:

 Current and Emerging AI-Driven Cyberattack Techniques: The paper highlights how
advancements in cyberattack tools and techniques are expanding the domain of cyber warfare. It
mentions the potential of AI to be used maliciously, such as in automatic exploit generation and
the development of next-generation malware.

 AI-Driven Attacks in the Reconnaissance Stage: AI techniques can be utilized by malicious actors
to improve the reconnaissance phase of cyberattacks. This involves studying normal behavior,
identifying vulnerabilities, and collecting data about targeted systems. The paper describes
various AI-driven threat use cases in this stage, including intelligent target profiling, intelligent
collection of information, intelligent malware, and outcome prediction.

 AI-Driven Attacks in the Access and Penetration Stage: This phase, also known as AI-aided
attacks, involves unauthorized access and penetration into systems. The paper identifies several
AI-driven attacks in this stage, such as password guessing/cracking, intelligent captcha
manipulation, abnormal behavioral generation, AI model manipulation, and smart fake reviews

 Automated Payload Generation/Phishing: The paper discusses how AI algorithms can be used to
improve phishing attacks by generating new synthetic phishing URLs that can evade detection by
cybersecurity systems.

 AI-Driven Password Guessing/Password Cracking: The paper explores AI-driven techniques for
guessing and cracking passwords, including the use of deep learning models and generative
adversarial networks (GANs).

 Intelligent Captcha Attack and Manipulation: The paper discusses how AI techniques can be
applied to crack and manipulate captchas, including the use of object detection, deep learning
models, and GANs.

Overall, the paper provides insights into the potential threats posed by AI-driven cyberattacks and the
various techniques that can be employed by malicious actors at different stages of the cybersecurity
kill chain.

Paper 9

The paper discusses the concept of "cybercrime as a service" (CaaS) and the threats posed by the
combination of CaaS and AI-enabled cyberattacks. CaaS refers to the availability of hacking tools and
services on the dark web, where individuals or organizations can purchase or rent these tools to carry
out cyberattacks. The accessibility of these tools, along with advancements in artificial intelligence
(AI), has democratized cybercrime, allowing even those without extensive technological knowledge to
launch sophisticated attacks.

The paper highlights several concerning aspects of CaaS and AI-enabled threats. Firstly, it mentions
the availability of malware, botnets, and phishing kits on online marketplaces, making it easier for
attackers to conduct cyberattacks without creating their own tools. AI is also mentioned as a
facilitator, providing real-time data analysis and enabling the development of advanced malware that
can evade traditional security systems. AI can also be used to exploit vulnerabilities in systems and
The combination of CaaS and AI-enabled threats has resulted in an increase in the number, frequency,
and severity of cyberattacks. Organizations and individuals are facing serious issues as conventional
security precautions may no longer be effective against these evolving threats. Consequently, new
laws and regulations may be necessary to govern AI applications in cybersecurity.

To address these threats, the paper proposes a multi-pronged approach. This approach includes
identifying and monitoring online marketplaces used for selling hacking tools, developing and
implementing new security tools and technologies to detect and defend against AI-enabled threats,
conducting regular security awareness training for employees and users, regularly updating and
patching systems and software to protect against vulnerabilities, and collaborating with law
enforcement agencies to track down and prosecute cybercriminals.

Implementing this proposed methodology is expected to result in a reduction in successful

cyberattacks and an overall improvement in system and network security. The use of new security
tools and technologies will enhance the ability to detect and defend against AI-enabled threats.
Security awareness training will educate users about the risks and how to protect themselves, while
collaboration with law enforcement agencies will aid in tracking down and prosecuting cybercriminals.

In conclusion, cybercrime-as-a-service and AI-enabled threats pose significant challenges to

cybersecurity. A multi-pronged approach involving monitoring, new technologies, training, and
collaboration is necessary to mitigate these threats effectively and enhance overall security

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