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1) Which of the following is not a renewable source of Energy?

a) Solar Energy b) Fossil Fuel c) Tidal Energy d) Wind Energy

2) Which of the following source of energy is less ecofriendly?

a) Wind b) Biogas c) Solar d) Nuclear
3) Fossil Fuels are converted into Energy by
a) Cooling process b) Melting process
c) Burning process d) Condensation process
4) BOD means

a) Biological Oxygen Demand b) Bacteriological Oxygen Demand

c) Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand d) Bio-physical Oxygen Demand
5) Physical Pollution of water is due to
a) Dissolved Oxygen b) PH c) Turbidity d) Environmental
6) Noise pollution means
a) High frequency sound b) Loud Sound c) Unwanted Sound d) Environmental

7) Which of the following is ill effect of urbanization?

a) Decrease in agricultural land b) Loss of soil degradation
c) Environmental Pollution d) All of those
8) Major objectives of Family Welfare programs in India is
a) Disease control b) Population growth rate control
c) Employment Generation d) None of these
9) Demography is the study of

a) Animal Behavior b) Geography

c)Rivers d) Population growth
10) Global Warming means
a) Increase in solar radiation b) Increase in Earth’s Temperature
c) Acid Rain d) All the above
11) The word Ecology is proposed by
a) Ernt Hoeckel b) Helena Curtis
c) Charles Southwick d) Charles Alton
12) A trophic level of organism represents
a) An organism position in a biomass b) An organism in food chain

C) Group of organisms in the food chain d) An organism position in an

13) Ecological pyramids are studies of
a) Pyramid of number b) Pyramid of Biomass c) Pyramid of energy d) All of the

14) Urban population of India as per census 2001 was

a) 300 million b) 533 million c) 285.3 million d) 415 million
15) A food web consists of
a) A portion of food chain b) An portion in food chain
c) Interlocking of food chain d) A set of similar consumers
16) Economic security is measured on the basis of
a) Income b) Labor market and employment
c) Work, Job and skills d) All of the above
17) Socio-economic security in environmental aspects involves
a) Fairness and equity in distribution cost for complex existing generation
b) Welfare of the present generation
c) Intra and inter generational equity of resources
d) All of the above
18) Intensive agriculture led to deposition of excessive quality of -------------- into
aquatic and Terrestrial ecosystem.
a) Nitrogen b) Phosphorus c) Sulphur d) None
19) Minamata episode of Japan is due to the poisoning of
a) Lead b) Nickel c) Mercury d) Cadmium
20) Discharge of industrial waste cause
a) Depletion of dissolved Oxygen b) Destroy aquatic life
c) Impair biological activity d) All of the above
21) The Pollution caused by transportation / vehicular activity depends on
a) Type of vehicle engine b) Age of vehicle
c) Type of the fuel used d) All of the above
22) “Earth Day” is held every year on
a) June 5th b) November 23rd c) April 22nd d) January 26th
23) Green house gas emission from burning fuel in automobiles is around
a) 16% b) 10% c) 20% d) 5%
24) Major goal of EIA is
a) Resourse conservation b) Waste minimization
c) Monitoring environment d) Both a and b
25) Sustainable development means
a) Meeting present needs without compromising on the future needs
b) Progress in human well being
c) Balance between human needs and the ability of earth to provide the resource
d) All of the above
26) About ------% of the earth’s surface is covered by water
a) 53% b) 19% c) 71% d) 33%
27) Blue baby syndrome (methaemoglobinemia) is caused by the contamination of water due
a) Phosphates b) Sulphur c) Arsenic d) Nitrates
28) Percentage of fresh water available on the earth is
a) 2.8% b) 2.2% c) 0.6% d) 2.15%
29) What is maximum allowable concentration of fluorides in drinking water
a) 1.0 milligram/liter b) 1.25 milligram/liter c) 1.50 milligram per liter d) 1.75

30) Important factor that causes water borne disease is

a) Using contaminated sewage for irrigation
b) Leaching of untreated fecal and urinary discharges into water bodies
c) Discharge of industrial waste water
d) By eating contaminated food
31) The required iron content in drinking water as specified by BIS is
a) 300 mg/lt b) 30 mg/lt c) 3 mg/lt d) 0.3 mg/lt
32) Which of the following is not a renewable source of Energy?
a) Fossil Fuel b) Solar energy c) Tidal Energy d) Wind Energy
33) Which of the following is non-conventonal source of energy?
a) Wind energy b) Source energy c) Biogas d) All of the above
34) One Joule of energy is equivalent to
a) 0.2389 calories b) 23.89 calories c) 238.9 calories d) 2.389 calories
35) Electromagnetic radiation can cause
a) Leukemia b) Genetic disease c) Cancer d) All of the above
36) Mini hydro-power plants generates energy upto
a) 100 MW b)1 000 MW c) 15 MW d) 500 MW
37) Chernobyl nuclear disaster took place in
a) 1986 b) 1982 c) 1992 d) 1996
38) Wind energy generation depends on
a) Direction of wind b) Velocity of wind c) Humidity d) Precipitation
39) Biomass energy in green plants is produced in presence of
a) Carbon dioxide b) Water c) Sunlight d) All of the above
40) Biogas is a gaseous fuel composed mainly of
a) Methane and carbon dioxide b) Methane and hydrogen sulphide
c) Methane and carbon monoxide d) None of the above

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