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Group 6

It is non-liquid, non-soluble materials ranging
from municipal garbage to industrial wastes that
What is WASTE?
What is waste?
contain complex and sometimes hazardous They are basically UNUSABLE or UNWANTED
substances. materials.
Solid waste also include: Garbage, Rubbish,
Waste is any substance which is discarded after
Demolitions products, Sewage treatment residue,
primary use,
dead animals, and manure
or worthless, defective and of no use.

• Urban or Municipal Wastes
•URBAN WASTE • Industrial Wastes
• Commercial Wastes
•AGRICULTURAL WASTE • Agricultural Wastes
FISHERY WASTES What is waste
TYPES OF SOLID Fishery wastes result from
fishing and seafood management and why is it
processing activities,

WASTES encompassing discarded parts

of fish, shells, and processing
byproducts. Waste management is the systematic process of
gathering, handling, and discarding waste items.
Waste management is crucial for
environmental protection, public RADIOACTIVE WASTES Waste management is crucial for environmental
protection, public health, and community well-being.
health, and community well- Radioactive wastes consist of
being. materials contaminated with
It avoids the spread of illness, avoids pollution, and
radioactive substances, often
conserves resources. All in all, it provides a
produced from nuclear power sustainable and healthy environment for everyone.
generation, medical
INDUSTRIAL WASTES treatments, and industrial
Industrial wastes stem from processes.
manufacturing and industrial
processes, encompassing How to reduce waste and save
byproducts, scraps, and materials E-WASTES
no longer needed in production. E-wastes include discarded our planet?
electronic devices and
equipment, such as We should recycle, reprocess, and re-use materials that
computers, smartphones, and can still be used. Organic wastes, especially those that are
appliances. These wastes
COMMERCIAL WASTES contain valuable materials but
biodegradable, can be decomposed so that they can be
used as mulch or compost in agriculture and the
Commercial wastes originate also hazardous components methane gas from the biological degradation be collected
from businesses and commercial like heavy metals and toxic and used for generating electricity and heat.
establishments, encompassing chemicals.
materials such as packaging,
Organize a recycling drive in your neighborhood or at
office supplies, and retail-related
school. Collect bottles, glass, plastic, newspapers or books
BIO-MEDICAL WASTES and take them to your local recycling center or a charity
Biomedical wastes originate from in need. Create a community drop-off site for old
healthcare facilities and include computers at a neighborhood school. Set up a
AGRICULTURAL WASTES materials like used syringes, composting program for your neighborhood or school.
Agricultural wastes include medical equipment, and
residues from farming infectious waste from
activities, such as crop debris, laboratories. Proper disposal and
manure, and leftover plant treatment of biomedical wastes
materials. are critical to prevent the spread
of infections and protect public

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