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11/04/2024, 16:07 COMBIN14


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Product Restrictions

COMBIN14 Element Description

COMBIN14 has longitudinal or torsional capability in 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D applications. The longitudinal
spring-damper option is a uniaxial tension-compression element with up to three degrees of
freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x, y, and z directions. No bending or torsion is
considered. The torsional spring-damper option is a purely rotational element with three degrees of
freedom at each node: rotations about the nodal x, y, and z axes. No bending or axial loads are
The spring-damper element has no mass. Masses can be added by using the appropriate mass
element (see MASS21). The spring or the damping capability may be removed from the element.
See COMBIN14 in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for more details about this element. A
general spring or damper is also available in the stiffness matrix element (MATRIX27). Another
spring-damper element (having its direction of action determined by the nodal coordinate
directions) is COMBIN40.
Figure 14.1: COMBIN14 Geometry


k, C v

2-D elements must lie in a z = constant plane

COMBIN14 Input Data

The geometry, node locations, and the coordinate system for this element are shown in
Figure 14.1: COMBIN14 Geometry. The element is defined by two nodes, a spring constant (k) and
damping coefficients (cv)1 and (cv)2. The damping capability is not used for static or undamped
modal analyses. The longitudinal spring constant should have units of Force / Length, the damping
coefficient units are Force * Time / Length. The torsional spring constant and damping coefficient
have units of Force * Length / Radian and Force * Length * Time / Radian, respectively. For a 2-D
axisymmetric analysis, these values should be on a full 360° basis.
The damping portion of the element contributes only damping coefficients to the structural
damping matrix. The damping force (F) or torque (T) is computed as:

where cv is the damping coefficient given by . 1/7
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v is the velocity calculated in the previous substep. The second damping coefficient (cv)2 is
available to produce a nonlinear damping effect characteristic of some fluid environments. If (cv)2
is input (as real constant CV2), KEYOPT(1) must be set to 1.
The imaginary part of the stiffness constant (kimag) contributes to the structural damping matrix.
The imaginary force (F*) or torque (T*) is computed as:

KEYOPT(2) = 1 through 6 is used for defining the element as a one-dimensional element. With
these options, the element operates in the nodal coordinate system (see Elements That Operate in
the Nodal Coordinate System). The KEYOPT(2) = 7 and 8 options allow the element to be used in
a thermal or pressure analysis.
A preload in the spring may be specified in one of two ways, either through an initial (force-free)
length (ILENGTH) or an initial force (IFORCE) input. Only one of the input options may be used to
define the preload. If the initial length is different than the input length defined by the nodal
coordinates, a preload is presumed to exist. If an initial force is given, a negative value indicates
the spring is initially in compression and a positive value indicates tension. For the 3-D torsional
spring option (KEYOPT(3) = 1), ILENGTH is interpreted as the initial number of turns (rotations) in
the spring (the spring is pre-wound) and IFORCE is the torque preload in the spring. The right-
hand rule from node I to node J is used to define positive and negative turns as well as positive
and negative torque. In a nonlinear analysis, the preload is ramped in the first load step if KBC,0 is
A summary of the element input is given in "COMBIN14 Input Summary". A general description of
element input is given in Element Input.
COMBIN14 Input Summary
I, J
Degrees of Freedom
UX, UY, UZ if KEYOPT (3) = 0
UX, UY if KEYOPT (3) = 2
see list below if KEYOPT(2) > 0
Real Constants
K, CV1, CV2, (Blank), (Blank), ILENGTH, IFORCE, KIMAG
See Table 14.1: COMBIN14 Real Constants for a description of the real constants.
In a full harmonic analysis, real constants K, CV1, and KIMAG can be defined as table
parameters using the frequency as primary variable (Var1 = FREQ on the *DIM command).
In a full transient analysis, real constants K and CV1can be defined as table parameters using
time as the primary variable (Var1 = TIME on the *DIM command).
In a static analysis, real constant K can be defined as table parameters using time as the
primary variable (Var1 = TIME on the *DIM command).
Material Properties
MP command: BETD, DMPR
Surface Loads
None 2/7
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Body Loads
Special Features
Birth and death
Large deflection
Linear perturbation
Nonlinearity (if CV2 is not zero)
Stress stiffening
Solution type:

0 --
Linear Solution (default)
1 --
Nonlinear solution (required if CV2 is nonzero)

Degree-of-freedom selection for 1-D behavior:

0 --
Use KEYOPT(3) options
1 --
1-D longitudinal spring-damper (UX degree of freedom)
2 --
1-D longitudinal spring-damper (UY degree of freedom)
3 --
1-D longitudinal spring-damper (UZ degree of freedom)
4 --
1-D Torsional spring-damper (ROTX degree of freedom)
5 --
1-D Torsional spring-damper (ROTY degree of freedom)
6 --
1-D Torsional spring-damper (ROTZ degree of freedom)
7 --
Pressure degree of freedom element
8 --
Temperature degree of freedom element

Note: KEYOPT(2) overrides KEYOPT(3)

Degree-of-freedom selection for 2-D and 3-D behavior: 3/7
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0 --
3-D longitudinal spring-damper
1 --
3-D torsional spring-damper
2 --
2-D longitudinal spring-damper (2-D elements must lie in an X-Y plane)
Table 14.1: COMBIN14 Real Constants
No. Name Description
1 K Spring constant
2 CV1 Damping coefficient
3 CV2 Damping coefficient (KEYOPT(1) must be set to 1)
4, 5 (Blank) --
6 ILENGTH Initial force-free length (Initial number of turns if torsional spring
(KEYOPT(3) = 1))
7 IFORCE Initial force (or torque if torsional spring (KEYOPT(3) = 1))

8 KIMAG Imaginary part of the spring constant

COMBIN14 Output Data

The solution output associated with the element is in two forms:

Nodal displacements included in the overall nodal solution

Additional element output as shown in Table 14.2: COMBIN14 Element Output Definitions.

Several items are illustrated in Figure 14.2: COMBIN14 Stress Output. A general description of
solution output is given in Solution Output. See the Basic Analysis Guide for ways to view results.
Figure 14.2: COMBIN14 Stress Output

J Force



The Element Output Definitions table uses the following notation:

A colon (:) in the Name column indicates that the item can be accessed by the Component Name
method (ETABLE, ESOL). The O column indicates the availability of the items in the file
Jobname.OUT. The R column indicates the availability of the items in the results file.
In either the O or R columns, “Y” indicates that the item is always available, a number refers to a
table footnote that describes when the item is conditionally available, and “-” indicates that the
item is not available. 4/7
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Table 14.2: COMBIN14 Element Output Definitions

Name Definition O R
EL Element Number Y Y
NODES Nodes - I, J Y Y
XC, YC, ZC Location where results are reported Y 1
FORC or TORQ Spring force or moment (for imaginary result set, this Y Y
is the force contribution from CV1 and KIMAG)
STRETCH or TWIST Stretch of spring or twist of spring (radians) Y Y
RATE Spring constant Y Y
VELOCITY Velocity (available for ANTYPE,STATIC or - Y
DAMPING FORCE or Damping force or moment (zero unless Y Y
TORQUE ANTYPE,TRANS and damping present)

1. Available only at centroid as a *GET item.

Table 14.3: COMBIN14 Item and Sequence Numbers lists output available through the ETABLE
command using the Sequence Number method. See The General Postprocessor (POST1) of the
Basic Analysis Guide and The Item and Sequence Number Table in this reference for more
information. The following notation is used in Table 14.3: COMBIN14 Item and Sequence Numbers:

output quantity as defined in the Table 14.2: COMBIN14 Element Output Definitions
predetermined Item label for ETABLE command
sequence number for single-valued or constant element data

Table 14.3: COMBIN14 Item and Sequence Numbers

Output Quantity Name ETABLE and ESOL Command Input

Item E

COMBIN14 Assumptions and Restrictions

If KEYOPT(2) is zero, the length of the spring-damper element must not be zero (that is,
nodes I and J should not be coincident, since the node locations determine the spring
The longitudinal spring element stiffness acts only along its length. The torsion spring
element stiffness acts only about its length, as in a torsion bar. 5/7
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The element allows only a uniform stress in the spring.

In a thermal analysis, the temperature or pressure degree of freedom acts in a manner
analogous to the displacement.
Only the KEYOPT(2) = 0 option supports stress stiffening or large deflection. Also, if
KEYOPT(3) = 1 (torsion) is used with large deflection, the coordinates will not be updated.
The spring or the damping capability may be deleted from the element by setting the spring
constant (K) or damping coefficients (CV1 and CV2) equal to zero, respectively.
If CV2 is not zero, the element is nonlinear and requires an iterative solution (KEYOPT(1) =
The preload may not change after the first load step. Any changes are ignored.
The preload is ignored in modal and harmonic analyses.
KIMAG is only supported in modal and full harmonic analyses. In a linear perturbation modal
analysis, KIMAG must be defined using RMODIF in the first phase of the analysis (before the
SOLVE,ELFORM command). For more information, see General Procedure for Linear
Perturbation Analysis in the Structural Analysis Guide.
Tabular input of real constants (K, CV1, and KIMAG) is not supported in modal analysis.
The real constants (K, CV1, and KIMAG) cannot be defined as tabular parameters with
respect to frequency in linear perturbation analyses.
Tabular input of real constants (K, CV1, and KIMAG) with respect to time is not supported in
the second phase of linear perturbation analyses. Their values are frozen at the end of the
base analysis.
The restrictions described below only apply if KEYOPT(2) is greater than zero.

If KEYOPT(2) is greater than zero, the element has only one degree of freedom. This degree
of freedom is specified in the nodal coordinate system and is the same for both nodes (see
Elements That Operate in the Nodal Coordinate System). If the nodal coordinate systems are
rotated relative to each other, the same degree of freedom may be in different directions
(thereby giving possibly unexpected results). The element, however, assumes only a 1-D
action. Nodes I and J, then, may be anywhere in space (preferably coincident).
For noncoincident nodes and KEYOPT(2) = 1, 2, or 3, no moment effects are included. That
is, if the nodes are offset from the line of action, moment equilibrium may not be satisfied.
The element is defined such that a positive displacement of node J relative to node I tends to
stretch the spring. If, for a given set of conditions, nodes I and J are interchanged, a positive
displacement of node J relative to node I tends to compress the spring.
COMBIN14 Product Restrictions
When used in the product(s) listed below, the stated product-specific restrictions apply to this
element in addition to the general assumptions and restrictions given in the previous section.
ANSYS Mechanical Pro

Birth and death is not available.

Linear perturbation is not available.
No damping capability (CV1, CV2, and KIMAG are not allowed).
The PRES degree of freedom (KEYOPT(2) = 7) is not allowed.

ANSYS Mechanical Premium

Birth and death is not available. 6/7
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The PRES degree of freedom (KEYOPT(2) = 7) is not allowed.

Release 18.2 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. 7/7

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