Image Manipulation Activity 20232 464358122 2

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Activity 6: Applying the basics of image editing and photo effects

Name: Crystal Jen Alvarez. Date: 12-17-2023


• Instructions: Include a description of the tools or processes used to edit the images. You are not solely limited to one software. Use the downloaded images for this task. Once finished, save the
document in.pdf format and upload it to the LMS.


Hypic How I lightened this picture?

I used Hypic to enhance this photo. I adjusted the

brightness to 24 to ensure the photo wasn't too dark. The
shadow was set to 94 to add depth and dimension to the
image. I increased the sharpness to 28 to make the details
more crisp and clear. I reduced the highlight to -86 to
prevent the brighter areas from being overexposed. I
increased the temperature to 74 to give the photo a
1 warmer feel, and I set the saturation to 17 to enhance the
colors without making them look unnatural. These
adjustments were chosen to improve the overall balance
and make it more lighten.

Activity 6
Hypic How I darkened this picture?

To darken this picture, I adjusted the exposure to -100.

This helped to make the image much darker and more
dramatic. By reducing the exposure, I was able to create
a more moody and atmospheric effect. I also adjusted
the contrast and saturation to add more depth and
richness to the colors. Overall, these adjustments helped
to transform the photo into a more striking and visually
appealing image.

Activity 6
Hypic How I cropped and resize this picture?
I cropped the big monkey picture to 350px. This helped to
focus on the main subject of the photo and remove any
unnecessary elements. By cropping the image, I was able
to create a more balanced and visually appealing
3 composition. Additionally, I adjusted the brightness and
contrast settings to enhance the details and make the
colors more vibrant. These adjustments helped to create
a more polished and professional look for the photo.
Overall, I'm really happy with how it turned out!

Activity 6
Lightroom How I softened /sharpened this picture in such a way
Hypic that the cake is in focus and the boy in the white top is
slightly out of focus?

To soften the picture, I used a combination of

exposure, contrast, highlight, shadow, texture, clarity,
and dehaze adjustments. I set the exposure to 0.2 to
4 brighten the image slightly, while still maintaining a
soft and subtle look. I increased the contrast to 36 to
add more depth and definition to the photo. By
reducing the highlight to -100 and increasing the
shadow to 40, I was able to balance the brightness and
darkness levels and create a more even exposure. I
also decreased the texture to -20 to create a smoother
and more delicate feel. To further soften the image, I
set the clarity to -70 and increased the dehaze to 15. I
use the mosaic in to make the boy in the white top to
slightly out of focu
How I reduced the red eye effect?

Sure, here's a revised version of your message with more


5 I wasn't able to remove the red eye in the photo, so I

decided to get creative and cover it up with black lenses.
This ended up being a fun and unique solution that
added a bit of personality to the photo. By using black
lenses, I was able to create a striking contrast with the
natural eye color, which made the photo more visually
interesting. Additionally, I adjusted the brightness and
contrast settings to make the photo more vibrant and
eye-catching. While it would have been ideal to remove
the red eye completely, sometimes we have to work
with what we have and find creative solutions. Overall,
I'm really happy with how the photo turned out and the
unique touch that the black lenses added.

Activity 6
Hypic How I managed to whiten the teeth? The edited file of #5 will be used to apply the effect
of whitening teeth.
I set the brightness to 20 to make his teeth appear whiter
in the photo. By brightening the image, I was able to
create a more flattering and youthful look. This
adjustment helped to enhance the natural whiteness of
the teeth and make them stand out more. Additionally, I
6 adjusted the contrast and saturation settings to add more
depth and richness to the colors in the photo. By making
these adjustments, I was able to create a more polished
and professional look for the photo. Overall, I'm really
pleased with how the brightness adjustment helped to
make the teeth appear whiter and more radiant in the

Lightroom How I transformed this picture to a paint effect?

I simply used the effect painting to make it looks like a

painting effect. It looks real and beautiful.

Activity 6
Hypic How I made pin hole effect?

To create a pinhole effect on a photo, you can use a

variety of techniques, but one simple method is to use
filters and adjust the black and white settings. One filter
that works well for this effect is the Gothic filter, which
can create a moody and dramatic look. To apply this
filter, you can start by selecting the photo you want to
8 edit and then opening it in your preferred photo editing
software. From there, you can navigate to the filters
section and select the Gothic filter. This will apply the
filter to the photo, which will darken the edges and
create a vignette effect. Next, you can go to the black
and white section and adjust the settings to create a
more high-contrast and gritty look. You can experiment
with different settings until you achieve the desired
effect. By using these techniques, you can create a
pinhole effect that gives your photo a unique and
vintage feel. This effect can be especially effective for
portraits or street photography, where you want to
create a moodier and more atmospheric look.
How I removed wrinkles?

If you want to remove wrinkles from a photo, there are

9 several retouching tools that can help. To get started, I
usually open my photo editing software and navigate to
the retouching section. From there, I select the tool for
removing wrinkles or blemishes. This tool is designed to
smooth out wrinkles and create a more youthful

Once I've selected the tool, I simply drag it over the areas
of the photo where wrinkles are present. The tool will
automatically do the work for me, smoothing out the
wrinkles and creating a more polished look.

To make the result look more natural, I like to add some

Activity 6
skin texture back into the photo. This can be done using a
variety of techniques, such as using a texture overlay or
adding a subtle noise effect. By doing this, I can create a
result that looks polished and professional while still
maintaining a natural and realistic appearance.

It's important to use a light touch when retouching

photos, as overdoing it can lead to a result that looks
fake or unnatural. By using these techniques in
moderation, I can create a photo that looks like the best
version of myself without looking overly edited or
artificial. Remember, the goal is to enhance your natural
beauty, not to completely alter your appearance.

Activity 6
Hypic How I applied pencil effect?

To create a pencil effect in your photos, you can use the

graphic-88 setting and convert the image to black and
white. This can be done in most photo editing software by
selecting the graphic-88 setting and adjusting the color
10 settings to black and white.

Once you've made these adjustments, your photo should

have a beautiful pencil effect that looks hand-drawn and
artistic. This effect can be especially useful for portraits or
other photos where you want to create a unique and eye-
catching look.


Activity 6
Activity 6
Activity 6

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