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Honors English 3

Four-Step Process to analyze ”The Human Being and the Dinosaur” and
“The Emperor’s New Clothes”

“The Human Being and the Dinosaur”

1. Identify the flaw (use the word’s adjective form. Man is _______.)

Man is increasingly self-centered

2. Describe the harm that results from the flaw.

Man destroys and insults everything else besides himself and his creations

3. Identify the satiric ingredients (rhetorical strategies) he uses to reveal the flaw (note: you may not
find all of them, but you will find most), and find textual evidence of any of these strategies you
identify. Record your textual evidence in your response.

● Exaggeration of language:

● Exaggeration of incident:

● Parody of romance situations:

● Humor:

● Hope for reform:

4. Analyze & connect the satire back to real life. Where has this similar situation happened elsewhere?

Anyone who believes that the Earth and its creatures were “saved” by human intervention

“The Emperor’s New Clothes”

5. Identify the flaw (use the word’s adjective form. Man is _______.)

Man is Vain

6. Describe the harm that results from the flaw.

Because everyone pretends to be good enough to see the invisible clothing, the
emperor becomes embarrassed in front of all his town

7. Identify the satiric ingredients (rhetorical strategies) he uses to reveal the flaw (note: you may not
find all of them, but you will find most), and find textual evidence of any of these strategies you
identify. Record your textual evidence in your response.

● Exaggeration of language:

● Exaggeration of incident:

● Parody of romance situations:

● Humor:

● Hope for reform:

8. Analyze & connect the satire back to real life. Where has this similar situation happened elsewhere?

Lots of wealthy people wear clothes that are intentionally made to look old or already
worn and spend an unnecessary amount of money on something very similar to an
actual beat up article of clothing.

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